workspace: base: /srv/app path: src/ clone: git: image: plugins/git:latest depth: 50 tags: true pipeline: build: image: webhippie/golang:edge pull: true environment: TAGS: bindata sqlite GOPATH: /srv/app commands: - make clean - make generate - make vet - make lint - make stylesheets-check - make misspell-check - make test-vendor - make build when: event: [ push, tag, pull_request ] test: image: webhippie/golang:edge pull: true group: test environment: TAGS: bindata sqlite GOPATH: /srv/app commands: - make test when: event: [ pull_request ] coverage: image: webhippie/golang:edge pull: true group: test environment: TAGS: bindata sqlite GOPATH: /srv/app commands: - make coverage when: event: [ push, tag ] branch: master test-sqlite: image: webhippie/golang:edge pull: true group: test environment: TAGS: bindata GOPATH: /srv/app commands: - echo "Needs to be fixed" # make test-sqlite when: event: [ push, tag, pull_request ] test-mysql: image: webhippie/golang:edge pull: true group: test environment: TAGS: bindata GOPATH: /srv/app commands: - make test-mysql when: event: [ push, tag, pull_request ] test-pgsql: image: webhippie/golang:edge pull: true group: test environment: TAGS: bindata GOPATH: /srv/app commands: - make test-pgsql when: event: [ push, tag, pull_request ] static: image: karalabe/xgo-latest:latest pull: true environment: TAGS: bindata sqlite GOPATH: /srv/app commands: - make release when: event: [ push, tag ] # coverage: # image: plugins/coverage:latest # pull: true # secrets: [ github_token ] # server: docker: image: plugins/docker:latest pull: true secrets: [ docker_username, docker_password ] repo: gitea/gitea tags: [ '${DRONE_TAG##v}' ] when: event: [ tag ] branch: [ refs/tags/* ] docker: image: plugins/docker:latest pull: true secrets: [ docker_username, docker_password ] repo: gitea/gitea tags: [ '${DRONE_BRANCH##release/v}' ] when: event: [ push ] branch: [ release/* ] docker: image: plugins/docker:latest pull: true secrets: [ docker_username, docker_password ] repo: gitea/gitea tags: [ 'latest' ] when: event: [ push ] branch: [ master ] release: image: plugins/s3:latest pull: true secrets: [ s3_access_key, s3_secret_key ] endpoint: path_style: true strip_prefix: dist/release/ source: dist/release/* target: /gitea/${DRONE_TAG##v} when: event: [ tag ] branch: [ refs/tags/* ] release: image: plugins/s3:latest pull: true secrets: [ s3_access_key, s3_secret_key ] endpoint: path_style: true strip_prefix: dist/release/ source: dist/release/* target: /gitea/${DRONE_BRANCH##release/v} when: event: [ push ] branch: [ release/* ] release: image: plugins/s3:latest pull: true secrets: [ s3_access_key, s3_secret_key ] endpoint: path_style: true strip_prefix: dist/release/ source: dist/release/* target: /gitea/master when: event: [ push ] branch: [ master ] github: image: plugins/github-release:latest pull: true files: - dist/release/* when: event: [ tag ] branch: [ refs/tags/* ] discord: image: appleboy/drone-discord:latest pull: true secrets: [ discord_webhook_id, discord_webhook_token ] when: event: [ push, tag, pull_request ] status: [ changed, failure ] services: mysql: image: mysql:5.7 environment: - MYSQL_DATABASE=test - MYSQL_ALLOW_EMPTY_PASSWORD=yes when: event: [ push, tag, pull_request ] pgsql: image: postgres:9.5 environment: - POSTGRES_DB=test when: event: [ push, tag, pull_request ]