## go-oniguruma Build Status This repository is a fork of [moovweb/rubex](https://github.com/moovweb/rubex/tree/go1) - a simple regular expression library (based on [oniguruma](https://github.com/kkos/oniguruma)) that supports Ruby's regex syntax. The _rubex_ was originally created by Zhigang Chen (zhigang.chen@moovweb.com or zhigangc@gmail.com). It implements all the public functions of Go's Regexp package, except LiteralPrefix. By the benchmark tests in regexp, the library is 40% to 10X faster than Regexp on all but one test. Unlike Go's regexp, this library supports named capture groups and also allow `"\\1"` and `"\\k"` in replacement strings. The library calls the _oniguruma_ regex library for regex pattern searching. All replacement code is done in Go. ### Install all (_oniguruma_ and _rubex_): ```sh # linux (debian/ubuntu/...) sudo apt-get install libonig-dev # osx (homebrew) brew install oniguruma go install -i . ```