2246 lines
58 KiB
2246 lines
58 KiB
* Bootstrap 4 - Typesetter CMS theme
* 'footer' layout customizer definition
defined('is_running') or die('Not an entry point...');
* Example customizer array key
* 'main_header' => [ // * unique key for collapsible customizer section, will not be displayed in the UI
* 'label' => 'Main Header', // * the visible label, keep it short
* 'collapsed' => true, // * initial collapsed/expanded state of this area
* 'items' => [
* 'header_height' => [ // * the name of the variable! allowed are only alphanumeric ASCII characters and underscores.
* // └─ no blanks, no dollar signs, may not start with a digit
* 'default_value' => '72', // * the default value for this setting
* 'default_units' => 'px', // * the default unit for this value, may be empty if value doen't have a unit
* 'control' => [
* 'label' => 'Header Height', // * plain text label for the customizer item.
* 'description' => 'set the main ' . // optional plain text description for the item.
* 'header\'s height',
* 'placeholder' => '', // optional placeholder value for text, number and url inputs
* 'type' => 'number', // * may be 'text' | 'number' | 'url' | 'select' | 'checkbox' | 'radio' | 'colorpicker' | 'colors' | 'image' | 'file'
* 'min' => false, // optional minimum value for number inputs
* 'max' => false, // optional maximum value for number inputs
* 'step' => false, // optional step value for number inputs
* 'possible_values' => [], // * possible values are required for select options, radio buttons or color swatches, ommit or leave empty for other control types
* 'used_in' => ['scssless', 'css'], // * context(s) where the variable will be needed. any combination of 'scssless', 'css', 'php' and 'js'. at least one is rewuired
* 'units' => ['px', 'rem'], // units the user can choose from, to be appended to numerical values in Scss/LESS/css
* 'pattern' => 'number', // may be empty | 'number' | 'integer' | 'onoff' | 'color' | 'url' or a regular expression the value will be tested against upon saving
* ], // end of the 'control' array
* ], // end of the 'header_height' item array
* // more items
* ], // end of 'items' array
* ], // end of 'main_header'
* // more sections
global $dirPrefix;
$font_list = [
'Default Sans-Serif' => 'default_sans',
'Default Serif' => 'default_serif',
'Alegreya Sans' => 'alegreya_sans',
'Alegreya Serif' => 'alegreya',
'Bitter' => 'bitter',
'Cinzel (Latin only)' => 'cinzel',
'Cinzel Decorative (Latin only)' => 'cinzel_decorative',
'EB Garamond' => 'eb_garamond',
'Fira Sans' => 'fira_sans',
'Inter' => 'inter',
'Lora' => 'lora',
'Merriweather' => 'merriweather',
'Montserrat' => 'montserrat',
'Nunito' => 'nunito',
'Open Sans' => 'open_sans',
'Playfair Display' => 'playfair_display',
'Raleway' => 'raleway',
'Roboto' => 'roboto',
'Roboto Slab' => 'roboto_slab',
'Source Sans Pro' => 'source_sans_pro',
'Source Serif Pro' => 'source_serif_pro',
'Ubuntu' => 'ubuntu',
'Work Sans' => 'work_sans',
'Zilla Slab' => 'zilla_slab',
$font_weights = [
'Thin' => '100',
'Extra Light' => '200',
'Light' => '300',
'Regular' => '400',
'Medium' => '500',
'Semi Bold' => '600',
'Bold' => '700',
'Extra Bold' => '800',
'Heavy / Black' => '900',
$customizer = [
'complementary_header' => [
'label' => 'Complementary Header',
'collapsed' => true,
'items' => [
'complementary_header_show' => [
'default_value' => 'md',
'default_units' => '',
'control' => [
'label' => 'Show Complementary Header',
'description' => 'an additional, smaller header ' .
'at the very top of the page. Choose an ' .
'option / Bootstrap breakpoint (viewport width) ' .
'from which this header will show. ' .
'Think small-to-large, we\'re mobile first!',
'type' => 'select',
'possible_values' => [
'always show' => 'on',
'small (sm, ≥ 576px)' => 'sm',
'medium (md, ≥ 768px)' => 'md',
'large (lg, ≥ 992px)' => 'lg',
'x-large (xl, ≥ 1200px)' => 'xl',
'never show' => 'off',
'used_in' => ['scssless', 'css', 'php', 'js'],
'units' => [],
'pattern' => '', // '/(on|sm|md|lg|xl|off)/', not req for selects TODO remove comment
'complementary_header_fixed' => [
'default_value' => false,
'default_units' => '',
'control' => [
'label' => 'Keep Complementary Header Visible',
'description' => 'make the complementary header stick to the top of the viewport',
'type' => 'checkbox',
'possible_values' => [],
'used_in' => ['scssless', 'css', 'php', 'js'],
'units' => [],
'pattern' => 'onoff',
'complementary_header_use_container' => [
'default_value' => true,
'default_units' => '',
'control' => [
'label' => 'Constrain Complementary Header Content Width',
'description' => 'use a Bootstrap container ' .
'to pad the complementary header\'s content left and right',
'type' => 'checkbox',
'possible_values' => [],
'used_in' => ['php'],
'units' => [],
'pattern' => 'onoff',
'complementary_header_height' => [
'default_value' => '46',
'default_units' => 'px',
'control' => [
'label' => 'Complementary Header Height',
'description' => 'set the height of the complementary header',
'placeholder' => '',
'type' => 'number',
'min' => false,
'max' => false,
'possible_values' => [],
'used_in' => ['scssless', 'css'],
'units' => ['px', 'rem'],
'pattern' => 'number',
'complementary_header_bg' => [
'default_value' => '#212529', // $gray-900
'default_units' => '',
'control' => [
'label' => 'Complementary Header Background Color',
'description' => 'pick a background color for the complementary header',
'placeholder' => '',
'type' => 'colorpicker',
'possible_values' => [],
'used_in' => ['scssless', 'css'],
'units' => [],
'pattern' => 'color',
'complementary_header_color' => [
'default_value' => '#ffffff',
'default_units' => '',
'control' => [
'label' => 'Complementary Header Text Color',
'description' => 'pick a text color for the complementary header',
'placeholder' => '',
'type' => 'colorpicker',
'possible_values' => [],
'used_in' => ['scssless', 'css'],
'units' => [],
'pattern' => 'color',
'complementary_header_font_family' => [
'default_value' => 'default_sans',
'default_units' => '',
'control' => [
'label' => 'Complementary Header Font Family',
'description' => 'choose a font family for complementary header text',
'type' => 'select',
'possible_values' => $font_list,
'used_in' => ['scssless'],
'units' => [],
'pattern' => '',
'complementary_header_font_size' => [
'default_value' => '1',
'default_units' => 'rem',
'control' => [
'label' => 'Complementary Header Font Size',
'description' => 'The font size of all elements, ' .
