diff --git a/include/thirdparty/less.php/___1.7.0.13/Autoloader.php b/include/thirdparty/less.php/___1.7.0.13/Autoloader.php deleted file mode 100644 index b6300c0..0000000 --- a/include/thirdparty/less.php/___1.7.0.13/Autoloader.php +++ /dev/null @@ -1,79 +0,0 @@ - '/'); - } - - - // generate name for compiled css file - $hash = md5(json_encode($less_files)); - $list_file = Less_Cache::$cache_dir . Less_Cache::$prefix . $hash . '.list'; - - // check cached content - if( !isset($parser_options['use_cache']) || $parser_options['use_cache'] === true ){ - if( file_exists($list_file) ){ - - self::ListFiles($list_file, $list, $cached_name); - $compiled_name = self::CompiledName($list, $hash); - - // if $cached_name is the same as the $compiled name, don't regenerate - if( !$cached_name || $cached_name === $compiled_name ){ - - $output_file = self::OutputFile($compiled_name, $parser_options ); - - if( $output_file && file_exists($output_file) ){ - @touch($list_file); - return basename($output_file); // for backwards compatibility, we just return the name of the file - } - } - } - } - - $compiled = self::Cache( $less_files, $parser_options ); - if( !$compiled ){ - return false; - } - - $compiled_name = self::CompiledName( $less_files, $hash ); - $output_file = self::OutputFile($compiled_name, $parser_options ); - - - //save the file list - $list = $less_files; - $list[] = $compiled_name; - $cache = implode("\n",$list); - file_put_contents( $list_file, $cache ); - - - //save the css - file_put_contents( $output_file, $compiled ); - - - //clean up - self::CleanCache(); - - return basename($output_file); - } - - /** - * Force the compiler to regenerate the cached css file - * - * @param array $less_files Array of .less files to compile - * @param array $parser_options Array of compiler options - * @param array $modify_vars Array of variables - * @return string Name of the css file - */ - public static function Regen( $less_files, $parser_options = array(), $modify_vars = array() ){ - $parser_options['use_cache'] = false; - return self::Get( $less_files, $parser_options, $modify_vars ); - } - - public static function Cache( &$less_files, $parser_options = array() ){ - - - // get less.php if it exists - $file = dirname(__FILE__) . '/Less.php'; - if( file_exists($file) && !class_exists('Less_Parser') ){ - require_once($file); - } - - $parser_options['cache_dir'] = Less_Cache::$cache_dir; - $parser = new Less_Parser($parser_options); - - - // combine files - foreach($less_files as $file_path => $uri_or_less ){ - - //treat as less markup if there are newline characters - if( strpos($uri_or_less,"\n") !== false ){ - $parser->Parse( $uri_or_less ); - continue; - } - - $parser->ParseFile( $file_path, $uri_or_less ); - } - - $compiled = $parser->getCss(); - - - $less_files = $parser->allParsedFiles(); - - return $compiled; - } - - - private static function OutputFile( $compiled_name, $parser_options ){ - - //custom output file - if( !empty($parser_options['output']) ){ - - //relative to cache directory? - if( preg_match('#[\\\\/]#',$parser_options['output']) ){ - return $parser_options['output']; - } - - return Less_Cache::$cache_dir.$parser_options['output']; - } - - return Less_Cache::$cache_dir.$compiled_name; - } - - - private static function CompiledName( $files, $extrahash ){ - - //save the file list - $temp = array(Less_Version::cache_version); - foreach($files as $file){ - $temp[] = filemtime($file)."\t".filesize($file)."\t".$file; - } - - return Less_Cache::$prefix.sha1(json_encode($temp).$extrahash).'.css'; - } - - - public static function SetCacheDir( $dir ){ - Less_Cache::$cache_dir = $dir; - self::CheckCacheDir(); - } - - public static function CheckCacheDir(){ - - Less_Cache::$cache_dir = str_replace('\\','/',Less_Cache::$cache_dir); - Less_Cache::$cache_dir = rtrim(Less_Cache::$cache_dir,'/').'/'; - - if( !file_exists(Less_Cache::$cache_dir) ){ - if( !mkdir(Less_Cache::$cache_dir) ){ - throw new Less_Exception_Parser('Less.php cache directory couldn\'t be created: '.Less_Cache::$cache_dir); - } - - }elseif( !is_dir(Less_Cache::$cache_dir) ){ - throw new Less_Exception_Parser('Less.php cache directory doesn\'t exist: '.Less_Cache::$cache_dir); - - }elseif( !is_writable(Less_Cache::$cache_dir) ){ - throw new Less_Exception_Parser('Less.php cache directory isn\'t writable: '.Less_Cache::$cache_dir); - - } - - } - - - /** - * Delete unused less.php files - * - */ - public static function CleanCache(){ - static $clean = false; - - - if( $clean || empty(Less_Cache::$cache_dir) ){ - return; - } - - $clean = true; - - // only remove files with extensions created by less.php - // css files removed based on the list files - $remove_types = array('lesscache'=>1,'list'=>1,'less'=>1,'map'=>1); - - $files = scandir(Less_Cache::$cache_dir); - if( !$files ){ - return; - } - - $check_time = time() - self::$gc_lifetime; - foreach($files as $file){ - - - // don't delete if the file wasn't created with less.php - if( strpos($file,Less_Cache::$prefix) !== 0 ){ - continue; - } - - $parts = explode('.',$file); - $type = array_pop($parts); - - - if( !isset($remove_types[$type]) ){ - continue; - } - - $full_path = Less_Cache::$cache_dir . $file; - $mtime = filemtime($full_path); - - // don't delete if it's a relatively new file - if( $mtime > $check_time ){ - continue; - } - - - // delete the list file and associated css file - if( $type === 'list' ){ - self::ListFiles($full_path, $list, $css_file_name); - if( $css_file_name ){ - $css_file = Less_Cache::$cache_dir . $css_file_name; - if( file_exists($css_file) ){ - unlink($css_file); - } - } - } - - unlink($full_path); - } - - - } - - - /** - * Get the list of less files and generated css file from a list file - * - */ - static function ListFiles($list_file, &$list, &$css_file_name ){ - - $list = explode("\n",file_get_contents($list_file)); - - //pop the cached name that should match $compiled_name - $css_file_name = array_pop($list); - - if( !preg_match('/^' . Less_Cache::$prefix . '[a-f0-9]+\.css$/',$css_file_name) ){ - $list[] = $css_file_name; - $css_file_name = false; - } - - } - -} diff --git a/include/thirdparty/less.php/___1.7.0.13/Colors.php b/include/thirdparty/less.php/___1.7.0.13/Colors.php deleted file mode 100644 index ad3f31d..0000000 --- a/include/thirdparty/less.php/___1.7.0.13/Colors.php +++ /dev/null @@ -1,170 +0,0 @@ -'#f0f8ff', - 'antiquewhite'=>'#faebd7', - 'aqua'=>'#00ffff', - 'aquamarine'=>'#7fffd4', - 'azure'=>'#f0ffff', - 'beige'=>'#f5f5dc', - 'bisque'=>'#ffe4c4', - 'black'=>'#000000', - 'blanchedalmond'=>'#ffebcd', - 'blue'=>'#0000ff', - 'blueviolet'=>'#8a2be2', - 'brown'=>'#a52a2a', - 'burlywood'=>'#deb887', - 'cadetblue'=>'#5f9ea0', - 'chartreuse'=>'#7fff00', - 'chocolate'=>'#d2691e', - 'coral'=>'#ff7f50', - 'cornflowerblue'=>'#6495ed', - 'cornsilk'=>'#fff8dc', - 'crimson'=>'#dc143c', - 'cyan'=>'#00ffff', - 'darkblue'=>'#00008b', - 'darkcyan'=>'#008b8b', - 'darkgoldenrod'=>'#b8860b', - 'darkgray'=>'#a9a9a9', - 'darkgrey'=>'#a9a9a9', - 'darkgreen'=>'#006400', - 'darkkhaki'=>'#bdb76b', - 'darkmagenta'=>'#8b008b', - 'darkolivegreen'=>'#556b2f', - 'darkorange'=>'#ff8c00', - 'darkorchid'=>'#9932cc', - 'darkred'=>'#8b0000', - 'darksalmon'=>'#e9967a', - 'darkseagreen'=>'#8fbc8f', - 'darkslateblue'=>'#483d8b', - 'darkslategray'=>'#2f4f4f', - 'darkslategrey'=>'#2f4f4f', - 'darkturquoise'=>'#00ced1', - 'darkviolet'=>'#9400d3', - 'deeppink'=>'#ff1493', - 'deepskyblue'=>'#00bfff', - 'dimgray'=>'#696969', - 'dimgrey'=>'#696969', - 'dodgerblue'=>'#1e90ff', - 'firebrick'=>'#b22222', - 'floralwhite'=>'#fffaf0', - 'forestgreen'=>'#228b22', - 'fuchsia'=>'#ff00ff', - 'gainsboro'=>'#dcdcdc', - 'ghostwhite'=>'#f8f8ff', - 'gold'=>'#ffd700', - 'goldenrod'=>'#daa520', - 'gray'=>'#808080', - 'grey'=>'#808080', - 'green'=>'#008000', - 'greenyellow'=>'#adff2f', - 'honeydew'=>'#f0fff0', - 'hotpink'=>'#ff69b4', - 'indianred'=>'#cd5c5c', - 'indigo'=>'#4b0082', - 'ivory'=>'#fffff0', - 'khaki'=>'#f0e68c', - 'lavender'=>'#e6e6fa', - 'lavenderblush'=>'#fff0f5', - 'lawngreen'=>'#7cfc00', - 'lemonchiffon'=>'#fffacd', - 'lightblue'=>'#add8e6', - 'lightcoral'=>'#f08080', - 'lightcyan'=>'#e0ffff', - 'lightgoldenrodyellow'=>'#fafad2', - 'lightgray'=>'#d3d3d3', - 'lightgrey'=>'#d3d3d3', - 'lightgreen'=>'#90ee90', - 'lightpink'=>'#ffb6c1', - 'lightsalmon'=>'#ffa07a', - 'lightseagreen'=>'#20b2aa', - 'lightskyblue'=>'#87cefa', - 'lightslategray'=>'#778899', - 'lightslategrey'=>'#778899', - 'lightsteelblue'=>'#b0c4de', - 'lightyellow'=>'#ffffe0', - 'lime'=>'#00ff00', - 'limegreen'=>'#32cd32', - 'linen'=>'#faf0e6', - 'magenta'=>'#ff00ff', - 'maroon'=>'#800000', - 'mediumaquamarine'=>'#66cdaa', - 'mediumblue'=>'#0000cd', - 'mediumorchid'=>'#ba55d3', - 'mediumpurple'=>'#9370d8', - 'mediumseagreen'=>'#3cb371', - 'mediumslateblue'=>'#7b68ee', - 'mediumspringgreen'=>'#00fa9a', - 'mediumturquoise'=>'#48d1cc', - 'mediumvioletred'=>'#c71585', - 'midnightblue'=>'#191970', - 'mintcream'=>'#f5fffa', - 'mistyrose'=>'#ffe4e1', - 'moccasin'=>'#ffe4b5', - 'navajowhite'=>'#ffdead', - 'navy'=>'#000080', - 'oldlace'=>'#fdf5e6', - 'olive'=>'#808000', - 'olivedrab'=>'#6b8e23', - 'orange'=>'#ffa500', - 'orangered'=>'#ff4500', - 'orchid'=>'#da70d6', - 'palegoldenrod'=>'#eee8aa', - 'palegreen'=>'#98fb98', - 'paleturquoise'=>'#afeeee', - 'palevioletred'=>'#d87093', - 'papayawhip'=>'#ffefd5', - 'peachpuff'=>'#ffdab9', - 'peru'=>'#cd853f', - 'pink'=>'#ffc0cb', - 'plum'=>'#dda0dd', - 'powderblue'=>'#b0e0e6', - 'purple'=>'#800080', - 'red'=>'#ff0000', - 'rosybrown'=>'#bc8f8f', - 'royalblue'=>'#4169e1', - 'saddlebrown'=>'#8b4513', - 'salmon'=>'#fa8072', - 'sandybrown'=>'#f4a460', - 'seagreen'=>'#2e8b57', - 'seashell'=>'#fff5ee', - 'sienna'=>'#a0522d', - 'silver'=>'#c0c0c0', - 'skyblue'=>'#87ceeb', - 'slateblue'=>'#6a5acd', - 'slategray'=>'#708090', - 'slategrey'=>'#708090', - 'snow'=>'#fffafa', - 'springgreen'=>'#00ff7f', - 'steelblue'=>'#4682b4', - 'tan'=>'#d2b48c', - 'teal'=>'#008080', - 'thistle'=>'#d8bfd8', - 'tomato'=>'#ff6347', - 'turquoise'=>'#40e0d0', - 'violet'=>'#ee82ee', - 'wheat'=>'#f5deb3', - 'white'=>'#ffffff', - 'whitesmoke'=>'#f5f5f5', - 'yellow'=>'#ffff00', - 'yellowgreen'=>'#9acd32' - ); - - public static function hasOwnProperty($color) { - return isset(self::$colors[$color]); - } - - - public static function color($color) { - return self::$colors[$color]; - } - -} diff --git a/include/thirdparty/less.php/___1.7.0.13/Environment.php b/include/thirdparty/less.php/___1.7.0.13/Environment.php deleted file mode 100644 index b220301..0000000 --- a/include/thirdparty/less.php/___1.7.0.13/Environment.php +++ /dev/null @@ -1,166 +0,0 @@ - ',', - ': ' => ':', - '' => '', - ' ' => ' ', - ':' => ' :', - '+' => '+', - '~' => '~', - '>' => '>', - '|' => '|', - '^' => '^', - '^^' => '^^' - ); - - }else{ - - Less_Environment::$_outputMap = array( - ',' => ', ', - ': ' => ': ', - '' => '', - ' ' => ' ', - ':' => ' :', - '+' => ' + ', - '~' => ' ~ ', - '>' => ' > ', - '|' => '|', - '^' => ' ^ ', - '^^' => ' ^^ ' - ); - - } - } - - - public function copyEvalEnv($frames = array() ){ - $new_env = new Less_Environment(); - $new_env->frames = $frames; - return $new_env; - } - - - public static function isMathOn(){ - return !Less_Parser::$options['strictMath'] || Less_Environment::$parensStack; - } - - public static function isPathRelative($path){ - return !preg_match('/^(?:[a-z-]+:|\/)/',$path); - } - - - /** - * Canonicalize a path by resolving references to '/./', '/../' - * Does not remove leading "../" - * @param string path or url - * @return string Canonicalized path - * - */ - public static function normalizePath($path){ - - $segments = explode('/',$path); - $segments = array_reverse($segments); - - $path = array(); - $path_len = 0; - - while( $segments ){ - $segment = array_pop($segments); - switch( $segment ) { - - case '.': - break; - - case '..': - if( !$path_len || ( $path[$path_len-1] === '..') ){ - $path[] = $segment; - $path_len++; - }else{ - array_pop($path); - $path_len--; - } - break; - - default: - $path[] = $segment; - $path_len++; - break; - } - } - - return implode('/',$path); - } - - - public function unshiftFrame($frame){ - array_unshift($this->frames, $frame); - } - - public function shiftFrame(){ - return array_shift($this->frames); - } - -} diff --git a/include/thirdparty/less.php/___1.7.0.13/Exception/Chunk.php b/include/thirdparty/less.php/___1.7.0.13/Exception/Chunk.php deleted file mode 100644 index 0a4f4e5..0000000 --- a/include/thirdparty/less.php/___1.7.0.13/Exception/Chunk.php +++ /dev/null @@ -1,203 +0,0 @@ -message = 'ParseError: Unexpected input'; //default message - - $this->index = $index; - - $this->currentFile = $currentFile; - - $this->input = $input; - $this->input_len = strlen($input); - - $this->Chunks(); - $this->genMessage(); - } - - - /** - * See less.js chunks() - * We don't actually need the chunks - * - */ - protected function Chunks(){ - $level = 0; - $parenLevel = 0; - $lastMultiCommentEndBrace = null; - $lastOpening = null; - $lastMultiComment = null; - $lastParen = null; - - for( $this->parserCurrentIndex = 0; $this->parserCurrentIndex < $this->input_len; $this->parserCurrentIndex++ ){ - $cc = $this->CharCode($this->parserCurrentIndex); - if ((($cc >= 97) && ($cc <= 122)) || ($cc < 34)) { - // a-z or whitespace - continue; - } - - switch ($cc) { - - // ( - case 40: - $parenLevel++; - $lastParen = $this->parserCurrentIndex; - break; - - // ) - case 41: - $parenLevel--; - if( $parenLevel < 0 ){ - return $this->fail("missing opening `(`"); - } - break; - - // ; - case 59: - //if (!$parenLevel) { $this->emitChunk(); } - break; - - // { - case 123: - $level++; - $lastOpening = $this->parserCurrentIndex; - break; - - // } - case 125: - $level--; - if( $level < 0 ){ - return $this->fail("missing opening `{`"); - - } - //if (!$level && !$parenLevel) { $this->emitChunk(); } - break; - // \ - case 92: - if ($this->parserCurrentIndex < $this->input_len - 1) { $this->parserCurrentIndex++; break; } - return $this->fail("unescaped `\\`"); - - // ", ' and ` - case 34: - case 39: - case 96: - $matched = 0; - $currentChunkStartIndex = $this->parserCurrentIndex; - for ($this->parserCurrentIndex = $this->parserCurrentIndex + 1; $this->parserCurrentIndex < $this->input_len; $this->parserCurrentIndex++) { - $cc2 = $this->CharCode($this->parserCurrentIndex); - if ($cc2 > 96) { continue; } - if ($cc2 == $cc) { $matched = 1; break; } - if ($cc2 == 92) { // \ - if ($this->parserCurrentIndex == $this->input_len - 1) { - return $this->fail("unescaped `\\`"); - } - $this->parserCurrentIndex++; - } - } - if ($matched) { break; } - return $this->fail("unmatched `" . chr($cc) . "`", $currentChunkStartIndex); - - // /, check for comment - case 47: - if ($parenLevel || ($this->parserCurrentIndex == $this->input_len - 1)) { break; } - $cc2 = $this->CharCode($this->parserCurrentIndex+1); - if ($cc2 == 47) { - // //, find lnfeed - for ($this->parserCurrentIndex = $this->parserCurrentIndex + 2; $this->parserCurrentIndex < $this->input_len; $this->parserCurrentIndex++) { - $cc2 = $this->CharCode($this->parserCurrentIndex); - if (($cc2 <= 13) && (($cc2 == 10) || ($cc2 == 13))) { break; } - } - } else if ($cc2 == 42) { - // /*, find */ - $lastMultiComment = $currentChunkStartIndex = $this->parserCurrentIndex; - for ($this->parserCurrentIndex = $this->parserCurrentIndex + 2; $this->parserCurrentIndex < $this->input_len - 1; $this->parserCurrentIndex++) { - $cc2 = $this->CharCode($this->parserCurrentIndex); - if ($cc2 == 125) { $lastMultiCommentEndBrace = $this->parserCurrentIndex; } - if ($cc2 != 42) { continue; } - if ($this->CharCode($this->parserCurrentIndex+1) == 47) { break; } - } - if ($this->parserCurrentIndex == $this->input_len - 1) { - return $this->fail("missing closing `*/`", $currentChunkStartIndex); - } - } - break; - - // *, check for unmatched */ - case 42: - if (($this->parserCurrentIndex < $this->input_len - 1) && ($this->CharCode($this->parserCurrentIndex+1) == 47)) { - return $this->fail("unmatched `/*`"); - } - break; - } - } - - if( $level !== 0 ){ - if( ($lastMultiComment > $lastOpening) && ($lastMultiCommentEndBrace > $lastMultiComment) ){ - return $this->fail("missing closing `}` or `*/`", $lastOpening); - } else { - return $this->fail("missing closing `}`", $lastOpening); - } - } else if ( $parenLevel !== 0 ){ - return $this->fail("missing closing `)`", $lastParen); - } - - - //chunk didn't fail - - - //$this->emitChunk(true); - } - - public function CharCode($pos){ - return ord($this->input[$pos]); - } - - - public function fail( $msg, $index = null ){ - - if( !$index ){ - $this->index = $this->parserCurrentIndex; - }else{ - $this->index = $index; - } - $this->message = 'ParseError: '.$msg; - } - - - /* - function emitChunk( $force = false ){ - $len = $this->parserCurrentIndex - $this->emitFrom; - if ((($len < 512) && !$force) || !$len) { - return; - } - $chunks[] = substr($this->input, $this->emitFrom, $this->parserCurrentIndex + 1 - $this->emitFrom ); - $this->emitFrom = $this->parserCurrentIndex + 1; - } - */ - -} diff --git a/include/thirdparty/less.php/___1.7.0.13/Exception/Compiler.php b/include/thirdparty/less.php/___1.7.0.13/Exception/Compiler.php deleted file mode 100644 index 713e030..0000000 --- a/include/thirdparty/less.php/___1.7.0.13/Exception/Compiler.php +++ /dev/null @@ -1,11 +0,0 @@ -previous = $previous; - parent::__construct($message, $code); - } else { - parent::__construct($message, $code, $previous); - } - - $this->currentFile = $currentFile; - $this->index = $index; - - $this->genMessage(); - } - - - protected function getInput(){ - - if( !$this->input && $this->currentFile && $this->currentFile['filename'] && file_exists($this->currentFile['filename']) ){ - $this->input = file_get_contents( $this->currentFile['filename'] ); - } - } - - - - /** - * Converts the exception to string - * - * @return string - */ - public function genMessage(){ - - if( $this->currentFile && $this->currentFile['filename'] ){ - $this->message .= ' in '.basename($this->currentFile['filename']); - } - - if( $this->index !== null ){ - $this->getInput(); - if( $this->input ){ - $line = self::getLineNumber(); - $this->message .= ' on line '.$line.', column '.self::getColumn(); - - $lines = explode("\n",$this->input); - - $count = count($lines); - $start_line = max(0, $line-3); - $last_line = min($count, $start_line+6); - $num_len = strlen($last_line); - for( $i = $start_line; $i < $last_line; $i++ ){ - $this->message .= "\n".str_pad($i+1,$num_len,'0',STR_PAD_LEFT).'| '.$lines[$i]; - } - } - } - - } - - /** - * Returns the line number the error was encountered - * - * @return integer - */ - public function getLineNumber(){ - if( $this->index ){ - // https://bugs.php.net/bug.php?id=49790 - if (ini_get("mbstring.func_overload")) { - return substr_count(substr($this->input, 0, $this->index), "\n") + 1; - } else { - return substr_count($this->input, "\n", 0, $this->index) + 1; - } - } - return 1; - } - - - /** - * Returns the column the error was encountered - * - * @return integer - */ - public function getColumn(){ - - $part = substr($this->input, 0, $this->index); - $pos = strrpos($part,"\n"); - return $this->index - $pos; - } - -} diff --git a/include/thirdparty/less.php/___1.7.0.13/Functions.php b/include/thirdparty/less.php/___1.7.0.13/Functions.php deleted file mode 100644 index a61e5ac..0000000 --- a/include/thirdparty/less.php/___1.7.0.13/Functions.php +++ /dev/null @@ -1,1188 +0,0 @@ -env = $env; - $this->currentFileInfo = $currentFileInfo; - } - - /** - * @param string $op - */ - public static function operate( $op, $a, $b ){ - switch ($op) { - case '+': return $a + $b; - case '-': return $a - $b; - case '*': return $a * $b; - case '/': return $a / $b; - } - } - - public static function clamp($val, $max = 1){ - return min( max($val, 0), $max); - } - - public static function fround( $value ){ - - if( $value === 0 ){ - return $value; - } - - if( Less_Parser::$options['numPrecision'] ){ - $p = pow(10, Less_Parser::$options['numPrecision']); - return round( $value * $p) / $p; - } - return $value; - } - - public static function number($n){ - - if ($n instanceof Less_Tree_Dimension) { - return floatval( $n->unit->is('%') ? $n->value / 100 : $n->value); - } else if (is_numeric($n)) { - return $n; - } else { - throw new Less_Exception_Compiler("color functions take numbers as parameters"); - } - } - - public static function scaled($n, $size = 255 ){ - if( $n instanceof Less_Tree_Dimension && $n->unit->is('%') ){ - return (float)$n->value * $size / 100; - } else { - return Less_Functions::number($n); - } - } - - public function rgb ($r = null, $g = null, $b = null){ - if (is_null($r) || is_null($g) || is_null($b)) { - throw new Less_Exception_Compiler("rgb expects three parameters"); - } - return $this->rgba($r, $g, $b, 1.0); - } - - public function rgba($r = null, $g = null, $b = null, $a = null){ - $rgb = array($r, $g, $b); - $rgb = array_map(array('Less_Functions','scaled'),$rgb); - - $a = self::number($a); - return new Less_Tree_Color($rgb, $a); - } - - public function hsl($h, $s, $l){ - return $this->hsla($h, $s, $l, 1.0); - } - - public function hsla($h, $s, $l, $a){ - - $h = fmod(self::number($h), 360) / 360; // Classic % operator will change float to int - $s = self::clamp(self::number($s)); - $l = self::clamp(self::number($l)); - $a = self::clamp(self::number($a)); - - $m2 = $l <= 0.5 ? $l * ($s + 1) : $l + $s - $l * $s; - - $m1 = $l * 2 - $m2; - - return $this->rgba( self::hsla_hue($h + 1/3, $m1, $m2) * 255, - self::hsla_hue($h, $m1, $m2) * 255, - self::hsla_hue($h - 1/3, $m1, $m2) * 255, - $a); - } - - /** - * @param double $h - */ - public function hsla_hue($h, $m1, $m2){ - $h = $h < 0 ? $h + 1 : ($h > 1 ? $h - 1 : $h); - if ($h * 6 < 1) return $m1 + ($m2 - $m1) * $h * 6; - else if ($h * 2 < 1) return $m2; - else if ($h * 3 < 2) return $m1 + ($m2 - $m1) * (2/3 - $h) * 6; - else return $m1; - } - - public function hsv($h, $s, $v) { - return $this->hsva($h, $s, $v, 1.0); - } - - /** - * @param double $a - */ - public function hsva($h, $s, $v, $a) { - $h = ((Less_Functions::number($h) % 360) / 360 ) * 360; - $s = Less_Functions::number($s); - $v = Less_Functions::number($v); - $a = Less_Functions::number($a); - - $i = floor(($h / 60) % 6); - $f = ($h / 60) - $i; - - $vs = array( $v, - $v * (1 - $s), - $v * (1 - $f * $s), - $v * (1 - (1 - $f) * $s)); - - $perm = array(array(0, 3, 1), - array(2, 0, 1), - array(1, 0, 3), - array(1, 2, 0), - array(3, 1, 0), - array(0, 1, 2)); - - return $this->rgba($vs[$perm[$i][0]] * 255, - $vs[$perm[$i][1]] * 255, - $vs[$perm[$i][2]] * 255, - $a); - } - - public function hue($color = null){ - if (!$color instanceof Less_Tree_Color) { - throw new Less_Exception_Compiler('The first argument to hue must be a color' . ($color instanceof Less_Tree_Expression ? ' (did you forgot commas?)' : '') ); - } - - $c = $color->toHSL(); - return new Less_Tree_Dimension(Less_Parser::round($c['h'])); - } - - public function saturation($color = null){ - if (!$color instanceof Less_Tree_Color) { - throw new Less_Exception_Compiler('The first argument to saturation must be a color' . ($color instanceof Less_Tree_Expression ? ' (did you forgot commas?)' : '') ); - } - - $c = $color->toHSL(); - return new Less_Tree_Dimension(Less_Parser::round($c['s'] * 100), '%'); - } - - public function lightness($color = null){ - if (!$color instanceof Less_Tree_Color) { - throw new Less_Exception_Compiler('The first argument to lightness must be a color' . ($color instanceof Less_Tree_Expression ? ' (did you forgot commas?)' : '') ); - } - - $c = $color->toHSL(); - return new Less_Tree_Dimension(Less_Parser::round($c['l'] * 100), '%'); - } - - public function hsvhue( $color = null ){ - if (!$color instanceof Less_Tree_Color) { - throw new Less_Exception_Compiler('The first argument to hsvhue must be a color' . ($color instanceof Less_Tree_Expression ? ' (did you forgot commas?)' : '') ); - } - - $hsv = $color->toHSV(); - return new Less_Tree_Dimension( Less_Parser::round($hsv['h']) ); - } - - - public function hsvsaturation( $color = null ){ - if (!$color instanceof Less_Tree_Color) { - throw new Less_Exception_Compiler('The first argument to hsvsaturation must be a color' . ($color instanceof Less_Tree_Expression ? ' (did you forgot commas?)' : '') ); - } - - $hsv = $color->toHSV(); - return new Less_Tree_Dimension( Less_Parser::round($hsv['s'] * 100), '%' ); - } - - public function hsvvalue( $color = null ){ - if (!$color instanceof Less_Tree_Color) { - throw new Less_Exception_Compiler('The first argument to hsvvalue must be a color' . ($color instanceof Less_Tree_Expression ? ' (did you forgot commas?)' : '') ); - } - - $hsv = $color->toHSV(); - return new Less_Tree_Dimension( Less_Parser::round($hsv['v'] * 100), '%' ); - } - - public function red($color = null) { - if (!$color instanceof Less_Tree_Color) { - throw new Less_Exception_Compiler('The first argument to red must be a color' . ($color instanceof Less_Tree_Expression ? ' (did you forgot commas?)' : '') ); - } - - return new Less_Tree_Dimension( $color->rgb[0] ); - } - - public function green($color = null) { - if (!$color instanceof Less_Tree_Color) { - throw new Less_Exception_Compiler('The first argument to green must be a color' . ($color instanceof Less_Tree_Expression ? ' (did you forgot commas?)' : '') ); - } - - return new Less_Tree_Dimension( $color->rgb[1] ); - } - - public function blue($color = null) { - if (!$color instanceof Less_Tree_Color) { - throw new Less_Exception_Compiler('The first argument to blue must be a color' . ($color instanceof Less_Tree_Expression ? ' (did you forgot commas?)' : '') ); - } - - return new Less_Tree_Dimension( $color->rgb[2] ); - } - - public function alpha($color = null){ - if (!$color instanceof Less_Tree_Color) { - throw new Less_Exception_Compiler('The first argument to alpha must be a color' . ($color instanceof Less_Tree_Expression ? ' (did you forgot commas?)' : '') ); - } - - $c = $color->toHSL(); - return new Less_Tree_Dimension($c['a']); - } - - public function luma ($color = null) { - if (!$color instanceof Less_Tree_Color) { - throw new Less_Exception_Compiler('The first argument to luma must be a color' . ($color instanceof Less_Tree_Expression ? ' (did you forgot commas?)' : '') ); - } - - return new Less_Tree_Dimension(Less_Parser::round( $color->luma() * $color->alpha * 100), '%'); - } - - public function luminance( $color = null ){ - if (!$color instanceof Less_Tree_Color) { - throw new Less_Exception_Compiler('The first argument to luminance must be a color' . ($color instanceof Less_Tree_Expression ? ' (did you forgot commas?)' : '') ); - } - - $luminance = - (0.2126 * $color->rgb[0] / 255) - + (0.7152 * $color->rgb[1] / 255) - + (0.0722 * $color->rgb[2] / 255); - - return new Less_Tree_Dimension(Less_Parser::round( $luminance * $color->alpha * 100), '%'); - } - - public function saturate($color = null, $amount = null){ - // filter: saturate(3.2); - // should be kept as is, so check for color - if ($color instanceof Less_Tree_Dimension) { - return null; - } - - if (!$color instanceof Less_Tree_Color) { - throw new Less_Exception_Compiler('The first argument to saturate must be a color' . ($color instanceof Less_Tree_Expression ? ' (did you forgot commas?)' : '') ); - } - if (!$amount instanceof Less_Tree_Dimension) { - throw new Less_Exception_Compiler('The second argument to saturate must be a percentage' . ($amount instanceof Less_Tree_Expression ? ' (did you forgot commas?)' : '') ); - } - - $hsl = $color->toHSL(); - - $hsl['s'] += $amount->value / 100; - $hsl['s'] = self::clamp($hsl['s']); - - return $this->hsla($hsl['h'], $hsl['s'], $hsl['l'], $hsl['a']); - } - - /** - * @param Less_Tree_Dimension $amount - */ - public function desaturate($color = null, $amount = null){ - if (!$color instanceof Less_Tree_Color) { - throw new Less_Exception_Compiler('The first argument to desaturate must be a color' . ($color instanceof Less_Tree_Expression ? ' (did you forgot commas?)' : '') ); - } - if (!$amount instanceof Less_Tree_Dimension) { - throw new Less_Exception_Compiler('The second argument to desaturate must be a percentage' . ($amount instanceof Less_Tree_Expression ? ' (did you forgot commas?)' : '') ); - } - - $hsl = $color->toHSL(); - - $hsl['s'] -= $amount->value / 100; - $hsl['s'] = self::clamp($hsl['s']); - - return $this->hsla($hsl['h'], $hsl['s'], $hsl['l'], $hsl['a']); - } - - - - public function lighten($color = null, $amount=null){ - if (!$color instanceof Less_Tree_Color) { - throw new Less_Exception_Compiler('The first argument to lighten must be a color' . ($color instanceof Less_Tree_Expression ? ' (did you forgot commas?)' : '') ); - } - if (!$amount instanceof Less_Tree_Dimension) { - throw new Less_Exception_Compiler('The second argument to lighten must be a percentage' . ($amount instanceof Less_Tree_Expression ? ' (did you forgot commas?)' : '') ); - } - - $hsl = $color->toHSL(); - - $hsl['l'] += $amount->value / 100; - $hsl['l'] = self::clamp($hsl['l']); - - return $this->hsla($hsl['h'], $hsl['s'], $hsl['l'], $hsl['a']); - } - - public function darken($color = null, $amount = null){ - if (!$color instanceof Less_Tree_Color) { - throw new Less_Exception_Compiler('The first argument to darken must be a color' . ($color instanceof Less_Tree_Expression ? ' (did you forgot commas?)' : '') ); - } - if (!$amount instanceof Less_Tree_Dimension) { - throw new Less_Exception_Compiler('The second argument to darken must be a percentage' . ($amount instanceof Less_Tree_Expression ? ' (did you forgot commas?)' : '') ); - } - - $hsl = $color->toHSL(); - $hsl['l'] -= $amount->value / 100; - $hsl['l'] = self::clamp($hsl['l']); - - return $this->hsla($hsl['h'], $hsl['s'], $hsl['l'], $hsl['a']); - } - - public function fadein($color = null, $amount = null){ - if (!$color instanceof Less_Tree_Color) { - throw new Less_Exception_Compiler('The first argument to fadein must be a color' . ($color instanceof Less_Tree_Expression ? ' (did you forgot commas?)' : '') ); - } - if (!$amount instanceof Less_Tree_Dimension) { - throw new Less_Exception_Compiler('The second argument to fadein must be a percentage' . ($amount instanceof Less_Tree_Expression ? ' (did you forgot commas?)' : '') ); - } - - $hsl = $color->toHSL(); - $hsl['a'] += $amount->value / 100; - $hsl['a'] = self::clamp($hsl['a']); - return $this->hsla($hsl['h'], $hsl['s'], $hsl['l'], $hsl['a']); - } - - public function fadeout($color = null, $amount = null){ - if (!$color instanceof Less_Tree_Color) { - throw new Less_Exception_Compiler('The first argument to fadeout must be a color' . ($color instanceof Less_Tree_Expression ? ' (did you forgot commas?)' : '') ); - } - if (!$amount instanceof Less_Tree_Dimension) { - throw new Less_Exception_Compiler('The second argument to fadeout must be a percentage' . ($amount instanceof Less_Tree_Expression ? ' (did you forgot commas?)' : '') ); - } - - $hsl = $color->toHSL(); - $hsl['a'] -= $amount->value / 100; - $hsl['a'] = self::clamp($hsl['a']); - return $this->hsla($hsl['h'], $hsl['s'], $hsl['l'], $hsl['a']); - } - - public function fade($color = null, $amount = null){ - if (!$color instanceof Less_Tree_Color) { - throw new Less_Exception_Compiler('The first argument to fade must be a color' . ($color instanceof Less_Tree_Expression ? ' (did you forgot commas?)' : '') ); - } - if (!$amount instanceof Less_Tree_Dimension) { - throw new Less_Exception_Compiler('The second argument to fade must be a percentage' . ($amount instanceof Less_Tree_Expression ? ' (did you forgot commas?)' : '') ); - } - - $hsl = $color->toHSL(); - - $hsl['a'] = $amount->value / 100; - $hsl['a'] = self::clamp($hsl['a']); - return $this->hsla($hsl['h'], $hsl['s'], $hsl['l'], $hsl['a']); - } - - - - public function spin($color = null, $amount = null){ - if (!$color instanceof Less_Tree_Color) { - throw new Less_Exception_Compiler('The first argument to spin must be a color' . ($color instanceof Less_Tree_Expression ? ' (did you forgot commas?)' : '') ); - } - if (!$amount instanceof Less_Tree_Dimension) { - throw new Less_Exception_Compiler('The second argument to spin must be a number' . ($amount instanceof Less_Tree_Expression ? ' (did you forgot commas?)' : '') ); - } - - $hsl = $color->toHSL(); - $hue = fmod($hsl['h'] + $amount->value, 360); - - $hsl['h'] = $hue < 0 ? 360 + $hue : $hue; - - return $this->hsla($hsl['h'], $hsl['s'], $hsl['l'], $hsl['a']); - } - - // - // Copyright (c) 2006-2009 Hampton Catlin, Nathan Weizenbaum, and Chris Eppstein - // http://sass-lang.com - // - - /** - * @param Less_Tree_Color $color1 - */ - public function mix($color1 = null, $color2 = null, $weight = null){ - if (!$color1 instanceof Less_Tree_Color) { - throw new Less_Exception_Compiler('The first argument to mix must be a color' . ($color1 instanceof Less_Tree_Expression ? ' (did you forgot commas?)' : '') ); - } - if (!$color2 instanceof Less_Tree_Color) { - throw new Less_Exception_Compiler('The second argument to mix must be a color' . ($color2 instanceof Less_Tree_Expression ? ' (did you forgot commas?)' : '') ); - } - if (!$weight) { - $weight = new Less_Tree_Dimension('50', '%'); - } - if (!$weight instanceof Less_Tree_Dimension) { - throw new Less_Exception_Compiler('The third argument to contrast must be a percentage' . ($weight instanceof Less_Tree_Expression ? ' (did you forgot commas?)' : '') ); - } - - $p = $weight->value / 100.0; - $w = $p * 2 - 1; - $hsl1 = $color1->toHSL(); - $hsl2 = $color2->toHSL(); - $a = $hsl1['a'] - $hsl2['a']; - - $w1 = (((($w * $a) == -1) ? $w : ($w + $a) / (1 + $w * $a)) + 1) / 2; - $w2 = 1 - $w1; - - $rgb = array($color1->rgb[0] * $w1 + $color2->rgb[0] * $w2, - $color1->rgb[1] * $w1 + $color2->rgb[1] * $w2, - $color1->rgb[2] * $w1 + $color2->rgb[2] * $w2); - - $alpha = $color1->alpha * $p + $color2->alpha * (1 - $p); - - return new Less_Tree_Color($rgb, $alpha); - } - - public function greyscale($color){ - return $this->desaturate($color, new Less_Tree_Dimension(100,'%')); - } - - - public function contrast( $color, $dark = null, $light = null, $threshold = null){ - // filter: contrast(3.2); - // should be kept as is, so check for color - if (!$color instanceof Less_Tree_Color) { - return null; - } - if( !$light ){ - $light = $this->rgba(255, 255, 255, 1.0); - } - if( !$dark ){ - $dark = $this->rgba(0, 0, 0, 1.0); - } - - if (!$dark instanceof Less_Tree_Color) { - throw new Less_Exception_Compiler('The second argument to contrast must be a color' . ($dark instanceof Less_Tree_Expression ? ' (did you forgot commas?)' : '') ); - } - if (!$light instanceof Less_Tree_Color) { - throw new Less_Exception_Compiler('The third argument to contrast must be a color' . ($light instanceof Less_Tree_Expression ? ' (did you forgot commas?)' : '') ); - } - - //Figure out which is actually light and dark! - if( $dark->luma() > $light->luma() ){ - $t = $light; - $light = $dark; - $dark = $t; - } - if( !$threshold ){ - $threshold = 0.43; - } else { - $threshold = Less_Functions::number($threshold); - } - - if( $color->luma() < $threshold ){ - return $light; - } else { - return $dark; - } - } - - public function e ($str){ - if( is_string($str) ){ - return new Less_Tree_Anonymous($str); - } - return new Less_Tree_Anonymous($str instanceof Less_Tree_JavaScript ? $str->expression : $str->value); - } - - public function escape ($str){ - - $revert = array('%21'=>'!', '%2A'=>'*', '%27'=>"'",'%3F'=>'?','%26'=>'&','%2C'=>',','%2F'=>'/','%40'=>'@','%2B'=>'+','%24'=>'$'); - - return new Less_Tree_Anonymous(strtr(rawurlencode($str->value), $revert)); - } - - - /** - * todo: This function will need some additional work to make it work the same as less.js - * - */ - public function replace( $string, $pattern, $replacement, $flags = null ){ - $result = $string->value; - - $expr = '/'.str_replace('/','\\/',$pattern->value).'/'; - if( $flags && $flags->value){ - $expr .= self::replace_flags($flags->value); - } - - $result = preg_replace($expr,$replacement->value,$result); - - - if( property_exists($string,'quote') ){ - return new Less_Tree_Quoted( $string->quote, $result, $string->escaped); - } - return new Less_Tree_Quoted( '', $result ); - } - - public static function replace_flags($flags){ - $flags = str_split($flags,1); - $new_flags = ''; - - foreach($flags as $flag){ - switch($flag){ - case 'e': - case 'g': - break; - - default: - $new_flags .= $flag; - break; - } - } - - return $new_flags; - } - - public function _percent(){ - $string = func_get_arg(0); - - $args = func_get_args(); - array_shift($args); - $result = $string->value; - - foreach($args as $arg){ - if( preg_match('/%[sda]/i',$result, $token) ){ - $token = $token[0]; - $value = stristr($token, 's') ? $arg->value : $arg->toCSS(); - $value = preg_match('/[A-Z]$/', $token) ? urlencode($value) : $value; - $result = preg_replace('/%[sda]/i',$value, $result, 1); - } - } - $result = str_replace('%%', '%', $result); - - return new Less_Tree_Quoted( $string->quote , $result, $string->escaped); - } - - public function unit( $val, $unit = null) { - if( !($val instanceof Less_Tree_Dimension) ){ - throw new Less_Exception_Compiler('The first argument to unit must be a number' . ($val instanceof Less_Tree_Operation ? '. Have you forgotten parenthesis?' : '.') ); - } - - if( $unit ){ - if( $unit instanceof Less_Tree_Keyword ){ - $unit = $unit->value; - } else { - $unit = $unit->toCSS(); - } - } else { - $unit = ""; - } - return new Less_Tree_Dimension($val->value, $unit ); - } - - public function convert($val, $unit){ - return $val->convertTo($unit->value); - } - - public function round($n, $f = false) { - - $fraction = 0; - if( $f !== false ){ - $fraction = $f->value; - } - - return $this->_math('Less_Parser::round',null, $n, $fraction); - } - - public function pi(){ - return new Less_Tree_Dimension(M_PI); - } - - public function mod($a, $b) { - return new Less_Tree_Dimension( $a->value % $b->value, $a->unit); - } - - - - public function pow($x, $y) { - if( is_numeric($x) && is_numeric($y) ){ - $x = new Less_Tree_Dimension($x); - $y = new Less_Tree_Dimension($y); - }elseif( !($x instanceof Less_Tree_Dimension) || !($y instanceof Less_Tree_Dimension) ){ - throw new Less_Exception_Compiler('Arguments must be numbers'); - } - - return new Less_Tree_Dimension( pow($x->value, $y->value), $x->unit ); - } - - // var mathFunctions = [{name:"ce ... - public function ceil( $n ){ return $this->_math('ceil', null, $n); } - public function floor( $n ){ return $this->_math('floor', null, $n); } - public function sqrt( $n ){ return $this->_math('sqrt', null, $n); } - public function abs( $n ){ return $this->_math('abs', null, $n); } - - public function tan( $n ){ return $this->_math('tan', '', $n); } - public function sin( $n ){ return $this->_math('sin', '', $n); } - public function cos( $n ){ return $this->_math('cos', '', $n); } - - public function atan( $n ){ return $this->_math('atan', 'rad', $n); } - public function asin( $n ){ return $this->_math('asin', 'rad', $n); } - public function acos( $n ){ return $this->_math('acos', 'rad', $n); } - - private function _math() { - $args = func_get_args(); - $fn = array_shift($args); - $unit = array_shift($args); - - if ($args[0] instanceof Less_Tree_Dimension) { - - if( $unit === null ){ - $unit = $args[0]->unit; - }else{ - $args[0] = $args[0]->unify(); - } - $args[0] = (float)$args[0]->value; - return new Less_Tree_Dimension( call_user_func_array($fn, $args), $unit); - } else if (is_numeric($args[0])) { - return call_user_func_array($fn,$args); - } else { - throw new Less_Exception_Compiler("math functions take numbers as parameters"); - } - } - - /** - * @param boolean $isMin - */ - private function _minmax( $isMin, $args ){ - - $arg_count = count($args); - - if( $arg_count < 1 ){ - throw new Less_Exception_Compiler( 'one or more arguments required'); - } - - $j = null; - $unitClone = null; - $unitStatic = null; - - - $order = array(); // elems only contains original argument values. - $values = array(); // key is the unit.toString() for unified tree.Dimension values, - // value is the index into the order array. - - - for( $i = 0; $i < $arg_count; $i++ ){ - $current = $args[$i]; - if( !($current instanceof Less_Tree_Dimension) ){ - if( is_array($args[$i]->value) ){ - $args[] = $args[$i]->value; - } - continue; - } - - if( $current->unit->toString() === '' && !$unitClone ){ - $temp = new Less_Tree_Dimension($current->value, $unitClone); - $currentUnified = $temp->unify(); - }else{ - $currentUnified = $current->unify(); - } - - if( $currentUnified->unit->toString() === "" && !$unitStatic ){ - $unit = $unitStatic; - }else{ - $unit = $currentUnified->unit->toString(); - } - - if( $unit !== '' && !$unitStatic || $unit !== '' && $order[0]->unify()->unit->toString() === "" ){ - $unitStatic = $unit; - } - - if( $unit != '' && !$unitClone ){ - $unitClone = $current->unit->toString(); - } - - if( isset($values['']) && $unit !== '' && $unit === $unitStatic ){ - $j = $values['']; - }elseif( isset($values[$unit]) ){ - $j = $values[$unit]; - }else{ - - if( $unitStatic && $unit !== $unitStatic ){ - throw new Less_Exception_Compiler( 'incompatible types'); - } - $values[$unit] = count($order); - $order[] = $current; - continue; - } - - - if( $order[$j]->unit->toString() === "" && $unitClone ){ - $temp = new Less_Tree_Dimension( $order[$j]->value, $unitClone); - $referenceUnified = $temp->unify(); - }else{ - $referenceUnified = $order[$j]->unify(); - } - if( ($isMin && $currentUnified->value < $referenceUnified->value) || (!$isMin && $currentUnified->value > $referenceUnified->value) ){ - $order[$j] = $current; - } - } - - if( count($order) == 1 ){ - return $order[0]; - } - $args = array(); - foreach($order as $a){ - $args[] = $a->toCSS($this->env); - } - return new Less_Tree_Anonymous( ($isMin?'min(':'max(') . implode(Less_Environment::$_outputMap[','],$args).')'); - } - - public function min(){ - $args = func_get_args(); - return $this->_minmax( true, $args ); - } - - public function max(){ - $args = func_get_args(); - return $this->_minmax( false, $args ); - } - - public function getunit($n){ - return new Less_Tree_Anonymous($n->unit); - } - - public function argb($color) { - if (!$color instanceof Less_Tree_Color) { - throw new Less_Exception_Compiler('The first argument to argb must be a color' . ($color instanceof Less_Tree_Expression ? ' (did you forgot commas?)' : '') ); - } - - return new Less_Tree_Anonymous($color->toARGB()); - } - - public function percentage($n) { - return new Less_Tree_Dimension($n->value * 100, '%'); - } - - public function color($n) { - - if( $n instanceof Less_Tree_Quoted ){ - $colorCandidate = $n->value; - $returnColor = Less_Tree_Color::fromKeyword($colorCandidate); - if( $returnColor ){ - return $returnColor; - } - if( preg_match('/^#([A-Fa-f0-9]{6}|[A-Fa-f0-9]{3})/',$colorCandidate) ){ - return new Less_Tree_Color(substr($colorCandidate, 1)); - } - throw new Less_Exception_Compiler("argument must be a color keyword or 3/6 digit hex e.g. #FFF"); - } else { - throw new Less_Exception_Compiler("argument must be a string"); - } - } - - - public function iscolor($n) { - return $this->_isa($n, 'Less_Tree_Color'); - } - - public function isnumber($n) { - return $this->_isa($n, 'Less_Tree_Dimension'); - } - - public function isstring($n) { - return $this->_isa($n, 'Less_Tree_Quoted'); - } - - public function iskeyword($n) { - return $this->_isa($n, 'Less_Tree_Keyword'); - } - - public function isurl($n) { - return $this->_isa($n, 'Less_Tree_Url'); - } - - public function ispixel($n) { - return $this->isunit($n, 'px'); - } - - public function ispercentage($n) { - return $this->isunit($n, '%'); - } - - public function isem($n) { - return $this->isunit($n, 'em'); - } - - /** - * @param string $unit - */ - public function isunit( $n, $unit ){ - - if( is_object($unit) && property_exists($unit,'value') ){ - $unit = $unit->value; - } - - return ($n instanceof Less_Tree_Dimension) && $n->unit->is($unit) ? new Less_Tree_Keyword('true') : new Less_Tree_Keyword('false'); - } - - /** - * @param string $type - */ - private function _isa($n, $type) { - return is_a($n, $type) ? new Less_Tree_Keyword('true') : new Less_Tree_Keyword('false'); - } - - public function tint($color, $amount = null) { - return $this->mix( $this->rgb(255,255,255), $color, $amount); - } - - public function shade($color, $amount = null) { - return $this->mix($this->rgb(0, 0, 0), $color, $amount); - } - - public function extract($values, $index ){ - $index = (int)$index->value - 1; // (1-based index) - // handle non-array values as an array of length 1 - // return 'undefined' if index is invalid - if( property_exists($values,'value') && is_array($values->value) ){ - if( isset($values->value[$index]) ){ - return $values->value[$index]; - } - return null; - - }elseif( (int)$index === 0 ){ - return $values; - } - - return null; - } - - public function length($values){ - $n = (property_exists($values,'value') && is_array($values->value)) ? count($values->value) : 1; - return new Less_Tree_Dimension($n); - } - - public function datauri($mimetypeNode, $filePathNode = null ) { - - $filePath = ( $filePathNode ? $filePathNode->value : null ); - $mimetype = $mimetypeNode->value; - - $args = 2; - if( !$filePath ){ - $filePath = $mimetype; - $args = 1; - } - - $filePath = str_replace('\\','/',$filePath); - if( Less_Environment::isPathRelative($filePath) ){ - - if( Less_Parser::$options['relativeUrls'] ){ - $temp = $this->currentFileInfo['currentDirectory']; - } else { - $temp = $this->currentFileInfo['entryPath']; - } - - if( !empty($temp) ){ - $filePath = Less_Environment::normalizePath(rtrim($temp,'/').'/'.$filePath); - } - - } - - - // detect the mimetype if not given - if( $args < 2 ){ - - /* incomplete - $mime = require('mime'); - mimetype = mime.lookup(path); - - // use base 64 unless it's an ASCII or UTF-8 format - var charset = mime.charsets.lookup(mimetype); - useBase64 = ['US-ASCII', 'UTF-8'].indexOf(charset) < 0; - if (useBase64) mimetype += ';base64'; - */ - - $mimetype = Less_Mime::lookup($filePath); - - $charset = Less_Mime::charsets_lookup($mimetype); - $useBase64 = !in_array($charset,array('US-ASCII', 'UTF-8')); - if( $useBase64 ){ $mimetype .= ';base64'; } - - }else{ - $useBase64 = preg_match('/;base64$/',$mimetype); - } - - - if( file_exists($filePath) ){ - $buf = @file_get_contents($filePath); - }else{ - $buf = false; - } - - - // IE8 cannot handle a data-uri larger than 32KB. If this is exceeded - // and the --ieCompat flag is enabled, return a normal url() instead. - $DATA_URI_MAX_KB = 32; - $fileSizeInKB = round( strlen($buf) / 1024 ); - if( $fileSizeInKB >= $DATA_URI_MAX_KB ){ - $url = new Less_Tree_Url( ($filePathNode ? $filePathNode : $mimetypeNode), $this->currentFileInfo); - return $url->compile($this); - } - - if( $buf ){ - $buf = $useBase64 ? base64_encode($buf) : rawurlencode($buf); - $filePath = '"data:' . $mimetype . ',' . $buf . '"'; - } - - return new Less_Tree_Url( new Less_Tree_Anonymous($filePath) ); - } - - //svg-gradient - public function svggradient( $direction ){ - - $throw_message = 'svg-gradient expects direction, start_color [start_position], [color position,]..., end_color [end_position]'; - $arguments = func_get_args(); - - if( count($arguments) < 3 ){ - throw new Less_Exception_Compiler( $throw_message ); - } - - $stops = array_slice($arguments,1); - $gradientType = 'linear'; - $rectangleDimension = 'x="0" y="0" width="1" height="1"'; - $useBase64 = true; - $directionValue = $direction->toCSS(); - - - switch( $directionValue ){ - case "to bottom": - $gradientDirectionSvg = 'x1="0%" y1="0%" x2="0%" y2="100%"'; - break; - case "to right": - $gradientDirectionSvg = 'x1="0%" y1="0%" x2="100%" y2="0%"'; - break; - case "to bottom right": - $gradientDirectionSvg = 'x1="0%" y1="0%" x2="100%" y2="100%"'; - break; - case "to top right": - $gradientDirectionSvg = 'x1="0%" y1="100%" x2="100%" y2="0%"'; - break; - case "ellipse": - case "ellipse at center": - $gradientType = "radial"; - $gradientDirectionSvg = 'cx="50%" cy="50%" r="75%"'; - $rectangleDimension = 'x="-50" y="-50" width="101" height="101"'; - break; - default: - throw new Less_Exception_Compiler( "svg-gradient direction must be 'to bottom', 'to right', 'to bottom right', 'to top right' or 'ellipse at center'" ); - } - - $returner = '' . - '' . - '<' . $gradientType . 'Gradient id="gradient" gradientUnits="userSpaceOnUse" ' . $gradientDirectionSvg . '>'; - - for( $i = 0; $i < count($stops); $i++ ){ - if( is_object($stops[$i]) && property_exists($stops[$i],'value') ){ - $color = $stops[$i]->value[0]; - $position = $stops[$i]->value[1]; - }else{ - $color = $stops[$i]; - $position = null; - } - - if( !($color instanceof Less_Tree_Color) || (!(($i === 0 || $i+1 === count($stops)) && $position === null) && !($position instanceof Less_Tree_Dimension)) ){ - throw new Less_Exception_Compiler( $throw_message ); - } - if( $position ){ - $positionValue = $position->toCSS(); - }elseif( $i === 0 ){ - $positionValue = '0%'; - }else{ - $positionValue = '100%'; - } - $alpha = $color->alpha; - $returner .= ''; - } - - $returner .= ''; - - - if( $useBase64 ){ - $returner = "'data:image/svg+xml;base64,".base64_encode($returner)."'"; - }else{ - $returner = "'data:image/svg+xml,".$returner."'"; - } - - return new Less_Tree_URL( new Less_Tree_Anonymous( $returner ) ); - } - - - /** - * Php version of javascript's `encodeURIComponent` function - * - * @param string $string The string to encode - * @return string The encoded string - */ - public static function encodeURIComponent($string){ - $revert = array('%21' => '!', '%2A' => '*', '%27' => "'", '%28' => '(', '%29' => ')'); - return strtr(rawurlencode($string), $revert); - } - - - // Color Blending - // ref: http://www.w3.org/TR/compositing-1 - - public function colorBlend( $mode, $color1, $color2 ){ - $ab = $color1->alpha; // backdrop - $as = $color2->alpha; // source - $r = array(); // result - - $ar = $as + $ab * (1 - $as); - for( $i = 0; $i < 3; $i++ ){ - $cb = $color1->rgb[$i] / 255; - $cs = $color2->rgb[$i] / 255; - $cr = call_user_func( $mode, $cb, $cs ); - if( $ar ){ - $cr = ($as * $cs + $ab * ($cb - $as * ($cb + $cs - $cr))) / $ar; - } - $r[$i] = $cr * 255; - } - - return new Less_Tree_Color($r, $ar); - } - - public function multiply($color1 = null, $color2 = null ){ - if (!