2021-09-08 19:52:21 +02:00

764 lines
48 KiB
Raw Permalink Blame History

This file contains ambiguous Unicode characters

This file contains Unicode characters that might be confused with other characters. If you think that this is intentional, you can safely ignore this warning. Use the Escape button to reveal them.

* Want to help translate Typesetter? See https://github.com/Typesetter/Typesetter/tree/master/include/languages
$langmessage = array (
'LOGGED_OUT' => '您已登出。',
'configuration' => '設定',
'Current Configuration' => '目前設定',
'Appearance' => '外觀',
'Content' => '内容',
'Settings' => '設定',
'Tools' => 'Tools',
'administration' => '系統管理',
'save' => '儲存',
'Saved' => 'Saved',
'Saving' => 'Saving',
'save_changes' => '儲存變更',
'back' => '返回',
'cancel' => '取消',
'Classes' => 'Classes',
'Manage Classes' => 'Manage Classes',
'Available Classes' => 'Available Classes',
'Close' => '關閉',
'Copy' => '複製',
'Clipboard' => 'Clipboard',
'Copy to Clipboard' => 'Copy to Clipboard',
'Save & Close' => '儲存並關閉',
'OOPS' => '糟糕!這行不通,請再試一次。',
'OOPS_Start_over' => '<b>警告:</b>上一個步驟並未完成。請儲存您的資料並重新整理本頁以進行下個步驟。',
'continue' => '繼續',
'TITLE_EXISTS' => '糟糕!這個標題已經存在,請再試一次。',
'TITLES_EXIST' => '糟糕!這些標題已存在且無法還原: ',
'TITLE_RESERVED' => '糟糕!這個標題使用了保留的前綴字。',
'TITLE_REQUIRED' => '糟糕!必須輸入一個標題。請再試一次。',
'LONG_TITLE' => '糟糕!這個標題太冗長了,請再試一次。',
'MOVED_TO_TRASH' => '此頁面已被移至 <a href="%s">資源回收桶</a>。',
'trash' => '資源回收筒',
'TRASH_IS_EMPTY' => '資源回收筒是空的。',
'options' => '選項',
'restore' => '還原',
'file_restored' => '下列檔案已還原:%1$s。您或許還想使用 <a href="%2$s">檔案總管</a> 來調整它們的位置。',
'delete' => '刪除',
'rename' => '重新命名',
'rename/details' => '重新命名/細節',
'Visibility' => 'Visibility',
'Private' => 'Private',
'Public' => 'Public',
'from' => '從',
'to' => '至',
'theme_content' => '附加內容',
'edit' => '編輯',
'SAVED' => '您的變更已儲存。',
'REFRESH' => '<a href="" name="gp_refresh">重新整理本頁</a>以套用您的變更。',
'DOESNT_EXIST' => '<em>%1$s</em> 並不存在。您要<a href="%2$s">新增它</a>嗎?',
'OOPS_TITLE' => '糟糕!這個檔案並不存在。請再試一次。',
'file_manager' => '頁面管理員',
'Homepage' => 'Homepage',
'Available Pages' => '可用的頁面',
'page_options' => '頁面選項',
'view/edit_page' => '檢視並編輯頁面',
'rm_from_menu' => '自選單移除',
'insert_into_menu' => '插入選單',
'restore_from_trash' => '從資源回收筒還原',
'page_deleted' => '此頁面不存在',
'delete_page' => '您確定要將這個檔案移至資源回收筒?',
'search pages' => '搜尋頁面',
'Search' => '查找',
'Available' => 'Available',
'Search Hidden Files' => '尋找隱藏檔',
'search_no_results' => '抱歉!您的搜尋條件找不到任何資料。',
'Previous' => '上一个',
'Next' => '下一个',
'Highest Rated' => '最高評分',
'Most Downloaded' => '最多下載',
'Recently Updated' => '最近更新',
'Newest' => '最新',
'Main Menu' => '主選單',
'All Pages' => '全部頁面',
'Child Pages' => '子頁面',
'Not In Main Menu' => '不在主選單',
'Not In Any Menus' => '不在任一選單裡',
'SHOWING' => '顯示 %3$s 中的 %1$s - %2$s',
'External Link' => '外部链接',
'New_Window' => '在新視窗開啟',
'Page Info' => '頁面資訊',
'Menus' => '選單',
'Menu' => '選單',
'Lists' => '清單',
'uploaded_files' => '已上傳的檔案',
'Image' => '圖片',
'image' => '圖片',
'Images' => '圖片',
'images' => '圖片',
'delete_confirm' => '您確定要永遠刪除這個檔案? ',
'generic_delete_confirm' => '您確定您要永遠地移除 %s ',
'upload' => '上傳檔案',
'upload_files' => '上傳檔案',
'Add All Images' => '新增所有圖片',
'upload_error_size' => '上傳的檔案大小必須少於 %s。請再試一次。',
'UPLOAD_ERROR_PARTIAL' => '糟糕!<em>%s</em> 只有一部份上傳成功。請再試一次。',
'UPLOAD_ERROR' => '糟糕!<em>%s</em> 上傳失敗。請再試一次。',
'uninstall_prep' => '準備移除',
