
802 lines
23 KiB

// Copyright 2015 go-swagger maintainers
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
package generator
import (
const (
iface = "interface{}"
array = "array"
file = "file"
number = "number"
integer = "integer"
boolean = "boolean"
str = "string"
object = "object"
binary = "binary"
sHTTP = "http"
body = "body"
// Extensions supported by go-swagger
const (
xClass = "x-class" // class name used by discriminator
xGoCustomTag = "x-go-custom-tag" // additional tag for serializers on struct fields
xGoName = "x-go-name" // name of the generated go variable
xGoType = "x-go-type" // reuse existing type (do not generate)
xIsNullable = "x-isnullable"
xNullable = "x-nullable" // turns the schema into a pointer
xOmitEmpty = "x-omitempty"
xSchemes = "x-schemes" // additional schemes supported for operations (server generation)
xOrder = "x-order" // sort order for properties (or any schema)
// swaggerTypeMapping contains a mapping from go type to swagger type or format
var swaggerTypeName map[string]string
func init() {
swaggerTypeName = make(map[string]string)
for k, v := range typeMapping {
swaggerTypeName[v] = k
func simpleResolvedType(tn, fmt string, items *spec.Items) (result resolvedType) {
result.SwaggerType = tn
result.SwaggerFormat = fmt
if tn == file {
// special case of swagger type "file", rendered as io.ReadCloser interface
result.IsPrimitive = true
result.GoType = formatMapping[str][binary]
result.IsStream = true
if fmt != "" {
fmtn := strings.Replace(fmt, "-", "", -1)
if fmm, ok := formatMapping[tn]; ok {
if tpe, ok := fmm[fmtn]; ok {
result.GoType = tpe
result.IsPrimitive = true
_, result.IsCustomFormatter = customFormatters[tpe]
// special case of swagger format "binary", rendered as io.ReadCloser interface
// TODO(fredbi): should set IsCustomFormatter=false when binary
result.IsStream = fmt == binary
if tpe, ok := typeMapping[tn]; ok {
result.GoType = tpe
_, result.IsPrimitive = primitives[tpe]
result.IsPrimitive = ok
if tn == array {
result.IsArray = true
result.IsPrimitive = false
result.IsCustomFormatter = false
result.IsNullable = false
if items == nil {
result.GoType = "[]" + iface
res := simpleResolvedType(items.Type, items.Format, items.Items)
result.GoType = "[]" + res.GoType
result.GoType = tn
_, result.IsPrimitive = primitives[tn]
func typeForHeader(header spec.Header) resolvedType {
return simpleResolvedType(header.Type, header.Format, header.Items)
func newTypeResolver(pkg string, doc *loads.Document) *typeResolver {
resolver := typeResolver{ModelsPackage: pkg, Doc: doc}
resolver.KnownDefs = make(map[string]struct{}, len(doc.Spec().Definitions))
for k, sch := range doc.Spec().Definitions {
tpe, _, _ := knownDefGoType(k, sch, nil)
resolver.KnownDefs[tpe] = struct{}{}
return &resolver
// knownDefGoType returns go type, package and package alias for definition
func knownDefGoType(def string, schema spec.Schema, clear func(string) string) (string, string, string) {
debugLog("known def type: %q", def)
ext := schema.Extensions
if nm, ok := ext.GetString(xGoName); ok {
if clear == nil {
debugLog("known def type %s no clear: %q", xGoName, nm)
return nm, "", ""
debugLog("known def type %s clear: %q -> %q", xGoName, nm, clear(nm))
return clear(nm), "", ""
v, ok := ext[xGoType]
if !ok {
if clear == nil {
debugLog("known def type no clear: %q", def)
return def, "", ""
debugLog("known def type clear: %q -> %q", def, clear(def))
return clear(def), "", ""
xt := v.(map[string]interface{})
t := xt["type"].(string)
impIface, ok := xt["import"]
if !ok {
return t, "", ""
imp := impIface.(map[string]interface{})
pkg := imp["package"].(string)
al, ok := imp["alias"]
var alias string
if ok {
alias = al.(string)
} else {
alias = path.Base(pkg)
debugLog("known def type %s no clear: %q: pkg=%s, alias=%s", xGoType, alias+"."+t, pkg, alias)
return alias + "." + t, pkg, alias
type typeResolver struct {
Doc *loads.Document
ModelsPackage string
ModelName string
KnownDefs map[string]struct{}
// unexported fields
keepDefinitionsPkg string
knownDefsKept map[string]struct{}
// NewWithModelName clones a type resolver and specifies a new model name
func (t *typeResolver) NewWithModelName(name string) *typeResolver {
tt := newTypeResolver(t.ModelsPackage, t.Doc)
tt.ModelName = name
// propagates kept definitions
tt.keepDefinitionsPkg = t.keepDefinitionsPkg
tt.knownDefsKept = t.knownDefsKept
return tt
// withKeepDefinitionsPackage instructs the type resolver to keep previously resolved package name for
// definitions known at the moment it is first called.