$color1 instanceof Less_Tree_Color) { - throw new Less_Exception_Compiler('The first argument to multiply must be a color' . ($color1 instanceof Less_Tree_Expression ? ' (did you forgot commas?)' : '') ); - } - if (!$color2 instanceof Less_Tree_Color) { - throw new Less_Exception_Compiler('The second argument to multiply must be a color' . ($color2 instanceof Less_Tree_Expression ? ' (did you forgot commas?)' : '') ); - } - - return $this->colorBlend( array($this,'colorBlendMultiply'), $color1, $color2 ); - } - - private function colorBlendMultiply($cb, $cs){ - return $cb * $cs; - } - - public function screen($color1 = null, $color2 = null ){ - if (!$color1 instanceof Less_Tree_Color) { - throw new Less_Exception_Compiler('The first argument to screen must be a color' . ($color1 instanceof Less_Tree_Expression ? ' (did you forgot commas?)' : '') ); - } - if (!$color2 instanceof Less_Tree_Color) { - throw new Less_Exception_Compiler('The second argument to screen must be a color' . ($color2 instanceof Less_Tree_Expression ? ' (did you forgot commas?)' : '') ); - } - - return $this->colorBlend( array($this,'colorBlendScreen'), $color1, $color2 ); - } - - private function colorBlendScreen( $cb, $cs){ - return $cb + $cs - $cb * $cs; - } - - public function overlay($color1 = null, $color2 = null){ - if (!$color1 instanceof Less_Tree_Color) { - throw new Less_Exception_Compiler('The first argument to overlay must be a color' . ($color1 instanceof Less_Tree_Expression ? ' (did you forgot commas?)' : '') ); - } - if (!$color2 instanceof Less_Tree_Color) { - throw new Less_Exception_Compiler('The second argument to overlay must be a color' . ($color2 instanceof Less_Tree_Expression ? ' (did you forgot commas?)' : '') ); - } - - return $this->colorBlend( array($this,'colorBlendOverlay'), $color1, $color2 ); - } - - private function colorBlendOverlay($cb, $cs ){ - $cb *= 2; - return ($cb <= 1) - ? $this->colorBlendMultiply($cb, $cs) - : $this->colorBlendScreen($cb - 1, $cs); - } - - public function softlight($color1 = null, $color2 = null){ - if (!$color1 instanceof Less_Tree_Color) { - throw new Less_Exception_Compiler('The first argument to softlight must be a color' . ($color1 instanceof Less_Tree_Expression ? ' (did you forgot commas?)' : '') ); - } - if (!$color2 instanceof Less_Tree_Color) { - throw new Less_Exception_Compiler('The second argument to softlight must be a color' . ($color2 instanceof Less_Tree_Expression ? ' (did you forgot commas?)' : '') ); - } - - return $this->colorBlend( array($this,'colorBlendSoftlight'), $color1, $color2 ); - } - - private function colorBlendSoftlight($cb, $cs ){ - $d = 1; - $e = $cb; - if( $cs > 0.5 ){ - $e = 1; - $d = ($cb > 0.25) ? sqrt($cb) - : ((16 * $cb - 12) * $cb + 4) * $cb; - } - return $cb - (1 - 2 * $cs) * $e * ($d - $cb); - } - - public function hardlight($color1 = null, $color2 = null){ - if (!$color1 instanceof Less_Tree_Color) { - throw new Less_Exception_Compiler('The first argument to hardlight must be a color' . ($color1 instanceof Less_Tree_Expression ? ' (did you forgot commas?)' : '') ); - } - if (!$color2 instanceof Less_Tree_Color) { - throw new Less_Exception_Compiler('The second argument to hardlight must be a color' . ($color2 instanceof Less_Tree_Expression ? ' (did you forgot commas?)' : '') ); - } - - return $this->colorBlend( array($this,'colorBlendHardlight'), $color1, $color2 ); - } - - private function colorBlendHardlight( $cb, $cs ){ - return $this->colorBlendOverlay($cs, $cb); - } - - public function difference($color1 = null, $color2 = null) { - if (!$color1 instanceof Less_Tree_Color) { - throw new Less_Exception_Compiler('The first argument to difference must be a color' . ($color1 instanceof Less_Tree_Expression ? ' (did you forgot commas?)' : '') ); - } - if (!$color2 instanceof Less_Tree_Color) { - throw new Less_Exception_Compiler('The second argument to difference must be a color' . ($color2 instanceof Less_Tree_Expression ? ' (did you forgot commas?)' : '') ); - } - - return $this->colorBlend( array($this,'colorBlendDifference'), $color1, $color2 ); - } - - private function colorBlendDifference( $cb, $cs ){ - return abs($cb - $cs); - } - - public function exclusion( $color1 = null, $color2 = null ){ - if (!$color1 instanceof Less_Tree_Color) { - throw new Less_Exception_Compiler('The first argument to exclusion must be a color' . ($color1 instanceof Less_Tree_Expression ? ' (did you forgot commas?)' : '') ); - } - if (!$color2 instanceof Less_Tree_Color) { - throw new Less_Exception_Compiler('The second argument to exclusion must be a color' . ($color2 instanceof Less_Tree_Expression ? ' (did you forgot commas?)' : '') ); - } - - return $this->colorBlend( array($this,'colorBlendExclusion'), $color1, $color2 ); - } - - private function colorBlendExclusion( $cb, $cs ){ - return $cb + $cs - 2 * $cb * $cs; - } - - public function average($color1 = null, $color2 = null){ - if (!$color1 instanceof Less_Tree_Color) { - throw new Less_Exception_Compiler('The first argument to average must be a color' . ($color1 instanceof Less_Tree_Expression ? ' (did you forgot commas?)' : '') ); - } - if (!$color2 instanceof Less_Tree_Color) { - throw new Less_Exception_Compiler('The second argument to average must be a color' . ($color2 instanceof Less_Tree_Expression ? ' (did you forgot commas?)' : '') ); - } - - return $this->colorBlend( array($this,'colorBlendAverage'), $color1, $color2 ); - } - - // non-w3c functions: - public function colorBlendAverage($cb, $cs ){ - return ($cb + $cs) / 2; - } - - public function negation($color1 = null, $color2 = null ){ - if (!$color1 instanceof Less_Tree_Color) { - throw new Less_Exception_Compiler('The first argument to negation must be a color' . ($color1 instanceof Less_Tree_Expression ? ' (did you forgot commas?)' : '') ); - } - if (!$color2 instanceof Less_Tree_Color) { - throw new Less_Exception_Compiler('The second argument to negation must be a color' . ($color2 instanceof Less_Tree_Expression ? ' (did you forgot commas?)' : '') ); - } - - return $this->colorBlend( array($this,'colorBlendNegation'), $color1, $color2 ); - } - - public function colorBlendNegation($cb, $cs){ - return 1 - abs($cb + $cs - 1); - } - - // ~ End of Color Blending - -} diff --git a/include/thirdparty/less.php/___1.7.0.13/Mime.php b/include/thirdparty/less.php/___1.7.0.13/Mime.php deleted file mode 100644 index 109ecd3..0000000 --- a/include/thirdparty/less.php/___1.7.0.13/Mime.php +++ /dev/null @@ -1,41 +0,0 @@ - 'text/html', - '.html'=> 'text/html', - '.gif' => 'image/gif', - '.jpg' => 'image/jpeg', - '.jpeg'=> 'image/jpeg', - '.png' => 'image/png', - '.ttf' => 'application/x-font-ttf', - '.otf' => 'application/x-font-otf', - '.eot' => 'application/vnd.ms-fontobject', - '.woff' => 'application/x-font-woff', - '.svg' => 'image/svg+xml', - ); - - public static function lookup( $filepath ){ - $parts = explode('.',$filepath); - $ext = '.'.strtolower(array_pop($parts)); - - if( !isset(self::$_types[$ext]) ){ - return null; - } - return self::$_types[$ext]; - } - - public static function charsets_lookup( $type = null ){ - // assumes all text types are UTF-8 - return $type && preg_match('/^text\//',$type) ? 'UTF-8' : ''; - } -} diff --git a/include/thirdparty/less.php/___1.7.0.13/Output.php b/include/thirdparty/less.php/___1.7.0.13/Output.php deleted file mode 100644 index f1b2b2a..0000000 --- a/include/thirdparty/less.php/___1.7.0.13/Output.php +++ /dev/null @@ -1,49 +0,0 @@ -strs[] = $chunk; - } - - /** - * Is the output empty? - * - * @return boolean - */ - public function isEmpty(){ - return count($this->strs) === 0; - } - - - /** - * Converts the output to string - * - * @return string - */ - public function toString(){ - return implode('',$this->strs); - } - -} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/include/thirdparty/less.php/___1.7.0.13/Parser.php b/include/thirdparty/less.php/___1.7.0.13/Parser.php deleted file mode 100644 index 2c9d879..0000000 --- a/include/thirdparty/less.php/___1.7.0.13/Parser.php +++ /dev/null @@ -1,2816 +0,0 @@ - false, // option - whether to compress - 'strictUnits' => false, // whether units need to evaluate correctly - 'strictMath' => false, // whether math has to be within parenthesis - 'relativeUrls' => true, // option - whether to adjust URL's to be relative - 'urlArgs' => '', // whether to add args into url tokens - 'numPrecision' => 8, - - 'import_dirs' => array(), - 'import_callback' => null, - 'cache_dir' => null, - 'cache_method' => 'php', // false, 'serialize', 'php', 'var_export', 'callback'; - 'cache_callback_get' => null, - 'cache_callback_set' => null, - - 'sourceMap' => false, // whether to output a source map - 'sourceMapBasepath' => null, - 'sourceMapWriteTo' => null, - 'sourceMapURL' => null, - - 'indentation' => ' ', - - 'plugins' => array(), - - ); - - public static $options = array(); - - - private $input; // Less input string - private $input_len; // input string length - private $pos; // current index in `input` - private $saveStack = array(); // holds state for backtracking - private $furthest; - private $mb_internal_encoding = ''; // for remember exists value of mbstring.internal_encoding - - /** - * @var Less_Environment - */ - private $env; - - protected $rules = array(); - - private static $imports = array(); - - public static $has_extends = false; - - public static $next_id = 0; - - /** - * Filename to contents of all parsed the files - * - * @var array - */ - public static $contentsMap = array(); - - - /** - * @param Less_Environment|array|null $env - */ - public function __construct( $env = null ){ - - // Top parser on an import tree must be sure there is one "env" - // which will then be passed around by reference. - if( $env instanceof Less_Environment ){ - $this->env = $env; - }else{ - $this->SetOptions(Less_Parser::$default_options); - $this->Reset( $env ); - } - - // mbstring.func_overload > 1 bugfix - // The encoding value must be set for each source file, - // therefore, to conserve resources and improve the speed of this design is taken here - if (ini_get('mbstring.func_overload')) { - $this->mb_internal_encoding = ini_get('mbstring.internal_encoding'); - @ini_set('mbstring.internal_encoding', 'ascii'); - } - - } - - - /** - * Reset the parser state completely - * - */ - public function Reset( $options = null ){ - $this->rules = array(); - self::$imports = array(); - self::$has_extends = false; - self::$imports = array(); - self::$contentsMap = array(); - - $this->env = new Less_Environment($options); - - //set new options - if( is_array($options) ){ - $this->SetOptions(Less_Parser::$default_options); - $this->SetOptions($options); - } - - $this->env->Init(); - } - - /** - * Set one or more compiler options - * options: import_dirs, cache_dir, cache_method - * - */ - public function SetOptions( $options ){ - foreach($options as $option => $value){ - $this->SetOption($option,$value); - } - } - - /** - * Set one compiler option - * - */ - public function SetOption($option,$value){ - - switch($option){ - - case 'import_dirs': - $this->SetImportDirs($value); - return; - - case 'cache_dir': - if( is_string($value) ){ - Less_Cache::SetCacheDir($value); - Less_Cache::CheckCacheDir(); - } - return; - } - - Less_Parser::$options[$option] = $value; - } - - /** - * Registers a new custom function - * - * @param string $name function name - * @param callable $callback callback - */ - public function registerFunction($name, $callback) { - $this->env->functions[$name] = $callback; - } - - /** - * Removed an already registered function - * - * @param string $name function name - */ - public function unregisterFunction($name) { - if( isset($this->env->functions[$name]) ) - unset($this->env->functions[$name]); - } - - - /** - * Get the current css buffer - * - * @return string - */ - public function getCss(){ - - $precision = ini_get('precision'); - @ini_set('precision',16); - $locale = setlocale(LC_NUMERIC, 0); - setlocale(LC_NUMERIC, "C"); - - try { - - $root = new Less_Tree_Ruleset(array(), $this->rules ); - $root->root = true; - $root->firstRoot = true; - - - $this->PreVisitors($root); - - self::$has_extends = false; - $evaldRoot = $root->compile($this->env); - - - - $this->PostVisitors($evaldRoot); - - if( Less_Parser::$options['sourceMap'] ){ - $generator = new Less_SourceMap_Generator($evaldRoot, Less_Parser::$contentsMap, Less_Parser::$options ); - // will also save file - // FIXME: should happen somewhere else? - $css = $generator->generateCSS(); - }else{ - $css = $evaldRoot->toCSS(); - } - - if( Less_Parser::$options['compress'] ){ - $css = preg_replace('/(^(\s)+)|((\s)+$)/', '', $css); - } - - } catch (Exception $exc) { - // Intentional fall-through so we can reset environment - } - - //reset php settings - @ini_set('precision',$precision); - setlocale(LC_NUMERIC, $locale); - - // If you previously defined $this->mb_internal_encoding - // is required to return the encoding as it was before - if ($this->mb_internal_encoding != '') { - @ini_set("mbstring.internal_encoding", $this->mb_internal_encoding); - $this->mb_internal_encoding = ''; - } - - // Rethrow exception after we handled resetting the environment - if (!empty($exc)) { - throw $exc; - } - - return $css; - } - - public function findValueOf($varName) - { - foreach($this->rules as $rule){ - if(isset($rule->variable) && ($rule->variable == true) && (str_replace("@","",$rule->name) == $varName)){ - return $this->getVariableValue($rule); - } - } - return null; - } - - /** - * - * this function gets the private rules variable and returns an array of the found variables - * it uses a helper method getVariableValue() that contains the logic ot fetch the value from the rule object - * - * @return array - */ - public function getVariables() - { - $variables = array(); - - $not_variable_type = array( - 'Comment', // this include less comments ( // ) and css comments (/* */) - 'Import', // do not search variables in included files @import - 'Ruleset', // selectors (.someclass, #someid, …) - 'Operation', // - ); - - // @TODO run compilation if not runned yet - foreach ($this->rules as $key => $rule) { - if (in_array($rule->type, $not_variable_type)) { - continue; - } - - // Note: it seems rule->type is always Rule when variable = true - if ($rule->type == 'Rule' && $rule->variable) { - $variables[$rule->name] = $this->getVariableValue($rule); - } else { - if ($rule->type == 'Comment') { - $variables[] = $this->getVariableValue($rule); - } - } - } - return $variables; - } - - public function findVarByName($var_name) - { - foreach($this->rules as $rule){ - if(isset($rule->variable) && ($rule->variable == true)){ - if($rule->name == $var_name){ - return $this->getVariableValue($rule); - } - } - } - return null; - } - - /** - * - * This method gets the value of the less variable from the rules object. - * Since the objects vary here we add the logic for extracting the css/less value. - * - * @param $var - * - * @return bool|string - */ - private function getVariableValue($var) - { - if (!is_a($var, 'Less_Tree')) { - throw new Exception('var is not a Less_Tree object'); - } - - switch ($var->type) { - case 'Color': - return $this->rgb2html($var->rgb); - case 'Unit': - return $var->value. $var->unit->numerator[0]; - case 'Variable': - return $this->findVarByName($var->name); - case 'Keyword': - return $var->value; - case 'Rule': - return $this->getVariableValue($var->value); - case 'Value': - $value = ''; - foreach ($var->value as $sub_value) { - $value .= $this->getVariableValue($sub_value).' '; - } - return $value; - case 'Quoted': - return $var->quote.$var->value.$var->quote; - case 'Dimension': - $value = $var->value; - if ($var->unit && $var->unit->numerator) { - $value .= $var->unit->numerator[0]; - } - return $value; - case 'Expression': - $value = ""; - foreach($var->value as $item) { - $value .= $this->getVariableValue($item)." "; - } - return $value; - case 'Operation': - throw new Exception('getVariables() require Less to be compiled. please use $parser->getCss() before calling getVariables()'); - case 'Comment': - case 'Import': - case 'Ruleset': - default: - throw new Exception("type missing in switch/case getVariableValue for ".$var->type); - } - return false; - } - - private function rgb2html($r, $g=-1, $b=-1) - { - if (is_array($r) && sizeof($r) == 3) - list($r, $g, $b) = $r; - - $r = intval($r); $g = intval($g); - $b = intval($b); - - $r = dechex($r<0?0:($r>255?255:$r)); - $g = dechex($g<0?0:($g>255?255:$g)); - $b = dechex($b<0?0:($b>255?255:$b)); - - $color = (strlen($r) < 2?'0':'').$r; - $color .= (strlen($g) < 2?'0':'').$g; - $color .= (strlen($b) < 2?'0':'').$b; - return '#'.$color; - } - - /** - * Run pre-compile visitors - * - */ - private function PreVisitors($root){ - - if( Less_Parser::$options['plugins'] ){ - foreach(Less_Parser::$options['plugins'] as $plugin){ - if( !empty($plugin->isPreEvalVisitor) ){ - $plugin->run($root); - } - } - } - } - - - /** - * Run post-compile visitors - * - */ - private function PostVisitors($evaldRoot){ - - $visitors = array(); - $visitors[] = new Less_Visitor_joinSelector(); - if( self::$has_extends ){ - $visitors[] = new Less_Visitor_processExtends(); - } - $visitors[] = new Less_Visitor_toCSS(); - - - if( Less_Parser::$options['plugins'] ){ - foreach(Less_Parser::$options['plugins'] as $plugin){ - if( property_exists($plugin,'isPreEvalVisitor') && $plugin->isPreEvalVisitor ){ - continue; - } - - if( property_exists($plugin,'isPreVisitor') && $plugin->isPreVisitor ){ - array_unshift( $visitors, $plugin); - }else{ - $visitors[] = $plugin; - } - } - } - - - for($i = 0; $i < count($visitors); $i++ ){ - $visitors[$i]->run($evaldRoot); - } - - } - - - /** - * Parse a Less string into css - * - * @param string $str The string to convert - * @param string $uri_root The url of the file - * @return Less_Tree_Ruleset|Less_Parser - */ - public function parse( $str, $file_uri = null ){ - - if( !$file_uri ){ - $uri_root = ''; - $filename = 'anonymous-file-'.Less_Parser::$next_id++.'.less'; - }else{ - $file_uri = self::WinPath($file_uri); - $filename = $file_uri; - $uri_root = dirname($file_uri); - } - - $previousFileInfo = $this->env->currentFileInfo; - $uri_root = self::WinPath($uri_root); - $this->SetFileInfo($filename, $uri_root); - - $this->input = $str; - $this->_parse(); - - if( $previousFileInfo ){ - $this->env->currentFileInfo = $previousFileInfo; - } - - return $this; - } - - - /** - * Parse a Less string from a given file - * - * @throws Less_Exception_Parser - * @param string $filename The file to parse - * @param string $uri_root The url of the file - * @param bool $returnRoot Indicates whether the return value should be a css string a root node - * @return Less_Tree_Ruleset|Less_Parser - */ - public function parseFile( $filename, $uri_root = '', $returnRoot = false){ - - if( !file_exists($filename) ){ - $this->Error(sprintf('File `%s` not found.', $filename)); - } - - - // fix uri_root? - // Instead of The mixture of file path for the first argument and directory path for the second argument has bee - if( !$returnRoot && !empty($uri_root) && basename($uri_root) == basename($filename) ){ - $uri_root = dirname($uri_root); - } - - - $previousFileInfo = $this->env->currentFileInfo; - - - if( $filename ){ - $filename = self::AbsPath($filename, true); - } - $uri_root = self::WinPath($uri_root); - - $this->SetFileInfo($filename, $uri_root); - - self::AddParsedFile($filename); - - if( $returnRoot ){ - $rules = $this->GetRules( $filename ); - $return = new Less_Tree_Ruleset(array(), $rules ); - }else{ - $this->_parse( $filename ); - $return = $this; - } - - if( $previousFileInfo ){ - $this->env->currentFileInfo = $previousFileInfo; - } - - return $return; - } - - - /** - * Allows a user to set variables values - * @param array $vars - * @return Less_Parser - */ - public function ModifyVars( $vars ){ - - $this->input = Less_Parser::serializeVars( $vars ); - $this->_parse(); - - return $this; - } - - - /** - * @param string $filename - */ - public function SetFileInfo( $filename, $uri_root = ''){ - - $filename = Less_Environment::normalizePath($filename); - $dirname = preg_replace('/[^\/\\\\]*$/','',$filename); - - if( !empty($uri_root) ){ - $uri_root = rtrim($uri_root,'/').'/'; - } - - $currentFileInfo = array(); - - //entry info - if( isset($this->env->currentFileInfo) ){ - $currentFileInfo['entryPath'] = $this->env->currentFileInfo['entryPath']; - $currentFileInfo['entryUri'] = $this->env->currentFileInfo['entryUri']; - $currentFileInfo['rootpath'] = $this->env->currentFileInfo['rootpath']; - - }else{ - $currentFileInfo['entryPath'] = $dirname; - $currentFileInfo['entryUri'] = $uri_root; - $currentFileInfo['rootpath'] = $dirname; - } - - $currentFileInfo['currentDirectory'] = $dirname; - $currentFileInfo['currentUri'] = $uri_root.basename($filename); - $currentFileInfo['filename'] = $filename; - $currentFileInfo['uri_root'] = $uri_root; - - - //inherit reference - if( isset($this->env->currentFileInfo['reference']) && $this->env->currentFileInfo['reference'] ){ - $currentFileInfo['reference'] = true; - } - - $this->env->currentFileInfo = $currentFileInfo; - } - - - /** - * @deprecated - * - */ - public function SetCacheDir( $dir ){ - - if( !file_exists($dir) ){ - if( mkdir($dir) ){ - return true; - } - throw new Less_Exception_Parser('Less.php cache directory couldn\'t be created: '.$dir); - - }elseif( !is_dir($dir) ){ - throw new Less_Exception_Parser('Less.php cache directory doesn\'t exist: '.$dir); - - }elseif( !is_writable($dir) ){ - throw new Less_Exception_Parser('Less.php cache directory isn\'t writable: '.$dir); - - }else{ - $dir = self::WinPath($dir); - Less_Cache::$cache_dir = rtrim($dir,'/').'/'; - return true; - } - } - - - /** - * Set a list of directories or callbacks the parser should use for determining import paths - * - * @param array $dirs - */ - public function SetImportDirs( $dirs ){ - Less_Parser::$options['import_dirs'] = array(); - - foreach($dirs as $path => $uri_root){ - - $path = self::WinPath($path); - if( !empty($path) ){ - $path = rtrim($path,'/').'/'; - } - - if ( !is_callable($uri_root) ){ - $uri_root = self::WinPath($uri_root); - if( !empty($uri_root) ){ - $uri_root = rtrim($uri_root,'/').'/'; - } - } - - Less_Parser::$options['import_dirs'][$path] = $uri_root; - } - } - - /** - * @param string $file_path - */ - private function _parse( $file_path = null ){ - $this->rules = array_merge($this->rules, $this->GetRules( $file_path )); - } - - - /** - * Return the results of parsePrimary for $file_path - * Use cache and save cached results if possible - * - * @param string|null $file_path - */ - private function GetRules( $file_path ){ - - $this->SetInput($file_path); - - $cache_file = $this->CacheFile( $file_path ); - if( $cache_file ){ - if( Less_Parser::$options['cache_method'] == 'callback' ){ - if( is_callable(Less_Parser::$options['cache_callback_get']) ){ - $cache = call_user_func_array( - Less_Parser::$options['cache_callback_get'], - array($this, $file_path, $cache_file) - ); - - if( $cache ){ - $this->UnsetInput(); - return $cache; - } - } - - }elseif( file_exists($cache_file) ){ - switch(Less_Parser::$options['cache_method']){ - - // Using serialize - // Faster but uses more memory - case 'serialize': - $cache = unserialize(file_get_contents($cache_file)); - if( $cache ){ - touch($cache_file); - $this->UnsetInput(); - return $cache; - } - break; - - - // Using generated php code - case 'var_export': - case 'php': - $this->UnsetInput(); - return include($cache_file); - } - } - } - - $rules = $this->parsePrimary(); - - if( $this->pos < $this->input_len ){ - throw new Less_Exception_Chunk($this->input, null, $this->furthest, $this->env->currentFileInfo); - } - - $this->UnsetInput(); - - - //save the cache - if( $cache_file ){ - if( Less_Parser::$options['cache_method'] == 'callback' ){ - if( is_callable(Less_Parser::$options['cache_callback_set']) ){ - call_user_func_array( - Less_Parser::$options['cache_callback_set'], - array($this, $file_path, $cache_file, $rules) - ); - } - - }else{ - //msg('write cache file'); - switch(Less_Parser::$options['cache_method']){ - case 'serialize': - file_put_contents( $cache_file, serialize($rules) ); - break; - case 'php': - file_put_contents( $cache_file, '' ); - break; - case 'var_export': - //Requires __set_state() - file_put_contents( $cache_file, '' ); - break; - } - - Less_Cache::CleanCache(); - } - } - - return $rules; - } - - - /** - * Set up the input buffer - * - */ - public function SetInput( $file_path ){ - - if( $file_path ){ - $this->input = file_get_contents( $file_path ); - } - - $this->pos = $this->furthest = 0; - - // Remove potential UTF Byte Order Mark - $this->input = preg_replace('/\\G\xEF\xBB\xBF/', '', $this->input); - $this->input_len = strlen($this->input); - - - if( Less_Parser::$options['sourceMap'] && $this->env->currentFileInfo ){ - $uri = $this->env->currentFileInfo['currentUri']; - Less_Parser::$contentsMap[$uri] = $this->input; - } - - } - - - /** - * Free up some memory - * - */ - public function UnsetInput(){ - unset($this->input, $this->pos, $this->input_len, $this->furthest); - $this->saveStack = array(); - } - - - public function CacheFile( $file_path ){ - - if( $file_path && $this->CacheEnabled() ){ - - $env = get_object_vars($this->env); - unset($env['frames']); - - $parts = array(); - $parts[] = $file_path; - $parts[] = filesize( $file_path ); - $parts[] = filemtime( $file_path ); - $parts[] = $env; - $parts[] = Less_Version::cache_version; - $parts[] = Less_Parser::$options['cache_method']; - return Less_Cache::$cache_dir . Less_Cache::$prefix . base_convert( sha1(json_encode($parts) ), 16, 36) . '.lesscache'; - } - } - - - static function AddParsedFile($file){ - self::$imports[] = $file; - } - - static function AllParsedFiles(){ - return self::$imports; - } - - /** - * @param string $file - */ - static function FileParsed($file){ - return in_array($file,self::$imports); - } - - - function save() { - $this->saveStack[] = $this->pos; - } - - private function restore() { - $this->pos = array_pop($this->saveStack); - } - - private function forget(){ - array_pop($this->saveStack); - } - - /** - * Determine if the character at the specified offset from the current position is a white space. - * - * @param int $offset - * - * @return bool - */ - private function isWhitespace($offset = 0) { - return strpos(" \t\n\r\v\f", $this->input[$this->pos + $offset]) !== false; - } - - /** - * Parse from a token, regexp or string, and move forward if match - * - * @param array $toks - * @return array - */ - private function match($toks){ - - // The match is confirmed, add the match length to `this::pos`, - // and consume any extra white-space characters (' ' || '\n') - // which come after that. The reason for this is that LeSS's - // grammar is mostly white-space insensitive. - // - - foreach($toks as $tok){ - - $char = $tok[0]; - - if( $char === '/' ){ - $match = $this->MatchReg($tok); - - if( $match ){ - return count($match) === 1 ? $match[0] : $match; - } - - }elseif( $char === '#' ){ - $match = $this->MatchChar($tok[1]); - - }else{ - // Non-terminal, match using a function call - $match = $this->$tok(); - - } - - if( $match ){ - return $match; - } - } - } - - /** - * @param string[] $toks - * - * @return string - */ - private function MatchFuncs($toks){ - - if( $this->pos < $this->input_len ){ - foreach($toks as $tok){ - $match = $this->$tok(); - if( $match ){ - return $match; - } - } - } - - } - - // Match a single character in the input, - private function MatchChar($tok){ - if( ($this->pos < $this->input_len) && ($this->input[$this->pos] === $tok) ){ - $this->skipWhitespace(1); - return $tok; - } - } - - // Match a regexp from the current start point - private function MatchReg($tok){ - - if( preg_match($tok, $this->input, $match, 0, $this->pos) ){ - $this->skipWhitespace(strlen($match[0])); - return $match; - } - } - - - /** - * Same as match(), but don't change the state of the parser, - * just return the match. - * - * @param string $tok - * @return integer - */ - public function PeekReg($tok){ - return preg_match($tok, $this->input, $match, 0, $this->pos); - } - - /** - * @param string $tok - */ - public function PeekChar($tok){ - //return ($this->input[$this->pos] === $tok ); - return ($this->pos < $this->input_len) && ($this->input[$this->pos] === $tok ); - } - - - /** - * @param integer $length - */ - public function skipWhitespace($length){ - - $this->pos += $length; - - for(; $this->pos < $this->input_len; $this->pos++ ){ - $c = $this->input[$this->pos]; - - if( ($c !== "\n") && ($c !== "\r") && ($c !== "\t") && ($c !== ' ') ){ - break; - } - } - } - - - /** - * @param string $tok - * @param string|null $msg - */ - public function expect($tok, $msg = NULL) { - $result = $this->match( array($tok) ); - if (!$result) { - $this->Error( $msg ? "Expected '" . $tok . "' got '" . $this->input[$this->pos] . "'" : $msg ); - } else { - return $result; - } - } - - /** - * @param string $tok - */ - public function expectChar($tok, $msg = null ){ - $result = $this->MatchChar($tok); - if( !$result ){ - $msg = $msg ? $msg : "Expected '" . $tok . "' got '" . $this->input[$this->pos] . "'"; - $this->Error( $msg ); - }else{ - return $result; - } - } - - // - // Here in, the parsing rules/functions - // - // The basic structure of the syntax tree generated is as follows: - // - // Ruleset -> Rule -> Value -> Expression -> Entity - // - // Here's some LESS code: - // - // .class { - // color: #fff; - // border: 1px solid #000; - // width: @w + 4px; - // > .child {...} - // } - // - // And here's what the parse tree might look like: - // - // Ruleset (Selector '.class', [ - // Rule ("color", Value ([Expression [Color #fff]])) - // Rule ("border", Value ([Expression [Dimension 1px][Keyword "solid"][Color #000]])) - // Rule ("width", Value ([Expression [Operation "+" [Variable "@w"][Dimension 4px]]])) - // Ruleset (Selector [Element '>', '.child'], [...]) - // ]) - // - // In general, most rules will try to parse a token with the `$()` function, and if the return - // value is truly, will return a new node, of the relevant type. Sometimes, we need to check - // first, before parsing, that's when we use `peek()`. - // - - // - // The `primary` rule is the *entry* and *exit* point of the parser. - // The rules here can appear at any level of the parse tree. - // - // The recursive nature of the grammar is an interplay between the `block` - // rule, which represents `{ ... }`, the `ruleset` rule, and this `primary` rule, - // as represented by this simplified grammar: - // - // primary → (ruleset | rule)+ - // ruleset → selector+ block - // block → '{' primary '}' - // - // Only at one point is the primary rule not called from the - // block rule: at the root level. - // - private function parsePrimary(){ - $root = array(); - - while( true ){ - - if( $this->pos >= $this->input_len ){ - break; - } - - $node = $this->parseExtend(true); - if( $node ){ - $root = array_merge($root,$node); - continue; - } - - //$node = $this->MatchFuncs( array( 'parseMixinDefinition', 'parseRule', 'parseRuleset', 'parseMixinCall', 'parseComment', 'parseDirective')); - $node = $this->MatchFuncs( array( 'parseMixinDefinition', 'parseNameValue', 'parseRule', 'parseRuleset', 'parseMixinCall', 'parseComment', 'parseRulesetCall', 'parseDirective')); - - if( $node ){ - $root[] = $node; - }elseif( !$this->MatchReg('/\\G[\s\n;]+/') ){ - break; - } - - if( $this->PeekChar('}') ){ - break; - } - } - - return $root; - } - - - - // We create a Comment node for CSS comments `/* */`, - // but keep the LeSS comments `//` silent, by just skipping - // over them. - private function parseComment(){ - - if( $this->input[$this->pos] !== '/' ){ - return; - } - - if( $this->input[$this->pos+1] === '/' ){ - $match = $this->MatchReg('/\\G\/\/.*/'); - return $this->NewObj4('Less_Tree_Comment',array($match[0], true, $this->pos, $this->env->currentFileInfo)); - } - - //$comment = $this->MatchReg('/\\G\/\*(?:[^*]|\*+[^\/*])*\*+\/\n?/'); - $comment = $this->MatchReg('/\\G\/\*(?s).*?\*+\/\n?/');//not the same as less.js to prevent fatal errors - if( $comment ){ - return $this->NewObj4('Less_Tree_Comment',array($comment[0], false, $this->pos, $this->env->currentFileInfo)); - } - } - - private function parseComments(){ - $comments = array(); - - while( $this->pos < $this->input_len ){ - $comment = $this->parseComment(); - if( !$comment ){ - break; - } - - $comments[] = $comment; - } - - return $comments; - } - - - - // - // A string, which supports escaping " and ' - // - // "milky way" 'he\'s the one!' - // - private function parseEntitiesQuoted() { - $j = $this->pos; - $e = false; - $index = $this->pos; - - if( $this->input[$this->pos] === '~' ){ - $j++; - $e = true; // Escaped strings - } - - $char = $this->input[$j]; - if( $char !== '"' && $char !== "'" ){ - return; - } - - if ($e) { - $this->MatchChar('~'); - } - - - $matched = $this->MatchQuoted($char, $j+1); - if( $matched === false ){ - return; - } - - $quoted = $char.$matched.$char; - return $this->NewObj5('Less_Tree_Quoted',array($quoted, $matched, $e, $index, $this->env->currentFileInfo) ); - } - - - /** - * When PCRE JIT is enabled in php, regular expressions don't work for matching quoted strings - * - * $regex = '/\\G\'((?:[^\'\\\\\r\n]|\\\\.|\\\\\r\n|\\\\[\n\r\f])*)\'/'; - * $regex = '/\\G"((?:[^"\\\\\r\n]|\\\\.|\\\\\r\n|\\\\[\n\r\f])*)"/'; - * - */ - private function MatchQuoted($quote_char, $i){ - - $matched = ''; - while( $i < $this->input_len ){ - $c = $this->input[$i]; - - //escaped character - if( $c === '\\' ){ - $matched .= $c . $this->input[$i+1]; - $i += 2; - continue; - } - - if( $c === $quote_char ){ - $this->pos = $i+1; - $this->skipWhitespace(0); - return $matched; - } - - if( $c === "\r" || $c === "\n" ){ - return false; - } - - $i++; - $matched .= $c; - } - - return false; - } - - - // - // A catch-all word, such as: - // - // black border-collapse - // - private function parseEntitiesKeyword(){ - - //$k = $this->MatchReg('/\\G[_A-Za-z-][_A-Za-z0-9-]*/'); - $k = $this->MatchReg('/\\G%|\\G[_A-Za-z-][_A-Za-z0-9-]*/'); - if( $k ){ - $k = $k[0]; - $color = $this->fromKeyword($k); - if( $color ){ - return $color; - } - return $this->NewObj1('Less_Tree_Keyword',$k); - } - } - - // duplicate of Less_Tree_Color::FromKeyword - private function FromKeyword( $keyword ){ - $keyword = strtolower($keyword); - - if( Less_Colors::hasOwnProperty($keyword) ){ - // detect named color - return $this->NewObj1('Less_Tree_Color',substr(Less_Colors::color($keyword), 1)); - } - - if( $keyword === 'transparent' ){ - return $this->NewObj3('Less_Tree_Color', array( array(0, 0, 0), 0, true)); - } - } - - // - // A function call - // - // rgb(255, 0, 255) - // - // We also try to catch IE's `alpha()`, but let the `alpha` parser - // deal with the details. - // - // The arguments are parsed with the `entities.arguments` parser. - // - private function parseEntitiesCall(){ - $index = $this->pos; - - if( !preg_match('/\\G([\w-]+|%|progid:[\w\.]+)\(/', $this->input, $name,0,$this->pos) ){ - return; - } - $name = $name[1]; - $nameLC = strtolower($name); - - if ($nameLC === 'url') { - return null; - } - - $this->pos += strlen($name); - - if( $nameLC === 'alpha' ){ - $alpha_ret = $this->parseAlpha(); - if( $alpha_ret ){ - return $alpha_ret; - } - } - - $this->MatchChar('('); // Parse the '(' and consume whitespace. - - $args = $this->parseEntitiesArguments(); - - if( !$this->MatchChar(')') ){ - return; - } - - if ($name) { - return $this->NewObj4('Less_Tree_Call',array($name, $args, $index, $this->env->currentFileInfo) ); - } - } - - /** - * Parse a list of arguments - * - * @return array - */ - private function parseEntitiesArguments(){ - - $args = array(); - while( true ){ - $arg = $this->MatchFuncs( array('parseEntitiesAssignment','parseExpression') ); - if( !$arg ){ - break; - } - - $args[] = $arg; - if( !$this->MatchChar(',') ){ - break; - } - } - return $args; - } - - private function parseEntitiesLiteral(){ - return $this->MatchFuncs( array('parseEntitiesDimension','parseEntitiesColor','parseEntitiesQuoted','parseUnicodeDescriptor') ); - } - - // Assignments are argument entities for calls. - // They are present in ie filter properties as shown below. - // - // filter: progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.Alpha( *opacity=50* ) - // - private function parseEntitiesAssignment() { - - $key = $this->MatchReg('/\\G\w+(?=\s?=)/'); - if( !$key ){ - return; - } - - if( !$this->MatchChar('=') ){ - return; - } - - $value = $this->parseEntity(); - if( $value ){ - return $this->NewObj2('Less_Tree_Assignment',array($key[0], $value)); - } - } - - // - // Parse url() tokens - // - // We use a specific rule for urls, because they don't really behave like - // standard function calls. The difference is that the argument doesn't have - // to be enclosed within a string, so it can't be parsed as an Expression. - // - private function parseEntitiesUrl(){ - - - if( $this->input[$this->pos] !== 'u' || !$this->matchReg('/\\Gurl\(/') ){ - return; - } - - $value = $this->match( array('parseEntitiesQuoted','parseEntitiesVariable','/\\Gdata\:.*?[^\)]+/','/\\G(?:(?:\\\\[\(\)\'"])|[^\(\)\'"])+/') ); - if( !$value ){ - $value = ''; - } - - - $this->expectChar(')'); - - - if( isset($value->value) || $value instanceof Less_Tree_Variable ){ - return $this->NewObj2('Less_Tree_Url',array($value, $this->env->currentFileInfo)); - } - - return $this->NewObj2('Less_Tree_Url', array( $this->NewObj1('Less_Tree_Anonymous',$value), $this->env->currentFileInfo) ); - } - - - // - // A Variable entity, such as `@fink`, in - // - // width: @fink + 2px - // - // We use a different parser for variable definitions, - // see `parsers.variable`. - // - private function parseEntitiesVariable(){ - $index = $this->pos; - if ($this->PeekChar('@') && ($name = $this->MatchReg('/\\G@@?[\w-]+/'))) { - return $this->NewObj3('Less_Tree_Variable', array( $name[0], $index, $this->env->currentFileInfo)); - } - } - - - // A variable entity using the protective {} e.g. @{var} - private function parseEntitiesVariableCurly() { - $index = $this->pos; - - if( $this->input_len > ($this->pos+1) && $this->input[$this->pos] === '@' && ($curly = $this->MatchReg('/\\G@\{([\w-]+)\}/')) ){ - return $this->NewObj3('Less_Tree_Variable',array('@'.$curly[1], $index, $this->env->currentFileInfo)); - } - } - - // - // A Hexadecimal color - // - // #4F3C2F - // - // `rgb` and `hsl` colors are parsed through the `entities.call` parser. - // - private function parseEntitiesColor(){ - if ($this->PeekChar('#') && ($rgb = $this->MatchReg('/\\G#([A-Fa-f0-9]{6}|[A-Fa-f0-9]{3})/'))) { - return $this->NewObj1('Less_Tree_Color',$rgb[1]); - } - } - - // - // A Dimension, that is, a number and a unit - // - // 0.5em 95% - // - private function parseEntitiesDimension(){ - - $c = @ord($this->input[$this->pos]); - - //Is the first char of the dimension 0-9, '.', '+' or '-' - if (($c > 57 || $c < 43) || $c === 47 || $c == 44){ - return; - } - - $value = $this->MatchReg('/\\G([+-]?\d*\.?\d+)(%|[a-z]+)?/'); - if( $value ){ - - if( isset($value[2]) ){ - return $this->NewObj2('Less_Tree_Dimension', array($value[1],$value[2])); - } - return $this->NewObj1('Less_Tree_Dimension',$value[1]); - } - } - - - // - // A unicode descriptor, as is used in unicode-range - // - // U+0?? or U+00A1-00A9 - // - function parseUnicodeDescriptor() { - $ud = $this->MatchReg('/\\G(U\+[0-9a-fA-F?]+)(\-[0-9a-fA-F?]+)?/'); - if( $ud ){ - return $this->NewObj1('Less_Tree_UnicodeDescriptor', $ud[0]); - } - } - - - // - // JavaScript code to be evaluated - // - // `window.location.href` - // - private function parseEntitiesJavascript(){ - $e = false; - $j = $this->pos; - if( $this->input[$j] === '~' ){ - $j++; - $e = true; - } - if( $this->input[$j] !== '`' ){ - return; - } - if( $e ){ - $this->MatchChar('~'); - } - $str = $this->MatchReg('/\\G`([^`]*)`/'); - if( $str ){ - return $this->NewObj3('Less_Tree_Javascript', array($str[1], $this->pos, $e)); - } - } - - - // - // The variable part of a variable definition. Used in the `rule` parser - // - // @fink: - // - private function parseVariable(){ - if ($this->PeekChar('@') && ($name = $this->MatchReg('/\\G(@[\w-]+)\s*:/'))) { - return $name[1]; - } - } - - - // - // The variable part of a variable definition. Used in the `rule` parser - // - // @fink(); - // - private function parseRulesetCall(){ - - if( $this->input[$this->pos] === '@' && ($name = $this->MatchReg('/\\G(@[\w-]+)\s*\(\s*\)\s*;/')) ){ - return $this->NewObj1('Less_Tree_RulesetCall', $name[1] ); - } - } - - - // - // extend syntax - used to extend selectors - // - function parseExtend($isRule = false){ - - $index = $this->pos; - $extendList = array(); - - - if( !$this->MatchReg( $isRule ? '/\\G&:extend\(/' : '/\\G:extend\(/' ) ){ return; } - - do{ - $option = null; - $elements = array(); - while( true ){ - $option = $this->MatchReg('/\\G(all)(?=\s*(\)|,))/'); - if( $option ){ break; } - $e = $this->parseElement(); - if( !$e ){ break; } - $elements[] = $e; - } - - if( $option ){ - $option = $option[1]; - } - - $extendList[] = $this->NewObj3('Less_Tree_Extend', array( $this->NewObj1('Less_Tree_Selector',$elements), $option, $index )); - - }while( $this->MatchChar(",") ); - - $this->expect('/\\G\)/'); - - if( $isRule ){ - $this->expect('/\\G;/'); - } - - return $extendList; - } - - - // - // A Mixin call, with an optional argument list - // - // #mixins > .square(#fff); - // .rounded(4px, black); - // .button; - // - // The `while` loop is there because mixins can be - // namespaced, but we only support the child and descendant - // selector for now. - // - private function parseMixinCall(){ - - $char = $this->input[$this->pos]; - if( $char !== '.' && $char !== '#' ){ - return; - } - - $index = $this->pos; - $this->save(); // stop us absorbing part of an invalid selector - - $elements = $this->parseMixinCallElements(); - - if( $elements ){ - - if( $this->MatchChar('(') ){ - $returned = $this->parseMixinArgs(true); - $args = $returned['args']; - $this->expectChar(')'); - }else{ - $args = array(); - } - - $important = $this->parseImportant(); - - if( $this->parseEnd() ){ - $this->forget(); - return $this->NewObj5('Less_Tree_Mixin_Call', array( $elements, $args, $index, $this->env->currentFileInfo, $important)); - } - } - - $this->restore(); - } - - - private function parseMixinCallElements(){ - $elements = array(); - $c = null; - - while( true ){ - $elemIndex = $this->pos; - $e = $this->MatchReg('/\\G[#.](?:[\w-]|\\\\(?:[A-Fa-f0-9]{1,6} ?|[^A-Fa-f0-9]))+/'); - if( !$e ){ - break; - } - $elements[] = $this->NewObj4('Less_Tree_Element', array($c, $e[0], $elemIndex, $this->env->currentFileInfo)); - $c = $this->MatchChar('>'); - } - - return $elements; - } - - - - /** - * @param boolean $isCall - */ - private function parseMixinArgs( $isCall ){ - $expressions = array(); - $argsSemiColon = array(); - $isSemiColonSeperated = null; - $argsComma = array(); - $expressionContainsNamed = null; - $name = null; - $returner = array('args'=>array(), 'variadic'=> false); - - $this->save(); - - while( true ){ - if( $isCall ){ - $arg = $this->MatchFuncs( array( 'parseDetachedRuleset','parseExpression' ) ); - } else { - $this->parseComments(); - if( $this->input[ $this->pos ] === '.' && $this->MatchReg('/\\G\.{3}/') ){ - $returner['variadic'] = true; - if( $this->MatchChar(";") && !$isSemiColonSeperated ){ - $isSemiColonSeperated = true; - } - - if( $isSemiColonSeperated ){ - $argsSemiColon[] = array('variadic'=>true); - }else{ - $argsComma[] = array('variadic'=>true); - } - break; - } - $arg = $this->MatchFuncs( array('parseEntitiesVariable','parseEntitiesLiteral','parseEntitiesKeyword') ); - } - - if( !$arg ){ - break; - } - - - $nameLoop = null; - if( $arg instanceof Less_Tree_Expression ){ - $arg->throwAwayComments(); - } - $value = $arg; - $val = null; - - if( $isCall ){ - // Variable - if( property_exists($arg,'value') && count($arg->value) == 1 ){ - $val = $arg->value[0]; - } - } else { - $val = $arg; - } - - - if( $val instanceof Less_Tree_Variable ){ - - if( $this->MatchChar(':') ){ - if( $expressions ){ - if( $isSemiColonSeperated ){ - $this->Error('Cannot mix ; and , as delimiter types'); - } - $expressionContainsNamed = true; - } - - // we do not support setting a ruleset as a default variable - it doesn't make sense - // However if we do want to add it, there is nothing blocking it, just don't error - // and remove isCall dependency below - $value = null; - if( $isCall ){ - $value = $this->parseDetachedRuleset(); - } - if( !$value ){ - $value = $this->parseExpression(); - } - - if( !$value ){ - if( $isCall ){ - $this->Error('could not understand value for named argument'); - } else { - $this->restore(); - $returner['args'] = array(); - return $returner; - } - } - - $nameLoop = ($name = $val->name); - }elseif( !$isCall && $this->MatchReg('/\\G\.{3}/') ){ - $returner['variadic'] = true; - if( $this->MatchChar(";") && !$isSemiColonSeperated ){ - $isSemiColonSeperated = true; - } - if( $isSemiColonSeperated ){ - $argsSemiColon[] = array('name'=> $arg->name, 'variadic' => true); - }else{ - $argsComma[] = array('name'=> $arg->name, 'variadic' => true); - } - break; - }elseif( !$isCall ){ - $name = $nameLoop = $val->name; - $value = null; - } - } - - if( $value ){ - $expressions[] = $value; - } - - $argsComma[] = array('name'=>$nameLoop, 'value'=>$value ); - - if( $this->MatchChar(',') ){ - continue; - } - - if( $this->MatchChar(';') || $isSemiColonSeperated ){ - - if( $expressionContainsNamed ){ - $this->Error('Cannot mix ; and , as delimiter types'); - } - - $isSemiColonSeperated = true; - - if( count($expressions) > 1 ){ - $value = $this->NewObj1('Less_Tree_Value', $expressions); - } - $argsSemiColon[] = array('name'=>$name, 'value'=>$value ); - - $name = null; - $expressions = array(); - $expressionContainsNamed = false; - } - } - - $this->forget(); - $returner['args'] = ($isSemiColonSeperated ? $argsSemiColon : $argsComma); - return $returner; - } - - - - // - // A Mixin definition, with a list of parameters - // - // .rounded (@radius: 2px, @color) { - // ... - // } - // - // Until we have a finer grained state-machine, we have to - // do a look-ahead, to make sure we don't have a mixin call. - // See the `rule` function for more information. - // - // We start by matching `.rounded (`, and then proceed on to - // the argument list, which has optional default values. - // We store the parameters in `params`, with a `value` key, - // if there is a value, such as in the case of `@radius`. - // - // Once we've got our params list, and a closing `)`, we parse - // the `{...}` block. - // - private function parseMixinDefinition(){ - $cond = null; - - $char = $this->input[$this->pos]; - if( ($char !== '.' && $char !== '#') || ($char === '{' && $this->PeekReg('/\\G[^{]*\}/')) ){ - return; - } - - $this->save(); - - $match = $this->MatchReg('/\\G([#.](?:[\w-]|\\\(?:[A-Fa-f0-9]{1,6} ?|[^A-Fa-f0-9]))+)\s*\(/'); - if( $match ){ - $name = $match[1]; - - $argInfo = $this->parseMixinArgs( false ); - $params = $argInfo['args']; - $variadic = $argInfo['variadic']; - - - // .mixincall("@{a}"); - // looks a bit like a mixin definition.. - // also - // .mixincall(@a: {rule: set;}); - // so we have to be nice and restore - if( !$this->MatchChar(')') ){ - $this->furthest = $this->pos; - $this->restore(); - return; - } - - - $this->parseComments(); - - if ($this->MatchReg('/\\Gwhen/')) { // Guard - $cond = $this->expect('parseConditions', 'Expected conditions'); - } - - $ruleset = $this->parseBlock(); - - if( is_array($ruleset) ){ - $this->forget(); - return $this->NewObj5('Less_Tree_Mixin_Definition', array( $name, $params, $ruleset, $cond, $variadic)); - } - - $this->restore(); - }else{ - $this->forget(); - } - } - - // - // Entities are the smallest recognized token, - // and can be found inside a rule's value. - // - private function parseEntity(){ - - return $this->MatchFuncs( array('parseEntitiesLiteral','parseEntitiesVariable','parseEntitiesUrl','parseEntitiesCall','parseEntitiesKeyword','parseEntitiesJavascript','parseComment') ); - } - - // - // A Rule terminator. Note that we use `peek()` to check for '}', - // because the `block` rule will be expecting it, but we still need to make sure - // it's there, if ';' was omitted. - // - private function parseEnd(){ - return $this->MatchChar(';') || $this->PeekChar('}'); - } - - // - // IE's alpha function - // - // alpha(opacity=88) - // - private function parseAlpha(){ - - if ( ! $this->MatchReg('/\\G\(opacity=/i')) { - return; - } - - $value = $this->MatchReg('/\\G[0-9]+/'); - if( $value ){ - $value = $value[0]; - }else{ - $value = $this->parseEntitiesVariable(); - if( !$value ){ - return; - } - } - - $this->expectChar(')'); - return $this->NewObj1('Less_Tree_Alpha',$value); - } - - - // - // A Selector Element - // - // div - // + h1 - // #socks - // input[type="text"] - // - // Elements are the building blocks for Selectors, - // they are made out of a `Combinator` (see combinator rule), - // and an element name, such as a tag a class, or `*`. - // - private function parseElement(){ - $c = $this->parseCombinator(); - $index = $this->pos; - - $e = $this->match( array('/\\G(?:\d+\.\d+|\d+)%/', '/\\G(?:[.#]?|:*)(?:[\w-]|[^\x00-\x9f]|\\\\(?:[A-Fa-f0-9]{1,6} ?|[^A-Fa-f0-9]))+/', - '#*', '#&', 'parseAttribute', '/\\G\([^()@]+\)/', '/\\G[\.#](?