'Site Status' => '網站狀態',
'Resource Cache' => 'Resource Cache',
'File Owner' => '檔案擁有者',
'data_check_failed' => '%s (共檢查了 %s 個) 個檔案未通過檔案狀態檢查。您的系統在刪除或修改這些檔案時可能會出問題。',
'data_check_passed' => '您的資料檔案 100%% 通過檔案狀態檢查。總共檢查了 %s 個檔案。',
'showing_max_failed' => '只顯示前 %s 個檔案。',
'create_dir' => '新增資料夾',
'file_deleted' => '這個檔案已刪除。',
'username' => '帳號',
'user_permissions' => '使用者權限',
'not_permitted' => '糟糕!您沒有所需的權限來執行這項操作',
'new_user' => '新增使用者',
'invalid_username' => '您的帳號只能使用英文字母、底線符號 "_" 和點號 "."。',
'repeat_password' => '請再輸入一次密碼',
'Password Algorithm' => 'Password Algorithm',
'password' => '密碼',
'invalid_password' => '糟糕!密碼不是空白就是前後不符。請再試一次。',
'permissions' => '權限',
'change_password' => '變更密碼',
'old_password' => '舊密碼',
'new_password' => '新密碼',
'couldnt_reset_pass' => '糟糕!這行不通。請確認您輸入了正確的舊密碼後再試一次。',
'grant_usage' => '授與權限',
'logout' => '登出',
'View' => 'View',
'preview' => '預覽',
'layout' => '佈局',
'Layout Options' => '佈局選項',
'color' => '色彩',
'style' => '樣式',
'Links' => '連結',
'Link_Menus' => '連結選單',
'Add New Area' => '新增新區域',
'Custom Menu' => '自訂選單',
'Add New Menu' => '新增新選單',
'Show Titles...' => '顯示標題...',
'... Below Level' => '... 以下層級',
'... At And Above Level' => '... 位於或高於層級',
'Expand Menu...' => '展開選單...',
'... Expand All' => '...全部展開',
'Source Menu' => '來源選單',
'Menu Output' => '選單輸出',
'LOGIN_BLOCK' => '已超過登入錯誤次數上限。接下來的 %s 分鐘內您都不准登入。',
'incorrect_login' => '登入錯誤。請再試一次。',
'forgotten_password' => '您是否<a href="%s">忘記密碼</a>',
'send_password' => '寄送新密碼',
'password_sent' => '為 "%1$s" 亂數產生的密碼已寄到 %2$s',
'no_email_provided' => '使用者 "%s" 並未登錄電子郵件地址。',
'details' => '細節',
'site_locked' => '抱歉!本站目前因另一位使用者正在編輯而鎖定。您得等到該使用者登出或鎖定解除。',
'lock_expires_in' => '此鎖定目前設為 %s 分鐘後解除。',
'passwordremindertext' => '<p>有人向我們索取 %1$s (%2$s) 的新密碼。使用者 "%3$s" 的新密碼已建立且已寄到 "%4$s"。</p> <p>若不是您本人作此要求,或是您已想起密碼而打算不要變更它,您可忽略這封訊息並繼續使用您的舊密碼。</p>',
'JAVASCRIPT_REQ' => '需要 Javascript 來存取站台管理。',
'INCOMPAT_BROWSER' => '似乎您正使用不相容的瀏覽器。',
'MODERN_BROWSER' => '請確認您使用的是新式的瀏覽器Mozilla Firefox 或 Google Chrome 並啟用 javascript。',
'Browser Warning' => '瀏覽器警告訊息',
'Browser !Supported' => '並不完全支援您正在使用的瀏覽器。請升級至這些較新的瀏覽器之一。 ',
'logged_in' => '您已登入。',
'site_map' => '網站地圖',
'galleries' => '圖庫',
'file_name' => '檔案名稱',
'login' => '登入',
'new_file' => '新增頁面',
'create_new_file' => '創建新頁面',
'delete_file' => '刪除檔案',
'insert_after' => '後置於',
'insert_before' => '前置於',
'insert_child' => '插入子頁面',
'description' => '說明',
'title' => '標題',
'browser_title' => '瀏覽器標題',
'title attribute' => '標題屬性',
'contact' => '與我們聯絡',
'your_name' => '您的姓名',
'your_email' => '您的電子郵件地址',
'message' => '訊息',
'subject' => '主旨',
'captcha' => 'Captcha',
'send_message' => '寄出訊息',
'message_sent' => '謝謝,您的訊息已寄出。',
'invalid_email' => '糟糕!您提供的電子郵件地址無效。請確認無誤後再試一次。',
'COOKIES_REQUIRED' => '<b>警告:</b> 必須先啟用 cookie。請在啟用 cookie 後重新整理本頁面。',
'affected_files' => '受影響的檔案',
'about_layout_change' => '改變所選頁面的佈局也會改變下列頁面的佈局',
'INCORRECT_CAPTCHA' => 'CAPTCHA 圖片與您的文字不符,請再試一次。',
'OOPS_REQUIRED' => '糟糕!某個必填欄位是空的:%s。',
'enable_contact' => '您可透過新增一個聯絡用的電子郵件地址至 <a href="%s">您的設定檔</a> 以啟用這個功能。',
'not_enabled' => '抱歉,網站管理員尚未啟用這個功能。',
'add' => '新增',
'remove' => '移除',
'insert' => '插入',
'disable' => '停用',
'disabled' => '已停用',
'enable' => '啟用',
'enabled' => '已啟用',
'caption' => '圖片說明',
'remember_me' => '保持登入狀態',
'send_encrypted' => '加密登入',
'hidden_galleries' => '隱藏圖庫',