func (t *typeResolver) withKeepDefinitionsPackage(definitionsPackage string) *typeResolver {
t.keepDefinitionsPkg = definitionsPackage
t.knownDefsKept = make(map[string]struct{}, len(t.KnownDefs))
for k := range t.KnownDefs {
t.knownDefsKept[k] = struct{}{}
return t
// IsNullable hints the generator as to render the type with a pointer or not.
// A schema is deemed nullable (i.e. rendered by a pointer) when:
// - a custom extension says it has to be so
// - it is an object with properties
// - it is a composed object (allOf)
// The interpretation of Required as a mean to make a type nullable is carried on elsewhere.
func (t *typeResolver) IsNullable(schema *spec.Schema) bool {
nullable := t.isNullable(schema)
return nullable || len(schema.AllOf) > 0
func (t *typeResolver) resolveSchemaRef(schema *spec.Schema, isRequired bool) (returns bool, result resolvedType, err error) {
if schema.Ref.String() != "" {
debugLog("resolving ref (anon: %t, req: %t) %s", false, isRequired, schema.Ref.String())
returns = true
var ref *spec.Schema
var er error
ref, er = spec.ResolveRef(t.Doc.Spec(), &schema.Ref)
if er != nil {
debugLog("error resolving ref %s: %v", schema.Ref.String(), er)
err = er
res, er := t.ResolveSchema(ref, false, isRequired)
if er != nil {
err = er
result = res
tn := filepath.Base(schema.Ref.GetURL().Fragment)
tpe, pkg, alias := knownDefGoType(tn, *ref, t.goTypeName)
debugLog("type name %s, package %s, alias %s", tpe, pkg, alias)
if tpe != "" {
result.GoType = tpe
result.Pkg = pkg
result.PkgAlias = alias
result.HasDiscriminator = res.HasDiscriminator
result.IsBaseType = result.HasDiscriminator
result.IsNullable = t.IsNullable(ref)
//result.IsAliased = true
func (t *typeResolver) inferAliasing(result *resolvedType, schema *spec.Schema, isAnonymous bool, isRequired bool) {
if !isAnonymous && t.ModelName != "" {
result.AliasedType = result.GoType
result.IsAliased = true
result.GoType = t.goTypeName(t.ModelName)
func (t *typeResolver) resolveFormat(schema *spec.Schema, isAnonymous bool, isRequired bool) (returns bool, result resolvedType, err error) {
if schema.Format != "" {
// defaults to string
result.SwaggerType = str
if len(schema.Type) > 0 {
result.SwaggerType = schema.Type[0]
debugLog("resolving format (anon: %t, req: %t)", isAnonymous, isRequired)
schFmt := strings.Replace(schema.Format, "-", "", -1)
if fmm, ok := formatMapping[result.SwaggerType]; ok {
if tpe, ok := fmm[schFmt]; ok {
returns = true
result.GoType = tpe
_, result.IsCustomFormatter = customFormatters[tpe]
if tpe, ok := typeMapping[schFmt]; !returns && ok {
returns = true
result.GoType = tpe
_, result.IsCustomFormatter = customFormatters[tpe]
result.SwaggerFormat = schema.Format
t.inferAliasing(&result, schema, isAnonymous, isRequired)
// special case of swagger format "binary", rendered as io.ReadCloser interface and is therefore not a primitive type
// TODO: should set IsCustomFormatter=false in this case.