=@)/', 'parseEntitiesVariableCurly') ); - - if( is_null($e) ){ - $this->save(); - if( $this->MatchChar('(') ){ - if( ($v = $this->parseSelector()) && $this->MatchChar(')') ){ - $e = $this->NewObj1('Less_Tree_Paren',$v); - $this->forget(); - }else{ - $this->restore(); - } - }else{ - $this->forget(); - } - } - - if( !is_null($e) ){ - return $this->NewObj4('Less_Tree_Element',array( $c, $e, $index, $this->env->currentFileInfo)); - } - } - - // - // Combinators combine elements together, in a Selector. - // - // Because our parser isn't white-space sensitive, special care - // has to be taken, when parsing the descendant combinator, ` `, - // as it's an empty space. We have to check the previous character - // in the input, to see if it's a ` ` character. - // - private function parseCombinator(){ - if( $this->pos < $this->input_len ){ - $c = $this->input[$this->pos]; - if ($c === '>' || $c === '+' || $c === '~' || $c === '|' || $c === '^' ){ - - $this->pos++; - if( $this->input[$this->pos] === '^' ){ - $c = '^^'; - $this->pos++; - } - - $this->skipWhitespace(0); - - return $c; - } - - if( $this->pos > 0 && $this->isWhitespace(-1) ){ - return ' '; - } - } - } - - // - // A CSS selector (see selector below) - // with less extensions e.g. the ability to extend and guard - // - private function parseLessSelector(){ - return $this->parseSelector(true); - } - - // - // A CSS Selector - // - // .class > div + h1 - // li a:hover - // - // Selectors are made out of one or more Elements, see above. - // - private function parseSelector( $isLess = false ){ - $elements = array(); - $extendList = array(); - $condition = null; - $when = false; - $extend = false; - $e = null; - $c = null; - $index = $this->pos; - - while( ($isLess && ($extend = $this->parseExtend())) || ($isLess && ($when = $this->MatchReg('/\\Gwhen/') )) || ($e = $this->parseElement()) ){ - if( $when ){ - $condition = $this->expect('parseConditions', 'expected condition'); - }elseif( $condition ){ - //error("CSS guard can only be used at the end of selector"); - }elseif( $extend ){ - $extendList = array_merge($extendList,$extend); - }else{ - //if( count($extendList) ){ - //error("Extend can only be used at the end of selector"); - //} - if( $this->pos < $this->input_len ){ - $c = $this->input[ $this->pos ]; - } - $elements[] = $e; - $e = null; - } - - if( $c === '{' || $c === '}' || $c === ';' || $c === ',' || $c === ')') { break; } - } - - if( $elements ){ - return $this->NewObj5('Less_Tree_Selector',array($elements, $extendList, $condition, $index, $this->env->currentFileInfo)); - } - if( $extendList ) { - $this->Error('Extend must be used to extend a selector, it cannot be used on its own'); - } - } - - private function parseTag(){ - return ( $tag = $this->MatchReg('/\\G[A-Za-z][A-Za-z-]*[0-9]?/') ) ? $tag : $this->MatchChar('*'); - } - - private function parseAttribute(){ - - $val = null; - - if( !$this->MatchChar('[') ){ - return; - } - - $key = $this->parseEntitiesVariableCurly(); - if( !$key ){ - $key = $this->expect('/\\G(?:[_A-Za-z0-9-\*]*\|)?(?:[_A-Za-z0-9-]|\\\\.)+/'); - } - - $op = $this->MatchReg('/\\G[|~*$^]?=/'); - if( $op ){ - $val = $this->match( array('parseEntitiesQuoted','/\\G[0-9]+%/','/\\G[\w-]+/','parseEntitiesVariableCurly') ); - } - - $this->expectChar(']'); - - return $this->NewObj3('Less_Tree_Attribute',array( $key, $op[0], $val)); - } - - // - // The `block` rule is used by `ruleset` and `mixin.definition`. - // It's a wrapper around the `primary` rule, with added `{}`. - // - private function parseBlock(){ - if( $this->MatchChar('{') ){ - $content = $this->parsePrimary(); - if( $this->MatchChar('}') ){ - return $content; - } - } - } - - private function parseBlockRuleset(){ - $block = $this->parseBlock(); - - if( $block ){ - $block = $this->NewObj2('Less_Tree_Ruleset',array( null, $block)); - } - - return $block; - } - - private function parseDetachedRuleset(){ - $blockRuleset = $this->parseBlockRuleset(); - if( $blockRuleset ){ - return $this->NewObj1('Less_Tree_DetachedRuleset',$blockRuleset); - } - } - - // - // div, .class, body > p {...} - // - private function parseRuleset(){ - $selectors = array(); - - $this->save(); - - while( true ){ - $s = $this->parseLessSelector(); - if( !$s ){ - break; - } - $selectors[] = $s; - $this->parseComments(); - - if( $s->condition && count($selectors) > 1 ){ - $this->Error('Guards are only currently allowed on a single selector.'); - } - - if( !$this->MatchChar(',') ){ - break; - } - if( $s->condition ){ - $this->Error('Guards are only currently allowed on a single selector.'); - } - $this->parseComments(); - } - - - if( $selectors ){ - $rules = $this->parseBlock(); - if( is_array($rules) ){ - $this->forget(); - return $this->NewObj2('Less_Tree_Ruleset',array( $selectors, $rules)); //Less_Environment::$strictImports - } - } - - // Backtrack - $this->furthest = $this->pos; - $this->restore(); - } - - /** - * Custom less.php parse function for finding simple name-value css pairs - * ex: width:100px; - * - */ - private function parseNameValue(){ - - $index = $this->pos; - $this->save(); - - - //$match = $this->MatchReg('/\\G([a-zA-Z\-]+)\s*:\s*((?:\'")?[a-zA-Z0-9\-% \.,!]+?(?:\'")?)\s*([;}])/'); - $match = $this->MatchReg('/\\G([a-zA-Z\-]+)\s*:\s*([\'"]?[#a-zA-Z0-9\-%\.,]+?[\'"]?) *(! *important)?\s*([;}])/'); - if( $match ){ - - if( $match[4] == '}' ){ - $this->pos = $index + strlen($match[0])-1; - } - - if( $match[3] ){ - $match[2] .= ' !important'; - } - - return $this->NewObj4('Less_Tree_NameValue',array( $match[1], $match[2], $index, $this->env->currentFileInfo)); - } - - $this->restore(); - } - - - private function parseRule( $tryAnonymous = null ){ - - $merge = false; - $startOfRule = $this->pos; - - $c = $this->input[$this->pos]; - if( $c === '.' || $c === '#' || $c === '&' ){ - return; - } - - $this->save(); - $name = $this->MatchFuncs( array('parseVariable','parseRuleProperty')); - - if( $name ){ - - $isVariable = is_string($name); - - $value = null; - if( $isVariable ){ - $value = $this->parseDetachedRuleset(); - } - - $important = null; - if( !$value ){ - - // prefer to try to parse first if its a variable or we are compressing - // but always fallback on the other one - //if( !$tryAnonymous && is_string($name) && $name[0] === '@' ){ - if( !$tryAnonymous && (Less_Parser::$options['compress'] || $isVariable) ){ - $value = $this->MatchFuncs( array('parseValue','parseAnonymousValue')); - }else{ - $value = $this->MatchFuncs( array('parseAnonymousValue','parseValue')); - } - - $important = $this->parseImportant(); - - // a name returned by this.ruleProperty() is always an array of the form: - // [string-1, ..., string-n, ""] or [string-1, ..., string-n, "+"] - // where each item is a tree.Keyword or tree.Variable - if( !$isVariable && is_array($name) ){ - $nm = array_pop($name); - if( $nm->value ){ - $merge = $nm->value; - } - } - } - - - if( $value && $this->parseEnd() ){ - $this->forget(); - return $this->NewObj6('Less_Tree_Rule',array( $name, $value, $important, $merge, $startOfRule, $this->env->currentFileInfo)); - }else{ - $this->furthest = $this->pos; - $this->restore(); - if( $value && !$tryAnonymous ){ - return $this->parseRule(true); - } - } - }else{ - $this->forget(); - } - } - - function parseAnonymousValue(){ - - if( preg_match('/\\G([^@+\/\'"*`(;{}-]*);/',$this->input, $match, 0, $this->pos) ){ - $this->pos += strlen($match[1]); - return $this->NewObj1('Less_Tree_Anonymous',$match[1]); - } - } - - // - // An @import directive - // - // @import "lib"; - // - // Depending on our environment, importing is done differently: - // In the browser, it's an XHR request, in Node, it would be a - // file-system operation. The function used for importing is - // stored in `import`, which we pass to the Import constructor. - // - private function parseImport(){ - - $this->save(); - - $dir = $this->MatchReg('/\\G@import?\s+/'); - - if( $dir ){ - $options = $this->parseImportOptions(); - $path = $this->MatchFuncs( array('parseEntitiesQuoted','parseEntitiesUrl')); - - if( $path ){ - $features = $this->parseMediaFeatures(); - if( $this->MatchChar(';') ){ - if( $features ){ - $features = $this->NewObj1('Less_Tree_Value',$features); - } - - $this->forget(); - return $this->NewObj5('Less_Tree_Import',array( $path, $features, $options, $this->pos, $this->env->currentFileInfo)); - } - } - } - - $this->restore(); - } - - private function parseImportOptions(){ - - $options = array(); - - // list of options, surrounded by parens - if( !$this->MatchChar('(') ){ - return $options; - } - do{ - $optionName = $this->parseImportOption(); - if( $optionName ){ - $value = true; - switch( $optionName ){ - case "css": - $optionName = "less"; - $value = false; - break; - case "once": - $optionName = "multiple"; - $value = false; - break; - } - $options[$optionName] = $value; - if( !$this->MatchChar(',') ){ break; } - } - }while( $optionName ); - $this->expectChar(')'); - return $options; - } - - private function parseImportOption(){ - $opt = $this->MatchReg('/\\G(less|css|multiple|once|inline|reference|optional)/'); - if( $opt ){ - return $opt[1]; - } - } - - private function parseMediaFeature() { - $nodes = array(); - - do{ - $e = $this->MatchFuncs(array('parseEntitiesKeyword','parseEntitiesVariable')); - if( $e ){ - $nodes[] = $e; - } elseif ($this->MatchChar('(')) { - $p = $this->parseProperty(); - $e = $this->parseValue(); - if ($this->MatchChar(')')) { - if ($p && $e) { - $r = $this->NewObj7('Less_Tree_Rule', array( $p, $e, null, null, $this->pos, $this->env->currentFileInfo, true)); - $nodes[] = $this->NewObj1('Less_Tree_Paren',$r); - } elseif ($e) { - $nodes[] = $this->NewObj1('Less_Tree_Paren',$e); - } else { - return null; - } - } else - return null; - } - } while ($e); - - if ($nodes) { - return $this->NewObj1('Less_Tree_Expression',$nodes); - } - } - - private function parseMediaFeatures() { - $features = array(); - - do{ - $e = $this->parseMediaFeature(); - if( $e ){ - $features[] = $e; - if (!$this->MatchChar(',')) break; - }else{ - $e = $this->parseEntitiesVariable(); - if( $e ){ - $features[] = $e; - if (!$this->MatchChar(',')) break; - } - } - } while ($e); - - return $features ? $features : null; - } - - private function parseMedia() { - if( $this->MatchReg('/\\G@media/') ){ - $features = $this->parseMediaFeatures(); - $rules = $this->parseBlock(); - - if( is_array($rules) ){ - return $this->NewObj4('Less_Tree_Media',array( $rules, $features, $this->pos, $this->env->currentFileInfo)); - } - } - } - - - // - // A CSS Directive - // - // @charset "utf-8"; - // - private function parseDirective(){ - - if( !$this->PeekChar('@') ){ - return; - } - - $rules = null; - $index = $this->pos; - $hasBlock = true; - $hasIdentifier = false; - $hasExpression = false; - $hasUnknown = false; - - - $value = $this->MatchFuncs(array('parseImport','parseMedia')); - if( $value ){ - return $value; - } - - $this->save(); - - $name = $this->MatchReg('/\\G@[a-z-]+/'); - - if( !$name ) return; - $name = $name[0]; - - - $nonVendorSpecificName = $name; - $pos = strpos($name,'-', 2); - if( $name[1] == '-' && $pos > 0 ){ - $nonVendorSpecificName = "@" . substr($name, $pos + 1); - } - - - switch( $nonVendorSpecificName ){ - /* - case "@font-face": - case "@viewport": - case "@top-left": - case "@top-left-corner": - case "@top-center": - case "@top-right": - case "@top-right-corner": - case "@bottom-left": - case "@bottom-left-corner": - case "@bottom-center": - case "@bottom-right": - case "@bottom-right-corner": - case "@left-top": - case "@left-middle": - case "@left-bottom": - case "@right-top": - case "@right-middle": - case "@right-bottom": - hasBlock = true; - break; - */ - case "@charset": - $hasIdentifier = true; - $hasBlock = false; - break; - case "@namespace": - $hasExpression = true; - $hasBlock = false; - break; - case "@keyframes": - $hasIdentifier = true; - break; - case "@host": - case "@page": - case "@document": - case "@supports": - $hasUnknown = true; - break; - } - - if( $hasIdentifier ){ - $value = $this->parseEntity(); - if( !$value ){ - $this->error("expected " . $name . " identifier"); - } - } else if( $hasExpression ){ - $value = $this->parseExpression(); - if( !$value ){ - $this->error("expected " . $name. " expression"); - } - } else if ($hasUnknown) { - - $value = $this->MatchReg('/\\G[^{;]+/'); - if( $value ){ - $value = $this->NewObj1('Less_Tree_Anonymous',trim($value[0])); - } - } - - if( $hasBlock ){ - $rules = $this->parseBlockRuleset(); - } - - if( $rules || (!$hasBlock && $value && $this->MatchChar(';'))) { - $this->forget(); - return $this->NewObj5('Less_Tree_Directive',array($name, $value, $rules, $index, $this->env->currentFileInfo)); - } - - $this->restore(); - } - - - // - // A Value is a comma-delimited list of Expressions - // - // font-family: Baskerville, Georgia, serif; - // - // In a Rule, a Value represents everything after the `:`, - // and before the `;`. - // - private function parseValue(){ - $expressions = array(); - - do{ - $e = $this->parseExpression(); - if( $e ){ - $expressions[] = $e; - if (! $this->MatchChar(',')) { - break; - } - } - }while($e); - - if( $expressions ){ - return $this->NewObj1('Less_Tree_Value',$expressions); - } - } - - private function parseImportant (){ - if( $this->PeekChar('!') && $this->MatchReg('/\\G! *important/') ){ - return ' !important'; - } - } - - private function parseSub (){ - - if( $this->MatchChar('(') ){ - $a = $this->parseAddition(); - if( $a ){ - $this->expectChar(')'); - return $this->NewObj2('Less_Tree_Expression',array( array($a), true) ); //instead of $e->parens = true so the value is cached - } - } - } - - - /** - * Parses multiplication operation - * - * @return Less_Tree_Operation|null - */ - function parseMultiplication(){ - - $return = $m = $this->parseOperand(); - if( $return ){ - while( true ){ - - $isSpaced = $this->isWhitespace( -1 ); - - if( $this->PeekReg('/\\G\/[*\/]/') ){ - break; - } - - $op = $this->MatchChar('/'); - if( !$op ){ - $op = $this->MatchChar('*'); - if( !$op ){ - break; - } - } - - $a = $this->parseOperand(); - - if(!$a) { break; } - - $m->parensInOp = true; - $a->parensInOp = true; - $return = $this->NewObj3('Less_Tree_Operation',array( $op, array( $return, $a ), $isSpaced) ); - } - } - return $return; - - } - - - /** - * Parses an addition operation - * - * @return Less_Tree_Operation|null - */ - private function parseAddition (){ - - $return = $m = $this->parseMultiplication(); - if( $return ){ - while( true ){ - - $isSpaced = $this->isWhitespace( -1 ); - - $op = $this->MatchReg('/\\G[-+]\s+/'); - if( $op ){ - $op = $op[0]; - }else{ - if( !$isSpaced ){ - $op = $this->match(array('#+','#-')); - } - if( !$op ){ - break; - } - } - - $a = $this->parseMultiplication(); - if( !$a ){ - break; - } - - $m->parensInOp = true; - $a->parensInOp = true; - $return = $this->NewObj3('Less_Tree_Operation',array($op, array($return, $a), $isSpaced)); - } - } - - return $return; - } - - - /** - * Parses the conditions - * - * @return Less_Tree_Condition|null - */ - private function parseConditions() { - $index = $this->pos; - $return = $a = $this->parseCondition(); - if( $a ){ - while( true ){ - if( !$this->PeekReg('/\\G,\s*(not\s*)?\(/') || !$this->MatchChar(',') ){ - break; - } - $b = $this->parseCondition(); - if( !$b ){ - break; - } - - $return = $this->NewObj4('Less_Tree_Condition',array('or', $return, $b, $index)); - } - return $return; - } - } - - private function parseCondition() { - $index = $this->pos; - $negate = false; - $c = null; - - if ($this->MatchReg('/\\Gnot/')) $negate = true; - $this->expectChar('('); - $a = $this->MatchFuncs(array('parseAddition','parseEntitiesKeyword','parseEntitiesQuoted')); - - if( $a ){ - $op = $this->MatchReg('/\\G(?:>=|<=|=<|[<=>])/'); - if( $op ){ - $b = $this->MatchFuncs(array('parseAddition','parseEntitiesKeyword','parseEntitiesQuoted')); - if( $b ){ - $c = $this->NewObj5('Less_Tree_Condition',array($op[0], $a, $b, $index, $negate)); - } else { - $this->Error('Unexpected expression'); - } - } else { - $k = $this->NewObj1('Less_Tree_Keyword','true'); - $c = $this->NewObj5('Less_Tree_Condition',array('=', $a, $k, $index, $negate)); - } - $this->expectChar(')'); - return $this->MatchReg('/\\Gand/') ? $this->NewObj3('Less_Tree_Condition',array('and', $c, $this->parseCondition())) : $c; - } - } - - /** - * An operand is anything that can be part of an operation, - * such as a Color, or a Variable - * - */ - private function parseOperand (){ - - $negate = false; - $offset = $this->pos+1; - if( $offset >= $this->input_len ){ - return; - } - $char = $this->input[$offset]; - if( $char === '@' || $char === '(' ){ - $negate = $this->MatchChar('-'); - } - - $o = $this->MatchFuncs(array('parseSub','parseEntitiesDimension','parseEntitiesColor','parseEntitiesVariable','parseEntitiesCall')); - - if( $negate ){ - $o->parensInOp = true; - $o = $this->NewObj1('Less_Tree_Negative',$o); - } - - return $o; - } - - - /** - * Expressions either represent mathematical operations, - * or white-space delimited Entities. - * - * 1px solid black - * @var * 2 - * - * @return Less_Tree_Expression|null - */ - private function parseExpression (){ - $entities = array(); - - do{ - $e = $this->MatchFuncs(array('parseAddition','parseEntity')); - if( $e ){ - $entities[] = $e; - // operations do not allow keyword "/" dimension (e.g. small/20px) so we support that here - if( !$this->PeekReg('/\\G\/[\/*]/') ){ - $delim = $this->MatchChar('/'); - if( $delim ){ - $entities[] = $this->NewObj1('Less_Tree_Anonymous',$delim); - } - } - } - }while($e); - - if( $entities ){ - return $this->NewObj1('Less_Tree_Expression',$entities); - } - } - - - /** - * Parse a property - * eg: 'min-width', 'orientation', etc - * - * @return string - */ - private function parseProperty (){ - $name = $this->MatchReg('/\\G(\*?-?[_a-zA-Z0-9-]+)\s*:/'); - if( $name ){ - return $name[1]; - } - } - - - /** - * Parse a rule property - * eg: 'color', 'width', 'height', etc - * - * @return string - */ - private function parseRuleProperty(){ - $offset = $this->pos; - $name = array(); - $index = array(); - $length = 0; - - - $this->rulePropertyMatch('/\\G(\*?)/', $offset, $length, $index, $name ); - while( $this->rulePropertyMatch('/\\G((?:[\w-]+)|(?:@\{[\w-]+\}))/', $offset, $length, $index, $name )); // ! - - if( (count($name) > 1) && $this->rulePropertyMatch('/\\G\s*((?:\+_|\+)?)\s*:/', $offset, $length, $index, $name) ){ - // at last, we have the complete match now. move forward, - // convert name particles to tree objects and return: - $this->skipWhitespace($length); - - if( $name[0] === '' ){ - array_shift($name); - array_shift($index); - } - foreach($name as $k => $s ){ - if( !$s || $s[0] !== '@' ){ - $name[$k] = $this->NewObj1('Less_Tree_Keyword',$s); - }else{ - $name[$k] = $this->NewObj3('Less_Tree_Variable',array('@' . substr($s,2,-1), $index[$k], $this->env->currentFileInfo)); - } - } - return $name; - } - - - } - - private function rulePropertyMatch( $re, &$offset, &$length, &$index, &$name ){ - preg_match($re, $this->input, $a, 0, $offset); - if( $a ){ - $index[] = $this->pos + $length; - $length += strlen($a[0]); - $offset += strlen($a[0]); - $name[] = $a[1]; - return true; - } - } - - public static function serializeVars( $vars ){ - $s = ''; - - foreach($vars as $name => $value){ - $s .= (($name[0] === '@') ? '' : '@') . $name .': '. $value . ((substr($value,-1) === ';') ? '' : ';'); - } - - return $s; - } - - - /** - * Some versions of php have trouble with method_exists($a,$b) if $a is not an object - * - * @param string $b - */ - public static function is_method($a,$b){ - return is_object($a) && method_exists($a,$b); - } - - - /** - * Round numbers similarly to javascript - * eg: 1.499999 to 1 instead of 2 - * - */ - public static function round($i, $precision = 0){ - - $precision = pow(10,$precision); - $i = $i*$precision; - - $ceil = ceil($i); - $floor = floor($i); - if( ($ceil - $i) <= ($i - $floor) ){ - return $ceil/$precision; - }else{ - return $floor/$precision; - } - } - - - /** - * Create Less_Tree_* objects and optionally generate a cache string - * - * @return mixed - */ - public function NewObj0($class){ - $obj = new $class(); - if( $this->CacheEnabled() ){ - $obj->cache_string = ' new '.$class.'()'; - } - return $obj; - } - - public function NewObj1($class, $arg){ - $obj = new $class( $arg ); - if( $this->CacheEnabled() ){ - $obj->cache_string = ' new '.$class.'('.Less_Parser::ArgString($arg).')'; - } - return $obj; - } - - public function NewObj2($class, $args){ - $obj = new $class( $args[0], $args[1] ); - if( $this->CacheEnabled() ){ - $this->ObjCache( $obj, $class, $args); - } - return $obj; - } - - public function NewObj3($class, $args){ - $obj = new $class( $args[0], $args[1], $args[2] ); - if( $this->CacheEnabled() ){ - $this->ObjCache( $obj, $class, $args); - } - return $obj; - } - - public function NewObj4($class, $args){ - $obj = new $class( $args[0], $args[1], $args[2], $args[3] ); - if( $this->CacheEnabled() ){ - $this->ObjCache( $obj, $class, $args); - } - return $obj; - } - - public function NewObj5($class, $args){ - $obj = new $class( $args[0], $args[1], $args[2], $args[3], $args[4] ); - if( $this->CacheEnabled() ){ - $this->ObjCache( $obj, $class, $args); - } - return $obj; - } - - public function NewObj6($class, $args){ - $obj = new $class( $args[0], $args[1], $args[2], $args[3], $args[4], $args[5] ); - if( $this->CacheEnabled() ){ - $this->ObjCache( $obj, $class, $args); - } - return $obj; - } - - public function NewObj7($class, $args){ - $obj = new $class( $args[0], $args[1], $args[2], $args[3], $args[4], $args[5], $args[6] ); - if( $this->CacheEnabled() ){ - $this->ObjCache( $obj, $class, $args); - } - return $obj; - } - - //caching - public function ObjCache($obj, $class, $args=array()){ - $obj->cache_string = ' new '.$class.'('. self::ArgCache($args).')'; - } - - public function ArgCache($args){ - return implode(',',array_map( array('Less_Parser','ArgString'),$args)); - } - - - /** - * Convert an argument to a string for use in the parser cache - * - * @return string - */ - public static function ArgString($arg){ - - $type = gettype($arg); - - if( $type === 'object'){ - $string = $arg->cache_string; - unset($arg->cache_string); - return $string; - - }elseif( $type === 'array' ){ - $string = ' Array('; - foreach($arg as $k => $a){ - $string .= var_export($k,true).' => '.self::ArgString($a).','; - } - return $string . ')'; - } - - return var_export($arg,true); - } - - public function Error($msg){ - throw new Less_Exception_Parser($msg, null, $this->furthest, $this->env->currentFileInfo); - } - - public static function WinPath($path){ - return str_replace('\\', '/', $path); - } - - public static function AbsPath($path, $winPath = false){ - if (strpos($path, '//') !== false && preg_match('_^(https?:)?//\\w+(\\.\\w+)+/\\w+_i', $path)) { - return $winPath ? '' : false; - } else { - $path = realpath($path); - if ($winPath) { - $path = self::WinPath($path); - } - return $path; - } - } - - public function CacheEnabled(){ - return (Less_Parser::$options['cache_method'] && (Less_Cache::$cache_dir || (Less_Parser::$options['cache_method'] == 'callback'))); - } - -} diff --git a/include/thirdparty/less.php/___1.7.0.13/Tree.php b/include/thirdparty/less.php/___1.7.0.13/Tree.php deleted file mode 100644 index 6fb104b..0000000 --- a/include/thirdparty/less.php/___1.7.0.13/Tree.php +++ /dev/null @@ -1,90 +0,0 @@ -genCSS($output); - return $output->toString(); - } - - - /** - * Generate CSS by adding it to the output object - * - * @param Less_Output $output The output - * @return void - */ - public function genCSS($output){} - - - /** - * @param Less_Tree_Ruleset[] $rules - */ - public static function outputRuleset( $output, $rules ){ - - $ruleCnt = count($rules); - Less_Environment::$tabLevel++; - - - // Compressed - if( Less_Parser::$options['compress'] ){ - $output->add('{'); - for( $i = 0; $i < $ruleCnt; $i++ ){ - $rules[$i]->genCSS( $output ); - } - - $output->add( '}' ); - Less_Environment::$tabLevel--; - return; - } - - - // Non-compressed - $tabSetStr = "\n".str_repeat( Less_Parser::$options['indentation'] , Less_Environment::$tabLevel-1 ); - $tabRuleStr = $tabSetStr.Less_Parser::$options['indentation']; - - $output->add( " {" ); - for($i = 0; $i < $ruleCnt; $i++ ){ - $output->add( $tabRuleStr ); - $rules[$i]->genCSS( $output ); - } - Less_Environment::$tabLevel--; - $output->add( $tabSetStr.'}' ); - - } - - public function accept($visitor){} - - - public static function ReferencedArray($rules){ - foreach($rules as $rule){ - if( method_exists($rule, 'markReferenced') ){ - $rule->markReferenced(); - } - } - } - - - /** - * Requires php 5.3+ - */ - public static function __set_state($args){ - - $class = get_called_class(); - $obj = new $class(null,null,null,null); - foreach($args as $key => $val){ - $obj->$key = $val; - } - return $obj; - } - -} diff --git a/include/thirdparty/less.php/___1.7.0.13/Tree/Alpha.php b/include/thirdparty/less.php/___1.7.0.13/Tree/Alpha.php deleted file mode 100644 index 935377d..0000000 --- a/include/thirdparty/less.php/___1.7.0.13/Tree/Alpha.php +++ /dev/null @@ -1,51 +0,0 @@ -value = $val; - } - - //function accept( $visitor ){ - // $this->value = $visitor->visit( $this->value ); - //} - - public function compile($env){ - - if( is_object($this->value) ){ - $this->value = $this->value->compile($env); - } - - return $this; - } - - /** - * @see Less_Tree::genCSS - */ - public function genCSS( $output ){ - - $output->add( "alpha(opacity=" ); - - if( is_string($this->value) ){ - $output->add( $this->value ); - }else{ - $this->value->genCSS( $output); - } - - $output->add( ')' ); - } - - public function toCSS(){ - return "alpha(opacity=" . (is_string($this->value) ? $this->value : $this->value->toCSS()) . ")"; - } - - -} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/include/thirdparty/less.php/___1.7.0.13/Tree/Anonymous.php b/include/thirdparty/less.php/___1.7.0.13/Tree/Anonymous.php deleted file mode 100644 index 8889dc0..0000000 --- a/include/thirdparty/less.php/___1.7.0.13/Tree/Anonymous.php +++ /dev/null @@ -1,58 +0,0 @@ -value = $value; - $this->index = $index; - $this->mapLines = $mapLines; - $this->currentFileInfo = $currentFileInfo; - } - - public function compile(){ - return new Less_Tree_Anonymous($this->value, $this->index, $this->currentFileInfo, $this->mapLines); - } - - public function compare($x){ - if( !is_object($x) ){ - return -1; - } - - $left = $this->toCSS(); - $right = $x->toCSS(); - - if( $left === $right ){ - return 0; - } - - return $left < $right ? -1 : 1; - } - - /** - * @see Less_Tree::genCSS - */ - public function genCSS( $output ){ - $output->add( $this->value, $this->currentFileInfo, $this->index, $this->mapLines ); - } - - public function toCSS(){ - return $this->value; - } - -} diff --git a/include/thirdparty/less.php/___1.7.0.13/Tree/Attribute.php b/include/thirdparty/less.php/___1.7.0.13/Tree/Attribute.php deleted file mode 100644 index 32b8900..0000000 --- a/include/thirdparty/less.php/___1.7.0.13/Tree/Attribute.php +++ /dev/null @@ -1,54 +0,0 @@ -key = $key; - $this->op = $op; - $this->value = $value; - } - - public function compile($env){ - - $key_obj = is_object($this->key); - $val_obj = is_object($this->value); - - if( !$key_obj && !$val_obj ){ - return $this; - } - - return new Less_Tree_Attribute( - $key_obj ? $this->key->compile($env) : $this->key , - $this->op, - $val_obj ? $this->value->compile($env) : $this->value); - } - - /** - * @see Less_Tree::genCSS - */ - public function genCSS( $output ){ - $output->add( $this->toCSS() ); - } - - public function toCSS(){ - $value = $this->key; - - if( $this->op ){ - $value .= $this->op; - $value .= (is_object($this->value) ? $this->value->toCSS() : $this->value); - } - - return '[' . $value . ']'; - } -} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/include/thirdparty/less.php/___1.7.0.13/Tree/Call.php b/include/thirdparty/less.php/___1.7.0.13/Tree/Call.php deleted file mode 100644 index 3c3382d..0000000 --- a/include/thirdparty/less.php/___1.7.0.13/Tree/Call.php +++ /dev/null @@ -1,121 +0,0 @@ -name = $name; - $this->args = $args; - $this->index = $index; - $this->currentFileInfo = $currentFileInfo; - } - - public function accept( $visitor ){ - $this->args = $visitor->visitArray( $this->args ); - } - - // - // When evaluating a function call, - // we either find the function in `tree.functions` [1], - // in which case we call it, passing the evaluated arguments, - // or we simply print it out as it appeared originally [2]. - // - // The *functions.js* file contains the built-in functions. - // - // The reason why we evaluate the arguments, is in the case where - // we try to pass a variable to a function, like: `saturate(@color)`. - // The function should receive the value, not the variable. - // - public function compile($env=null){ - $args = array(); - foreach($this->args as $a){ - $args[] = $a->compile($env); - } - - $nameLC = strtolower($this->name); - switch($nameLC){ - case '%': - $nameLC = '_percent'; - break; - - case 'get-unit': - $nameLC = 'getunit'; - break; - - case 'data-uri': - $nameLC = 'datauri'; - break; - - case 'svg-gradient': - $nameLC = 'svggradient'; - break; - } - - $result = null; - if( $nameLC === 'default' ){ - $result = Less_Tree_DefaultFunc::compile(); - - }else{ - - if( method_exists('Less_Functions',$nameLC) ){ // 1. - try { - - $func = new Less_Functions($env, $this->currentFileInfo); - $result = call_user_func_array( array($func,$nameLC),$args); - - } catch (Exception $e) { - throw new Less_Exception_Compiler('error evaluating function `' . $this->name . '` '.$e->getMessage().' index: '. $this->index); - } - } elseif( isset( $env->functions[$nameLC] ) && is_callable( $env->functions[$nameLC] ) ) { - try { - $result = call_user_func_array( $env->functions[$nameLC], $args ); - } catch (Exception $e) { - throw new Less_Exception_Compiler('error evaluating function `' . $this->name . '` '.$e->getMessage().' index: '. $this->index); - } - } - } - - if( $result !== null ){ - return $result; - } - - - return new Less_Tree_Call( $this->name, $args, $this->index, $this->currentFileInfo ); - } - - /** - * @see Less_Tree::genCSS - */ - public function genCSS( $output ){ - - $output->add( $this->name . '(', $this->currentFileInfo, $this->index ); - $args_len = count($this->args); - for($i = 0; $i < $args_len; $i++ ){ - $this->args[$i]->genCSS( $output ); - if( $i + 1 < $args_len ){ - $output->add( ', ' ); - } - } - - $output->add( ')' ); - } - - - //public function toCSS(){ - // return $this->compile()->toCSS(); - //} - -} diff --git a/include/thirdparty/less.php/___1.7.0.13/Tree/Color.php b/include/thirdparty/less.php/___1.7.0.13/Tree/Color.php deleted file mode 100644 index 77af07a..0000000 --- a/include/thirdparty/less.php/___1.7.0.13/Tree/Color.php +++ /dev/null @@ -1,230 +0,0 @@ -rgb = $rgb; - $this->alpha = $a; - $this->isTransparentKeyword = true; - return; - } - - $this->rgb = array(); - if( is_array($rgb) ){ - $this->rgb = $rgb; - }else if( strlen($rgb) == 6 ){ - foreach(str_split($rgb, 2) as $c){ - $this->rgb[] = hexdec($c); - } - }else{ - foreach(str_split($rgb, 1) as $c){ - $this->rgb[] = hexdec($c.$c); - } - } - $this->alpha = is_numeric($a) ? $a : 1; - } - - public function compile(){ - return $this; - } - - public function luma(){ - $r = $this->rgb[0] / 255; - $g = $this->rgb[1] / 255; - $b = $this->rgb[2] / 255; - - $r = ($r <= 0.03928) ? $r / 12.92 : pow((($r + 0.055) / 1.055), 2.4); - $g = ($g <= 0.03928) ? $g / 12.92 : pow((($g + 0.055) / 1.055), 2.4); - $b = ($b <= 0.03928) ? $b / 12.92 : pow((($b + 0.055) / 1.055), 2.4); - - return 0.2126 * $r + 0.7152 * $g + 0.0722 * $b; - } - - /** - * @see Less_Tree::genCSS - */ - public function genCSS( $output ){ - $output->add( $this->toCSS() ); - } - - public function toCSS( $doNotCompress = false ){ - $compress = Less_Parser::$options['compress'] && !$doNotCompress; - $alpha = Less_Functions::fround( $this->alpha ); - - - // - // If we have some transparency, the only way to represent it - // is via `rgba`. Otherwise, we use the hex representation, - // which has better compatibility with older browsers. - // Values are capped between `0` and `255`, rounded and zero-padded. - // - if( $alpha < 1 ){ - if( ( $alpha === 0 || $alpha === 0.0 ) && isset($this->isTransparentKeyword) && $this->isTransparentKeyword ){ - return 'transparent'; - } - - $values = array(); - foreach($this->rgb as $c){ - $values[] = Less_Functions::clamp( round($c), 255); - } - $values[] = $alpha; - - $glue = ($compress ? ',' : ', '); - return "rgba(" . implode($glue, $values) . ")"; - }else{ - - $color = $this->toRGB(); - - if( $compress ){ - - // Convert color to short format - if( $color[1] === $color[2] && $color[3] === $color[4] && $color[5] === $color[6]) { - $color = '#'.$color[1] . $color[3] . $color[5]; - } - } - - return $color; - } - } - - // - // Operations have to be done per-channel, if not, - // channels will spill onto each other. Once we have - // our result, in the form of an integer triplet, - // we create a new Color node to hold the result. - // - - /** - * @param string $op - */ - public function operate( $op, $other) { - $rgb = array(); - $alpha = $this->alpha * (1 - $other->alpha) + $other->alpha; - for ($c = 0; $c < 3; $c++) { - $rgb[$c] = Less_Functions::operate( $op, $this->rgb[$c], $other->rgb[$c]); - } - return new Less_Tree_Color($rgb, $alpha); - } - - public function toRGB(){ - return $this->toHex($this->rgb); - } - - public function toHSL(){ - $r = $this->rgb[0] / 255; - $g = $this->rgb[1] / 255; - $b = $this->rgb[2] / 255; - $a = $this->alpha; - - $max = max($r, $g, $b); - $min = min($r, $g, $b); - $l = ($max + $min) / 2; - $d = $max - $min; - - $h = $s = 0; - if( $max !== $min ){ - $s = $l > 0.5 ? $d / (2 - $max - $min) : $d / ($max + $min); - - switch ($max) { - case $r: $h = ($g - $b) / $d + ($g < $b ? 6 : 0); break; - case $g: $h = ($b - $r) / $d + 2; break; - case $b: $h = ($r - $g) / $d + 4; break; - } - $h /= 6; - } - return array('h' => $h * 360, 's' => $s, 'l' => $l, 'a' => $a ); - } - - //Adapted from http://mjijackson.com/2008/02/rgb-to-hsl-and-rgb-to-hsv-color-model-conversion-algorithms-in-javascript - public function toHSV() { - $r = $this->rgb[0] / 255; - $g = $this->rgb[1] / 255; - $b = $this->rgb[2] / 255; - $a = $this->alpha; - - $max = max($r, $g, $b); - $min = min($r, $g, $b); - - $v = $max; - - $d = $max - $min; - if ($max === 0) { - $s = 0; - } else { - $s = $d / $max; - } - - $h = 0; - if( $max !== $min ){ - switch($max){ - case $r: $h = ($g - $b) / $d + ($g < $b ? 6 : 0); break; - case $g: $h = ($b - $r) / $d + 2; break; - case $b: $h = ($r - $g) / $d + 4; break; - } - $h /= 6; - } - return array('h'=> $h * 360, 's'=> $s, 'v'=> $v, 'a' => $a ); - } - - public function toARGB(){ - $argb = array_merge( (array) Less_Parser::round($this->alpha * 255), $this->rgb); - return $this->toHex( $argb ); - } - - public function compare($x){ - - if( !property_exists( $x, 'rgb' ) ){ - return -1; - } - - - return ($x->rgb[0] === $this->rgb[0] && - $x->rgb[1] === $this->rgb[1] && - $x->rgb[2] === $this->rgb[2] && - $x->alpha === $this->alpha) ? 0 : -1; - } - - public function toHex( $v ){ - - $ret = '#'; - foreach($v as $c){ - $c = Less_Functions::clamp( Less_Parser::round($c), 255); - if( $c < 16 ){ - $ret .= '0'; - } - $ret .= dechex($c); - } - - return $ret; - } - - - /** - * @param string $keyword - */ - public static function fromKeyword( $keyword ){ - $keyword = strtolower($keyword); - - if( Less_Colors::hasOwnProperty($keyword) ){ - // detect named color - return new Less_Tree_Color(substr(Less_Colors::color($keyword), 1)); - } - - if( $keyword === 'transparent' ){ - return new Less_Tree_Color( array(0, 0, 0), 0, true); - } - } - -} diff --git a/include/thirdparty/less.php/___1.7.0.13/Tree/Comment.php b/include/thirdparty/less.php/___1.7.0.13/Tree/Comment.php deleted file mode 100644 index 7261284..0000000 --- a/include/thirdparty/less.php/___1.7.0.13/Tree/Comment.php +++ /dev/null @@ -1,51 +0,0 @@ -value = $value; - $this->silent = !! $silent; - $this->currentFileInfo = $currentFileInfo; - } - - /** - * @see Less_Tree::genCSS - */ - public function genCSS( $output ){ - //if( $this->debugInfo ){ - //$output->add( tree.debugInfo($env, $this), $this->currentFileInfo, $this->index); - //} - $output->add( trim($this->value) );//TODO shouldn't need to trim, we shouldn't grab the \n - } - - public function toCSS(){ - return Less_Parser::$options['compress'] ? '' : $this->value; - } - - public function isSilent(){ - $isReference = ($this->currentFileInfo && isset($this->currentFileInfo['reference']) && (!isset($this->isReferenced) || !$this->isReferenced) ); - $isCompressed = Less_Parser::$options['compress'] && !preg_match('/^\/\*!/', $this->value); - return $this->silent || $isReference || $isCompressed; - } - - public function compile(){ - return $this; - } - - public function markReferenced(){ - $this->isReferenced = true; - } - -} diff --git a/include/thirdparty/less.php/___1.7.0.13/Tree/Condition.php b/include/thirdparty/less.php/___1.7.0.13/Tree/Condition.php deleted file mode 100644 index 929d33b..0000000 --- a/include/thirdparty/less.php/___1.7.0.13/Tree/Condition.php +++ /dev/null @@ -1,72 +0,0 @@ -op = trim($op); - $this->lvalue = $l; - $this->rvalue = $r; - $this->index = $i; - $this->negate = $negate; - } - - public function accept($visitor){ - $this->lvalue = $visitor->visitObj( $this->lvalue ); - $this->rvalue = $visitor->visitObj( $this->rvalue ); - } - - public function compile($env) { - $a = $this->lvalue->compile($env); - $b = $this->rvalue->compile($env); - - switch( $this->op ){ - case 'and': - $result = $a && $b; - break; - - case 'or': - $result = $a || $b; - break; - - default: - if( Less_Parser::is_method($a, 'compare') ){ - $result = $a->compare($b); - }elseif( Less_Parser::is_method($b, 'compare') ){ - $result = $b->compare($a); - }else{ - throw new Less_Exception_Compiler('Unable to perform comparison', null, $this->index); - } - - switch ($result) { - case -1: - $result = $this->op === '<' || $this->op === '=<' || $this->op === '<='; - break; - - case 0: - $result = $this->op === '=' || $this->op === '>=' || $this->op === '=<' || $this->op === '<='; - break; - - case 1: - $result = $this->op === '>' || $this->op === '>='; - break; - } - break; - } - - return $this->negate ? !$result : $result; - } - -} diff --git a/include/thirdparty/less.php/___1.7.0.13/Tree/DefaultFunc.php b/include/thirdparty/less.php/___1.7.0.13/Tree/DefaultFunc.php deleted file mode 100644 index c2dbf74..0000000 --- a/include/thirdparty/less.php/___1.7.0.13/Tree/DefaultFunc.php +++ /dev/null @@ -1,34 +0,0 @@ -ruleset = $ruleset; - $this->frames = $frames; - } - - public function accept($visitor) { - $this->ruleset = $visitor->visitObj($this->ruleset); - } - - public function compile($env){ - if( $this->frames ){ - $frames = $this->frames; - }else{ - $frames = $env->frames; - } - return new Less_Tree_DetachedRuleset($this->ruleset, $frames); - } - - public function callEval($env) { - if( $this->frames ){ - return $this->ruleset->compile( $env->copyEvalEnv( array_merge($this->frames,$env->frames) ) ); - } - return $this->ruleset->compile( $env ); - } -} - diff --git a/include/thirdparty/less.php/___1.7.0.13/Tree/Dimension.php b/include/thirdparty/less.php/___1.7.0.13/Tree/Dimension.php deleted file mode 100644 index 2bfb9d5..0000000 --- a/include/thirdparty/less.php/___1.7.0.13/Tree/Dimension.php +++ /dev/null @@ -1,201 +0,0 @@ -value = floatval($value); - - if( $unit && ($unit instanceof Less_Tree_Unit) ){ - $this->unit = $unit; - }elseif( $unit ){ - $this->unit = new Less_Tree_Unit( array($unit) ); - }else{ - $this->unit = new Less_Tree_Unit( ); - } - } - - public function accept( $visitor ){ - $this->unit = $visitor->visitObj( $this->unit ); - } - - public function compile(){ - return $this; - } - - public function toColor() { - return new Less_Tree_Color(array($this->value, $this->value, $this->value)); - } - - /** - * @see Less_Tree::genCSS - */ - public function genCSS( $output ){ - - if( Less_Parser::$options['strictUnits'] && !$this->unit->isSingular() ){ - throw new Less_Exception_Compiler("Multiple units in dimension. Correct the units or use the unit function. Bad unit: ".$this->unit->toString()); - } - - $value = Less_Functions::fround( $this->value ); - $strValue = (string)$value; - - if( $value !== 0 && $value < 0.000001 && $value > -0.000001 ){ - // would be output 1e-6 etc. - $strValue = number_format($strValue,10); - $strValue = preg_replace('/\.?0+$/','', $strValue); - } - - if( Less_Parser::$options['compress'] ){ - // Zero values doesn't need a unit - if( $value === 0 && $this->unit->isLength() ){ - $output->add( $strValue ); - return $strValue; - } - - // Float values doesn't need a leading zero - if( $value > 0 && $value < 1 && $strValue[0] === '0' ){ - $strValue = substr($strValue,1); - } - } - - $output->add( $strValue ); - $this->unit->genCSS( $output ); - } - - public function __toString(){ - return $this->toCSS(); - } - - // In an operation between two Dimensions, - // we default to the first Dimension's unit, - // so `1px + 2em` will yield `3px`. - - /** - * @param string $op - */ - public function operate( $op, $other){ - - $value = Less_Functions::operate( $op, $this->value, $other->value); - $unit = clone $this->unit; - - if( $op === '+' || $op === '-' ){ - - if( !$unit->numerator && !$unit->denominator ){ - $unit->numerator = $other->unit->numerator; - $unit->denominator = $other->unit->denominator; - }elseif( !$other->unit->numerator && !$other->unit->denominator ){ - // do nothing - }else{ - $other = $other->convertTo( $this->unit->usedUnits()); - - if( Less_Parser::$options['strictUnits'] && $other->unit->toString() !== $unit->toCSS() ){ - throw new Less_Exception_Compiler("Incompatible units. Change the units or use the unit function. Bad units: '" . $unit->toString() . "' and " . $other->unit->toString() . "'."); - } - - $value = Less_Functions::operate( $op, $this->value, $other->value); - } - }elseif( $op === '*' ){ - $unit->numerator = array_merge($unit->numerator, $other->unit->numerator); - $unit->denominator = array_merge($unit->denominator, $other->unit->denominator); - sort($unit->numerator); - sort($unit->denominator); - $unit->cancel(); - }elseif( $op === '/' ){ - $unit->numerator = array_merge($unit->numerator, $other->unit->denominator); - $unit->denominator = array_merge($unit->denominator, $other->unit->numerator); - sort($unit->numerator); - sort($unit->denominator); - $unit->cancel(); - } - return new Less_Tree_Dimension( $value, $unit); - } - - public function compare($other) { - if ($other instanceof Less_Tree_Dimension) { - - if( $this->unit->isEmpty() || $other->unit->isEmpty() ){ - $a = $this; - $b = $other; - } else { - $a = $this->unify(); - $b = $other->unify(); - if( $a->unit->compare($b->unit) !== 0 ){ - return -1; - } - } - $aValue = $a->value; - $bValue = $b->value; - - if ($bValue > $aValue) { - return -1; - } elseif ($bValue < $aValue) { - return 1; - } else { - return 0; - } - } else { - return -1; - } - } - - public function unify() { - return $this->convertTo(array('length'=> 'px', 'duration'=> 's', 'angle' => 'rad' )); - } - - public function convertTo($conversions) { - $value = $this->value; - $unit = clone $this->unit; - - if( is_string($conversions) ){ - $derivedConversions = array(); - foreach( Less_Tree_UnitConversions::$groups as $i ){ - if( isset(Less_Tree_UnitConversions::${$i}[$conversions]) ){ - $derivedConversions = array( $i => $conversions); - } - } - $conversions = $derivedConversions; - } - - - foreach($conversions as $groupName => $targetUnit){ - $group = Less_Tree_UnitConversions::${$groupName}; - - //numerator - foreach($unit->numerator as $i => $atomicUnit){ - $atomicUnit = $unit->numerator[$i]; - if( !isset($group[$atomicUnit]) ){ - continue; - } - - $value = $value * ($group[$atomicUnit] / $group[$targetUnit]); - - $unit->numerator[$i] = $targetUnit; - } - - //denominator - foreach($unit->denominator as $i => $atomicUnit){ - $atomicUnit = $unit->denominator[$i]; - if( !isset($group[$atomicUnit]) ){ - continue; - } - - $value = $value / ($group[$atomicUnit] / $group[$targetUnit]); - - $unit->denominator[$i] = $targetUnit; - } - } - - $unit->cancel(); - - return new Less_Tree_Dimension( $value, $unit); - } -} diff --git a/include/thirdparty/less.php/___1.7.0.13/Tree/Directive.php b/include/thirdparty/less.php/___1.7.0.13/Tree/Directive.php deleted file mode 100644 index 04a1e46..0000000 --- a/include/thirdparty/less.php/___1.7.0.13/Tree/Directive.php +++ /dev/null @@ -1,100 +0,0 @@ -name = $name; - $this->value = $value; - if( $rules ){ - $this->rules = $rules; - $this->rules->allowImports = true; - } - - $this->index = $index; - $this->currentFileInfo = $currentFileInfo; - $this->debugInfo = $debugInfo; - } - - - public function accept( $visitor ){ - if( $this->rules ){ - $this->rules = $visitor->visitObj( $this->rules ); - } - if( $this->value ){ - $this->value = $visitor->visitObj( $this->value ); - } - } - - - /** - * @see Less_Tree::genCSS - */ - public function genCSS( $output ){ - $value = $this->value; - $rules = $this->rules; - $output->add( $this->name, $this->currentFileInfo, $this->index ); - if( $this->value ){ - $output->add(' '); - $this->value->genCSS($output); - } - if( $this->rules ){ - Less_Tree::outputRuleset( $output, array($this->rules)); - } else { - $output->add(';'); - } - } - - public function compile($env){ - - $value = $this->value; - $rules = $this->rules; - if( $value ){ - $value = $value->compile($env); - } - - if( $rules ){ - $rules = $rules->compile($env); - $rules->root = true; - } - - return new Less_Tree_Directive( $this->name, $value, $rules, $this->index, $this->currentFileInfo, $this->debugInfo ); - } - - - public function variable($name){ - if( $this->rules ){ - return $this->rules->variable($name); - } - } - - public function find($selector){ - if( $this->rules ){ - return $this->rules->find($selector, $this); - } - } - - //rulesets: function () { if (this.rules) return tree.Ruleset.prototype.rulesets.apply(this.rules); }, - - public function markReferenced(){ - $this->isReferenced = true; - if( $this->rules ){ - Less_Tree::ReferencedArray($this->rules->rules); - } - } - -} diff --git a/include/thirdparty/less.php/___1.7.0.13/Tree/Element.php b/include/thirdparty/less.php/___1.7.0.13/Tree/Element.php deleted file mode 100644 index 9cea5e4..0000000 --- a/include/thirdparty/less.php/___1.7.0.13/Tree/Element.php +++ /dev/null @@ -1,75 +0,0 @@ -value = $value; - $this->value_is_object = is_object($value); - - if( $combinator ){ - $this->combinator = $combinator; - } - - $this->index = $index; - $this->currentFileInfo = $currentFileInfo; - } - - public function accept( $visitor ){ - if( $this->value_is_object ){ //object or string - $this->value = $visitor->visitObj( $this->value ); - } - } - - public function compile($env){ - - if( Less_Environment::$mixin_stack ){ - return new Less_Tree_Element($this->combinator, ($this->value_is_object ? $this->value->compile($env) : $this->value), $this->index, $this->currentFileInfo ); - } - - if( $this->value_is_object ){ - $this->value = $this->value->compile($env); - } - - return $this; - } - - /** - * @see Less_Tree::genCSS - */ - public function genCSS( $output ){ - $output->add( $this->toCSS(), $this->currentFileInfo, $this->index ); - } - - public function toCSS(){ - - if( $this->value_is_object ){ - $value = $this->value->toCSS(); - }else{ - $value = $this->value; - } - - - if( $value === '' && $this->combinator && $this->combinator === '&' ){ - return ''; - } - - - return Less_Environment::$_outputMap[$this->combinator] . $value; - } - -} diff --git a/include/thirdparty/less.php/___1.7.0.13/Tree/Expression.php b/include/thirdparty/less.php/___1.7.0.13/Tree/Expression.php deleted file mode 100644 index d834354..0000000 --- a/include/thirdparty/less.php/___1.7.0.13/Tree/Expression.php +++ /dev/null @@ -1,97 +0,0 @@ -value = $value; - $this->parens = $parens; - } - - public function accept( $visitor ){ - $this->value = $visitor->visitArray( $this->value ); - } - - public function compile($env) { - - $doubleParen = false; - - if( $this->parens && !$this->parensInOp ){ - Less_Environment::$parensStack++; - } - - $returnValue = null; - if( $this->value ){ - - $count = count($this->value); - - if( $count > 1 ){ - - $ret = array(); - foreach($this->value as $e){ - $ret[] = $e->compile($env); - } - $returnValue = new Less_Tree_Expression($ret); - - }else{ - - if( ($this->value[0] instanceof Less_Tree_Expression) && $this->value[0]->parens && !$this->value[0]->parensInOp ){ - $doubleParen = true; - } - - $returnValue = $this->value[0]->compile($env); - } - - } else { - $returnValue = $this; - } - - if( $this->parens ){ - if( !$this->parensInOp ){ - Less_Environment::$parensStack--; - - }elseif( !Less_Environment::isMathOn() && !$doubleParen ){ - $returnValue = new Less_Tree_Paren($returnValue); - - } - } - return $returnValue; - } - - /** - * @see Less_Tree::genCSS - */ - public function genCSS( $output ){ - $val_len = count($this->value); - for( $i = 0; $i < $val_len; $i++ ){ - $this->value[$i]->genCSS( $output ); - if( $i + 1 < $val_len ){ - $output->add( ' ' ); - } - } - } - - public function throwAwayComments() { - - if( is_array($this->value) ){ - $new_value = array(); - foreach($this->value as $v){ - if( $v instanceof Less_Tree_Comment ){ - continue; - } - $new_value[] = $v; - } - $this->value = $new_value; - } - } -} diff --git a/include/thirdparty/less.php/___1.7.0.13/Tree/Extend.php b/include/thirdparty/less.php/___1.7.0.13/Tree/Extend.php deleted file mode 100644 index 8f21e93..0000000 --- a/include/thirdparty/less.php/___1.7.0.13/Tree/Extend.php +++ /dev/null @@ -1,77 +0,0 @@ -selector = $selector; - $this->option = $option; - $this->index = $index; - - switch($option){ - case "all": - $this->allowBefore = true; - $this->allowAfter = true; - break; - default: - $this->allowBefore = false; - $this->allowAfter = false; - break; - } - - $this->object_id = $i++; - $this->parent_ids = array($this->object_id); - } - - public function accept( $visitor ){ - $this->selector = $visitor->visitObj( $this->selector ); - } - - public function compile( $env ){ - Less_Parser::$has_extends = true; - $this->selector = $this->selector->compile($env); - return $this; - //return new Less_Tree_Extend( $this->selector->compile($env), $this->option, $this->index); - } - - public function findSelfSelectors( $selectors ){ - $selfElements = array(); - - - for( $i = 0, $selectors_len = count($selectors); $i < $selectors_len; $i++ ){ - $selectorElements = $selectors[$i]->elements; - // duplicate the logic in genCSS function inside the selector node. - // future TODO - move both logics into the selector joiner visitor - if( $i && $selectorElements && $selectorElements[0]->combinator === "") { - $selectorElements[0]->combinator = ' '; - } - $selfElements = array_merge( $selfElements, $selectors[$i]->elements ); - } - - $this->selfSelectors = array(new Less_Tree_Selector($selfElements)); - } - -} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/include/thirdparty/less.php/___1.7.0.13/Tree/Import.php b/include/thirdparty/less.php/___1.7.0.13/Tree/Import.php deleted file mode 100644 index 4e14afe..0000000 --- a/include/thirdparty/less.php/___1.7.0.13/Tree/Import.php +++ /dev/null @@ -1,304 +0,0 @@ -options = $options; - $this->index = $index; - $this->path = $path; - $this->features = $features; - $this->currentFileInfo = $currentFileInfo; - - if( is_array($options) ){ - $this->options += array('inline'=>false); - - if( isset($this->options['less']) || $this->options['inline'] ){ - $this->css = !isset($this->options['less']) || !