'in the complementary header. At larger sizes ' .
'adjust the header height accordingly',
'type' => 'number',
'possible_values' => [],
'min' => '0',
'max' => false,
'step' => '0.005',
'used_in' => ['scssless', 'css'],
'units' => ['rem'],
'pattern' => 'number',
'complementary_header_font_weight' => [
'default_value' => '400',
'default_units' => '',
'control' => [
'label' => 'Complementary Header Font Weight',
'description' => 'choose a font weight for complementary header text',
'type' => 'select',
'possible_values' => $font_weights,
'used_in' => ['scssless', 'css'],
'units' => [],
'pattern' => '',
'complementary_header_border_bottom_width' => [
'default_value' => '0',
'default_units' => 'px',
'control' => [
'label' => 'Complementary Header Bottom Border Width',
'description' => 'set a width for the bottom border of the complementary header, use 0 if you don\'t want a border',
'type' => 'number',
'min' => '0',
'max' => false,
'possible_values' => [],
'used_in' => ['scssless', 'css'],
'units' => ['px', 'rem'],
'pattern' => 'number',
'complementary_header_border_bottom_color' => [
'default_value' => 'rgba(0, 0, 0, 0)',
'default_units' => '',
'control' => [
'label' => 'Complementary Header Border Bottom Color',
'description' => 'pick a color for the complementary header\'s bottom border',
'placeholder' => '',
'type' => 'colorpicker',
'possible_values' => [],
'used_in' => ['scssless', 'css'],
'units' => [],
'pattern' => 'color',
], // end of items
], // end of collapsible UI area
'main_header' => [
'label' => 'Main Header',
'collapsed' => true,
'items' => [
'header_height' => [
'default_value' => '72',
'default_units' => 'px',
'control' => [
'label' => 'Header Height',
'description' => 'set the main header\'s height',
'placeholder' => '',
'type' => 'number',
'min' => '0',
'max' => false,
'possible_values' => [],
'used_in' => ['scssless', 'css'],
'units' => ['px', 'rem'],
'pattern' => 'number',
'header_bg' => [
'default_value' => '#343a40',
'default_units' => '',
'control' => [
'label' => 'Header Background Color',
'description' => 'pick a background color for the main header',
'placeholder' => '',
'type' => 'colorpicker',
'possible_values' => [],
'used_in' => ['scssless', 'css'],
'units' => [],
'pattern' => 'color',
'header_color' => [
'default_value' => '#ffffff',
'default_units' => '',
'control' => [
'label' => 'Header Text Color',
'description' => 'pick a text color for the main header',
'placeholder' => '',
'type' => 'colorpicker',
'possible_values' => [],
'used_in' => ['scssless', 'css'],
'units' => [],
'pattern' => 'color',
'header_border_bottom_width' => [
'default_value' => '0',
'default_units' => 'px',
'control' => [
'label' => 'Header Bottom Border Width',
'description' => 'set a width for the bottom border of the header, use 0 if you don\'t want a border',
'type' => 'number',
'min' => '0',
'max' => false,
'possible_values' => [],
'used_in' => ['scssless', 'css'],
'units' => ['px', 'rem'],
'pattern' => 'number',
'header_border_bottom_color' => [
'default_value' => 'rgba(0, 0, 0, 0)',
'default_units' => '',
'control' => [
'label' => 'Header Border Bottom Color',
'description' => 'pick a color for the header\'s bottom border',
'placeholder' => '',
'type' => 'colorpicker',
'possible_values' => [],
'used_in' => ['scssless', 'css'],
'units' => [],
'pattern' => 'color',
'header_sticky' => [
'default_value' => true,
'default_units' => '',
'control' => [
'label' => 'Keep Header Visible',
'description' => 'keep the header visible by ' .
'sticking it to the top of the viewport',
'type' => 'checkbox',
'possible_values' => [],
'used_in' => ['scssless', 'css', 'php', 'js'],
'units' => [],
'pattern' => 'onoff',
'header_use_container' => [
'default_value' => true,
'default_units' => '',
'control' => [
'label' => 'Constrain Header Content Width',
'description' => 'use a Bootstrap container ' .
'to pad the header content left and right',
'type' => 'checkbox',
'possible_values' => [],
'used_in' => ['php'],
'units' => [],
'pattern' => 'onoff',
], // end of items
], // end of collapsible UI area
'branding' => [
'label' => 'Branding',
'collapsed' => true,
'items' => [
'header_brand_logo' => [
'default_value' => $dirPrefix . '/include/imgs/typesetter/ts-logo-o-color.svg',
'default_units' => '',
'control' => [
'label' => 'Brand Logo',
'description' => 'upload / select a logo image. Leave blank to omit the logo',
'placeholder' => 'logo image URL',
'type' => 'image',
'possible_values' => [],
'used_in' => ['php'],
'units' => [],
'pattern' => 'url',
'header_brand_logo_alt_text' => [
'default_value' => 'Logo',
'default_units' => '',
'control' => [
'label' => 'Brand Logo Alternate Text',
'description' => 'the required alt attribute for ' .
'the logo image. It shows if the image cannot be displayed. ' .
'Also important for SEO',
'type' => 'text',
'possible_values' => [],
'used_in' => ['php'],
'units' => [],
'pattern' => '',
'header_brand_logo_height' => [
'default_value' => '100',
'default_units' => '%',
'control' => [
'label' => 'Brand Logo Height',
'description' => 'adjust the height of the logo. ' .
'Use percent (of the available height), pixels or rem units.'.
'The logo width will change accordingly - make sure it is ' .
