2021-09-08 19:52:21 +02:00
< ? php
namespace gp\install ;
defined ( 'is_running' ) or die ( 'Not an entry point...' );
class Tools {
static $file_count = 0 ;
* Display the basic configuration options for installation :
* - Website Title
* - Username
* - Email address ( for password recovery )
* - Password
public static function Form_UserDetails (){
global $langmessage ;
$_POST += [
'username' => '' ,
'site_title' => 'My ' . CMS_NAME ,
'email' => '' ,
echo '<tr><th colspan="3">' . $langmessage [ 'configuration' ] . '</th></tr>' ;
echo '<tr><td>' . $langmessage [ 'Website_Title' ] . '</td><td colspan="2"><input type="text" class="text" name="site_title" value="' . htmlspecialchars ( $_POST [ 'site_title' ]) . '" required /></td></tr>' ;
echo '<tr><td>' . $langmessage [ 'email_address' ] . '</td><td colspan="2"><input type="email" class="text" name="email" value="' . htmlspecialchars ( $_POST [ 'email' ]) . '" required id="install_field_email" /></td></tr>' ;
echo '<tr><td>' . $langmessage [ 'Admin_Username' ] . '</td><td colspan="2"><input type="text" class="text" name="username" value="' . htmlspecialchars ( $_POST [ 'username' ]) . '" required id="install_field_username" /></td></tr>' ;
echo '<tr><td>' . $langmessage [ 'Admin_Password' ] . '</td><td colspan="2"><input type="password" class="text" name="password" value="" required /></td></tr>' ;
echo '<tr><td>' . $langmessage [ 'repeat_password' ] . '</td><td colspan="2"><input type="password" class="text" name="password1" value="" required /></td></tr>' ;
* Display optional configuration options for installation
* - jquery source ( local or google )
* - hide gplink
public static function Form_Configuration (){
global $langmessage ;
echo '<tr><th colspan="3">' ;
echo '<a href="javascript:toggleOptions()">' . $langmessage [ 'more_options' ] . '...</a>' ;
echo '</th></tr>' ;
echo '<tbody id="config_options" style="display:none">' ;
echo '<tr><td>' ;
echo $langmessage [ 'combinejs' ];
echo '</td><td>' ;
self :: BooleanForm ( 'combinejs' , true );
echo '</td><td>' ;
echo '</td></tr>' ;
echo '<tr><td>' ;
echo $langmessage [ 'minifyjs' ];
echo '</td><td>' ;
self :: BooleanForm ( 'minifyjs' , false );
echo '</td><td>' ;
echo '</td></tr>' ;
echo '<tr><td>' ;
echo $langmessage [ 'combinecss' ];
echo '</td><td>' ;
self :: BooleanForm ( 'combinecss' , true );
echo '</td><td>' ;
echo '</td></tr>' ;
//allow svg upload
echo '<tr><td>' ;
echo $langmessage [ 'allow_svg_upload' ];
echo '</td><td>' ;
self :: BooleanForm ( 'allow_svg_upload' , false );
echo '</td><td>' ;
echo $langmessage [ 'about_config' ][ 'allow_svg_upload' ];
echo '</td></tr>' ;
echo '<tr><td>' ;
echo $langmessage [ 'etag_headers' ];
echo '</td><td>' ;
self :: BooleanForm ( 'etag_headers' , true );
echo '</td><td>' ;
echo '</td></tr>' ;
echo '</tbody>' ;
* Display a checkbox for a boolean configuration option
* @ param string $key The configuration key being displayed
* @ param bool $default The default value if it hasn ' t already been set by the user