$this->options['less'] || $this->options['inline']; - } else { - $pathValue = $this->getPath(); - if( $pathValue && preg_match('/css([\?;].*)?$/',$pathValue) ){ - $this->css = true; - } - } - } - } - -// -// The actual import node doesn't return anything, when converted to CSS. -// The reason is that it's used at the evaluation stage, so that the rules -// it imports can be treated like any other rules. -// -// In `eval`, we make sure all Import nodes get evaluated, recursively, so -// we end up with a flat structure, which can easily be imported in the parent -// ruleset. -// - - public function accept($visitor){ - - if( $this->features ){ - $this->features = $visitor->visitObj($this->features); - } - $this->path = $visitor->visitObj($this->path); - - if( !$this->options['inline'] && $this->root ){ - $this->root = $visitor->visit($this->root); - } - } - - /** - * @see Less_Tree::genCSS - */ - public function genCSS( $output ){ - if( $this->css ){ - - $output->add( '@import ', $this->currentFileInfo, $this->index ); - - $this->path->genCSS( $output ); - if( $this->features ){ - $output->add( ' ' ); - $this->features->genCSS( $output ); - } - $output->add( ';' ); - } - } - - public function toCSS(){ - $features = $this->features ? ' ' . $this->features->toCSS() : ''; - - if ($this->css) { - return "@import " . $this->path->toCSS() . $features . ";\n"; - } else { - return ""; - } - } - - /** - * @return string - */ - public function getPath(){ - if ($this->path instanceof Less_Tree_Quoted) { - $path = $this->path->value; - $path = ( isset($this->css) || preg_match('/(\.[a-z]*$)|([\?;].*)$/',$path)) ? $path : $path . '.less'; - } else if ($this->path instanceof Less_Tree_URL) { - $path = $this->path->value->value; - }else{ - return null; - } - - //remove query string and fragment - return preg_replace('/[\?#][^\?]*$/','',$path); - } - - public function compileForImport( $env ){ - return new Less_Tree_Import( $this->path->compile($env), $this->features, $this->options, $this->index, $this->currentFileInfo); - } - - public function compilePath($env) { - $path = $this->path->compile($env); - $rootpath = ''; - if( $this->currentFileInfo && $this->currentFileInfo['rootpath'] ){ - $rootpath = $this->currentFileInfo['rootpath']; - } - - - if( !($path instanceof Less_Tree_URL) ){ - if( $rootpath ){ - $pathValue = $path->value; - // Add the base path if the import is relative - if( $pathValue && Less_Environment::isPathRelative($pathValue) ){ - $path->value = $this->currentFileInfo['uri_root'].$pathValue; - } - } - $path->value = Less_Environment::normalizePath($path->value); - } - - - - return $path; - } - - public function compile( $env ){ - - $evald = $this->compileForImport($env); - - //get path & uri - $path_and_uri = null; - if( is_callable(Less_Parser::$options['import_callback']) ){ - $path_and_uri = call_user_func(Less_Parser::$options['import_callback'],$evald); - } - - if( !$path_and_uri ){ - $path_and_uri = $evald->PathAndUri(); - } - - if( $path_and_uri ){ - list($full_path, $uri) = $path_and_uri; - }else{ - $full_path = $uri = $evald->getPath(); - } - - - //import once - if( $evald->skip( $full_path, $env) ){ - return array(); - } - - if( $this->options['inline'] ){ - //todo needs to reference css file not import - //$contents = new Less_Tree_Anonymous($this->root, 0, array('filename'=>$this->importedFilename), true ); - - Less_Parser::AddParsedFile($full_path); - $contents = new Less_Tree_Anonymous( file_get_contents($full_path), 0, array(), true ); - - if( $this->features ){ - return new Less_Tree_Media( array($contents), $this->features->value ); - } - - return array( $contents ); - } - - // optional (need to be before "CSS" to support optional CSS imports. CSS should be checked only if empty($this->currentFileInfo)) - if( isset($this->options['optional']) && $this->options['optional'] && !file_exists($full_path) && (!$evald->css || !empty($this->currentFileInfo))) { - return array(); - } - - - // css ? - if( $evald->css ){ - $features = ( $evald->features ? $evald->features->compile($env) : null ); - return new Less_Tree_Import( $this->compilePath( $env), $features, $this->options, $this->index); - } - - - return $this->ParseImport( $full_path, $uri, $env ); - } - - - /** - * Using the import directories, get the full absolute path and uri of the import - * - * @param Less_Tree_Import $evald - */ - public function PathAndUri(){ - - $evald_path = $this->getPath(); - - if( $evald_path ){ - - $import_dirs = array(); - - if( Less_Environment::isPathRelative($evald_path) ){ - //if the path is relative, the file should be in the current directory - $import_dirs[ $this->currentFileInfo['currentDirectory'] ] = $this->currentFileInfo['uri_root']; - - }else{ - //otherwise, the file should be relative to the server root - $import_dirs[ $this->currentFileInfo['entryPath'] ] = $this->currentFileInfo['entryUri']; - - //if the user supplied entryPath isn't the actual root - $import_dirs[ $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] ] = ''; - - } - - // always look in user supplied import directories - $import_dirs = array_merge( $import_dirs, Less_Parser::$options['import_dirs'] ); - - - foreach( $import_dirs as $rootpath => $rooturi){ - if( is_callable($rooturi) ){ - list($path, $uri) = call_user_func($rooturi, $evald_path); - if( is_string($path) ){ - $full_path = $path; - return array( $full_path, $uri ); - } - }elseif( !empty($rootpath) ){ - - $path = rtrim($rootpath,'/\\').'/'.ltrim($evald_path,'/\\'); - - if( file_exists($path) ){ - $full_path = Less_Environment::normalizePath($path); - $uri = Less_Environment::normalizePath(dirname($rooturi.$evald_path)); - return array( $full_path, $uri ); - } elseif( file_exists($path.'.less') ){ - $full_path = Less_Environment::normalizePath($path.'.less'); - $uri = Less_Environment::normalizePath(dirname($rooturi.$evald_path.'.less')); - return array( $full_path, $uri ); - } - } - } - } - } - - - /** - * Parse the import url and return the rules - * - * @return Less_Tree_Media|array - */ - public function ParseImport( $full_path, $uri, $env ){ - - $import_env = clone $env; - if( (isset($this->options['reference']) && $this->options['reference']) || isset($this->currentFileInfo['reference']) ){ - $import_env->currentFileInfo['reference'] = true; - } - - if( (isset($this->options['multiple']) && $this->options['multiple']) ){ - $import_env->importMultiple = true; - } - - $parser = new Less_Parser($import_env); - $root = $parser->parseFile($full_path, $uri, true); - - - $ruleset = new Less_Tree_Ruleset(array(), $root->rules ); - $ruleset->evalImports($import_env); - - return $this->features ? new Less_Tree_Media($ruleset->rules, $this->features->value) : $ruleset->rules; - } - - - /** - * Should the import be skipped? - * - * @return boolean|null - */ - private function Skip($path, $env){ - - $path = Less_Parser::AbsPath($path, true); - - if( $path && Less_Parser::FileParsed($path) ){ - - if( isset($this->currentFileInfo['reference']) ){ - return true; - } - - return !isset($this->options['multiple']) && !$env->importMultiple; - } - - } -} diff --git a/include/thirdparty/less.php/___1.7.0.13/Tree/Javascript.php b/include/thirdparty/less.php/___1.7.0.13/Tree/Javascript.php deleted file mode 100644 index 1b03183..0000000 --- a/include/thirdparty/less.php/___1.7.0.13/Tree/Javascript.php +++ /dev/null @@ -1,30 +0,0 @@ -escaped = $escaped; - $this->expression = $string; - $this->index = $index; - } - - public function compile(){ - return new Less_Tree_Anonymous('/* Sorry, can not do JavaScript evaluation in PHP... :( */'); - } - -} diff --git a/include/thirdparty/less.php/___1.7.0.13/Tree/Keyword.php b/include/thirdparty/less.php/___1.7.0.13/Tree/Keyword.php deleted file mode 100644 index e1d98c4..0000000 --- a/include/thirdparty/less.php/___1.7.0.13/Tree/Keyword.php +++ /dev/null @@ -1,44 +0,0 @@ -value = $value; - } - - public function compile(){ - return $this; - } - - /** - * @see Less_Tree::genCSS - */ - public function genCSS( $output ){ - - if( $this->value === '%') { - throw new Less_Exception_Compiler("Invalid % without number"); - } - - $output->add( $this->value ); - } - - public function compare($other) { - if ($other instanceof Less_Tree_Keyword) { - return $other->value === $this->value ? 0 : 1; - } else { - return -1; - } - } -} diff --git a/include/thirdparty/less.php/___1.7.0.13/Tree/Media.php b/include/thirdparty/less.php/___1.7.0.13/Tree/Media.php deleted file mode 100644 index f9ee9d4..0000000 --- a/include/thirdparty/less.php/___1.7.0.13/Tree/Media.php +++ /dev/null @@ -1,179 +0,0 @@ -index = $index; - $this->currentFileInfo = $currentFileInfo; - - $selectors = $this->emptySelectors(); - - $this->features = new Less_Tree_Value($features); - - $this->rules = array(new Less_Tree_Ruleset($selectors, $value)); - $this->rules[0]->allowImports = true; - } - - public function accept( $visitor ){ - $this->features = $visitor->visitObj($this->features); - $this->rules = $visitor->visitArray($this->rules); - } - - /** - * @see Less_Tree::genCSS - */ - public function genCSS( $output ){ - - $output->add( '@media ', $this->currentFileInfo, $this->index ); - $this->features->genCSS( $output ); - Less_Tree::outputRuleset( $output, $this->rules); - - } - - public function compile($env) { - - $media = new Less_Tree_Media(array(), array(), $this->index, $this->currentFileInfo ); - - $strictMathBypass = false; - if( Less_Parser::$options['strictMath'] === false) { - $strictMathBypass = true; - Less_Parser::$options['strictMath'] = true; - } - - $media->features = $this->features->compile($env); - - if( $strictMathBypass ){ - Less_Parser::$options['strictMath'] = false; - } - - $env->mediaPath[] = $media; - $env->mediaBlocks[] = $media; - - array_unshift($env->frames, $this->rules[0]); - $media->rules = array($this->rules[0]->compile($env)); - array_shift($env->frames); - - array_pop($env->mediaPath); - - return !$env->mediaPath ? $media->compileTop($env) : $media->compileNested($env); - } - - public function variable($name) { - return $this->rules[0]->variable($name); - } - - public function find($selector) { - return $this->rules[0]->find($selector, $this); - } - - public function emptySelectors(){ - $el = new Less_Tree_Element('','&', $this->index, $this->currentFileInfo ); - $sels = array( new Less_Tree_Selector(array($el), array(), null, $this->index, $this->currentFileInfo) ); - $sels[0]->mediaEmpty = true; - return $sels; - } - - public function markReferenced(){ - $this->rules[0]->markReferenced(); - $this->isReferenced = true; - Less_Tree::ReferencedArray($this->rules[0]->rules); - } - - // evaltop - public function compileTop($env) { - $result = $this; - - if (count($env->mediaBlocks) > 1) { - $selectors = $this->emptySelectors(); - $result = new Less_Tree_Ruleset($selectors, $env->mediaBlocks); - $result->multiMedia = true; - } - - $env->mediaBlocks = array(); - $env->mediaPath = array(); - - return $result; - } - - public function compileNested($env) { - $path = array_merge($env->mediaPath, array($this)); - - // Extract the media-query conditions separated with `,` (OR). - foreach ($path as $key => $p) { - $value = $p->features instanceof Less_Tree_Value ? $p->features->value : $p->features; - $path[$key] = is_array($value) ? $value : array($value); - } - - // Trace all permutations to generate the resulting media-query. - // - // (a, b and c) with nested (d, e) -> - // a and d - // a and e - // b and c and d - // b and c and e - - $permuted = $this->permute($path); - $expressions = array(); - foreach($permuted as $path){ - - for( $i=0, $len=count($path); $i < $len; $i++){ - $path[$i] = Less_Parser::is_method($path[$i], 'toCSS') ? $path[$i] : new Less_Tree_Anonymous($path[$i]); - } - - for( $i = count($path) - 1; $i > 0; $i-- ){ - array_splice($path, $i, 0, array(new Less_Tree_Anonymous('and'))); - } - - $expressions[] = new Less_Tree_Expression($path); - } - $this->features = new Less_Tree_Value($expressions); - - - - // Fake a tree-node that doesn't output anything. - return new Less_Tree_Ruleset(array(), array()); - } - - public function permute($arr) { - if (!$arr) - return array(); - - if (count($arr) == 1) - return $arr[0]; - - $result = array(); - $rest = $this->permute(array_slice($arr, 1)); - foreach ($rest as $r) { - foreach ($arr[0] as $a) { - $result[] = array_merge( - is_array($a) ? $a : array($a), - is_array($r) ? $r : array($r) - ); - } - } - - return $result; - } - - public function bubbleSelectors($selectors) { - - if( !$selectors) return; - - $this->rules = array(new Less_Tree_Ruleset( $selectors, array($this->rules[0]))); - } - -} diff --git a/include/thirdparty/less.php/___1.7.0.13/Tree/Mixin/Call.php b/include/thirdparty/less.php/___1.7.0.13/Tree/Mixin/Call.php deleted file mode 100644 index 04eb426..0000000 --- a/include/thirdparty/less.php/___1.7.0.13/Tree/Mixin/Call.php +++ /dev/null @@ -1,202 +0,0 @@ -selector = new Less_Tree_Selector($elements); - $this->arguments = $args; - $this->index = $index; - $this->currentFileInfo = $currentFileInfo; - $this->important = $important; - } - - //function accept($visitor){ - // $this->selector = $visitor->visit($this->selector); - // $this->arguments = $visitor->visit($this->arguments); - //} - - - public function compile($env){ - - $rules = array(); - $match = false; - $isOneFound = false; - $candidates = array(); - $defaultUsed = false; - $conditionResult = array(); - - $args = array(); - foreach($this->arguments as $a){ - $args[] = array('name'=> $a['name'], 'value' => $a['value']->compile($env) ); - } - - foreach($env->frames as $frame){ - - $mixins = $frame->find($this->selector); - - if( !$mixins ){ - continue; - } - - $isOneFound = true; - $defNone = 0; - $defTrue = 1; - $defFalse = 2; - - // To make `default()` function independent of definition order we have two "subpasses" here. - // At first we evaluate each guard *twice* (with `default() == true` and `default() == false`), - // and build candidate list with corresponding flags. Then, when we know all possible matches, - // we make a final decision. - - $mixins_len = count($mixins); - for( $m = 0; $m < $mixins_len; $m++ ){ - $mixin = $mixins[$m]; - - if( $this->IsRecursive( $env, $mixin ) ){ - continue; - } - - if( $mixin->matchArgs($args, $env) ){ - - $candidate = array('mixin' => $mixin, 'group' => $defNone); - - if( $mixin instanceof Less_Tree_Ruleset ){ - - for( $f = 0; $f < 2; $f++ ){ - Less_Tree_DefaultFunc::value($f); - $conditionResult[$f] = $mixin->matchCondition( $args, $env); - } - if( $conditionResult[0] || $conditionResult[1] ){ - if( $conditionResult[0] != $conditionResult[1] ){ - $candidate['group'] = $conditionResult[1] ? $defTrue : $defFalse; - } - - $candidates[] = $candidate; - } - }else{ - $candidates[] = $candidate; - } - - $match = true; - } - } - - Less_Tree_DefaultFunc::reset(); - - - $count = array(0, 0, 0); - for( $m = 0; $m < count($candidates); $m++ ){ - $count[ $candidates[$m]['group'] ]++; - } - - if( $count[$defNone] > 0 ){ - $defaultResult = $defFalse; - } else { - $defaultResult = $defTrue; - if( ($count[$defTrue] + $count[$defFalse]) > 1 ){ - throw new Exception( 'Ambiguous use of `default()` found when matching for `' . $this->format($args) . '`' ); - } - } - - - $candidates_length = count($candidates); - $length_1 = ($candidates_length == 1); - - for( $m = 0; $m < $candidates_length; $m++){ - $candidate = $candidates[$m]['group']; - if( ($candidate === $defNone) || ($candidate === $defaultResult) ){ - try{ - $mixin = $candidates[$m]['mixin']; - if( !($mixin instanceof Less_Tree_Mixin_Definition) ){ - $mixin = new Less_Tree_Mixin_Definition('', array(), $mixin->rules, null, false); - $mixin->originalRuleset = $mixins[$m]->originalRuleset; - } - $rules = array_merge($rules, $mixin->evalCall($env, $args, $this->important)->rules); - } catch (Exception $e) { - //throw new Less_Exception_Compiler($e->getMessage(), $e->index, null, $this->currentFileInfo['filename']); - throw new Less_Exception_Compiler($e->getMessage(), null, null, $this->currentFileInfo); - } - } - } - - if( $match ){ - if( !$this->currentFileInfo || !isset($this->currentFileInfo['reference']) || !$this->currentFileInfo['reference'] ){ - Less_Tree::ReferencedArray($rules); - } - - return $rules; - } - } - - if( $isOneFound ){ - throw new Less_Exception_Compiler('No matching definition was found for `'.$this->Format( $args ).'`', null, $this->index, $this->currentFileInfo); - - }else{ - throw new Less_Exception_Compiler(trim($this->selector->toCSS()) . " is undefined in ".$this->currentFileInfo['filename'], null, $this->index); - } - - } - - /** - * Format the args for use in exception messages - * - */ - private function Format($args){ - $message = array(); - if( $args ){ - foreach($args as $a){ - $argValue = ''; - if( $a['name'] ){ - $argValue .= $a['name'] . ':'; - } - if( is_object($a['value']) ){ - $argValue .= $a['value']->toCSS(); - }else{ - $argValue .= '???'; - } - $message[] = $argValue; - } - } - return implode(', ',$message); - } - - - /** - * Are we in a recursive mixin call? - * - * @return bool - */ - private function IsRecursive( $env, $mixin ){ - - foreach($env->frames as $recur_frame){ - if( !($mixin instanceof Less_Tree_Mixin_Definition) ){ - - if( $mixin === $recur_frame ){ - return true; - } - - if( isset($recur_frame->originalRuleset) && $mixin->ruleset_id === $recur_frame->originalRuleset ){ - return true; - } - } - } - - return false; - } - -} - - diff --git a/include/thirdparty/less.php/___1.7.0.13/Tree/Mixin/Definition.php b/include/thirdparty/less.php/___1.7.0.13/Tree/Mixin/Definition.php deleted file mode 100644 index b16d688..0000000 --- a/include/thirdparty/less.php/___1.7.0.13/Tree/Mixin/Definition.php +++ /dev/null @@ -1,241 +0,0 @@ -name = $name; - $this->selectors = array(new Less_Tree_Selector(array( new Less_Tree_Element(null, $name)))); - - $this->params = $params; - $this->condition = $condition; - $this->variadic = $variadic; - $this->rules = $rules; - - if( $params ){ - $this->arity = count($params); - foreach( $params as $p ){ - if (! isset($p['name']) || ($p['name'] && !isset($p['value']))) { - $this->required++; - } - } - } - - $this->frames = $frames; - $this->SetRulesetIndex(); - } - - - - //function accept( $visitor ){ - // $this->params = $visitor->visit($this->params); - // $this->rules = $visitor->visit($this->rules); - // $this->condition = $visitor->visit($this->condition); - //} - - - public function toCSS(){ - return ''; - } - - // less.js : /lib/less/tree/mixin.js : tree.mixin.Definition.evalParams - public function compileParams($env, $mixinFrames, $args = array() , &$evaldArguments = array() ){ - $frame = new Less_Tree_Ruleset(null, array()); - $params = $this->params; - $mixinEnv = null; - $argsLength = 0; - - if( $args ){ - $argsLength = count($args); - for($i = 0; $i < $argsLength; $i++ ){ - $arg = $args[$i]; - - if( $arg && $arg['name'] ){ - $isNamedFound = false; - - foreach($params as $j => $param){ - if( !isset($evaldArguments[$j]) && $arg['name'] === $params[$j]['name']) { - $evaldArguments[$j] = $arg['value']->compile($env); - array_unshift($frame->rules, new Less_Tree_Rule( $arg['name'], $arg['value']->compile($env) ) ); - $isNamedFound = true; - break; - } - } - if ($isNamedFound) { - array_splice($args, $i, 1); - $i--; - $argsLength--; - continue; - } else { - throw new Less_Exception_Compiler("Named argument for " . $this->name .' '.$args[$i]['name'] . ' not found'); - } - } - } - } - - $argIndex = 0; - foreach($params as $i => $param){ - - if ( isset($evaldArguments[$i]) ){ continue; } - - $arg = null; - if( isset($args[$argIndex]) ){ - $arg = $args[$argIndex]; - } - - if (isset($param['name']) && $param['name']) { - - if( isset($param['variadic']) ){ - $varargs = array(); - for ($j = $argIndex; $j < $argsLength; $j++) { - $varargs[] = $args[$j]['value']->compile($env); - } - $expression = new Less_Tree_Expression($varargs); - array_unshift($frame->rules, new Less_Tree_Rule($param['name'], $expression->compile($env))); - }else{ - $val = ($arg && $arg['value']) ? $arg['value'] : false; - - if ($val) { - $val = $val->compile($env); - } else if ( isset($param['value']) ) { - - if( !$mixinEnv ){ - $mixinEnv = new Less_Environment(); - $mixinEnv->frames = array_merge( array($frame), $mixinFrames); - } - - $val = $param['value']->compile($mixinEnv); - $frame->resetCache(); - } else { - throw new Less_Exception_Compiler("Wrong number of arguments for " . $this->name . " (" . $argsLength . ' for ' . $this->arity . ")"); - } - - array_unshift($frame->rules, new Less_Tree_Rule($param['name'], $val)); - $evaldArguments[$i] = $val; - } - } - - if ( isset($param['variadic']) && $args) { - for ($j = $argIndex; $j < $argsLength; $j++) { - $evaldArguments[$j] = $args[$j]['value']->compile($env); - } - } - $argIndex++; - } - - ksort($evaldArguments); - $evaldArguments = array_values($evaldArguments); - - return $frame; - } - - public function compile($env) { - if( $this->frames ){ - return new Less_Tree_Mixin_Definition($this->name, $this->params, $this->rules, $this->condition, $this->variadic, $this->frames ); - } - return new Less_Tree_Mixin_Definition($this->name, $this->params, $this->rules, $this->condition, $this->variadic, $env->frames ); - } - - public function evalCall($env, $args = NULL, $important = NULL) { - - Less_Environment::$mixin_stack++; - - $_arguments = array(); - - if( $this->frames ){ - $mixinFrames = array_merge($this->frames, $env->frames); - }else{ - $mixinFrames = $env->frames; - } - - $frame = $this->compileParams($env, $mixinFrames, $args, $_arguments); - - $ex = new Less_Tree_Expression($_arguments); - array_unshift($frame->rules, new Less_Tree_Rule('@arguments', $ex->compile($env))); - - - $ruleset = new Less_Tree_Ruleset(null, $this->rules); - $ruleset->originalRuleset = $this->ruleset_id; - - - $ruleSetEnv = new Less_Environment(); - $ruleSetEnv->frames = array_merge( array($this, $frame), $mixinFrames ); - $ruleset = $ruleset->compile( $ruleSetEnv ); - - if( $important ){ - $ruleset = $ruleset->makeImportant(); - } - - Less_Environment::$mixin_stack--; - - return $ruleset; - } - - - public function matchCondition($args, $env) { - - if( !$this->condition ){ - return true; - } - - // set array to prevent error on array_merge - if(!is_array($this->frames)) { - $this->frames = array(); - } - - $frame = $this->compileParams($env, array_merge($this->frames,$env->frames), $args ); - - $compile_env = new Less_Environment(); - $compile_env->frames = array_merge( - array($frame) // the parameter variables - , $this->frames // the parent namespace/mixin frames - , $env->frames // the current environment frames - ); - - $compile_env->functions = $env->functions; - - return (bool)$this->condition->compile($compile_env); - } - - public function matchArgs($args, $env = NULL){ - $argsLength = count($args); - - if( !$this->variadic ){ - if( $argsLength < $this->required ){ - return false; - } - if( $argsLength > count($this->params) ){ - return false; - } - }else{ - if( $argsLength < ($this->required - 1)){ - return false; - } - } - - $len = min($argsLength, $this->arity); - - for( $i = 0; $i < $len; $i++ ){ - if( !isset($this->params[$i]['name']) && !isset($this->params[$i]['variadic']) ){ - if( $args[$i]['value']->compile($env)->toCSS() != $this->params[$i]['value']->compile($env)->toCSS() ){ - return false; - } - } - } - - return true; - } - -} diff --git a/include/thirdparty/less.php/___1.7.0.13/Tree/NameValue.php b/include/thirdparty/less.php/___1.7.0.13/Tree/NameValue.php deleted file mode 100644 index 31cbe03..0000000 --- a/include/thirdparty/less.php/___1.7.0.13/Tree/NameValue.php +++ /dev/null @@ -1,51 +0,0 @@ - color:#FF0000; - * - * @package Less - * @subpackage tree - */ -class Less_Tree_NameValue extends Less_Tree{ - - public $name; - public $value; - public $index; - public $currentFileInfo; - public $type = 'NameValue'; - public $important = ''; - - public function __construct($name, $value = null, $index = null, $currentFileInfo = null ){ - $this->name = $name; - $this->value = $value; - $this->index = $index; - $this->currentFileInfo = $currentFileInfo; - } - - public function genCSS( $output ){ - - $output->add( - $this->name - . Less_Environment::$_outputMap[': '] - . $this->value - . $this->important - . (((Less_Environment::$lastRule && Less_Parser::$options['compress'])) ? "" : ";") - , $this->currentFileInfo, $this->index); - } - - public function compile ($env){ - return $this; - } - - public function makeImportant(){ - $new = new Less_Tree_NameValue($this->name, $this->value, $this->index, $this->currentFileInfo); - $new->important = ' !important'; - return $new; - } - - -} diff --git a/include/thirdparty/less.php/___1.7.0.13/Tree/Negative.php b/include/thirdparty/less.php/___1.7.0.13/Tree/Negative.php deleted file mode 100644 index 507443e..0000000 --- a/include/thirdparty/less.php/___1.7.0.13/Tree/Negative.php +++ /dev/null @@ -1,37 +0,0 @@ -value = $node; - } - - //function accept($visitor) { - // $this->value = $visitor->visit($this->value); - //} - - /** - * @see Less_Tree::genCSS - */ - public function genCSS( $output ){ - $output->add( '-' ); - $this->value->genCSS( $output ); - } - - public function compile($env) { - if( Less_Environment::isMathOn() ){ - $ret = new Less_Tree_Operation('*', array( new Less_Tree_Dimension(-1), $this->value ) ); - return $ret->compile($env); - } - return new Less_Tree_Negative( $this->value->compile($env) ); - } -} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/include/thirdparty/less.php/___1.7.0.13/Tree/Operation.php b/include/thirdparty/less.php/___1.7.0.13/Tree/Operation.php deleted file mode 100644 index e69e0da..0000000 --- a/include/thirdparty/less.php/___1.7.0.13/Tree/Operation.php +++ /dev/null @@ -1,70 +0,0 @@ -op = trim($op); - $this->operands = $operands; - $this->isSpaced = $isSpaced; - } - - public function accept($visitor) { - $this->operands = $visitor->visitArray($this->operands); - } - - public function compile($env){ - $a = $this->operands[0]->compile($env); - $b = $this->operands[1]->compile($env); - - - if( Less_Environment::isMathOn() ){ - - if( $a instanceof Less_Tree_Dimension && $b instanceof Less_Tree_Color ){ - $a = $a->toColor(); - - }elseif( $b instanceof Less_Tree_Dimension && $a instanceof Less_Tree_Color ){ - $b = $b->toColor(); - - } - - if( !method_exists($a,'operate') ){ - throw new Less_Exception_Compiler("Operation on an invalid type"); - } - - return $a->operate( $this->op, $b); - } - - return new Less_Tree_Operation($this->op, array($a, $b), $this->isSpaced ); - } - - - /** - * @see Less_Tree::genCSS - */ - public function genCSS( $output ){ - $this->operands[0]->genCSS( $output ); - if( $this->isSpaced ){ - $output->add( " " ); - } - $output->add( $this->op ); - if( $this->isSpaced ){ - $output->add( ' ' ); - } - $this->operands[1]->genCSS( $output ); - } - -} diff --git a/include/thirdparty/less.php/___1.7.0.13/Tree/Paren.php b/include/thirdparty/less.php/___1.7.0.13/Tree/Paren.php deleted file mode 100644 index 0186455..0000000 --- a/include/thirdparty/less.php/___1.7.0.13/Tree/Paren.php +++ /dev/null @@ -1,35 +0,0 @@ -value = $value; - } - - public function accept($visitor){ - $this->value = $visitor->visitObj($this->value); - } - - /** - * @see Less_Tree::genCSS - */ - public function genCSS( $output ){ - $output->add( '(' ); - $this->value->genCSS( $output ); - $output->add( ')' ); - } - - public function compile($env) { - return new Less_Tree_Paren($this->value->compile($env)); - } - -} diff --git a/include/thirdparty/less.php/___1.7.0.13/Tree/Quoted.php b/include/thirdparty/less.php/___1.7.0.13/Tree/Quoted.php deleted file mode 100644 index 80063b5..0000000 --- a/include/thirdparty/less.php/___1.7.0.13/Tree/Quoted.php +++ /dev/null @@ -1,81 +0,0 @@ -escaped = $escaped; - $this->value = $content; - if( $str ){ - $this->quote = $str[0]; - } - $this->index = $index; - $this->currentFileInfo = $currentFileInfo; - } - - /** - * @see Less_Tree::genCSS - */ - public function genCSS( $output ){ - if( !$this->escaped ){ - $output->add( $this->quote, $this->currentFileInfo, $this->index ); - } - $output->add( $this->value ); - if( !$this->escaped ){ - $output->add( $this->quote ); - } - } - - public function compile($env){ - - $value = $this->value; - if( preg_match_all('/`([^`]+)`/', $this->value, $matches) ){ - foreach($matches as $i => $match){ - $js = new Less_Tree_JavaScript($matches[1], $this->index, true); - $js = $js->compile()->value; - $value = str_replace($matches[0][$i], $js, $value); - } - } - - if( preg_match_all('/@\{([\w-]+)\}/',$value,$matches) ){ - foreach($matches[1] as $i => $match){ - $v = new Less_Tree_Variable('@' . $match, $this->index, $this->currentFileInfo ); - $v = $v->compile($env); - $v = ($v instanceof Less_Tree_Quoted) ? $v->value : $v->toCSS(); - $value = str_replace($matches[0][$i], $v, $value); - } - } - - return new Less_Tree_Quoted($this->quote . $value . $this->quote, $value, $this->escaped, $this->index, $this->currentFileInfo); - } - - public function compare($x) { - - if( !Less_Parser::is_method($x, 'toCSS') ){ - return -1; - } - - $left = $this->toCSS(); - $right = $x->toCSS(); - - if ($left === $right) { - return 0; - } - - return $left < $right ? -1 : 1; - } -} diff --git a/include/thirdparty/less.php/___1.7.0.13/Tree/Rule.php b/include/thirdparty/less.php/___1.7.0.13/Tree/Rule.php deleted file mode 100644 index ee4a9e2..0000000 --- a/include/thirdparty/less.php/___1.7.0.13/Tree/Rule.php +++ /dev/null @@ -1,115 +0,0 @@ -name = $name; - $this->value = ($value instanceof Less_Tree_Value || $value instanceof Less_Tree_Ruleset) ? $value : new Less_Tree_Value(array($value)); - $this->important = $important ? ' ' . trim($important) : ''; - $this->merge = $merge; - $this->index = $index; - $this->currentFileInfo = $currentFileInfo; - $this->inline = $inline; - $this->variable = ( is_string($name) && $name[0] === '@'); - } - - public function accept($visitor) { - $this->value = $visitor->visitObj( $this->value ); - } - - /** - * @see Less_Tree::genCSS - */ - public function genCSS( $output ){ - - $output->add( $this->name . Less_Environment::$_outputMap[': '], $this->currentFileInfo, $this->index); - try{ - $this->value->genCSS( $output); - - }catch( Less_Exception_Parser $e ){ - $e->index = $this->index; - $e->currentFile = $this->currentFileInfo; - throw $e; - } - $output->add( $this->important . (($this->inline || (Less_Environment::$lastRule && Less_Parser::$options['compress'])) ? "" : ";"), $this->currentFileInfo, $this->index); - } - - public function compile ($env){ - - $name = $this->name; - if( is_array($name) ){ - // expand 'primitive' name directly to get - // things faster (~10% for benchmark.less): - if( count($name) === 1 && $name[0] instanceof Less_Tree_Keyword ){ - $name = $name[0]->value; - }else{ - $name = $this->CompileName($env,$name); - } - } - - $strictMathBypass = Less_Parser::$options['strictMath']; - if( $name === "font" && !Less_Parser::$options['strictMath'] ){ - Less_Parser::$options['strictMath'] = true; - } - - try { - $evaldValue = $this->value->compile($env); - - if( !$this->variable && $evaldValue->type === "DetachedRuleset") { - throw new Less_Exception_Compiler("Rulesets cannot be evaluated on a property.", null, $this->index, $this->currentFileInfo); - } - - if( Less_Environment::$mixin_stack ){ - $return = new Less_Tree_Rule($name, $evaldValue, $this->important, $this->merge, $this->index, $this->currentFileInfo, $this->inline); - }else{ - $this->name = $name; - $this->value = $evaldValue; - $return = $this; - } - - }catch( Less_Exception_Parser $e ){ - if( !is_numeric($e->index) ){ - $e->index = $this->index; - $e->currentFile = $this->currentFileInfo; - } - throw $e; - } - - Less_Parser::$options['strictMath'] = $strictMathBypass; - - return $return; - } - - - public function CompileName( $env, $name ){ - $output = new Less_Output(); - foreach($name as $n){ - $n->compile($env)->genCSS($output); - } - return $output->toString(); - } - - public function makeImportant(){ - return new Less_Tree_Rule($this->name, $this->value, '!important', $this->merge, $this->index, $this->currentFileInfo, $this->inline); - } - -} diff --git a/include/thirdparty/less.php/___1.7.0.13/Tree/Ruleset.php b/include/thirdparty/less.php/___1.7.0.13/Tree/Ruleset.php deleted file mode 100644 index bdf9fec..0000000 --- a/include/thirdparty/less.php/___1.7.0.13/Tree/Ruleset.php +++ /dev/null @@ -1,643 +0,0 @@ -ruleset_id = Less_Parser::$next_id++; - $this->originalRuleset = $this->ruleset_id; - - if( $this->selectors ){ - foreach($this->selectors as $sel){ - if( $sel->_oelements ){ - $this->first_oelements[$sel->_oelements[0]] = true; - } - } - } - } - - public function __construct($selectors, $rules, $strictImports = null){ - $this->selectors = $selectors; - $this->rules = $rules; - $this->lookups = array(); - $this->strictImports = $strictImports; - $this->SetRulesetIndex(); - } - - public function accept( $visitor ){ - if( $this->paths ){ - $paths_len = count($this->paths); - for($i = 0,$paths_len; $i < $paths_len; $i++ ){ - $this->paths[$i] = $visitor->visitArray($this->paths[$i]); - } - }elseif( $this->selectors ){ - $this->selectors = $visitor->visitArray($this->selectors); - } - - if( $this->rules ){ - $this->rules = $visitor->visitArray($this->rules); - } - } - - public function compile($env){ - - $ruleset = $this->PrepareRuleset($env); - - - // Store the frames around mixin definitions, - // so they can be evaluated like closures when the time comes. - $rsRuleCnt = count($ruleset->rules); - for( $i = 0; $i < $rsRuleCnt; $i++ ){ - if( $ruleset->rules[$i] instanceof Less_Tree_Mixin_Definition || $ruleset->rules[$i] instanceof Less_Tree_DetachedRuleset ){ - $ruleset->rules[$i] = $ruleset->rules[$i]->compile($env); - } - } - - $mediaBlockCount = 0; - if( $env instanceof Less_Environment ){ - $mediaBlockCount = count($env->mediaBlocks); - } - - // Evaluate mixin calls. - $this->EvalMixinCalls( $ruleset, $env, $rsRuleCnt ); - - - // Evaluate everything else - for( $i=0; $i<$rsRuleCnt; $i++ ){ - if(! ($ruleset->rules[$i] instanceof Less_Tree_Mixin_Definition || $ruleset->rules[$i] instanceof Less_Tree_DetachedRuleset) ){ - $ruleset->rules[$i] = $ruleset->rules[$i]->compile($env); - } - } - - // Evaluate everything else - for( $i=0; $i<$rsRuleCnt; $i++ ){ - $rule = $ruleset->rules[$i]; - - // for rulesets, check if it is a css guard and can be removed - if( $rule instanceof Less_Tree_Ruleset && $rule->selectors && count($rule->selectors) === 1 ){ - - // check if it can be folded in (e.g. & where) - if( $rule->selectors[0]->isJustParentSelector() ){ - array_splice($ruleset->rules,$i--,1); - $rsRuleCnt--; - - for($j = 0; $j < count($rule->rules); $j++ ){ - $subRule = $rule->rules[$j]; - if( !($subRule instanceof Less_Tree_Rule) || !$subRule->variable ){ - array_splice($ruleset->rules, ++$i, 0, array($subRule)); - $rsRuleCnt++; - } - } - - } - } - } - - - // Pop the stack - $env->shiftFrame(); - - if ($mediaBlockCount) { - $len = count($env->mediaBlocks); - for($i = $mediaBlockCount; $i < $len; $i++ ){ - $env->mediaBlocks[$i]->bubbleSelectors($ruleset->selectors); - } - } - - return $ruleset; - } - - /** - * Compile Less_Tree_Mixin_Call objects - * - * @param Less_Tree_Ruleset $ruleset - * @param integer $rsRuleCnt - */ - private function EvalMixinCalls( $ruleset, $env, &$rsRuleCnt ){ - for($i=0; $i < $rsRuleCnt; $i++){ - $rule = $ruleset->rules[$i]; - - if( $rule instanceof Less_Tree_Mixin_Call ){ - $rule = $rule->compile($env); - - $temp = array(); - foreach($rule as $r){ - if( ($r instanceof Less_Tree_Rule) && $r->variable ){ - // do not pollute the scope if the variable is - // already there. consider returning false here - // but we need a way to "return" variable from mixins - if( !$ruleset->variable($r->name) ){ - $temp[] = $r; - } - }else{ - $temp[] = $r; - } - } - $temp_count = count($temp)-1; - array_splice($ruleset->rules, $i, 1, $temp); - $rsRuleCnt += $temp_count; - $i += $temp_count; - $ruleset->resetCache(); - - }elseif( $rule instanceof Less_Tree_RulesetCall ){ - - $rule = $rule->compile($env); - $rules = array(); - foreach($rule->rules as $r){ - if( ($r instanceof Less_Tree_Rule) && $r->variable ){ - continue; - } - $rules[] = $r; - } - - array_splice($ruleset->rules, $i, 1, $rules); - $temp_count = count($rules); - $rsRuleCnt += $temp_count - 1; - $i += $temp_count-1; - $ruleset->resetCache(); - } - - } - } - - - /** - * Compile the selectors and create a new ruleset object for the compile() method - * - */ - private function PrepareRuleset($env){ - - $hasOnePassingSelector = false; - $selectors = array(); - if( $this->selectors ){ - Less_Tree_DefaultFunc::error("it is currently only allowed in parametric mixin guards,"); - - foreach($this->selectors as $s){ - $selector = $s->compile($env); - $selectors[] = $selector; - if( $selector->evaldCondition ){ - $hasOnePassingSelector = true; - } - } - - Less_Tree_DefaultFunc::reset(); - } else { - $hasOnePassingSelector = true; - } - - if( $this->rules && $hasOnePassingSelector ){ - $rules = $this->rules; - }else{ - $rules = array(); - } - - $ruleset = new Less_Tree_Ruleset($selectors, $rules, $this->strictImports); - - $ruleset->originalRuleset = $this->ruleset_id; - - $ruleset->root = $this->root; - $ruleset->firstRoot = $this->firstRoot; - $ruleset->allowImports = $this->allowImports; - - - // push the current ruleset to the frames stack - $env->unshiftFrame($ruleset); - - - // Evaluate imports - if( $ruleset->root || $ruleset->allowImports || !$ruleset->strictImports ){ - $ruleset->evalImports($env); - } - - return $ruleset; - } - - function evalImports($env) { - - $rules_len = count($this->rules); - for($i=0; $i < $rules_len; $i++){ - $rule = $this->rules[$i]; - - if( $rule instanceof Less_Tree_Import ){ - $rules = $rule->compile($env); - if( is_array($rules) ){ - array_splice($this->rules, $i, 1, $rules); - $temp_count = count($rules)-1; - $i += $temp_count; - $rules_len += $temp_count; - }else{ - array_splice($this->rules, $i, 1, array($rules)); - } - - $this->resetCache(); - } - } - } - - function makeImportant(){ - - $important_rules = array(); - foreach($this->rules as $rule){ - if( $rule instanceof Less_Tree_Rule || $rule instanceof Less_Tree_Ruleset || $rule instanceof Less_Tree_NameValue ){ - $important_rules[] = $rule->makeImportant(); - }else{ - $important_rules[] = $rule; - } - } - - return new Less_Tree_Ruleset($this->selectors, $important_rules, $this->strictImports ); - } - - public function matchArgs($args){ - return !$args; - } - - // lets you call a css selector with a guard - public function matchCondition( $args, $env ){ - $lastSelector = end($this->selectors); - - if( !$lastSelector->evaldCondition ){ - return false; - } - if( $lastSelector->condition && !$lastSelector->condition->compile( $env->copyEvalEnv( $env->frames ) ) ){ - return false; - } - return true; - } - - function resetCache(){ - $this->_rulesets = null; - $this->_variables = null; - $this->lookups = array(); - } - - public function variables(){ - $this->_variables = array(); - foreach( $this->rules as $r){ - if ($r instanceof Less_Tree_Rule && $r->variable === true) { - $this->_variables[$r->name] = $r; - } - } - } - - public function variable($name){ - - if( is_null($this->_variables) ){ - $this->variables(); - } - return isset($this->_variables[$name]) ? $this->_variables[$name] : null; - } - - public function find( $selector, $self = null ){ - - $key = implode(' ',$selector->_oelements); - - if( !isset($this->lookups[$key]) ){ - - if( !$self ){ - $self = $this->ruleset_id; - } - - $this->lookups[$key] = array(); - - $first_oelement = $selector->_oelements[0]; - - foreach($this->rules as $rule){ - if( $rule instanceof Less_Tree_Ruleset && $rule->ruleset_id != $self ){ - - if( isset($rule->first_oelements[$first_oelement]) ){ - - foreach( $rule->selectors as $ruleSelector ){ - $match = $selector->match($ruleSelector); - if( $match ){ - if( $selector->elements_len > $match ){ - $this->lookups[$key] = array_merge($this->lookups[$key], $rule->find( new Less_Tree_Selector(array_slice($selector->elements, $match)), $self)); - } else { - $this->lookups[$key][] = $rule; - } - break; - } - } - } - } - } - } - - return $this->lookups[$key]; - } - - - /** - * @see Less_Tree::genCSS - */ - public function genCSS( $output ){ - - if( !$this->root ){ - Less_Environment::$tabLevel++; - } - - $tabRuleStr = $tabSetStr = ''; - if( !Less_Parser::$options['compress'] ){ - if( Less_Environment::$tabLevel ){ - $tabRuleStr = "\n".str_repeat( Less_Parser::$options['indentation'] , Less_Environment::$tabLevel ); - $tabSetStr = "\n".str_repeat( Less_Parser::$options['indentation'] , Less_Environment::$tabLevel-1 ); - }else{ - $tabSetStr = $tabRuleStr = "\n"; - } - } - - - $ruleNodes = array(); - $rulesetNodes = array(); - foreach($this->rules as $rule){ - - $class = get_class($rule); - if( ($class === 'Less_Tree_Media') || ($class === 'Less_Tree_Directive') || ($this->root && $class === 'Less_Tree_Comment') || ($class === 'Less_Tree_Ruleset' && $rule->rules) ){ - $rulesetNodes[] = $rule; - }else{ - $ruleNodes[] = $rule; - } - } - - // If this is the root node, we don't render - // a selector, or {}. - if( !$this->root ){ - - /* - debugInfo = tree.debugInfo(env, this, tabSetStr); - - if (debugInfo) { - output.add(debugInfo); - output.add(tabSetStr); - } - */ - - $paths_len = count($this->paths); - for( $i = 0; $i < $paths_len; $i++ ){ - $path = $this->paths[$i]; - $firstSelector = true; - - foreach($path as $p){ - $p->genCSS( $output, $firstSelector ); - $firstSelector = false; - } - - if( $i + 1 < $paths_len ){ - $output->add( ',' . $tabSetStr ); - } - } - - $output->add( (Less_Parser::$options['compress'] ? '{' : " {") . $tabRuleStr ); - } - - // Compile rules and rulesets - $ruleNodes_len = count($ruleNodes); - $rulesetNodes_len = count($rulesetNodes); - for( $i = 0; $i < $ruleNodes_len; $i++ ){ - $rule = $ruleNodes[$i]; - - // @page{ directive ends up with root elements inside it, a mix of rules and rulesets - // In this instance we do not know whether it is the last property - if( $i + 1 === $ruleNodes_len && (!$this->root || $rulesetNodes_len === 0 || $this->firstRoot ) ){ - Less_Environment::$lastRule = true; - } - - $rule->genCSS( $output ); - - if( !Less_Environment::$lastRule ){ - $output->add( $tabRuleStr ); - }else{ - Less_Environment::$lastRule = false; - } - } - - if( !$this->root ){ - $output->add( $tabSetStr . '}' ); - Less_Environment::$tabLevel--; - } - - $firstRuleset = true; - $space = ($this->root ? $tabRuleStr : $tabSetStr); - for( $i = 0; $i < $rulesetNodes_len; $i++ ){ - - if( $ruleNodes_len && $firstRuleset ){ - $output->add( $space ); - }elseif( !$firstRuleset ){ - $output->add( $space ); - } - $firstRuleset = false; - $rulesetNodes[$i]->genCSS( $output); - } - - if( !Less_Parser::$options['compress'] && $this->firstRoot ){ - $output->add( "\n" ); - } - - } - - - function markReferenced(){ - if( !$this->selectors ){ - return; - } - foreach($this->selectors as $selector){ - $selector->markReferenced(); - } - } - - public function joinSelectors( $context, $selectors ){ - $paths = array(); - if( is_array($selectors) ){ - foreach($selectors as $selector) { - $this->joinSelector( $paths, $context, $selector); - } - } - return $paths; - } - - public function joinSelector( &$paths, $context, $selector){ - - $hasParentSelector = false; - - foreach($selector->elements as $el) { - if( $el->value === '&') { - $hasParentSelector = true; - } - } - - if( !$hasParentSelector ){ - if( $context ){ - foreach($context as $context_el){ - $paths[] = array_merge($context_el, array($selector) ); - } - }else { - $paths[] = array($selector); - } - return; - } - - - // The paths are [[Selector]] - // The first list is a list of comma separated selectors - // The inner list is a list of inheritance separated selectors - // e.g. - // .a, .b { - // .c { - // } - // } - // == [[.a] [.c]] [[.b] [.c]] - // - - // the elements from the current selector so far - $currentElements = array(); - // the current list of new selectors to add to the path. - // We will build it up. We initiate it with one empty selector as we "multiply" the new selectors - // by the parents - $newSelectors = array(array()); - - - foreach( $selector->elements as $el){ - - // non parent reference elements just get added - if( $el->value !== '&' ){ - $currentElements[] = $el; - } else { - // the new list of selectors to add - $selectorsMultiplied = array(); - - // merge the current list of non parent selector elements - // on to the current list of selectors to add - if( $currentElements ){ - $this->mergeElementsOnToSelectors( $currentElements, $newSelectors); - } - - // loop through our current selectors - foreach($newSelectors as $sel){ - - // if we don't have any parent paths, the & might be in a mixin so that it can be used - // whether there are parents or not - if( !$context ){ - // the combinator used on el should now be applied to the next element instead so that - // it is not lost - if( $sel ){ - $sel[0]->elements = array_slice($sel[0]->elements,0); - $sel[0]->elements[] = new Less_Tree_Element($el->combinator, '', $el->index, $el->currentFileInfo ); - } - $selectorsMultiplied[] = $sel; - }else { - - // and the parent selectors - foreach($context as $parentSel){ - // We need to put the current selectors - // then join the last selector's elements on to the parents selectors - - // our new selector path - $newSelectorPath = array(); - // selectors from the parent after the join - $afterParentJoin = array(); - $newJoinedSelectorEmpty = true; - - //construct the joined selector - if & is the first thing this will be empty, - // if not newJoinedSelector will be the last set of elements in the selector - if( $sel ){ - $newSelectorPath = $sel; - $lastSelector = array_pop($newSelectorPath); - $newJoinedSelector = $selector->createDerived( array_slice($lastSelector->elements,0) ); - $newJoinedSelectorEmpty = false; - } - else { - $newJoinedSelector = $selector->createDerived(array()); - } - - //put together the parent selectors after the join - if ( count($parentSel) > 1) { - $afterParentJoin = array_merge($afterParentJoin, array_slice($parentSel,1) ); - } - - if ( $parentSel ){ - $newJoinedSelectorEmpty = false; - - // join the elements so far with the first part of the parent - $newJoinedSelector->elements[] = new Less_Tree_Element( $el->combinator, $parentSel[0]->elements[0]->value, $el->index, $el->currentFileInfo); - - $newJoinedSelector->elements = array_merge( $newJoinedSelector->elements, array_slice($parentSel[0]->elements, 1) ); - } - - if (!$newJoinedSelectorEmpty) { - // now add the joined selector - $newSelectorPath[] = $newJoinedSelector; - } - - // and the rest of the parent - $newSelectorPath = array_merge($newSelectorPath, $afterParentJoin); - - // add that to our new set of selectors - $selectorsMultiplied[] = $newSelectorPath; - } - } - } - - // our new selectors has been multiplied, so reset the state - $newSelectors = $selectorsMultiplied; - $currentElements = array(); - } - } - - // if we have any elements left over (e.g. .a& .b == .b) - // add them on to all the current selectors - if( $currentElements ){ - $this->mergeElementsOnToSelectors($currentElements, $newSelectors); - } - foreach( $newSelectors as $new_sel){ - if( $new_sel ){ - $paths[] = $new_sel; - } - } - } - - function mergeElementsOnToSelectors( $elements, &$selectors){ - - if( !$selectors ){ - $selectors[] = array( new Less_Tree_Selector($elements) ); - return; - } - - - foreach( $selectors as &$sel){ - - // if the previous thing in sel is a parent this needs to join on to it - if( $sel ){ - $last = count($sel)-1; - $sel[$last] = $sel[$last]->createDerived( array_merge($sel[$last]->elements, $elements) ); - }else{ - $sel[] = new Less_Tree_Selector( $elements ); - } - } - } -} diff --git a/include/thirdparty/less.php/___1.7.0.13/Tree/RulesetCall.php b/include/thirdparty/less.php/___1.7.0.13/Tree/RulesetCall.php deleted file mode 100644 index ed4c723..0000000 --- a/include/thirdparty/less.php/___1.7.0.13/Tree/RulesetCall.php +++ /dev/null @@ -1,26 +0,0 @@ -variable = $variable; - } - - public function accept($visitor) {} - - public function compile( $env ){ - $variable = new Less_Tree_Variable($this->variable); - $detachedRuleset = $variable->compile($env); - return $detachedRuleset->callEval($env); - } -} - diff --git a/include/thirdparty/less.php/___1.7.0.13/Tree/Selector.php b/include/thirdparty/less.php/___1.7.0.13/Tree/Selector.php deleted file mode 100644 index 6b9dae6..0000000 --- a/include/thirdparty/less.php/___1.7.0.13/Tree/Selector.php +++ /dev/null @@ -1,168 +0,0 @@ -elements = $elements; - $this->elements_len = count($elements); - $this->extendList = $extendList; - $this->condition = $condition; - if( $currentFileInfo ){ - $this->currentFileInfo = $currentFileInfo; - } - $this->isReferenced = $isReferenced; - if( !$condition ){ - $this->evaldCondition = true; - } - - $this->CacheElements(); - } - - public function accept($visitor) { - $this->elements = $visitor->visitArray($this->elements); - $this->extendList = $visitor->visitArray($this->extendList); - if( $this->condition ){ - $this->condition = $visitor->visitObj($this->condition); - } - - if( $visitor instanceof Less_Visitor_extendFinder ){ - $this->CacheElements(); - } - } - - public function createDerived( $elements, $extendList = null, $evaldCondition = null ){ - $newSelector = new Less_Tree_Selector( $elements, ($extendList ? $extendList : $this->extendList), null, $this->index, $this->currentFileInfo, $this->isReferenced); - $newSelector->evaldCondition = $evaldCondition ? $evaldCondition : $this->evaldCondition; - return $newSelector; - } - - - public function match( $other ){ - - if( !