result.IsPrimitive = schFmt != binary
result.IsStream = schFmt == binary
// propagate extensions in resolvedType
result.Extensions = schema.Extensions
switch result.SwaggerType {
case str:
result.IsNullable = nullableStrfmt(schema, isRequired)
case number, integer:
result.IsNullable = nullableNumber(schema, isRequired)
result.IsNullable = t.IsNullable(schema)
func (t *typeResolver) isNullable(schema *spec.Schema) bool {
check := func(extension string) (bool, bool) {
v, found := schema.Extensions[extension]
nullable, cast := v.(bool)
return nullable, found && cast
if nullable, ok := check(xIsNullable); ok {
return nullable
if nullable, ok := check(xNullable); ok {
return nullable
return len(schema.Properties) > 0
func setIsEmptyOmitted(result *resolvedType, schema *spec.Schema, tpe string) {
defaultValue := true
if tpe == array {
defaultValue = false
v, found := schema.Extensions[xOmitEmpty]
if !found {
result.IsEmptyOmitted = defaultValue
omitted, cast := v.(bool)
result.IsEmptyOmitted = omitted && cast
func (t *typeResolver) firstType(schema *spec.Schema) string {
if len(schema.Type) == 0 || schema.Type[0] == "" {
return object
if len(schema.Type) > 1 {
// JSON-Schema multiple types, e.g. {"type": [ "object", "array" ]} are not supported.
// TODO: should keep the first _supported_ type, e.g. skip null
log.Printf("warning: JSON-Schema type definition as array with several types is not supported in %#v. Taking the first type: %s", schema.Type, schema.Type[0])
return schema.Type[0]
func (t *typeResolver) resolveArray(schema *spec.Schema, isAnonymous, isRequired bool) (result resolvedType, err error) {
debugLog("resolving array (anon: %t, req: %t)", isAnonymous, isRequired)
result.IsArray = true
result.IsNullable = false
if schema.AdditionalItems != nil {
result.HasAdditionalItems = (schema.AdditionalItems.Allows || schema.AdditionalItems.Schema != nil)
if schema.Items == nil {
result.GoType = "[]" + iface
result.SwaggerType = array
result.SwaggerFormat = ""
t.inferAliasing(&result, schema, isAnonymous, isRequired)
if len(schema.Items.Schemas) > 0 {
result.IsArray = false
result.IsTuple = true
result.SwaggerType = array
result.SwaggerFormat = ""
t.inferAliasing(&result, schema, isAnonymous, isRequired)
rt, er := t.ResolveSchema(schema.Items.Schema, true, false)
if er != nil {
err = er
// override the general nullability rule from ResolveSchema():
// only complex items are nullable (when not discriminated, not forced by x-nullable)
rt.IsNullable = t.IsNullable(schema.Items.Schema) && !rt.HasDiscriminator
result.GoType = "[]" + rt.GoType
if rt.IsNullable && !strings.HasPrefix(rt.GoType, "*") {
result.GoType = "[]*" + rt.GoType
result.ElemType = &rt
result.SwaggerType = array
result.SwaggerFormat = ""
t.inferAliasing(&result, schema, isAnonymous, isRequired)
result.Extensions = schema.Extensions
func (t *typeResolver) goTypeName(nm string) string {
if len(t.knownDefsKept) > 0 {
// if a definitions package has been defined, already resolved definitions are
// always resolved against their original package (e.g. "models"), and not the
// current package.