'visible_galleries' => '公開圖庫',
'hidden' => '隱藏',
'email_address' => '電子郵件地址',
'frequently_used' => '最常使用',
'Current Page' => '目前頁面',
'Notifications' => '通知',
'Notification' => '通知',
'Private Pages' => '私人頁面',
'Private Page' => '私人頁面',
'Working Drafts' => '工作草案',
'Working Draft' => '工作草案',
'Publish Draft' => '發布草稿',
'Publish' => '發布',
'Dismiss Draft' => 'Dismiss Draft',
'Dismiss' => 'Dismiss',
'Slug/URL' => '短標題/網址',
'sync_with_label' => '透過標籤進行同步',
'more_options' => '更多選項',
'will_redirect' => '您將在 <span id="redir-countdown">15</span> 秒內被重新導向至 %s。',
'Preferences' => '參數選擇',
'Content Type' => '內容類型',
'Image Gallery' => '圖片畫廊',
'File Include' => '所含檔案',
'Section Wrapper' => 'Section Wrapper',
'Manage Sections' => 'Manage Sections',
'Section %s' => '部分 %s',
'Sections' => '部分',
'Section' => '部分',
'recaptcha_public' => 'reCaptcha 公眾金鑰',
'recaptcha_private' => 'reCaptcha 私人金鑰',
'recaptcha_language' => 'reCaptcha 語言',
'about_config' =>
array (
'recaptcha_public' => '取得一個 <a target="_blank" href="https://www.google.com/recaptcha">reCaptcha 金鑰</a>方可在聯絡表單上使用 CAPTCHA 驗證機制。',
'maximgarea' => '上傳圖片的最大平方像素。一個 600 x 800 像素的圖片有 480,000 平方像素。',
'resize_images' => 'Create optimized versions of scaled down images.',
'preserve_icc_profiles' => 'JPEG images will retain embedded <a href="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ICC_profile" target="_blank">ICC color profiles</a>.',
'preserve_image_metadata' => 'JPEG images will retain embedded EXIF/IPTC metadata <em>credit, copyright, caption, title</em> and <em>creation date</em>.',
'maxthumbsize' => '圖庫縮圖尺寸,預設為 300 像素乘 300像素。',
'maxthumbheight' => 'Optional height for gallery thumbnails. If empty, the <em>Gallery Thumbnail Size</em> value will be used for height as well.',
'thumbskeepaspect' => 'Keep the original image aspect ratio for thumbnails.',
'from_use_user' => '一旦選取,標頭的 "寄件人" 將採使用者提供的電子郵件地址,而非上述的預設值。',
'smtp_hosts' => '範例: ',
'auto_redir' => '一旦某個網頁請求與既有頁面的相似度達到這個百分比,就自動將它轉往該頁面。',
'gallery_legacy_style' => 'Disable responsive gallery themes',
'allow_svg_upload' => '警告来自不受信任来源的SVG文件可能包含恶意脚本代码如果有疑问应进行检查。更多信息请访问 <a target="_blank" href="https://www.w3.org/wiki/SVG_Security">www.w3.org/wiki/SVG_Security</a>',
'admin_ui_autohide_below' => 'Viewport width in px. To deactivate leave the field empty.',
'admin_ui_hotkey' => 'default: Ctrl + H',
'allow_svg_upload' => '允许上传SVG文件',
'desc' => '說明',
'keywords' => '關鍵字',
'robots' => 'Robot 能見度',
'language' => '語言',
'langeditor' => '所見即所得介面語言',
'maximgarea' => '最大的圖片區域',
'preserve_icc_profiles' => 'Preserve ICC Profiles',
'preserve_image_metadata' => 'Preserve Metadata',
'maxthumbsize' => '圖庫縮圖尺寸',
'maxthumbheight' => 'Gallery Thumbnail Height',
'thumbskeepaspect' => 'Keep Aspect Ratio',
'recreate_all_thumbnails' => 'Recreate All Thumbnails',
'auto_redir' => '自動轉址百分比',
'restore_defaults' => '還原為預設值',
'Add your LESS and CSS here' => '在此新增您的 LESS 與 CSS 程式碼',
'Add X here' => '在此处添加%s',
'default' => '預設值',
'see_also' => '請見:',
'general_settings' => '一般設定',
'Interface' => '介面',
'Performance' => '效能',
'require_email' => '必填的聯絡資訊欄位',
'gallery_legacy_style' => 'Legacy Gallery Style',
'colorbox_style' => '調色盤樣式',
'contact_config' => '聯絡表單',
'contact_advanced' => '聯絡表單(進階)',
'toemail' => '聯絡人地址 *',
'toname' => '聯絡人姓名',
