// Copyright 2015 go-swagger maintainers // // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. // You may obtain a copy of the License at // // http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 // // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and // limitations under the License. package generator import ( "encoding/json" "errors" "fmt" "os" "path" "path/filepath" "sort" "strings" "github.com/go-openapi/analysis" "github.com/go-openapi/loads" "github.com/go-openapi/runtime" "github.com/go-openapi/spec" "github.com/go-openapi/swag" ) type respSort struct { Code int Response spec.Response } type responses []respSort func (s responses) Len() int { return len(s) } func (s responses) Swap(i, j int) { s[i], s[j] = s[j], s[i] } func (s responses) Less(i, j int) bool { return s[i].Code < s[j].Code } // sortedResponses produces a sorted list of responses. // TODO: this is redundant with the definition given in struct.go func sortedResponses(input map[int]spec.Response) responses { var res responses for k, v := range input { if k > 0 { res = append(res, respSort{k, v}) } } sort.Sort(res) return res } // GenerateServerOperation generates a parameter model, parameter validator, http handler implementations for a given operation // It also generates an operation handler interface that uses the parameter model for handling a valid request. // Allows for specifying a list of tags to include only certain tags for the generation func GenerateServerOperation(operationNames []string, opts *GenOpts) error { if opts == nil { return errors.New("gen opts are required") } templates.LoadDefaults() if opts.TemplateDir != "" { if err := templates.LoadDir(opts.TemplateDir); err != nil { return err } } if err := opts.CheckOpts(); err != nil { return err } // Load the spec _, specDoc, err := loadSpec(opts.Spec) if err != nil { return err } // Validate and Expand. specDoc is in/out param. specDoc, err = validateAndFlattenSpec(opts, specDoc) if err != nil { return err } analyzed := analysis.New(specDoc.Spec()) ops := gatherOperations(analyzed, operationNames) if len(ops) == 0 { return errors.New("no operations were selected") } for operationName, opRef := range ops { method, path, operation := opRef.Method, opRef.Path, opRef.Op defaultScheme := opts.DefaultScheme if defaultScheme == "" { defaultScheme = sHTTP } defaultProduces := opts.DefaultProduces if defaultProduces == "" { defaultProduces = runtime.JSONMime } defaultConsumes := opts.DefaultConsumes if defaultConsumes == "" { defaultConsumes = runtime.JSONMime } serverPackage := opts.LanguageOpts.ManglePackagePath(opts.ServerPackage, "server") generator := operationGenerator{ Name: operationName, Method: method, Path: path, BasePath: specDoc.BasePath(), APIPackage: opts.LanguageOpts.ManglePackagePath(opts.APIPackage, "api"), ModelsPackage: opts.LanguageOpts.ManglePackagePath(opts.ModelPackage, "definitions"), ClientPackage: opts.LanguageOpts.ManglePackagePath(opts.ClientPackage, "client"), ServerPackage: serverPackage, Operation: *operation, SecurityRequirements: analyzed.SecurityRequirementsFor(operation), SecurityDefinitions: analyzed.SecurityDefinitionsFor(operation), Principal: opts.Principal, Target: filepath.Join(opts.Target, filepath.FromSlash(serverPackage)), Base: opts.Target, Tags: opts.Tags, IncludeHandler: opts.IncludeHandler, IncludeParameters: opts.IncludeParameters, IncludeResponses: opts.IncludeResponses, IncludeValidator: true, // we no more support the CLI option to disable validation DumpData: opts.DumpData, DefaultScheme: defaultScheme, DefaultProduces: defaultProduces, DefaultConsumes: defaultConsumes, Doc: specDoc, Analyzed: analyzed, GenOpts: opts, } if err := generator.Generate(); err != nil { return err } } return nil } type operationGenerator struct { Authorized bool IncludeHandler bool IncludeParameters bool IncludeResponses bool IncludeValidator bool DumpData bool Principal string Target string Base string Name string Method string Path string BasePath string APIPackage string ModelsPackage string ServerPackage string ClientPackage string Operation spec.Operation SecurityRequirements [][]analysis.SecurityRequirement SecurityDefinitions map[string]spec.SecurityScheme Tags []string DefaultScheme string DefaultProduces string DefaultConsumes string Doc *loads.Document Analyzed *analysis.Spec GenOpts *GenOpts } func intersectTags(left, right []string) (filtered []string) { if len(right) == 0 { filtered = left return } for _, l := range left { if containsString(right, l) { filtered = append(filtered, l) } } return } func (o *operationGenerator) Generate() error { // Build a list of codegen operations based on the tags, // the tag decides the actual package for an operation // the user specified package serves as root for generating the directory structure var operations GenOperations authed := len(o.SecurityRequirements) > 0 var bldr codeGenOpBuilder bldr.Name = o.Name bldr.Method = o.Method bldr.Path = o.Path bldr.BasePath = o.BasePath bldr.ModelsPackage = o.ModelsPackage bldr.Principal = o.Principal bldr.Target = o.Target bldr.Operation = o.Operation bldr.Authed = authed bldr.Security = o.SecurityRequirements bldr.SecurityDefinitions = o.SecurityDefinitions bldr.Doc = o.Doc bldr.Analyzed = o.Analyzed bldr.DefaultScheme = o.DefaultScheme bldr.DefaultProduces = o.DefaultProduces bldr.RootAPIPackage = o.GenOpts.LanguageOpts.ManglePackageName(o.ServerPackage, "server") bldr.GenOpts = o.GenOpts bldr.DefaultConsumes = o.DefaultConsumes bldr.IncludeValidator = o.IncludeValidator bldr.DefaultImports = []string{o.GenOpts.ExistingModels} if o.GenOpts.ExistingModels == "" { bldr.DefaultImports = []string{ path.Join( filepath.ToSlash(o.GenOpts.LanguageOpts.baseImport(o.Base)), o.GenOpts.LanguageOpts.ManglePackagePath(o.ModelsPackage, "")), } } bldr.APIPackage = o.APIPackage st := o.Tags if o.GenOpts != nil { st = o.GenOpts.Tags } intersected := intersectTags(o.Operation.Tags, st) if len(intersected) > 0 { tag := intersected[0] bldr.APIPackage = o.GenOpts.LanguageOpts.ManglePackagePath(tag, o.APIPackage) } op, err := bldr.MakeOperation() if err != nil { return err } op.Tags = intersected operations = append(operations, op) sort.Sort(operations) for _, op := range operations { if o.GenOpts.DumpData { bb, _ := json.MarshalIndent(swag.ToDynamicJSON(op), "", " ") fmt.Fprintln(os.Stdout, string(bb)) continue } if err := o.GenOpts.renderOperation(&op); err != nil { return err } } return nil } type codeGenOpBuilder struct { Authed bool IncludeValidator bool Name string Method string Path string BasePath string APIPackage string RootAPIPackage string ModelsPackage string Principal string Target string Operation spec.Operation Doc *loads.Document Analyzed *analysis.Spec DefaultImports []string Imports map[string]string DefaultScheme string DefaultProduces string DefaultConsumes string Security [][]analysis.SecurityRequirement SecurityDefinitions map[string]spec.SecurityScheme ExtraSchemas map[string]GenSchema GenOpts *GenOpts } // renameTimeout renames the variable in use by client template to avoid conflicting // with param names. func renameTimeout(seenIds map[string][]string, current string) string { var next string switch strings.ToLower(current) { case "timeout": next = "requestTimeout" case "requesttimeout": next = "httpRequestTimeout" case "httptrequesttimeout": next = "swaggerTimeout" case "swaggertimeout": next = "operationTimeout" case "operationtimeout": next = "opTimeout" case "optimeout": next = "operTimeout" } if _, ok := seenIds[next]; ok { return renameTimeout(seenIds, next) } return next } func (b *codeGenOpBuilder) MakeOperation() (GenOperation, error) { debugLog("[%s %s] parsing operation (id: %q)", b.Method, b.Path, b.Operation.ID) // NOTE: we assume flatten is enabled by default (i.e. complex constructs are resolved from the models package), // but do not assume the spec is necessarily fully flattened (i.e. all schemas moved to definitions). // // Fully flattened means that all complex constructs are present as // definitions and models produced accordingly in ModelsPackage, // whereas minimal flatten simply ensures that there are no weird $ref's in the spec. // // When some complex anonymous constructs are specified, extra schemas are produced in the operations package. // // In all cases, resetting definitions to the _original_ (untransformed) spec is not an option: // we take from there the spec possibly already transformed by the GenDefinitions stage. resolver := newTypeResolver(b.GenOpts.LanguageOpts.ManglePackageName(b.ModelsPackage, "models"), b.Doc) receiver := "o" operation := b.Operation var params, qp, pp, hp, fp GenParameters var hasQueryParams, hasPathParams, hasHeaderParams, hasFormParams, hasFileParams, hasFormValueParams, hasBodyParams bool paramsForOperation := b.Analyzed.ParamsFor(b.Method, b.Path) timeoutName := "timeout" idMapping := map[string]map[string]string{ "query": make(map[string]string, len(paramsForOperation)), "path": make(map[string]string, len(paramsForOperation)), "formData": make(map[string]string, len(paramsForOperation)), "header": make(map[string]string, len(paramsForOperation)), "body": make(map[string]string, len(paramsForOperation)), } seenIds := make(map[string][]string, len(paramsForOperation)) for id, p := range paramsForOperation { if _, ok := seenIds[p.Name]; ok { idMapping[p.In][p.Name] = swag.ToGoName(id) } else { idMapping[p.In][p.Name] = swag.ToGoName(p.Name) } seenIds[p.Name] = append(seenIds[p.Name], p.In) if strings.EqualFold(p.Name, timeoutName) { timeoutName = renameTimeout(seenIds, timeoutName) } } for _, p := range paramsForOperation { cp, err := b.MakeParameter(receiver, resolver, p, idMapping) if err != nil { return GenOperation{}, err } if cp.IsQueryParam() { hasQueryParams = true qp = append(qp, cp) } if cp.IsFormParam() { if p.Type == file { hasFileParams = true } if p.Type != file { hasFormValueParams = true } hasFormParams = true fp = append(fp, cp) } if cp.IsPathParam() { hasPathParams = true pp = append(pp, cp) } if cp.IsHeaderParam() { hasHeaderParams = true hp = append(hp, cp) } if cp.IsBodyParam() { hasBodyParams = true } params = append(params, cp) } sort.Sort(params) sort.Sort(qp) sort.Sort(pp) sort.Sort(hp) sort.Sort(fp) var srs responses if operation.Responses != nil { srs = sortedResponses(operation.Responses.StatusCodeResponses) } responses := make([]GenResponse, 0, len(srs)) var defaultResponse *GenResponse var successResponses []GenResponse if operation.Responses != nil { for _, v := range srs { name, ok := v.Response.Extensions.GetString(xGoName) if !ok { // look for name of well-known codes name = runtime.Statuses[v.Code] if name == "" { // non-standard codes deserve some name name = fmt.Sprintf("Status %d", v.Code) } } name = swag.ToJSONName(b.Name + " " + name) isSuccess := v.Code/100 == 2 gr, err := b.MakeResponse(receiver, name, isSuccess, resolver, v.Code, v.Response) if err != nil { return GenOperation{}, err } if isSuccess { successResponses = append(successResponses, gr) } responses = append(responses, gr) } if operation.Responses.Default != nil { gr, err := b.MakeResponse(receiver, b.Name+" default", false, resolver, -1, *operation.Responses.Default) if err != nil { return GenOperation{}, err } defaultResponse = &gr } } // Always render a default response, even when no responses were defined if operation.Responses == nil || (operation.Responses.Default == nil && len(srs) == 0) { gr, err := b.MakeResponse(receiver, b.Name+" default", false, resolver, -1, spec.Response{}) if err != nil { return GenOperation{}, err } defaultResponse = &gr } if b.Principal == "" { b.Principal = iface } swsp := resolver.Doc.Spec() var extraSchemes []string if ess, ok := operation.Extensions.GetStringSlice(xSchemes); ok { extraSchemes = append(extraSchemes, ess...) } if ess1, ok := swsp.Extensions.GetStringSlice(xSchemes); ok { extraSchemes = concatUnique(ess1, extraSchemes) } sort.Strings(extraSchemes) schemes := concatUnique(swsp.Schemes, operation.Schemes) sort.Strings(schemes) produces := producesOrDefault(operation.Produces, swsp.Produces, b.DefaultProduces) sort.Strings(produces) consumes := producesOrDefault(operation.Consumes, swsp.Consumes, b.DefaultConsumes) sort.Strings(consumes) var hasStreamingResponse bool if defaultResponse != nil && defaultResponse.Schema != nil && defaultResponse.Schema.IsStream { hasStreamingResponse = true } var successResponse *GenResponse for _, sr := range successResponses { if sr.IsSuccess { successResponse = &sr break } } for _, sr := range successResponses { if !hasStreamingResponse && sr.Schema != nil && sr.Schema.IsStream { hasStreamingResponse = true break } } if !hasStreamingResponse { for _, r := range responses { if r.Schema != nil && r.Schema.IsStream { hasStreamingResponse = true break } } } return GenOperation{ GenCommon: GenCommon{ Copyright: b.GenOpts.Copyright, TargetImportPath: filepath.ToSlash(b.GenOpts.LanguageOpts.baseImport(b.GenOpts.Target)), }, Package: b.GenOpts.LanguageOpts.ManglePackageName(b.APIPackage, "api"), RootPackage: b.RootAPIPackage, Name: b.Name, Method: b.Method, Path: b.Path, BasePath: b.BasePath, Tags: operation.Tags, Description: trimBOM(operation.Description), ReceiverName: receiver, DefaultImports: b.DefaultImports, Imports: b.Imports, Params: params, Summary: trimBOM(operation.Summary), QueryParams: qp, PathParams: pp, HeaderParams: hp, FormParams: fp, HasQueryParams: hasQueryParams, HasPathParams: hasPathParams, HasHeaderParams: hasHeaderParams, HasFormParams: hasFormParams, HasFormValueParams: hasFormValueParams, HasFileParams: hasFileParams, HasBodyParams: hasBodyParams, HasStreamingResponse: hasStreamingResponse, Authorized: b.Authed, Security: b.makeSecurityRequirements(receiver), SecurityDefinitions: b.makeSecuritySchemes(receiver), Principal: b.Principal, Responses: responses, DefaultResponse: defaultResponse, SuccessResponse: successResponse, SuccessResponses: successResponses, ExtraSchemas: gatherExtraSchemas(b.ExtraSchemas), Schemes: schemeOrDefault(schemes, b.DefaultScheme), ProducesMediaTypes: produces, ConsumesMediaTypes: consumes, ExtraSchemes: extraSchemes, TimeoutName: timeoutName, Extensions: operation.Extensions, }, nil } func producesOrDefault(produces []string, fallback []string, defaultProduces string) []string { if len(produces) > 0 { return produces } if len(fallback) > 0 { return fallback } return []string{defaultProduces} } func schemeOrDefault(schemes []string, defaultScheme string) []string { if len(schemes) == 0 { return []string{defaultScheme} } return schemes } func concatUnique(collections ...[]string) []string { resultSet := make(map[string]struct{}) for _, c := range collections { for _, i := range c { if _, ok := resultSet[i]; !ok { resultSet[i] = struct{}{} } } } var result []string for k := range resultSet { result = append(result, k) } return result } func (b *codeGenOpBuilder) MakeResponse(receiver, name string, isSuccess bool, resolver *typeResolver, code int, resp spec.Response) (GenResponse, error) { debugLog("[%s %s] making id %q", b.Method, b.Path, b.Operation.ID) // assume minimal flattening has been carried on, so there is not $ref in response (but some may remain in response schema) res := GenResponse{ Package: b.GenOpts.LanguageOpts.ManglePackageName(b.APIPackage, "api"), ModelsPackage: b.ModelsPackage, ReceiverName: receiver, Name: name, Description: trimBOM(resp.Description), DefaultImports: b.DefaultImports, Imports: b.Imports, IsSuccess: isSuccess, Code: code, Method: b.Method, Path: b.Path, Extensions: resp.Extensions, } // prepare response headers for hName, header := range resp.Headers { hdr, err := b.MakeHeader(receiver, hName, header) if err != nil { return GenResponse{}, err } res.Headers = append(res.Headers, hdr) } sort.Sort(res.Headers) if resp.Schema != nil { // resolve schema model schema, ers := b.buildOperationSchema(fmt.Sprintf("%q", name), name+"Body", swag.ToGoName(name+"Body"), receiver, "i", resp.Schema, resolver) if ers != nil { return GenResponse{}, ers } res.Schema = &schema } return res, nil } func (b *codeGenOpBuilder) MakeHeader(receiver, name string, hdr spec.Header) (GenHeader, error) { tpe := typeForHeader(hdr) //simpleResolvedType(hdr.Type, hdr.Format, hdr.Items) id := swag.ToGoName(name) res := GenHeader{ sharedValidations: sharedValidationsFromSimple(hdr.CommonValidations, true), // NOTE: Required is not defined by the Swagger schema for header. Set arbitrarily to true for convenience in templates. resolvedType: tpe, Package: b.GenOpts.LanguageOpts.ManglePackageName(b.APIPackage, "api"), ReceiverName: receiver, ID: id, Name: name, Path: fmt.Sprintf("%q", name), ValueExpression: fmt.Sprintf("%s.%s", receiver, id), Description: trimBOM(hdr.Description), Default: hdr.Default, HasDefault: hdr.Default != nil, Converter: stringConverters[tpe.GoType], Formatter: stringFormatters[tpe.GoType], ZeroValue: tpe.Zero(), CollectionFormat: hdr.CollectionFormat, IndexVar: "i", } res.HasValidations, res.HasSliceValidations = b.HasValidations(hdr.CommonValidations, res.resolvedType) hasChildValidations := false if hdr.Items != nil { pi, err := b.MakeHeaderItem(receiver, name+" "+res.IndexVar, res.IndexVar+"i", "fmt.Sprintf(\"%s.