diff --git a/options/locale/locale_en-US.ini b/options/locale/locale_en-US.ini index 4d22aa2fd9..4b3edc9057 100644 --- a/options/locale/locale_en-US.ini +++ b/options/locale/locale_en-US.ini @@ -1045,7 +1045,7 @@ pulls.rebase_merge_commit_pull_request = Rebase and Merge (--no-ff) pulls.squash_merge_pull_request = Squash and Merge pulls.invalid_merge_option = You cannot use this merge option for this pull request. pulls.merge_conflict = Merge Failed: There was a conflict whilst merging: %[1]s
Hint: Try a different strategy -pulls.rebase_conflict = Merge Failed: There was a conflict whilst rebasing commit: %s[1]
Hint:Try a different strategy +pulls.rebase_conflict = Merge Failed: There was a conflict whilst rebasing commit: %[1]s
Hint:Try a different strategy pulls.unrelated_histories = Merge Failed: The merge head and base do not share a common history. Hint: Try a different strategy pulls.merge_out_of_date = Merge Failed: Whilst generating the merge, the base was updated. Hint: Try again. pulls.open_unmerged_pull_exists = `You cannot perform a reopen operation because there is a pending pull request (#%d) with identical properties.`