'from_address' => '寄件人地址',
'from_name' => '寄件人姓名',
'from_use_user' => '寄件人管理',
'mail_method' => '郵件寄送方式',
'sendmail_path' => 'sendmail 的路徑',
'smtp_hosts' => 'SMTP 主機',
'smtp_user' => 'SMTPAuth 使用者名稱',
'smtp_pass' => 'SMTPAuth 密碼',
'combinecss' => '合併 CSS 檔',
'etag_headers' => 'Etag 標頭檔',
'resize_images' => '自動縮放圖像',
'space_char' => 'URL Space Character',
'combinejs' => '合併 JS 檔',
'minifyjs' => '缩小组合的JS',
'Editable Areas' => '可編輯區',
'showlogin' => '顯示登入連結',
'showsitemap' => '顯示網站地圖連結',
'showgplink' => '顯示「動力提供」連結',
'On' => '開',
'Off' => '關',
'all_links' => '所有連結',
'expanding_links' => '展開所有連結',
'expanding_bottom_links' => '展開底層連結',
'top_level_links' => '第一層連結',
'top_two_links' => '頭二層連結',
'bottom_two_links' => '第二與第三層連結',
'subgroup_links' => '子群組連結',
'second_sub_links' => '第二層子群組連結',
'third_sub_links' => '第三層子群組連結',
'Breadcrumb Links' => 'Breadcrumb Links',
'add-ons' => '附加元件',
'name' => '名稱',
'about' => '關於',
'manage' => '管理',
'uninstall' => '移除',
'upgrade' => '升級',
'Update Now' => '立即更新',
'Install Now' => '立即安裝',
'updates' => '更新',
'update' => '更新',
'installed' => '恭喜!<em>%s</em> 已安裝成功。',
'confirm_uninstall' => '您確定要移除?若您繼續的話,某些功能將會變成無法使用,且您可能會遺失某些資料。',
'version' => '版本',
'Statistics' => '統計',
'Support' => '技術支援',
'new_version' => '有可用的新版本!',
'rate_this_addon' => '給這個附加元件評分',
'rate' => '評分',
'uninstalled' => '已移除',
'theme' => '佈景主題',
'themes' => '佈景主題',
'plugins' => '增效模組',
'Manage Plugins' => '管理插件',
'Deprecated Addons' => 'Deprecated Addons',
'_downloads' => '%s 筆下載',
'editable_text' => '可編輯文字',
'resources' => '資源',
'Download Themes' => '下載佈景主題',
'Download Plugins' => '下載增效模組',
'Addon_Install_Warning' => '您應該只從您信任的發行商下載軟體。 惡意軟體會造成您系統的損害,包括遺失資料及其它損失。 ',
'Selected_Install' => '您已選擇安裝 %s 自 %s。',
'File_Not_Found' => '找不到檔案:%s',
'addon_key_defined' => '無法安裝 %s。它已定義在 Typesetter 或另一個附加模組。',
'Ini_Error' => '解析此附加模組的 Addon.ini 檔時發生錯誤。',
'Ini_No_Name' => '此附加模組的 Addon.ini 缺少 <i>Addon_Name</i> 變數。',
'Ini_Submit_Bug' => '請將此錯誤送交給開發者或查閱關於 <a href="http://www.typesettercms.com/Docs/Addon.ini" target="_blank">Addon.ini files</a> 檔的文件。',
'min_version' => '若要安裝此附加模組,您至少須安裝 Typesetter %s 版。 ',
'min_version_upgrade' => '您可以從官方 <a href="http://www.typesettercms.com/Download" target="_blank">Typesetter 網站</a>取得最新版本。',
'downgrade' => '此增效模組目前安裝的版本已經比您打算要安裝的還新了。',
'error_unpacking' => '糟糕!嘗試處理已下載的套件時發生錯誤。',
'layouts' => '佈局',
'content_arrangement' => '內容排列',
'DRAG-N-DROP-DESC2' => '若要重新排列,請拖拉元件至想要的位置。',
'Arrange Content' => '調整內容',
'gadgets' => '小玩意兒',
'label' => '標籤',
'usage' => '用法',
'new_layout' => '新佈局',
'available_themes' => '可用的佈景主題',
'use_this_theme' => '在新佈局中使用這個佈景主題。',
'make_default' => '設為預設值',
'titles_using_layout' => '使用這個佈局的標題',
'current_layout' => '目前的佈局',
'edit_this_layout' => '編輯配置模式',
'available_layouts' => '可用的佈局',
'delete_default_layout' => '抱歉!您不能刪除預設配置模式。',
'permalink_settings' => '靜態連結設定',
'permalinks' => '靜態連結',
'hide_index' => '隱藏 /index.php',
'use_index.php' => '使用 /index.php',
'limited_mod_rewrite' => '這些設定只有在您的伺服器已啟用 mod_rewrite 模組時才會生效。',
'couldnt_connect' => '無法使用您提供的設定值連線。',
'supply_ftp_values' => '請先輸入您伺服器的 ftp 設定值。',
'manual_method' => '手動方式',
'manual_htaccess' => '您可手動啟用這些功能而不須新建一個內容如下的 .htaccess 檔在您的伺服器上。',
'file_editing' => '編輯檔案',
'All' => '全選',
'Link Errors' => '遺漏的連結',
'404_Usage' => '請使用一個自訂的 404 錯誤頁面與導頁來管理您站台上的失效連結。',