public static function BooleanForm ( $key , $default = true ){
$checked = '' ;
if ( self :: BooleanValue ( $key , $default ) ){
$checked = ' checked="checked"' ;
echo '<input type="hidden" name="' . $key . '" value="false" />' ;
echo '<input type="checkbox" name="' . $key . '" value="true"' . $checked . ' />' ;
* Determine if the boolean configuration option is true or false
* @ param string $key The configuration key
* @ param bool $default The default value if it hasn ' t already been set by the user
public static function BooleanValue ( $key , $default = true ){
if ( ! isset ( $_POST [ $key ]) ){
return $default ;
if ( $_POST [ $key ] == 'true' ){
return true ;
return false ;
//based on the user supplied values, make sure we can go forward with the installation
public static function gpInstall_Check (){
global $langmessage ;
echo " \n Install Check \n " ;
$_POST += [
'username' => '' ,
'site_title' => 'My ' . CMS_NAME ,
'email' => ''
$passed = [];
$failed = [];
//Email Address
if ( ! ( bool ) preg_match ( '/^[^@]+@[^@]+\.[^@]+$/' , $_POST [ 'email' ]) ){
$failed [] = $langmessage [ 'invalid_email' ];
if ( ( $_POST [ 'password' ] == " " ) || ( $_POST [ 'password' ] !== $_POST [ 'password1' ]) ){
$failed [] = $langmessage [ 'invalid_password' ];
} else {
$passed [] = $langmessage [ 'PASSWORDS_MATCHED' ];
$test = str_replace ([ '.' , '_' ], [ '' ], $_POST [ 'username' ] );
if ( empty ( $test ) || ! ctype_alnum ( $test ) ){
$failed [] = $langmessage [ 'invalid_username' ];
} else {
$passed [] = $langmessage [ 'Username_ok' ];
if ( count ( $passed ) > 0 ){
foreach ( $passed as $message ){
echo '<li class="passed">' ;
echo $message ;
echo '</li>' ;
if ( count ( $failed ) > 0 ){
foreach ( $failed as $message ){
echo '<li class="failed">' ;
echo $message ;
echo '</li>' ;
return false ;
return true ;
public static function Install_Title (){
$_POST += [ 'site_title' => '' ];
$title = $_POST [ 'site_title' ];
$title = htmlspecialchars ( $title );
$title = trim ( $title );
if ( empty ( $title ) ){
return 'My ' . CMS_NAME ;
return $title ;
public static function Install_DataFiles_New ( $destination = false , $config = [], $base_install = true ){
global $langmessage , $dirPrefix ;
if ( $destination === false ){
$destination = $GLOBALS [ 'dataDir' ];
//set config variables
//use Bootstrap 4 theme if server has enough memory
$gpLayouts = [];
$gpLayouts [ 'default' ][ 'theme' ] = 'Bootstrap4/footer' ;
$gpLayouts [ 'default' ][ 'label' ] = 'Bootstrap 4/footer' ;
$gpLayouts [ 'default' ][ 'color' ] = '#5A26A6' ;
$gpLayouts [ 'default' ][ 'framework' ] = [ 'name' => 'Bootstrap' , 'version' => 4 ];
$gpLayouts [ 'default' ][ 'js_vars' ] = " \n " . 'var layout_config = {' .
'"header_sticky":{"value":true},' .
'"complementary_header_show":{"value":"md"},' .
'"complementary_header_fixed":{"value":false},' .
'"navbar_expand_breakpoint":{"value":"lg"},' .
'"mobile_menu_style":{"value":"pulldown"}' .
