// Copyright 2015 go-swagger maintainers // // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. // You may obtain a copy of the License at // // http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 // // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and // limitations under the License. package runtime // Statuses lists the most common HTTP status codes to default message // taken from https://httpstatuses.com/ var Statuses = map[int]string{ 100: "Continue", 101: "Switching Protocols", 102: "Processing", 103: "Checkpoint", 122: "URI too long", 200: "OK", 201: "Created", 202: "Accepted", 203: "Request Processed", 204: "No Content", 205: "Reset Content", 206: "Partial Content", 207: "Multi-Status", 208: "Already Reported", 226: "IM Used", 300: "Multiple Choices", 301: "Moved Permanently", 302: "Found", 303: "See Other", 304: "Not Modified", 305: "Use Proxy", 306: "Switch Proxy", 307: "Temporary Redirect", 308: "Permanent Redirect", 400: "Bad Request", 401: "Unauthorized", 402: "Payment Required", 403: "Forbidden", 404: "Not Found", 405: "Method Not Allowed", 406: "Not Acceptable", 407: "Proxy Authentication Required", 408: "Request Timeout", 409: "Conflict", 410: "Gone", 411: "Length Required", 412: "Precondition Failed", 413: "Request Entity Too Large", 414: "Request-URI Too Long", 415: "Unsupported Media Type", 416: "Request Range Not Satisfiable", 417: "Expectation Failed", 418: "I'm a teapot", 420: "Enhance Your Calm", 422: "Unprocessable Entity", 423: "Locked", 424: "Failed Dependency", 426: "Upgrade Required", 428: "Precondition Required", 429: "Too Many Requests", 431: "Request Header Fields Too Large", 444: "No Response", 449: "Retry With", 450: "Blocked by Windows Parental Controls", 451: "Wrong Exchange Server", 499: "Client Closed Request", 500: "Internal Server Error", 501: "Not Implemented", 502: "Bad Gateway", 503: "Service Unavailable", 504: "Gateway Timeout", 505: "HTTP Version Not Supported", 506: "Variant Also Negotiates", 507: "Insufficient Storage", 508: "Loop Detected", 509: "Bandwidth Limit Exceeded", 510: "Not Extended", 511: "Network Authentication Required", 598: "Network read timeout error", 599: "Network connect timeout error", }