2021-09-08 19:52:21 +02:00

764 lines
49 KiB
Raw Permalink Blame History

This file contains ambiguous Unicode characters

This file contains Unicode characters that might be confused with other characters. If you think that this is intentional, you can safely ignore this warning. Use the Escape button to reveal them.

* Want to help translate Typesetter? See https://github.com/Typesetter/Typesetter/tree/master/include/languages
$langmessage = array (
'LOGGED_OUT' => 'Acabeu de sortir-ne.',
'configuration' => 'Configuració',
'Current Configuration' => 'Current Configuration',
'Appearance' => 'Appearance',
'Content' => 'Contingut',
'Settings' => 'Settings',
'Tools' => 'Tools',
'administration' => 'Administració',
'save' => 'Desar',
'Saved' => 'Saved',
'Saving' => 'Saving',
'save_changes' => 'Save Changes',
'back' => 'Enrere',
'cancel' => 'Cancel·lar',
'Classes' => 'Classes',
'Manage Classes' => 'Manage Classes',
'Available Classes' => 'Available Classes',
'Close' => 'Tancar',
'Copy' => 'Copiar',
'Clipboard' => 'Clipboard',
'Copy to Clipboard' => 'Copy to Clipboard',
'Save & Close' => 'Save &amp; Close',
'OOPS' => 'Coi, no ha funcionat, torneu a intentar-ho.',
'OOPS_Start_over' => '<b>Warning:</b> The previous action didn\'t successfully complete. Please, save your data and reload this page to continue.',
'continue' => 'Continuar',
'TITLE_EXISTS' => 'Coi, aquest títol ja existeix, torneu a intentar-ho.',
'TITLES_EXIST' => 'Oops, these titles already exist and could not be restored: ',
'TITLE_RESERVED' => 'Oops, that title uses a reserved prefix.',
'TITLE_REQUIRED' => 'Coi, cal un títol. Torneu a intentar-ho.',
'LONG_TITLE' => 'Coi, el títol és massa llarg, torneu a intentar-ho.',
'MOVED_TO_TRASH' => 'The page has been moved to the <a href="%s">trash</a>.',
'trash' => 'Paperera',
'TRASH_IS_EMPTY' => 'La paperera és buida.',
'options' => 'Opcions',
'restore' => 'Restaurar',
'file_restored' => 'The following file(s) have been restored: %1$s. You may still want to position them using the <a href="%2$s">File Manager</a>.',
'delete' => 'Eliminar',
'rename' => 'Redenominar',
'rename/details' => 'Rename / Details',
'Visibility' => 'Visibility',
'Private' => 'Private',
'Public' => 'Public',
'from' => 'De',
'to' => 'A',
'theme_content' => 'Contingut extra',
'edit' => 'Editar',
'SAVED' => 'S\'han desat els canvis.',
'REFRESH' => '<a href="" name="gp_refresh">Refresh this page</a> to apply your changes.',
'DOESNT_EXIST' => 'No existeix <em>%1$s</em>. Voleu <a href="%2$s">crear-lo</a>?',
'OOPS_TITLE' => 'Coi, aquest fitxer no existeix. Torneu a intentar-ho.',
'file_manager' => 'Page Manager',
'Homepage' => 'Homepage',
'Available Pages' => 'Available Pages',
'page_options' => 'Page Options',
'view/edit_page' => 'View & Edit Page',
'rm_from_menu' => 'Remove From Menu',
'insert_into_menu' => 'Insert Into Menu',
'restore_from_trash' => 'Restore From Trash',
'page_deleted' => 'This page no longer exists',
'delete_page' => 'Are you sure you want to move this file to the trash?',
'search pages' => 'Search Pages',
'Search' => 'Recerca',
'Available' => 'Available',
'Search Hidden Files' => 'Search Hidden Files',
'search_no_results' => 'Sorry, there weren\'t any results for your search.',
'Previous' => 'Anterior',
'Next' => 'seg',
'Highest Rated' => 'Highest Rated',
'Most Downloaded' => 'Most Downloaded',
'Recently Updated' => 'Recently Updated',
'Newest' => 'Newest',
'Main Menu' => 'Main Menu',
'All Pages' => 'All Pages',
'Child Pages' => 'Child Pages',
'Not In Main Menu' => 'Not in Main Menu',
'Not In Any Menus' => 'Not in Any Menus',
'SHOWING' => 'Showing %1$s - %2$s of %3$s',
'External Link' => 'Enllaç extern',
'New_Window' => 'Open in New Window',
'Page Info' => 'Page Info',
'Menus' => 'Menus',
'Menu' => 'Menu',
'Lists' => 'Lists',
'uploaded_files' => 'Fitxers carregats',
'Image' => 'Imatge',
'image' => 'imatge',
'Images' => 'Imatges',
'images' => 'imatges',
'delete_confirm' => 'Segur que voleu eliminar permanentment aquest fitxer? ',
'generic_delete_confirm' => 'Are you sure you want to permanently remove %s? ',
'upload' => 'Carregar fitxer',
'upload_files' => 'Carregar fitxers',
'Add All Images' => 'Add All Images',
'upload_error_size' => 'Els fitxers a carregar han de ser menors de %s. Torneu a intentar-ho.',
'UPLOAD_ERROR_PARTIAL' => 'Coi, <em>%s</em> només s\'ha carregat parcialment. Torneu a intentar-ho.',