'};' ;
$gpLayouts [ 'default' ][ 'config' ] = [
'header_brand_logo' => [ 'value' => $dirPrefix . '/include/imgs/typesetter/ts-logo-o-color.svg' ],
'header_brand_logo_alt_text' => [ 'value' => 'Logo' ],
'header_sticky' => [ 'value' => true ],
'complementary_header_fixed' => [ 'value' => false ],
'complementary_header_show' => [ 'value' => 'md' ],
'complementary_header_use_container' => [ 'value' => true ],
'header_use_container' => [ 'value' => true ],
'navbar_expand_breakpoint' => [ 'value' => 'lg' ],
'main_menu_align' => [ 'value' => 'right' ],
'mobile_menu_style' => [ 'value' => 'pulldown' ],
'content_use_container' => [ 'value' => true ],
'footer_use_container' => [ 'value' => true ],
'use_avail_classes' => [ 'value' => true ],
$_config = [];
$_config [ 'toemail' ] = $_POST [ 'email' ];
$_config [ 'gpLayout' ] = 'default' ;
$_config [ 'title' ] = self :: Install_Title ();
2025-03-01 20:41:04 +01:00
$_config [ 'category' ] = '' ;
$_config [ 'keywords' ] = '' ;
2021-09-08 19:52:21 +02:00
$_config [ 'desc' ] = 'A new ' . CMS_NAME . ' installation. You can change your site\'s description in the configuration.' ;
$_config [ 'timeoffset' ] = '0' ;
$_config [ 'langeditor' ] = 'inherit' ;
$_config [ 'dateformat' ] = '%m/%d/%y - %I:%M %p' ;
$_config [ 'gpversion' ] = gpversion ;
$_config [ 'passhash' ] = 'sha512' ;
$_config [ 'gpuniq' ] = \gp\tool :: RandomString ( 20 );
$_config [ 'combinecss' ] = self :: BooleanValue ( 'combinecss' , true );
$_config [ 'combinejs' ] = self :: BooleanValue ( 'combinejs' , true );
$_config [ 'minifyjs' ] = self :: BooleanValue ( 'minifyjs' , false );
$_config [ 'allow_svg_upload' ] = self :: BooleanValue ( 'allow_svg_upload' , false );
$_config [ 'etag_headers' ] = self :: BooleanValue ( 'etag_headers' , true );
$_config [ 'gallery_legacy_style' ] = false ;
$_config [ 'language' ] = 'en' ;
$_config [ 'admin_links' ] = [];
$_config [ 'addons' ] = [
'Bootstrap4' => [
'code_folder_part' => '/themes/Bootstrap4' ,
'data_folder' => 'Bootstrap4' ,
'name' => 'Bootstrap 4' ,
'version' => '1.0' ,
'is_theme' => true ,
$_config [ 'hooks' ] = [
'AvailableClasses' => [
'Bootstrap4' => [
'addon' => 'Bootstrap4' ,
'script' => '/themes/Bootstrap4/addon.php' ,
'method' => [ 'Theme_Bootstrap4' , 'AvailableClasses' ],
$config += $_config ;
\gp\tool\Files :: CheckDir ( $destination . '/data/_uploaded/image' );
\gp\tool\Files :: CheckDir ( $destination . '/data/_uploaded/media' );
\gp\tool\Files :: CheckDir ( $destination . '/data/_uploaded/file' );
// \gp\tool\Files::CheckDir($destination.'/data/_uploaded/flash');
\gp\tool\Files :: CheckDir ( $destination . '/data/_sessions' );
// gp_index
$new_index = [];
$new_index [ 'Home' ] = 'a' ;
$new_index [ 'Heading_Page' ] = 'b' ;
$new_index [ 'Child_Page' ] = 'c' ;
$new_index [ 'More' ] = 'd' ;
$new_index [ 'About' ] = 'e' ;
$new_index [ 'Contact' ] = 'special_contact' ;
$new_index [ 'Site_Map' ] = 'special_site_map' ;
$new_index [ 'Galleries' ] = 'special_galleries' ;
$new_index [ 'Missing' ] = 'special_missing' ;
$new_index [ 'Search' ] = 'special_gpsearch' ;
// gpmenu
$new_menu = [];
$new_menu [ 'a' ] = [ 'level' => 0 ];
$new_menu [ 'b' ] = [ 'level' => 0 ];
$new_menu [ 'c' ] = [ 'level' => 1 ];
$new_menu [ 'd' ] = [ 'level' => 0 ];
$new_menu [ 'e' ] = [ 'level' => 1 ];