'Redirection' => '導頁',
'404_Page' => '404 頁面',
'About_Redirection' => '當一個使用者請求下列 URL 之一時,他們將自動被導至相對應的目標頁面。',
'Source URL' => '來源 URL',
'Target URL' => '目標 URL',
'Empty' => '空的',
'New Redirection' => '新導頁',
'Method' => '方法',
'301 Moved Permanently' => '301 資源永久的移除',
'302 Moved Temporarily' => '302 資源暫時被移除',
'Not Found' => '找不到資源',
'One of these titles?' => '您正在尋找這些標題其中之一嗎?',
'Similar_Titles' => '顯示類似請求 URL 的標題。',
'Similarity' => '相似度',
'Useful Variables' => '有用的變數',
'Target URL Invalid' => '表示目標 URL 並不存在。',
'Test' => '測試',
'About_404_Page' => '萬一使用者試著造訪一個不存在的 URL 時,他們會看到您的 404 頁面。',
'Auto Redirect' => '將對 %s 的請求導向新的位址。',
'Import/Export' => '匯入/匯出',
'Export' => '导出',
'Page' => 'Page',
'Pages' => '页面',
'%s Pages' => '%s 頁',
'Export About' => '建立您資料的壓縮檔以供下載及網站備份。',
'Previous Exports' => '之前的匯出',
'Download' => '下載',
'File Size' => '檔案大小',
'Total' => '总数',
'Compression' => '壓縮',
'None' => '無',
'Checking_server' => '檢查伺服器',
'Installation' => '安裝',
'Checking' => '正在檢查',
'Status' => '狀態',
'Current_Value' => '目前的值',
'Expected_Value' => '預期的值',
'PHP_Version' => 'PHP 版本',
'Failed' => '失敗',
'Passed' => '已通過',
'Set' => '設定',
'Not_Set' => '未設定',
'See_Below' => '如下',
'Refresh' => '重新整理',
'Install' => '安裝',
'Installing' => '安裝',
'Installed' => 'Installed',
'index.html exists' => '您的根目錄裡有個 index.html 且可能會導致 Typesetter 無法正常顯示。',
'Notes' => '備註',
'Install_Conflict' => 'Typesetter 無法以目前的設定安裝在您的伺服器上。 ',
'Install_Fix' => '請先修正與上述注意事項相關的設定,然後 <a href="%s">重新整理本頁面</a>,方可繼續安裝。',
'Website_Title' => '網站標題',
'Installation_Was_Successfull' => '安裝成功!',
'View_your_web_site' => '檢視您的網站',
'User Details' => '使用者細節',
'Changing_File_Permissions' => '變更檔案權限',
'REFRESH_AFTER_CHANGE' => '您可能需要修改上一步失敗的目錄權限,然後<a href="">重新整理本頁面</a>。',
'MOST_FTP_CLIENTS' => '大多數的 FTP 用戶端可讓您修改伺服器上檔案的權限。就 <a href="http://fireftp.mozdev.org/">fireftp</a> 來說,修改權限只要在檔案上按右鍵,從選單選擇 "屬性 (properties)" 然後設定適當的權限即可。 ',
'FTP_CHMOD' => '請輸入您伺服器的 ftp 資訊,以便安裝程式能為您設定檔案權限。',
'Installer' => '安裝程式',
'LINUX_CHOWN' => 'If you are using Unix/Linux, you can use the "chown" function.',
'FTP_Server' => 'FTP 伺服器',
'FTP_Username' => 'FTP 帳號',
'FTP_Password' => 'FTP 密碼',
'Using_FTP' => '使用 FTP',
'Could_Not_' => '無法 %s',
'FTP_PERMISSIONS_CHANGED' => '%s 的檔案權限已修改。',
'Success_continue_below' => '成功!...請繼續以下步驟',
'FTP_UNAVAILABLE' => 'FTP 相關函式尚未安裝。',
'FAILED_TO_CONNECT' => '無法連線至 %s。',
'CONNECTED_TO' => '已連線至 %s',
'NOT_LOOGED_IN' => '無法登入為使用者 %s',
'LOGGED_IN' => '使用者 %s 已登入。',
'Session Expired' => '抱歉!您的操作已逾時。請重新登入。',
'FTP_ROOT' => '找到 FTP 根目錄:%s。',
'Admin_Username' => '管理者帳號',
'Admin_Password' => '管理者密碼',
'Username_ok' => '有效的使用者名稱。',
'COULD_NOT_SAVE' => '無法儲存 %s',
'_SAVED' => '%s 已儲存。',
'image_functions' => '圖片功能',
'unavailable' => '無法使用',
'partially_available' => '部份可用',
'Value' => '值',
'Expected' => '預期值',
'True' => '真',
'False' => '假',
'Check Now' => '立即檢查軟體更新',
'check_remote_failed' => '無法取得版本資訊。請稍後再試一次。',
'check_remote_success' => '最新的套件資訊已更新。',
'Software_updates_checked' => '軟體更新最後檢查於 %s。',
'Server_isnt_supported' => '您的伺服器無法執行自動更新程序。',
'UP_TO_DATE' => '您的安裝已是最新版本。',
'New_version_available' => '有新版的 Typesetter 可用。',
'Your_version' => '您的版本:',
'New_version' => '新版本:',
'Update_Now' => '立即更新',
'sorry_currently_updating' => '我們目前正在更新系統,且會儘速恢復上線。造成您的不便十分抱歉。',
'update_steps' => '更新步驟',