'no wider than ~250px so that it fits on phone screens',
'type' => 'number',
'possible_values' => [],
'min' => '0',
'max' => false,
'used_in' => ['scssless', 'css'],
'units' => ['%', 'px', 'rem'],
'pattern' => 'number',
'header_brand_color' => [
'default_value' => '#ffffff',
'default_units' => '',
'control' => [
'label' => 'Brand Text Color',
'description' => 'pick the color of your site title',
'placeholder' => '',
'type' => 'colorpicker',
'possible_values' => [],
'used_in' => ['scssless', 'css'],
'units' => [],
'pattern' => 'color',
'header_brand_font_family' => [
'default_value' => 'default_sans',
'default_units' => '',
'control' => [
'label' => 'Brand Font Family',
'description' => 'choose a font family for the brand / site title',
'type' => 'select',
'possible_values' => $font_list,
'used_in' => ['scssless'],
'units' => [],
'pattern' => '',
'header_brand_font_size' => [
'default_value' => '1.25',
'default_units' => 'rem',
'control' => [
'label' => 'Brand Font Size',
'description' => 'set the font size of the brand / site title',
'type' => 'number',
'possible_values' => [],
'min' => '0',
'max' => false,
'step' => '0.005',
'used_in' => ['scssless', 'css'],
'units' => ['rem'],
'pattern' => 'number',
'header_brand_font_weight' => [
'default_value' => '400',
'default_units' => '',
'control' => [
'label' => 'Brand Font Weight',
'description' => 'choose the weight for the brand / site title',
'type' => 'select',
'possible_values' => $font_weights,
'used_in' => ['scssless', 'css'],
'units' => [],
'pattern' => '',
'header_brand_uppercase' => [
'default_value' => false,
'default_units' => '',
'control' => [
'label' => 'Brand Text Uppercase',
'description' => 'make the brand / site title all uppercase',
'type' => 'checkbox',
'possible_values' => [],
'used_in' => ['scssless', 'css'],
'units' => [],
'pattern' => 'onoff',
'header_brand_letter_spacing' => [
'default_value' => '0',
'default_units' => 'em',
'control' => [
'label' => 'Brand Text Letter Spacing',
'description' => 'adjust the tracking (space between characters) ' .
'of the brand / site title',
'type' => 'number',
'possible_values' => [],
'min' => false,
'max' => false,
'step' => '0.005',
'used_in' => ['scssless', 'css'],
'units' => ['em'],
'pattern' => 'number',
], // end of items
], // end of collapsible UI area
'main_menu' => [
'label' => 'Main Menu',
'collapsed' => true,
'items' => [
'main_menu_align' => [
'default_value' => 'right',
'default_units' => '',
'control' => [
'label' => 'Main Menu Alignment',
'description' => 'set the horizontal position ' .
'of the main menu',
'type' => 'select',
'possible_values' => [
'Left' => 'left',
'Center' => 'center',
'Right' => 'right',
'used_in' => ['php'],
'units' => [],
'pattern' => '',
'mobile_menu_style' => [
'default_value' => 'pulldown',
'default_units' => '',
'control' => [
'label' => 'Hamburger Menu Style',
'description' => 'choose the appearance of the mobile menu ' .
'(when the hamburger button is clicked)',
'type' => 'select',
'possible_values' => [
'Pull Down' => 'pulldown',
'Pop Up' => 'popup',
'Slide Over' => 'slideover',
'Off-Canvas' => 'offcanvas',
'used_in' => ['scssless', 'css', 'php', 'js'],
'units' => [],
'pattern' => '',
'navbar_expand_breakpoint' => [
'default_value' => 'lg',
'default_units' => '',
'control' => [
'label' => 'Expand Hamburger Menu',
'description' => 'select the viewport width (Bootstrap breakpoint) ' .
'from which the hambuger menu will expand. ' .
'Think small-to-large, we\'re mobile first!',
'type' => 'select', // alternatively you could also use 'radio'
'possible_values' => [
// use
// value, value, value, ...
// OR
// label => value, label => value, ...
'small (sm, ≥ 576px)' => 'sm',
'medium (md, ≥ 768px)' => 'md',
'large (lg, ≥ 992px)' => 'lg',
'x-large (xl, ≥ 1200px)' => 'xl',
'hamburger forever!' => 'never',
'used_in' => ['scssless', 'css', 'php', 'js'],
'units' => [],
'pattern' => '', // not required for selects '/(sm|md|lg|xl|never)/', TODO remove comment
'main_menu_color' => [
'default_value' => 'rgba(255,255,255,0.6)',
'default_units' => '',
'control' => [
'label' => 'Main Menu Color',
'description' => 'pick the color for the main menu items',
'placeholder' => '',
'type' => 'colorpicker',
'possible_values' => [],
'used_in' => ['scssless', 'css'],
'units' => [],
'pattern' => 'color',
'main_menu_hover_color' => [
'default_value' => 'rgba(255,255,255,0.8)',
'default_units' => '',
'control' => [
'label' => 'Main Menu Hover Color',
'description' => 'pick the color for the ' .
'main menu items as you hover over them',
'placeholder' => '',
'type' => 'colorpicker',
'possible_values' => [],
'used_in' => ['scssless', 'css'],
'units' => [],
'pattern' => 'color',
'main_menu_active_color' => [
'default_value' => '#ffffff',
'default_units' => '',
'control' => [
'label' => 'Main Menu Active Color',
'description' => 'pick the color for the active ' .
'main menu item',
'placeholder' => '',
'type' => 'colorpicker',
'possible_values' => [],
'used_in' => ['scssless', 'css'],
'units' => [],
'pattern' => 'color',
'main_menu_font_family' => [
'default_value' => 'default_sans',
'default_units' => '',
'control' => [
'label' => 'Main Menu Font Family',
'description' => 'choose a font family for the main menu',
'type' => 'select',
'possible_values' => $font_list,
'used_in' => ['scssless'],
'units' => [],
'pattern' => '',
'main_menu_font_size' => [
'default_value' => '1',
'default_units' => 'rem',
'control' => [
'label' => 'Main Menu Font Size',
'description' => 'set the main menu items\' font size',
'type' => 'number',
'possible_values' => [],
'min' => '0',
'max' => false,
'step' => '0.005',
'used_in' => ['scssless', 'css'],
'units' => ['rem'],
'pattern' => 'number',
'main_menu_font_weight' => [
'default_value' => '400',
'default_units' => '',
'control' => [
'label' => 'Main Menu Font Weight',
'description' => 'choose the main menu items\' font weight',
'type' => 'select',
'possible_values' => $font_weights,
'used_in' => ['scssless', 'css'],
'units' => [],
'pattern' => '',
'main_menu_uppercase' => [
'default_value' => false,
'default_units' => '',
'control' => [
'label' => 'Main Menu Uppercase',
'description' => 'make the main menu 1st level items all uppercase',
'type' => 'checkbox',
'possible_values' => [],
'used_in' => ['scssless', 'css'],
'units' => [],
'pattern' => 'onoff',
'main_menu_letter_spacing' => [
'default_value' => '0',
'default_units' => 'em',
'control' => [
'label' => 'Main Menu Letter Spacing',
'description' => 'adjust the tracking (space between characters) ' .