$new_menu [ 'special_contact' ] = [ 'level' => 1 ];
// links
$new_titles = [];
$new_titles [ 'a' ][ 'label' ] = 'Home' ;
$new_titles [ 'a' ][ 'type' ] = 'text' ;
$new_titles [ 'b' ][ 'label' ] = 'Heading Page' ;
$new_titles [ 'b' ][ 'type' ] = 'text' ;
$new_titles [ 'c' ][ 'label' ] = 'Child Page' ;
$new_titles [ 'c' ][ 'type' ] = 'text' ;
$new_titles [ 'd' ][ 'label' ] = 'More' ;
$new_titles [ 'd' ][ 'type' ] = 'text' ;
$new_titles [ 'e' ][ 'label' ] = 'About' ;
$new_titles [ 'e' ][ 'type' ] = 'text' ;
$new_titles [ 'special_contact' ][ 'lang_index' ] = 'contact' ;
$new_titles [ 'special_contact' ][ 'type' ] = 'special' ;
$new_titles [ 'special_site_map' ][ 'lang_index' ] = 'site_map' ;
$new_titles [ 'special_site_map' ][ 'type' ] = 'special' ;
$new_titles [ 'special_galleries' ][ 'lang_index' ] = 'galleries' ;
$new_titles [ 'special_galleries' ][ 'type' ] = 'special' ;
$new_titles [ 'special_missing' ][ 'label' ] = 'Missing' ;
$new_titles [ 'special_missing' ][ 'type' ] = 'special' ;
$new_titles [ 'special_gpsearch' ][ 'label' ] = 'Search' ;
$new_titles [ 'special_gpsearch' ][ 'type' ] = 'special' ;
$pages = [];
$pages [ 'gp_index' ] = $new_index ;
$pages [ 'gp_menu' ] = $new_menu ;
$pages [ 'gp_titles' ] = $new_titles ;
$pages [ 'gpLayouts' ] = $gpLayouts ;
echo '<li>' ;
if ( ! \gp\tool\Files :: SaveData ( $destination . '/data/_site/pages.php' , 'pages' , $pages ) ){
echo '<span class="failed">' ;
//echo 'Could not save pages.php';
echo sprintf ( $langmessage [ 'COULD_NOT_SAVE' ], 'pages.php' );
echo '</span>' ;
echo '</li>' ;
return false ;
echo '<span class="passed">' ;
//echo 'Pages.php saved.';
echo sprintf ( $langmessage [ '_SAVED' ], 'pages.php' );
echo '</span>' ;
echo '</li>' ;
// Home
$content = '<h2>Welcome to Your ' . CMS_NAME . ' Powered Site !</ h2 >
< p class = " lead " > Now that ' . CMS_NAME . ' is installed , you can start editing the content and customizing your site .</ p >
< div class = " row " >
< div class = " col-sm-6 " >
< h3 > Getting Started </ h3 >
< hr />
< p > You are currently viewing the default home page of your website . Here\ ' s a quick description of how to edit this page .</ p >
< ol >
< li > First make sure you & #39;re ' . self::Install_Link_Content('Admin', 'logged in', 'file=Home') . '.</li>
< li > Then click the & quot ; Edit & quot ; link that appears when you move your mouse over the content .</ li >
< li > Your changes will be saved to a draft automatically . Click " Publish Draft " to make them live .</ li >
</ ol >
</ div >
< div class = " col-sm-6 " >
< h3 > More Options </ h3 >
< hr />
< ul >
< li > Adding , renaming , deleting and organising your pages can all be done in the ' . self::Install_Link_Content(' Admin / Menu ', ' Page Manager ') . ' .</ li >
< li > Choose from a ' . self::Install_Link_Content(' Admin_Theme_Content ', ' variety of themes ') . ' to give your site a custom look .</ li >
< li > Then , you can ' . self::Install_Link_Content(' Admin_Theme_Content / Edit ', ' add , remove and rearrange ') . ' the content of your site without editing the html .</ li >
< li > Take a look at the Administrator Toolbar to access all the features of ' . CMS_NAME . ' .</ li >
</ ul >
</ div >
</ div >
< div class = " row " >
< div class = " col-sm-6 " >