'UPLOAD_ERROR' => 'Coi, <em>%s</em> no s\'ha carregat. Torneu a intentar-ho.',
'uninstall_prep' => 'Preparació de la desinstal·lació',
'Site Status' => 'Site Status',
'Resource Cache' => 'Resource Cache',
'File Owner' => 'File Owner',
'data_check_failed' => '%s out of %s files did not pass the health check. Your system may have trouble deleting or modifying these files.',
'data_check_passed' => '100%% of your data files passed the health check. A total of %s files were checked.',
'showing_max_failed' => 'Only showing the first %s files.',
'create_dir' => 'Crear carpeta',
'file_deleted' => 'S\'ha eliminat el fitxer.',
'username' => 'Nom',
'user_permissions' => 'Permisos d\'usuari',
'not_permitted' => 'Oops, you don\'t have the appropriate permission to perform this operation',
'new_user' => 'Usuari nou',
'invalid_username' => 'El nom d\'usuari hauria de consistir en una combinació de caràcters alfanumèrics, opcionalment amb subratllats "_" i punts ".".',
'repeat_password' => 'Repetiu la contrasenya',
'Password Algorithm' => 'Password Algorithm',
'password' => 'Contrasenya',
'invalid_password' => 'Coi, o les contrasenyes són buides o no coincideixen. Torneu a intentar-ho.',
'permissions' => 'Permisos',
'change_password' => 'Canviar contrasenya',
'old_password' => 'Contrasenya antiga',
'new_password' => 'Contrasenya nova',
'couldnt_reset_pass' => 'Coi, no ha funcionat. Assegureu-vos que la contrasenya antiga és correcta i torneu a intentar-ho.',
'grant_usage' => 'Grant Usage',
'logout' => 'Sortir-ne',
'View' => 'View',
'preview' => 'Previsualitzar',
'layout' => 'Format',
'Layout Options' => 'Layout Options',
'color' => 'Color',
'style' => 'Style',
'Links' => 'Enllaços',
'Link_Menus' => 'Link Menus',
'Add New Area' => 'Add New Area',
'Custom Menu' => 'Custom Menu',
'Add New Menu' => 'Add New Menu',
'Show Titles...' => 'Show Titles...',
'... Below Level' => '... Below Level',
'... At And Above Level' => '... At And Above Level',
'Expand Menu...' => 'Expand Menu...',
'... Expand All' => '... Expand All',
'Source Menu' => 'Source Menu',
'Menu Output' => 'Menu Output',
'LOGIN_BLOCK' => 'S\'ha excedit el nombre màxim d\'intents d\'entrada. No se us permetrà l\'entrada durant els següents %s minuts.',
'incorrect_login' => 'Identificació errònia. Torneu a intentar-ho.',
'forgotten_password' => 'Heu <a href="%s">oblidat la contrasenya</a>?',
'send_password' => 'E-mail New Password',
'password_sent' => 'S\'ha enviat a %2$s una contrasenya generada aleatòriament per a "%1$s"',
'no_email_provided' => 'No hi ha cap adreça registrada de l\'usuari "%s".',
'details' => 'Detalls',
'site_locked' => 'Sorry, this site is currently locked for editing by another user. You\'ll have to wait until this user logs out or the lock expires.',
'lock_expires_in' => 'The lock is currently set to expire in %s minutes.',
'passwordremindertext' => '<p>Algú ha demanat una contrasenya nova de %1$s (%2$s). S\'ha creat una contrasenya nova, "%4$s", de l\'usuari "%3$s".</p> <p>Si aquesta sol·licitud l\'ha feta un tercer o si heu recordat la contrasenya i no voleu canviar-la, ignoreu aquest missatge i seguiu usant la contrasenya vella.</p>',
'JAVASCRIPT_REQ' => 'Cal Javascript per a accedir a l\'administració del lloc.',
'INCOMPAT_BROWSER' => 'Sembla que esteu fent servir un navegador incompatible.',
'MODERN_BROWSER' => 'Assegureu-vos que teniu el Javascript activat.',
'Browser Warning' => 'Browser Warning',
'Browser !Supported' => 'The browser you are using is not fully supported. Please upgrade to one of these more modern browsers. ',
'logged_in' => 'Ja heu entrat.',
'site_map' => 'Mapa del lloc',
'galleries' => 'Galeries',
'file_name' => 'Nom de fitxer',
'login' => 'Entrar-hi',
'new_file' => 'New Page',
'create_new_file' => 'Create New Page',
'delete_file' => 'Eliminar fitxer',
'insert_after' => 'Inserir després',
'insert_before' => 'Inserir abans',
'insert_child' => 'Insert Child',
'description' => 'Descripció',
'title' => 'Títol',
'browser_title' => 'Browser Title',
'title attribute' => 'Title Attribute',
'contact' => 'Contacte',
'your_name' => 'El vostre nom',
'your_email' => 'El vostre correu',
'message' => 'Missatge',
'subject' => 'Assumpte',
'captcha' => 'Captcha',
'send_message' => 'Enviar missatge',
'message_sent' => 'Gràcies, s\'ha enviat el missatge.',
'invalid_email' => 'Coi, l\'adreça que heu entrat no és correcta. Verifiqueu-la i torneu a intentar-ho.',