// This allows complex anonymous extra schemas to reuse known definitions generated in another package.
if _, ok := t.knownDefsKept[nm]; ok {
return strings.Join([]string{t.keepDefinitionsPkg, swag.ToGoName(nm)}, ".")
if t.ModelsPackage == "" {
return swag.ToGoName(nm)
if _, ok := t.KnownDefs[nm]; ok {
return strings.Join([]string{t.ModelsPackage, swag.ToGoName(nm)}, ".")
return swag.ToGoName(nm)
func (t *typeResolver) resolveObject(schema *spec.Schema, isAnonymous bool) (result resolvedType, err error) {
debugLog("resolving object %s (anon: %t, req: %t)", t.ModelName, isAnonymous, false)
result.IsAnonymous = isAnonymous
result.IsBaseType = schema.Discriminator != ""
if !isAnonymous {
result.SwaggerType = object
tpe, pkg, alias := knownDefGoType(t.ModelName, *schema, t.goTypeName)
result.GoType = tpe
result.Pkg = pkg
result.PkgAlias = alias
if len(schema.AllOf) > 0 {
result.GoType = t.goTypeName(t.ModelName)
result.IsComplexObject = true
var isNullable bool
for _, p := range schema.AllOf {
if t.IsNullable(&p) {
isNullable = true
result.IsNullable = isNullable
result.SwaggerType = object
// if this schema has properties, build a map of property name to
// resolved type, this should also flag the object as anonymous,
// when a ref is found, the anonymous flag will be reset
if len(schema.Properties) > 0 {
result.IsNullable = t.IsNullable(schema)
result.IsComplexObject = true
// no return here, still need to check for additional properties
// account for additional properties
if schema.AdditionalProperties != nil && schema.AdditionalProperties.Schema != nil {
sch := schema.AdditionalProperties.Schema
et, er := t.ResolveSchema(sch, sch.Ref.String() == "", false)
if er != nil {
err = er
result.IsMap = !result.IsComplexObject
result.SwaggerType = object
// only complex map elements are nullable (when not forced by x-nullable)
// TODO: figure out if required to check when not discriminated like arrays?
et.IsNullable = t.isNullable(schema.AdditionalProperties.Schema)
if et.IsNullable {
result.GoType = "map[string]*" + et.GoType
} else {
result.GoType = "map[string]" + et.GoType
// Resolving nullability conflicts for:
// - map[][]...[]{items}
// - map[]{aliased type}
// when IsMap is true and the type is a distinct definition,
// aliased type or anonymous construct generated independently.
// IsMapNullOverride is to be handled by the generator for special cases
// where the map element is considered non nullable and the element itself is.
// This allows to appreciate nullability according to the context
needsOverride := result.IsMap && (et.IsArray || (sch.Ref.String() != "" || et.IsAliased || et.IsAnonymous))
if needsOverride {
var er error
if et.IsArray {
var it resolvedType
s := sch
// resolve the last items after nested arrays
for s.Items != nil && s.Items.Schema != nil {
it, er = t.ResolveSchema(s.Items.Schema, sch.Ref.String() == "", false)
if er != nil {
s = s.Items.Schema
// mark an override when nullable status conflicts, i.e. when the original type is not already nullable
if !it.IsAnonymous || it.IsAnonymous && it.IsNullable {
result.IsMapNullOverride = true
} else {
// this locks the generator on the local nullability status
result.IsMapNullOverride = true
t.inferAliasing(&result, schema, isAnonymous, false)
result.ElemType = &et
if len(schema.Properties) > 0 {
// an object without property and without AdditionalProperties schema is rendered as interface{}
result.GoType = iface
result.IsMap = true
result.SwaggerType = object
result.IsNullable = false
result.IsInterface = len(schema.Properties) == 0
// nullableBool makes a boolean a pointer when we want to distinguish the zero value from no value set.
