Ground0 2cbfdceaac Splittet source up to some includes.
Every Include should now have some procedure who are standalone usable.

lweb_http Has a lot of changes todo (Full HTTP 1.1 Compliance)
lweb_file_cache, is realy buggy. A lot of todo's
lweb_IP is Only IsIPStringValid in
lweb_helper, there is only some help procedures.

To Do:
lweb_http_post (Everything Post Specific)
lweb_http_get  (Everything Get Specific)
lweb_http_put  (Complete todo nothing done until now)
lweb_server_http (Specific http only Server)
lweb_server_https (Specific https only Server)
lweb_server (Common Server Things)

Maybe everything more generic to use standalone...
2020-12-01 15:17:48 +01:00

10 lines
322 B

;* lweb_file_cache_header.pbi
Declare AddFileToCache(MemoryID.i, FileName.s, Size.i)
Declare FileCache(Information.i)
Declare.s GetFileFromCache(FileName.s, MemoryID.i) ;Ass named
Declare FileCacheCleaner(Information.i) ;Thread to cleanup Filecache