< h3 > Online Resources </ h3 >
< hr />
< p > ' . CMS_READABLE_DOMAIN . ' has a number of resources to help you do even more .</ p >
< ul >
< li > Find more community developed < a href = " ' . CMS_DOMAIN . '/Themes " title = " ' . CMS_NAME . ' Themes " rel = " nofollow " > themes </ a > and < a href = " ' . CMS_DOMAIN . '/Plugins " title = " ' . CMS_NAME . ' Plugin " rel = " nofollow " > plugins </ a > to enhance your site .</ li >
< li > Get help in the < a href = " ' . CMS_DOMAIN . '/Forum " title = " ' . CMS_NAME . ' Forum " rel = " nofollow " > ' . CMS_NAME . ' forum </ a >.</ li >
< li > Show off your < a href = " ' . CMS_DOMAIN . '/Showcase " title = " Sites Using ' . CMS_NAME . ' " rel = " nofollow " > ' . CMS_NAME . ' powered site </ a > or list your < a href = " ' . CMS_DOMAIN . '/Providers " title = " Businesses Using ' . CMS_NAME . ' " rel = " nofollow " > ' . CMS_NAME . ' related business </ a >.</ li >
</ ul >
</ div >
< div class = " col-sm-6 " >
< h3 > Git Social </ h3 >
< hr />
< p > There are many ways to contribute to our project :</ p >
< ul >
< li > Fork ' . CMS_NAME . ' on < a href = " https://github.com/Typesetter/Typesetter " target = " _blank " rel = " nofollow " > github </ a >.</ li >
< li > Like us on < a href = " https://www.facebook.com/Typesetter.cms " target = " _blank " rel = " nofollow " > Facebook </ a >.</ li >
< li > Follow us on < a href = " https://twitter.com/TypesetterCMS " target = " _blank " rel = " nofollow " > Twitter </ a >.</ li >
</ ul >
</ div >
</ div >
' ;
self :: NewTitle ( $destination , 'Home' , $content , $config , $new_index );
// Heading Page
$content = ' < h1 > A Heading Page </ h1 >
< li > ' . self::Install_Link_Content(' Child_Page ', ' Child Page ') . ' </ li >
</ ul > ' ;
self :: NewTitle ( $destination , 'Heading_Page' , $content , $config , $new_index );
// Child Page
$content = '<h1>A Child Page</h1><p>You can easily change the arrangement of all your pages using the ' . self :: Install_Link_Content ( 'Admin/Menu' , 'Page Manager' ) . '.</p>' ;
self :: NewTitle ( $destination , 'Child_Page' , $content , $config , $new_index );
// More
$content = ' < h1 > More </ h1 >
< ul >< li > ' . self::Install_Link_Content(' About ', ' About ') . ' </ li >
< li > ' . self::Install_Link_Content(' Contact ', ' Contact ') . ' </ li >
</ ul > ' ;
self :: NewTitle ( $destination , 'More' , $content , $config , $new_index );
// About
$content = '<h1>About ' . CMS_NAME . '</h1><p><a href="' . CMS_DOMAIN . '" title="' . CMS_READABLE_DOMAIN . '" rel="nofollow">' . CMS_NAME . ' </ a > is a complete Content Management System ( CMS ) that can help you create rich and flexible web sites with a simple and easy to use interface .</ p >
< h2 > ' . CMS_NAME . ' How To </ h2 >
< p > Learn how to < a href = " ' . CMS_DOMAIN . '/Docs/Main/Admin " title = " ' . CMS_NAME . ' File Management " rel = " nofollow " > manage your files </ a > ,
< a href = " ' . CMS_DOMAIN . '/Docs/Main/Creating%20Galleries " title = " Creating Galleries in ' . CMS_NAME . ' " rel = " nofollow " > create galleries </ a > and more in the
< a href = " ' . CMS_DOMAIN . '/Docs/index.php/ " title = " ' . CMS_NAME . ' Documentation " rel = " nofollow " > ' . CMS_NAME . ' Documentation </ a >.