%v\", \"header\", "+res.IndexVar+")", res.Name+"I", hdr.Items, nil) if err != nil { return GenHeader{}, err } res.Child = &pi hasChildValidations = pi.HasValidations } // we feed the GenHeader structure the same way as we do for // GenParameter, even though there is currently no actual validation // for response headers. res.HasValidations = res.HasValidations || hasChildValidations return res, nil } func (b *codeGenOpBuilder) MakeHeaderItem(receiver, paramName, indexVar, path, valueExpression string, items, parent *spec.Items) (GenItems, error) { var res GenItems res.resolvedType = simpleResolvedType(items.Type, items.Format, items.Items) res.sharedValidations = sharedValidationsFromSimple(items.CommonValidations, false) res.Name = paramName res.Path = path res.Location = "header" res.ValueExpression = swag.ToVarName(valueExpression) res.CollectionFormat = items.CollectionFormat res.Converter = stringConverters[res.GoType] res.Formatter = stringFormatters[res.GoType] res.IndexVar = indexVar res.HasValidations, res.HasSliceValidations = b.HasValidations(items.CommonValidations, res.resolvedType) if items.Items != nil { // Recursively follows nested arrays // IMPORTANT! transmitting a ValueExpression consistent with the parent's one hi, err := b.MakeHeaderItem(receiver, paramName+" "+indexVar, indexVar+"i", "fmt.Sprintf(\"%s.%v\", \"header\", "+indexVar+")", res.ValueExpression+"I", items.Items, items) if err != nil { return GenItems{}, err } res.Child = &hi hi.Parent = &res // Propagates HasValidations flag to outer Items definition (currently not in use: done to remain consistent with parameters) res.HasValidations = res.HasValidations || hi.HasValidations } return res, nil } // HasValidations resolves the validation status for simple schema objects func (b *codeGenOpBuilder) HasValidations(sh spec.CommonValidations, rt resolvedType) (hasValidations bool, hasSliceValidations bool) { hasNumberValidation := sh.Maximum != nil || sh.Minimum != nil || sh.MultipleOf != nil hasStringValidation := sh.MaxLength != nil || sh.MinLength != nil || sh.Pattern != "" hasSliceValidations = sh.MaxItems != nil || sh.MinItems != nil || sh.UniqueItems || len(sh.Enum) > 0 hasValidations = (hasNumberValidation || hasStringValidation || hasSliceValidations || rt.IsCustomFormatter) && !rt.IsStream && !rt.IsInterface return } func (b *codeGenOpBuilder) MakeParameterItem(receiver, paramName, indexVar, path, valueExpression, location string, resolver *typeResolver, items, parent *spec.Items) (GenItems, error) { debugLog("making parameter item recv=%s param=%s index=%s valueExpr=%s path=%s location=%s", receiver, paramName, indexVar, valueExpression, path, location) var res GenItems res.resolvedType = simpleResolvedType(items.Type, items.Format, items.Items) res.sharedValidations = sharedValidationsFromSimple(items.CommonValidations, false) res.Name = paramName res.Path = path res.Location = location res.ValueExpression = swag.ToVarName(valueExpression) res.CollectionFormat = items.CollectionFormat res.Converter = stringConverters[res.GoType] res.Formatter = stringFormatters[res.GoType] res.IndexVar = indexVar res.HasValidations, res.HasSliceValidations = b.HasValidations(items.CommonValidations, res.resolvedType) if items.Items != nil { // Recursively follows nested arrays // IMPORTANT! transmitting a ValueExpression consistent with the parent's one pi, err := b.MakeParameterItem(receiver, paramName+" "+indexVar, indexVar+"i", "fmt.Sprintf(\"%s.%v\", "+path+", "+indexVar+")", res.ValueExpression+"I", location, resolver, items.Items, items) if err != nil { return GenItems{}, err } res.Child = &pi pi.Parent = &res // Propagates HasValidations flag to outer Items definition res.HasValidations = res.HasValidations || pi.HasValidations } return res, nil } func (b *codeGenOpBuilder) MakeParameter(receiver string, resolver *typeResolver, param spec.Parameter, idMapping map[string]map[string]string) (GenParameter, error) { debugLog("[%s %s] making parameter %q", b.Method, b.Path, param.Name) // assume minimal flattening has been carried on, so there is not $ref in response (but some may remain in response schema) var child *GenItems id := swag.ToGoName(param.Name) if len(idMapping) > 0 { id = idMapping[param.In][param.Name] } res := GenParameter{ ID: id, Name: param.Name, ModelsPackage: b.ModelsPackage, Path: fmt.Sprintf("%q", param.Name), ValueExpression: fmt.Sprintf("%s.%s", receiver, id), IndexVar: "i", Default: param.Default, HasDefault: param.Default != nil, Description: trimBOM(param.Description), ReceiverName: receiver, CollectionFormat: param.CollectionFormat, Child: child, Location: param.In, AllowEmptyValue: (param.In == "query" || param.In == "formData") && param.AllowEmptyValue, Extensions: param.Extensions, } if param.In == "body" { // Process parameters declared in body (i.e. have a Schema) res.Required = param.Required if err := b.MakeBodyParameter(&res, resolver, param.Schema); err != nil { return GenParameter{}, err } } else { // Process parameters declared in other inputs: path, query, header (SimpleSchema) res.resolvedType = simpleResolvedType(param.Type, param.Format, param.Items) res.sharedValidations = sharedValidationsFromSimple(param.CommonValidations, param.Required) res.ZeroValue = res.resolvedType.Zero() hasChildValidations := false if param.Items != nil { // Follow Items definition for array parameters pi, err := b.MakeParameterItem(receiver, param.Name+" "+res.IndexVar, res.IndexVar+"i", "fmt.Sprintf(\"%s.