$other->_oelements || ($this->elements_len < $other->_oelements_len) ){ - return 0; - } - - for( $i = 0; $i < $other->_oelements_len; $i++ ){ - if( $this->elements[$i]->value !== $other->_oelements[$i]) { - return 0; - } - } - - return $other->_oelements_len; // return number of matched elements - } - - - public function CacheElements(){ - - $this->_oelements = array(); - $css = ''; - - foreach($this->elements as $v){ - - $css .= $v->combinator; - if( !$v->value_is_object ){ - $css .= $v->value; - continue; - } - - if( !property_exists($v->value,'value') || !is_string($v->value->value) ){ - $this->cacheable = false; - return; - } - $css .= $v->value->value; - } - - $this->_oelements_len = preg_match_all('/[,&#\.\w-](?:[\w-]|(?:\\\\.))*/', $css, $matches); - if( $this->_oelements_len ){ - $this->_oelements = $matches[0]; - - if( $this->_oelements[0] === '&' ){ - array_shift($this->_oelements); - $this->_oelements_len--; - } - } - } - - public function isJustParentSelector(){ - return !$this->mediaEmpty && - count($this->elements) === 1 && - $this->elements[0]->value === '&' && - ($this->elements[0]->combinator === ' ' || $this->elements[0]->combinator === ''); - } - - public function compile($env) { - - $elements = array(); - foreach($this->elements as $el){ - $elements[] = $el->compile($env); - } - - $extendList = array(); - foreach($this->extendList as $el){ - $extendList[] = $el->compile($el); - } - - $evaldCondition = false; - if( $this->condition ){ - $evaldCondition = $this->condition->compile($env); - } - - return $this->createDerived( $elements, $extendList, $evaldCondition ); - } - - - /** - * @see Less_Tree::genCSS - */ - public function genCSS( $output, $firstSelector = true ){ - - if( !$firstSelector && $this->elements[0]->combinator === "" ){ - $output->add(' ', $this->currentFileInfo, $this->index); - } - - foreach($this->elements as $element){ - $element->genCSS( $output ); - } - } - - public function markReferenced(){ - $this->isReferenced = true; - } - - public function getIsReferenced(){ - return !isset($this->currentFileInfo['reference']) || !$this->currentFileInfo['reference'] || $this->isReferenced; - } - - public function getIsOutput(){ - return $this->evaldCondition; - } - -} diff --git a/include/thirdparty/less.php/___1.7.0.13/Tree/UnicodeDescriptor.php b/include/thirdparty/less.php/___1.7.0.13/Tree/UnicodeDescriptor.php deleted file mode 100644 index 8c4707e..0000000 --- a/include/thirdparty/less.php/___1.7.0.13/Tree/UnicodeDescriptor.php +++ /dev/null @@ -1,29 +0,0 @@ -value = $value; - } - - /** - * @see Less_Tree::genCSS - */ - public function genCSS( $output ){ - $output->add( $this->value ); - } - - public function compile(){ - return $this; - } -} - diff --git a/include/thirdparty/less.php/___1.7.0.13/Tree/Unit.php b/include/thirdparty/less.php/___1.7.0.13/Tree/Unit.php deleted file mode 100644 index e13b100..0000000 --- a/include/thirdparty/less.php/___1.7.0.13/Tree/Unit.php +++ /dev/null @@ -1,147 +0,0 @@ -numerator = $numerator; - $this->denominator = $denominator; - $this->backupUnit = $backupUnit; - } - - public function __clone(){ - } - - /** - * @see Less_Tree::genCSS - */ - public function genCSS( $output ){ - - if( $this->numerator ){ - $output->add( $this->numerator[0] ); - }elseif( $this->denominator ){ - $output->add( $this->denominator[0] ); - }elseif( !Less_Parser::$options['strictUnits'] && $this->backupUnit ){ - $output->add( $this->backupUnit ); - return ; - } - } - - public function toString(){ - $returnStr = implode('*',$this->numerator); - foreach($this->denominator as $d){ - $returnStr .= '/'.$d; - } - return $returnStr; - } - - public function __toString(){ - return $this->toString(); - } - - - /** - * @param Less_Tree_Unit $other - */ - public function compare($other) { - return $this->is( $other->toString() ) ? 0 : -1; - } - - public function is($unitString){ - return $this->toString() === $unitString; - } - - public function isLength(){ - $css = $this->toCSS(); - return !!preg_match('/px|em|%|in|cm|mm|pc|pt|ex/',$css); - } - - public function isAngle() { - return isset( Less_Tree_UnitConversions::$angle[$this->toCSS()] ); - } - - public function isEmpty(){ - return !$this->numerator && !$this->denominator; - } - - public function isSingular() { - return count($this->numerator) <= 1 && !$this->denominator; - } - - - public function usedUnits(){ - $result = array(); - - foreach(Less_Tree_UnitConversions::$groups as $groupName){ - $group = Less_Tree_UnitConversions::${$groupName}; - - foreach($this->numerator as $atomicUnit){ - if( isset($group[$atomicUnit]) && !isset($result[$groupName]) ){ - $result[$groupName] = $atomicUnit; - } - } - - foreach($this->denominator as $atomicUnit){ - if( isset($group[$atomicUnit]) && !isset($result[$groupName]) ){ - $result[$groupName] = $atomicUnit; - } - } - } - - return $result; - } - - public function cancel(){ - $counter = array(); - $backup = null; - - foreach($this->numerator as $atomicUnit){ - if( !$backup ){ - $backup = $atomicUnit; - } - $counter[$atomicUnit] = ( isset($counter[$atomicUnit]) ? $counter[$atomicUnit] : 0) + 1; - } - - foreach($this->denominator as $atomicUnit){ - if( !$backup ){ - $backup = $atomicUnit; - } - $counter[$atomicUnit] = ( isset($counter[$atomicUnit]) ? $counter[$atomicUnit] : 0) - 1; - } - - $this->numerator = array(); - $this->denominator = array(); - - foreach($counter as $atomicUnit => $count){ - if( $count > 0 ){ - for( $i = 0; $i < $count; $i++ ){ - $this->numerator[] = $atomicUnit; - } - }elseif( $count < 0 ){ - for( $i = 0; $i < -$count; $i++ ){ - $this->denominator[] = $atomicUnit; - } - } - } - - if( !$this->numerator && !$this->denominator && $backup ){ - $this->backupUnit = $backup; - } - - sort($this->numerator); - sort($this->denominator); - } - - -} - diff --git a/include/thirdparty/less.php/___1.7.0.13/Tree/UnitConversions.php b/include/thirdparty/less.php/___1.7.0.13/Tree/UnitConversions.php deleted file mode 100644 index c86b290..0000000 --- a/include/thirdparty/less.php/___1.7.0.13/Tree/UnitConversions.php +++ /dev/null @@ -1,35 +0,0 @@ - 1, - 'cm'=> 0.01, - 'mm'=> 0.001, - 'in'=> 0.0254, - 'px'=> 0.000264583, // 0.0254 / 96, - 'pt'=> 0.000352778, // 0.0254 / 72, - 'pc'=> 0.004233333, // 0.0254 / 72 * 12 - ); - - public static $duration = array( - 's'=> 1, - 'ms'=> 0.001 - ); - - public static $angle = array( - 'rad' => 0.1591549430919, // 1/(2*M_PI), - 'deg' => 0.002777778, // 1/360, - 'grad'=> 0.0025, // 1/400, - 'turn'=> 1 - ); - -} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/include/thirdparty/less.php/___1.7.0.13/Tree/Url.php b/include/thirdparty/less.php/___1.7.0.13/Tree/Url.php deleted file mode 100644 index ef9c3c6..0000000 --- a/include/thirdparty/less.php/___1.7.0.13/Tree/Url.php +++ /dev/null @@ -1,76 +0,0 @@ -value = $value; - $this->currentFileInfo = $currentFileInfo; - $this->isEvald = $isEvald; - } - - public function accept( $visitor ){ - $this->value = $visitor->visitObj($this->value); - } - - /** - * @see Less_Tree::genCSS - */ - public function genCSS( $output ){ - $output->add( 'url(' ); - $this->value->genCSS( $output ); - $output->add( ')' ); - } - - /** - * @param Less_Functions $ctx - */ - public function compile($ctx){ - $val = $this->value->compile($ctx); - - if( !$this->isEvald ){ - // Add the base path if the URL is relative - if( Less_Parser::$options['relativeUrls'] - && $this->currentFileInfo - && is_string($val->value) - && Less_Environment::isPathRelative($val->value) - ){ - $rootpath = $this->currentFileInfo['uri_root']; - if ( !$val->quote ){ - $rootpath = preg_replace('/[\(\)\'"\s]/', '\\$1', $rootpath ); - } - $val->value = $rootpath . $val->value; - } - - $val->value = Less_Environment::normalizePath( $val->value); - } - - // Add cache buster if enabled - if( Less_Parser::$options['urlArgs'] ){ - if( !preg_match('/^\s*data:/',$val->value) ){ - $delimiter = strpos($val->value,'?') === false ? '?' : '&'; - $urlArgs = $delimiter . Less_Parser::$options['urlArgs']; - $hash_pos = strpos($val->value,'#'); - if( $hash_pos !== false ){ - $val->value = substr_replace($val->value,$urlArgs, $hash_pos, 0); - } else { - $val->value .= $urlArgs; - } - } - } - - return new Less_Tree_URL($val, $this->currentFileInfo, true); - } - -} diff --git a/include/thirdparty/less.php/___1.7.0.13/Tree/Value.php b/include/thirdparty/less.php/___1.7.0.13/Tree/Value.php deleted file mode 100644 index 9f077bc..0000000 --- a/include/thirdparty/less.php/___1.7.0.13/Tree/Value.php +++ /dev/null @@ -1,48 +0,0 @@ -value = $value; - } - - public function accept($visitor) { - $this->value = $visitor->visitArray($this->value); - } - - public function compile($env){ - - $ret = array(); - $i = 0; - foreach($this->value as $i => $v){ - $ret[] = $v->compile($env); - } - if( $i > 0 ){ - return new Less_Tree_Value($ret); - } - return $ret[0]; - } - - /** - * @see Less_Tree::genCSS - */ - function genCSS( $output ){ - $len = count($this->value); - for($i = 0; $i < $len; $i++ ){ - $this->value[$i]->genCSS( $output ); - if( $i+1 < $len ){ - $output->add( Less_Environment::$_outputMap[','] ); - } - } - } - -} diff --git a/include/thirdparty/less.php/___1.7.0.13/Tree/Variable.php b/include/thirdparty/less.php/___1.7.0.13/Tree/Variable.php deleted file mode 100644 index cc0182c..0000000 --- a/include/thirdparty/less.php/___1.7.0.13/Tree/Variable.php +++ /dev/null @@ -1,52 +0,0 @@ -name = $name; - $this->index = $index; - $this->currentFileInfo = $currentFileInfo; - } - - public function compile($env) { - - if( $this->name[1] === '@' ){ - $v = new Less_Tree_Variable(substr($this->name, 1), $this->index + 1, $this->currentFileInfo); - $name = '@' . $v->compile($env)->value; - }else{ - $name = $this->name; - } - - if ($this->evaluating) { - throw new Less_Exception_Compiler("Recursive variable definition for " . $name, null, $this->index, $this->currentFileInfo); - } - - $this->evaluating = true; - - foreach($env->frames as $frame){ - if( $v = $frame->variable($name) ){ - $r = $v->value->compile($env); - $this->evaluating = false; - return $r; - } - } - - throw new Less_Exception_Compiler("variable " . $name . " is undefined in file ".$this->currentFileInfo["filename"], null, $this->index, $this->currentFileInfo); - } - -} diff --git a/include/thirdparty/less.php/___1.7.0.13/Version.php b/include/thirdparty/less.php/___1.7.0.13/Version.php deleted file mode 100644 index dceefe5..0000000 --- a/include/thirdparty/less.php/___1.7.0.13/Version.php +++ /dev/null @@ -1,15 +0,0 @@ -_visitFnCache = get_class_methods(get_class($this)); - $this->_visitFnCache = array_flip($this->_visitFnCache); - } - - public function visitObj( $node ){ - - $funcName = 'visit'.$node->type; - if( isset($this->_visitFnCache[$funcName]) ){ - - $visitDeeper = true; - $this->$funcName( $node, $visitDeeper ); - - if( $visitDeeper ){ - $node->accept($this); - } - - $funcName = $funcName . "Out"; - if( isset($this->_visitFnCache[$funcName]) ){ - $this->$funcName( $node ); - } - - }else{ - $node->accept($this); - } - - return $node; - } - - public function visitArray( $nodes ){ - - array_map( array($this,'visitObj'), $nodes); - return $nodes; - } -} - diff --git a/include/thirdparty/less.php/___1.7.0.13/Visitor/extendFinder.php b/include/thirdparty/less.php/___1.7.0.13/Visitor/extendFinder.php deleted file mode 100644 index 22b3aac..0000000 --- a/include/thirdparty/less.php/___1.7.0.13/Visitor/extendFinder.php +++ /dev/null @@ -1,114 +0,0 @@ -contexts = array(); - $this->allExtendsStack = array(array()); - parent::__construct(); - } - - /** - * @param Less_Tree_Ruleset $root - */ - public function run($root){ - $root = $this->visitObj($root); - $root->allExtends =& $this->allExtendsStack[0]; - return $root; - } - - public function visitRule($ruleNode, &$visitDeeper ){ - $visitDeeper = false; - } - - public function visitMixinDefinition( $mixinDefinitionNode, &$visitDeeper ){ - $visitDeeper = false; - } - - public function visitRuleset($rulesetNode){ - - if( $rulesetNode->root ){ - return; - } - - $allSelectorsExtendList = array(); - - // get &:extend(.a); rules which apply to all selectors in this ruleset - if( $rulesetNode->rules ){ - foreach($rulesetNode->rules as $rule){ - if( $rule instanceof Less_Tree_Extend ){ - $allSelectorsExtendList[] = $rule; - $rulesetNode->extendOnEveryPath = true; - } - } - } - - - // now find every selector and apply the extends that apply to all extends - // and the ones which apply to an individual extend - foreach($rulesetNode->paths as $selectorPath){ - $selector = end($selectorPath); //$selectorPath[ count($selectorPath)-1]; - - $j = 0; - foreach($selector->extendList as $extend){ - $this->allExtendsStackPush($rulesetNode, $selectorPath, $extend, $j); - } - foreach($allSelectorsExtendList as $extend){ - $this->allExtendsStackPush($rulesetNode, $selectorPath, $extend, $j); - } - } - - $this->contexts[] = $rulesetNode->selectors; - } - - public function allExtendsStackPush($rulesetNode, $selectorPath, $extend, &$j){ - $this->foundExtends = true; - $extend = clone $extend; - $extend->findSelfSelectors( $selectorPath ); - $extend->ruleset = $rulesetNode; - if( $j === 0 ){ - $extend->firstExtendOnThisSelectorPath = true; - } - - $end_key = count($this->allExtendsStack)-1; - $this->allExtendsStack[$end_key][] = $extend; - $j++; - } - - - public function visitRulesetOut( $rulesetNode ){ - if( !is_object($rulesetNode) || !$rulesetNode->root ){ - array_pop($this->contexts); - } - } - - public function visitMedia( $mediaNode ){ - $mediaNode->allExtends = array(); - $this->allExtendsStack[] =& $mediaNode->allExtends; - } - - public function visitMediaOut(){ - array_pop($this->allExtendsStack); - } - - public function visitDirective( $directiveNode ){ - $directiveNode->allExtends = array(); - $this->allExtendsStack[] =& $directiveNode->allExtends; - } - - public function visitDirectiveOut(){ - array_pop($this->allExtendsStack); - } -} - - diff --git a/include/thirdparty/less.php/___1.7.0.13/Visitor/joinSelector.php b/include/thirdparty/less.php/___1.7.0.13/Visitor/joinSelector.php deleted file mode 100644 index f62af1a..0000000 --- a/include/thirdparty/less.php/___1.7.0.13/Visitor/joinSelector.php +++ /dev/null @@ -1,70 +0,0 @@ -visitObj($root); - } - - public function visitRule( $ruleNode, &$visitDeeper ){ - $visitDeeper = false; - } - - public function visitMixinDefinition( $mixinDefinitionNode, &$visitDeeper ){ - $visitDeeper = false; - } - - public function visitRuleset( $rulesetNode ){ - - $paths = array(); - - if( !$rulesetNode->root ){ - $selectors = array(); - - if( $rulesetNode->selectors && $rulesetNode->selectors ){ - foreach($rulesetNode->selectors as $selector){ - if( $selector->getIsOutput() ){ - $selectors[] = $selector; - } - } - } - - if( !$selectors ){ - $rulesetNode->selectors = null; - $rulesetNode->rules = null; - }else{ - $context = end($this->contexts); //$context = $this->contexts[ count($this->contexts) - 1]; - $paths = $rulesetNode->joinSelectors( $context, $selectors); - } - - $rulesetNode->paths = $paths; - } - - $this->contexts[] = $paths; //different from less.js. Placed after joinSelectors() so that $this->contexts will get correct $paths - } - - public function visitRulesetOut(){ - array_pop($this->contexts); - } - - public function visitMedia($mediaNode) { - $context = end($this->contexts); //$context = $this->contexts[ count($this->contexts) - 1]; - - if( !count($context) || (is_object($context[0]) && $context[0]->multiMedia) ){ - $mediaNode->rules[0]->root = true; - } - } - -} - diff --git a/include/thirdparty/less.php/___1.7.0.13/Visitor/processExtends.php b/include/thirdparty/less.php/___1.7.0.13/Visitor/processExtends.php deleted file mode 100644 index bb5f082..0000000 --- a/include/thirdparty/less.php/___1.7.0.13/Visitor/processExtends.php +++ /dev/null @@ -1,469 +0,0 @@ -run( $root ); - if( !$extendFinder->foundExtends){ - return $root; - } - - $root->allExtends = $this->doExtendChaining( $root->allExtends, $root->allExtends); - - $this->allExtendsStack = array(); - $this->allExtendsStack[] = &$root->allExtends; - - return $this->visitObj( $root ); - } - - private function doExtendChaining( $extendsList, $extendsListTarget, $iterationCount = 0){ - // - // chaining is different from normal extension.. if we extend an extend then we are not just copying, altering and pasting - // the selector we would do normally, but we are also adding an extend with the same target selector - // this means this new extend can then go and alter other extends - // - // this method deals with all the chaining work - without it, extend is flat and doesn't work on other extend selectors - // this is also the most expensive.. and a match on one selector can cause an extension of a selector we had already processed if - // we look at each selector at a time, as is done in visitRuleset - - $extendsToAdd = array(); - - - //loop through comparing every extend with every target extend. - // a target extend is the one on the ruleset we are looking at copy/edit/pasting in place - // e.g. .a:extend(.b) {} and .b:extend(.c) {} then the first extend extends the second one - // and the second is the target. - // the separation into two lists allows us to process a subset of chains with a bigger set, as is the - // case when processing media queries - for( $extendIndex = 0, $extendsList_len = count($extendsList); $extendIndex < $extendsList_len; $extendIndex++ ){ - for( $targetExtendIndex = 0; $targetExtendIndex < count($extendsListTarget); $targetExtendIndex++ ){ - - $extend = $extendsList[$extendIndex]; - $targetExtend = $extendsListTarget[$targetExtendIndex]; - - // look for circular references - if( in_array($targetExtend->object_id, $extend->parent_ids,true) ){ - continue; - } - - // find a match in the target extends self selector (the bit before :extend) - $selectorPath = array( $targetExtend->selfSelectors[0] ); - $matches = $this->findMatch( $extend, $selectorPath); - - - if( $matches ){ - - // we found a match, so for each self selector.. - foreach($extend->selfSelectors as $selfSelector ){ - - - // process the extend as usual - $newSelector = $this->extendSelector( $matches, $selectorPath, $selfSelector); - - // but now we create a new extend from it - $newExtend = new Less_Tree_Extend( $targetExtend->selector, $targetExtend->option, 0); - $newExtend->selfSelectors = $newSelector; - - // add the extend onto the list of extends for that selector - end($newSelector)->extendList = array($newExtend); - //$newSelector[ count($newSelector)-1]->extendList = array($newExtend); - - // record that we need to add it. - $extendsToAdd[] = $newExtend; - $newExtend->ruleset = $targetExtend->ruleset; - - //remember its parents for circular references - $newExtend->parent_ids = array_merge($newExtend->parent_ids,$targetExtend->parent_ids,$extend->parent_ids); - - // only process the selector once.. if we have :extend(.a,.b) then multiple - // extends will look at the same selector path, so when extending - // we know that any others will be duplicates in terms of what is added to the css - if( $targetExtend->firstExtendOnThisSelectorPath ){ - $newExtend->firstExtendOnThisSelectorPath = true; - $targetExtend->ruleset->paths[] = $newSelector; - } - } - } - } - } - - if( $extendsToAdd ){ - // try to detect circular references to stop a stack overflow. - // may no longer be needed. $this->extendChainCount++; - if( $iterationCount > 100) { - - try{ - $selectorOne = $extendsToAdd[0]->selfSelectors[0]->toCSS(); - $selectorTwo = $extendsToAdd[0]->selector->toCSS(); - }catch(Exception $e){ - $selectorOne = "{unable to calculate}"; - $selectorTwo = "{unable to calculate}"; - } - - throw new Less_Exception_Parser("extend circular reference detected. One of the circular extends is currently:" . $selectorOne . ":extend(" . $selectorTwo . ")"); - } - - // now process the new extends on the existing rules so that we can handle a extending b extending c ectending d extending e... - $extendsToAdd = $this->doExtendChaining( $extendsToAdd, $extendsListTarget, $iterationCount+1); - } - - return array_merge($extendsList, $extendsToAdd); - } - - - protected function visitRule( $ruleNode, &$visitDeeper ){ - $visitDeeper = false; - } - - protected function visitMixinDefinition( $mixinDefinitionNode, &$visitDeeper ){ - $visitDeeper = false; - } - - protected function visitSelector( $selectorNode, &$visitDeeper ){ - $visitDeeper = false; - } - - protected function visitRuleset($rulesetNode){ - - - if( $rulesetNode->root ){ - return; - } - - $allExtends = end($this->allExtendsStack); - $paths_len = count($rulesetNode->paths); - - // look at each selector path in the ruleset, find any extend matches and then copy, find and replace - foreach($allExtends as $allExtend){ - for($pathIndex = 0; $pathIndex < $paths_len; $pathIndex++ ){ - - // extending extends happens initially, before the main pass - if( isset($rulesetNode->extendOnEveryPath) && $rulesetNode->extendOnEveryPath ){ - continue; - } - - $selectorPath = $rulesetNode->paths[$pathIndex]; - - if( end($selectorPath)->extendList ){ - continue; - } - - $this->ExtendMatch( $rulesetNode, $allExtend, $selectorPath); - - } - } - } - - - private function ExtendMatch( $rulesetNode, $extend, $selectorPath ){ - $matches = $this->findMatch($extend, $selectorPath); - - if( $matches ){ - foreach($extend->selfSelectors as $selfSelector ){ - $rulesetNode->paths[] = $this->extendSelector($matches, $selectorPath, $selfSelector); - } - } - } - - - - private function findMatch($extend, $haystackSelectorPath ){ - - - if( !$this->HasMatches($extend, $haystackSelectorPath) ){ - return false; - } - - - // - // look through the haystack selector path to try and find the needle - extend.selector - // returns an array of selector matches that can then be replaced - // - $needleElements = $extend->selector->elements; - $potentialMatches = array(); - $potentialMatches_len = 0; - $potentialMatch = null; - $matches = array(); - - - - // loop through the haystack elements - $haystack_path_len = count($haystackSelectorPath); - for($haystackSelectorIndex = 0; $haystackSelectorIndex < $haystack_path_len; $haystackSelectorIndex++ ){ - $hackstackSelector = $haystackSelectorPath[$haystackSelectorIndex]; - - $haystack_elements_len = count($hackstackSelector->elements); - for($hackstackElementIndex = 0; $hackstackElementIndex < $haystack_elements_len; $hackstackElementIndex++ ){ - - $haystackElement = $hackstackSelector->elements[$hackstackElementIndex]; - - // if we allow elements before our match we can add a potential match every time. otherwise only at the first element. - if( $extend->allowBefore || ($haystackSelectorIndex === 0 && $hackstackElementIndex === 0) ){ - $potentialMatches[] = array('pathIndex'=> $haystackSelectorIndex, 'index'=> $hackstackElementIndex, 'matched'=> 0, 'initialCombinator'=> $haystackElement->combinator); - $potentialMatches_len++; - } - - for($i = 0; $i < $potentialMatches_len; $i++ ){ - - $potentialMatch = &$potentialMatches[$i]; - $potentialMatch = $this->PotentialMatch( $potentialMatch, $needleElements, $haystackElement, $hackstackElementIndex ); - - - // if we are still valid and have finished, test whether we have elements after and whether these are allowed - if( $potentialMatch && $potentialMatch['matched'] === $extend->selector->elements_len ){ - $potentialMatch['finished'] = true; - - if( !$extend->allowAfter && ($hackstackElementIndex+1 < $haystack_elements_len || $haystackSelectorIndex+1 < $haystack_path_len) ){ - $potentialMatch = null; - } - } - - // if null we remove, if not, we are still valid, so either push as a valid match or continue - if( $potentialMatch ){ - if( $potentialMatch['finished'] ){ - $potentialMatch['length'] = $extend->selector->elements_len; - $potentialMatch['endPathIndex'] = $haystackSelectorIndex; - $potentialMatch['endPathElementIndex'] = $hackstackElementIndex + 1; // index after end of match - $potentialMatches = array(); // we don't allow matches to overlap, so start matching again - $potentialMatches_len = 0; - $matches[] = $potentialMatch; - } - continue; - } - - array_splice($potentialMatches, $i, 1); - $potentialMatches_len--; - $i--; - } - } - } - - return $matches; - } - - - // Before going through all the nested loops, lets check to see if a match is possible - // Reduces Bootstrap 3.1 compile time from ~6.5s to ~5.6s - private function HasMatches($extend, $haystackSelectorPath){ - - if( !$extend->selector->cacheable ){ - return true; - } - - $first_el = $extend->selector->_oelements[0]; - - foreach($haystackSelectorPath as $hackstackSelector){ - if( !$hackstackSelector->cacheable ){ - return true; - } - - if( in_array($first_el, $hackstackSelector->_oelements) ){ - return true; - } - } - - return false; - } - - - /** - * @param integer $hackstackElementIndex - */ - private function PotentialMatch( $potentialMatch, $needleElements, $haystackElement, $hackstackElementIndex ){ - - - if( $potentialMatch['matched'] > 0 ){ - - // selectors add " " onto the first element. When we use & it joins the selectors together, but if we don't - // then each selector in haystackSelectorPath has a space before it added in the toCSS phase. so we need to work out - // what the resulting combinator will be - $targetCombinator = $haystackElement->combinator; - if( $targetCombinator === '' && $hackstackElementIndex === 0 ){ - $targetCombinator = ' '; - } - - if( $needleElements[ $potentialMatch['matched'] ]->combinator !== $targetCombinator ){ - return null; - } - } - - // if we don't match, null our match to indicate failure - if( !$this->isElementValuesEqual( $needleElements[$potentialMatch['matched'] ]->value, $haystackElement->value) ){ - return null; - } - - $potentialMatch['finished'] = false; - $potentialMatch['matched']++; - - return $potentialMatch; - } - - - private function isElementValuesEqual( $elementValue1, $elementValue2 ){ - - if( $elementValue1 === $elementValue2 ){ - return true; - } - - if( is_string($elementValue1) || is_string($elementValue2) ) { - return false; - } - - if( $elementValue1 instanceof Less_Tree_Attribute ){ - return $this->isAttributeValuesEqual( $elementValue1, $elementValue2 ); - } - - $elementValue1 = $elementValue1->value; - if( $elementValue1 instanceof Less_Tree_Selector ){ - return $this->isSelectorValuesEqual( $elementValue1, $elementValue2 ); - } - - return false; - } - - - /** - * @param Less_Tree_Selector $elementValue1 - */ - private function isSelectorValuesEqual( $elementValue1, $elementValue2 ){ - - $elementValue2 = $elementValue2->value; - if( !($elementValue2 instanceof Less_Tree_Selector) || $elementValue1->elements_len !== $elementValue2->elements_len ){ - return false; - } - - for( $i = 0; $i < $elementValue1->elements_len; $i++ ){ - - if( $elementValue1->elements[$i]->combinator !== $elementValue2->elements[$i]->combinator ){ - if( $i !== 0 || ($elementValue1->elements[$i]->combinator || ' ') !== ($elementValue2->elements[$i]->combinator || ' ') ){ - return false; - } - } - - if( !$this->isElementValuesEqual($elementValue1->elements[$i]->value, $elementValue2->elements[$i]->value) ){ - return false; - } - } - - return true; - } - - - /** - * @param Less_Tree_Attribute $elementValue1 - */ - private function isAttributeValuesEqual( $elementValue1, $elementValue2 ){ - - if( $elementValue1->op !== $elementValue2->op || $elementValue1->key !== $elementValue2->key ){ - return false; - } - - if( !$elementValue1->value || !$elementValue2->value ){ - if( $elementValue1->value || $elementValue2->value ) { - return false; - } - return true; - } - - $elementValue1 = ($elementValue1->value->value ? $elementValue1->value->value : $elementValue1->value ); - $elementValue2 = ($elementValue2->value->value ? $elementValue2->value->value : $elementValue2->value ); - - return $elementValue1 === $elementValue2; - } - - - private function extendSelector($matches, $selectorPath, $replacementSelector){ - - //for a set of matches, replace each match with the replacement selector - - $currentSelectorPathIndex = 0; - $currentSelectorPathElementIndex = 0; - $path = array(); - $selectorPath_len = count($selectorPath); - - for($matchIndex = 0, $matches_len = count($matches); $matchIndex < $matches_len; $matchIndex++ ){ - - - $match = $matches[$matchIndex]; - $selector = $selectorPath[ $match['pathIndex'] ]; - - $firstElement = new Less_Tree_Element( - $match['initialCombinator'], - $replacementSelector->elements[0]->value, - $replacementSelector->elements[0]->index, - $replacementSelector->elements[0]->currentFileInfo - ); - - if( $match['pathIndex'] > $currentSelectorPathIndex && $currentSelectorPathElementIndex > 0 ){ - $last_path = end($path); - $last_path->elements = array_merge( $last_path->elements, array_slice( $selectorPath[$currentSelectorPathIndex]->elements, $currentSelectorPathElementIndex)); - $currentSelectorPathElementIndex = 0; - $currentSelectorPathIndex++; - } - - $newElements = array_merge( - array_slice($selector->elements, $currentSelectorPathElementIndex, ($match['index'] - $currentSelectorPathElementIndex) ) // last parameter of array_slice is different than the last parameter of javascript's slice - , array($firstElement) - , array_slice($replacementSelector->elements,1) - ); - - if( $currentSelectorPathIndex === $match['pathIndex'] && $matchIndex > 0 ){ - $last_key = count($path)-1; - $path[$last_key]->elements = array_merge($path[$last_key]->elements,$newElements); - }else{ - $path = array_merge( $path, array_slice( $selectorPath, $currentSelectorPathIndex, $match['pathIndex'] )); - $path[] = new Less_Tree_Selector( $newElements ); - } - - $currentSelectorPathIndex = $match['endPathIndex']; - $currentSelectorPathElementIndex = $match['endPathElementIndex']; - if( $currentSelectorPathElementIndex >= count($selectorPath[$currentSelectorPathIndex]->elements) ){ - $currentSelectorPathElementIndex = 0; - $currentSelectorPathIndex++; - } - } - - if( $currentSelectorPathIndex < $selectorPath_len && $currentSelectorPathElementIndex > 0 ){ - $last_path = end($path); - $last_path->elements = array_merge( $last_path->elements, array_slice($selectorPath[$currentSelectorPathIndex]->elements, $currentSelectorPathElementIndex)); - $currentSelectorPathIndex++; - } - - $slice_len = $selectorPath_len - $currentSelectorPathIndex; - $path = array_merge($path, array_slice($selectorPath, $currentSelectorPathIndex, $slice_len)); - - return $path; - } - - - protected function visitMedia( $mediaNode ){ - $newAllExtends = array_merge( $mediaNode->allExtends, end($this->allExtendsStack) ); - $this->allExtendsStack[] = $this->doExtendChaining($newAllExtends, $mediaNode->allExtends); - } - - protected function visitMediaOut(){ - array_pop( $this->allExtendsStack ); - } - - protected function visitDirective( $directiveNode ){ - $newAllExtends = array_merge( $directiveNode->allExtends, end($this->allExtendsStack) ); - $this->allExtendsStack[] = $this->doExtendChaining($newAllExtends, $directiveNode->allExtends); - } - - protected function visitDirectiveOut(){ - array_pop($this->allExtendsStack); - } - -} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/include/thirdparty/less.php/___1.7.0.13/Visitor/toCSS.php b/include/thirdparty/less.php/___1.7.0.13/Visitor/toCSS.php deleted file mode 100644 index 8aaca96..0000000 --- a/include/thirdparty/less.php/___1.7.0.13/Visitor/toCSS.php +++ /dev/null @@ -1,292 +0,0 @@ -visitObj($root); - } - - public function visitRule( $ruleNode ){ - if( $ruleNode->variable ){ - return array(); - } - return $ruleNode; - } - - public function visitMixinDefinition($mixinNode){ - // mixin definitions do not get eval'd - this means they keep state - // so we have to clear that state here so it isn't used if toCSS is called twice - $mixinNode->frames = array(); - return array(); - } - - public function visitExtend(){ - return array(); - } - - public function visitComment( $commentNode ){ - if( $commentNode->isSilent() ){ - return array(); - } - return $commentNode; - } - - public function visitMedia( $mediaNode, &$visitDeeper ){ - $mediaNode->accept($this); - $visitDeeper = false; - - if( !$mediaNode->rules ){ - return array(); - } - return $mediaNode; - } - - public function visitDirective( $directiveNode ){ - if( isset($directiveNode->currentFileInfo['reference']) && (!property_exists($directiveNode,'isReferenced') || !$directiveNode->isReferenced) ){ - return array(); - } - if( $directiveNode->name === '@charset' ){ - // Only output the debug info together with subsequent @charset definitions - // a comment (or @media statement) before the actual @charset directive would - // be considered illegal css as it has to be on the first line - if( isset($this->charset) && $this->charset ){ - - //if( $directiveNode->debugInfo ){ - // $comment = new Less_Tree_Comment('/* ' . str_replace("\n",'',$directiveNode->toCSS())." */\n"); - // $comment->debugInfo = $directiveNode->debugInfo; - // return $this->visit($comment); - //} - - - return array(); - } - $this->charset = true; - } - return $directiveNode; - } - - public function checkPropertiesInRoot( $rulesetNode ){ - - if( !$rulesetNode->firstRoot ){ - return; - } - - foreach($rulesetNode->rules as $ruleNode){ - if( $ruleNode instanceof Less_Tree_Rule && !$ruleNode->variable ){ - $msg = "properties must be inside selector blocks, they cannot be in the root. Index ".$ruleNode->index.($ruleNode->currentFileInfo ? (' Filename: '.$ruleNode->currentFileInfo['filename']) : null); - throw new Less_Exception_Compiler($msg); - } - } - } - - - public function visitRuleset( $rulesetNode, &$visitDeeper ){ - - $visitDeeper = false; - - $this->checkPropertiesInRoot( $rulesetNode ); - - if( $rulesetNode->root ){ - return $this->visitRulesetRoot( $rulesetNode ); - } - - $rulesets = array(); - $rulesetNode->paths = $this->visitRulesetPaths($rulesetNode); - - - // Compile rules and rulesets - $nodeRuleCnt = $rulesetNode->rules?count($rulesetNode->rules):0; - for( $i = 0; $i < $nodeRuleCnt; ){ - $rule = $rulesetNode->rules[$i]; - - if( property_exists($rule,'rules') ){ - // visit because we are moving them out from being a child - $rulesets[] = $this->visitObj($rule); - array_splice($rulesetNode->rules,$i,1); - $nodeRuleCnt--; - continue; - } - $i++; - } - - - // accept the visitor to remove rules and refactor itself - // then we can decide now whether we want it or not - if( $nodeRuleCnt > 0 ){ - $rulesetNode->accept($this); - - if( $rulesetNode->rules ){ - - if( count($rulesetNode->rules) > 1 ){ - $this->_mergeRules( $rulesetNode->rules ); - $this->_removeDuplicateRules( $rulesetNode->rules ); - } - - // now decide whether we keep the ruleset - if( $rulesetNode->paths ){ - //array_unshift($rulesets, $rulesetNode); - array_splice($rulesets,0,0,array($rulesetNode)); - } - } - - } - - - if( count($rulesets) === 1 ){ - return $rulesets[0]; - } - return $rulesets; - } - - - /** - * Helper function for visitiRuleset - * - * return array|Less_Tree_Ruleset - */ - private function visitRulesetRoot( $rulesetNode ){ - $rulesetNode->accept( $this ); - if( $rulesetNode->firstRoot || $rulesetNode->rules ){ - return $rulesetNode; - } - return array(); - } - - - /** - * Helper function for visitRuleset() - * - * @return array - */ - private function visitRulesetPaths($rulesetNode){ - - $paths = array(); - foreach($rulesetNode->paths as $p){ - if( $p[0]->elements[0]->combinator === ' ' ){ - $p[0]->elements[0]->combinator = ''; - } - - foreach($p as $pi){ - if( $pi->getIsReferenced() && $pi->getIsOutput() ){ - $paths[] = $p; - break; - } - } - } - - return $paths; - } - - protected function _removeDuplicateRules( &$rules ){ - // remove duplicates - $ruleCache = array(); - for( $i = count($rules)-1; $i >= 0 ; $i-- ){ - $rule = $rules[$i]; - if( $rule instanceof Less_Tree_Rule || $rule instanceof Less_Tree_NameValue ){ - - if( !isset($ruleCache[$rule->name]) ){ - $ruleCache[$rule->name] = $rule; - }else{ - $ruleList =& $ruleCache[$rule->name]; - - if( $ruleList instanceof Less_Tree_Rule || $ruleList instanceof Less_Tree_NameValue ){ - $ruleList = $ruleCache[$rule->name] = array( $ruleCache[$rule->name]->toCSS() ); - } - - $ruleCSS = $rule->toCSS(); - if( array_search($ruleCSS,$ruleList) !== false ){ - array_splice($rules,$i,1); - }else{ - $ruleList[] = $ruleCSS; - } - } - } - } - } - - protected function _mergeRules( &$rules ){ - $groups = array(); - - //obj($rules); - - $rules_len = count($rules); - for( $i = 0; $i < $rules_len; $i++ ){ - $rule = $rules[$i]; - - if( ($rule instanceof Less_Tree_Rule) && $rule->merge ){ - - $key = $rule->name; - if( $rule->important ){ - $key .= ',!'; - } - - if( !isset($groups[$key]) ){ - $groups[$key] = array(); - }else{ - array_splice($rules, $i--, 1); - $rules_len--; - } - - $groups[$key][] = $rule; - } - } - - - foreach($groups as $parts){ - - if( count($parts) > 1 ){ - $rule = $parts[0]; - $spacedGroups = array(); - $lastSpacedGroup = array(); - $parts_mapped = array(); - foreach($parts as $p){ - if( $p->merge === '+' ){ - if( $lastSpacedGroup ){ - $spacedGroups[] = self::toExpression($lastSpacedGroup); - } - $lastSpacedGroup = array(); - } - $lastSpacedGroup[] = $p; - } - - $spacedGroups[] = self::toExpression($lastSpacedGroup); - $rule->value = self::toValue($spacedGroups); - } - } - - } - - public static function toExpression($values){ - $mapped = array(); - foreach($values as $p){ - $mapped[] = $p->value; - } - return new Less_Tree_Expression( $mapped ); - } - - public static function toValue($values){ - //return new Less_Tree_Value($values); ?? - - $mapped = array(); - foreach($values as $p){ - $mapped[] = $p; - } - return new Less_Tree_Value($mapped); - } -} - diff --git a/include/thirdparty/less.php/___1.7.0.13/VisitorReplacing.php b/include/thirdparty/less.php/___1.7.0.13/VisitorReplacing.php deleted file mode 100644 index 5923170..0000000 --- a/include/thirdparty/less.php/___1.7.0.13/VisitorReplacing.php +++ /dev/null @@ -1,75 +0,0 @@ -type; - if( isset($this->_visitFnCache[$funcName]) ){ - - $visitDeeper = true; - $node = $this->$funcName( $node, $visitDeeper ); - - if( $node ){ - if( $visitDeeper && is_object($node) ){ - $node->accept($this); - } - - $funcName = $funcName . "Out"; - if( isset($this->_visitFnCache[$funcName]) ){ - $this->$funcName( $node ); - } - } - - }else{ - $node->accept($this); - } - - return $node; - } - - public function visitArray( $nodes ){ - - $newNodes = array(); - foreach($nodes as $node){ - $evald = $this->visitObj($node); - if( $evald ){ - if( is_array($evald) ){ - self::flatten($evald,$newNodes); - }else{ - $newNodes[] = $evald; - } - } - } - return $newNodes; - } - - public function flatten( $arr, &$out ){ - - foreach($arr as $item){ - if( !is_array($item) ){ - $out[] = $item; - continue; - } - - foreach($item as $nestedItem){ - if( is_array($nestedItem) ){ - self::flatten( $nestedItem, $out); - }else{ - $out[] = $nestedItem; - } - } - } - - return $out; - } - -} - - diff --git a/include/thirdparty/less.php/___1.7.0.13/.easymin/ignore_prefixes b/include/thirdparty/less.php/____4.0.0/.easymin/ignore_prefixes similarity index 100% rename from include/thirdparty/less.php/___1.7.0.13/.easymin/ignore_prefixes rename to include/thirdparty/less.php/____4.0.0/.easymin/ignore_prefixes diff --git a/include/thirdparty/less.php/____4.0.0/Autoloader.php b/include/thirdparty/less.php/____4.0.0/Autoloader.php new file mode 100644 index 0000000..a4f7a4a --- /dev/null +++ b/include/thirdparty/less.php/____4.0.0/Autoloader.php @@ -0,0 +1,57 @@ + '/' ]; + } + + // generate name for compiled css file + $hash = md5( json_encode( $less_files ) ); + $list_file = self::$cache_dir . self::$prefix . $hash . '.list'; + + // check cached content + if ( !isset( $parser_options['use_cache'] ) || $parser_options['use_cache'] === true ) { + if ( file_exists( $list_file ) ) { + + self::ListFiles( $list_file, $list, $cached_name ); + $compiled_name = self::CompiledName( $list, $hash ); + + // if $cached_name is the same as the $compiled name, don't regenerate + if ( !$cached_name || $cached_name === $compiled_name ) { + + $output_file = self::OutputFile( $compiled_name, $parser_options ); + + if ( $output_file && file_exists( $output_file ) ) { + @touch( $list_file ); + return basename( $output_file ); // for backwards compatibility, we just return the name of the file + } + } + } + } + + $compiled = self::Cache( $less_files, $parser_options ); + if ( !$compiled ) { + return false; + } + + $compiled_name = self::CompiledName( $less_files, $hash ); + $output_file = self::OutputFile( $compiled_name, $parser_options ); + + // save the file list + $list = $less_files; + $list[] = $compiled_name; + $cache = implode( "\n", $list ); + file_put_contents( $list_file, $cache ); + + // save the css + file_put_contents( $output_file, $compiled ); + + // clean up + self::CleanCache(); + + return basename( $output_file ); + } + + /** + * Force the compiler to regenerate the cached css file + * + * @param array $less_files Array of .less files to compile + * @param array $parser_options Array of compiler options + * @param array $modify_vars Array of variables + * @return string Name of the css file + */ + public static function Regen( $less_files, $parser_options = [], $modify_vars = [] ) { + $parser_options['use_cache'] = false; + return self::Get( $less_files, $parser_options, $modify_vars ); + } + + public static function Cache( &$less_files, $parser_options = [] ) { + $parser_options['cache_dir'] = self::$cache_dir; + $parser = new Less_Parser( $parser_options ); + + // combine files + foreach ( $less_files as $file_path => $uri_or_less ) { + + // treat as less markup if there are newline characters + if ( strpos( $uri_or_less, "\n" ) !== false ) { + $parser->Parse( $uri_or_less ); + continue; + } + + $parser->ParseFile( $file_path, $uri_or_less ); + } + + $compiled = $parser->getCss(); + + $less_files = $parser->allParsedFiles(); + + return $compiled; + } + + private static function OutputFile( $compiled_name, $parser_options ) { + // custom output file + if ( !empty( $parser_options['output'] ) ) { + + // relative to cache directory? + if ( preg_match( '#[\\\\/]#', $parser_options['output'] ) ) { + return $parser_options['output']; + } + + return self::$cache_dir . $parser_options['output']; + } + + return self::$cache_dir . $compiled_name; + } + + private static function CompiledName( $files, $extrahash ) { + // save the file list + $temp = [ Less_Version::cache_version ]; + foreach ( $files as $file ) { + $temp[] = filemtime( $file ) . "\t" . filesize( $file ) . "\t" . $file; + } + + return self::$prefix . sha1( json_encode( $temp ) . $extrahash ) . '.css'; + } + + public static function SetCacheDir( $dir ) { + self::$cache_dir = $dir; + self::CheckCacheDir(); + } + + public static function CheckCacheDir() { + self::$cache_dir = str_replace( '\\', '/', self::$cache_dir ); + self::$cache_dir = rtrim( self::$cache_dir, '/' ) . '/'; + + if ( !file_exists( self::$cache_dir ) ) { + if ( !mkdir( self::$cache_dir ) ) { + throw new Less_Exception_Parser( 'Less.php cache directory couldn\'t be created: ' . self::$cache_dir ); + } + + } elseif ( !is_dir( self::$cache_dir ) ) { + throw new Less_Exception_Parser( 'Less.php cache directory doesn\'t exist: ' . self::$cache_dir ); + + } elseif ( !is_writable( self::$cache_dir ) ) { + throw new Less_Exception_Parser( 'Less.php cache directory isn\'t writable: ' . self::$cache_dir ); + + } + } + + /** + * Delete unused less.php files + */ + public static function CleanCache() { + static $clean = false; + + if ( $clean || empty( self::$cache_dir ) ) { + return; + } + + $clean = true; + + // only remove files with extensions created by less.php + // css files removed based on the list files + $remove_types = [ 'lesscache' => 1,'list' => 1,'less' => 1,'map' => 1 ]; + + $files = scandir( self::$cache_dir ); + if ( !$files ) { + return; + } + + $check_time = time() - self::$gc_lifetime; + foreach ( $files as $file ) { + + // don't delete if the file wasn't created with less.php + if ( strpos( $file, self::$prefix ) !== 0 ) { + continue; + } + + $parts = explode( '.', $file ); + $type = array_pop( $parts ); + + if ( !isset( $remove_types[$type] ) ) { + continue; + } + + $full_path = self::$cache_dir . $file; + $mtime = filemtime( $full_path ); + + // don't delete if it's a relatively new file + if ( $mtime > $check_time ) { + continue; + } + + // delete the list file and associated css file + if ( $type === 'list' ) { + self::ListFiles( $full_path, $list, $css_file_name ); + if ( $css_file_name ) { + $css_file = self::$cache_dir . $css_file_name; + if ( file_exists( $css_file ) ) { + unlink( $css_file ); + } + } + } + + unlink( $full_path ); + } + } + + /** + * Get the list of less files and generated css file from a list file + */ + static function ListFiles( $list_file, &$list, &$css_file_name ) { + $list = explode( "\n", file_get_contents( $list_file ) ); + + // pop the cached name that should match $compiled_name + $css_file_name = array_pop( $list ); + + if ( !preg_match( '/^' . self::$prefix . '[a-f0-9]+\.css$/', $css_file_name ) ) { + $list[] = $css_file_name; + $css_file_name = false; + } + } + +} diff --git a/include/thirdparty/less.php/____4.0.0/Colors.php b/include/thirdparty/less.php/____4.0.0/Colors.php new file mode 100644 index 0000000..2f715c2 --- /dev/null +++ b/include/thirdparty/less.php/____4.0.0/Colors.php @@ -0,0 +1,176 @@ + '#f0f8ff', + 'antiquewhite' => '#faebd7', + 'aqua' => '#00ffff', + 'aquamarine' => '#7fffd4', + 'azure' => '#f0ffff', + 'beige' => '#f5f5dc', + 'bisque' => '#ffe4c4', + 'black' => '#000000', + 'blanchedalmond' => '#ffebcd', + 'blue' => '#0000ff', + 'blueviolet' => '#8a2be2', + 'brown' => '#a52a2a', + 'burlywood' => '#deb887', + 'cadetblue' => '#5f9ea0', + 'chartreuse' => '#7fff00', + 'chocolate' => '#d2691e', + 'coral' => '#ff7f50', + 'cornflowerblue' => '#6495ed', + 'cornsilk' => '#fff8dc', + 'crimson' => '#dc143c', + 'cyan' => '#00ffff', + 'darkblue' => '#00008b', + 'darkcyan' => '#008b8b', + 'darkgoldenrod' => '#b8860b', + 'darkgray' => '#a9a9a9', + 'darkgrey' => '#a9a9a9', + 'darkgreen' => '#006400', + 'darkkhaki' => '#bdb76b', + 'darkmagenta' => '#8b008b', + 'darkolivegreen' => '#556b2f', + 'darkorange' => '#ff8c00', + 'darkorchid' => '#9932cc', + 'darkred' => '#8b0000', + 'darksalmon' => '#e9967a', + 'darkseagreen' => '#8fbc8f', + 'darkslateblue' => '#483d8b', + 'darkslategray' => '#2f4f4f', + 'darkslategrey' => '#2f4f4f', + 'darkturquoise' => '#00ced1', + 'darkviolet' => '#9400d3', + 'deeppink' => '#ff1493', + 'deepskyblue' => '#00bfff', + 'dimgray' => '#696969', + 'dimgrey' => '#696969', + 'dodgerblue' => '#1e90ff', + 'firebrick' => '#b22222', + 'floralwhite' => '#fffaf0', + 'forestgreen' => '#228b22', + 'fuchsia' => '#ff00ff', + 'gainsboro' => '#dcdcdc', + 'ghostwhite' => '#f8f8ff', + 'gold' => '#ffd700', + 'goldenrod' => '#daa520', + 'gray' => '#808080', + 'grey' => '#808080', + 'green' => '#008000', + 'greenyellow' => '#adff2f', + 'honeydew' => '#f0fff0', + 'hotpink' => '#ff69b4', + 'indianred' => '#cd5c5c', + 'indigo' => '#4b0082', + 'ivory' => '#fffff0', + 'khaki' => '#f0e68c', + 'lavender' => '#e6e6fa', + 'lavenderblush' => '#fff0f5', + 'lawngreen' => '#7cfc00', + 'lemonchiffon' => '#fffacd', + 'lightblue' => '#add8e6', + 'lightcoral' => '#f08080', + 'lightcyan' => '#e0ffff', + 'lightgoldenrodyellow' => '#fafad2', + 'lightgray' => '#d3d3d3', + 'lightgrey' => '#d3d3d3', + 'lightgreen' => '#90ee90', + 'lightpink' => '#ffb6c1', + 'lightsalmon' => '#ffa07a', + 'lightseagreen' => '#20b2aa', + 'lightskyblue' => '#87cefa', + 'lightslategray' => '#778899', + 'lightslategrey' => '#778899', + 'lightsteelblue' => '#b0c4de', + 'lightyellow' => '#ffffe0', + 'lime' => '#00ff00', + 'limegreen' => '#32cd32', + 'linen' => '#faf0e6', + 'magenta' => '#ff00ff', + 'maroon' => '#800000', + 'mediumaquamarine' => '#66cdaa', + 'mediumblue' => '#0000cd', + 'mediumorchid' => '#ba55d3', + 'mediumpurple' => '#9370d8', + 'mediumseagreen' => '#3cb371', + 'mediumslateblue' => '#7b68ee', + 'mediumspringgreen' => '#00fa9a', + 'mediumturquoise' => '#48d1cc', + 'mediumvioletred' => '#c71585', + 'midnightblue' => '#191970', + 'mintcream' => '#f5fffa', + 'mistyrose' => '#ffe4e1', + 'moccasin' => '#ffe4b5', + 'navajowhite' => '#ffdead', + 'navy' => '#000080', + 'oldlace' => '#fdf5e6', + 'olive' => '#808000', + 'olivedrab' => '#6b8e23', + 'orange' => '#ffa500', + 'orangered' => '#ff4500', + 'orchid' => '#da70d6', + 'palegoldenrod' => '#eee8aa', + 'palegreen' => '#98fb98', + 'paleturquoise' => '#afeeee', + 'palevioletred' => '#d87093', + 'papayawhip' => '#ffefd5', + 'peachpuff' => '#ffdab9', + 'peru' => '#cd853f', + 'pink' => '#ffc0cb', + 'plum' => '#dda0dd', + 'powderblue' => '#b0e0e6', + 'purple' => '#800080', + 'red' => '#ff0000', + 'rosybrown' => '#bc8f8f', + 'royalblue' => '#4169e1', + 'saddlebrown' => '#8b4513', + 'salmon' => '#fa8072', + 'sandybrown' => '#f4a460', + 'seagreen' => '#2e8b57', + 'seashell' => '#fff5ee', + 'sienna' => '#a0522d', + 'silver' => '#c0c0c0', + 'skyblue' => '#87ceeb', + 'slateblue' => '#6a5acd', + 'slategray' => '#708090', + 'slategrey' => '#708090', + 'snow' => '#fffafa', + 'springgreen' => '#00ff7f', + 'steelblue' => '#4682b4', + 'tan' => '#d2b48c', + 'teal' => '#008080', + 'thistle' => '#d8bfd8', + 'tomato' => '#ff6347', + 'turquoise' => '#40e0d0', + 'violet' => '#ee82ee', + 'wheat' => '#f5deb3', + 'white' => '#ffffff', + 'whitesmoke' => '#f5f5f5', + 'yellow' => '#ffff00', + 'yellowgreen' => '#9acd32', + ]; + + /** + * @param string $color + * @return bool + */ + public static function hasOwnProperty( string $color ): bool { + return isset( self::COLORS[$color] ); + } + + /** + * @param string $color Should be an existing color name, + * checked via hasOwnProperty() + * @return string the corresponding hexadecimal representation + */ + public static function color( string $color ): string { + return self::COLORS[$color]; + } + +} diff --git a/include/thirdparty/less.php/___1.7.0.13/Configurable.php b/include/thirdparty/less.php/____4.0.0/Configurable.php similarity index 61% rename from include/thirdparty/less.php/___1.7.0.13/Configurable.php rename to include/thirdparty/less.php/____4.0.0/Configurable.php index aa7fd3e..ec16d80 100644 --- a/include/thirdparty/less.php/___1.7.0.13/Configurable.php +++ b/include/thirdparty/less.php/____4.0.0/Configurable.php @@ -1,10 +1,6 @@ defaultOptions); - $this->options = array_merge($this->defaultOptions, $this->options, $options); + public function setOptions( $options ) { + $options = array_intersect_key( $options, $this->defaultOptions ); + $this->options = array_merge( $this->defaultOptions, $this->options, $options ); } - /** * Get an option value by name * @@ -48,22 +40,21 @@ abstract class Less_Configurable { * @param mixed $default Default value if confiuration of $name is not present * @return mixed */ - public function getOption($name, $default = null){ - if(isset($this->options[$name])){ + public function getOption( $name, $default = null ) { + if ( isset( $this->options[$name] ) ) { return $this->options[$name]; } return $default; } - /** * Set an option * * @param string $name * @param mixed $value */ - public function setOption($name, $value){ + public function setOption( $name, $value ) { $this->options[$name] = $value; } -} \ No newline at end of file +} diff --git a/include/thirdparty/less.php/____4.0.0/Environment.php b/include/thirdparty/less.php/____4.0.0/Environment.php new file mode 100644 index 0000000..54d3f4b --- /dev/null +++ b/include/thirdparty/less.php/____4.0.0/Environment.php @@ -0,0 +1,167 @@ + ',', + ': ' => ':', + '' => '', + ' ' => ' ', + ':' => ' :', + '+' => '+', + '~' => '~', + '>' => '>', + '|' => '|', + '^' => '^', + '^^' => '^^' + ]; + + } else { + + self::$_outputMap = [ + ',' => ', ', + ': ' => ': ', + '' => '', + ' ' => ' ', + ':' => ' :', + '+' => ' + ', + '~' => ' ~ ', + '>' => ' > ', + '|' => '|', + '^' => ' ^ ', + '^^' => ' ^^ ' + ]; + + } + } + + public function copyEvalEnv( $frames = [] ) { + $new_env = new Less_Environment(); + $new_env->frames = $frames; + return $new_env; + } + + /** + * @return bool + * @see Eval.prototype.isMathOn in less.js 3.0.0 https://github.com/less/less.js/blob/v3.0.0/dist/less.js#L1007 + */ + public static function isMathOn() { + if ( !self::$mathOn ) { + return false; + } + return !Less_Parser::$options['strictMath'] || self::$parensStack; + } + + /** + * @param string $path + * @return bool + * @see less-2.5.3.js#Eval.isPathRelative + */ + public static function isPathRelative( $path ) { + return !preg_match( '/^(?:[a-z-]+:|\/|#)/', $path ); + } + + /** + * Canonicalize a path by resolving references to '/./', '/../' + * Does not remove leading "../" + * @param string $path or url + * @return string Canonicalized path + */ + public static function normalizePath( $path ) { + $segments = explode( '/', $path ); + $segments = array_reverse( $segments ); + + $path = []; + $path_len = 0; + + while ( $segments ) { + $segment = array_pop( $segments ); + switch ( $segment ) { + + case '.': + break; + + case '..': + // @phan-suppress-next-line PhanTypeInvalidDimOffset False positive + if ( !