
941 lines
20 KiB
Raw Permalink Normal View History

2021-09-08 19:52:21 +02:00
namespace gp\admin;
defined('is_running') or die('Not an entry point...');
class Update extends \gp\Page{
//page variables
public $pagetype = 'update';
public $label = 'Updater';
public $head = '';
public $admin_css = '';
public $contentBuffer = '';
public $head_script = '';
public $gpLayout;
public $title = '';
public $admin_js = false;
public $meta_keywords = array();
public $head_js = array();
//for unpacking and replacing
public $replace_dirs = array();
public $extra_dirs = array();
//update vars
public $update_data = array();
public $data_timestamp = 0;
public $curr_step = 1;
private $steps = array();
private $passed = false;
private $done = false;
public $core_package;
public $update_msgs = array();
private $FileSystem;
//content for template
public $output_phpcheck = '';
//force inline js and css in case for updates incase the files are deleted/changed during update processs
public $head_force_inline = true;
/* methods for $page usage */
function GetContent(){
global $langmessage;
echo '<div id="gpx_content">';
echo GetMessages();
echo $this->contentBuffer;
echo '</div>';
function __construct($process='page'){
//called from admin_tools.php
if( $process == 'embededcheck' ){
header('content-type: image/gif');
echo base64_decode('R0lGODlhAQABAIAAAAAAAAAAACH5BAEAAAAALAAAAAABAAEAAAICRAEAOw=='); // send 1x1 transparent gif
$this->contentBuffer = ob_get_clean();
function Run(){
if( !$this->CheckPHP() ){
echo $this->output_phpcheck;
$cmd = \gp\tool::GetCommand();
$show = true;
case 'checkremote':
case 'update';
if( gp_remote_update && $this->UpdateCMS() ){
$show = false;
if( $show ){
echo '<h2>Status</h2>';
echo $this->output_phpcheck;
* $update_data['packages'][id] = array()
* array['id'] = id of addon (unique across all types), "core" if type is "core"
* array['type'] = [core,plugin,theme]
* array['md5'] = expected md5 sum of zip file
* array['file'] = file on local system
* array['version'] = version of the package
function GetData(){
$this->data_timestamp = \gp\admin\Tools::VersionData($update_data);
$this->update_data = $update_data;
if( isset($this->update_data['packages']['core']) ){
$this->core_package =& $this->update_data['packages']['core'];
function CheckPHP(){
global $dataDir, $langmessage;
$passed = true;
echo '<table class="styledtable">';
echo '<tr><th>';
echo $langmessage['Test'];
echo '</th><th>';
echo $langmessage['Value'];
echo '</th><th>';
echo $langmessage['Expected'];
echo '</th></tr>';
// RemoteGet
echo '<tr><td>';
echo 'RemoteGet';
echo '</td><td>';
if( \gp\tool\RemoteGet::Test() !== false ){
echo '<span class="passed">'.$langmessage['True'].'</span>';
$passed = false;
echo '<span class="failed">'.$langmessage['False'].'</span>';
echo '</td><td>';
echo $langmessage['True'];
echo '</td></tr>';
//root installation
echo '<tr><td>';
echo 'Root Installation';
echo '</td><td>';
if( !defined('multi_site_unique') ){
echo '<span class="passed">'.$langmessage['True'].'</span>';
echo '<span class="failed">'.$langmessage['False'].'</span>';
if( gpdebug ){
msg('This feature is not normally available in a multi-site installation.
It is currently accessible because gpdebug is set to true.