'of the main menu 1st level items',
'type' => 'number',
'possible_values' => [],
'min' => false,
'max' => false,
'step' => '0.005',
'used_in' => ['scssless', 'css'],
'units' => ['em'],
'pattern' => 'number',
'dropdown_bg' => [
'default_value' => '#ffffff',
'default_units' => '',
'control' => [
'label' => 'Dropdown Menu Background',
'description' => 'pick the background color for the ' .
'dropdown menus',
'placeholder' => '',
'type' => 'colorpicker',
'possible_values' => [],
'used_in' => ['scssless', 'css'],
'units' => [],
'pattern' => 'color',
'dropdown_border_color' => [
'default_value' => 'rgba(0,0,0,0.15)',
'default_units' => '',
'control' => [
'label' => 'Dropdown Menu Border',
'description' => 'pick the border color for the ' .
'dropdown menus. Use \'tranparent\' for no border',
'placeholder' => '',
'type' => 'colorpicker',
'possible_values' => [],
'used_in' => ['scssless', 'css'],
'units' => [],
'pattern' => 'color',
'dropdown_link_color' => [
'default_value' => '#212529',
'default_units' => '',
'control' => [
'label' => 'Dropdown Link Color',
'description' => 'pick the color for links in ' .
'dropdown menus',
'placeholder' => '',
'type' => 'colorpicker',
'possible_values' => [],
'used_in' => ['scssless', 'css'],
'units' => [],
'pattern' => 'color',
'dropdown_link_hover_color' => [
'default_value' => '#16181b',
'default_units' => '',
'control' => [
'label' => 'Dropdown Link Hover Color',
'description' => 'pick the color for ' .
'hovered links in dropdown menus',
'placeholder' => '',
'type' => 'colorpicker',
'possible_values' => [],
'used_in' => ['scssless', 'css'],
'units' => [],
'pattern' => 'color',
'dropdown_link_hover_bg' => [
'default_value' => '#f8f9fa',
'default_units' => '',
'control' => [
'label' => 'Dropdown Link Hover Background',
'description' => 'pick the background color for hovered ' .
'links in dropdown menus',
'placeholder' => '',
'type' => 'colorpicker',
'possible_values' => [],
'used_in' => ['scssless', 'css'],
'units' => [],
'pattern' => 'color',
'dropdown_link_active_color' => [
'default_value' => '#ffffff',
'default_units' => '',
'control' => [
'label' => 'Dropdown Link Active Color',
'description' => 'pick the color for ' .
'active links in dropdown menus',
'placeholder' => '',
'type' => 'colorpicker',
'possible_values' => [],
'used_in' => ['scssless', 'css'],
'units' => [],
'pattern' => 'color',
'dropdown_link_active_bg' => [
'default_value' => '#1a73e8',
'default_units' => '',
'control' => [
'label' => 'Dropdown Link Active Background',
'description' => 'pick the background color for ' .
'active links in dropdown menus',
'placeholder' => '',
'type' => 'colorpicker',
'possible_values' => [],
'used_in' => ['scssless', 'css'],
'units' => [],
'pattern' => 'color',
], // end of items
], // end of collapsible UI area
'search' => [
'label' => 'Search Field',
'collapsed' => true,
'items' => [
'search_field_font_family' => [
'default_value' => 'default_sans',
'default_units' => '',
'control' => [
'label' => 'Search Field Font Family',
'description' => 'choose a font family for the search field',
'type' => 'select',
'possible_values' => $font_list,
'used_in' => ['scssless'],
'units' => [],
'pattern' => '',
'search_field_font_size' => [
'default_value' => '1',
'default_units' => 'rem',
'control' => [
'label' => 'Search Field Font Size',
'description' => 'set the font size for the search field',
'type' => 'number',
'possible_values' => [],
'min' => '0',
'max' => false,
'step' => '0.005',
'used_in' => ['scssless', 'css'],
'units' => ['rem'],
'pattern' => 'number',
'search_field_font_weight' => [
'default_value' => '400',
'default_units' => '',
'control' => [
'label' => 'Search Field Font Weight',
'description' => 'choose the search field\'s font weight',
'type' => 'select',
'possible_values' => $font_weights,
'used_in' => ['scssless', 'css'],
'units' => [],
'pattern' => '',
'search_field_bg' => [
'default_value' => '#ffffff',
'default_units' => '',
'control' => [
'label' => 'Search Field Background Color',
'description' => 'pick a background color for the search field',
'placeholder' => '',
'type' => 'colorpicker',
'possible_values' => [],
'used_in' => ['scssless', 'css'],
'units' => [],
'pattern' => 'color',
'search_field_idle_opacity' => [
'default_value' => '0.65',
'default_units' => '',
'control' => [
'label' => 'Search Field Idle Opacity',
'description' => 'set the search field\'s opacity when it\'s inactive',
'type' => 'number',
'possible_values' => [],
'min' => '0',
'max' => '1',
'step' => '0.05',
'used_in' => ['scssless', 'css'],
'units' => [],
'pattern' => 'number',
'search_field_active_opacity' => [
'default_value' => '1',
'default_units' => '',
'control' => [
'label' => 'Search Field Active Opacity',
'description' => 'set the search field\'s opacity when ' .
'it\'s hovered or has the focus',
'type' => 'number',
'possible_values' => [],
'min' => '0',
'max' => '1',
'step' => '0.05',
'used_in' => ['scssless', 'css'],
'units' => [],
'pattern' => 'number',
'search_field_border_color' => [
'default_value' => '#dee2e6',
'default_units' => '',
'control' => [
'label' => 'Search Field Border Color',
'description' => 'pick a border color for the search field. ' .