'step:prepare' => '準備與設定',
'step:download' => '下載原始檔。',
'step:unpack' => '解壓縮並取代原本的程式碼。',
'step:clean' => '全部清除。',
'next_step' => '下一步',
'ready_for_upgrade' => '您的安裝已可進行升級。',
'download_failed' => '糟糕!套件下載失敗。請稍後再試一次。',
'download_failed_md5' => '糟糕!已下載的套件無法通過驗證。請稍後再試一次。',
'download_failed_xerror' => '如果您仍須購買這個插件,或登入 TypesetterCMS.com 取得購買證明,<a %s>您可以立即實行</a>。',
'package_downloaded' => '套件下載成功。',
'download_verified' => '下載的套件已通過檢查及驗證。',
'package_unpacked' => '已解壓縮的新檔案',
'copied_new_files' => '已複製的新檔案',
'software_updated' => '恭喜!您的軟體已更新成功!',
'settings_restored' => '您的站台設定已還原',
'return_to_your_site' => '回到您的站台',
'error_updating_settings' => '無法更新您的站台設定',
'delete_incomplete' => '抱歉!有些檔案無法刪除。',
'Sorry, nothing matched' => 'Sorry, nothing met your search criteria.',
'Sorry, data not fetched' => 'Sorry, the addon data could not be fetched from TypesetterCMS.com.',
'revert_ver_notice' => '回復至不同版本 Typesetter 的備份檔可能導致不可預期的後果。您目前使用 Typesetter %s 版,但備份檔卻是 %s 版匯出的',
'archive_contains' => '所選的備份檔已創建 %s 且包含 %s 個檔案。',
'Revert' => '回復',
'Revert_to_Archive' => '回復至備份檔',
'Revert_Finished' => '所選的備份檔已還原成功。',
'revert_notice' => '回復至此備份檔將覆寫您目前的網站資料。繼續下一步之前,請務必先備份您目前的資料。',
'revert_notice_user' => '抱歉!建立該備份檔時,您尚未註冊成為使用者。',
'old_folders_created' => '下列資料夾已不再繼續使用。所選的檔案將被刪除。',
'dir_replace_failed' => '目錄置換失敗。',
'revert_failed' => '抱歉!解開備份檔並更新您的網站時發生錯誤。 ',
'try_again' => '請再試一次',
'not_writable' => '錯誤:檔案權限似乎已改變,因此系統無法寫入以下檔案。<a href="%s">更多資訊...</a>',
'Writable' => 'Writable',
'Not Writable' => 'Not Writable',
'Modified' => '被修改',
'Image_of' => '第 %1$s 張圖片(總共 %2$s 張)',
'Width' => '寬度',
'Height' => '高度',
'Left' => '左',
'Top' => '上',
'Select Image' => '選擇圖片',
'Theme Images' => '佈景主題圖片',
'Revision History' => '修訂歷程',
'history_limit' => 'History Limit',
'viewing_revision' => '您目前檢視的是本頁於 %1$s 創建的修訂版本',
'Restore this revision' => '回復至此修訂版本',
'strftime_datetime' => '%b %e, %Y @ %H:%M',
'strftime_date' => '%b %e, %Y',
'strftime_time' => '%H:%M',
'_ago' => '%s ago',
'_characters' => '%s 個字元',
'Theme_default_sizes' => '預設大小',
'context menu' => 'Browser Context Menu',
'Name Based Menu Classes' => 'Name Based Menu Classes',
'Ordered Menu Classes' => 'Ordered Menu Classes',
'Manage Classes Description' => 'CSS class names you set here will be easily selectable in the Section Attributes dialog.<ul><li>Single class names (like <em>gpRow</em>) will show as checkboxes</li><li>Multiple, space separated class names (like <em>gpCol-1 gpCol-2 gpCol-3 […]</em>) will show as checkable dropdown list.</li><li>The list is drag\'n\'drop sortable.</li></ul>',
'The Bootstrap Preset' => 'The Bootstrap %s Preset',
'The Default Preset' => 'The Default Preset',
'Uninstall Prep Heading' => 'Uninstall Preparation',
'Uninstall Prep Description' => 'For some installations, you won\'t be able to delete Typesetter\'s data files from your server untill the access permissions have been changed. This script will change file permissions for files and folders in the /data directory to 0777.<br/><em>You should not continue unless you plan on deleting all Typesetter files from your server.</em>',
'Uninstall Restore Heading' => 'Change Your Mind?',
'Uninstall Restore Description' => 'You can restore the file permissions for added security here:',
'Empty Cache' => 'Empty Cache',
'Touched' => 'Touched',