</ p >
< h2 > ' . CMS_NAME . ' Features </ h2 >
< ul >
< li > True WYSIWYG ( Using CKEditor ) </ li >
< li > Galleries ( Using ColorBox ) </ li >
< li > SEO Friendly Links </ li >
< li > Free and Open Source ( GPL ) </ li >
< li > Runs on PHP </ li >
< li > File Upload Manager </ li >
< li > Drag \ ' n Drop Theme Content </ li >
< li > Deleted File Trash Can </ li >
< li > Multiple User Administration </ li >
< li > Flat File Storage </ li >
< li > Fast Page Loading </ li >
< li > Fast and Easy Installation </ li >
< li > reCaptcha for Contact Form </ li >
< li > HTML Tidy ( when available ) </ li >
</ ul > ' ;
self :: NewTitle ( $destination , 'About' , $content , $config , $new_index );
//Copyright Notice
$file = $destination . '/data/_extra/Copyright_Notice/page.php' ;
$content = '<p>© $currentYear My ' . CMS_NAME . '</p>' ;
self :: NewExtra ( $file , $content );
//Header Contact
$file = $destination . '/data/_extra/Header_Contact/page.php' ;
$content = ' < span >< i class = " fa fa-envelope " >& zwnj ; </ i >& nbsp ; < a href = " mailto: $email " > $email </ a ></ span >
< span >< i class = " fa fa-phone " >& zwnj ; </ i >& nbsp ; + 1 2345 6789 0 </ span > ' ;
self :: NewExtra ( $file , $content );
//Header Social Media
$file = $destination . '/data/_extra/Header_SocialMedia/page.php' ;
$content = ' < a title = " Twitter " class = " fa fa-twitter " target = " blank " href = " https://twitter.com " >& zwnj ; </ a >
< a title = " facebook " class = " fa fa-facebook " target = " blank " href = " https://www.facebook.com " >& zwnj ; </ a >
< a title = " Instagram " class = " fa fa-instagram " target = " blank " href = " https://www.instagram.com " >& zwnj ; </ a >
< a title = " LinkedIn " class = " fa fa-linkedin-square " target = " blank " href = " https://www.linkedin.com " >& zwnj ; </ a >
< a title = " YouTube " class = " fa fa-youtube " target = " blank " href = " https://www.youtube.com " >& zwnj ; </ a >
< a title = " Skype " class = " fa fa-skype " target = " blank " href = " https://www.skype.com " >& zwnj ; </ a > ' ;
self :: NewExtra ( $file , $content );
$file = $destination . '/data/_extra/Side_Menu/page.php' ;
$content = '<h3>Join the ' . CMS_NAME . ' Community </ h3 >
< p > Visit ' . CMS_READABLE_DOMAIN . ' to access the many < a href = " ' . CMS_DOMAIN . '/Resources " title = " ' . CMS_NAME . ' Community Resources " rel = " nofollow " > available resources </ a > to help you get the most out of our CMS .</ p >
< ul >
< li >< a href = " ' . CMS_DOMAIN . '/Themes " title = " ' . CMS_NAME . ' Themes " rel = " nofollow " > Download Themes </ a ></ li >
< li >< a href = " ' . CMS_DOMAIN . '/Plugins " title = " ' . CMS_NAME . ' Plugin " rel = " nofollow " > Download Plugins </ a ></ li >
< li >< a href = " ' . CMS_DOMAIN . '/Forum " title = " ' . CMS_NAME . ' Forum " rel = " nofollow " > Get Help in the Forum </ a ></ li >
< li >< a href = " ' . CMS_DOMAIN . '/Powered_by " title = " Sites using ' . CMS_NAME . ' " rel = " nofollow " > Show off Your Site </ a ></ li >
< li >< a href = " ' . CMS_DOMAIN . '/Resources " title = " ' . CMS_NAME . ' Community Resources " rel = " nofollow " > And Much More ...</ a ></ li >
</ ul >
< p class = " sm " > ( Edit this content by clicking & quot ; Edit & quot ;, it & #39;s that easy!)</p>';
self :: NewExtra ( $file , $content );
$file = $destination . '/data/_extra/Header/page.php' ;
$content = '<h1>' . $config [ 'title' ] . ' </ h1 >
< h4 > ' . ' The Fast and Easy CMS ' . ' </ h4 > ' ;
self :: NewExtra ( $file , $content );
$file = $destination . '/data/_extra/Footer/page.php' ;
$content = '<h3><a href="' . CMS_DOMAIN . '/Our_CMS" title="Features of Our CMS" rel="nofollow">' . CMS_NAME . ' Features </ a ></ h3 >
< p > Easy to use True WYSIWYG Editing .</ p >
< p > Flat - file data storage and advanced resource management for fast websites .</ p >
< p > Community driven development </ p >
< p >< a href = " ' . CMS_DOMAIN . '/Our_CMS " title = " Features of Our CMS " rel = " nofollow " > And More ...</ a ></ p >
< p > If you like ' . CMS_NAME . ' , then you might also like
< a href = " http://lessphp.typesettercms.com " title = " A Less to CSS compiler based on the official lesscss project " rel = " nofollow " > Less . php </ a > ,
< a href = " https://whatcms.org " title = " What CMS? Find out what CMS a site is using " rel = " nofollow " > WhatCMS . org </ a > and
< a href = " https://whichcms.org " title = " Which CMS? Find out which CMS has the features you \ 're looking for. " rel = " nofollow " > WhichCMS . org </ a >.