'COOKIES_REQUIRED' => '<b>Avís:</b> per a continuar caldran galetes. Refresqueu la pàgina si les heu hagut d\'activar ara.',
'affected_files' => 'Fitxers afectats',
'about_layout_change' => 'Changing the layout for the selected page will also change the layout for the following pages',
'INCORRECT_CAPTCHA' => 'La imatge CAPTCHA no coincideix amb el que heu entrar, torneu a intentar-ho.',
'OOPS_REQUIRED' => 'Coi, un dels camps necessaris és buit: %s.',
'enable_contact' => 'You can enable this feature by adding a recipient email address to <a href="%s">your configuration</a>.',
'not_enabled' => 'L\'administrador del lloc no ha activat aquesta funció.',
'add' => 'Afegir',
'remove' => 'Treure',
'insert' => 'Insert',
'disable' => 'Desactivar',
'disabled' => 'Desactivat',
'enable' => 'Activar',
'enabled' => 'Activat',
'caption' => 'Capçalera',
'remember_me' => 'Mantenir-se connectat',
'send_encrypted' => 'Encrypt Login',
'hidden_galleries' => 'Hidden Galleries',
'visible_galleries' => 'Visible Galleries',
'hidden' => 'Ocult',
'email_address' => 'Adreça',
'frequently_used' => 'Usat sovint',
'Current Page' => 'Current Page',
'Notifications' => 'Notificacions',
'Notification' => 'Notificació',
'Private Pages' => 'Pàgines privades',
'Private Page' => 'Pàgina privada',
'Working Drafts' => 'Esborranys de treball',
'Working Draft' => 'Esborrany de treball',
'Publish Draft' => 'Publica lesborrany',
'Publish' => 'Publicar',
'Dismiss Draft' => 'Dismiss Draft',
'Dismiss' => 'Dismiss',
'Slug/URL' => 'Slug/URL',
'sync_with_label' => 'Synchronize with Label',
'more_options' => 'More Options',
'will_redirect' => 'You will be redirected in <span id="redir-countdown">15</span> seconds to %s.',
'Preferences' => 'Preferències',
'Content Type' => 'Content Type',
'Image Gallery' => 'Image Gallery',
'File Include' => 'File Include',
'Section Wrapper' => 'Section Wrapper',
'Manage Sections' => 'Manage Sections',
'Section %s' => 'Section %s',
'Sections' => 'Sections',
'Section' => 'Section',
'recaptcha_public' => 'Clau pública reCaptcha',
'recaptcha_private' => 'Clau provada reCaptcha',
'recaptcha_language' => 'Idioma reCaptcha',
'about_config' =>
array (
'recaptcha_public' => 'Aconseguiu <a target="_blank" href="https://www.google.com/recaptcha">una clau reCaptcha</a> per a usar la verificació CAPTCHA al formulari de contacte.',
'maximgarea' => 'Maximum square pixels for uploaded images. A 600 x 800 pixel image has 480,000 sq/pixels.',
'resize_images' => 'Create optimized versions of scaled down images.',
'preserve_icc_profiles' => 'JPEG images will retain embedded <a href="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ICC_profile" target="_blank">ICC color profiles</a>.',
'preserve_image_metadata' => 'JPEG images will retain embedded EXIF/IPTC metadata <em>credit, copyright, caption, title</em> and <em>creation date</em>.',
'maxthumbsize' => 'Gallery Thumbnail size, default is 300px by 300px.',
'maxthumbheight' => 'Optional height for gallery thumbnails. If empty, the <em>Gallery Thumbnail Size</em> value will be used for height as well.',
'thumbskeepaspect' => 'Keep the original image aspect ratio for thumbnails.',
'from_use_user' => 'If selected, user supplied email addresses will be used for the "From" header instead of the above defaults.',
'smtp_hosts' => 'Example: ',
'auto_redir' => 'Automatically redirect a request if it is similar to an existing page within this percentage.',
'gallery_legacy_style' => 'Disable responsive gallery themes',
'allow_svg_upload' => 'Advertència: els fitxers SVG de fonts que no siguin de confiança poden contenir codi de seqüència maliciós i s\'han de verificar si hi ha dubte. Més a <a target="_blank" href="https://www.w3.org/wiki/SVG_Security">www.w3.org/wiki/SVG_Security</a>.',
'admin_ui_autohide_below' => 'Viewport width in px. To deactivate leave the field empty.',
'admin_ui_hotkey' => 'default: Ctrl + H',
'allow_svg_upload' => 'Permetre la càrrega SVG',
'desc' => 'Descripció',
'keywords' => 'Paraules clau',
'robots' => 'Robot Visibility',
'language' => 'Idioma',
'langeditor' => 'Llenguatge WYSIWYG',
'maximgarea' => 'Zona màxima d\'imatge',
'preserve_icc_profiles' => 'Preserve ICC Profiles',
'preserve_image_metadata' => 'Preserve Metadata',
'maxthumbsize' => 'Gallery Thumbnail Size',
'maxthumbheight' => 'Gallery Thumbnail Height',