'Use \'transparent\' to hide the border',
'placeholder' => '',
'type' => 'colorpicker',
'possible_values' => [],
'used_in' => ['scssless', 'css'],
'units' => [],
'pattern' => 'color',
'search_field_color' => [
'default_value' => '#212529', // = $gray-900
'default_units' => '',
'control' => [
'label' => 'Search Field Text Color',
'description' => 'pick a text color for the search field',
'placeholder' => '',
'type' => 'colorpicker',
'possible_values' => [],
'used_in' => ['scssless', 'css'],
'units' => [],
'pattern' => 'color',
], // end of items
], // end of collapsible UI area
'content' => [
'label' => 'Main Content Area',
'collapsed' => true,
'items' => [
'content_use_container' => [
'default_value' => true,
'default_units' => '',
'control' => [
'label' => 'Constrain Content Area Width',
'description' => 'use a Bootstrap container ' .
'to pad the main content area left and right',
'type' => 'checkbox',
'possible_values' => [],
'used_in' => ['php'],
'units' => [],
'pattern' => 'onoff',
'content_bg' => [
'default_value' => '#ffffff', // = $white
'default_units' => '',
'control' => [
'label' => 'Content Background Color',
'description' => 'pick a background color for the content area',
'placeholder' => '',
'type' => 'colorpicker',
'possible_values' => [],
'used_in' => ['scssless', 'css'],
'units' => [],
'pattern' => 'color',
'content_color' => [
'default_value' => '#212529', // = $gray-900
'default_units' => '',
'control' => [
'label' => 'Content Text Color',
'description' => 'pick a body text color for the content area',
'placeholder' => '',
'type' => 'colorpicker',
'possible_values' => [],
'used_in' => ['scssless', 'css'],
'units' => [],
'pattern' => 'color',
'content_font_family' => [
'default_value' => 'default_sans',
'default_units' => '',
'control' => [
'label' => 'Content Font Family',
'description' => 'choose a font family for content body text',
'type' => 'select',
'possible_values' => $font_list,
'used_in' => ['scssless'],
'units' => [],
'pattern' => '',
'content_font_size' => [
'default_value' => '1',
'default_units' => 'rem',
'control' => [
'label' => 'Content Font Size',
'description' => 'the font size of content body text',
'type' => 'number',
'possible_values' => [],
'min' => '0',
'max' => false,
'step' => '0.005',
'used_in' => ['scssless', 'css'],
'units' => ['rem'],
'pattern' => 'number',
'content_font_weight' => [
'default_value' => '400',
'default_units' => '',
'control' => [
'label' => 'Content Font Weight',
'description' => 'choose a font weight for content body text',
'type' => 'select',
'possible_values' => [
'Thin' => '100',
'Extra Light' => '200',
'Light' => '300',
'Regular' => '400',
'Medium' => '500',
'Semi Bold' => '600',
'Bold' => '700',
'Extra Bold' => '800',
'Heavy / Black' => '900',
'used_in' => ['scssless', 'css'],
'units' => [],
'pattern' => '',
'content_link_color' => [
'default_value' => '#1a73e8', // = $blue
'default_units' => '',
'control' => [
'label' => 'Content Link Color',
'description' => 'pick a color for hyperlinks in the content area',
'placeholder' => '',
'type' => 'colorpicker',
'possible_values' => [],
'used_in' => ['scssless', 'css'],
'units' => [],
'pattern' => 'color',
], // end of items
], // end of collapsible UI area
'h1' => [
'label' => '<H1> Headings',
'collapsed' => true,
'items' => [
'h1_font_family' => [
'default_value' => 'default_sans',
'default_units' => '',
'control' => [
'label' => 'Content <H1> Font Family',
'description' => 'load a custom web font family ' .
'from Google Fonts for type 1 headings. ',
'This settings only applies to the content area',
'type' => 'select',
'possible_values' => $font_list,
'used_in' => ['scssless'],
'units' => [],
'pattern' => '',
'h1_color' => [
'default_value' => '#212529', // = $gray-900
'default_units' => '',
'control' => [
'label' => 'Content <H1> Headings Color',
'description' => 'pick a color for type 1 headings. ' .
'This settings only applies to the content area',
'placeholder' => '',
'type' => 'colorpicker',
'possible_values' => [],
'used_in' => ['scssless', 'css'],
'units' => [],
'pattern' => 'color',
'h1_font_size' => [
'default_value' => '2.5',
'default_units' => 'rem',
'control' => [
'label' => '<H1> Headings Font Size',
'description' => 'set the size of type 1 headings. ' .
'This settings also applies to other areas (footer / sidebars) ' .
'but will scale with the font sizes set for these areas',
'type' => 'number',
'possible_values' => [],
'min' => '0',
'max' => false,
'step' => '0.005',
'used_in' => ['scssless', 'css'],
'units' => ['rem'],
'pattern' => 'number',
'h1_font_weight' => [
'default_value' => '500',
'default_units' => '',
'control' => [
'label' => 'Content <H1> Weight',
'description' => 'choose the weight for ' .
'type 1 headings. If the selected weight is not ' .
'available, the closest possible match is used. ' .
'This settings only applies to the content area',
'type' => 'select',
'possible_values' => $font_weights,
'used_in' => ['scssless', 'css'],
'units' => [],
'pattern' => 'number',
'h1_uppercase' => [
'default_value' => false,
'default_units' => '',
'control' => [
'label' => 'Content <H1> Uppercase',
'description' => 'make type 1 headings uppercase. ' .
'This settings only applies to the content area',
'type' => 'checkbox',
'possible_values' => [],
'used_in' => ['scssless', 'css'],
'units' => [],
'pattern' => 'onoff',
'h1_letter_spacing' => [
'default_value' => '0',
'default_units' => 'em',
'control' => [
'label' => 'Content <H1> Letter Spacing',
'description' => 'adjust the tracking (space ' .
'between characters) of type 1 headings. ' .
'This settings only applies to the content area',
'type' => 'number',
'possible_values' => [],
'min' => false,
'max' => false,
'step' => '0.005',
'used_in' => ['scssless', 'css'],
'units' => ['em'],
'pattern' => 'number',
], // end of items
], // end of collapsible UI area
'h2' => [
'label' => '<H2> Headings',
'collapsed' => true,
'items' => [
'h2_font_family' => [
'default_value' => 'default_sans',
'default_units' => '',
'control' => [
'label' => 'Content <H2> Font Family',
'description' => 'load a custom web font family ' .