</ p > ' ;
self :: NewExtra ( $file , $content );
//Footer Column 1
$file = $destination . '/data/_extra/Footer_Column_1/page.php' ;
$content = '<p>Footer Column 1</p>' ;
self :: NewExtra ( $file , $content );
//Footer Column 2
$file = $destination . '/data/_extra/Footer_Column_2/page.php' ;
$content = '<p>Footer Column 2</p>' ;
self :: NewExtra ( $file , $content );
//Footer Column 3
$file = $destination . '/data/_extra/Footer_Column_3/page.php' ;
$content = '<p>Footer Column 3</p>' ;
self :: NewExtra ( $file , $content );
//Footer Column 4
$file = $destination . '/data/_extra/Footer_Column_4/page.php' ;
$content = '<p>Footer Column 4</p>' ;
self :: NewExtra ( $file , $content );
//Dropdown Divider
$file = $destination . '/data/_extra/Bootstrap_Dropdown_Divider/page.php' ;
$content = '' ;
self :: NewExtra ( $file , $content );
//Another example area
$file = $destination . '/data/_extra/Lorem/page.php' ;
$content = ' < h3 > Heading </ h3 >
< p > Donec sed odio dui . Cras justo odio , dapibus ac facilisis in , egestas eget quam . Vestibulum id ligula porta felis euismod semper . Fusce dapibus , tellus ac cursus commodo , tortor mauris condimentum nibh , ut fermentum massa justo sit amet risus .</ p > ' ;
self :: NewExtra ( $file , $content );
//Contact html
$file = $destination . '/data/_extra/Contact/page.php' ;
$content = '<h2>Contact Us</h2><p>Use the form below to contact us, and be sure to enter a valid email address if you want to hear back from us.</p>' ;
self :: NewExtra ( $file , $content );
echo '<li>' ;
$user_info = [];
$user_info [ 'password' ] = \gp\tool :: hash ( $_POST [ 'password' ], 'sha512' );
$user_info [ 'passhash' ] = 'sha512' ;
$user_info [ 'granted' ] = 'all' ;
$user_info [ 'editing' ] = 'all' ;
$user_info [ 'email' ] = $_POST [ 'email' ];
$users = [];
$username = $_POST [ 'username' ];
//log user in here to finish user_info
if ( $base_install ){
gp_defined ( 'gp_session_cookie' , \gp\tool\Session :: SessionCookie ( $config [ 'gpuniq' ]));
\gp\tool\Session :: create ( $user_info , $username , $sessions );
$users [ $username ] = $user_info ;
if ( ! \gp\tool\Files :: SaveData ( $destination . '/data/_site/users.php' , 'users' , $users ) ){
echo '<span class="failed">' ;
echo sprintf ( $langmessage [ 'COULD_NOT_SAVE' ], 'users.php' );
echo '</span>' ;
echo '</li>' ;
return false ;
echo '<span class="passed">' ;
echo sprintf ( $langmessage [ '_SAVED' ], 'users.php' );
echo '</span>' ;
echo '</li>' ;
//save config
//not using SaveConfig() because $config is not global here
echo '<li>' ;
$config [ 'file_count' ] = self :: $file_count ;
if ( ! \gp\tool\Files :: SaveData ( $destination . '/data/_site/config.php' , 'config' , $config ) ){
echo '<span class="failed">' ;
echo sprintf ( $langmessage [ 'COULD_NOT_SAVE' ], 'config.php' );
echo '</span>' ;
echo '</li>' ;
return false ;
echo '<span class="passed">' ;