$path_len || ( $path[$path_len - 1] === '..' ) ) { + $path[] = $segment; + $path_len++; + } else { + array_pop( $path ); + $path_len--; + } + break; + + default: + $path[] = $segment; + $path_len++; + break; + } + } + + return implode( '/', $path ); + } + + public function unshiftFrame( $frame ) { + array_unshift( $this->frames, $frame ); + } + + public function shiftFrame() { + return array_shift( $this->frames ); + } + +} diff --git a/include/thirdparty/less.php/____4.0.0/Exception/Chunk.php b/include/thirdparty/less.php/____4.0.0/Exception/Chunk.php new file mode 100644 index 0000000..8071eb8 --- /dev/null +++ b/include/thirdparty/less.php/____4.0.0/Exception/Chunk.php @@ -0,0 +1,199 @@ +message = 'ParseError: Unexpected input'; // default message + + $this->index = $index; + + $this->currentFile = $currentFile; + + $this->input = $input; + $this->input_len = strlen( $input ); + + $this->Chunks(); + $this->genMessage(); + } + + /** + * See less.js chunks() + * We don't actually need the chunks + */ + protected function Chunks() { + $level = 0; + $parenLevel = 0; + $lastMultiCommentEndBrace = null; + $lastOpening = null; + $lastMultiComment = null; + $lastParen = null; + + for ( $this->parserCurrentIndex = 0; $this->parserCurrentIndex < $this->input_len; $this->parserCurrentIndex++ ) { + $cc = $this->CharCode( $this->parserCurrentIndex ); + if ( ( ( $cc >= 97 ) && ( $cc <= 122 ) ) || ( $cc < 34 ) ) { + // a-z or whitespace + continue; + } + + switch ( $cc ) { + + // ( + case 40: + $parenLevel++; + $lastParen = $this->parserCurrentIndex; + break; + + // ) + case 41: + $parenLevel--; + if ( $parenLevel < 0 ) { + return $this->fail( "missing opening `(`" ); + } + break; + + // ; + case 59: + // if (!$parenLevel) { $this->emitChunk(); } + break; + + // { + case 123: + $level++; + $lastOpening = $this->parserCurrentIndex; + break; + + // } + case 125: + $level--; + if ( $level < 0 ) { + return $this->fail( "missing opening `{`" ); + + } + // if (!$level && !$parenLevel) { $this->emitChunk(); } + break; + // \ + case 92: + if ( $this->parserCurrentIndex < $this->input_len - 1 ) { + $this->parserCurrentIndex++; + break; + } + return $this->fail( "unescaped `\\`" ); + + // ", ' and ` + case 34: + case 39: + case 96: + $matched = 0; + $currentChunkStartIndex = $this->parserCurrentIndex; + for ( $this->parserCurrentIndex += 1; $this->parserCurrentIndex < $this->input_len; $this->parserCurrentIndex++ ) { + $cc2 = $this->CharCode( $this->parserCurrentIndex ); + if ( $cc2 > 96 ) { continue; + } + if ( $cc2 == $cc ) { $matched = 1; +break; + } + if ( $cc2 == 92 ) { // \ + if ( $this->parserCurrentIndex == $this->input_len - 1 ) { + return $this->fail( "unescaped `\\`" ); + } + $this->parserCurrentIndex++; + } + } + if ( $matched ) { break; + } + return $this->fail( "unmatched `" . chr( $cc ) . "`", $currentChunkStartIndex ); + + // /, check for comment + case 47: + if ( $parenLevel || ( $this->parserCurrentIndex == $this->input_len - 1 ) ) { break; + } + $cc2 = $this->CharCode( $this->parserCurrentIndex + 1 ); + if ( $cc2 == 47 ) { + // //, find lnfeed + for ( $this->parserCurrentIndex += 2; $this->parserCurrentIndex < $this->input_len; $this->parserCurrentIndex++ ) { + $cc2 = $this->CharCode( $this->parserCurrentIndex ); + if ( ( $cc2 <= 13 ) && ( ( $cc2 == 10 ) || ( $cc2 == 13 ) ) ) { break; + } + } + } elseif ( $cc2 == 42 ) { + // /*, find */ + $lastMultiComment = $currentChunkStartIndex = $this->parserCurrentIndex; + for ( $this->parserCurrentIndex += 2; $this->parserCurrentIndex < $this->input_len - 1; $this->parserCurrentIndex++ ) { + $cc2 = $this->CharCode( $this->parserCurrentIndex ); + if ( $cc2 == 125 ) { $lastMultiCommentEndBrace = $this->parserCurrentIndex; + } + if ( $cc2 != 42 ) { continue; + } + if ( $this->CharCode( $this->parserCurrentIndex + 1 ) == 47 ) { break; + } + } + if ( $this->parserCurrentIndex == $this->input_len - 1 ) { + return $this->fail( "missing closing `*/`", $currentChunkStartIndex ); + } + } + break; + + // *, check for unmatched */ + case 42: + if ( ( $this->parserCurrentIndex < $this->input_len - 1 ) && ( $this->CharCode( $this->parserCurrentIndex + 1 ) == 47 ) ) { + return $this->fail( "unmatched `/*`" ); + } + break; + } + } + + if ( $level !== 0 ) { + if ( ( $lastMultiComment > $lastOpening ) && ( $lastMultiCommentEndBrace > $lastMultiComment ) ) { + return $this->fail( "missing closing `}` or `*/`", $lastOpening ); + } else { + return $this->fail( "missing closing `}`", $lastOpening ); + } + } elseif ( $parenLevel !== 0 ) { + return $this->fail( "missing closing `)`", $lastParen ); + } + + // chunk didn't fail + + //$this->emitChunk(true); + } + + public function CharCode( $pos ) { + return ord( $this->input[$pos] ); + } + + public function fail( $msg, $index = null ) { + if ( !$index ) { + $this->index = $this->parserCurrentIndex; + } else { + $this->index = $index; + } + $this->message = 'ParseError: ' . $msg; + } + + /* + function emitChunk( $force = false ){ + $len = $this->parserCurrentIndex - $this->emitFrom; + if ((($len < 512) && !$force) || !$len) { + return; + } + $chunks[] = substr($this->input, $this->emitFrom, $this->parserCurrentIndex + 1 - $this->emitFrom ); + $this->emitFrom = $this->parserCurrentIndex + 1; + } + */ + +} diff --git a/include/thirdparty/less.php/____4.0.0/Exception/Compiler.php b/include/thirdparty/less.php/____4.0.0/Exception/Compiler.php new file mode 100644 index 0000000..e963b69 --- /dev/null +++ b/include/thirdparty/less.php/____4.0.0/Exception/Compiler.php @@ -0,0 +1,8 @@ +currentFile = $currentFile; + $this->index = $index; + + $this->genMessage(); + } + + protected function getInput() { + if ( !$this->input && $this->currentFile && $this->currentFile['filename'] && file_exists( $this->currentFile['filename'] ) ) { + $this->input = file_get_contents( $this->currentFile['filename'] ); + } + } + + /** + * Set a message based on the exception info + */ + public function genMessage() { + if ( $this->currentFile && $this->currentFile['filename'] ) { + $this->message .= ' in ' . basename( $this->currentFile['filename'] ); + } + + if ( $this->index !== null ) { + $this->getInput(); + if ( $this->input ) { + $line = self::getLineNumber(); + $this->message .= ' on line ' . $line . ', column ' . self::getColumn(); + + $lines = explode( "\n", $this->input ); + + $count = count( $lines ); + $start_line = max( 0, $line - 3 ); + $last_line = min( $count, $start_line + 6 ); + $num_len = strlen( $last_line ); + for ( $i = $start_line; $i < $last_line; $i++ ) { + $this->message .= "\n" . str_pad( (string)( $i + 1 ), $num_len, '0', STR_PAD_LEFT ) . '| ' . $lines[$i]; + } + } + } + } + + /** + * Returns the line number the error was encountered + * + * @return int + */ + public function getLineNumber() { + if ( $this->index ) { + // https://bugs.php.net/bug.php?id=49790 + if ( ini_get( "mbstring.func_overload" ) ) { + return substr_count( substr( $this->input, 0, $this->index ), "\n" ) + 1; + } else { + return substr_count( $this->input, "\n", 0, $this->index ) + 1; + } + } + return 1; + } + + /** + * Returns the column the error was encountered + * + * @return int + */ + public function getColumn() { + $part = substr( $this->input, 0, $this->index ); + $pos = strrpos( $part, "\n" ); + return $this->index - $pos; + } + +} diff --git a/include/thirdparty/less.php/____4.0.0/Functions.php b/include/thirdparty/less.php/____4.0.0/Functions.php new file mode 100644 index 0000000..43a964c --- /dev/null +++ b/include/thirdparty/less.php/____4.0.0/Functions.php @@ -0,0 +1,1222 @@ +env = $env; + $this->currentFileInfo = $currentFileInfo; + } + + /** + * @param string $op + * @param float $a + * @param float $b + */ + public static function operate( $op, $a, $b ) { + switch ( $op ) { + case '+': + return $a + $b; + case '-': + return $a - $b; + case '*': + return $a * $b; + case '/': + return $a / $b; + } + } + + public static function clamp( $val, $max = 1 ) { + return min( max( $val, 0 ), $max ); + } + + public static function fround( $value ) { + if ( $value === 0 ) { + return $value; + } + + if ( Less_Parser::$options['numPrecision'] ) { + $p = pow( 10, Less_Parser::$options['numPrecision'] ); + return round( $value * $p ) / $p; + } + return $value; + } + + public static function number( $n ) { + if ( $n instanceof Less_Tree_Dimension ) { + return floatval( $n->unit->is( '%' ) ? $n->value / 100 : $n->value ); + } elseif ( is_numeric( $n ) ) { + return $n; + } else { + throw new Less_Exception_Compiler( "color functions take numbers as parameters" ); + } + } + + public static function scaled( $n, $size = 255 ) { + if ( $n instanceof Less_Tree_Dimension && $n->unit->is( '%' ) ) { + return (float)$n->value * $size / 100; + } else { + return self::number( $n ); + } + } + + public function rgb( $r = null, $g = null, $b = null ) { + if ( $r === null || $g === null || $b === null ) { + throw new Less_Exception_Compiler( "rgb expects three parameters" ); + } + return $this->rgba( $r, $g, $b, 1.0 ); + } + + public function rgba( $r = null, $g = null, $b = null, $a = null ) { + $rgb = [ $r, $g, $b ]; + $rgb = array_map( [ 'Less_Functions','scaled' ], $rgb ); + + $a = self::number( $a ); + return new Less_Tree_Color( $rgb, $a ); + } + + public function hsl( $h, $s, $l ) { + return $this->hsla( $h, $s, $l, 1.0 ); + } + + public function hsla( $h, $s, $l, $a ) { + $h = fmod( self::number( $h ), 360 ) / 360; // Classic % operator will change float to int + $s = self::clamp( self::number( $s ) ); + $l = self::clamp( self::number( $l ) ); + $a = self::clamp( self::number( $a ) ); + + $m2 = $l <= 0.5 ? $l * ( $s + 1 ) : $l + $s - $l * $s; + + $m1 = $l * 2 - $m2; + + return $this->rgba( + self::hsla_hue( $h + 1 / 3, $m1, $m2 ) * 255, + self::hsla_hue( $h, $m1, $m2 ) * 255, + self::hsla_hue( $h - 1 / 3, $m1, $m2 ) * 255, + $a + ); + } + + /** + * @param float $h + * @param float $m1 + * @param float $m2 + */ + public function hsla_hue( $h, $m1, $m2 ) { + $h = $h < 0 ? $h + 1 : ( $h > 1 ? $h - 1 : $h ); + if ( $h * 6 < 1 ) { + return $m1 + ( $m2 - $m1 ) * $h * 6; + } elseif ( $h * 2 < 1 ) { + return $m2; + } elseif ( $h * 3 < 2 ) { + return $m1 + ( $m2 - $m1 ) * ( 2 / 3 - $h ) * 6; + } else { + return $m1; + } + } + + public function hsv( $h, $s, $v ) { + return $this->hsva( $h, $s, $v, 1.0 ); + } + + /** + * @param Less_Tree|float $h + * @param Less_Tree|float $s + * @param Less_Tree|float $v + * @param float $a + */ + public function hsva( $h, $s, $v, $a ) { + $h = ( ( self::number( $h ) % 360 ) / 360 ) * 360; + $s = self::number( $s ); + $v = self::number( $v ); + $a = self::number( $a ); + + $i = floor( (int)( $h / 60 ) % 6 ); + $f = ( $h / 60 ) - $i; + + $vs = [ + $v, + $v * ( 1 - $s ), + $v * ( 1 - $f * $s ), + $v * ( 1 - ( 1 - $f ) * $s ) + ]; + + $perm = [ + [ 0, 3, 1 ], + [ 2, 0, 1 ], + [ 1, 0, 3 ], + [ 1, 2, 0 ], + [ 3, 1, 0 ], + [ 0, 1, 2 ] + ]; + + return $this->rgba( + $vs[$perm[$i][0]] * 255, + $vs[$perm[$i][1]] * 255, + $vs[$perm[$i][2]] * 255, + $a + ); + } + + public function hue( $color = null ) { + if ( !$color instanceof Less_Tree_Color ) { + throw new Less_Exception_Compiler( 'The first argument to hue must be a color' . ( $color instanceof Less_Tree_Expression ? ' (did you forgot commas?)' : '' ) ); + } + + $c = $color->toHSL(); + return new Less_Tree_Dimension( Less_Parser::round( $c['h'] ) ); + } + + public function saturation( $color = null ) { + if ( !$color instanceof Less_Tree_Color ) { + throw new Less_Exception_Compiler( 'The first argument to saturation must be a color' . ( $color instanceof Less_Tree_Expression ? ' (did you forgot commas?)' : '' ) ); + } + + $c = $color->toHSL(); + return new Less_Tree_Dimension( Less_Parser::round( $c['s'] * 100 ), '%' ); + } + + public function lightness( $color = null ) { + if ( !$color instanceof Less_Tree_Color ) { + throw new Less_Exception_Compiler( 'The first argument to lightness must be a color' . ( $color instanceof Less_Tree_Expression ? ' (did you forgot commas?)' : '' ) ); + } + + $c = $color->toHSL(); + return new Less_Tree_Dimension( Less_Parser::round( $c['l'] * 100 ), '%' ); + } + + public function hsvhue( $color = null ) { + if ( !$color instanceof Less_Tree_Color ) { + throw new Less_Exception_Compiler( 'The first argument to hsvhue must be a color' . ( $color instanceof Less_Tree_Expression ? ' (did you forgot commas?)' : '' ) ); + } + + $hsv = $color->toHSV(); + return new Less_Tree_Dimension( Less_Parser::round( $hsv['h'] ) ); + } + + public function hsvsaturation( $color = null ) { + if ( !$color instanceof Less_Tree_Color ) { + throw new Less_Exception_Compiler( 'The first argument to hsvsaturation must be a color' . ( $color instanceof Less_Tree_Expression ? ' (did you forgot commas?)' : '' ) ); + } + + $hsv = $color->toHSV(); + return new Less_Tree_Dimension( Less_Parser::round( $hsv['s'] * 100 ), '%' ); + } + + public function hsvvalue( $color = null ) { + if ( !$color instanceof Less_Tree_Color ) { + throw new Less_Exception_Compiler( 'The first argument to hsvvalue must be a color' . ( $color instanceof Less_Tree_Expression ? ' (did you forgot commas?)' : '' ) ); + } + + $hsv = $color->toHSV(); + return new Less_Tree_Dimension( Less_Parser::round( $hsv['v'] * 100 ), '%' ); + } + + public function red( $color = null ) { + if ( !$color instanceof Less_Tree_Color ) { + throw new Less_Exception_Compiler( 'The first argument to red must be a color' . ( $color instanceof Less_Tree_Expression ? ' (did you forgot commas?)' : '' ) ); + } + + return new Less_Tree_Dimension( $color->rgb[0] ); + } + + public function green( $color = null ) { + if ( !$color instanceof Less_Tree_Color ) { + throw new Less_Exception_Compiler( 'The first argument to green must be a color' . ( $color instanceof Less_Tree_Expression ? ' (did you forgot commas?)' : '' ) ); + } + + return new Less_Tree_Dimension( $color->rgb[1] ); + } + + public function blue( $color = null ) { + if ( !$color instanceof Less_Tree_Color ) { + throw new Less_Exception_Compiler( 'The first argument to blue must be a color' . ( $color instanceof Less_Tree_Expression ? ' (did you forgot commas?)' : '' ) ); + } + + return new Less_Tree_Dimension( $color->rgb[2] ); + } + + public function alpha( $color = null ) { + if ( !$color instanceof Less_Tree_Color ) { + throw new Less_Exception_Compiler( 'The first argument to alpha must be a color' . ( $color instanceof Less_Tree_Expression ? ' (did you forgot commas?)' : '' ) ); + } + + $c = $color->toHSL(); + return new Less_Tree_Dimension( $c['a'] ); + } + + public function luma( $color = null ) { + if ( !$color instanceof Less_Tree_Color ) { + throw new Less_Exception_Compiler( 'The first argument to luma must be a color' . ( $color instanceof Less_Tree_Expression ? ' (did you forgot commas?)' : '' ) ); + } + + return new Less_Tree_Dimension( Less_Parser::round( $color->luma() * $color->alpha * 100 ), '%' ); + } + + public function luminance( $color = null ) { + if ( !$color instanceof Less_Tree_Color ) { + throw new Less_Exception_Compiler( 'The first argument to luminance must be a color' . ( $color instanceof Less_Tree_Expression ? ' (did you forgot commas?)' : '' ) ); + } + + $luminance = + ( 0.2126 * $color->rgb[0] / 255 ) + + ( 0.7152 * $color->rgb[1] / 255 ) + + ( 0.0722 * $color->rgb[2] / 255 ); + + return new Less_Tree_Dimension( Less_Parser::round( $luminance * $color->alpha * 100 ), '%' ); + } + + public function saturate( $color = null, $amount = null ) { + // filter: saturate(3.2); + // should be kept as is, so check for color + if ( $color instanceof Less_Tree_Dimension ) { + return null; + } + + if ( !$color instanceof Less_Tree_Color ) { + throw new Less_Exception_Compiler( 'The first argument to saturate must be a color' . ( $color instanceof Less_Tree_Expression ? ' (did you forgot commas?)' : '' ) ); + } + if ( !$amount instanceof Less_Tree_Dimension ) { + throw new Less_Exception_Compiler( 'The second argument to saturate must be a percentage' . ( $amount instanceof Less_Tree_Expression ? ' (did you forgot commas?)' : '' ) ); + } + + $hsl = $color->toHSL(); + + $hsl['s'] += $amount->value / 100; + $hsl['s'] = self::clamp( $hsl['s'] ); + + return $this->hsla( $hsl['h'], $hsl['s'], $hsl['l'], $hsl['a'] ); + } + + /** + * @param Less_Tree_Color|null $color + * @param Less_Tree_Dimension|null $amount + */ + public function desaturate( $color = null, $amount = null ) { + if ( !$color instanceof Less_Tree_Color ) { + throw new Less_Exception_Compiler( 'The first argument to desaturate must be a color' . ( $color instanceof Less_Tree_Expression ? ' (did you forgot commas?)' : '' ) ); + } + if ( !$amount instanceof Less_Tree_Dimension ) { + throw new Less_Exception_Compiler( 'The second argument to desaturate must be a percentage' . ( $amount instanceof Less_Tree_Expression ? ' (did you forgot commas?)' : '' ) ); + } + + $hsl = $color->toHSL(); + $hsl['s'] -= $amount->value / 100; + $hsl['s'] = self::clamp( $hsl['s'] ); + + return $this->hsla( $hsl['h'], $hsl['s'], $hsl['l'], $hsl['a'] ); + } + + public function lighten( $color = null, $amount = null ) { + if ( !$color instanceof Less_Tree_Color ) { + throw new Less_Exception_Compiler( 'The first argument to lighten must be a color' . ( $color instanceof Less_Tree_Expression ? ' (did you forgot commas?)' : '' ) ); + } + if ( !$amount instanceof Less_Tree_Dimension ) { + throw new Less_Exception_Compiler( 'The second argument to lighten must be a percentage' . ( $amount instanceof Less_Tree_Expression ? ' (did you forgot commas?)' : '' ) ); + } + + $hsl = $color->toHSL(); + + $hsl['l'] += $amount->value / 100; + $hsl['l'] = self::clamp( $hsl['l'] ); + + return $this->hsla( $hsl['h'], $hsl['s'], $hsl['l'], $hsl['a'] ); + } + + public function darken( $color = null, $amount = null ) { + if ( !$color instanceof Less_Tree_Color ) { + throw new Less_Exception_Compiler( 'The first argument to darken must be a color' . ( $color instanceof Less_Tree_Expression ? ' (did you forgot commas?)' : '' ) ); + } + if ( !$amount instanceof Less_Tree_Dimension ) { + throw new Less_Exception_Compiler( 'The second argument to darken must be a percentage' . ( $amount instanceof Less_Tree_Expression ? ' (did you forgot commas?)' : '' ) ); + } + + $hsl = $color->toHSL(); + $hsl['l'] -= $amount->value / 100; + $hsl['l'] = self::clamp( $hsl['l'] ); + + return $this->hsla( $hsl['h'], $hsl['s'], $hsl['l'], $hsl['a'] ); + } + + public function fadein( $color = null, $amount = null ) { + if ( !$color instanceof Less_Tree_Color ) { + throw new Less_Exception_Compiler( 'The first argument to fadein must be a color' . ( $color instanceof Less_Tree_Expression ? ' (did you forgot commas?)' : '' ) ); + } + if ( !$amount instanceof Less_Tree_Dimension ) { + throw new Less_Exception_Compiler( 'The second argument to fadein must be a percentage' . ( $amount instanceof Less_Tree_Expression ? ' (did you forgot commas?)' : '' ) ); + } + + $hsl = $color->toHSL(); + $hsl['a'] += $amount->value / 100; + $hsl['a'] = self::clamp( $hsl['a'] ); + return $this->hsla( $hsl['h'], $hsl['s'], $hsl['l'], $hsl['a'] ); + } + + public function fadeout( $color = null, $amount = null ) { + if ( !$color instanceof Less_Tree_Color ) { + throw new Less_Exception_Compiler( 'The first argument to fadeout must be a color' . ( $color instanceof Less_Tree_Expression ? ' (did you forgot commas?)' : '' ) ); + } + if ( !$amount instanceof Less_Tree_Dimension ) { + throw new Less_Exception_Compiler( 'The second argument to fadeout must be a percentage' . ( $amount instanceof Less_Tree_Expression ? ' (did you forgot commas?)' : '' ) ); + } + + $hsl = $color->toHSL(); + $hsl['a'] -= $amount->value / 100; + $hsl['a'] = self::clamp( $hsl['a'] ); + return $this->hsla( $hsl['h'], $hsl['s'], $hsl['l'], $hsl['a'] ); + } + + public function fade( $color = null, $amount = null ) { + if ( !$color instanceof Less_Tree_Color ) { + throw new Less_Exception_Compiler( 'The first argument to fade must be a color' . ( $color instanceof Less_Tree_Expression ? ' (did you forgot commas?)' : '' ) ); + } + if ( !$amount instanceof Less_Tree_Dimension ) { + throw new Less_Exception_Compiler( 'The second argument to fade must be a percentage' . ( $amount instanceof Less_Tree_Expression ? ' (did you forgot commas?)' : '' ) ); + } + + $hsl = $color->toHSL(); + + $hsl['a'] = $amount->value / 100; + $hsl['a'] = self::clamp( $hsl['a'] ); + return $this->hsla( $hsl['h'], $hsl['s'], $hsl['l'], $hsl['a'] ); + } + + public function spin( $color = null, $amount = null ) { + if ( !$color instanceof Less_Tree_Color ) { + throw new Less_Exception_Compiler( 'The first argument to spin must be a color' . ( $color instanceof Less_Tree_Expression ? ' (did you forgot commas?)' : '' ) ); + } + if ( !$amount instanceof Less_Tree_Dimension ) { + throw new Less_Exception_Compiler( 'The second argument to spin must be a number' . ( $amount instanceof Less_Tree_Expression ? ' (did you forgot commas?)' : '' ) ); + } + + $hsl = $color->toHSL(); + $hue = fmod( $hsl['h'] + $amount->value, 360 ); + + $hsl['h'] = $hue < 0 ? 360 + $hue : $hue; + + return $this->hsla( $hsl['h'], $hsl['s'], $hsl['l'], $hsl['a'] ); + } + + // + // Copyright (c) 2006-2009 Hampton Catlin, Nathan Weizenbaum, and Chris Eppstein + // https://sass-lang.com/ + // + + /** + * @param Less_Tree|null $color1 + * @param Less_Tree|null $color2 + * @param Less_Tree|null $weight + */ + public function mix( $color1 = null, $color2 = null, $weight = null ) { + if ( !$color1 instanceof Less_Tree_Color ) { + throw new Less_Exception_Compiler( 'The first argument to mix must be a color' . ( $color1 instanceof Less_Tree_Expression ? ' (did you forgot commas?)' : '' ) ); + } + if ( !$color2 instanceof Less_Tree_Color ) { + throw new Less_Exception_Compiler( 'The second argument to mix must be a color' . ( $color2 instanceof Less_Tree_Expression ? ' (did you forgot commas?)' : '' ) ); + } + if ( !$weight ) { + $weight = new Less_Tree_Dimension( '50', '%' ); + } + if ( !$weight instanceof Less_Tree_Dimension ) { + throw new Less_Exception_Compiler( 'The third argument to contrast must be a percentage' . ( $weight instanceof Less_Tree_Expression ? ' (did you forgot commas?)' : '' ) ); + } + + $p = $weight->value / 100.0; + $w = $p * 2 - 1; + $hsl1 = $color1->toHSL(); + $hsl2 = $color2->toHSL(); + $a = $hsl1['a'] - $hsl2['a']; + + $w1 = ( ( ( ( $w * $a ) == -1 ) ? $w : ( $w + $a ) / ( 1 + $w * $a ) ) + 1 ) / 2; + $w2 = 1 - $w1; + + $rgb = [ + $color1->rgb[0] * $w1 + $color2->rgb[0] * $w2, + $color1->rgb[1] * $w1 + $color2->rgb[1] * $w2, + $color1->rgb[2] * $w1 + $color2->rgb[2] * $w2 + ]; + + $alpha = $color1->alpha * $p + $color2->alpha * ( 1 - $p ); + + return new Less_Tree_Color( $rgb, $alpha ); + } + + public function greyscale( $color ) { + return $this->desaturate( $color, new Less_Tree_Dimension( 100, '%' ) ); + } + + public function contrast( $color, $dark = null, $light = null, $threshold = null ) { + // filter: contrast(3.2); + // should be kept as is, so check for color + if ( !$color instanceof Less_Tree_Color ) { + return null; + } + if ( !$light ) { + $light = $this->rgba( 255, 255, 255, 1.0 ); + } + if ( !$dark ) { + $dark = $this->rgba( 0, 0, 0, 1.0 ); + } + + if ( !$dark instanceof Less_Tree_Color ) { + throw new Less_Exception_Compiler( 'The second argument to contrast must be a color' . ( $dark instanceof Less_Tree_Expression ? ' (did you forgot commas?)' : '' ) ); + } + if ( !$light instanceof Less_Tree_Color ) { + throw new Less_Exception_Compiler( 'The third argument to contrast must be a color' . ( $light instanceof Less_Tree_Expression ? ' (did you forgot commas?)' : '' ) ); + } + + // Figure out which is actually light and dark! + if ( $dark->luma() > $light->luma() ) { + $t = $light; + $light = $dark; + $dark = $t; + } + if ( !$threshold ) { + $threshold = 0.43; + } else { + $threshold = self::number( $threshold ); + } + + if ( $color->luma() < $threshold ) { + return $light; + } else { + return $dark; + } + } + + public function e( $str ) { + if ( is_string( $str ) ) { + return new Less_Tree_Anonymous( $str ); + } + return new Less_Tree_Anonymous( $str instanceof Less_Tree_JavaScript ? $str->expression : $str->value ); + } + + public function escape( $str ) { + $revert = [ '%21' => '!', '%2A' => '*', '%27' => "'",'%3F' => '?','%26' => '&','%2C' => ',','%2F' => '/','%40' => '@','%2B' => '+','%24' => '$' ]; + + return new Less_Tree_Anonymous( strtr( rawurlencode( $str->value ), $revert ) ); + } + + /** + * todo: This function will need some additional work to make it work the same as less.js + * + */ + public function replace( $string, $pattern, $replacement, $flags = null ) { + $result = $string->value; + + $expr = '/' . str_replace( '/', '\\/', $pattern->value ) . '/'; + if ( $flags && $flags->value ) { + $expr .= self::replace_flags( $flags->value ); + } + + $result = preg_replace( $expr, $replacement->value, $result ); + + if ( property_exists( $string, 'quote' ) ) { + return new Less_Tree_Quoted( $string->quote, $result, $string->escaped ); + } + return new Less_Tree_Quoted( '', $result ); + } + + public static function replace_flags( $flags ) { + $flags = str_split( $flags, 1 ); + $new_flags = ''; + + foreach ( $flags as $flag ) { + switch ( $flag ) { + case 'e': + case 'g': + break; + + default: + $new_flags .= $flag; + break; + } + } + + return $new_flags; + } + + public function _percent() { + $string = func_get_arg( 0 ); + + $args = func_get_args(); + array_shift( $args ); + $result = $string->value; + + foreach ( $args as $arg ) { + if ( preg_match( '/%[sda]/i', $result, $token ) ) { + $token = $token[0]; + $value = stristr( $token, 's' ) ? $arg->value : $arg->toCSS(); + $value = preg_match( '/[A-Z]$/', $token ) ? urlencode( $value ) : $value; + $result = preg_replace( '/%[sda]/i', $value, $result, 1 ); + } + } + $result = str_replace( '%%', '%', $result ); + + return new Less_Tree_Quoted( $string->quote, $result, $string->escaped ); + } + + public function unit( $val, $unit = null ) { + if ( !( $val instanceof Less_Tree_Dimension ) ) { + throw new Less_Exception_Compiler( 'The first argument to unit must be a number' . ( $val instanceof Less_Tree_Operation ? '. Have you forgotten parenthesis?' : '.' ) ); + } + + if ( $unit ) { + if ( $unit instanceof Less_Tree_Keyword ) { + $unit = $unit->value; + } else { + $unit = $unit->toCSS(); + } + } else { + $unit = ""; + } + return new Less_Tree_Dimension( $val->value, $unit ); + } + + public function convert( $val, $unit ) { + return $val->convertTo( $unit->value ); + } + + public function round( $n, $f = false ) { + $fraction = 0; + if ( $f !== false ) { + $fraction = $f->value; + } + + return $this->_math( 'Less_Parser::round', null, $n, $fraction ); + } + + public function pi() { + return new Less_Tree_Dimension( M_PI ); + } + + public function mod( $a, $b ) { + return new Less_Tree_Dimension( $a->value % $b->value, $a->unit ); + } + + public function pow( $x, $y ) { + if ( is_numeric( $x ) && is_numeric( $y ) ) { + $x = new Less_Tree_Dimension( $x ); + $y = new Less_Tree_Dimension( $y ); + } elseif ( !( $x instanceof Less_Tree_Dimension ) || !( $y instanceof Less_Tree_Dimension ) ) { + throw new Less_Exception_Compiler( 'Arguments must be numbers' ); + } + + return new Less_Tree_Dimension( pow( $x->value, $y->value ), $x->unit ); + } + + // var mathFunctions = [{name:"ce ... + public function ceil( $n ) { + return $this->_math( 'ceil', null, $n ); + } + + public function floor( $n ) { + return $this->_math( 'floor', null, $n ); + } + + public function sqrt( $n ) { + return $this->_math( 'sqrt', null, $n ); + } + + public function abs( $n ) { + return $this->_math( 'abs', null, $n ); + } + + public function tan( $n ) { + return $this->_math( 'tan', '', $n ); + } + + public function sin( $n ) { + return $this->_math( 'sin', '', $n ); + } + + public function cos( $n ) { + return $this->_math( 'cos', '', $n ); + } + + public function atan( $n ) { + return $this->_math( 'atan', 'rad', $n ); + } + + public function asin( $n ) { + return $this->_math( 'asin', 'rad', $n ); + } + + public function acos( $n ) { + return $this->_math( 'acos', 'rad', $n ); + } + + private function _math() { + $args = func_get_args(); + $fn = array_shift( $args ); + $unit = array_shift( $args ); + + if ( $args[0] instanceof Less_Tree_Dimension ) { + + if ( $unit === null ) { + $unit = $args[0]->unit; + } else { + $args[0] = $args[0]->unify(); + } + $args[0] = (float)$args[0]->value; + return new Less_Tree_Dimension( call_user_func_array( $fn, $args ), $unit ); + } elseif ( is_numeric( $args[0] ) ) { + return call_user_func_array( $fn, $args ); + } else { + throw new Less_Exception_Compiler( "math functions take numbers as parameters" ); + } + } + + /** + * @param bool $isMin + * @param array $args + */ + private function _minmax( $isMin, $args ) { + $arg_count = count( $args ); + + if ( $arg_count < 1 ) { + throw new Less_Exception_Compiler( 'one or more arguments required' ); + } + + $j = null; + $unitClone = null; + $unitStatic = null; + + // elems only contains original argument values. + $order = []; + // key is the unit.toString() for unified tree.Dimension values, + // value is the index into the order array. + $values = []; + + for ( $i = 0; $i < $arg_count; $i++ ) { + $current = $args[$i]; + if ( !( $current instanceof Less_Tree_Dimension ) ) { + // @phan-suppress-next-line PhanUndeclaredProperty Checked Less_Tree->value + if ( property_exists( $args[$i], 'value' ) && is_array( $args[$i]->value ) ) { + // @phan-suppress-next-line PhanUndeclaredProperty Checked Less_Tree->value + $args[] = $args[$i]->value; + } + continue; + } + // PhanTypeInvalidDimOffset -- False positive, safe after continue or non-first iterations + '@phan-var non-empty-list $order'; + + if ( $current->unit->toString() === '' && !$unitClone ) { + $temp = new Less_Tree_Dimension( $current->value, $unitClone ); + $currentUnified = $temp->unify(); + } else { + $currentUnified = $current->unify(); + } + + if ( $currentUnified->unit->toString() === "" && !$unitStatic ) { + $unit = $unitStatic; + } else { + $unit = $currentUnified->unit->toString(); + } + + if ( $unit !== '' && !$unitStatic || $unit !== '' && $order[0]->unify()->unit->toString() === "" ) { + $unitStatic = $unit; + } + + if ( $unit != '' && !$unitClone ) { + $unitClone = $current->unit->toString(); + } + + if ( isset( $values[''] ) && $unit !== '' && $unit === $unitStatic ) { + $j = $values['']; + } elseif ( isset( $values[$unit] ) ) { + $j = $values[$unit]; + } else { + + if ( $unitStatic && $unit !== $unitStatic ) { + throw new Less_Exception_Compiler( 'incompatible types' ); + } + $values[$unit] = count( $order ); + $order[] = $current; + continue; + } + + if ( $order[$j]->unit->toString() === "" && $unitClone ) { + $temp = new Less_Tree_Dimension( $order[$j]->value, $unitClone ); + $referenceUnified = $temp->unify(); + } else { + $referenceUnified = $order[$j]->unify(); + } + if ( ( $isMin && $currentUnified->value < $referenceUnified->value ) || ( !$isMin && $currentUnified->value > $referenceUnified->value ) ) { + $order[$j] = $current; + } + } + + if ( count( $order ) == 1 ) { + return $order[0]; + } + $args = []; + foreach ( $order as $a ) { + $args[] = $a->toCSS(); + } + return new Less_Tree_Anonymous( ( $isMin ? 'min(' : 'max(' ) . implode( Less_Environment::$_outputMap[','], $args ) . ')' ); + } + + public function min() { + $args = func_get_args(); + return $this->_minmax( true, $args ); + } + + public function max() { + $args = func_get_args(); + return $this->_minmax( false, $args ); + } + + public function getunit( $n ) { + return new Less_Tree_Anonymous( $n->unit ); + } + + public function argb( $color ) { + if ( !$color instanceof Less_Tree_Color ) { + throw new Less_Exception_Compiler( 'The first argument to argb must be a color' . ( $color instanceof Less_Tree_Expression ? ' (did you forgot commas?)' : '' ) ); + } + + return new Less_Tree_Anonymous( $color->toARGB() ); + } + + public function percentage( $n ) { + return new Less_Tree_Dimension( $n->value * 100, '%' ); + } + + public function color( $n ) { + if ( $n instanceof Less_Tree_Quoted ) { + $colorCandidate = $n->value; + $returnColor = Less_Tree_Color::fromKeyword( $colorCandidate ); + if ( $returnColor ) { + return $returnColor; + } + if ( preg_match( '/^#([A-Fa-f0-9]{6}|[A-Fa-f0-9]{3})/', $colorCandidate ) ) { + return new Less_Tree_Color( substr( $colorCandidate, 1 ) ); + } + throw new Less_Exception_Compiler( "argument must be a color keyword or 3/6 digit hex e.g. #FFF" ); + } else { + throw new Less_Exception_Compiler( "argument must be a string" ); + } + } + + public function iscolor( $n ) { + return $this->_isa( $n, 'Less_Tree_Color' ); + } + + public function isnumber( $n ) { + return $this->_isa( $n, 'Less_Tree_Dimension' ); + } + + public function isstring( $n ) { + return $this->_isa( $n, 'Less_Tree_Quoted' ); + } + + public function iskeyword( $n ) { + return $this->_isa( $n, 'Less_Tree_Keyword' ); + } + + public function isurl( $n ) { + return $this->_isa( $n, 'Less_Tree_Url' ); + } + + public function ispixel( $n ) { + return $this->isunit( $n, 'px' ); + } + + public function ispercentage( $n ) { + return $this->isunit( $n, '%' ); + } + + public function isem( $n ) { + return $this->isunit( $n, 'em' ); + } + + /** + * @param Less_Tree $n + * @param Less_Tree|string $unit + */ + public function isunit( $n, $unit ) { + if ( is_object( $unit ) && property_exists( $unit, 'value' ) ) { + // @phan-suppress-next-line PhanUndeclaredProperty Checked Less_Tree->value + $unit = $unit->value; + } + + return ( $n instanceof Less_Tree_Dimension ) && $n->unit->is( $unit ) ? new Less_Tree_Keyword( 'true' ) : new Less_Tree_Keyword( 'false' ); + } + + /** + * @param Less_Tree $n + * @param string $type + */ + private function _isa( $n, $type ) { + return is_a( $n, $type ) ? new Less_Tree_Keyword( 'true' ) : new Less_Tree_Keyword( 'false' ); + } + + public function tint( $color, $amount = null ) { + return $this->mix( $this->rgb( 255, 255, 255 ), $color, $amount ); + } + + public function shade( $color, $amount = null ) { + return $this->mix( $this->rgb( 0, 0, 0 ), $color, $amount ); + } + + public function extract( $values, $index ) { + $index = (int)$index->value - 1; // (1-based index) + // handle non-array values as an array of length 1 + // return 'undefined' if index is invalid + if ( property_exists( $values, 'value' ) && is_array( $values->value ) ) { + if ( isset( $values->value[$index] ) ) { + return $values->value[$index]; + } + return null; + + } elseif ( (int)$index === 0 ) { + return $values; + } + + return null; + } + + public function length( $values ) { + $n = ( property_exists( $values, 'value' ) && is_array( $values->value ) ) ? count( $values->value ) : 1; + return new Less_Tree_Dimension( $n ); + } + + public function datauri( $mimetypeNode, $filePathNode = null ) { + $filePath = ( $filePathNode ? $filePathNode->value : null ); + $mimetype = $mimetypeNode->value; + + $args = 2; + if ( !$filePath ) { + $filePath = $mimetype; + $args = 1; + } + + $filePath = str_replace( '\\', '/', $filePath ); + if ( Less_Environment::isPathRelative( $filePath ) ) { + $currentFileInfo = $this->currentFileInfo; + '@phan-var array $currentFileInfo'; + if ( Less_Parser::$options['relativeUrls'] ) { + $temp = $currentFileInfo['currentDirectory']; + } else { + $temp = $currentFileInfo['entryPath']; + } + + if ( !empty( $temp ) ) { + $filePath = Less_Environment::normalizePath( rtrim( $temp, '/' ) . '/' . $filePath ); + } + + } + + // detect the mimetype if not given + if ( $args < 2 ) { + + /* incomplete + $mime = require('mime'); + mimetype = mime.lookup(path); + + // use base 64 unless it's an ASCII or UTF-8 format + var charset = mime.charsets.lookup(mimetype); + useBase64 = ['US-ASCII', 'UTF-8'].indexOf(charset) < 0; + if (useBase64) mimetype += ';base64'; + */ + + $mimetype = Less_Mime::lookup( $filePath ); + + $charset = Less_Mime::charsets_lookup( $mimetype ); + $useBase64 = !in_array( $charset, [ 'US-ASCII', 'UTF-8' ] ); + if ( $useBase64 ) { $mimetype .= ';base64'; + } + + } else { + $useBase64 = preg_match( '/;base64$/', $mimetype ); + } + + if ( file_exists( $filePath ) ) { + $buf = @file_get_contents( $filePath ); + } else { + $buf = false; + } + + // IE8 cannot handle a data-uri larger than 32KB. If this is exceeded + // and the --ieCompat flag is enabled, return a normal url() instead. + $DATA_URI_MAX_KB = 32; + $fileSizeInKB = round( strlen( $buf ) / 1024 ); + if ( $fileSizeInKB >= $DATA_URI_MAX_KB ) { + $url = new Less_Tree_Url( ( $filePathNode ?: $mimetypeNode ), $this->currentFileInfo ); + return $url->compile( $this->env ); + } + + if ( $buf ) { + $buf = $useBase64 ? base64_encode( $buf ) : rawurlencode( $buf ); + $filePath = '"data:' . $mimetype . ',' . $buf . '"'; + } + + return new Less_Tree_Url( new Less_Tree_Anonymous( $filePath ) ); + } + + // svg-gradient + public function svggradient( $direction ) { + $throw_message = 'svg-gradient expects direction, start_color [start_position], [color position,]..., end_color [end_position]'; + $arguments = func_get_args(); + + if ( count( $arguments ) < 3 ) { + throw new Less_Exception_Compiler( $throw_message ); + } + + $stops = array_slice( $arguments, 1 ); + $gradientType = 'linear'; + $rectangleDimension = 'x="0" y="0" width="1" height="1"'; + $useBase64 = true; + $directionValue = $direction->toCSS(); + + switch ( $directionValue ) { + case "to bottom": + $gradientDirectionSvg = 'x1="0%" y1="0%" x2="0%" y2="100%"'; + break; + case "to right": + $gradientDirectionSvg = 'x1="0%" y1="0%" x2="100%" y2="0%"'; + break; + case "to bottom right": + $gradientDirectionSvg = 'x1="0%" y1="0%" x2="100%" y2="100%"'; + break; + case "to top right": + $gradientDirectionSvg = 'x1="0%" y1="100%" x2="100%" y2="0%"'; + break; + case "ellipse": + case "ellipse at center": + $gradientType = "radial"; + $gradientDirectionSvg = 'cx="50%" cy="50%" r="75%"'; + $rectangleDimension = 'x="-50" y="-50" width="101" height="101"'; + break; + default: + throw new Less_Exception_Compiler( "svg-gradient direction must be 'to bottom', 'to right', 'to bottom right', 'to top right' or 'ellipse at center'" ); + } + + $returner = '' . + '' . + '<' . $gradientType . 'Gradient id="gradient" gradientUnits="userSpaceOnUse" ' . $gradientDirectionSvg . '>'; + + for ( $i = 0; $i < count( $stops ); $i++ ) { + if ( is_object( $stops[$i] ) && property_exists( $stops[$i], 'value' ) ) { + $color = $stops[$i]->value[0]; + $position = $stops[$i]->value[1]; + } else { + $color = $stops[$i]; + $position = null; + } + + if ( !( $color instanceof Less_Tree_Color ) || ( !( ( $i === 0 || $i + 1 === count( $stops ) ) && $position === null ) && !( $position instanceof Less_Tree_Dimension ) ) ) { + throw new Less_Exception_Compiler( $throw_message ); + } + if ( $position ) { + $positionValue = $position->toCSS(); + } elseif ( $i === 0 ) { + $positionValue = '0%'; + } else { + $positionValue = '100%'; + } + $alpha = $color->alpha; + $returner .= ''; + } + + $returner .= ''; + + if ( $useBase64 ) { + $returner = "'data:image/svg+xml;base64," . base64_encode( $returner ) . "'"; + } else { + $returner = "'data:image/svg+xml," . $returner . "'"; + } + + return new Less_Tree_URL( new Less_Tree_Anonymous( $returner ) ); + } + + /** + * Php version of javascript's `encodeURIComponent` function + * + * @param string $string The string to encode + * @return string The encoded string + */ + public static function encodeURIComponent( $string ) { + $revert = [ '%21' => '!', '%2A' => '*', '%27' => "'", '%28' => '(', '%29' => ')' ]; + return strtr( rawurlencode( $string ), $revert ); + } + + // Color Blending + // ref: https://www.w3.org/TR/compositing-1/ + public function colorBlend( $mode, $color1, $color2 ) { + // backdrop + $ab = $color1->alpha; + // source + $as = $color2->alpha; + $result = []; + + $ar = $as + $ab * ( 1 - $as ); + for ( $i = 0; $i < 3; $i++ ) { + $cb = $color1->rgb[$i] / 255; + $cs = $color2->rgb[$i] / 255; + $cr = call_user_func( $mode, $cb, $cs ); + if ( $ar ) { + $cr = ( $as * $cs + $ab * ( $cb - $as * ( $cb + $cs - $cr ) ) ) / $ar; + } + $result[$i] = $cr * 255; + } + + return new Less_Tree_Color( $result, $ar ); + } + + public function multiply( $color1 = null, $color2 = null ) { + if ( !$color1 instanceof Less_Tree_Color ) { + throw new Less_Exception_Compiler( 'The first argument to multiply must be a color' . ( $color1 instanceof Less_Tree_Expression ? ' (did you forgot commas?)' : '' ) ); + } + if ( !$color2 instanceof Less_Tree_Color ) { + throw new Less_Exception_Compiler( 'The second argument to multiply must be a color' . ( $color2 instanceof Less_Tree_Expression ? ' (did you forgot commas?)' : '' ) ); + } + + return $this->colorBlend( [ $this,'colorBlendMultiply' ], $color1, $color2 ); + } + + private function colorBlendMultiply( $cb, $cs ) { + return $cb * $cs; + } + + public function screen( $color1 = null, $color2 = null ) { + if ( !$color1 instanceof Less_Tree_Color ) { + throw new Less_Exception_Compiler( 'The first argument to screen must be a color' . ( $color1 instanceof Less_Tree_Expression ? ' (did you forgot commas?)' : '' ) ); + } + if ( !$color2 instanceof Less_Tree_Color ) { + throw new Less_Exception_Compiler( 'The second argument to screen must be a color' . ( $color2 instanceof Less_Tree_Expression ? ' (did you forgot commas?)' : '' ) ); + } + + return $this->colorBlend( [ $this,'colorBlendScreen' ], $color1, $color2 ); + } + + private function colorBlendScreen( $cb, $cs ) { + return $cb + $cs - $cb * $cs; + } + + public function overlay( $color1 = null, $color2 = null ) { + if ( !$color1 instanceof Less_Tree_Color ) { + throw new Less_Exception_Compiler( 'The first argument to overlay must be a color' . ( $color1 instanceof Less_Tree_Expression ? ' (did you forgot commas?)' : '' ) ); + } + if ( !$color2 instanceof Less_Tree_Color ) { + throw new Less_Exception_Compiler( 'The second argument to overlay must be a color' . ( $color2 instanceof Less_Tree_Expression ? ' (did you forgot commas?)' : '' ) ); + } + + return $this->colorBlend( [ $this,'colorBlendOverlay' ], $color1, $color2 ); + } + + private function colorBlendOverlay( $cb, $cs ) { + $cb *= 2; + return ( $cb <= 1 ) + ? $this->colorBlendMultiply( $cb, $cs ) + : $this->colorBlendScreen( $cb - 1, $cs ); + } + + public function softlight( $color1 = null, $color2 = null ) { + if ( !$color1 instanceof Less_Tree_Color ) { + throw new Less_Exception_Compiler( 'The first argument to softlight must be a color' . ( $color1 instanceof Less_Tree_Expression ? ' (did you forgot commas?)' : '' ) ); + } + if ( !$color2 instanceof Less_Tree_Color ) { + throw new Less_Exception_Compiler( 'The second argument to softlight must be a color' . ( $color2 instanceof Less_Tree_Expression ? ' (did you forgot commas?)' : '' ) ); + } + + return $this->colorBlend( [ $this,'colorBlendSoftlight' ], $color1, $color2 ); + } + + private function colorBlendSoftlight( $cb, $cs ) { + $d = 1; + $e = $cb; + if ( $cs > 0.5 ) { + $e = 1; + $d = ( $cb > 0.25 ) ? sqrt( $cb ) + : ( ( 16 * $cb - 12 ) * $cb + 4 ) * $cb; + } + return $cb - ( 1 - 2 * $cs ) * $e * ( $d - $cb ); + } + + public function hardlight( $color1 = null, $color2 = null ) { + if ( !$color1 instanceof Less_Tree_Color ) { + throw new Less_Exception_Compiler( 'The first argument to hardlight must be a color' . ( $color1 instanceof Less_Tree_Expression ? ' (did you forgot commas?)' : '' ) ); + } + if ( !$color2 instanceof Less_Tree_Color ) { + throw new Less_Exception_Compiler( 'The second argument to hardlight must be a color' . ( $color2 instanceof Less_Tree_Expression ? ' (did you forgot commas?)' : '' ) ); + } + + return $this->colorBlend( [ $this,'colorBlendHardlight' ], $color1, $color2 ); + } + + private function colorBlendHardlight( $cb, $cs ) { + return $this->colorBlendOverlay( $cs, $cb ); + } + + public function difference( $color1 = null, $color2 = null ) { + if ( !$color1 instanceof Less_Tree_Color ) { + throw new Less_Exception_Compiler( 'The first argument to difference must be a color' . ( $color1 instanceof Less_Tree_Expression ? ' (did you forgot commas?)' : '' ) ); + } + if ( !$color2 instanceof Less_Tree_Color ) { + throw new Less_Exception_Compiler( 'The second argument to difference must be a color' . ( $color2 instanceof Less_Tree_Expression ? ' (did you forgot commas?)' : '' ) ); + } + + return $this->colorBlend( [ $this,'colorBlendDifference' ], $color1, $color2 ); + } + + private function colorBlendDifference( $cb, $cs ) { + return abs( $cb - $cs ); + } + + public function exclusion( $color1 = null, $color2 = null ) { + if ( !$color1 instanceof Less_Tree_Color ) { + throw new Less_Exception_Compiler( 'The first argument to exclusion must be a color' . ( $color1 instanceof Less_Tree_Expression ? ' (did you forgot commas?)' : '' ) ); + } + if ( !$color2 instanceof Less_Tree_Color ) { + throw new Less_Exception_Compiler( 'The second argument to exclusion must be a color' . ( $color2 instanceof Less_Tree_Expression ? ' (did you forgot commas?)' : '' ) ); + } + + return $this->colorBlend( [ $this,'colorBlendExclusion' ], $color1, $color2 ); + } + + private function colorBlendExclusion( $cb, $cs ) { + return $cb + $cs - 2 * $cb * $cs; + } + + public function average( $color1 = null, $color2 = null ) { + if ( !$color1 instanceof Less_Tree_Color ) { + throw new Less_Exception_Compiler( 'The first argument to average must be a color' . ( $color1 instanceof Less_Tree_Expression ? ' (did you forgot commas?)' : '' ) ); + } + if ( !$color2 instanceof Less_Tree_Color ) { + throw new Less_Exception_Compiler( 'The second argument to average must be a color' . ( $color2 instanceof Less_Tree_Expression ? ' (did you forgot commas?)' : '' ) ); + } + + return $this->colorBlend( [ $this,'colorBlendAverage' ], $color1, $color2 ); + } + + // non-w3c functions: + public function colorBlendAverage( $cb, $cs ) { + return ( $cb + $cs ) / 2; + } + + public function negation( $color1 = null, $color2 = null ) { + if ( !$color1 instanceof Less_Tree_Color ) { + throw new Less_Exception_Compiler( 'The first argument to negation must be a color' . ( $color1 instanceof Less_Tree_Expression ? ' (did you forgot commas?)' : '' ) ); + } + if ( !$color2 instanceof Less_Tree_Color ) { + throw new Less_Exception_Compiler( 'The second argument to negation must be a color' . ( $color2 instanceof Less_Tree_Expression ? ' (did you forgot commas?)' : '' ) ); + } + + return $this->colorBlend( [ $this,'colorBlendNegation' ], $color1, $color2 ); + } + + public function colorBlendNegation( $cb, $cs ) { + return 1 - abs( $cb + $cs - 1 ); + } + + // ~ End of Color Blending + +} diff --git a/include/thirdparty/less.php/____4.0.0/Less.php.combine b/include/thirdparty/less.php/____4.0.0/Less.php.combine new file mode 100644 index 0000000..d63cc78 --- /dev/null +++ b/include/thirdparty/less.php/____4.0.0/Less.php.combine @@ -0,0 +1,17 @@ + +./Parser.php +./Colors.php +./Environment.php +./Functions.php +./Mime.php +./Tree.php +./Output.php +./Visitor.php +./VisitorReplacing.php +./Configurable.php +./Tree +./Visitor +./Exception/Parser.php +./Exception/ +./Output +./SourceMap diff --git a/include/thirdparty/less.php/____4.0.0/Mime.php b/include/thirdparty/less.php/____4.0.0/Mime.php new file mode 100644 index 0000000..45a7bf3 --- /dev/null +++ b/include/thirdparty/less.php/____4.0.0/Mime.php @@ -0,0 +1,36 @@ + 'text/html', + '.html' => 'text/html', + '.gif' => 'image/gif', + '.jpg' => 'image/jpeg', + '.jpeg' => 'image/jpeg', + '.png' => 'image/png', + '.ttf' => 'application/x-font-ttf', + '.otf' => 'application/x-font-otf', + '.eot' => 'application/vnd.ms-fontobject', + '.woff' => 'application/x-font-woff', + '.svg' => 'image/svg+xml', + ]; + + public static function lookup( $filepath ) { + $parts = explode( '.', $filepath ); + $ext = '.' . strtolower( array_pop( $parts ) ); + + return self::$types[$ext] ?? null; + } + + public static function charsets_lookup( $type = null ) { + // assumes all text types are UTF-8 + return $type && preg_match( '/^text\//', $type ) ? 