// Copyright 2019 The Xorm Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style // license that can be found in the LICENSE file. package core import ( "fmt" "strings" ) // Filter is an interface to filter SQL type Filter interface { Do(sql string, dialect Dialect, table *Table) string } // QuoteFilter filter SQL replace ` to database's own quote character type QuoteFilter struct { } func (s *QuoteFilter) Do(sql string, dialect Dialect, table *Table) string { dummy := dialect.Quote("") if len(dummy) != 2 { return sql } prefix, suffix := dummy[0], dummy[1] raw := []byte(sql) for i, cnt := 0, 0; i < len(raw); i = i + 1 { if raw[i] == '`' { if cnt%2 == 0 { raw[i] = prefix } else { raw[i] = suffix } cnt++ } } return string(raw) } // IdFilter filter SQL replace (id) to primary key column name type IdFilter struct { } type Quoter struct { dialect Dialect } func NewQuoter(dialect Dialect) *Quoter { return &Quoter{dialect} } func (q *Quoter) Quote(content string) string { return q.dialect.Quote(content) } func (i *IdFilter) Do(sql string, dialect Dialect, table *Table) string { quoter := NewQuoter(dialect) if table != nil && len(table.PrimaryKeys) == 1 { sql = strings.Replace(sql, " `(id)` ", " "+quoter.Quote(table.PrimaryKeys[0])+" ", -1) sql = strings.Replace(sql, " "+quoter.Quote("(id)")+" ", " "+quoter.Quote(table.PrimaryKeys[0])+" ", -1) return strings.Replace(sql, " (id) ", " "+quoter.Quote(table.PrimaryKeys[0])+" ", -1) } return sql } // SeqFilter filter SQL replace ?, ? ... to $1, $2 ... type SeqFilter struct { Prefix string Start int } func (s *SeqFilter) Do(sql string, dialect Dialect, table *Table) string { segs := strings.Split(sql, "?") size := len(segs) res := "" for i, c := range segs { if i < size-1 { res += c + fmt.Sprintf("%s%v", s.Prefix, i+s.Start) } } res += segs[size-1] return res }