'thumbskeepaspect' => 'Keep Aspect Ratio',
'recreate_all_thumbnails' => 'Recreate All Thumbnails',
'auto_redir' => 'Auto Redirect Percent',
'restore_defaults' => 'Restaurar predeterminats',
'Add your LESS and CSS here' => 'Add your LESS and CSS here',
'Add X here' => 'Add your %s here',
'default' => 'Predeterminat',
'see_also' => 'Vegeu també:',
'general_settings' => 'Paràmetres generals',
'Interface' => 'Interface',
'Performance' => 'Rendiment',
'require_email' => 'Requerir camps de contacte',
'gallery_legacy_style' => 'Legacy Gallery Style',
'colorbox_style' => 'Colorbox Style',
'contact_config' => 'Contact Form',
'contact_advanced' => 'Contact Form (Advanced)',
'toemail' => 'Recipient Address *',
'toname' => 'Recipient Name',
'from_address' => 'From Address',
'from_name' => 'From Name',
'from_use_user' => 'From Handling',
'mail_method' => 'Mail Delivery Method',
'sendmail_path' => 'Path to sendmail',
'smtp_hosts' => 'SMTP Host(s)',
'smtp_user' => 'SMTPAuth Username',
'smtp_pass' => 'SMTPAuth Password',
'combinecss' => 'Combine CSS Files',
'etag_headers' => 'Etag Headers',
'resize_images' => 'Auto-Resize Images',
'space_char' => 'URL Space Character',
'combinejs' => 'Combineu fitxers JS',
'minifyjs' => 'Minify la combinació de JS',
'Editable Areas' => 'Editable Areas',
'showlogin' => 'Show Login Link',
'showsitemap' => 'Show Site Map Link',
'showgplink' => 'Show "Powered By" Link',
'On' => 'Actiu',
'Off' => 'Inactiu',
'all_links' => 'Tots els enllaços',
'expanding_links' => 'Expand All Links',
'expanding_bottom_links' => 'Expanding Bottom Links',
'top_level_links' => 'Top Level Links',
'top_two_links' => 'Top Two Level Links',
'bottom_two_links' => 'Second & Third Level Links',
'subgroup_links' => 'Subgroup Links',
'second_sub_links' => 'Second Level Subgroup Links',
'third_sub_links' => 'Third Level Subgroup Links',
'Breadcrumb Links' => 'Breadcrumb Links',
'add-ons' => 'Add-ons',
'name' => 'Nom',
'about' => 'Quant a',
'manage' => 'Gestionar',
'uninstall' => 'Desinstal·lar',
'upgrade' => 'Actualitzar',
'Update Now' => 'Actualitzar ara',
'Install Now' => 'Install Now',
'updates' => 'Actualitzacions',
'update' => 'Actualitzar',
'installed' => 'Felicitats, s\'ha instal·lat correctament <em>%s</em>.',
'confirm_uninstall' => 'Segur que voleu desinstal·lar-lo? Si seguiu, algunes funcions esdevindran inabastables i podeu perdre algunes dades.',
'version' => 'Versió',
'Statistics' => 'Estadístiques',
'Support' => 'Support',
'new_version' => 'Hi ha una nova versió disponible!',
'rate_this_addon' => 'Rate This Add-on',
'rate' => 'Puntua',
'uninstalled' => 'Desinstal·lat',
'theme' => 'Tema',
'themes' => 'Temes',
'plugins' => 'Connectors',
'Manage Plugins' => 'Manage Plugins',
'Deprecated Addons' => 'Deprecated Addons',
'_downloads' => '%s downloads',
'editable_text' => 'Text editable',
'resources' => 'Recursos',
'Download Themes' => 'Download Themes',
'Download Plugins' => 'Download Plugins',
'Addon_Install_Warning' => 'You should only download software from authors you trust. Malicious software can cause damage to your installation including but not limited to the loss of data. ',
'Selected_Install' => 'You have chosen to install %s from %s.',
'File_Not_Found' => 'Could not find file: %s',
'addon_key_defined' => 'Could not install %s. It is already defined by Typesetter or another add-on.',
'Ini_Error' => 'An error has been detected while parsing the Addon.ini file for this add-on.',
'Ini_No_Name' => 'The variable <i>Addon_Name</i> is missing in the Addon.ini file for this add-on.',
'Ini_Submit_Bug' => 'Please submit the bug to the developer or check the documentation about <a href="http://www.typesettercms.com/Docs/Addon.ini" target="_blank">Addon.ini files</a>.',
'min_version' => 'In order to install this add-on, you need to install a minimum of Typesetter version %s. ',
'min_version_upgrade' => 'You can get the latest version from the official <a href="http://www.typesettercms.com/Download" target="_blank">Typesetter web site</a>.',
'downgrade' => 'The version of this addon you currently have installed is newer than the version you are about to install.',
'error_unpacking' => 'Coi, hi ha hagut un error en intentar processar el paquet descarregat.',
'layouts' => 'Layouts',
'content_arrangement' => 'Content Arrangment',
'DRAG-N-DROP-DESC2' => 'Rearrange by dragging and dropping elements to their desired locations.',