'UTF-8' : ''; + } +} diff --git a/include/thirdparty/less.php/____4.0.0/Output.php b/include/thirdparty/less.php/____4.0.0/Output.php new file mode 100644 index 0000000..be6c160 --- /dev/null +++ b/include/thirdparty/less.php/____4.0.0/Output.php @@ -0,0 +1,46 @@ +strs[] = $chunk; + } + + /** + * Is the output empty? + * + * @return bool + */ + public function isEmpty() { + return count( $this->strs ) === 0; + } + + /** + * Converts the output to string + * + * @return string + */ + public function toString() { + return implode( '', $this->strs ); + } + +} diff --git a/include/thirdparty/less.php/___1.7.0.13/Output/Mapped.php b/include/thirdparty/less.php/____4.0.0/Output/Mapped.php similarity index 50% rename from include/thirdparty/less.php/___1.7.0.13/Output/Mapped.php rename to include/thirdparty/less.php/____4.0.0/Output/Mapped.php index 884490a..ece5172 100644 --- a/include/thirdparty/less.php/___1.7.0.13/Output/Mapped.php +++ b/include/thirdparty/less.php/____4.0.0/Output/Mapped.php @@ -1,10 +1,8 @@ contentsMap = $contentsMap; $this->generator = $generator; } @@ -52,71 +50,68 @@ class Less_Output_Mapped extends Less_Output { * The $index for less.php may be different from less.js since less.php does not chunkify inputs * * @param string $chunk - * @param string $fileInfo - * @param integer $index + * @param array|null $fileInfo + * @param int $index * @param mixed $mapLines */ - public function add($chunk, $fileInfo = null, $index = 0, $mapLines = null){ - - //ignore adding empty strings - if( $chunk === '' ){ + public function add( $chunk, $fileInfo = null, $index = 0, $mapLines = null ) { + // ignore adding empty strings + if ( $chunk === '' ) { return; } - - $sourceLines = array(); + $sourceLines = []; $sourceColumns = ' '; - - if( $fileInfo ){ + if ( $fileInfo ) { $url = $fileInfo['currentUri']; - if( isset($this->contentsMap[$url]) ){ - $inputSource = substr($this->contentsMap[$url], 0, $index); - $sourceLines = explode("\n", $inputSource); - $sourceColumns = end($sourceLines); - }else{ - throw new Exception('Filename '.$url.' not in contentsMap'); + if ( isset( $this->contentsMap[$url] ) ) { + $inputSource = substr( $this->contentsMap[$url], 0, $index ); + $sourceLines = explode( "\n", $inputSource ); + $sourceColumns = end( $sourceLines ); + } else { + throw new Exception( 'Filename ' . $url . ' not in contentsMap' ); } } - $lines = explode("\n", $chunk); - $columns = end($lines); + $lines = explode( "\n", $chunk ); + $columns = end( $lines ); - if($fileInfo){ + if ( $fileInfo ) { - if(!$mapLines){ + if ( !$mapLines ) { $this->generator->addMapping( $this->lineNumber + 1, // generated_line $this->column, // generated_column - count($sourceLines), // original_line - strlen($sourceColumns), // original_column + count( $sourceLines ), // original_line + strlen( $sourceColumns ), // original_column $fileInfo ); - }else{ - for($i = 0, $count = count($lines); $i < $count; $i++){ + } else { + for ( $i = 0, $count = count( $lines ); $i < $count; $i++ ) { $this->generator->addMapping( $this->lineNumber + $i + 1, // generated_line $i === 0 ? $this->column : 0, // generated_column - count($sourceLines) + $i, // original_line - $i === 0 ? strlen($sourceColumns) : 0, // original_column + count( $sourceLines ) + $i, // original_line + $i === 0 ? strlen( $sourceColumns ) : 0, // original_column $fileInfo ); } } } - if(count($lines) === 1){ - $this->column += strlen($columns); - }else{ - $this->lineNumber += count($lines) - 1; - $this->column = strlen($columns); + if ( count( $lines ) === 1 ) { + $this->column += strlen( $columns ); + } else { + $this->lineNumber += count( $lines ) - 1; + $this->column = strlen( $columns ); } // add only chunk - parent::add($chunk); + parent::add( $chunk ); } -} \ No newline at end of file +} diff --git a/include/thirdparty/less.php/____4.0.0/Parser.php b/include/thirdparty/less.php/____4.0.0/Parser.php new file mode 100644 index 0000000..cfd933b --- /dev/null +++ b/include/thirdparty/less.php/____4.0.0/Parser.php @@ -0,0 +1,2640 @@ + false, // option - whether to compress + 'strictUnits' => false, // whether units need to evaluate correctly + 'strictMath' => false, // whether math has to be within parenthesis + 'relativeUrls' => true, // option - whether to adjust URL's to be relative + 'urlArgs' => '', // whether to add args into url tokens + 'numPrecision' => 8, + + 'import_dirs' => [], + 'import_callback' => null, + 'cache_dir' => null, + 'cache_method' => 'serialize', // false, 'serialize', 'callback'; + 'cache_callback_get' => null, + 'cache_callback_set' => null, + + 'sourceMap' => false, // whether to output a source map + 'sourceMapBasepath' => null, + 'sourceMapWriteTo' => null, + 'sourceMapURL' => null, + + 'indentation' => ' ', + + 'plugins' => [], + + ]; + + /** @var array{compress:bool,strictUnits:bool,strictMath:bool,numPrecision:int,import_dirs:array,import_callback:null|callable,indentation:string} */ + public static $options = []; + + private $input; // Less input string + private $input_len; // input string length + private $pos; // current index in `input` + private $saveStack = []; // holds state for backtracking + private $furthest; + private $mb_internal_encoding = ''; // for remember exists value of mbstring.internal_encoding + + /** + * @var Less_Environment + */ + private $env; + + protected $rules = []; + + private static $imports = []; + + public static $has_extends = false; + + public static $next_id = 0; + + /** + * Filename to contents of all parsed the files + * + * @var array + */ + public static $contentsMap = []; + + /** + * @param Less_Environment|array|null $env + */ + public function __construct( $env = null ) { + // Top parser on an import tree must be sure there is one "env" + // which will then be passed around by reference. + if ( $env instanceof Less_Environment ) { + $this->env = $env; + } else { + $this->SetOptions( self::$default_options ); + $this->Reset( $env ); + } + + // mbstring.func_overload > 1 bugfix + // The encoding value must be set for each source file, + // therefore, to conserve resources and improve the speed of this design is taken here + if ( ini_get( 'mbstring.func_overload' ) ) { + $this->mb_internal_encoding = ini_get( 'mbstring.internal_encoding' ); + @ini_set( 'mbstring.internal_encoding', 'ascii' ); + } + } + + /** + * Reset the parser state completely + */ + public function Reset( $options = null ) { + $this->rules = []; + self::$imports = []; + self::$has_extends = false; + self::$imports = []; + self::$contentsMap = []; + + $this->env = new Less_Environment(); + + // set new options + if ( is_array( $options ) ) { + $this->SetOptions( self::$default_options ); + $this->SetOptions( $options ); + } + + $this->env->Init(); + } + + /** + * Set one or more compiler options + * options: import_dirs, cache_dir, cache_method + */ + public function SetOptions( $options ) { + foreach ( $options as $option => $value ) { + $this->SetOption( $option, $value ); + } + } + + /** + * Set one compiler option + */ + public function SetOption( $option, $value ) { + switch ( $option ) { + + case 'import_dirs': + $this->SetImportDirs( $value ); + return; + + case 'cache_dir': + if ( is_string( $value ) ) { + Less_Cache::SetCacheDir( $value ); + Less_Cache::CheckCacheDir(); + } + return; + } + + self::$options[$option] = $value; + } + + /** + * Registers a new custom function + * + * @param string $name function name + * @param callable $callback callback + */ + public function registerFunction( $name, $callback ) { + $this->env->functions[$name] = $callback; + } + + /** + * Removed an already registered function + * + * @param string $name function name + */ + public function unregisterFunction( $name ) { + if ( isset( $this->env->functions[$name] ) ) { + unset( $this->env->functions[$name] ); + } + } + + /** + * Get the current css buffer + * + * @return string + */ + public function getCss() { + $precision = ini_get( 'precision' ); + @ini_set( 'precision', '16' ); + $locale = setlocale( LC_NUMERIC, 0 ); + setlocale( LC_NUMERIC, "C" ); + + try { + $root = new Less_Tree_Ruleset( null, $this->rules ); + $root->root = true; + $root->firstRoot = true; + + $this->PreVisitors( $root ); + + self::$has_extends = false; + $evaldRoot = $root->compile( $this->env ); + + $this->PostVisitors( $evaldRoot ); + + if ( self::$options['sourceMap'] ) { + $generator = new Less_SourceMap_Generator( $evaldRoot, self::$contentsMap, self::$options ); + // will also save file + // FIXME: should happen somewhere else? + $css = $generator->generateCSS(); + } else { + $css = $evaldRoot->toCSS(); + } + + if ( self::$options['compress'] ) { + $css = preg_replace( '/(^(\s)+)|((\s)+$)/', '', $css ); + } + + } catch ( Exception $exc ) { + // Intentional fall-through so we can reset environment + } + + // reset php settings + @ini_set( 'precision', $precision ); + setlocale( LC_NUMERIC, $locale ); + + // If you previously defined $this->mb_internal_encoding + // is required to return the encoding as it was before + if ( $this->mb_internal_encoding != '' ) { + @ini_set( "mbstring.internal_encoding", $this->mb_internal_encoding ); + $this->mb_internal_encoding = ''; + } + + // Rethrow exception after we handled resetting the environment + if ( !empty( $exc ) ) { + throw $exc; + } + + return $css; + } + + public function findValueOf( $varName ) { + foreach ( $this->rules as $rule ) { + if ( isset( $rule->variable ) && ( $rule->variable == true ) && ( str_replace( "@", "", $rule->name ) == $varName ) ) { + return $this->getVariableValue( $rule ); + } + } + return null; + } + + /** + * Gets the private rules variable and returns an array of the found variables + * it uses a helper method getVariableValue() that contains the logic ot fetch the value + * from the rule object + * + * @return array + */ + public function getVariables() { + $variables = []; + + $not_variable_type = [ + 'Comment', // this include less comments ( // ) and css comments (/* */) + 'Import', // do not search variables in included files @import + 'Ruleset', // selectors (.someclass, #someid, …) + 'Operation', // + ]; + + // @TODO run compilation if not runned yet + foreach ( $this->rules as $key => $rule ) { + if ( in_array( $rule->type, $not_variable_type ) ) { + continue; + } + + // Note: it seems rule->type is always Rule when variable = true + if ( $rule->type == 'Rule' && $rule->variable ) { + $variables[$rule->name] = $this->getVariableValue( $rule ); + } else { + if ( $rule->type == 'Comment' ) { + $variables[] = $this->getVariableValue( $rule ); + } + } + } + return $variables; + } + + public function findVarByName( $var_name ) { + foreach ( $this->rules as $rule ) { + if ( isset( $rule->variable ) && ( $rule->variable == true ) ) { + if ( $rule->name == $var_name ) { + return $this->getVariableValue( $rule ); + } + } + } + return null; + } + + /** + * This method gets the value of the less variable from the rules object. + * Since the objects vary here we add the logic for extracting the css/less value. + * + * @param Less_Tree $var + * @return string + */ + private function getVariableValue( Less_Tree $var ) { + switch ( get_class( $var ) ) { + case Less_Tree_Color::class: + return $this->rgb2html( $var->rgb ); + case Less_Tree_Variable::class: + return $this->findVarByName( $var->name ); + case Less_Tree_Keyword::class: + return $var->value; + case Less_Tree_Url::class: + // Based on Less_Tree_Url::genCSS() + // Recurse to serialize the Less_Tree_Quoted value + return 'url(' . $this->getVariableValue( $var->value ) . ')'; + case Less_Tree_Rule::class: + return $this->getVariableValue( $var->value ); + case Less_Tree_Value::class: + $value = ''; + foreach ( $var->value as $sub_value ) { + $value .= $this->getVariableValue( $sub_value ) . ' '; + } + return $value; + case Less_Tree_Quoted::class: + return $var->quote . $var->value . $var->quote; + case Less_Tree_Dimension::class: + $value = $var->value; + if ( $var->unit && $var->unit->numerator ) { + $value .= $var->unit->numerator[0]; + } + return $value; + case Less_Tree_Expression::class: + $value = ''; + foreach ( $var->value as $item ) { + $value .= $this->getVariableValue( $item ) . " "; + } + return $value; + case Less_Tree_Operation::class: + throw new Exception( 'getVariables() require Less to be compiled. please use $parser->getCss() before calling getVariables()' ); + case Less_Tree_Unit::class: + case Less_Tree_Comment::class: + case Less_Tree_Import::class: + case Less_Tree_Ruleset::class: + default: + throw new Exception( "type missing in switch/case getVariableValue for " . $var->type ); + } + } + + private function rgb2html( $r, $g = -1, $b = -1 ) { + if ( is_array( $r ) && count( $r ) == 3 ) { + list( $r, $g, $b ) = $r; + } + + $r = intval( $r ); +$g = intval( $g ); + $b = intval( $b ); + + $r = dechex( $r < 0 ? 0 : ( $r > 255 ? 255 : $r ) ); + $g = dechex( $g < 0 ? 0 : ( $g > 255 ? 255 : $g ) ); + $b = dechex( $b < 0 ? 0 : ( $b > 255 ? 255 : $b ) ); + + $color = ( strlen( $r ) < 2 ? '0' : '' ) . $r; + $color .= ( strlen( $g ) < 2 ? '0' : '' ) . $g; + $color .= ( strlen( $b ) < 2 ? '0' : '' ) . $b; + return '#' . $color; + } + + /** + * Run pre-compile visitors + */ + private function PreVisitors( $root ) { + if ( self::$options['plugins'] ) { + foreach ( self::$options['plugins'] as $plugin ) { + if ( !empty( $plugin->isPreEvalVisitor ) ) { + $plugin->run( $root ); + } + } + } + } + + /** + * Run post-compile visitors + */ + private function PostVisitors( $evaldRoot ) { + $visitors = []; + $visitors[] = new Less_Visitor_joinSelector(); + if ( self::$has_extends ) { + $visitors[] = new Less_Visitor_processExtends(); + } + $visitors[] = new Less_Visitor_toCSS(); + + if ( self::$options['plugins'] ) { + foreach ( self::$options['plugins'] as $plugin ) { + if ( property_exists( $plugin, 'isPreEvalVisitor' ) && $plugin->isPreEvalVisitor ) { + continue; + } + + if ( property_exists( $plugin, 'isPreVisitor' ) && $plugin->isPreVisitor ) { + array_unshift( $visitors, $plugin ); + } else { + $visitors[] = $plugin; + } + } + } + + for ( $i = 0; $i < count( $visitors ); $i++ ) { + $visitors[$i]->run( $evaldRoot ); + } + } + + /** + * Parse a Less string + * + * @throws Less_Exception_Parser If the compiler encounters invalid syntax + * @param string $str The string to convert + * @param string|null $file_uri The url of the file + * @return Less_Parser + */ + public function parse( $str, $file_uri = null ) { + if ( !$file_uri ) { + $uri_root = ''; + $filename = 'anonymous-file-' . self::$next_id++ . '.less'; + } else { + $file_uri = self::WinPath( $file_uri ); + $filename = $file_uri; + $uri_root = dirname( $file_uri ); + } + + $previousFileInfo = $this->env->currentFileInfo; + $uri_root = self::WinPath( $uri_root ); + $this->SetFileInfo( $filename, $uri_root ); + + $this->input = $str; + $this->_parse(); + + if ( $previousFileInfo ) { + $this->env->currentFileInfo = $previousFileInfo; + } + + return $this; + } + + /** + * Parse a Less string from a given file + * + * @throws Less_Exception_Parser If the compiler encounters invalid syntax + * @param string $filename The file to parse + * @param string $uri_root The url of the file + * @param bool $returnRoot Indicates whether the return value should be a css string a root node + * @return Less_Tree_Ruleset|Less_Parser + */ + public function parseFile( $filename, $uri_root = '', $returnRoot = false ) { + if ( !file_exists( $filename ) ) { + $this->Error( sprintf( 'File `%s` not found.', $filename ) ); + } + + // fix uri_root? + // Instead of The mixture of file path for the first argument and directory path for the second argument has bee + if ( !$returnRoot && !empty( $uri_root ) && basename( $uri_root ) == basename( $filename ) ) { + $uri_root = dirname( $uri_root ); + } + + $previousFileInfo = $this->env->currentFileInfo; + + if ( $filename ) { + $filename = self::AbsPath( $filename, true ); + } + $uri_root = self::WinPath( $uri_root ); + + $this->SetFileInfo( $filename, $uri_root ); + + self::AddParsedFile( $filename ); + + if ( $returnRoot ) { + $rules = $this->GetRules( $filename ); + $return = new Less_Tree_Ruleset( null, $rules ); + } else { + $this->_parse( $filename ); + $return = $this; + } + + if ( $previousFileInfo ) { + $this->env->currentFileInfo = $previousFileInfo; + } + + return $return; + } + + /** + * Allows a user to set variables values + * @param array $vars + * @return Less_Parser + */ + public function ModifyVars( $vars ) { + $this->input = self::serializeVars( $vars ); + $this->_parse(); + + return $this; + } + + /** + * @param string $filename + * @param string $uri_root + */ + public function SetFileInfo( $filename, $uri_root = '' ) { + $filename = Less_Environment::normalizePath( $filename ); + $dirname = preg_replace( '/[^\/\\\\]*$/', '', $filename ); + + if ( !empty( $uri_root ) ) { + $uri_root = rtrim( $uri_root, '/' ) . '/'; + } + + $currentFileInfo = []; + + // entry info + if ( isset( $this->env->currentFileInfo ) ) { + $currentFileInfo['entryPath'] = $this->env->currentFileInfo['entryPath']; + $currentFileInfo['entryUri'] = $this->env->currentFileInfo['entryUri']; + $currentFileInfo['rootpath'] = $this->env->currentFileInfo['rootpath']; + + } else { + $currentFileInfo['entryPath'] = $dirname; + $currentFileInfo['entryUri'] = $uri_root; + $currentFileInfo['rootpath'] = $dirname; + } + + $currentFileInfo['currentDirectory'] = $dirname; + $currentFileInfo['currentUri'] = $uri_root . basename( $filename ); + $currentFileInfo['filename'] = $filename; + $currentFileInfo['uri_root'] = $uri_root; + + // inherit reference + if ( isset( $this->env->currentFileInfo['reference'] ) && $this->env->currentFileInfo['reference'] ) { + $currentFileInfo['reference'] = true; + } + + $this->env->currentFileInfo = $currentFileInfo; + } + + /** + * @deprecated + */ + public function SetCacheDir( $dir ) { + if ( !file_exists( $dir ) ) { + if ( mkdir( $dir ) ) { + return true; + } + throw new Less_Exception_Parser( 'Less.php cache directory couldn\'t be created: ' . $dir ); + + } elseif ( !is_dir( $dir ) ) { + throw new Less_Exception_Parser( 'Less.php cache directory doesn\'t exist: ' . $dir ); + + } elseif ( !is_writable( $dir ) ) { + throw new Less_Exception_Parser( 'Less.php cache directory isn\'t writable: ' . $dir ); + + } else { + $dir = self::WinPath( $dir ); + Less_Cache::$cache_dir = rtrim( $dir, '/' ) . '/'; + return true; + } + } + + /** + * Set a list of directories or callbacks the parser should use for determining import paths + * + * @param array $dirs + */ + public function SetImportDirs( $dirs ) { + self::$options['import_dirs'] = []; + + foreach ( $dirs as $path => $uri_root ) { + + $path = self::WinPath( $path ); + if ( !empty( $path ) ) { + $path = rtrim( $path, '/' ) . '/'; + } + + if ( !is_callable( $uri_root ) ) { + $uri_root = self::WinPath( $uri_root ); + if ( !empty( $uri_root ) ) { + $uri_root = rtrim( $uri_root, '/' ) . '/'; + } + } + + self::$options['import_dirs'][$path] = $uri_root; + } + } + + /** + * @param string|null $file_path + */ + private function _parse( $file_path = null ) { + $this->rules = array_merge( $this->rules, $this->GetRules( $file_path ) ); + } + + /** + * Return the results of parsePrimary for $file_path + * Use cache and save cached results if possible + * + * @param string|null $file_path + */ + private function GetRules( $file_path ) { + $this->SetInput( $file_path ); + + $cache_file = $this->CacheFile( $file_path ); + if ( $cache_file ) { + if ( self::$options['cache_method'] == 'callback' ) { + if ( is_callable( self::$options['cache_callback_get'] ) ) { + $cache = call_user_func_array( + self::$options['cache_callback_get'], + [ $this, $file_path, $cache_file ] + ); + + if ( $cache ) { + $this->UnsetInput(); + return $cache; + } + } + + } elseif ( file_exists( $cache_file ) ) { + switch ( self::$options['cache_method'] ) { + + // Using serialize + case 'serialize': + $cache = unserialize( file_get_contents( $cache_file ) ); + if ( $cache ) { + touch( $cache_file ); + $this->UnsetInput(); + return $cache; + } + break; + } + } + } + + $rules = $this->parsePrimary(); + + if ( $this->pos < $this->input_len ) { + throw new Less_Exception_Chunk( $this->input, null, $this->furthest, $this->env->currentFileInfo ); + } + + $this->UnsetInput(); + + // save the cache + if ( $cache_file ) { + if ( self::$options['cache_method'] == 'callback' ) { + if ( is_callable( self::$options['cache_callback_set'] ) ) { + call_user_func_array( + self::$options['cache_callback_set'], + [ $this, $file_path, $cache_file, $rules ] + ); + } + + } else { + switch ( self::$options['cache_method'] ) { + case 'serialize': + file_put_contents( $cache_file, serialize( $rules ) ); + break; + } + + Less_Cache::CleanCache(); + } + } + + return $rules; + } + + /** + * Set up the input buffer + */ + public function SetInput( $file_path ) { + if ( $file_path ) { + $this->input = file_get_contents( $file_path ); + } + + $this->pos = $this->furthest = 0; + + // Remove potential UTF Byte Order Mark + $this->input = preg_replace( '/\\G\xEF\xBB\xBF/', '', $this->input ); + $this->input_len = strlen( $this->input ); + + if ( self::$options['sourceMap'] && $this->env->currentFileInfo ) { + $uri = $this->env->currentFileInfo['currentUri']; + self::$contentsMap[$uri] = $this->input; + } + } + + /** + * Free up some memory + */ + public function UnsetInput() { + $this->input = $this->pos = $this->input_len = $this->furthest = null; + $this->saveStack = []; + } + + public function CacheFile( $file_path ) { + if ( $file_path && $this->CacheEnabled() ) { + + $env = get_object_vars( $this->env ); + unset( $env['frames'] ); + + $parts = []; + $parts[] = $file_path; + $parts[] = filesize( $file_path ); + $parts[] = filemtime( $file_path ); + $parts[] = $env; + $parts[] = Less_Version::cache_version; + $parts[] = self::$options['cache_method']; + return Less_Cache::$cache_dir . Less_Cache::$prefix . base_convert( sha1( json_encode( $parts ) ), 16, 36 ) . '.lesscache'; + } + } + + static function AddParsedFile( $file ) { + self::$imports[] = $file; + } + + static function AllParsedFiles() { + return self::$imports; + } + + /** + * @param string $file + */ + static function FileParsed( $file ) { + return in_array( $file, self::$imports ); + } + + function save() { + $this->saveStack[] = $this->pos; + } + + private function restore() { + if ( $this->pos > $this->furthest ) { + $this->furthest = $this->pos; + } + $this->pos = array_pop( $this->saveStack ); + } + + private function forget() { + array_pop( $this->saveStack ); + } + + /** + * Determine if the character at the specified offset from the current position is a white space. + * + * @param int $offset + * @return bool + */ + private function isWhitespace( $offset = 0 ) { + // @phan-suppress-next-line PhanParamSuspiciousOrder False positive + return strpos( " \t\n\r\v\f", $this->input[$this->pos + $offset] ) !== false; + } + + /** + * Parse from a token, regexp or string, and move forward if match + * + * @param array $toks + * @return null|string|array|Less_Tree + */ + private function matcher( $toks ) { + // The match is confirmed, add the match length to `this::pos`, + // and consume any extra white-space characters (' ' || '\n') + // which come after that. The reason for this is that LeSS's + // grammar is mostly white-space insensitive. + // + + foreach ( $toks as $tok ) { + + $char = $tok[0]; + + if ( $char === '/' ) { + $match = $this->MatchReg( $tok ); + + if ( $match ) { + return count( $match ) === 1 ? $match[0] : $match; + } + + } elseif ( $char === '#' ) { + $match = $this->MatchChar( $tok[1] ); + + } else { + // Non-terminal, match using a function call + $match = $this->$tok(); + + } + + if ( $match ) { + return $match; + } + } + } + + /** + * Match a single character in the input. + * + * @param string $tok + * @return string|null + * @see less-2.5.3.js#parserInput.$char + */ + private function MatchChar( $tok ) { + if ( ( $this->pos < $this->input_len ) && ( $this->input[$this->pos] === $tok ) ) { + $this->skipWhitespace( 1 ); + return $tok; + } + } + + /** + * Match a regexp from the current start point + * + * @return array|null + */ + private function MatchReg( $tok ) { + if ( preg_match( $tok, $this->input, $match, 0, $this->pos ) ) { + $this->skipWhitespace( strlen( $match[0] ) ); + return $match; + } + } + + /** + * @return null|string + * @see less-2.5.3.js#parserInput.$quoted + */ + private function MatchQuoted() { + $startChar = $this->input[$this->pos] ?? null; + if ( $startChar !== "'" && $startChar !== '"' ) { + return; + } + + $i = 1; + while ( $this->pos + $i < $this->input_len ) { + $nextChar = $this->input[$this->pos + $i]; + switch ( $nextChar ) { + case "\\": + $i++; + break; + case "\r": + case "\n": + return; + case $startChar: + $i++; + $matched = substr( $this->input, $this->pos, $i ); + $this->skipWhitespace( $i ); + return $matched; + } + + $i++; + } + + return null; + } + + /** + * Same as match(), but don't change the state of the parser, + * just return the match. + * + * @param string $tok + * @return int|false + */ + public function PeekReg( $tok ) { + return preg_match( $tok, $this->input, $match, 0, $this->pos ); + } + + /** + * @param string $tok + */ + public function PeekChar( $tok ) { + return ( $this->pos < $this->input_len ) && ( $this->input[$this->pos] === $tok ); + } + + /** + * @param int $length + * @see less-2.5.3.js#skipWhitespace + */ + public function skipWhitespace( $length ) { + $this->pos += $length; + + for ( ; $this->pos < $this->input_len; $this->pos++ ) { + $c = $this->input[$this->pos]; + + if ( ( $c !== "\n" ) && ( $c !== "\r" ) && ( $c !== "\t" ) && ( $c !== ' ' ) ) { + break; + } + } + } + + /** + * @param string $tok + * @param string|null $msg + */ + public function expect( $tok, $msg = null ) { + $result = $this->matcher( [ $tok ] ); + if ( !$result ) { + $this->Error( $msg ? "Expected '" . $tok . "' got '" . $this->input[$this->pos] . "'" : $msg ); + } else { + return $result; + } + } + + /** + * @param string $tok + * @param string|null $msg + */ + public function expectChar( $tok, $msg = null ) { + $result = $this->MatchChar( $tok ); + if ( !$result ) { + $msg = $msg ?: "Expected '" . $tok . "' got '" . $this->input[$this->pos] . "'"; + $this->Error( $msg ); + } else { + return $result; + } + } + + // + // Here in, the parsing rules/functions + // + // The basic structure of the syntax tree generated is as follows: + // + // Ruleset -> Rule -> Value -> Expression -> Entity + // + // Here's some LESS code: + // + // .class { + // color: #fff; + // border: 1px solid #000; + // width: @w + 4px; + // > .child {...} + // } + // + // And here's what the parse tree might look like: + // + // Ruleset (Selector '.class', [ + // Rule ("color", Value ([Expression [Color #fff]])) + // Rule ("border", Value ([Expression [Dimension 1px][Keyword "solid"][Color #000]])) + // Rule ("width", Value ([Expression [Operation "+" [Variable "@w"][Dimension 4px]]])) + // Ruleset (Selector [Element '>', '.child'], [...]) + // ]) + // + // In general, most rules will try to parse a token with the `$()` function, and if the return + // value is truly, will return a new node, of the relevant type. Sometimes, we need to check + // first, before parsing, that's when we use `peek()`. + // + + // + // The `primary` rule is the *entry* and *exit* point of the parser. + // The rules here can appear at any level of the parse tree. + // + // The recursive nature of the grammar is an interplay between the `block` + // rule, which represents `{ ... }`, the `ruleset` rule, and this `primary` rule, + // as represented by this simplified grammar: + // + // primary → (ruleset | rule)+ + // ruleset → selector+ block + // block → '{' primary '}' + // + // Only at one point is the primary rule not called from the + // block rule: at the root level. + // + // @see less-2.5.3.js#parsers.primary + private function parsePrimary() { + $root = []; + + while ( true ) { + + if ( $this->pos >= $this->input_len ) { + break; + } + + $node = $this->parseExtend( true ); + if ( $node ) { + $root = array_merge( $root, $node ); + continue; + } + + $node = $this->parseMixinDefinition() + // Optimisation: NameValue is specific to less.php + ?? $this->parseNameValue() + ?? $this->parseRule() + ?? $this->parseRuleset() + ?? $this->parseMixinCall() + ?? $this->parseComment() + ?? $this->parseRulesetCall() + ?? $this->parseDirective(); + + if ( $node ) { + $root[] = $node; + } elseif ( !$this->MatchReg( '/\\G[\s\n;]+/' ) ) { + break; + } + + if ( $this->PeekChar( '}' ) ) { + break; + } + } + + return $root; + } + + // We create a Comment node for CSS comments `/* */`, + // but keep the LeSS comments `//` silent, by just skipping + // over them. + private function parseComment() { + $char = $this->input[$this->pos] ?? null; + if ( $char !== '/' ) { + return; + } + + $nextChar = $this->input[$this->pos + 1] ?? null; + if ( $nextChar === '/' ) { + $match = $this->MatchReg( '/\\G\/\/.*/' ); + return new Less_Tree_Comment( $match[0], true, $this->pos, $this->env->currentFileInfo ); + } + + // $comment = $this->MatchReg('/\\G\/\*(?:[^*]|\*+[^\/*])*\*+\/\n?/'); + $comment = $this->MatchReg( '/\\G\/\*(?s).*?\*+\/\n?/' );// not the same as less.js to prevent fatal errors + if ( $comment ) { + return new Less_Tree_Comment( $comment[0], false, $this->pos, $this->env->currentFileInfo ); + } + } + + private function parseComments() { + $comments = []; + + while ( $this->pos < $this->input_len ) { + $comment = $this->parseComment(); + if ( !$comment ) { + break; + } + + $comments[] = $comment; + } + + return $comments; + } + + /** + * A string, which supports escaping " and ' + * + * "milky way" 'he\'s the one!' + * + * @return Less_Tree_Quoted|null + * @see less-2.5.3.js#entities.quoted + */ + private function parseEntitiesQuoted() { + $index = $this->pos; + + $this->save(); + + $isEscaped = $this->MatchChar( '~' ) !== null; + $str = $this->MatchQuoted(); + if ( $str === null ) { + $this->restore(); + return; + } + + $this->forget(); + + return new Less_Tree_Quoted( $str[0], substr( $str, 1, -1 ), $isEscaped, $index, $this->env->currentFileInfo ); + } + + /** + * A catch-all word, such as: + * + * black border-collapse + * + * @return Less_Tree_Keyword|Less_Tree_Color|null + */ + private function parseEntitiesKeyword() { + // $k = $this->MatchReg('/\\G[_A-Za-z-][_A-Za-z0-9-]*/'); + $k = $this->MatchReg( '/\\G%|\\G[_A-Za-z-][_A-Za-z0-9-]*/' ); + if ( $k ) { + $k = $k[0]; + $color = $this->fromKeyword( $k ); + if ( $color ) { + return $color; + } + return new Less_Tree_Keyword( $k ); + } + } + + // duplicate of Less_Tree_Color::FromKeyword + private function FromKeyword( $keyword ) { + $keyword = strtolower( $keyword ); + + if ( Less_Colors::hasOwnProperty( $keyword ) ) { + // detect named color + return new Less_Tree_Color( substr( Less_Colors::color( $keyword ), 1 ) ); + } + + if ( $keyword === 'transparent' ) { + return new Less_Tree_Color( [ 0, 0, 0 ], 0, true ); + } + } + + // + // A function call + // + // rgb(255, 0, 255) + // + // We also try to catch IE's `alpha()`, but let the `alpha` parser + // deal with the details. + // + // The arguments are parsed with the `entities.arguments` parser. + // + private function parseEntitiesCall() { + $index = $this->pos; + + if ( !preg_match( '/\\G([\w-]+|%|progid:[\w\.]+)\(/', $this->input, $name, 0, $this->pos ) ) { + return; + } + $name = $name[1]; + $nameLC = strtolower( $name ); + + if ( $nameLC === 'url' ) { + return null; + } + + $this->pos += strlen( $name ); + + if ( $nameLC === 'alpha' ) { + $alpha_ret = $this->parseAlpha(); + if ( $alpha_ret ) { + return $alpha_ret; + } + } + + $this->MatchChar( '(' ); // Parse the '(' and consume whitespace. + + $args = $this->parseEntitiesArguments(); + + if ( !$this->MatchChar( ')' ) ) { + return; + } + + if ( $name ) { + return new Less_Tree_Call( $name, $args, $index, $this->env->currentFileInfo ); + } + } + + /** + * Parse a list of arguments + * + * @return array + */ + private function parseEntitiesArguments() { + $args = []; + while ( true ) { + $arg = $this->parseEntitiesAssignment() ?? $this->parseExpression(); + if ( !$arg ) { + break; + } + + $args[] = $arg; + if ( !$this->MatchChar( ',' ) ) { + break; + } + } + return $args; + } + + /** @return Less_Tree_Dimension|Less_Tree_Color|Less_Tree_Quoted|Less_Tree_UnicodeDescriptor|null */ + private function parseEntitiesLiteral() { + return $this->parseEntitiesDimension() ?? $this->parseEntitiesColor() ?? $this->parseEntitiesQuoted() ?? $this->parseUnicodeDescriptor(); + } + + /** + * Assignments are argument entities for calls. + * + * They are present in IE filter properties as shown below. + * + * filter: progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.Alpha( *opacity=50* ) + * + * @return Less_Tree_Assignment|null + */ + private function parseEntitiesAssignment() { + $key = $this->MatchReg( '/\\G\w+(?=\s?=)/' ); + if ( !$key ) { + return; + } + + if ( !$this->MatchChar( '=' ) ) { + return; + } + + $value = $this->parseEntity(); + if ( $value ) { + return new Less_Tree_Assignment( $key[0], $value ); + } + } + + // + // Parse url() tokens + // + // We use a specific rule for urls, because they don't really behave like + // standard function calls. The difference is that the argument doesn't have + // to be enclosed within a string, so it can't be parsed as an Expression. + // + private function parseEntitiesUrl() { + $char = $this->input[$this->pos] ?? null; + // Optimisation: 'u' check is specific to less.php + if ( $char !== 'u' || !$this->matchReg( '/\\Gurl\(/' ) ) { + return; + } + + $value = $this->matcher( [ 'parseEntitiesQuoted','parseEntitiesVariable','/\\Gdata\:.*?[^\)]+/','/\\G(?:(?:\\\\[\(\)\'"])|[^\(\)\'"])+/' ] ); + if ( !$value ) { + $value = ''; + } + + $this->expectChar( ')' ); + + // @phan-suppress-next-line PhanUndeclaredProperty + if ( isset( $value->value ) || $value instanceof Less_Tree_Variable ) { + return new Less_Tree_Url( $value, $this->env->currentFileInfo ); + } + + return new Less_Tree_Url( new Less_Tree_Anonymous( $value ), $this->env->currentFileInfo ); + } + + /** + * A Variable entity, such as `@fink`, in + * + * width: @fink + 2px + * + * We use a different parser for variable definitions, + * see `parsers.variable`. + * + * @return Less_Tree_Variable|null + */ + private function parseEntitiesVariable() { + $index = $this->pos; + if ( $this->PeekChar( '@' ) && ( $name = $this->MatchReg( '/\\G@@?[\w-]+/' ) ) ) { + return new Less_Tree_Variable( $name[0], $index, $this->env->currentFileInfo ); + } + } + + /** + * A variable entity using the protective `{}` e.g. `@{var}`. + * + * @return Less_Tree_Variable|null + */ + private function parseEntitiesVariableCurly() { + $index = $this->pos; + + if ( $this->input_len > ( $this->pos + 1 ) && $this->input[$this->pos] === '@' && ( $curly = $this->MatchReg( '/\\G@\{([\w-]+)\}/' ) ) ) { + return new Less_Tree_Variable( '@' . $curly[1], $index, $this->env->currentFileInfo ); + } + } + + /** + * A Hexadecimal color + * + * #4F3C2F + * + * `rgb` and `hsl` colors are parsed through the `entities.call` parser. + * + * @return Less_Tree_Color|null + */ + private function parseEntitiesColor() { + if ( $this->PeekChar( '#' ) && ( $rgb = $this->MatchReg( '/\\G#([A-Fa-f0-9]{6}|[A-Fa-f0-9]{3})/' ) ) ) { + return new Less_Tree_Color( $rgb[1] ); + } + } + + /** + * A Dimension, that is, a number and a unit + * + * 0.5em 95% + * + * @return Less_Tree_Dimension|null + */ + private function parseEntitiesDimension() { + $c = @ord( $this->input[$this->pos] ); + + // Is the first char of the dimension 0-9, '.', '+' or '-' + if ( ( $c > 57 || $c < 43 ) || $c === 47 || $c == 44 ) { + return; + } + + $value = $this->MatchReg( '/\\G([+-]?\d*\.?\d+)(%|[a-z]+)?/' ); + if ( $value ) { + if ( isset( $value[2] ) ) { + return new Less_Tree_Dimension( $value[1], $value[2] ); + } + return new Less_Tree_Dimension( $value[1] ); + } + } + + /** + * A unicode descriptor, as is used in unicode-range + * + * U+0?? or U+00A1-00A9 + * + * @return Less_Tree_UnicodeDescriptor|null + */ + function parseUnicodeDescriptor() { + $ud = $this->MatchReg( '/\\G(U\+[0-9a-fA-F?]+)(\-[0-9a-fA-F?]+)?/' ); + if ( $ud ) { + return new Less_Tree_UnicodeDescriptor( $ud[0] ); + } + } + + /** + * JavaScript code to be evaluated + * + * `window.location.href` + * + * @return Less_Tree_Javascript|null + * @see less-2.5.3.js#parsers.entities.javascript + */ + private function parseEntitiesJavascript() { + $index = $this->pos; + + $this->save(); + + $isEscaped = $this->MatchChar( '~' ) !== null; + $jsQuote = $this->MatchChar( '`' ) !== null; + if ( !$jsQuote ) { + $this->restore(); + return; + } + $js = $this->MatchReg( '/\\G[^`]*`/' ); + if ( $js ) { + $this->forget(); + return new Less_Tree_Javascript( substr( $js[0], 0, -1 ), $index, $isEscaped ); + } + $this->restore(); + } + + // + // The variable part of a variable definition. Used in the `rule` parser + // + // @fink: + // + // @see less-2.5.3.js#parsers.variable + private function parseVariable() { + if ( $this->PeekChar( '@' ) && ( $name = $this->MatchReg( '/\\G(@[\w-]+)\s*:/' ) ) ) { + return $name[1]; + } + } + + // + // The variable part of a variable definition. Used in the `rule` parser + // + // @fink(); + // + // @see less-2.5.3.js#parsers.rulesetCall + private function parseRulesetCall() { + if ( $this->PeekChar( '@' ) && ( $name = $this->MatchReg( '/\\G(@[\w-]+)\s*\(\s*\)\s*;/' ) ) ) { + return new Less_Tree_RulesetCall( $name[1] ); + } + } + + // + // extend syntax - used to extend selectors + // + function parseExtend( $isRule = false ) { + $index = $this->pos; + $extendList = []; + + if ( !$this->MatchReg( $isRule ? '/\\G&:extend\(/' : '/\\G:extend\(/' ) ) { + return; + } + + do { + $option = null; + $elements = []; + while ( true ) { + $option = $this->MatchReg( '/\\G(all)(?=\s*(\)|,))/' ); + if ( $option ) { break; + } + $e = $this->parseElement(); + if ( !$e ) { + break; + } + $elements[] = $e; + } + + if ( $option ) { + $option = $option[1]; + } + + $extendList[] = new Less_Tree_Extend( new Less_Tree_Selector( $elements ), $option, $index ); + + } while ( $this->MatchChar( "," ) ); + + $this->expect( '/\\G\)/' ); + + if ( $isRule ) { + $this->expect( '/\\G;/' ); + } + + return $extendList; + } + + // + // A Mixin call, with an optional argument list + // + // #mixins > .square(#fff); + // .rounded(4px, black); + // .button; + // + // The `while` loop is there because mixins can be + // namespaced, but we only support the child and descendant + // selector for now. + // + private function parseMixinCall() { + $char = $this->input[$this->pos] ?? null; + if ( $char !== '.' && $char !== '#' ) { + return; + } + + $index = $this->pos; + $this->save(); // stop us absorbing part of an invalid selector + + $elements = $this->parseMixinCallElements(); + + if ( $elements ) { + + if ( $this->MatchChar( '(' ) ) { + $returned = $this->parseMixinArgs( true ); + $args = $returned['args']; + $this->expectChar( ')' ); + } else { + $args = []; + } + + $important = $this->parseImportant(); + + if ( $this->parseEnd() ) { + $this->forget(); + return new Less_Tree_Mixin_Call( $elements, $args, $index, $this->env->currentFileInfo, $important ); + } + } + + $this->restore(); + } + + private function parseMixinCallElements() { + $elements = []; + $c = null; + + while ( true ) { + $elemIndex = $this->pos; + $e = $this->MatchReg( '/\\G[#.](?:[\w-]|\\\\(?:[A-Fa-f0-9]{1,6} ?|[^A-Fa-f0-9]))+/' ); + if ( !$e ) { + break; + } + $elements[] = new Less_Tree_Element( $c, $e[0], $elemIndex, $this->env->currentFileInfo ); + $c = $this->MatchChar( '>' ); + } + + return $elements; + } + + /** + * @param bool $isCall + */ + private function parseMixinArgs( $isCall ) { + $expressions = []; + $argsSemiColon = []; + $isSemiColonSeperated = null; + $argsComma = []; + $expressionContainsNamed = null; + $name = null; + $returner = [ 'args' => [], 'variadic' => false ]; + + $this->save(); + + while ( true ) { + if ( $isCall ) { + $arg = $this->parseDetachedRuleset() ?? $this->parseExpression(); + } else { + $this->parseComments(); + if ( $this->input[ $this->pos ] === '.' && $this->MatchReg( '/\\G\.{3}/' ) ) { + $returner['variadic'] = true; + if ( $this->MatchChar( ";" ) && !$isSemiColonSeperated ) { + $isSemiColonSeperated = true; + } + + if ( $isSemiColonSeperated ) { + $argsSemiColon[] = [ 'variadic' => true ]; + } else { + $argsComma[] = [ 'variadic' => true ]; + } + break; + } + $arg = $this->parseEntitiesVariable() ?? $this->parseEntitiesLiteral() ?? $this->parseEntitiesKeyword(); + } + + if ( !$arg ) { + break; + } + + $nameLoop = null; + if ( $arg instanceof Less_Tree_Expression ) { + $arg->throwAwayComments(); + } + $value = $arg; + $val = null; + + if ( $isCall ) { + // Variable + if ( property_exists( $arg, 'value' ) && count( $arg->value ) == 1 ) { + $val = $arg->value[0]; + } + } else { + $val = $arg; + } + + if ( $val instanceof Less_Tree_Variable ) { + + if ( $this->MatchChar( ':' ) ) { + if ( $expressions ) { + if ( $isSemiColonSeperated ) { + $this->Error( 'Cannot mix ; and , as delimiter types' ); + } + $expressionContainsNamed = true; + } + + // we do not support setting a ruleset as a default variable - it doesn't make sense + // However if we do want to add it, there is nothing blocking it, just don't error + // and remove isCall dependency below + $value = null; + if ( $isCall ) { + $value = $this->parseDetachedRuleset(); + } + if ( !$value ) { + $value = $this->parseExpression(); + } + + if ( !$value ) { + if ( $isCall ) { + $this->Error( 'could not understand value for named argument' ); + } else { + $this->restore(); + $returner['args'] = []; + return $returner; + } + } + + $nameLoop = ( $name = $val->name ); + } elseif ( !$isCall && $this->MatchReg( '/\\G\.{3}/' ) ) { + $returner['variadic'] = true; + if ( $this->MatchChar( ";" ) && !$isSemiColonSeperated ) { + $isSemiColonSeperated = true; + } + if ( $isSemiColonSeperated ) { + $argsSemiColon[] = [ 'name' => $arg->name, 'variadic' => true ]; + } else { + $argsComma[] = [ 'name' => $arg->name, 'variadic' => true ]; + } + break; + } elseif ( !$isCall ) { + $name = $nameLoop = $val->name; + $value = null; + } + } + + if ( $value ) { + $expressions[] = $value; + } + + $argsComma[] = [ 'name' => $nameLoop, 'value' => $value ]; + + if ( $this->MatchChar( ',' ) ) { + continue; + } + + if ( $this->MatchChar( ';' ) || $isSemiColonSeperated ) { + + if ( $expressionContainsNamed ) { + $this->Error( 'Cannot mix ; and , as delimiter types' ); + } + + $isSemiColonSeperated = true; + + if ( count( $expressions ) > 1 ) { + $value = new Less_Tree_Value( $expressions ); + } + $argsSemiColon[] = [ 'name' => $name, 'value' => $value ]; + + $name = null; + $expressions = []; + $expressionContainsNamed = false; + } + } + + $this->forget(); + $returner['args'] = ( $isSemiColonSeperated ? $argsSemiColon : $argsComma ); + return $returner; + } + + // + // A Mixin definition, with a list of parameters + // + // .rounded (@radius: 2px, @color) { + // ... + // } + // + // Until we have a finer grained state-machine, we have to + // do a look-ahead, to make sure we don't have a mixin call. + // See the `rule` function for more information. + // + // We start by matching `.rounded (`, and then proceed on to + // the argument list, which has optional default values. + // We store the parameters in `params`, with a `value` key, + // if there is a value, such as in the case of `@radius`. + // + // Once we've got our params list, and a closing `)`, we parse + // the `{...}` block. + // + private function parseMixinDefinition() { + $cond = null; + + $char = $this->input[$this->pos] ?? null; + // TODO: Less.js doesn't limit this to $char == '{'. + if ( ( $char !== '.' && $char !== '#' ) || ( $char === '{' && $this->PeekReg( '/\\G[^{]*\}/' ) ) ) { + return; + } + + $this->save(); + + $match = $this->MatchReg( '/\\G([#.](?:[\w-]|\\\(?:[A-Fa-f0-9]{1,6} ?|[^A-Fa-f0-9]))+)\s*\(/' ); + if ( $match ) { + $name = $match[1]; + + $argInfo = $this->parseMixinArgs( false ); + $params = $argInfo['args']; + $variadic = $argInfo['variadic']; + + // .mixincall("@{a}"); + // looks a bit like a mixin definition.. + // also + // .mixincall(@a: {rule: set;}); + // so we have to be nice and restore + if ( !$this->MatchChar( ')' ) ) { + $this->restore(); + return; + } + + $this->parseComments(); + + if ( $this->MatchReg( '/\\Gwhen/' ) ) { // Guard + $cond = $this->expect( 'parseConditions', 'Expected conditions' ); + } + + $ruleset = $this->parseBlock(); + + if ( $ruleset !== null ) { + $this->forget(); + return new Less_Tree_Mixin_Definition( $name, $params, $ruleset, $cond, $variadic ); + } + + $this->restore(); + } else { + $this->forget(); + } + } + + // + // Entities are the smallest recognized token, + // and can be found inside a rule's value. + // + private function parseEntity() { + return $this->parseEntitiesLiteral() ?? $this->parseEntitiesVariable() ?? $this->parseEntitiesUrl() ?? $this->parseEntitiesCall() ?? $this->parseEntitiesKeyword() ?? $this->parseEntitiesJavascript() ?? $this->parseComment(); + } + + // + // A Rule terminator. Note that we use `peek()` to check for '}', + // because the `block` rule will be expecting it, but we still need to make sure + // it's there, if ';' was omitted. + // + private function parseEnd() { + return $this->MatchChar( ';' ) || $this->PeekChar( '}' ); + } + + // + // IE's alpha function + // + // alpha(opacity=88) + // + private function parseAlpha() { + if ( !$this->MatchReg( '/\\G\(opacity=/i' ) ) { + return; + } + + $value = $this->MatchReg( '/\\G[0-9]+/' ); + if ( $value ) { + $value = $value[0]; + } else { + $value = $this->parseEntitiesVariable(); + if ( !$value ) { + return; + } + } + + $this->expectChar( ')' ); + return new Less_Tree_Alpha( $value ); + } + + /** + * A Selector Element + * + * div + * + h1 + * #socks + * input[type="text"] + * + * Elements are the building blocks for Selectors, + * they are made out of a `Combinator` (see combinator rule), + * and an element name, such as a tag a class, or `*`. + * + * @return Less_Tree_Element|null + * @see less-2.5.3.js#parsers.element + */ + private function parseElement() { + $c = $this->parseCombinator(); + $index = $this->pos; + + // TODO: Speed up by calling MatchChar directly, like less.js does + $e = $this->matcher( [ + '/\\G(?:\d+\.\d+|\d+)%/', + '/\\G(?:[.#]?|:*)(?:[\w-]|[^\x00-\x9f]|\\\\(?:[A-Fa-f0-9]{1,6} ?|[^A-Fa-f0-9]))+/', + '#*', + '#&', + 'parseAttribute', + '/\\G\([^&()@]+\)/', + '/\\G[\.#:](?=@)/', + 'parseEntitiesVariableCurly' + ] ); + + if ( $e === null ) { + $this->save(); + if ( $this->MatchChar( '(' ) ) { + if ( ( $v = $this->parseSelector() ) && $this->MatchChar( ')' ) ) { + $e = new Less_Tree_Paren( $v ); + $this->forget(); + } else { + $this->restore(); + } + } else { + $this->forget(); + } + } + + if ( $e !== null ) { + return new Less_Tree_Element( $c, $e, $index, $this->env->currentFileInfo ); + } + } + + // + // Combinators combine elements together, in a Selector. + // + // Because our parser isn't white-space sensitive, special care + // has to be taken, when parsing the descendant combinator, ` `, + // as it's an empty space. We have to check the previous character + // in the input, to see if it's a ` ` character. + // + // @see less-2.5.3.js#parsers.combinator + private function parseCombinator() { + if ( $this->pos < $this->input_len ) { + $c = $this->input[$this->pos]; + // TODO: Figure out why less.js also handles '/' here, and implement with regression test. + if ( $c === '>' || $c === '+' || $c === '~' || $c === '|' || $c === '^' ) { + + $this->pos++; + if ( $this->input[$this->pos] === '^' ) { + $c = '^^'; + $this->pos++; + } + + $this->skipWhitespace( 0 ); + + return $c; + } + + if ( $this->pos > 0 && $this->isWhitespace( -1 ) ) { + return ' '; + } + } + } + + /** + * A CSS selector (see selector below) + * with less extensions e.g. the ability to extend and guard + * + * @return Less_Tree_Selector|null + * @see less-2.5.3.js#parsers.lessSelector + */ + private function parseLessSelector() { + return $this->parseSelector( true ); + } + + /** + * A CSS Selector + * + * .class > div + h1 + * li a:hover + * + * Selectors are made out of one or more Elements, see ::parseElement. + * + * @return Less_Tree_Selector|null + * @see less-2.5.3.js#parsers.selector + */ + private function parseSelector( $isLess = false ) { + $elements = []; + $extendList = []; + $condition = null; + $when = false; + $extend = false; + $e = null; + $c = null; + $index = $this->pos; + + while ( ( $isLess && ( $extend = $this->parseExtend() ) ) || ( $isLess && ( $when = $this->MatchReg( '/\\Gwhen/' ) ) ) || ( $e = $this->parseElement() ) ) { + if ( $when ) { + $condition = $this->expect( 'parseConditions', 'expected condition' ); + } elseif ( $condition ) { + // error("CSS guard can only be used at the end of selector"); + } elseif ( $extend ) { + $extendList = array_merge( $extendList, $extend ); + } else { + // if( count($extendList) ){ + //error("Extend can only be used at the end of selector"); + //} + if ( $this->pos < $this->input_len ) { + $c = $this->input[ $this->pos ]; + } + $elements[] = $e; + $e = null; + } + + if ( $c === '{' || $c === '}' || $c === ';' || $c === ',' || $c === ')' ) { + break; + } + } + + if ( $elements ) { + return new Less_Tree_Selector( $elements, $extendList, $condition, $index, $this->env->currentFileInfo ); + } + if ( $extendList ) { + $this->Error( 'Extend must be used to extend a selector, it cannot be used on its own' ); + } + } + + private function parseTag() { + return ( $tag = $this->MatchReg( '/\\G[A-Za-z][A-Za-z-]*[0-9]?/' ) ) ? $tag : $this->MatchChar( '*' ); + } + + private function parseAttribute() { + $val = null; + + if ( !$this->MatchChar( '[' ) ) { + return; + } + + $key = $this->parseEntitiesVariableCurly(); + if ( !$key ) { + $key = $this->expect( '/\\G(?:[_A-Za-z0-9-\*]*\|)?(?:[_A-Za-z0-9-]|\\\\.)+/' ); + } + + $op = $this->MatchReg( '/\\G[|~*$^]?