// Copyright 2017 The Gitea Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a MIT-style // license that can be found in the LICENSE file. package markdown_test import ( "strings" "testing" . "code.gitea.io/gitea/modules/markup/markdown" "code.gitea.io/gitea/modules/setting" "code.gitea.io/gitea/modules/util" "github.com/stretchr/testify/assert" ) const AppURL = "http://localhost:3000/" const Repo = "gogits/gogs" const AppSubURL = AppURL + Repo + "/" func TestRender_StandardLinks(t *testing.T) { setting.AppURL = AppURL setting.AppSubURL = AppSubURL test := func(input, expected, expectedWiki string) { buffer := RenderString(input, setting.AppSubURL, nil) assert.Equal(t, strings.TrimSpace(expected), strings.TrimSpace(string(buffer))) bufferWiki := RenderWiki([]byte(input), setting.AppSubURL, nil) assert.Equal(t, strings.TrimSpace(expectedWiki), strings.TrimSpace(bufferWiki)) } googleRendered := `


` test("", googleRendered, googleRendered) lnk := util.URLJoin(AppSubURL, "WikiPage") lnkWiki := util.URLJoin(AppSubURL, "wiki", "WikiPage") test("[WikiPage](WikiPage)", `


`, `


`) } func TestMisc_IsMarkdownFile(t *testing.T) { setting.Markdown.FileExtensions = []string{".md", ".markdown", ".mdown", ".mkd"} trueTestCases := []string{ "test.md", "wow.MARKDOWN", "LOL.mDoWn", } falseTestCases := []string{ "test", "abcdefg", "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz", "test.md.test", } for _, testCase := range trueTestCases { assert.True(t, IsMarkdownFile(testCase)) } for _, testCase := range falseTestCases { assert.False(t, IsMarkdownFile(testCase)) } } func TestRender_Images(t *testing.T) { setting.AppURL = AppURL setting.AppSubURL = AppSubURL test := func(input, expected string) { buffer := RenderString(input, setting.AppSubURL, nil) assert.Equal(t, strings.TrimSpace(expected), strings.TrimSpace(string(buffer))) } url := "../../.images/src/02/train.jpg" title := "Train" href := "https://gitea.io" result := util.URLJoin(AppSubURL, url) test( "!["+title+"]("+url+")", `


`) test( "[["+title+"|"+url+"]]", `


`) test( "[!["+title+"]("+url+")]("+href+")", `


`) } func testAnswers(baseURLContent, baseURLImages string) []string { return []string{ `

Wiki! Enjoy :)

Ideas and codes

`, `

What is Wine Staging?

Wine Staging on website wine-staging.com.

Here are some links to the most important topics. You can find the full list of pages at the sidebar.

images/icon-install.png Installation
images/icon-usage.png Usage
`, `

Excelsior JET allows you to create native executables for Windows, Linux and Mac OS X.

  1. Package your libGDX application images/1.png
  2. Perform a test run by hitting the Run! button. images/2.png

More tests

(from https://www.markdownguide.org/extended-syntax/)

Definition list

First Term
This is the definition of the first term.
Second Term
This is one definition of the second term.
This is another definition of the second term.


Here is a simple footnote,1 and here is a longer one.2

  1. This is the first footnote.
  2. Here is one with multiple paragraphs and code.

    Indent paragraphs to include them in the footnote.

    { my code }

    Add as many paragraphs as you like.

`, } } // Test cases without ambiguous links var sameCases = []string{ // dear imgui wiki markdown extract: special wiki syntax `Wiki! Enjoy :) - [[Links, Language bindings, Engine bindings|Links]] - [[Tips]] Ideas and codes - Bezier widget (by @r-lyeh) ` + AppURL + `ocornut/imgui/issues/786 - Node graph editors https://github.com/ocornut/imgui/issues/306 - [[Memory Editor|memory_editor_example]] - [[Plot var helper|plot_var_example]]`, // wine-staging wiki home extract: tables, special wiki syntax, images `## What is Wine Staging? **Wine Staging** on website [wine-staging.com](http://wine-staging.com). ## Quick Links Here are some links to the most important topics. You can find the full list of pages at the sidebar. | [[images/icon-install.png]] | [[Installation]] | |--------------------------------|----------------------------------------------------------| | [[images/icon-usage.png]] | [[Usage]] | `, // libgdx wiki page: inline images with special syntax `[Excelsior JET](http://www.excelsiorjet.com/) allows you to create native executables for Windows, Linux and Mac OS X. 1. [Package your libGDX application](https://github.com/libgdx/libgdx/wiki/Gradle-on-the-Commandline#packaging-for-the-desktop) [[images/1.png]] 2. Perform a test run by hitting the Run! button. [[images/2.png]] ## More tests {#custom-id} (from https://www.markdownguide.org/extended-syntax/) ### Definition list First Term : This is the definition of the first term. Second Term : This is one definition of the second term. : This is another definition of the second term. ### Footnotes Here is a simple footnote,[^1] and here is a longer one.[^bignote] [^1]: This is the first footnote. [^bignote]: Here is one with multiple paragraphs and code. Indent paragraphs to include them in the footnote. ` + "`{ my code }`" + ` Add as many paragraphs as you like. `, } func TestTotal_RenderWiki(t *testing.T) { answers := testAnswers(util.URLJoin(AppSubURL, "wiki/"), util.URLJoin(AppSubURL, "wiki", "raw/")) for i := 0; i < len(sameCases); i++ { line := RenderWiki([]byte(sameCases[i]), AppSubURL, nil) assert.Equal(t, answers[i], line) } testCases := []string{ // Guard wiki sidebar: special syntax `[[Guardfile-DSL / Configuring-Guard|Guardfile-DSL---Configuring-Guard]]`, // rendered `

Guardfile-DSL / Configuring-Guard

`, // special syntax `[[Name|Link]]`, // rendered `


`, } for i := 0; i < len(testCases); i += 2 { line := RenderWiki([]byte(testCases[i]), AppSubURL, nil) assert.Equal(t, testCases[i+1], line) } } func TestTotal_RenderString(t *testing.T) { answers := testAnswers(util.URLJoin(AppSubURL, "src", "master/"), util.URLJoin(AppSubURL, "raw", "master/")) for i := 0; i < len(sameCases); i++ { line := RenderString(sameCases[i], util.URLJoin(AppSubURL, "src", "master/"), nil) assert.Equal(t, answers[i], line) } testCases := []string{} for i := 0; i < len(testCases); i += 2 { line := RenderString(testCases[i], AppSubURL, nil) assert.Equal(t, testCases[i+1], line) } }