'Arrange Content' => 'Arranjar contingut',
'gadgets' => 'Gadgets',
'label' => 'Etiqueta',
'usage' => 'Usage',
'new_layout' => 'New Layout',
'available_themes' => 'Available Themes',
'use_this_theme' => 'Use this theme in a new layout.',
'make_default' => 'Make Default',
'titles_using_layout' => 'Titles Using This Layout',
'current_layout' => 'Current Layout',
'edit_this_layout' => 'Edit This Layout',
'available_layouts' => 'Available Layouts',
'delete_default_layout' => 'Sorry, you cannot delete the default layout.',
'permalink_settings' => 'Permalink Settings',
'permalinks' => 'Permalinks',
'hide_index' => 'Hide /index.php',
'use_index.php' => 'Use /index.php',
'limited_mod_rewrite' => 'These settings will only work if your server has mod_rewrite enabled.',
'couldnt_connect' => 'Could not connect using the supplied values.',
'supply_ftp_values' => 'Continue by entering the ftp values for your server.',
'manual_method' => 'Manual Method',
'manual_htaccess' => 'You can manually enable these features but creating an .htaccess file on your server with the following content.',
'file_editing' => 'File Editing',
'All' => 'Tot',
'Link Errors' => 'Missing Links',
'404_Usage' => 'Use a custom 404 error page and redirection to manage dead links on your site.',
'Redirection' => 'Redirection',
'404_Page' => '404 Page',
'About_Redirection' => 'When a user requests one of the following urls, they will be automatically redirected to it\'s corresponding target page.',
'Source URL' => 'Source URL',
'Target URL' => 'Target URL',
'Empty' => 'Buit',
'New Redirection' => 'New Redirection',
'Method' => 'Method',
'301 Moved Permanently' => '301 Moved Permanently',
'302 Moved Temporarily' => '302 Moved Temporarily',
'Not Found' => 'Not Found',
'One of these titles?' => 'Were you looking for one of these titles?',
'Similar_Titles' => 'Displays titles similar to the requested url.',
'Similarity' => 'Similarity',
'Useful Variables' => 'Useful Variables',
'Target URL Invalid' => 'Indicates the Target URL does not exist.',
'Test' => 'Prova',
'About_404_Page' => 'Your 404 page is what users will see if they try to visit a url that does not exist.',
'Auto Redirect' => 'Redirect requests for %s to the new url.',
'Import/Export' => 'Import/Export',
'Export' => 'Exportar',
'Page' => 'Page',
'Pages' => 'Pàgines',
'%s Pages' => '%s Page(s)',
'Export About' => 'Create archives of your data for download and site backups.',
'Previous Exports' => 'Previous Exports',
'Download' => 'Descarregar',
'File Size' => 'Mida del fitxer',
'Total' => 'Total',
'Compression' => 'Compressió',
'None' => 'Cap',
'Checking_server' => 'Comprovant el servidor',
'Installation' => 'Instal·lació',
'Checking' => 'Comprovant',
'Status' => 'Estat',
'Current_Value' => 'Valor actual',
'Expected_Value' => 'Expected Value',
'PHP_Version' => 'Versió PHP',
'Failed' => 'Ha fallat',
'Passed' => 'Passat',
'Set' => 'Assignat',
'Not_Set' => 'No assignat',
'See_Below' => 'Veure enjús',
'Refresh' => 'Refrescar',
'Install' => 'Instal·lar',
'Installing' => 'Instal·lant',
'Installed' => 'Installed',
'index.html exists' => 'There is an index.html file in your root directory and may prevent Typesetter from displaying.',
'Notes' => 'Notes',
'Install_Conflict' => 'Typesetter cannot be installed on your server with the current settings. ',
'Install_Fix' => 'To continue with the installation, please fix the settings associated with the notices above, then <a href="%s">refresh this page</a>.',
'Website_Title' => 'Website Title',
'Installation_Was_Successfull' => 'La instal·lació ha sigut correcta!',
'View_your_web_site' => 'Veure el lloc web',
'User Details' => 'Detalls d\'usuari',
'Changing_File_Permissions' => 'Canviant permisos de fitxer',
'REFRESH_AFTER_CHANGE' => 'Cal que canvieu els permisos dels directoris que han fallat a la secció ensús i després <a href="">refresqueu la pàgina</a>.',
'MOST_FTP_CLIENTS' => 'La majoria dels clients FTP us permeten de canviar els permisos dels fitxers del servidor. A <a href="http://fireftp.mozdev.org/">fireftp</a> això es pot fer clicant al fitxer, seleccionant "propietats" i assignant els permisos apropiats.',
'FTP_CHMOD' => 'Enter your server\'s ftp information and the installer will handle the file permissions for you.',
'Installer' => 'Installer',
'LINUX_CHOWN' => 'If you are using Unix/Linux, you can use the "chown" function.',