%v\", "+res.Path+", "+res.IndexVar+")", res.Name+"I", param.In, resolver, param.Items, nil) if err != nil { return GenParameter{}, err } res.Child = &pi // Propagates HasValidations from from child array hasChildValidations = pi.HasValidations } res.IsNullable = !param.Required && !param.AllowEmptyValue res.HasValidations, res.HasSliceValidations = b.HasValidations(param.CommonValidations, res.resolvedType) res.HasValidations = res.HasValidations || hasChildValidations } // Select codegen strategy for body param validation res.Converter = stringConverters[res.GoType] res.Formatter = stringFormatters[res.GoType] b.setBodyParamValidation(&res) return res, nil } // MakeBodyParameter constructs a body parameter schema func (b *codeGenOpBuilder) MakeBodyParameter(res *GenParameter, resolver *typeResolver, sch *spec.Schema) error { // resolve schema model schema, ers := b.buildOperationSchema(res.Path, b.Operation.ID+"ParamsBody", swag.ToGoName(b.Operation.ID+" Body"), res.ReceiverName, res.IndexVar, sch, resolver) if ers != nil { return ers } res.Schema = &schema res.Schema.Required = res.Required // Required in body is managed independently from validations // build Child items for nested slices and maps var items *GenItems res.KeyVar = "k" res.Schema.KeyVar = "k" switch { case schema.IsMap && !schema.IsInterface: items = b.MakeBodyParameterItemsAndMaps(res, res.Schema.AdditionalProperties) case schema.IsArray: items = b.MakeBodyParameterItemsAndMaps(res, res.Schema.Items) default: items = new(GenItems) } // templates assume at least one .Child != nil res.Child = items schema.HasValidations = schema.HasValidations || items.HasValidations res.resolvedType = schema.resolvedType // simple and schema views share the same validations res.sharedValidations = schema.sharedValidations res.ZeroValue = schema.Zero() return nil } // MakeBodyParameterItemsAndMaps clones the .Items schema structure (resp. .AdditionalProperties) as a .GenItems structure // for compatibility with simple param templates. // // Constructed children assume simple structures: any complex object is assumed to be resolved by a model or extra schema definition func (b *codeGenOpBuilder) MakeBodyParameterItemsAndMaps(res *GenParameter, it *GenSchema) *GenItems { items := new(GenItems) if it != nil { var prev *GenItems next := items if res.Schema.IsArray { next.Path = "fmt.Sprintf(\"%s.%v\", " + res.Path + ", " + res.IndexVar + ")" } else if res.Schema.IsMap { next.Path = "fmt.Sprintf(\"%s.%v\", " + res.Path + ", " + res.KeyVar + ")" } next.Name = res.Name + " " + res.Schema.IndexVar next.IndexVar = res.Schema.IndexVar + "i" next.KeyVar = res.Schema.KeyVar + "k" next.ValueExpression = swag.ToVarName(res.Name + "I") next.Location = "body" for it != nil { next.resolvedType = it.resolvedType next.sharedValidations = it.sharedValidations next.Formatter = stringFormatters[it.SwaggerFormat] next.Converter = stringConverters[res.GoType] next.Parent = prev _, next.IsCustomFormatter = customFormatters[it.GoType] next.IsCustomFormatter = next.IsCustomFormatter && !it.IsStream // special instruction to avoid using CollectionFormat for body params next.SkipParse = true if prev != nil { if prev.IsArray { next.Path = "fmt.Sprintf(\"%s.%v\", " + prev.Path + ", " + prev.IndexVar + ")" } else if prev.IsMap { next.Path = "fmt.Sprintf(\"%s.%v\", " + prev.Path + ", " + prev.KeyVar + ")" } next.Name = prev.Name + prev.IndexVar next.IndexVar = prev.IndexVar + "i" next.KeyVar = prev.KeyVar + "k" next.ValueExpression = swag.ToVarName(prev.ValueExpression + "I") prev.Child = next } // found a complex or aliased thing // hide details from the aliased type and stop recursing if next.IsAliased || next.IsComplexObject { next.IsArray = false next.IsMap = false next.IsCustomFormatter = false next.IsComplexObject = true next.IsAliased = true break } if next.IsInterface || next.IsStream { next.HasValidations = false } prev = next next = new(GenItems) switch { case it.Items != nil: it = it.Items case it.AdditionalProperties != nil: it = it.AdditionalProperties