<?php class phpunit_Update extends gptest_bootstrap{ private $FileSystem; /** * */ function testUpdate(){ $this->UpdateOutputTest(); $this->UpdateFilesystem(); $this->UpdatePackageInfo(); $this->DownloadSource(); $this->UnpackAndSort(); $this->ReplaceDirs(); } /* static function AssertTrue($condition, $msg = '' ){ global $page; if( $condition !== true && $page->update_msgs ){ echo "\n --".implode("\n --",$page->update_msgs); } parent::assertTrue($condition,$msg); } */ /** * Very rough integration test of the updater * Passes if no errors are thrown * Also defines $page for subsequent tests * */ function UpdateOutputTest(){ global $page; $url = '/include/install/update.php'; $response = static::GuzzleRequest('GET',$url); ob_start(); $page = new \gp\admin\Update(); //\gp\tool\Output::HeadContent(); //includeFile('install/update_template.php'); ob_get_clean(); } /** * Filesystem method detection * */ function UpdateFilesystem(){ global $page; $filesystem_method = $page->DetectFileSystem(); self::AssertEquals($filesystem_method,'gp_filesystem_direct'); $this->FileSystem = \gp\tool\FileSystem::set_method('gp_filesystem_direct'); } /** * Getting package info from gpeasy * */ function UpdatePackageInfo(){ global $page; $success = $page->DoRemoteCheck2(); self::AssertTrue($success,'DoRemoteCheck2 Failed'); } /** * Make sure we can get the new source from gpeasy * */ function DownloadSource(){ global $page; $success = $page->DownloadSource(); self::AssertTrue($success,'Download Source Failed'); } /** * Make sure the unzip and file replacement works * */ function UnpackAndSort(){ global $page; $success = $page->UnpackAndSort($page->core_package['file']); self::AssertTrue($success,'UnpackAndSort Failed'); } /** * Make sure we can replace the directories * */ function ReplaceDirs(){ global $page; $extra_dirs = array(); $success = $this->FileSystem->ReplaceDirs( $page->replace_dirs, $extra_dirs ); print_r($page->replace_dirs); self::AssertTrue($success,'ReplaceDirs Failed'); if( !$success ){ return; } //remove what we just installed $remove = array_keys($page->replace_dirs); $this->FileSystem->CleanUpFolders($remove, $not_deleted); //reverse it $replace_dirs = $extra_dirs; $extra_dirs = array(); $success = $this->FileSystem->ReplaceDirs( $replace_dirs, $extra_dirs ); self::AssertTrue($success,'ReplaceDirs Failed (2)'); } }