'from Google Fonts for type 2 headings. ',
'This settings only applies to the content area',
'type' => 'select',
'possible_values' => $font_list,
'used_in' => ['scssless'],
'units' => [],
'pattern' => '',
'h2_color' => [
'default_value' => '#212529', // = $gray-900
'default_units' => '',
'control' => [
'label' => 'Content <H2> Headings Color',
'description' => 'pick a color for type 2 headings. ' .
'This settings only applies to the content area',
'placeholder' => '',
'type' => 'colorpicker',
'possible_values' => [],
'used_in' => ['scssless', 'css'],
'units' => [],
'pattern' => 'color',
'h2_font_size' => [
'default_value' => '2',
'default_units' => 'rem',
'control' => [
'label' => '<H2> Headings Font Size',
'description' => 'set the size of type 2 headings. ' .
'This settings also applies to other areas (footer / sidebars) ' .
'but will scale with the font sizes set for these areas',
'type' => 'number',
'possible_values' => [],
'min' => '0',
'max' => false,
'step' => '0.005',
'used_in' => ['scssless', 'css'],
'units' => ['rem'],
'pattern' => 'number',
'h2_font_weight' => [
'default_value' => '500',
'default_units' => '',
'control' => [
'label' => 'Content <H2> Weight',
'description' => 'choose the weight for ' .
'type 2 headings. If the selected weight is not ' .
'available, the closest possible match is used. ' .
'This settings only applies to the content area',
'type' => 'select',
'possible_values' => $font_weights,
'used_in' => ['scssless', 'css'],
'units' => [],
'pattern' => 'number',
'h2_uppercase' => [
'default_value' => false,
'default_units' => '',
'control' => [
'label' => 'Content <H2> Uppercase',
'description' => 'make type 2 headings uppercase. ' .
'This settings only applies to the content area',
'type' => 'checkbox',
'possible_values' => [],
'used_in' => ['scssless', 'css'],
'units' => [],
'pattern' => 'onoff',
'h2_letter_spacing' => [
'default_value' => '0',
'default_units' => 'em',
'control' => [
'label' => 'Content <H2> Letter Spacing',
'description' => 'adjust the tracking (space ' .
'between characters) of type 2 headings. ' .
'This settings only applies to the content area',
'type' => 'number',
'possible_values' => [],
'min' => false,
'max' => false,
'step' => '0.005',
'used_in' => ['scssless', 'css'],
'units' => ['em'],
'pattern' => 'number',
], // end of items
], // end of collapsible UI area
'h3' => [
'label' => '<H3> Headings',
'collapsed' => true,
'items' => [
'h3_font_family' => [
'default_value' => 'default_sans',
'default_units' => '',
'control' => [
'label' => 'Content <H3> Font Family',
'description' => 'load a custom web font family ' .
'from Google Fonts for type 3 headings. ',
'This settings only applies to the content area',
'type' => 'select',
'possible_values' => $font_list,
'used_in' => ['scssless'],
'units' => [],
'pattern' => '',
'h3_color' => [
'default_value' => '#212529', // = $gray-900
'default_units' => '',
'control' => [
'label' => 'Content <H3> Headings Color',
'description' => 'pick a color for type 3 headings. ' .
'This settings only applies to the content area',
'placeholder' => '',
'type' => 'colorpicker',
'possible_values' => [],
'used_in' => ['scssless', 'css'],
'units' => [],
'pattern' => 'color',
'h3_font_size' => [
'default_value' => '1.75',
'default_units' => 'rem',
'control' => [
'label' => '<H3> Headings Font Size',
'description' => 'set the size of type 3 headings. ' .
'This settings also applies to other areas (footer / sidebars) ' .
'but will scale with the font sizes set for these areas',
'type' => 'number',
'possible_values' => [],
'min' => '0',
'max' => false,
'step' => '0.005',
'used_in' => ['scssless', 'css'],
'units' => ['rem'],
'pattern' => 'number',
'h3_font_weight' => [
'default_value' => '500',
'default_units' => '',
'control' => [
'label' => 'Content <H3> Weight',
'description' => 'choose the weight for ' .
'type 3 headings. If the selected weight is not ' .
'available, the closest possible match is used. ' .
'This settings only applies to the content area',
'type' => 'select',
'possible_values' => $font_weights,
'used_in' => ['scssless', 'css'],
'units' => [],
'pattern' => 'number',
'h3_uppercase' => [
'default_value' => false,
'default_units' => '',
'control' => [
'label' => 'Content <H3> Uppercase',
'description' => 'make type 3 headings uppercase. ' .
'This settings only applies to the content area',
'type' => 'checkbox',
'possible_values' => [],
'used_in' => ['scssless', 'css'],
'units' => [],
'pattern' => 'onoff',
'h3_letter_spacing' => [
'default_value' => '0',
'default_units' => 'em',
'control' => [
'label' => 'Content <H3> Letter Spacing',
'description' => 'adjust the tracking (space ' .
'between characters) of type 3 headings. ' .
'This settings only applies to the content area',
'type' => 'number',
'possible_values' => [],
'min' => false,
'max' => false,
'step' => '0.005',
'used_in' => ['scssless', 'css'],
'units' => ['em'],
'pattern' => 'number',
], // end of items
], // end of collapsible UI area
'h4' => [
'label' => '<H4> Headings',
'collapsed' => true,
'items' => [
'h4_font_family' => [
'default_value' => 'default_sans',
'default_units' => '',
'control' => [
'label' => 'Content <H4> Font Family',
'description' => 'load a custom web font family ' .
'from Google Fonts for type 4 headings. ',
'This settings only applies to the content area',
'type' => 'select',
'possible_values' => $font_list,
'used_in' => ['scssless'],
'units' => [],
'pattern' => '',
'h4_color' => [
'default_value' => '#212529', // = $gray-900
'default_units' => '',
'control' => [
'label' => 'Content <H4> Headings Color',
'description' => 'pick a color for type 4 headings. ' .
'This settings only applies to the content area',
'placeholder' => '',
'type' => 'colorpicker',
'possible_values' => [],
'used_in' => ['scssless', 'css'],
'units' => [],
'pattern' => 'color',
'h4_font_size' => [
'default_value' => '1.5',
'default_units' => 'rem',
'control' => [
'label' => '<H4> Headings Font Size',
'description' => 'set the size of type 4 headings. ' .
'This settings also applies to other areas (footer / sidebars) ' .