default: it = nil } } // propagate HasValidations var propag func(child *GenItems) bool propag = func(child *GenItems) bool { if child == nil { return false } child.HasValidations = child.HasValidations || propag(child.Child) return child.HasValidations } items.HasValidations = propag(items) // resolve nullability conflicts when declaring body as a map of array of an anonymous complex object // (e.g. refer to an extra schema type, which is nullable, but not rendered as a pointer in arrays or maps) // Rule: outer type rules (with IsMapNullOverride), inner types are fixed var fixNullable func(child *GenItems) string fixNullable = func(child *GenItems) string { if !child.IsArray && !child.IsMap { if child.IsComplexObject { return child.GoType } return "" } if innerType := fixNullable(child.Child); innerType != "" { if child.IsMapNullOverride && child.IsArray { child.GoType = "[]" + innerType return child.GoType } } return "" } fixNullable(items) } return items } func (b *codeGenOpBuilder) setBodyParamValidation(p *GenParameter) { // Determine validation strategy for body param. // // Here are the distinct strategies: // - the body parameter is a model object => delegates // - the body parameter is an array of model objects => carry on slice validations, then iterate and delegate // - the body parameter is a map of model objects => iterate and delegate // - the body parameter is an array of simple objects (including maps) // - the body parameter is a map of simple objects (including arrays) if p.IsBodyParam() { var hasSimpleBodyParams, hasSimpleBodyItems, hasSimpleBodyMap, hasModelBodyParams, hasModelBodyItems, hasModelBodyMap bool s := p.Schema if s != nil { doNot := s.IsInterface || s.IsStream // composition of primitive fields must be properly identified: hack this through _, isPrimitive := primitives[s.GoType] _, isFormatter := customFormatters[s.GoType] isComposedPrimitive := s.IsPrimitive && !(isPrimitive || isFormatter) hasSimpleBodyParams = !s.IsComplexObject && !s.IsAliased && !isComposedPrimitive && !doNot hasModelBodyParams = (s.IsComplexObject || s.IsAliased || isComposedPrimitive) && !doNot if s.IsArray && s.Items != nil { it := s.Items doNot = it.IsInterface || it.IsStream hasSimpleBodyItems = !it.IsComplexObject && !(it.IsAliased || doNot) hasModelBodyItems = (it.IsComplexObject || it.IsAliased) && !doNot } if s.IsMap && s.AdditionalProperties != nil { it := s.AdditionalProperties hasSimpleBodyMap = !it.IsComplexObject && !(it.IsAliased || doNot) hasModelBodyMap = !hasSimpleBodyMap && !doNot } } // set validation strategy for body param p.HasSimpleBodyParams = hasSimpleBodyParams p.HasSimpleBodyItems = hasSimpleBodyItems p.HasModelBodyParams = hasModelBodyParams p.HasModelBodyItems = hasModelBodyItems p.HasModelBodyMap = hasModelBodyMap p.HasSimpleBodyMap = hasSimpleBodyMap } } // makeSecuritySchemes produces a sorted list of security schemes for this operation func (b *codeGenOpBuilder) makeSecuritySchemes(receiver string) GenSecuritySchemes { return gatherSecuritySchemes(b.SecurityDefinitions, b.Name, b.Principal, receiver) } // makeSecurityRequirements produces a sorted list of security requirements for this operation. // As for current, these requirements are not used by codegen (sec. requirement is determined at runtime). // We keep the order of the slice from the original spec, but sort the inner slice which comes from a map, // as well as the map of scopes. func (b *codeGenOpBuilder) makeSecurityRequirements(receiver string) []GenSecurityRequirements { if b.Security == nil { // nil (default requirement) is different than [] (no requirement) return nil } securityRequirements := make([]GenSecurityRequirements, 0, len(b.Security)) for _, req := range b.Security { jointReq := make(GenSecurityRequirements, 0, len(req)) for _, j := range req { scopes := j.Scopes sort.Strings(scopes) jointReq = append(jointReq, GenSecurityRequirement{ Name: j.Name, Scopes: scopes, }) } // sort joint requirements (come from a map in spec) sort.Sort(jointReq) securityRequirements = append(securityRequirements, jointReq) } return securityRequirements } // cloneSchema returns a deep copy of a schema func (b *codeGenOpBuilder) cloneSchema(schema *spec.Schema) *spec.Schema { savedSchema := &spec.Schema{} schemaRep, _ := json.Marshal(schema) _ = json.Unmarshal(schemaRep, savedSchema) return savedSchema } // saveResolveContext keeps a copy of known definitions and schema to properly roll back