'Section Attributes' => 'Section Attributes',
'Attribute' => 'Attribute',
'Alternative Text' => 'Alternative Text',
'Add Attribute' => 'Add Attribute',
'Empty Container' => 'Empty Container',
'Move Behind' => 'Move Behind',
'File' => 'File',
'Files' => 'Files',
'Files_of' => 'File %1$s of %2$s',
'Item' => 'Item',
'Items' => 'Items',
'Item_of' => 'Item %1$s of %2$s',
'Element' => 'Element',
'Elements' => 'Elements',
'Element_of' => 'Element %1$s of %2$s',
'Yes' => 'Yes',
'No' => 'No',
'Always' => 'Always',
'Never' => 'Never',
'Dont ask again' => 'Don\'t ask this question again',
'optional' => 'optional',
'required' => 'required',
'missing' => 'missing',
'Sort' => 'Sort',
'Order' => 'Order',
'First' => 'First',
'First_of' => 'First of %s',
'Last' => 'Last',
'Last_of' => 'Last of %s',
'ascending' => 'ascending',
'descending' => 'descending',
'alphanumeric' => 'alphanumeric',
'numeric' => 'numeric',
'chronological' => 'chronological',
'reverse-chronological' => 'reverse-chronological',
'random' => 'random',
'Show' => 'Show',
'Show All' => 'Show All',
'Show_x' => 'Show %s',
'visible as of' => 'visible as of %s',
'visible from to' => 'visible from %1$s to %2$s',
'Hide' => 'Hide',
'Hide All' => 'Hide All',
'Hide X' => 'Hide %s',
'hidden as of' => 'hidden as of %s',
'hidden from to' => 'hidden from %1$s to %2$s',
'Expand' => 'Expand',
'Expand X' => 'Expand %s',
'Expand All' => 'Expand All',
'expanded' => 'expanded',
'Collapse' => 'Collapse',
'Collapse X' => 'Collapse %s',
'Collapse All' => 'Collapse All',
'collapsed' => 'collapsed',
'Size' => 'Size',
'Font Size' => 'Font Size',
'smallest' => 'smallest',
'x-small' => 'extra-small',
'smaller' => 'smaller',
'small' => 'small',
'medium' => 'medium',
'average' => 'average',
'normal' => 'normal',
'regular' => 'regular',
'large' => 'large',
'larger' => 'larger',
'x-large' => 'extra-large',
'largest' => 'largest',
'darkest' => 'darkest',
'darker' => 'darker',
'dark' => 'dark',
'light' => 'light',
'lighter' => 'lighter',
'lightest' => 'lightest',
'bold' => 'bold',
'bolder' => 'bolder',
'boldest' => 'boldest',
'heavy' => 'heavy',
'heavier' => 'heavier',
'heaviest' => 'heaviest',
'Increase' => 'Increase',
'Increase by' => 'Increase by %s',
'Increase to' => 'Increase to %s',
'Save All' => 'Save All',
'Save X' => 'Save %s',
'Reset' => 'Reset',
'Reset All' => 'Reset All',
'Reset X' => 'Reset %s',
'Undo' => 'Undo',
'Undo X' => 'Undo %s',
'Redo' => 'Redo',
'Redo X' => 'Redo %s',
'Randomize' => 'Randomize',
'Shuffle' => 'Shuffle',
'Play' => 'Play',
'Play All' => 'Play All',
'playing' => 'playing',
'playing X' => 'playing %s',
'playing_of' => 'playing %1$s of %2$s',
'Pause' => 'Pause',
'paused' => 'paused',
'Resume' => 'Resume',
'Stop' => 'Stop',
'stopped' => 'stopped',
'Skip' => 'Skip',
'skipped' => 'skipped',
'Loop' => 'Loop',
'looping' => 'looping',
'Autoplay' => 'Autoplay',
'Autoload' => 'Autoload',
'Load' => 'Load',
'loading' => 'loading',
'Loading' => 'Loading…',
'loading X' => 'loading %s',
'loading_of' => 'loading %1$s of %2$s',
'Preload' => 'Preload',
'preloading' => 'preloading',
'Preloading' => 'Preloading…',
'preloading X' => 'preloading %s',
'preloading_of' => 'preloading %1$s of %2$s',
'Admin UI' => 'Admin User Interface',
'Activate' => 'Activate',
'active' => 'active',
