; Module/File: System_FreeDiscSpace.pb ; Function: Get free + used Drive-space from Directory - Linux ; Author: remi_meier/uwekel (omi) ; Date: Mar. 27, 2015 ; Version: 0.1 ; Target Compiler: PureBasic 5.22/5.31 ; Target OS: Linux: (X/K/L)ubuntu, Mint, 32/64, Ascii/Uni ; Link to topic: http://www.purebasic.fr/english/viewtopic.php?f=15&t=62374 ; Link to topic: http://www.purebasic.fr/german/viewtopic.php?f=21&t=22963 ;-------------------------------------------------------------- EnableExplicit Structure Statvfs f_bsize.i; file system block size f_frsize.i; fragment size f_blocks.i; size of fs in f_frsize units f_bfree.i; free blocks f_bavail.i; free blocks for unprivileged users f_files.i; inodes f_ffree.i; free inodes f_favail.i; free inodes for unprivileged users f_fsid.i; file system ID CompilerIf #PB_Compiler_Processor = #PB_Processor_x86 __f_unused.l CompilerEndIf f_flag.i; mount flags: 1=readonly 2= nosuid f_namemax.i; maximum filename length __f_spare.l[6] EndStructure Structure DriveInfoResult Size.q Used.q Free.q EndStructure ImportC "" statvfs.l(Path.p-utf8, *value.Statvfs) EndImport Global Drive.DriveInfoResult Procedure.q DriveInfo(Path.s, *Result.DriveInfoResult) Protected v.statvfs Statvfs(Path, v) *Result\Size= v\f_blocks * v\f_frsize *Result\Used= (v\f_blocks - v\f_bfree) * v\f_frsize *Result\Free= v\f_bavail * v\f_frsize EndProcedure DriveInfo(GetHomeDirectory(), Drive); choose any directory from drive of interrest Debug "Drive-Info: " + GetHomeDirectory() Debug "Size: " + Str(Drive\Size) Debug "Used: " + Str(Drive\Used) Debug "Free: " + Str(Drive\Free) Debug "---" ; ; DriveInfo("/media/charly/96A2-6D58/", Drive); choose your USB-Stick ; Debug "Drive-Info: " + "/media/charly-xubuntu/96A2-6D58/" ; Debug "Size: " + Str(Drive\Size) ; Debug "Used: " + Str(Drive\Used) ; Debug "Free: " + Str(Drive\Free) ; Debug "---"