Continuing is not recommended.');
$passed = false;
echo '</td><td>';
echo $langmessage['True'];
echo '</td></tr>';
echo '</table>';
if( !$passed ){
echo '<div class="inline_message">';
echo $langmessage['Server_isnt_supported'];
echo '</div>';
$this->output_phpcheck = ob_get_clean();
return $passed;
function CheckStatus(){
global $langmessage;
$diff = time() - $this->data_timestamp;
if( $this->data_timestamp > 0 ){
echo '<p>';
echo sprintf($langmessage['Software_updates_checked'],\gp\tool::date($langmessage['strftime_datetime'],$this->data_timestamp));
echo '</p>';
//one hour old
if( $diff > 3600 ){
echo '<p>';
echo '<a href="?cmd=checkremote">'.$langmessage['Check Now'].'</a>';
echo '</p>';
function DoRemoteCheck($ForceCheck = false){
global $langmessage;
$diff = time() - $this->data_timestamp;
//604800 one week
if( !$ForceCheck && ($diff < 604800) ){
if( !$this->DoRemoteCheck2() ){
$this->data_timestamp = time();
* Update available package information
function DoRemoteCheck2(){
global $config, $dataDir;
$path = \gp\tool::IdUrl();
//add any locally available themes with addon ids
$dir = $dataDir.'/themes';
$themes = scandir($dir);
$theme_ids = array();
foreach($themes as $name){
if( $name == '.' || $name == '..' ){
$full_dir = $dir.'/'.$name;
if( !is_dir($full_dir) ){
$templateFile = $full_dir.'/template.php';
$ini_file = $full_dir.'/Addon.ini';
if( !file_exists($templateFile) ){
$ini_info = array();
if( file_exists($ini_file) ){
$ini_info = \gp\tool\Ini::ParseFile($ini_file);
if( isset($ini_info['Addon_Unique_ID']) ){
$theme_ids[] = $ini_info['Addon_Unique_ID'];
$theme_ids = array_unique($theme_ids );
if( count($theme_ids) ){
$path .= '&th='.implode('-',$theme_ids );
//get data
$result = \gp\tool\RemoteGet::Get_Successful($path);
if( !$result ){
$this->msg(\gp\tool\RemoteGet::Debug('Sorry, data not fetched'));
return false;
//zipped data possible since 4.1
if( function_exists('gzinflate') ){
$temp = gzinflate($result);
if( $temp ){
$result = $temp;
$result = trim($result);
$array = json_decode($result, true); //json since 4.1
if( !is_array($array) ){
$debug = array();
$debug['Type'] = gettype($array);
$debug['json_last_error'] = json_last_error();
$debug['Two'] = substr($result,0,20);
$this->msg(\gp\tool\RemoteGet::Debug('Sorry, data not fetched',$debug));
return false;
if( !$array ){
$debug = array();
$debug['Count'] = count($array);
$debug['Two'] = substr($result,0,20);
$this->msg(\gp\tool\RemoteGet::Debug('Sorry, data not fetched',$debug));
return false;
$this->update_data['packages'] = array();
foreach($array as $info){
$id =& $info['id'];
if( !is_numeric($id) ){
if( !isset($info['type']) ){
if( $info['type'] == 'core' ){
$id = 'core';
$this->update_data['packages'][$id] = $info;
if( isset($this->update_data['packages']['core']) ){
$this->core_package = $this->update_data['packages']['core'];
return true;
function ShowStatus(){
global $langmessage;
if( !$this->core_package ){
echo '<div class="inline_message">';
if( version_compare(gpversion,$this->core_package['version'],'<') ){
echo '<span class="green">';
echo $langmessage['New_version_available'];
echo ' &nbsp; ';
echo '</span>';
if( gp_remote_update ){
echo '<a href="?cmd=update"> &#187; '.$langmessage['Update_Now'].' &#171; </a>';
echo 'Remote Updating is not available';
echo '<table>';
echo '<tr>';
echo '<td>'.$langmessage['Your_version'].'</td>';
echo '<td>'.gpversion.'</td>';
echo '</tr>';
echo '<tr>';
echo '<td>'.$langmessage['New_version'].'</td>';
echo '<td>'.$this->core_package['version'].'</td>';
echo '</tr>';
echo '</table>';
echo $langmessage['UP_TO_DATE'];
echo '<div>'.$langmessage['Your_version'];
echo ' '.gpversion;
echo '</div>';
echo '<div>';
echo \gp\tool::link('',$langmessage['return_to_your_site']);
echo '</div>';
echo '</div>';
function UpdateCMS(){
global $langmessage;
if( !$this->core_package ){
echo $langmessage['OOPS'].' (Core Package Not Set)';
return false;
if( isset($_POST['step']) ){
$this->curr_step = (int)$_POST['step'];
//already up to date?