// This is the case when:
// - a x-nullable extension says so in the spec
// - it is **not** a read-only property
// - it is a required property
// - it has a default value
func nullableBool(schema *spec.Schema, isRequired bool) bool {
if nullable := nullableExtension(schema.Extensions); nullable != nil {
return *nullable
required := isRequired && schema.Default == nil && !schema.ReadOnly
optional := !isRequired && (schema.Default != nil || schema.ReadOnly)
return required || optional
// nullableNumber makes a number a pointer when we want to distinguish the zero value from no value set.
// This is the case when:
// - a x-nullable extension says so in the spec
// - it is **not** a read-only property
// - it is a required property
// - boundaries defines the zero value as a valid value:
// - there is a non-exclusive boundary set at the zero value of the type
// - the [min,max] range crosses the zero value of the type
func nullableNumber(schema *spec.Schema, isRequired bool) bool {
if nullable := nullableExtension(schema.Extensions); nullable != nil {
return *nullable
hasDefault := schema.Default != nil && !swag.IsZero(schema.Default)
isMin := schema.Minimum != nil && (*schema.Minimum != 0 || schema.ExclusiveMinimum)
bcMin := schema.Minimum != nil && *schema.Minimum == 0 && !schema.ExclusiveMinimum
isMax := schema.Minimum == nil && (schema.Maximum != nil && (*schema.Maximum != 0 || schema.ExclusiveMaximum))
bcMax := schema.Maximum != nil && *schema.Maximum == 0 && !schema.ExclusiveMaximum
isMinMax := (schema.Minimum != nil && schema.Maximum != nil && *schema.Minimum < *schema.Maximum)
bcMinMax := (schema.Minimum != nil && schema.Maximum != nil && (*schema.Minimum < 0 && 0 < *schema.Maximum))
nullable := !schema.ReadOnly && (isRequired || (hasDefault && !(isMin || isMax || isMinMax)) || bcMin || bcMax || bcMinMax)
return nullable
// nullableString makes a string nullable when we want to distinguish the zero value from no value set.
// This is the case when:
// - a x-nullable extension says so in the spec
// - it is **not** a read-only property
// - it is a required property
// - it has a MinLength property set to 0
// - it has a default other than "" (the zero for strings) and no MinLength or zero MinLength
func nullableString(schema *spec.Schema, isRequired bool) bool {
if nullable := nullableExtension(schema.Extensions); nullable != nil {
return *nullable
hasDefault := schema.Default != nil && !swag.IsZero(schema.Default)
isMin := schema.MinLength != nil && *schema.MinLength != 0
bcMin := schema.MinLength != nil && *schema.MinLength == 0
nullable := !schema.ReadOnly && (isRequired || (hasDefault && !isMin) || bcMin)
return nullable
func nullableStrfmt(schema *spec.Schema, isRequired bool) bool {
notBinary := schema.Format != binary
if nullable := nullableExtension(schema.Extensions); nullable != nil && notBinary {
return *nullable
hasDefault := schema.Default != nil && !swag.IsZero(schema.Default)
nullable := !schema.ReadOnly && (isRequired || hasDefault)
return notBinary && nullable
func nullableExtension(ext spec.Extensions) *bool {
if ext == nil {
return nil
if boolPtr := boolExtension(ext, xNullable); boolPtr != nil {
return boolPtr
return boolExtension(ext, xIsNullable)
func boolExtension(ext spec.Extensions, key string) *bool {
if v, ok := ext[key]; ok {
if bb, ok := v.(bool); ok {
return &bb
return nil
func (t *typeResolver) ResolveSchema(schema *spec.Schema, isAnonymous, isRequired bool) (result resolvedType, err error) {
debugLog("resolving schema (anon: %t, req: %t) %s", isAnonymous, isRequired, t.ModelName)
if schema == nil {
result.IsInterface = true