'Deactivate' => 'Deactivate',
'inactive' => 'inactive',
'Suspend' => 'Suspend',
'suspended' => 'suspended',
'Action' => 'Action',
'Actions' => 'Actions',
'Replace' => 'Replace',
'Replace X' => 'Replace %s',
'Replace with' => 'Replace with %s',
'Replace X with Y' => 'Replace %1$s with %2$s',
'Replace All' => 'Replace All',
'Merge' => 'Merge',
'Merge with' => 'Merge with %s',
'Merge X with Y' => 'Merge %1$s with %2$s',
'Merge All' => 'Merge All',
'Prepend' => 'Prepend',
'Prepend to' => 'Prepend to %s',
'Prepend X to Y' => 'Prepend %1$s to %2$s',
'Append' => 'Append',
'Append to' => 'Append to %s',
'Append X to Y' => 'Append %1$s to %2$s',
'Insert here' => 'Insert here',
'Insert X here' => 'Insert %s here',
'Duplicate' => 'Duplicate',
'Overwrite' => 'Overwrite',
'Overwrite X' => 'Overwrite %s',
'Overwrite with' => 'Overwrite with %s',
'Overwrite X with Y' => 'Overwrite %1$s with %2$s',
'Overwrite All' => 'Overwrite All',
'Enlarge' => 'Enlarge',
'Enlarge by' => 'Enlarge by %s',
'Enlarge to' => 'Enlarge to %s',
'Decrease' => 'Decrease',
'Decrease by' => 'Decrease by %s',
'Decrease to' => 'Decrease to %s',
'Expand Editor' => 'Expand Editor',
'Shrink Editor' => 'Shrink Editor',
'Shrink' => 'Shrink',
'Hide Admin UI' => '隐藏管理界面',
'Show Admin UI' => '显示管理界面',
'admin_ui_autohide_below' => 'Hide Automatically Below',
'admin_ui_hotkey' => '键盘快捷键',
'Ctrl Key' => 'Ctrl',
'Alt Key' => 'Alt',
'Shift Key' => 'Shift',
'Dock' => 'Dock',
'Dock Here' => 'Dock Here',
'Undock' => 'Undock',
'Move Here' => 'Move Here',
'Development' => 'Development',
'Debugging' => 'Debugging',
'Ignore' => 'Ignore',
'Ignore X' => 'Ignore %s',
'Test' => 'Test',
'Test Changes' => 'Test Changes',
'Test X' => 'Test %s',
'Suggest' => 'Suggest',
'Suggest Changes' => 'Suggest Changes',
'Suggest X' => 'Suggest %s',
'Review' => 'Review',
'Review Changes' => 'Review Changes',
'Review X' => 'Review %s',
'Accept' => 'Accept',
'Accept Changes' => 'Accept Changes',
'Accept X' => 'Accept %s',
'Reject' => 'Reject',
'Reject Changes' => 'Reject Changes',
'Reject X' => 'Reject %s',
'Discard' => 'Discard',
'Discard Changes' => 'Discard Changes',
'Discard X' => 'Discard %s',
'Apply' => 'Apply',
'Apply Changes' => 'Apply Changes',
'Apply X' => 'Apply %s',
'Undo Changes' => 'Undo Changes',
'Confirm' => 'Confirm',
'Confirmed' => 'Confirmed',
'generic_confirm' => 'Are you sure?',
'no_undo_confirm' => 'This step cannot be undone. Are you sure?',
'Request session takeover' => 'Request Takeover',
'Takeover request pending' => 'Takeover request is pending.',
'Takeover request rejected' => 'Your takeover request was rejected.',
'Takeover request accepted' => 'Your takeover request was accepted. You can now start editing.',
'User requests session takeover' => '%s asks to take over the editing session.',
'Takeover request canceled' => 'The takeover request was canceled.',
'Editing handed to' => 'You have just handed over editing to %s.',
'Show on all pages' => 'Show on all pages', // Note: for extra content visibility
'Hide on all pages' => 'Hide on all pages',
'Show only on selected pages' => 'Show only on selected pages',
'Hide on selected pages' => 'Hide on selected pages',
'Show on this page' => 'Show on this page',
'Hide on this page' => 'Hide on this page',
'Customizer' => 'Customizer',