if( ($this->curr_step < 4) && version_compare(gpversion,$this->core_package['version'],'>=') ){
return false;
$filesystem_method = $this->DetectFileSystem();
if( !$filesystem_method ){
msg('Update Aborted: Could not establish a file writing method compatible with your server.');
return false;
echo '<form method="post" action="?cmd=update">';
if( $filesystem_method ){
echo '<input type="hidden" name="filesystem_method" value="'.htmlspecialchars($filesystem_method).'" />';
$step_content = $this->RunStep();
echo $step_content;
if( $this->FileSystem ){
\gp\admin\Tools::VersionData($this->update_data); //save any changes made by the steps
if( !$this->done ){
if( $this->passed ){
echo '<input type="hidden" name="step" value="'.min(count($this->steps),$this->curr_step+1).'"/>';
echo '<input type="submit" class="submit" name="" value="'.htmlspecialchars($langmessage['next_step']).'" />';
}elseif( $this->curr_step < 3 ){
echo '<input type="hidden" name="step" value="'.min(count($this->steps),$this->curr_step).'"/>';
echo '<input type="submit" class="submit" name="" value="'.htmlspecialchars($langmessage['continue']).'" />';
echo '<input type="hidden" name="failed_install" value="failed_install"/>';
echo '<input type="hidden" name="step" value="4"/>';
echo '<input type="submit" class="submit" name="" value="'.htmlspecialchars($langmessage['step:clean']).'..." />';
echo '</form>';
return true;
* Display the update steps and current
protected function Steps(){
global $langmessage;
$this->steps[1] = $langmessage['step:prepare'];
$this->steps[2] = $langmessage['step:download'];
$this->steps[3] = $langmessage['step:unpack'];
$this->steps[4] = $langmessage['step:clean'];
echo '<div>'.$langmessage['update_steps'].'</div>';
echo '<ol class="steps">';
$curr_step_label = '';
foreach($this->steps as $temp_step => $message ){
if( $this->curr_step == $temp_step ){
echo '<li class="current">'.$message.'</li>';
$curr_step_label = $message;
}elseif( $temp_step < $this->curr_step ){
echo '<li class="done">'.$message.'</li>';
echo '<li>'.$message.'</li>';
echo '</ol>';
echo '<h3>'.$curr_step_label.'</h3>';
* Run the current step
protected function RunStep(){
case 4:
$this->done = $this->CleanUp();
case 3:
$this->passed = $this->UnpackAndReplace();
case 2:
$this->passed = $this->DownloadSource();
case 1:
$this->passed = $this->GetServerInfo();
return ob_get_clean();
* Determine how we'll be writing the new code to the server (ftp or direct)
function DetectFileSystem(){
global $dataDir;
//already determined
if( isset($_POST['filesystem_method']) ){
$this->FileSystem = \gp\tool\FileSystem::set_method($_POST['filesystem_method']);
if( $this->FileSystem ){
return $_POST['filesystem_method'];
$this->curr_step = 1; //make sure we don't attempt anything beyond step 1
$context[$dataDir] = 'file'; // Need to be able to write to the dataDir
$context[$dataDir . '/include'] = 'file'; // Need to be able to rename or delete the include directory
$context[$dataDir . '/themes'] = 'dir'; // These may have user content in them and should not be completely replaced
$context[$dataDir . '/addons'] = 'dir';
$this->FileSystem = \gp\tool\FileSystem::init($context);
if( !$this->FileSystem ){
return false;
return $this->FileSystem->method;
* Remove folders and files that are no longer needed
function CleanUp(){
global $langmessage;
//delete old folders
if( isset($_POST['old_folder']) && is_array($_POST['old_folder']) ){
//failed install message
if( isset($_POST['failed_install']) ){
echo '<h3>';
echo \gp\tool::link('',$langmessage['return_to_your_site']);
echo ' &nbsp; &nbsp; ';
echo '<a href="?cmd=update">'.$langmessage['try_again'].'</a>';
echo '</h3>';
return true;
//delete zip file
if( !empty($this->core_package['file']) && file_exists($this->core_package['file']) ){
echo '<h3>';
echo \gp\tool::link('','&#187; '.$langmessage['return_to_your_site']);
echo '</h3>';
return true;
* Delete folders
function CleanUpFolders($folders){
global $langmessage;
if( !$this->FileSystem->connect() ){
$this->msg($langmessage['OOPS'].' (not connected)');
return false;
$not_deleted = array();
$this->FileSystem->CleanUpFolders($folders, $not_deleted);
if( count($not_deleted) > 0 ){
$this->msg($langmessage['delete_incomplete'].': '.implode(', ',$not_deleted));
return false;
return true;
* Remove configuration setting that indicates the CMS is being updated
function RemoveUpdateMessage(){
global $config, $langmessage;
if( !isset($config['updating_message']) ){
return true;
if( !\gp\admin\Tools::SaveConfig(true) ){
return false;
return true;
* Replace the /include, /themes and /addons folders
* Start by creating the new folders with the new content
