;************************ ;* Library : lhs_web_helper.pbi ;* ;* The lhs_web_helper library is to build simple dynamic linked libraries for the lweb server. ;* ;* Created and develobed by Linder Hard- und Software ;* ;* DeclareModule lhs_web_helper Declare.s MapToJSONString(Map ConvertMap.s()) Declare.s mimetype(file.s) #cha_R_ResponseType = "ResponseType" ;Element ResponseType :Mimetype #cha_R_ResponseContentType = "ResponseContentType" ;Element ResponseContentType :#response_string , #response_Memory #cha_R_MemoryAdress = "MemoryAdress" ;Element MemoryAdress :Converted to String #cha_R_MemorySize = "MemorySize" ;Element MemorySize :Converted to String #cha_R_StringBase64 = "StringBase64" ;Element StringBase64 :Base64 Encoded String #cha_R_http_head_status = "HeaderStatus" ;200 OK 300 Error 500 Server Error usw. #response_string = "response_string" #response_Memory = "response_memory" #error_string = "error" #http_head_method = "method:" #http_head_request = "request:" #http_head_protocol = "protocol:" #http_head_query = "query:" #http_head_status = "status:" #http_head_date = "date:" #http_head_server = "server:" #http_head_content_length = "content-length:" #http_head_content_type = "content-type:" #http_head_connection = "connection:" #http_head_keep_alive = "keep-alive:" #http_head_cookie = "cookie:" #http_head_set_cookie = "set-cookie:" #http_head_redirect = "location:" ;100er codes #http_state_100 = "100 Continue" #http_state_101 = "101 Switching Protocols" #http_state_102 = "102 Processing" #http_state_103 = "103 Early Hints" ;200er codes #http_state_200 = "200 Ok" #http_state_201 = "201 Created" #http_state_202 = "202 Accepted" #http_state_203 = "203 Non-Authoritative Information" #http_state_204 = "204 No Content" #http_state_205 = "205 Reset Content" #http_state_206 = "206 Partial Content" #http_state_207 = "207 Multi-Status" #http_state_208 = "208 Already Reported" #http_state_226 = "226 IM Used" ;300er codes #http_state_300 = "300 Multiple Choices" #http_state_301 = "301 Moved Permanently" #http_state_302 = "302 Found" #http_state_303 = "303 See Other" #http_state_304 = "304 Not Modified" #http_state_307 = "307 Temporary Redirect" #http_state_308 = "308 Permanent Redirect" ;400er codes #http_state_400 = "400 Bad Request" #http_state_401 = "401 Unauthorized" #http_state_402 = "402 Payment Required" #http_state_403 = "403 Forbidden" #http_state_404 = "404 Not Found" #http_state_426 = "426 Upgrade Required" ;500er codes #http_state_500 = "500 Internal Server Error" #http_state_501 = "501 Not Implemented" #http_state_505 = "505 HTTP Version Not Supported" EndDeclareModule Module lhs_web_helper Procedure.s MapToJSONString(Map ConvertMap.s()) Protected MyJSON Protected.s Response MyJSON = CreateJSON(#PB_Any) If MyJSON InsertJSONMap(JSONValue(MyJSON), ConvertMap()) Response = ComposeJSON(MyJSON) FreeJSON(MyJSON) ProcedureReturn Response EndIf ProcedureReturn #error_string EndProcedure Procedure.s mimetype(file.s) Select LCase(file) Case "pdf" ProcedureReturn "application/pdf" Case "zip" ProcedureReturn "application/zip" Case "gz" ProcedureReturn "application/gzip" Case "doc" ProcedureReturn "application/msword" Case "xls" ProcedureReturn "application/vnd.ms-excel" Case "ppt" ProcedureReturn "application/vnd.ms-powerpoint" Case "png" ProcedureReturn "image/png" Case "gif" ProcedureReturn "image/gif" Case "jpg" ProcedureReturn "image/jpeg" Case "jpeg" ProcedureReturn "image/jpeg" Case "txt" ProcedureReturn "text/plain" Case "html" ProcedureReturn "text/html" Case "htm" ProcedureReturn "text/html" Case "mss" ProcedureReturn "text/html" Case "php" ProcedureReturn "text/html" Case "css" ProcedureReturn "text/css" Case "js" ProcedureReturn "text/javascript" Default ProcedureReturn "application/octet-stream" EndSelect EndProcedure EndModule