on a makeGenSchema() call // This uses a deep clone the spec document to construct a type resolver which knows about definitions when the making of this operation started, // and only these definitions. We are not interested in the "original spec", but in the already transformed spec. func (b *codeGenOpBuilder) saveResolveContext(resolver *typeResolver, schema *spec.Schema) (*typeResolver, *spec.Schema) { rslv := newTypeResolver(b.GenOpts.LanguageOpts.ManglePackageName(resolver.ModelsPackage, "models"), b.Doc.Pristine()) return rslv, b.cloneSchema(schema) } // liftExtraSchemas constructs the schema for an anonymous construct with some ExtraSchemas. // // When some ExtraSchemas are produced from something else than a definition, // this indicates we are not running in fully flattened mode and we need to render // these ExtraSchemas in the operation's package. // We need to rebuild the schema with a new type resolver to reflect this change in the // models package. func (b *codeGenOpBuilder) liftExtraSchemas(resolver, br *typeResolver, bs *spec.Schema, sc *schemaGenContext) (schema *GenSchema, err error) { // restore resolving state before previous call to makeGenSchema() rslv := br sc.Schema = *bs pg := sc.shallowClone() pkg := b.GenOpts.LanguageOpts.ManglePackageName(resolver.ModelsPackage, "models") pg.TypeResolver = newTypeResolver("", rslv.Doc).withKeepDefinitionsPackage(pkg) pg.ExtraSchemas = make(map[string]GenSchema, len(sc.ExtraSchemas)) if err = pg.makeGenSchema(); err != nil { return } // lift nested extra schemas (inlined types) if b.ExtraSchemas == nil { b.ExtraSchemas = make(map[string]GenSchema, len(pg.ExtraSchemas)) } for _, v := range pg.ExtraSchemas { vv := v if !v.IsStream { b.ExtraSchemas[vv.Name] = vv } } schema = &pg.GenSchema return } // buildOperationSchema constructs a schema for an operation (for body params or responses). // It determines if the schema is readily available from the models package, // or if a schema has to be generated in the operations package (i.e. is anonymous). // Whenever an anonymous schema needs some extra schemas, we also determine if these extras are // available from models or must be generated alongside the schema in the operations package. // // Duplicate extra schemas are pruned later on, when operations grouping in packages (e.g. from tags) takes place. func (b *codeGenOpBuilder) buildOperationSchema(schemaPath, containerName, schemaName, receiverName, indexVar string, sch *spec.Schema, resolver *typeResolver) (GenSchema, error) { var schema GenSchema if sch == nil { sch = &spec.Schema{} } rslv := resolver sc := schemaGenContext{ Path: schemaPath, Name: containerName, Receiver: receiverName, ValueExpr: receiverName, IndexVar: indexVar, Schema: *sch, Required: false, TypeResolver: rslv, Named: false, IncludeModel: true, IncludeValidator: true, StrictAdditionalProperties: b.GenOpts.StrictAdditionalProperties, ExtraSchemas: make(map[string]GenSchema), } var ( br *typeResolver bs *spec.Schema ) // these backups are not needed when sch has name. if sch.Ref.String() == "" { br, bs = b.saveResolveContext(rslv, sch) } if err := sc.makeGenSchema(); err != nil { return GenSchema{}, err } for alias, pkg := range findImports(&sc.GenSchema) { b.Imports[alias] = pkg } if sch.Ref.String() == "" && len(sc.ExtraSchemas) > 0 { newSchema, err := b.liftExtraSchemas(resolver, br, bs, &sc) if err != nil { return GenSchema{}, err } if newSchema != nil { schema = *newSchema } } else { schema = sc.GenSchema } if schema.IsAnonymous { // a generated name for anonymous schema // TODO: support x-go-name hasProperties := len(schema.Properties) > 0 isAllOf := len(schema.AllOf) > 0 isInterface := schema.IsInterface hasValidations := schema.HasValidations // for complex anonymous objects, produce an extra schema if hasProperties || isAllOf { if b.ExtraSchemas == nil { b.ExtraSchemas = make(map[string]GenSchema) } schema.Name = schemaName schema.GoType = schemaName schema.IsAnonymous = false b.ExtraSchemas[schemaName] = schema // constructs new schema to refer to the newly created type schema = GenSchema{} schema.IsAnonymous = false schema.IsComplexObject = true schema.SwaggerType = schemaName schema.HasValidations = hasValidations schema.GoType = schemaName } else if isInterface { schema = GenSchema{} schema.IsAnonymous = false schema.IsComplexObject = false schema.IsInterface = true schema.HasValidations = false schema.GoType = iface } } return schema, nil }