'FTP_Server' => 'Servidor FTP',
'FTP_Username' => 'Nom FTP',
'FTP_Password' => 'Contrasenya FTP',
'Using_FTP' => 'Usant l\'FTP',
'Could_Not_' => 'No s\'ha pogut %s',
'FTP_PERMISSIONS_CHANGED' => 'S\'han canviat els permisos de fitxer de %s.',
'Success_continue_below' => 'Correcte!... seguiu enjús',
'FTP_UNAVAILABLE' => 'No estan instal·lades les funcions FTP.',
'FAILED_TO_CONNECT' => 'Ha fallat la connexió a %s.',
'CONNECTED_TO' => 'Connectat a %s',
'NOT_LOOGED_IN' => 'No s\'ha pogut entrar com usuari %s',
'LOGGED_IN' => 'Ha entrat l\'usuari %s.',
'Session Expired' => 'Sorry, your session has expired. Please login again.',
'ROOT_DIRECTORY_NOT_FOUND' => 'No s\'ha pogut trobar el directori rel.',
'FTP_ROOT' => 'Trobada rel FTP: %s.',
'Admin_Username' => 'Nom de l\'administrador',
'Admin_Password' => 'Contrasenya de l\'administrador',
'PASSWORDS_MATCHED' => 'Contrasenyes comprovades.',
'Username_ok' => 'Nom correcte.',
'COULD_NOT_SAVE' => 'No s\'ha pogut desar %s',
'_SAVED' => 'S\'ha desat %s.',
'image_functions' => 'Funcions d\'imatge',
'unavailable' => 'No disponible',
'partially_available' => 'Disponible parcialment',
'Value' => 'Valor',
'Expected' => 'Expected',
'True' => 'Veritat',
'False' => 'Fals',
'Check Now' => 'Comproveu ara les actualitzacions de programari',
'check_remote_failed' => 'Version information could not be fetched. Please try again later.',
'check_remote_success' => 'The most recent package information has been updated.',
'Software_updates_checked' => 'Software updates were last checked %s.',
'Server_isnt_supported' => 'Your server is unable to run auto-update process.',
'UP_TO_DATE' => 'Your installation is up-to-date.',
'New_version_available' => 'A new version of Typesetter is available.',
'Your_version' => 'La vostra versió:',
'New_version' => 'Versió nova:',
'Update_Now' => 'Actualitzar ara',
'sorry_currently_updating' => 'We\'re currrently updating our system and will be back up shortly. Sorry for the inconvenience.',
'update_steps' => 'Update Steps',
'step:prepare' => 'Preparation and Set-Up',
'step:download' => 'Download source file.',
'step:unpack' => 'Unpack and replace code.',
'step:clean' => 'Clean Up.',
'next_step' => 'Pas següent',
'ready_for_upgrade' => 'Your installation is ready to be upgraded.',
'download_failed' => 'Oops, the package download failed. Please try again later.',
'download_failed_md5' => 'Oops, the downloaded package could not be verified. Please try again later.',
'download_failed_xerror' => 'If you still need to purchase this addon or login to TypesetterCMS.com for proof of purchase <a %s>you can do it right now</a>.',
'package_downloaded' => 'Package downloaded successfully.',
'download_verified' => 'The downloaded package was checked and verified.',
'package_unpacked' => 'Unpacked new files',
'copied_new_files' => 'Copied new files',
'software_updated' => 'Felicitats, s\'ha actualitzat correctament el vostre programari!',
'settings_restored' => 'S\'han restaurat els paràmetres del lloc',
'return_to_your_site' => 'Tornar al vostre lloc',
'error_updating_settings' => 'No s\'han pogut actualitzat els paràmetres dels lloc',
'delete_incomplete' => 'Sorry, some of the files could not be deleted.',
'Sorry, nothing matched' => 'Sorry, nothing met your search criteria.',
'Sorry, data not fetched' => 'Sorry, the addon data could not be fetched from TypesetterCMS.com.',
'revert_ver_notice' => 'Reverting to archives from different Typesetter versions may have unwanted results. You are currently using Typesetter %s and the selected archive was exported using version %s',
'archive_contains' => 'The selected archive was created %s and contains %s files.',
'Revert' => 'Revert',
'Revert_to_Archive' => 'Revert to Archive',
'Revert_Finished' => 'The selected archive has been successfully restored.',
'revert_notice' => 'Reverting to this archive will overwrite your current site data. Make sure a back-up of your current data is saved before continuing.',
'revert_notice_user' => 'Sorry, you were not a registered user when the selected archive was created.',
'old_folders_created' => 'The following folders were created and are no longer needed. Selected files will be deleted.',
'dir_replace_failed' => 'Directory replacement failed.',
'revert_failed' => 'Sorry, there was an error unpacking the archive and updating your site. ',