'but will scale with the font sizes set for these areas',
'type' => 'number',
'possible_values' => [],
'min' => '0',
'max' => false,
'step' => '0.005',
'used_in' => ['scssless', 'css'],
'units' => ['rem'],
'pattern' => 'number',
'h4_font_weight' => [
'default_value' => '500',
'default_units' => '',
'control' => [
'label' => 'Content <H4> Weight',
'description' => 'choose the weight for ' .
'type 4 headings. If the selected weight is not ' .
'available, the closest possible match is used. ' .
'This settings only applies to the content area',
'type' => 'select',
'possible_values' => $font_weights,
'used_in' => ['scssless', 'css'],
'units' => [],
'pattern' => 'number',
'h4_uppercase' => [
'default_value' => false,
'default_units' => '',
'control' => [
'label' => 'Content <H4> Uppercase',
'description' => 'make type 4 headings uppercase. ' .
'This settings only applies to the content area',
'type' => 'checkbox',
'possible_values' => [],
'used_in' => ['scssless', 'css'],
'units' => [],
'pattern' => 'onoff',
'h4_letter_spacing' => [
'default_value' => '0',
'default_units' => 'em',
'control' => [
'label' => 'Content <H4> Letter Spacing',
'description' => 'adjust the tracking (space ' .
'between characters) of type 4 headings. ' .
'This settings only applies to the content area',
'type' => 'number',
'possible_values' => [],
'min' => false,
'max' => false,
'step' => '0.005',
'used_in' => ['scssless', 'css'],
'units' => ['em'],
'pattern' => 'number',
], // end of items
], // end of collapsible UI area
'h5' => [
'label' => '<H5> Headings',
'collapsed' => true,
'items' => [
'h5_font_family' => [
'default_value' => 'default_sans',
'default_units' => '',
'control' => [
'label' => 'Content <H5> Font Family',
'description' => 'load a custom web font family ' .
'from Google Fonts for type 5 headings. ',
'This settings only applies to the content area',
'type' => 'select',
'possible_values' => $font_list,
'used_in' => ['scssless'],
'units' => [],
'pattern' => '',
'h5_color' => [
'default_value' => '#212529', // = $gray-900
'default_units' => '',
'control' => [
'label' => 'Content <H5> Headings Color',
'description' => 'pick a color for type 5 headings. ' .
'This settings only applies to the content area',
'placeholder' => '',
'type' => 'colorpicker',
'possible_values' => [],
'used_in' => ['scssless', 'css'],
'units' => [],
'pattern' => 'color',
'h5_font_size' => [
'default_value' => '1.25',
'default_units' => 'rem',
'control' => [
'label' => '<H5> Headings Font Size',
'description' => 'set the size of type 5 headings. ' .
'This settings also applies to other areas (footer / sidebars) ' .
'but will scale with the font sizes set for these areas',
'type' => 'number',
'possible_values' => [],
'min' => '0',
'max' => false,
'step' => '0.005',
'used_in' => ['scssless', 'css'],
'units' => ['rem'],
'pattern' => 'number',
'h5_font_weight' => [
'default_value' => '500',
'default_units' => '',
'control' => [
'label' => 'Content <H5> Weight',
'description' => 'choose the weight for ' .
'type 5 headings. If the selected weight is not ' .
'available, the closest possible match is used. ' .
'This settings only applies to the content area',
'type' => 'select',
'possible_values' => $font_weights,
'used_in' => ['scssless', 'css'],
'units' => [],
'pattern' => 'number',
'h5_uppercase' => [
'default_value' => false,
'default_units' => '',
'control' => [
'label' => 'Content <H5> Uppercase',
'description' => 'make type 5 headings uppercase. ' .
'This settings only applies to the content area',
'type' => 'checkbox',
'possible_values' => [],
'used_in' => ['scssless', 'css'],
'units' => [],
'pattern' => 'onoff',
'h5_letter_spacing' => [
'default_value' => '0',
'default_units' => 'em',
'control' => [
'label' => 'Content <H5> Letter Spacing',
'description' => 'adjust the tracking (space ' .
'between characters) of type 5 headings. ' .
'This settings only applies to the content area',
'type' => 'number',
'possible_values' => [],
'min' => false,
'max' => false,
'step' => '0.005',
'used_in' => ['scssless', 'css'],
'units' => ['em'],
'pattern' => 'number',
], // end of items
], // end of collapsible UI area
'h6' => [
'label' => '<H6> Headings',
'collapsed' => true,
'items' => [
'h6_font_family' => [
'default_value' => 'default_sans',
'default_units' => '',
'control' => [
'label' => 'Content <H6> Font Family',
'description' => 'load a custom web font family ' .
'from Google Fonts for type 6 headings. ',
'This settings only applies to the content area',
'type' => 'select',
'possible_values' => $font_list,
'used_in' => ['scssless'],
'units' => [],
'pattern' => '',
'h6_color' => [
'default_value' => '#212529', // = $gray-900
'default_units' => '',
'control' => [
'label' => 'Content <H6> Headings Color',
'description' => 'pick a color for type 6 headings. ' .
'This settings only applies to the content area',
'placeholder' => '',
'type' => 'colorpicker',
'possible_values' => [],
'used_in' => ['scssless', 'css'],
'units' => [],
'pattern' => 'color',
'h6_font_size' => [
'default_value' => '1',
'default_units' => 'rem',
'control' => [
'label' => '<H6> Headings Font Size',
'description' => 'set the size of type 6 headings. ' .
'This settings also applies to other areas (footer / sidebars) ' .
'but will scale with the font sizes set for these areas',
'type' => 'number',
'possible_values' => [],
'min' => '0',
'max' => false,
'step' => '0.005',
'used_in' => ['scssless', 'css'],
'units' => ['rem'],
'pattern' => 'number',
'h6_font_weight' => [
'default_value' => '500',
'default_units' => '',
'control' => [
'label' => 'Content <H6> Weight',
'description' => 'choose the weight for ' .
'type 6 headings. If the selected weight is not ' .
'available, the closest possible match is used. ' .
'This settings only applies to the content area',
'type' => 'select',
'possible_values' => $font_weights,
'used_in' => ['scssless', 'css'],
'units' => [],
'pattern' => 'number',
'h6_uppercase' => [
'default_value' => false,
'default_units' => '',
'control' => [
'label' => 'Content <H6> Uppercase',
'description' => 'make type 6 headings uppercase. ' .