* Then replace the existing directories with the new directories
function UnpackAndReplace(){
global $langmessage, $config, $dataDir;
if( !$this->FileSystem->connect() ){
$this->msg($langmessage['OOPS'].': (not connected)');
return false;
if( !$this->UnpackAndSort($this->core_package['file']) ){
return false;
}catch( \Exception $e){
$this->msg($langmessage['error_unpacking'].' (no root)');
return false;
$this->msg('Files Sorted');
$config['updating_message'] = $langmessage['sorry_currently_updating'];
if( !\gp\admin\Tools::SaveConfig() ){
return false;
$replaced = $this->FileSystem->ReplaceDirs( $this->replace_dirs, $this->extra_dirs );
if( $replaced !== true ){
$this->msg($langmessage['error_unpacking'].' '.$replaced);
return false;
return true;
* Show which files will be deleted in the cleanup
function OldFolders(){
global $langmessage, $dataDir;
$dirs = array_merge( array_values($this->replace_dirs), array_values($this->extra_dirs));
$dirs = array_unique( $dirs );
if( count($dirs) == 0 ){
$filesystem_base = $this->FileSystem->get_base_dir();
echo $langmessage['old_folders_created'];
echo '<ul>';
foreach($dirs as $folder){
$folder = '/'.ltrim($folder,'/');
$folder_full = $filesystem_base.$folder;
if( !$this->FileSystem->file_exists($folder_full) ){
echo '<div><label>';
echo '<input type="checkbox" name="old_folder[]" value="'.htmlspecialchars($folder).'" checked="checked" />';
echo htmlspecialchars($folder);
echo '</label></div>';
echo '</ul>';
* Unpack the archive and save the files in temporary folders
* @return bool
function UnpackAndSort($file){
global $langmessage;
$archive = new \gp\tool\Archive($file);
$archive_root = $archive->GetRoot();
if( is_null($archive_root) ){
$this->msg($langmessage['error_unpacking'].' (no root)');
return false;
$archive_root_len = strlen($archive_root);
$archive_files = $archive->ListFiles();
foreach($archive_files as $file){
if( strpos($file['name'],$archive_root) === false ){
$rel_filename = substr($file['name'],$archive_root_len);
$name_parts = explode('/',trim($rel_filename,'/'));
$dir = array_shift($name_parts);
$replace_dir = false;
case 'include':
$replace_dir = 'include';
$rel_filename = implode('/',$name_parts);
case 'themes':
case 'addons':
if( count($name_parts) == 0 ){
continue 2;
$replace_dir = $dir.'/'.array_shift($name_parts);
$rel_filename = implode('/',$name_parts);
if( $replace_dir === false ){
$content = $archive->getFromName($file['name']);
if( empty($content) ){
$replace_dir = trim($replace_dir,'/');
if( !isset( $this->replace_dirs[$replace_dir] ) ){
$this->replace_dirs[$replace_dir] = \gp\tool\FileSystem::TempFile( $replace_dir );
$file_rel = $this->replace_dirs[$replace_dir].'/'.$rel_filename;
if( !$this->PutFile( $file_rel, $content ) ){
return false;
return true;
* Use FileSystem to save the file contents so permissions are consistent
private function PutFile( $dest_rel, $content ){
global $langmessage;
$full = $this->FileSystem->get_base_dir().'/'.trim($dest_rel,'/');
if( !$this->FileSystem->put_contents($full,$content) ){
trigger_error('Could not create file: '.$full);
$this->msg($langmessage['error_unpacking'].' (2)');
return true;
return true;
* Download the source code
function DownloadSource(){
global $langmessage, $dataDir;
$this->msg('Downloading version '.$this->core_package['version'].' from '.CMS_READABLE_DOMAIN.'.');
/* for testing
* $download = 'http://gpeasy.loc/x_gpEasy.zip';
$download = addon_browse_path.'/Special_gpEasy?cmd=download';
$contents = \gp\tool\RemoteGet::Get_Successful($download);
if( !$contents || empty($contents) ){
return false;
$md5 = md5($contents);
if( $md5 != $this->core_package['md5'] ){
$this->msg($langmessage['download_failed_md5'].'<br/>Downloaded Checksum ('.$md5.') != Expected Checksum ('.$this->core_package['md5'].')');
return false;
//save contents
$temp_file = $dataDir.\gp\tool\FileSystem::TempFile('/data/_temp/update','.zip');
if( !\gp\tool\Files::Save($temp_file,$contents) ){
$this->msg($langmessage['download_failed'].' (2)');
return false;
$this->core_package['file'] = $temp_file;
return true;
* Make sure we actuallly have the ability to write to the server using
function GetServerInfo(){
global $langmessage;
if( $this->FileSystem->connect() ){
$this->DoRemoteCheck2(); //make sure we have the latest information
return true;
if( isset($_POST['connect_values_submitted']) ){
//not connected, show form
echo '<table class="formtable">';
echo '</table>';
return false;
* Add an update message
function msg($msg){
$this->update_msgs[] = $msg;
function OutputMessages(){
if( !$this->update_msgs ){
echo '<ul class="progress">';
foreach($this->update_msgs as $msg){
echo '<li>'.$msg.'</li>';
echo '</ul>';