'try_again' => 'Try Again',
'not_writable' => 'Error: File permissions appear to have changed and the system is no longer able to write to the following files. <a href="%s">More inforomation...</a>',
'Writable' => 'Writable',
'Not Writable' => 'Not Writable',
'Modified' => 'Modificat',
'Image_of' => 'Image %1$s of %2$s',
'Width' => 'Width',
'Height' => 'Height',
'Left' => 'Left',
'Top' => 'Top',
'Select Image' => 'Select Image',
'Theme Images' => 'Theme Images',
'Revision History' => 'Revision History',
'history_limit' => 'History Limit',
'viewing_revision' => 'You are currently viewing a revision of this page created on %1$s',
'Restore this revision' => 'Restore this revision',
'strftime_datetime' => '%b %e, %Y @ %H:%M',
'strftime_date' => '%b %e, %Y',
'strftime_time' => '%H:%M',
'_ago' => '%s ago',
'_characters' => '%s characters',
'Theme_default_sizes' => 'Default Size',
'context menu' => 'Browser Context Menu',
'Name Based Menu Classes' => 'Name Based Menu Classes',
'Ordered Menu Classes' => 'Ordered Menu Classes',
'Manage Classes Description' => 'CSS class names you set here will be easily selectable in the Section Attributes dialog.<ul><li>Single class names (like <em>gpRow</em>) will show as checkboxes</li><li>Multiple, space separated class names (like <em>gpCol-1 gpCol-2 gpCol-3 […]</em>) will show as checkable dropdown list.</li><li>The list is drag\'n\'drop sortable.</li></ul>',
'The Bootstrap Preset' => 'The Bootstrap %s Preset',
'The Default Preset' => 'The Default Preset',
'Uninstall Prep Heading' => 'Uninstall Preparation',
'Uninstall Prep Description' => 'For some installations, you won\'t be able to delete Typesetter\'s data files from your server untill the access permissions have been changed. This script will change file permissions for files and folders in the /data directory to 0777.<br/><em>You should not continue unless you plan on deleting all Typesetter files from your server.</em>',
'Uninstall Restore Heading' => 'Change Your Mind?',
'Uninstall Restore Description' => 'You can restore the file permissions for added security here:',
'Empty Cache' => 'Empty Cache',
'Touched' => 'Touched',
'Section Attributes' => 'Section Attributes',
'Attribute' => 'Attribute',
'Alternative Text' => 'Alternative Text',
'Add Attribute' => 'Add Attribute',
'Empty Container' => 'Empty Container',
'Move Behind' => 'Move Behind',
'File' => 'File',
'Files' => 'Files',
'Files_of' => 'File %1$s of %2$s',
'Item' => 'Item',
'Items' => 'Items',
'Item_of' => 'Item %1$s of %2$s',
'Element' => 'Element',
'Elements' => 'Elements',
'Element_of' => 'Element %1$s of %2$s',
'Yes' => 'Yes',
'No' => 'No',
'Always' => 'Always',
'Never' => 'Never',
'Dont ask again' => 'Don\'t ask this question again',
'optional' => 'optional',
'required' => 'required',
'missing' => 'missing',
'Sort' => 'Sort',
'Order' => 'Order',
'First' => 'First',
'First_of' => 'First of %s',
'Last' => 'Last',
'Last_of' => 'Last of %s',
'ascending' => 'ascending',
'descending' => 'descending',
'alphanumeric' => 'alphanumeric',
'numeric' => 'numeric',
'chronological' => 'chronological',
'reverse-chronological' => 'reverse-chronological',
'random' => 'random',
'Show' => 'Show',
'Show All' => 'Show All',
'Show_x' => 'Show %s',
'visible as of' => 'visible as of %s',
'visible from to' => 'visible from %1$s to %2$s',
'Hide' => 'Hide',
'Hide All' => 'Hide All',
'Hide X' => 'Hide %s',
'hidden as of' => 'hidden as of %s',
'hidden from to' => 'hidden from %1$s to %2$s',
'Expand' => 'Expand',
'Expand X' => 'Expand %s',
'Expand All' => 'Expand All',
'expanded' => 'expanded',
'Collapse' => 'Collapse',
'Collapse X' => 'Collapse %s',
'Collapse All' => 'Collapse All',
'collapsed' => 'collapsed',
'Size' => 'Size',
'Font Size' => 'Font Size',
'smallest' => 'smallest',
'x-small' => 'extra-small',
'smaller' => 'smaller',
'small' => 'small',
'medium' => 'medium',
'average' => 'average',
'normal' => 'normal',
'regular' => 'regular',
'large' => 'large',
'larger' => 'larger',
'x-large' => 'extra-large',
'largest' => 'largest',
'darkest' => 'darkest',
'darker' => 'darker',
'dark' => 'dark',
'light' => 'light',
'lighter' => 'lighter',
'lightest' => 'lightest',
'bold' => 'bold',
'bolder' => 'bolder',
'boldest' => 'boldest',
'heavy' => 'heavy',
'heavier' => 'heavier',
'heaviest' => 'heaviest',
'Increase' => 'Increase',
'Increase by' => 'Increase by %s',