'This settings only applies to the content area',
'type' => 'checkbox',
'possible_values' => [],
'used_in' => ['scssless', 'css'],
'units' => [],
'pattern' => 'onoff',
'h6_letter_spacing' => [
'default_value' => '0',
'default_units' => 'em',
'control' => [
'label' => 'Content <H6> Letter Spacing',
'description' => 'adjust the tracking (space ' .
'between characters) of type 6 headings. ' .
'This settings only applies to the content area',
'type' => 'number',
'possible_values' => [],
'min' => false,
'max' => false,
'step' => '0.005',
'used_in' => ['scssless', 'css'],
'units' => ['em'],
'pattern' => 'number',
], // end of items
], // end of collapsible UI area
'footer' => [
'label' => 'Page Footer Area',
'collapsed' => true,
'items' => [
'footer_use_container' => [
'default_value' => true,
'default_units' => '',
'control' => [
'label' => 'Constrain Footer Content Width',
'description' => 'use a Bootstrap container ' .
'to pad the footer\'s content left and right',
'type' => 'checkbox',
'possible_values' => [],
'used_in' => ['php'],
'units' => [],
'pattern' => 'onoff',
'footer_bg' => [
'default_value' => '#e9ecef', // = $gray-200
'default_units' => '',
'control' => [
'label' => 'Footer Background Color',
'description' => 'pick a background color for the footer',
'placeholder' => '',
'type' => 'colorpicker',
'possible_values' => [],
'used_in' => ['scssless', 'css'],
'units' => [],
'pattern' => 'color',
'footer_border_top_width' => [
'default_value' => '1',
'default_units' => 'px',
'control' => [
'label' => 'Footer Top Border Width',
'description' => 'set a width for the bottom border of the header, use 0 if you don\'t want a border',
'type' => 'number',
'min' => '0',
'max' => false,
'possible_values' => [],
'used_in' => ['scssless', 'css'],
'units' => ['px', 'rem'],
'pattern' => 'number',
'footer_border_top_color' => [
'default_value' => 'rgba(127,127,127,0.25)',
'default_units' => '',
'control' => [
'label' => 'Footer Top Border Color',
'description' => 'pick a border color for the footer',
'placeholder' => '',
'type' => 'colorpicker',
'possible_values' => [],
'used_in' => ['scssless', 'css'],
'units' => [],
'pattern' => 'color',
'footer_color' => [
'default_value' => '#212529', // = $gray-900
'default_units' => '',
'control' => [
'label' => 'Footer Text Color',
'description' => 'pick a text color for the footer',
'placeholder' => '',
'type' => 'colorpicker',
'possible_values' => [],
'used_in' => ['scssless', 'css'],
'units' => [],
'pattern' => 'color',
'footer_link_color' => [
'default_value' => '#1a73e8', // = $blue
'default_units' => '',
'control' => [
'label' => 'Footer Link Color',
'description' => 'pick a color for hyperlinks in the footer',
'placeholder' => '',
'type' => 'colorpicker',
'possible_values' => [],
'used_in' => ['scssless', 'css'],
'units' => [],
'pattern' => 'color',
'footer_font_family' => [
'default_value' => 'default_sans',
'default_units' => '',
'control' => [
'label' => 'Footer Font Family',
'description' => 'choose a font family for footer text',
'type' => 'select',
'possible_values' => $font_list,
'used_in' => ['scssless'],
'units' => [],
'pattern' => '',
'footer_font_size' => [
'default_value' => '1',
'default_units' => 'rem',
'control' => [
'label' => 'Footer Font Size',
'description' => 'the font size of text in the footer',
'type' => 'number',
'possible_values' => [],
'min' => '0',
'max' => false,
'step' => '0.005',
'used_in' => ['scssless', 'css'],
'units' => ['rem'],
'pattern' => 'number',
'footer_font_weight' => [
'default_value' => '400',
'default_units' => '',
'control' => [
'label' => 'Footer Font Weight',
'description' => 'choose a font weight for footer text',
'type' => 'select',
'possible_values' => $font_weights,
'used_in' => ['scssless', 'css'],
'units' => [],
'pattern' => '',
'footer_headings_color' => [
'default_value' => '#343a40', // = $gray-800
'default_units' => '',
'control' => [
'label' => 'Footer Headings Color',
'description' => 'pick a color for headings in the footer',
'placeholder' => '',
'type' => 'colorpicker',
'possible_values' => [],
'used_in' => ['scssless', 'css'],
'units' => [],
'pattern' => 'color',
'footer_headings_font_family' => [
'default_value' => 'default_sans',
'default_units' => '',
'control' => [
'label' => 'Footer Headings Font Family',
'description' => 'choose a font family for headings in the footer',
'type' => 'select',
'possible_values' => $font_list,
'used_in' => ['scssless'],
'units' => [],
'pattern' => '',
'footer_headings_font_weight' => [
'default_value' => '400',
'default_units' => '',
'control' => [
'label' => 'Footer Headings Font Weight',
'description' => 'choose a font weight for headings in the footer',
'type' => 'select',
'possible_values' => $font_weights,
'used_in' => ['scssless', 'css'],
'units' => [],
'pattern' => '',
'footer_headings_uppercase' => [
'default_value' => false,
'default_units' => '',
'control' => [
'label' => 'Footer Headings Uppercase',
'description' => 'make all headings in the footer uppercase',
'type' => 'checkbox',
'possible_values' => [],
'used_in' => ['scssless', 'css'],
'units' => [],
'pattern' => 'onoff',
'footer_headings_letter_spacing' => [
'default_value' => '0',
'default_units' => 'em',
'control' => [
'label' => 'Footer Headings Letter Spacing',
'description' => 'adjust the tracking (space ' .
'between characters) of all headings ' .
'in the footer',
'type' => 'number',
'possible_values' => [],
'min' => false,
'max' => false,
'step' => '0.005',
'used_in' => ['scssless', 'css'],
'units' => ['em'],
'pattern' => 'number',
], // end of items
], // end of collapsible UI area
'settings' => [
'label' => 'Settings',
'collapsed' => true,
'items' => [
'use_avail_classes' => [
'default_value' => true,
'default_units' => '',
'control' => [
'label' => 'Use Optimized Classes',
'description' => 'when editing pages using this layout, ' .
'the settings specified under Admin Menu → Settings → Manage Classes ' .
'are replaced by a set optimized for this theme',
'type' => 'checkbox',
'possible_values' => [],
'used_in' => ['php'],
'units' => [],
'pattern' => 'onoff',
], // end of collapsible UI area