echo sprintf ( $langmessage [ '_SAVED' ], 'config.php' );
echo '</span>' ;
echo '</li>' ;
if ( $base_install ){
self :: InstallHtaccess ( $destination );
\gp\tool\Files :: Unlock ( 'write' , gp_random );
return true ;
public static function NewTitle ( $dataDir , $title , $content , $config , $index ){
$file = $dataDir . '/data/_pages/' . substr ( $config [ 'gpuniq' ], 0 , 7 ) . '_' . $index [ $title ] . '/page.php' ;
self :: $file_count ++ ;
$file_sections = [];
$file_sections [ 0 ] = [
'type' => 'text' ,
'content' => $content ,
$meta_data = [
'file_number' => self :: $file_count ,
'file_type' => 'text' ,
return \gp\tool\Files :: SaveData ( $file , 'file_sections' , $file_sections , $meta_data );
public static function NewExtra ( $file , $content , $type = " text " ){
$extra_content = [[ 'type' => $type , 'content' => $content ]];
return \gp\tool\Files :: SaveData ( $file , 'file_sections' , $extra_content );
* attempt to create an htaccess file
* . htaccess creation only works for base_installations because of the $dirPrefix variable
* This is for the rewrite_rule and TestResponse () which uses AbsoluteUrl ()
* @ access public
* @ static
* @ since 1.7
* @ param string $destination The root path of the installation
* @ param array $config Current installation configuration
public static function InstallHtaccess ( $destination ){
global $dirPrefix ;
//only proceed with save if we can test the results
if ( \gp\tool\RemoteGet :: Test () === false ){
return ;
// only rewrite rules for IIS and Apache
if ( ! \gp\admin\Settings\Permalinks :: IIS () && ! \gp\admin\Settings\Permalinks :: Apache () ){
return ;
$GLOBALS [ 'config' ][ 'homepath' ] = false ; //to prevent a warning from absoluteUrl()
$file = $destination . '/.htaccess' ;
$original_contents = false ;
if ( file_exists ( $file ) ){
$original_contents = file_get_contents ( $file );
$contents = \gp\admin\Settings\Permalinks :: Rewrite_Rules ( true , $dirPrefix , $original_contents );
if ( $contents === false ){
return ;
$fp = @ fopen ( $file , 'wb' );
if ( $fp === false ){
return ;
@ fwrite ( $fp , $contents );
fclose ( $fp );
@ chmod ( $file , 0666 );
//return .htaccess to original state
if ( ! \gp\admin\Settings\Permalinks :: TestResponse () ){
if ( $original_contents === false ){
unlink ( $file );
} else {
$fp = @ fopen ( $file , 'wb' );
if ( $fp !== false ){
@ fwrite ( $fp , $original_contents );
fclose ( $fp );
public static function Install_Link_Content ( $href , $label , $query = '' , $attr = '' ){
$query = str_replace ( '&' , '&' , $query );
$href = str_replace ( '&' , '&' , $href );
if ( ! empty ( $query ) ){
$query = '?' . $query ;
return '<a href="$linkPrefix/' . $href . $query . '">' . $label . '</a>' ;
public static function AddCSs (){
global $dataDir ;
echo '<style type="text/css">' ;
$path = $dataDir . '/include/install/update.css' ;
if ( file_exists ( $path ) ){
echo file_get_contents ( $path );
echo '</style>' ;