'Increase to' => 'Increase to %s',
'Save All' => 'Save All',
'Save X' => 'Save %s',
'Reset' => 'Reset',
'Reset All' => 'Reset All',
'Reset X' => 'Reset %s',
'Undo' => 'Undo',
'Undo X' => 'Undo %s',
'Redo' => 'Redo',
'Redo X' => 'Redo %s',
'Randomize' => 'Randomize',
'Shuffle' => 'Shuffle',
'Play' => 'Play',
'Play All' => 'Play All',
'playing' => 'playing',
'playing X' => 'playing %s',
'playing_of' => 'playing %1$s of %2$s',
'Pause' => 'Pause',
'paused' => 'paused',
'Resume' => 'Resume',
'Stop' => 'Stop',
'stopped' => 'stopped',
'Skip' => 'Skip',
'skipped' => 'skipped',
'Loop' => 'Loop',
'looping' => 'looping',
'Autoplay' => 'Autoplay',
'Autoload' => 'Autoload',
'Load' => 'Load',
'loading' => 'loading',
'Loading' => 'Loading…',
'loading X' => 'loading %s',
'loading_of' => 'loading %1$s of %2$s',
'Preload' => 'Preload',
'preloading' => 'preloading',
'Preloading' => 'Preloading…',
'preloading X' => 'preloading %s',
'preloading_of' => 'preloading %1$s of %2$s',
'Admin UI' => 'Admin User Interface',
'Activate' => 'Activate',
'active' => 'active',
'Deactivate' => 'Deactivate',
'inactive' => 'inactive',
'Suspend' => 'Suspend',
'suspended' => 'suspended',
'Action' => 'Action',
'Actions' => 'Actions',
'Replace' => 'Replace',
'Replace X' => 'Replace %s',
'Replace with' => 'Replace with %s',
'Replace X with Y' => 'Replace %1$s with %2$s',
'Replace All' => 'Replace All',
'Merge' => 'Merge',
'Merge with' => 'Merge with %s',
'Merge X with Y' => 'Merge %1$s with %2$s',
'Merge All' => 'Merge All',
'Prepend' => 'Prepend',
'Prepend to' => 'Prepend to %s',
'Prepend X to Y' => 'Prepend %1$s to %2$s',
'Append' => 'Append',
'Append to' => 'Append to %s',
'Append X to Y' => 'Append %1$s to %2$s',
'Insert here' => 'Insert here',
'Insert X here' => 'Insert %s here',
'Duplicate' => 'Duplicate',
'Overwrite' => 'Overwrite',
'Overwrite X' => 'Overwrite %s',
'Overwrite with' => 'Overwrite with %s',
'Overwrite X with Y' => 'Overwrite %1$s with %2$s',
'Overwrite All' => 'Overwrite All',
'Enlarge' => 'Enlarge',
'Enlarge by' => 'Enlarge by %s',
'Enlarge to' => 'Enlarge to %s',
'Decrease' => 'Decrease',
'Decrease by' => 'Decrease by %s',
'Decrease to' => 'Decrease to %s',
'Expand Editor' => 'Expand Editor',
'Shrink Editor' => 'Shrink Editor',
'Shrink' => 'Shrink',
'Hide Admin UI' => 'Amaga la Admin UI',
'Show Admin UI' => 'Mostra la Admin UI',
'admin_ui_autohide_below' => 'Hide Automatically Below',
'admin_ui_hotkey' => 'Tecla de drecera',
'Ctrl Key' => 'Ctrl',
'Alt Key' => 'Alt',
'Shift Key' => 'Shift',
'Dock' => 'Dock',
'Dock Here' => 'Dock Here',
'Undock' => 'Undock',
'Move Here' => 'Move Here',
'Development' => 'Development',
'Debugging' => 'Debugging',
'Ignore' => 'Ignore',
'Ignore X' => 'Ignore %s',
'Test' => 'Test',
'Test Changes' => 'Test Changes',
'Test X' => 'Test %s',
'Suggest' => 'Suggest',
'Suggest Changes' => 'Suggest Changes',
'Suggest X' => 'Suggest %s',
'Review' => 'Review',
'Review Changes' => 'Review Changes',
'Review X' => 'Review %s',
'Accept' => 'Accept',
'Accept Changes' => 'Accept Changes',
'Accept X' => 'Accept %s',
'Reject' => 'Reject',
'Reject Changes' => 'Reject Changes',
'Reject X' => 'Reject %s',
'Discard' => 'Discard',
'Discard Changes' => 'Discard Changes',
'Discard X' => 'Discard %s',
'Apply' => 'Apply',
'Apply Changes' => 'Apply Changes',
'Apply X' => 'Apply %s',
'Undo Changes' => 'Undo Changes',
'Confirm' => 'Confirm',
'Confirmed' => 'Confirmed',
'generic_confirm' => 'Are you sure?',
'no_undo_confirm' => 'This step cannot be undone. Are you sure?',
'Request session takeover' => 'Request Takeover',
'Takeover request pending' => 'Takeover request is pending.',
'Takeover request rejected' => 'Your takeover request was rejected.',
'Takeover request accepted' => 'Your takeover request was accepted. You can now start editing.',
'User requests session takeover' => '%s asks to take over the editing session.',
'Takeover request canceled' => 'The takeover request was canceled.',
'Editing handed to' => 'You have just handed over editing to %s.',
'Show on all pages' => 'Show on all pages', // Note: for extra content visibility
'Hide on all pages' => 'Hide on all pages',
'Show only on selected pages' => 'Show only on selected pages',
'Hide on selected pages' => 'Hide on selected pages',
'Show on this page' => 'Show on this page',
'Hide on this page' => 'Hide on this page',
'Customizer' => 'Customizer',