result.GoType = iface
tpe := t.firstType(schema)
defer setIsEmptyOmitted(&result, schema, tpe)
var returns bool
returns, result, err = t.resolveSchemaRef(schema, isRequired)
if returns {
if !isAnonymous {
result.IsMap = false
result.IsComplexObject = true
debugLog("not anonymous ref")
debugLog("returning after ref")
// special case of swagger type "file", rendered as io.ReadCloser interface
if t.firstType(schema) == file {
result.SwaggerType = file
result.IsPrimitive = true
result.IsNullable = false
result.GoType = formatMapping[str][binary]
result.IsStream = true
returns, result, err = t.resolveFormat(schema, isAnonymous, isRequired)
if returns {
debugLog("returning after resolve format: %s", pretty.Sprint(result))
result.IsNullable = t.isNullable(schema) || isRequired
switch tpe {
case array:
result, err = t.resolveArray(schema, isAnonymous, false)
case file, number, integer, boolean:
result.Extensions = schema.Extensions
result.GoType = typeMapping[tpe]
result.SwaggerType = tpe
t.inferAliasing(&result, schema, isAnonymous, isRequired)
switch tpe {
case boolean:
result.IsPrimitive = true
result.IsCustomFormatter = false
result.IsNullable = nullableBool(schema, isRequired)
case number, integer:
result.IsPrimitive = true
result.IsCustomFormatter = false
result.IsNullable = nullableNumber(schema, isRequired)
case file:
case str:
result.GoType = str
result.SwaggerType = str
t.inferAliasing(&result, schema, isAnonymous, isRequired)
result.IsPrimitive = true
result.IsNullable = nullableString(schema, isRequired)
result.Extensions = schema.Extensions
case object:
result, err = t.resolveObject(schema, isAnonymous)
if err != nil {
return resolvedType{}, err
result.HasDiscriminator = schema.Discriminator != ""
case "null":
result.GoType = iface
result.SwaggerType = object
result.IsNullable = false
result.IsInterface = true
err = fmt.Errorf("unresolvable: %v (format %q)", schema.Type, schema.Format)
return result, err
// resolvedType is a swagger type that has been resolved and analyzed for usage
// in a template
type resolvedType struct {
IsAnonymous bool
IsArray bool
IsMap bool
IsInterface bool
IsPrimitive bool
IsCustomFormatter bool
IsAliased bool
IsNullable bool
IsStream bool
IsEmptyOmitted bool
// A tuple gets rendered as an anonymous struct with P{index} as property name
IsTuple bool
HasAdditionalItems bool
// A complex object gets rendered as a struct
IsComplexObject bool
// A polymorphic type
IsBaseType bool
HasDiscriminator bool
GoType string
Pkg string
PkgAlias string
AliasedType string
SwaggerType string
SwaggerFormat string
Extensions spec.Extensions
// The type of the element in a slice or map
ElemType *resolvedType
// IsMapNullOverride indicates that a nullable object is used within an
// aliased map. In this case, the reference is not rendered with a pointer
IsMapNullOverride bool
// IsSuperAlias indicates that the aliased type is really the same type,
// e.g. in golang, this translates to: type A = B
IsSuperAlias bool
func (rt *resolvedType) Zero() string {
// if type is aliased, provide zero from the aliased type
if rt.IsAliased {
if zr, ok := zeroes[rt.AliasedType]; ok {
return rt.GoType + "(" + zr + ")"
// zero function provided as native or by strfmt function
if zr, ok := zeroes[rt.GoType]; ok {
return zr
// map and slice initializer
if rt.IsMap {
return "make(" + rt.GoType + ", 50)"
} else if rt.IsArray {
return "make(" + rt.GoType + ", 0, 50)"
// object initializer
if rt.IsTuple || rt.IsComplexObject {
if rt.IsNullable {
return "new(" + rt.GoType + ")"
return rt.GoType + "{}"
// interface initializer
if rt.IsInterface {
return "nil"
return ""