=/' ); + if ( $op ) { + $val = $this->matcher( [ 'parseEntitiesQuoted','/\\G[0-9]+%/','/\\G[\w-]+/','parseEntitiesVariableCurly' ] ); + } + + $this->expectChar( ']' ); + + return new Less_Tree_Attribute( $key, $op === null ? null : $op[0], $val ); + } + + /** + * The `block` rule is used by `ruleset` and `mixin.definition`. + * It's a wrapper around the `primary` rule, with added `{}`. + * + * @return array|null + * @see less-2.5.3.js#parsers.block + */ + private function parseBlock() { + if ( $this->MatchChar( '{' ) ) { + $content = $this->parsePrimary(); + if ( $this->MatchChar( '}' ) ) { + return $content; + } + } + } + + private function parseBlockRuleset() { + $block = $this->parseBlock(); + + if ( $block ) { + $block = new Less_Tree_Ruleset( null, $block ); + } + + return $block; + } + + /** @return Less_Tree_DetachedRuleset|null */ + private function parseDetachedRuleset() { + $blockRuleset = $this->parseBlockRuleset(); + if ( $blockRuleset ) { + return new Less_Tree_DetachedRuleset( $blockRuleset ); + } + } + + /** + * Ruleset such as: + * + * div, .class, body > p { + * } + * + * @return Less_Tree_Ruleset|null + * @see less-2.5.3.js#parsers.ruleset + */ + private function parseRuleset() { + $selectors = []; + + $this->save(); + + while ( true ) { + $s = $this->parseLessSelector(); + if ( !$s ) { + break; + } + $selectors[] = $s; + $this->parseComments(); + + if ( $s->condition && count( $selectors ) > 1 ) { + $this->Error( 'Guards are only currently allowed on a single selector.' ); + } + + if ( !$this->MatchChar( ',' ) ) { + break; + } + if ( $s->condition ) { + $this->Error( 'Guards are only currently allowed on a single selector.' ); + } + $this->parseComments(); + } + + if ( $selectors ) { + $rules = $this->parseBlock(); + if ( is_array( $rules ) ) { + $this->forget(); + // TODO: Less_Environment::$strictImports is not yet ported + // It is passed here by less.js + return new Less_Tree_Ruleset( $selectors, $rules ); + } + } + + // Backtrack + $this->restore(); + } + + /** + * Custom less.php parse function for finding simple name-value css pairs + * ex: width:100px; + */ + private function parseNameValue() { + $index = $this->pos; + $this->save(); + + $match = $this->MatchReg( '/\\G([a-zA-Z\-]+)\s*:\s*([\'"]?[#a-zA-Z0-9\-%\.,]+?[\'"]?) *(! *important)?\s*([;}])/' ); + if ( $match ) { + + if ( $match[4] == '}' ) { + $this->pos = $index + strlen( $match[0] ) - 1; + } + + if ( $match[3] ) { + $match[2] .= ' !important'; + } + + return new Less_Tree_NameValue( $match[1], $match[2], $index, $this->env->currentFileInfo ); + } + + $this->restore(); + } + + // @see less-2.5.3.js#parsers.rule + private function parseRule( $tryAnonymous = null ) { + $value = null; + $startOfRule = $this->pos; + $c = $this->input[$this->pos] ?? null; + $important = null; + $merge = false; + + // TODO: Figure out why less.js also handles ':' here, and implement with regression test. + if ( $c === '.' || $c === '#' || $c === '&' ) { + return; + } + + $this->save(); + $name = $this->parseVariable() ?? $this->parseRuleProperty(); + + if ( $name ) { + $isVariable = is_string( $name ); + + if ( $isVariable ) { + $value = $this->parseDetachedRuleset(); + } + + if ( !$value ) { + // a name returned by this.ruleProperty() is always an array of the form: + // [string-1, ..., string-n, ""] or [string-1, ..., string-n, "+"] + // where each item is a tree.Keyword or tree.Variable + if ( !$isVariable && count( $name ) > 1 ) { + $merge = array_pop( $name )->value; + } + + // prefer to try to parse first if its a variable or we are compressing + // but always fallback on the other one + $tryValueFirst = ( !$tryAnonymous && ( self::$options['compress'] || $isVariable ) ); + if ( $tryValueFirst ) { + $value = $this->parseValue(); + } + if ( !$value ) { + $value = $this->parseAnonymousValue(); + if ( $value ) { + $this->forget(); + // anonymous values absorb the end ';' which is required for them to work + return new Less_Tree_Rule( $name, $value, false, $merge, $startOfRule, $this->env->currentFileInfo ); + } + } + if ( !$tryValueFirst && !$value ) { + $value = $this->parseValue(); + } + + $important = $this->parseImportant(); + } + + if ( $value && $this->parseEnd() ) { + $this->forget(); + return new Less_Tree_Rule( $name, $value, $important, $merge, $startOfRule, $this->env->currentFileInfo ); + } else { + $this->restore(); + if ( $value && !$tryAnonymous ) { + return $this->parseRule( true ); + } + } + } else { + $this->forget(); + } + } + + function parseAnonymousValue() { + $match = $this->MatchReg( '/\\G([^@+\/\'"*`(;{}-]*);/' ); + if ( $match ) { + return new Less_Tree_Anonymous( $match[1] ); + } + } + + // + // An @import directive + // + // @import "lib"; + // + // Depending on our environment, importing is done differently: + // In the browser, it's an XHR request, in Node, it would be a + // file-system operation. The function used for importing is + // stored in `import`, which we pass to the Import constructor. + // + private function parseImport() { + $this->save(); + + $dir = $this->MatchReg( '/\\G@import?\s+/' ); + + if ( $dir ) { + $options = $this->parseImportOptions(); + $path = $this->parseEntitiesQuoted() ?? $this->parseEntitiesUrl(); + + if ( $path ) { + $features = $this->parseMediaFeatures(); + if ( $this->MatchChar( ';' ) ) { + if ( $features ) { + $features = new Less_Tree_Value( $features ); + } + + $this->forget(); + return new Less_Tree_Import( $path, $features, $options, $this->pos, $this->env->currentFileInfo ); + } + } + } + + $this->restore(); + } + + private function parseImportOptions() { + $options = []; + + // list of options, surrounded by parens + if ( !$this->MatchChar( '(' ) ) { + return $options; + } + do{ + $optionName = $this->parseImportOption(); + if ( $optionName ) { + $value = true; + switch ( $optionName ) { + case "css": + $optionName = "less"; + $value = false; + break; + case "once": + $optionName = "multiple"; + $value = false; + break; + } + $options[$optionName] = $value; + if ( !$this->MatchChar( ',' ) ) { break; + } + } + }while ( $optionName ); + $this->expectChar( ')' ); + return $options; + } + + private function parseImportOption() { + $opt = $this->MatchReg( '/\\G(less|css|multiple|once|inline|reference|optional)/' ); + if ( $opt ) { + return $opt[1]; + } + } + + private function parseMediaFeature() { + $nodes = []; + + do{ + $e = $this->parseEntitiesKeyword() ?? $this->parseEntitiesVariable(); + if ( $e ) { + $nodes[] = $e; + } elseif ( $this->MatchChar( '(' ) ) { + $p = $this->parseProperty(); + $e = $this->parseValue(); + if ( $this->MatchChar( ')' ) ) { + if ( $p && $e ) { + $r = new Less_Tree_Rule( $p, $e, null, null, $this->pos, $this->env->currentFileInfo, true ); + $nodes[] = new Less_Tree_Paren( $r ); + } elseif ( $e ) { + $nodes[] = new Less_Tree_Paren( $e ); + } else { + return null; + } + } else { + return null; + } + } + } while ( $e ); + + if ( $nodes ) { + return new Less_Tree_Expression( $nodes ); + } + } + + private function parseMediaFeatures() { + $features = []; + + do { + $e = $this->parseMediaFeature(); + if ( $e ) { + $features[] = $e; + if ( !$this->MatchChar( ',' ) ) { + break; + } + } else { + $e = $this->parseEntitiesVariable(); + if ( $e ) { + $features[] = $e; + if ( !$this->MatchChar( ',' ) ) { + break; + } + } + } + } while ( $e ); + + return $features ?: null; + } + + private function parseMedia() { + if ( $this->MatchReg( '/\\G@media/' ) ) { + $this->save(); + + $features = $this->parseMediaFeatures(); + $rules = $this->parseBlock(); + + if ( $rules === null ) { + $this->restore(); + return; + } + + $this->forget(); + return new Less_Tree_Media( $rules, $features, $this->pos, $this->env->currentFileInfo ); + } + } + + // + // A CSS Directive + // + // @charset "utf-8"; + // + private function parseDirective() { + if ( !$this->PeekChar( '@' ) ) { + return; + } + + $rules = null; + $index = $this->pos; + $hasBlock = true; + $hasIdentifier = false; + $hasExpression = false; + $hasUnknown = false; + + $value = $this->parseImport() ?? $this->parseMedia(); + if ( $value ) { + return $value; + } + + $this->save(); + + $name = $this->MatchReg( '/\\G@[a-z-]+/' ); + + if ( !$name ) { + return; + } + $name = $name[0]; + + $nonVendorSpecificName = $name; + $pos = strpos( $name, '-', 2 ); + if ( $name[1] == '-' && $pos > 0 ) { + $nonVendorSpecificName = "@" . substr( $name, $pos + 1 ); + } + + switch ( $nonVendorSpecificName ) { + /* + case "@font-face": + case "@viewport": + case "@top-left": + case "@top-left-corner": + case "@top-center": + case "@top-right": + case "@top-right-corner": + case "@bottom-left": + case "@bottom-left-corner": + case "@bottom-center": + case "@bottom-right": + case "@bottom-right-corner": + case "@left-top": + case "@left-middle": + case "@left-bottom": + case "@right-top": + case "@right-middle": + case "@right-bottom": + hasBlock = true; + break; + */ + case "@charset": + $hasIdentifier = true; + $hasBlock = false; + break; + case "@namespace": + $hasExpression = true; + $hasBlock = false; + break; + case "@keyframes": + $hasIdentifier = true; + break; + case "@host": + case "@page": + case "@document": + case "@supports": + $hasUnknown = true; + break; + } + + if ( $hasIdentifier ) { + $value = $this->parseEntity(); + if ( !$value ) { + $this->error( "expected " . $name . " identifier" ); + } + } elseif ( $hasExpression ) { + $value = $this->parseExpression(); + if ( !$value ) { + $this->error( "expected " . $name . " expression" ); + } + } elseif ( $hasUnknown ) { + + $value = $this->MatchReg( '/\\G[^{;]+/' ); + if ( $value ) { + $value = new Less_Tree_Anonymous( trim( $value[0] ) ); + } + } + + if ( $hasBlock ) { + $rules = $this->parseBlockRuleset(); + } + + if ( $rules || ( !$hasBlock && $value && $this->MatchChar( ';' ) ) ) { + $this->forget(); + return new Less_Tree_Directive( $name, $value, $rules, $index, $this->env->currentFileInfo ); + } + + $this->restore(); + } + + // + // A Value is a comma-delimited list of Expressions + // + // font-family: Baskerville, Georgia, serif; + // + // In a Rule, a Value represents everything after the `:`, + // and before the `;`. + // + private function parseValue() { + $expressions = []; + + do{ + $e = $this->parseExpression(); + if ( $e ) { + $expressions[] = $e; + if ( !$this->MatchChar( ',' ) ) { + break; + } + } + } while ( $e ); + + if ( $expressions ) { + return new Less_Tree_Value( $expressions ); + } + } + + private function parseImportant() { + if ( $this->PeekChar( '!' ) && $this->MatchReg( '/\\G! *important/' ) ) { + return ' !important'; + } + } + + private function parseSub() { + if ( $this->MatchChar( '(' ) ) { + $a = $this->parseAddition(); + if ( $a ) { + $this->expectChar( ')' ); + return new Less_Tree_Expression( [ $a ], true ); // instead of $e->parens = true so the value is cached + } + } + } + + /** + * Parses multiplication operation + * + * @return Less_Tree_Operation|null + */ + function parseMultiplication() { + $return = $m = $this->parseOperand(); + if ( $return ) { + while ( true ) { + + $isSpaced = $this->isWhitespace( -1 ); + + if ( $this->PeekReg( '/\\G\/[*\/]/' ) ) { + break; + } + + $op = $this->MatchChar( '/' ); + if ( !$op ) { + $op = $this->MatchChar( '*' ); + if ( !$op ) { + break; + } + } + + $a = $this->parseOperand(); + + if ( !$a ) { break; + } + + $m->parensInOp = true; + $a->parensInOp = true; + $return = new Less_Tree_Operation( $op, [ $return, $a ], $isSpaced ); + } + } + return $return; + } + + /** + * Parses an addition operation + * + * @return Less_Tree_Operation|null + */ + private function parseAddition() { + $return = $m = $this->parseMultiplication(); + if ( $return ) { + while ( true ) { + + $isSpaced = $this->isWhitespace( -1 ); + + $op = $this->MatchReg( '/\\G[-+]\s+/' ); + if ( $op ) { + $op = $op[0]; + } else { + if ( !$isSpaced ) { + $op = $this->matcher( [ '#+','#-' ] ); + } + if ( !$op ) { + break; + } + } + + $a = $this->parseMultiplication(); + if ( !$a ) { + break; + } + + $m->parensInOp = true; + $a->parensInOp = true; + $return = new Less_Tree_Operation( $op, [ $return, $a ], $isSpaced ); + } + } + + return $return; + } + + /** + * Parses the conditions + * + * @return Less_Tree_Condition|null + */ + private function parseConditions() { + $index = $this->pos; + $return = $a = $this->parseCondition(); + if ( $a ) { + while ( true ) { + if ( !$this->PeekReg( '/\\G,\s*(not\s*)?\(/' ) || !$this->MatchChar( ',' ) ) { + break; + } + $b = $this->parseCondition(); + if ( !$b ) { + break; + } + + $return = new Less_Tree_Condition( 'or', $return, $b, $index ); + } + return $return; + } + } + + private function parseCondition() { + $index = $this->pos; + $negate = false; + $c = null; + + if ( $this->MatchReg( '/\\Gnot/' ) ) { + $negate = true; + } + $this->expectChar( '(' ); + $a = $this->parseAddition() ?? $this->parseEntitiesKeyword() ?? $this->parseEntitiesQuoted(); + + if ( $a ) { + $op = $this->MatchReg( '/\\G(?:>=|<=|=<|[<=>])/' ); + if ( $op ) { + $b = $this->parseAddition() ?? $this->parseEntitiesKeyword() ?? $this->parseEntitiesQuoted(); + if ( $b ) { + $c = new Less_Tree_Condition( $op[0], $a, $b, $index, $negate ); + } else { + $this->Error( 'Unexpected expression' ); + } + } else { + $k = new Less_Tree_Keyword( 'true' ); + $c = new Less_Tree_Condition( '=', $a, $k, $index, $negate ); + } + $this->expectChar( ')' ); + // @phan-suppress-next-line PhanPossiblyInfiniteRecursionSameParams + return $this->MatchReg( '/\\Gand/' ) ? new Less_Tree_Condition( 'and', $c, $this->parseCondition() ) : $c; + } + } + + /** + * An operand is anything that can be part of an operation, + * such as a Color, or a Variable + */ + private function parseOperand() { + $negate = false; + $offset = $this->pos + 1; + if ( $offset >= $this->input_len ) { + return; + } + $char = $this->input[$offset]; + if ( $char === '@' || $char === '(' ) { + $negate = $this->MatchChar( '-' ); + } + + $o = $this->parseSub() ?? $this->parseEntitiesDimension() ?? $this->parseEntitiesColor() ?? $this->parseEntitiesVariable() ?? $this->parseEntitiesCall(); + + if ( $negate ) { + $o->parensInOp = true; + $o = new Less_Tree_Negative( $o ); + } + + return $o; + } + + /** + * Expressions either represent mathematical operations, + * or white-space delimited Entities. + * + * @return Less_Tree_Expression|null + */ + private function parseExpression() { + $entities = []; + + do { + $e = $this->parseAddition() ?? $this->parseEntity(); + if ( $e ) { + $entities[] = $e; + // operations do not allow keyword "/" dimension (e.g. small/20px) so we support that here + if ( !$this->PeekReg( '/\\G\/[\/*]/' ) ) { + $delim = $this->MatchChar( '/' ); + if ( $delim ) { + $entities[] = new Less_Tree_Anonymous( $delim ); + } + } + } + } while ( $e ); + + if ( $entities ) { + return new Less_Tree_Expression( $entities ); + } + } + + /** + * Parse a property + * eg: 'min-width', 'orientation', etc + * + * @return string + */ + private function parseProperty() { + $name = $this->MatchReg( '/\\G(\*?-?[_a-zA-Z0-9-]+)\s*:/' ); + if ( $name ) { + return $name[1]; + } + } + + /** + * Parse a rule property + * eg: 'color', 'width', 'height', etc + * + * @return array + */ + private function parseRuleProperty() { + $name = []; + $index = []; + + $this->save(); + + $simpleProperty = $this->MatchReg( '/\\G([_a-zA-Z0-9-]+)\s*:/' ); + if ( $simpleProperty ) { + $name[] = new Less_Tree_Keyword( $simpleProperty[1] ); + $this->forget(); + return $name; + } + + $this->rulePropertyMatch( '/\\G(\*?)/', $index, $name ); + + // Consume! + // @phan-suppress-next-line PhanPluginEmptyStatementWhileLoop + while ( $this->rulePropertyMatch( '/\\G((?:[\w-]+)|(?:@\{[\w-]+\}))/', $index, $name ) ); + + if ( ( count( $name ) > 1 ) && $this->rulePropertyMatch( '/\\G\s*((?:\+_|\+)?)\s*:/', $index, $name ) ) { + $this->forget(); + + // at last, we have the complete match now. move forward, + // convert name particles to tree objects and return: + if ( $name[0] === '' ) { + array_shift( $name ); + array_shift( $index ); + } + foreach ( $name as $k => $s ) { + if ( !$s || $s[0] !== '@' ) { + $name[$k] = new Less_Tree_Keyword( $s ); + } else { + $name[$k] = new Less_Tree_Variable( '@' . substr( $s, 2, -1 ), $index[$k], $this->env->currentFileInfo ); + } + } + return $name; + } else { + $this->restore(); + } + } + + private function rulePropertyMatch( $re, &$index, &$name ) { + $i = $this->pos; + $chunk = $this->MatchReg( $re ); + if ( $chunk ) { + $index[] = $i; + $name[] = $chunk[1]; + return true; + } + } + + public static function serializeVars( $vars ) { + $s = ''; + + foreach ( $vars as $name => $value ) { + $s .= ( ( $name[0] === '@' ) ? '' : '@' ) . $name . ': ' . $value . ( ( substr( $value, -1 ) === ';' ) ? '' : ';' ); + } + + return $s; + } + + /** + * Some versions of PHP have trouble with method_exists($a,$b) if $a is not an object + * + * @param mixed $a + * @param string $b + */ + public static function is_method( $a, $b ) { + return is_object( $a ) && method_exists( $a, $b ); + } + + /** + * Round numbers similarly to javascript + * eg: 1.499999 to 1 instead of 2 + */ + public static function round( $input, $precision = 0 ) { + $precision = pow( 10, $precision ); + $i = $input * $precision; + + $ceil = ceil( $i ); + $floor = floor( $i ); + if ( ( $ceil - $i ) <= ( $i - $floor ) ) { + return $ceil / $precision; + } else { + return $floor / $precision; + } + } + + /** @return never */ + public function Error( $msg ) { + throw new Less_Exception_Parser( $msg, null, $this->furthest, $this->env->currentFileInfo ); + } + + public static function WinPath( $path ) { + return str_replace( '\\', '/', $path ); + } + + public static function AbsPath( $path, $winPath = false ) { + if ( strpos( $path, '//' ) !== false && preg_match( '/^(https?:)?\/\//i', $path ) ) { + return $winPath ? '' : false; + } else { + $path = realpath( $path ); + if ( $winPath ) { + $path = self::WinPath( $path ); + } + return $path; + } + } + + public function CacheEnabled() { + return ( self::$options['cache_method'] && ( Less_Cache::$cache_dir || ( self::$options['cache_method'] == 'callback' ) ) ); + } + +} diff --git a/include/thirdparty/less.php/___1.7.0.13/SourceMap/Base64VLQ.php b/include/thirdparty/less.php/____4.0.0/SourceMap/Base64VLQ.php similarity index 69% rename from include/thirdparty/less.php/___1.7.0.13/SourceMap/Base64VLQ.php rename to include/thirdparty/less.php/____4.0.0/SourceMap/Base64VLQ.php index f5b200c..c27c6ed 100644 --- a/include/thirdparty/less.php/___1.7.0.13/SourceMap/Base64VLQ.php +++ b/include/thirdparty/less.php/____4.0.0/SourceMap/Base64VLQ.php @@ -1,31 +1,29 @@ 0, 'B' => 1, 'C' => 2, 'D' => 3, 'E' => 4, 'F' => 5, 'G' => 6, 'H' => 7,'I' => 8, 'J' => 9, 'K' => 10, 'L' => 11, 'M' => 12, 'N' => 13, 'O' => 14, 'P' => 15, 'Q' => 16, 'R' => 17, 'S' => 18, 'T' => 19, 'U' => 20, @@ -44,14 +42,14 @@ class Less_SourceMap_Base64VLQ { 'q' => 42, 'r' => 43, 's' => 44, 't' => 45, 'u' => 46, 'v' => 47, 'w' => 48, 'x' => 49, 'y' => 50, 'z' => 51, 0 => 52, 1 => 53, 2 => 54, 3 => 55, 4 => 56, 5 => 57, 6 => 58, 7 => 59, 8 => 60, 9 => 61, '+' => 62, '/' => 63, - ); + ]; /** * Integer to char map * * @var array */ - private $intToCharMap = array( + private $intToCharMap = [ 0 => 'A', 1 => 'B', 2 => 'C', 3 => 'D', 4 => 'E', 5 => 'F', 6 => 'G', 7 => 'H', 8 => 'I', 9 => 'J', 10 => 'K', 11 => 'L', 12 => 'M', 13 => 'N', 14 => 'O', 15 => 'P', 16 => 'Q', 17 => 'R', 18 => 'S', 19 => 'T', 20 => 'U', @@ -62,12 +60,12 @@ class Less_SourceMap_Base64VLQ { 49 => 'x', 50 => 'y', 51 => 'z', 52 => '0', 53 => '1', 54 => '2', 55 => '3', 56 => '4', 57 => '5', 58 => '6', 59 => '7', 60 => '8', 61 => '9', 62 => '+', 63 => '/', - ); + ]; /** * Constructor */ - public function __construct(){ + public function __construct() { // I leave it here for future reference // foreach(str_split('ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789+/') as $i => $char) // { @@ -83,10 +81,10 @@ class Less_SourceMap_Base64VLQ { * 2 becomes 4 (100 binary), -2 becomes 5 (101 binary) * We generate the value for 32 bit machines, hence -2147483648 becomes 1, not 4294967297, * even on a 64 bit machine. - * @param string $aValue + * @param int $aValue */ - public function toVLQSigned($aValue){ - return 0xffffffff & ($aValue < 0 ? ((-$aValue) << 1) + 1 : ($aValue << 1) + 0); + public function toVLQSigned( $aValue ) { + return 0xffffffff & ( $aValue < 0 ? ( ( -$aValue ) << 1 ) + 1 : ( $aValue << 1 ) + 0 ); } /** @@ -98,30 +96,30 @@ class Less_SourceMap_Base64VLQ { * Hence * 1 becomes -2147483648 * even on a 64 bit machine. - * @param integer $aValue + * @param int $aValue */ - public function fromVLQSigned($aValue){ - return $aValue & 1 ? $this->zeroFill(~$aValue + 2, 1) | (-1 - 0x7fffffff) : $this->zeroFill($aValue, 1); + public function fromVLQSigned( $aValue ) { + return $aValue & 1 ? $this->zeroFill( ~$aValue + 2, 1 ) | ( -1 - 0x7fffffff ) : $this->zeroFill( $aValue, 1 ); } /** * Return the base 64 VLQ encoded value. * - * @param string $aValue The value to encode + * @param int $aValue The value to encode * @return string The encoded value */ - public function encode($aValue){ + public function encode( $aValue ) { $encoded = ''; - $vlq = $this->toVLQSigned($aValue); + $vlq = $this->toVLQSigned( $aValue ); do { $digit = $vlq & $this->mask; - $vlq = $this->zeroFill($vlq, $this->shift); - if($vlq > 0){ + $vlq = $this->zeroFill( $vlq, $this->shift ); + if ( $vlq > 0 ) { $digit |= $this->continuationBit; } - $encoded .= $this->base64Encode($digit); - } while($vlq > 0); + $encoded .= $this->base64Encode( $digit ); + } while ( $vlq > 0 ); return $encoded; } @@ -130,42 +128,42 @@ class Less_SourceMap_Base64VLQ { * Return the value decoded from base 64 VLQ. * * @param string $encoded The encoded value to decode - * @return integer The decoded value + * @return int The decoded value */ - public function decode($encoded){ + public function decode( $encoded ) { $vlq = 0; $i = 0; do { - $digit = $this->base64Decode($encoded[$i]); - $vlq |= ($digit & $this->mask) << ($i * $this->shift); + $digit = $this->base64Decode( $encoded[$i] ); + $vlq |= ( $digit & $this->mask ) << ( $i * $this->shift ); $i++; - } while($digit & $this->continuationBit); + } while ( $digit & $this->continuationBit ); - return $this->fromVLQSigned($vlq); + return $this->fromVLQSigned( $vlq ); } /** * Right shift with zero fill. * - * @param integer $a number to shift - * @param integer $b number of bits to shift - * @return integer + * @param int $a number to shift + * @param int $b number of bits to shift + * @return int */ - public function zeroFill($a, $b){ - return ($a >= 0) ? ($a >> $b) : ($a >> $b) & (PHP_INT_MAX >> ($b - 1)); + public function zeroFill( $a, $b ) { + return ( $a >= 0 ) ? ( $a >> $b ) : ( $a >> $b ) & ( PHP_INT_MAX >> ( $b - 1 ) ); } /** * Encode single 6-bit digit as base64. * - * @param integer $number + * @param int $number * @return string * @throws Exception If the number is invalid */ - public function base64Encode($number){ - if($number < 0 || $number > 63){ - throw new Exception(sprintf('Invalid number "%s" given. Must be between 0 and 63.', $number)); + public function base64Encode( $number ) { + if ( $number < 0 || $number > 63 ) { + throw new Exception( sprintf( 'Invalid number "%s" given. Must be between 0 and 63.', (string)$number ) ); } return $this->intToCharMap[$number]; } @@ -174,12 +172,12 @@ class Less_SourceMap_Base64VLQ { * Decode single 6-bit digit from base64 * * @param string $char - * @return number + * @return int * @throws Exception If the number is invalid */ - public function base64Decode($char){ - if(!array_key_exists($char, $this->charToIntMap)){ - throw new Exception(sprintf('Invalid base 64 digit "%s" given.', $char)); + public function base64Decode( $char ) { + if ( !array_key_exists( $char, $this->charToIntMap ) ) { + throw new Exception( sprintf( 'Invalid base 64 digit "%s" given.', $char ) ); } return $this->charToIntMap[$char]; } diff --git a/include/thirdparty/less.php/___1.7.0.13/SourceMap/Generator.php b/include/thirdparty/less.php/____4.0.0/SourceMap/Generator.php similarity index 50% rename from include/thirdparty/less.php/___1.7.0.13/SourceMap/Generator.php rename to include/thirdparty/less.php/____4.0.0/SourceMap/Generator.php index 9509aea..7da9609 100644 --- a/include/thirdparty/less.php/___1.7.0.13/SourceMap/Generator.php +++ b/include/thirdparty/less.php/____4.0.0/SourceMap/Generator.php @@ -1,24 +1,22 @@ '' - ); + ]; /** * The base64 VLQ encoder @@ -55,7 +53,7 @@ class Less_SourceMap_Generator extends Less_Configurable { * * @var array */ - protected $mappings = array(); + protected $mappings = []; /** * The root node @@ -69,31 +67,32 @@ class Less_SourceMap_Generator extends Less_Configurable { * * @var array */ - protected $contentsMap = array(); + protected $contentsMap = []; /** * File to content map * * @var array */ - protected $sources = array(); - protected $source_keys = array(); + protected $sources = []; + protected $source_keys = []; /** * Constructor * * @param Less_Tree_Ruleset $root The root node + * @param array $contentsMap * @param array $options Array of options */ - public function __construct(Less_Tree_Ruleset $root, $contentsMap, $options = array()){ + public function __construct( Less_Tree_Ruleset $root, $contentsMap, $options = [] ) { $this->root = $root; $this->contentsMap = $contentsMap; $this->encoder = new Less_SourceMap_Base64VLQ(); - $this->SetOptions($options); - - $this->options['sourceMapRootpath'] = $this->fixWindowsPath($this->options['sourceMapRootpath'], true); - $this->options['sourceMapBasepath'] = $this->fixWindowsPath($this->options['sourceMapBasepath'], true); + $this->SetOptions( $options ); + + $this->options['sourceMapRootpath'] = $this->fixWindowsPath( $this->options['sourceMapRootpath'], true ); + $this->options['sourceMapBasepath'] = $this->fixWindowsPath( $this->options['sourceMapBasepath'], true ); } /** @@ -101,34 +100,33 @@ class Less_SourceMap_Generator extends Less_Configurable { * * @return string */ - public function generateCSS(){ - $output = new Less_Output_Mapped($this->contentsMap, $this); + public function generateCSS() { + $output = new Less_Output_Mapped( $this->contentsMap, $this ); // catch the output - $this->root->genCSS($output); + $this->root->genCSS( $output ); - - $sourceMapUrl = $this->getOption('sourceMapURL'); - $sourceMapFilename = $this->getOption('sourceMapFilename'); + $sourceMapUrl = $this->getOption( 'sourceMapURL' ); + $sourceMapFilename = $this->getOption( 'sourceMapFilename' ); $sourceMapContent = $this->generateJson(); - $sourceMapWriteTo = $this->getOption('sourceMapWriteTo'); + $sourceMapWriteTo = $this->getOption( 'sourceMapWriteTo' ); - if( !$sourceMapUrl && $sourceMapFilename ){ - $sourceMapUrl = $this->normalizeFilename($sourceMapFilename); + if ( !$sourceMapUrl && $sourceMapFilename ) { + $sourceMapUrl = $this->normalizeFilename( $sourceMapFilename ); } // write map to a file - if( $sourceMapWriteTo ){ - $this->saveMap($sourceMapWriteTo, $sourceMapContent); + if ( $sourceMapWriteTo ) { + $this->saveMap( $sourceMapWriteTo, $sourceMapContent ); } // inline the map - if( !$sourceMapUrl ){ - $sourceMapUrl = sprintf('data:application/json,%s', Less_Functions::encodeURIComponent($sourceMapContent)); + if ( !$sourceMapUrl ) { + $sourceMapUrl = sprintf( 'data:application/json,%s', Less_Functions::encodeURIComponent( $sourceMapContent ) ); } - if( $sourceMapUrl ){ - $output->add( sprintf('/*# sourceMappingURL=%s */', $sourceMapUrl) ); + if ( $sourceMapUrl ) { + $output->add( sprintf( '/*# sourceMappingURL=%s */', $sourceMapUrl ) ); } return $output->toString(); @@ -141,16 +139,16 @@ class Less_SourceMap_Generator extends Less_Configurable { * @param string $content The content to write * @throws Exception If the file could not be saved */ - protected function saveMap($file, $content){ - $dir = dirname($file); + protected function saveMap( $file, $content ) { + $dir = dirname( $file ); // directory does not exist - if( !is_dir($dir) ){ + if ( !is_dir( $dir ) ) { // FIXME: create the dir automatically? - throw new Exception(sprintf('The directory "%s" does not exist. Cannot save the source map.', $dir)); + throw new Exception( sprintf( 'The directory "%s" does not exist. Cannot save the source map.', $dir ) ); } // FIXME: proper saving, with dir write check! - if(file_put_contents($file, $content) === false){ - throw new Exception(sprintf('Cannot save the source map to "%s"', $file)); + if ( file_put_contents( $file, $content ) === false ) { + throw new Exception( sprintf( 'Cannot save the source map to "%s"', $file ) ); } return true; } @@ -161,21 +159,20 @@ class Less_SourceMap_Generator extends Less_Configurable { * @param string $filename * @return string */ - protected function normalizeFilename($filename){ + protected function normalizeFilename( $filename ) { + $filename = $this->fixWindowsPath( $filename ); - $filename = $this->fixWindowsPath($filename); - - $rootpath = $this->getOption('sourceMapRootpath'); - $basePath = $this->getOption('sourceMapBasepath'); + $rootpath = $this->getOption( 'sourceMapRootpath' ); + $basePath = $this->getOption( 'sourceMapBasepath' ); // "Trim" the 'sourceMapBasepath' from the output filename. - if (is_string($basePath) && strpos($filename, $basePath) === 0) { - $filename = substr($filename, strlen($basePath)); + if ( is_string( $basePath ) && strpos( $filename, $basePath ) === 0 ) { + $filename = substr( $filename, strlen( $basePath ) ); } // Remove extra leading path separators. - if(strpos($filename, '\\') === 0 || strpos($filename, '/') === 0){ - $filename = substr($filename, 1); + if ( strpos( $filename, '\\' ) === 0 || strpos( $filename, '/' ) === 0 ) { + $filename = substr( $filename, 1 ); } return $rootpath . $filename; @@ -184,69 +181,62 @@ class Less_SourceMap_Generator extends Less_Configurable { /** * Adds a mapping * - * @param integer $generatedLine The line number in generated file - * @param integer $generatedColumn The column number in generated file - * @param integer $originalLine The line number in original file - * @param integer $originalColumn The column number in original file - * @param string $sourceFile The original source file + * @param int $generatedLine The line number in generated file + * @param int $generatedColumn The column number in generated file + * @param int $originalLine The line number in original file + * @param int $originalColumn The column number in original file + * @param array $fileInfo The original source file */ - public function addMapping($generatedLine, $generatedColumn, $originalLine, $originalColumn, $fileInfo ){ - - $this->mappings[] = array( + public function addMapping( $generatedLine, $generatedColumn, $originalLine, $originalColumn, $fileInfo ) { + $this->mappings[] = [ 'generated_line' => $generatedLine, 'generated_column' => $generatedColumn, 'original_line' => $originalLine, 'original_column' => $originalColumn, 'source_file' => $fileInfo['currentUri'] - ); + ]; $this->sources[$fileInfo['currentUri']] = $fileInfo['filename']; } - /** * Generates the JSON source map * * @return string * @see https://docs.google.com/document/d/1U1RGAehQwRypUTovF1KRlpiOFze0b-_2gc6fAH0KY0k/edit# */ - protected function generateJson(){ - - $sourceMap = array(); + protected function generateJson() { + $sourceMap = []; $mappings = $this->generateMappings(); // File version (always the first entry in the object) and must be a positive integer. $sourceMap['version'] = self::VERSION; - // An optional name of the generated code that this source map is associated with. - $file = $this->getOption('sourceMapFilename'); - if( $file ){ + $file = $this->getOption( 'sourceMapFilename' ); + if ( $file ) { $sourceMap['file'] = $file; } - // An optional source root, useful for relocating source files on a server or removing repeated values in the 'sources' entry. This value is prepended to the individual entries in the 'source' field. - $root = $this->getOption('sourceRoot'); - if( $root ){ + $root = $this->getOption( 'sourceRoot' ); + if ( $root ) { $sourceMap['sourceRoot'] = $root; } - // A list of original sources used by the 'mappings' entry. - $sourceMap['sources'] = array(); - foreach($this->sources as $source_uri => $source_filename){ - $sourceMap['sources'][] = $this->normalizeFilename($source_filename); + $sourceMap['sources'] = []; + foreach ( $this->sources as $source_uri => $source_filename ) { + $sourceMap['sources'][] = $this->normalizeFilename( $source_filename ); } - // A list of symbol names used by the 'mappings' entry. - $sourceMap['names'] = array(); + $sourceMap['names'] = []; // A string with the encoded mapping data. $sourceMap['mappings'] = $mappings; - if( $this->getOption('outputSourceFiles') ){ + if ( $this->getOption( 'outputSourceFiles' ) ) { // An optional list of source content, useful when the 'source' can't be hosted. // The contents are listed in the same order as the sources above. // 'null' may be used if some original sources should be retrieved by name. @@ -254,11 +244,11 @@ class Less_SourceMap_Generator extends Less_Configurable { } // less.js compat fixes - if( count($sourceMap['sources']) && empty($sourceMap['sourceRoot']) ){ - unset($sourceMap['sourceRoot']); + if ( count( $sourceMap['sources'] ) && empty( $sourceMap['sourceRoot'] ) ) { + unset( $sourceMap['sourceRoot'] ); } - return json_encode($sourceMap); + return json_encode( $sourceMap ); } /** @@ -266,13 +256,13 @@ class Less_SourceMap_Generator extends Less_Configurable { * * @return array|null */ - protected function getSourcesContent(){ - if(empty($this->sources)){ + protected function getSourcesContent() { + if ( empty( $this->sources ) ) { return; } - $content = array(); - foreach($this->sources as $sourceFile){ - $content[] = file_get_contents($sourceFile); + $content = []; + foreach ( $this->sources as $sourceFile ) { + $content[] = file_get_contents( $sourceFile ); } return $content; } @@ -282,48 +272,46 @@ class Less_SourceMap_Generator extends Less_Configurable { * * @return string */ - public function generateMappings(){ - - if( !count($this->mappings) ){ + public function generateMappings() { + if ( !count( $this->mappings ) ) { return ''; } - $this->source_keys = array_flip(array_keys($this->sources)); - + $this->source_keys = array_flip( array_keys( $this->sources ) ); // group mappings by generated line number. - $groupedMap = $groupedMapEncoded = array(); - foreach($this->mappings as $m){ + $groupedMap = $groupedMapEncoded = []; + foreach ( $this->mappings as $m ) { $groupedMap[$m['generated_line']][] = $m; } - ksort($groupedMap); + ksort( $groupedMap ); $lastGeneratedLine = $lastOriginalIndex = $lastOriginalLine = $lastOriginalColumn = 0; - foreach($groupedMap as $lineNumber => $line_map){ - while(++$lastGeneratedLine < $lineNumber){ + foreach ( $groupedMap as $lineNumber => $line_map ) { + while ( ++$lastGeneratedLine < $lineNumber ) { $groupedMapEncoded[] = ';'; } - $lineMapEncoded = array(); + $lineMapEncoded = []; $lastGeneratedColumn = 0; - foreach($line_map as $m){ - $mapEncoded = $this->encoder->encode($m['generated_column'] - $lastGeneratedColumn); + foreach ( $line_map as $m ) { + $mapEncoded = $this->encoder->encode( $m['generated_column'] - $lastGeneratedColumn ); $lastGeneratedColumn = $m['generated_column']; // find the index - if( $m['source_file'] ){ - $index = $this->findFileIndex($m['source_file']); - if( $index !== false ){ - $mapEncoded .= $this->encoder->encode($index - $lastOriginalIndex); + if ( $m['source_file'] ) { + $index = $this->findFileIndex( $m['source_file'] ); + if ( $index !== false ) { + $mapEncoded .= $this->encoder->encode( $index - $lastOriginalIndex ); $lastOriginalIndex = $index; // lines are stored 0-based in SourceMap spec version 3 - $mapEncoded .= $this->encoder->encode($m['original_line'] - 1 - $lastOriginalLine); + $mapEncoded .= $this->encoder->encode( $m['original_line'] - 1 - $lastOriginalLine ); $lastOriginalLine = $m['original_line'] - 1; - $mapEncoded .= $this->encoder->encode($m['original_column'] - $lastOriginalColumn); + $mapEncoded .= $this->encoder->encode( $m['original_column'] - $lastOriginalColumn ); $lastOriginalColumn = $m['original_column']; } } @@ -331,32 +319,33 @@ class Less_SourceMap_Generator extends Less_Configurable { $lineMapEncoded[] = $mapEncoded; } - $groupedMapEncoded[] = implode(',', $lineMapEncoded) . ';'; + $groupedMapEncoded[] = implode( ',', $lineMapEncoded ) . ';'; } - return rtrim(implode($groupedMapEncoded), ';'); + return rtrim( implode( $groupedMapEncoded ), ';' ); } /** * Finds the index for the filename * * @param string $filename - * @return integer|false + * @return int|false */ - protected function findFileIndex($filename){ + protected function findFileIndex( $filename ) { return $this->source_keys[$filename]; } /** * fix windows paths - * @param string $path - * @return string + * @param string $path + * @param bool $addEndSlash + * @return string */ - public function fixWindowsPath($path, $addEndSlash = false){ - $slash = ($addEndSlash) ? '/' : ''; - if( !empty($path) ){ - $path = str_replace('\\', '/', $path); - $path = rtrim($path,'/') . $slash; + public function fixWindowsPath( $path, $addEndSlash = false ) { + $slash = ( $addEndSlash ) ? '/' : ''; + if ( !empty( $path ) ) { + $path = str_replace( '\\', '/', $path ); + $path = rtrim( $path, '/' ) . $slash; } return $path; diff --git a/include/thirdparty/less.php/____4.0.0/Tree.php b/include/thirdparty/less.php/____4.0.0/Tree.php new file mode 100644 index 0000000..bbb2bd9 --- /dev/null +++ b/include/thirdparty/less.php/____4.0.0/Tree.php @@ -0,0 +1,94 @@ +genCSS( $output ); + return $output->toString(); + } + + /** + * Generate CSS by adding it to the output object + * + * @param Less_Output $output The output + * @return void + */ + public function genCSS( $output ) { + } + + public function compile( $env ) { + return $this; + } + + /** + * @param Less_Output $output + * @param Less_Tree_Ruleset[] $rules + */ + public static function outputRuleset( $output, $rules ) { + $ruleCnt = count( $rules ); + Less_Environment::$tabLevel++; + + // Compressed + if ( Less_Parser::$options['compress'] ) { + $output->add( '{' ); + for ( $i = 0; $i < $ruleCnt; $i++ ) { + $rules[$i]->genCSS( $output ); + } + + $output->add( '}' ); + Less_Environment::$tabLevel--; + return; + } + + // Non-compressed + $tabSetStr = "\n" . str_repeat( Less_Parser::$options['indentation'], Less_Environment::$tabLevel - 1 ); + $tabRuleStr = $tabSetStr . Less_Parser::$options['indentation']; + + $output->add( " {" ); + for ( $i = 0; $i < $ruleCnt; $i++ ) { + $output->add( $tabRuleStr ); + $rules[$i]->genCSS( $output ); + } + Less_Environment::$tabLevel--; + $output->add( $tabSetStr . '}' ); + } + + public function accept( $visitor ) { + } + + public static function ReferencedArray( $rules ) { + foreach ( $rules as $rule ) { + if ( method_exists( $rule, 'markReferenced' ) ) { + // @phan-suppress-next-line PhanUndeclaredMethod + $rule->markReferenced(); + } + } + } + + /** + * Requires php 5.3+ + */ + public static function __set_state( $args ) { + $class = get_called_class(); + $obj = new $class( null, null, null, null ); + foreach ( $args as $key => $val ) { + $obj->$key = $val; + } + return $obj; + } + +} diff --git a/include/thirdparty/less.php/____4.0.0/Tree/Alpha.php b/include/thirdparty/less.php/____4.0.0/Tree/Alpha.php new file mode 100644 index 0000000..bdf5dee --- /dev/null +++ b/include/thirdparty/less.php/____4.0.0/Tree/Alpha.php @@ -0,0 +1,44 @@ +value = $val; + } + + // function accept( $visitor ){ + // $this->value = $visitor->visit( $this->value ); + //} + + public function compile( $env ) { + if ( is_object( $this->value ) ) { + $this->value = $this->value->compile( $env ); + } + + return $this; + } + + /** + * @see Less_Tree::genCSS + */ + public function genCSS( $output ) { + $output->add( "alpha(opacity=" ); + + if ( is_string( $this->value ) ) { + $output->add( $this->value ); + } else { + $this->value->genCSS( $output ); + } + + $output->add( ')' ); + } + + public function toCSS() { + return "alpha(opacity=" . ( is_string( $this->value ) ? $this->value : $this->value->toCSS() ) . ")"; + } + +} diff --git a/include/thirdparty/less.php/____4.0.0/Tree/Anonymous.php b/include/thirdparty/less.php/____4.0.0/Tree/Anonymous.php new file mode 100644 index 0000000..6d588e9 --- /dev/null +++ b/include/thirdparty/less.php/____4.0.0/Tree/Anonymous.php @@ -0,0 +1,54 @@ +value = $value; + $this->index = $index; + $this->mapLines = $mapLines; + $this->currentFileInfo = $currentFileInfo; + } + + public function compile( $env ) { + return new Less_Tree_Anonymous( $this->value, $this->index, $this->currentFileInfo, $this->mapLines ); + } + + public function compare( $x ) { + if ( !is_object( $x ) ) { + return -1; + } + + $left = $this->toCSS(); + $right = $x->toCSS(); + + if ( $left === $right ) { + return 0; + } + + return $left < $right ? -1 : 1; + } + + /** + * @see Less_Tree::genCSS + */ + public function genCSS( $output ) { + $output->add( $this->value, $this->currentFileInfo, $this->index, $this->mapLines ); + } + + public function toCSS() { + return $this->value; + } + +} diff --git a/include/thirdparty/less.php/___1.7.0.13/Tree/Assignment.php b/include/thirdparty/less.php/____4.0.0/Tree/Assignment.php similarity index 52% rename from include/thirdparty/less.php/___1.7.0.13/Tree/Assignment.php rename to include/thirdparty/less.php/____4.0.0/Tree/Assignment.php index 2380006..1f939a1 100644 --- a/include/thirdparty/less.php/___1.7.0.13/Tree/Assignment.php +++ b/include/thirdparty/less.php/____4.0.0/Tree/Assignment.php @@ -1,39 +1,35 @@ key = $key; $this->value = $val; } - public function accept( $visitor ){ + public function accept( $visitor ) { $this->value = $visitor->visitObj( $this->value ); } - public function compile($env) { - return new Less_Tree_Assignment( $this->key, $this->value->compile($env)); + public function compile( $env ) { + return new Less_Tree_Assignment( $this->key, $this->value->compile( $env ) ); } - /** - * @see Less_Tree::genCSS - */ - public function genCSS( $output ){ + /** + * @see Less_Tree::genCSS + */ + public function genCSS( $output ) { $output->add( $this->key . '=' ); $this->value->genCSS( $output ); } - public function toCss(){ + public function toCss() { return $this->key . '=' . $this->value->toCSS(); } } diff --git a/include/thirdparty/less.php/____4.0.0/Tree/Attribute.php b/include/thirdparty/less.php/____4.0.0/Tree/Attribute.php new file mode 100644 index 0000000..dd36595 --- /dev/null +++ b/include/thirdparty/less.php/____4.0.0/Tree/Attribute.php @@ -0,0 +1,49 @@ +key = $key; + $this->op = $op; + $this->value = $value; + } + + public function compile( $env ) { + $key_obj = is_object( $this->key ); + $val_obj = is_object( $this->value ); + + if ( !$key_obj && !$val_obj ) { + return $this; + } + + return new Less_Tree_Attribute( + $key_obj ? $this->key->compile( $env ) : $this->key, + $this->op, + $val_obj ? $this->value->compile( $env ) : $this->value ); + } + + /** + * @see Less_Tree::genCSS + */ + public function genCSS( $output ) { + $output->add( $this->toCSS() ); + } + + public function toCSS() { + $value = $this->key; + + if ( $this->op ) { + $value .= $this->op; + $value .= ( is_object( $this->value ) ? $this->value->toCSS() : $this->value ); + } + + return '[' . $value . ']'; + } +} diff --git a/include/thirdparty/less.php/____4.0.0/Tree/Call.php b/include/thirdparty/less.php/____4.0.0/Tree/Call.php new file mode 100644 index 0000000..7dc8861 --- /dev/null +++ b/include/thirdparty/less.php/____4.0.0/Tree/Call.php @@ -0,0 +1,125 @@ +name = $name; + $this->args = $args; + $this->mathOn = ( $name !== 'calc' ); + $this->index = $index; + $this->currentFileInfo = $currentFileInfo; + } + + public function accept( $visitor ) { + $this->args = $visitor->visitArray( $this->args ); + } + + // + // When evaluating a function call, + // we either find the function in Less_Functions, + // in which case we call it, passing the evaluated arguments, + // or we simply print it out as it literal CSS. + // + // The reason why we compile the arguments, is in the case one + // of them is a LESS variable that only PHP knows the value of, + // like: `saturate(@mycolor)`. + // The function should receive the value, not the variable. + // + public function compile( $env = null ) { + // Turn off math for calc(). https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/T331688 + $currentMathContext = Less_Environment::$mathOn; + Less_Environment::$mathOn = $this->mathOn; + + $args = []; + foreach ( $this->args as $a ) { + $args[] = $a->compile( $env ); + } + + Less_Environment::$mathOn = $currentMathContext; + + $nameLC = strtolower( $this->name ); + switch ( $nameLC ) { + case '%': + $nameLC = '_percent'; + break; + + case 'get-unit': + $nameLC = 'getunit'; + break; + + case 'data-uri': + $nameLC = 'datauri'; + break; + + case 'svg-gradient': + $nameLC = 'svggradient'; + break; + } + + $result = null; + if ( $nameLC === 'default' ) { + $result = Less_Tree_DefaultFunc::compile(); + } else { + $func = null; + if ( method_exists( 'Less_Functions', $nameLC ) ) { + $functions = new Less_Functions( $env, $this->currentFileInfo ); + $func = [ $functions, $nameLC ]; + } elseif ( isset( $env->functions[$nameLC] ) && is_callable( $env->functions[$nameLC] ) ) { + $func = $env->functions[$nameLC]; + } + // If the function name isn't known to LESS, output it unchanged as CSS. + if ( $func ) { + try { + $result = call_user_func_array( $func, $args ); + } catch ( Exception $e ) { + // Preserve original trace, especially from custom functions. + // https://github.com/wikimedia/less.php/issues/38 + throw new Less_Exception_Compiler( + 'error evaluating function `' . $this->name . '` ' . $e->getMessage() + . ' index: ' . $this->index, + $e + ); + } + } + } + + if ( $result !== null ) { + return $result; + } + + return new Less_Tree_Call( $this->name, $args, $this->index, $this->currentFileInfo ); + } + + /** + * @see Less_Tree::genCSS + */ + public function genCSS( $output ) { + $output->add( $this->name . '(', $this->currentFileInfo, $this->index ); + $args_len = count( $this->args ); + for ( $i = 0; $i < $args_len; $i++ ) { + $this->args[$i]->genCSS( $output ); + if ( $i + 1 < $args_len ) { + $output->add( ', ' ); + } + } + + $output->add( ')' ); + } + + // public function toCSS(){ + // return $this->compile()->toCSS(); + //} + +} diff --git a/include/thirdparty/less.php/____4.0.0/Tree/Color.php b/include/thirdparty/less.php/____4.0.0/Tree/Color.php new file mode 100644 index 0000000..a30475c --- /dev/null +++ b/include/thirdparty/less.php/____4.0.0/Tree/Color.php @@ -0,0 +1,229 @@ +rgb = $rgb; + $this->alpha = $a; + $this->isTransparentKeyword = true; + return; + } + + $this->rgb = []; + if ( is_array( $rgb ) ) { + $this->rgb = $rgb; + } elseif ( strlen( $rgb ) == 6 ) { + foreach ( str_split( $rgb, 2 ) as $c ) { + $this->rgb[] = hexdec( $c ); + } + } else { + foreach ( str_split( $rgb, 1 ) as $c ) { + $this->rgb[] = hexdec( $c . $c ); + } + } + $this->alpha = is_numeric( $a ) ? $a : 1; + } + + public function luma() { + $r = $this->rgb[0] / 255; + $g = $this->rgb[1] / 255; + $b = $this->rgb[2] / 255; + + $r = ( $r <= 0.03928 ) ? $r / 12.92 : pow( ( ( $r + 0.055 ) / 1.055 ), 2.4 ); + $g = ( $g <= 0.03928 ) ? $g / 12.92 : pow( ( ( $g + 0.055 ) / 1.055 ), 2.4 ); + $b = ( $b <= 0.03928 ) ? $b / 12.92 : pow( ( ( $b + 0.055 ) / 1.055 ), 2.4 ); + + return 0.2126 * $r + 0.7152 * $g + 0.0722 * $b; + } + + /** + * @see Less_Tree::genCSS + */ + public function genCSS( $output ) { + $output->add( $this->toCSS() ); + } + + public function toCSS( $doNotCompress = false ) { + $compress = Less_Parser::$options['compress'] && !$doNotCompress; + $alpha = Less_Functions::fround( $this->alpha ); + + // + // If we have some transparency, the only way to represent it + // is via `rgba`. Otherwise, we use the hex representation, + // which has better compatibility with older browsers. + // Values are capped between `0` and `255`, rounded and zero-padded. + // + if ( $alpha < 1 ) { + if ( ( $alpha === 0 || $alpha === 0.0 ) && isset( $this->isTransparentKeyword ) && $this->isTransparentKeyword ) { + return 'transparent'; + } + + $values = []; + foreach ( $this->rgb as $c ) { + $values[] = Less_Functions::clamp( round( $c ), 255 ); + } + $values[] = $alpha; + + $glue = ( $compress ? ',' : ', ' ); + return "rgba(" . implode( $glue, $values ) . ")"; + } else { + + $color = $this->toRGB(); + + if ( $compress ) { + + // Convert color to short format + if ( $color[1] === $color[2] && $color[3] === $color[4] && $color[5] === $color[6] ) { + $color = '#' . $color[1] . $color[3] . $color[5]; + } + } + + return $color; + } + } + + // + // Operations have to be done per-channel, if not, + // channels will spill onto each other. Once we have + // our result, in the form of an integer triplet, + // we create a new Color node to hold the result. + // + + /** + * @param string $op + * @param Less_Tree_Color $other + */ + public function operate( $op, $other ) { + $rgb = []; + $alpha = $this->alpha * ( 1 - $other->alpha ) + $other->alpha; + for ( $c = 0; $c < 3; $c++ ) { + $rgb[$c] = Less_Functions::operate( $op, $this->rgb[$c], $other->rgb[$c] ); + } + return new Less_Tree_Color( $rgb, $alpha ); + } + + public function toRGB() { + return $this->toHex( $this->rgb ); + } + + public function toHSL() { + $r = $this->rgb[0] / 255; + $g = $this->rgb[1] / 255; + $b = $this->rgb[2] / 255; + $a = $this->alpha; + + $max = max( $r, $g, $b ); + $min = min( $r, $g, $b ); + $l = ( $max + $min ) / 2; + $d = $max - $min; + + $h = $s = 0; + if ( $max !== $min ) { + $s = $l > 0.5 ? $d / ( 2 - $max - $min ) : $d / ( $max + $min ); + + switch ( $max ) { + case $r: + $h = ( $g - $b ) / $d + ( $g < $b ? 6 : 0 ); + break; + case $g: + $h = ( $b - $r ) / $d + 2; + break; + case $b: + $h = ( $r - $g ) / $d + 4; + break; + } + $h /= 6; + } + return [ 'h' => $h * 360, 's' => $s, 'l' => $l, 'a' => $a ]; + } + + // Adapted from http://mjijackson.com/2008/02/rgb-to-hsl-and-rgb-to-hsv-color-model-conversion-algorithms-in-javascript + public function toHSV() { + $r = $this->rgb[0] / 255; + $g = $this->rgb[1] / 255; + $b = $this->rgb[2] / 255; + $a = $this->alpha; + + $max = max( $r, $g, $b ); + $min = min( $r, $g, $b ); + + $v = $max; + + $d = $max - $min; + if ( $max === 0 ) { + $s = 0; + } else { + $s = $d / $max; + } + + $h = 0; + if ( $max !== $min ) { + switch ( $max ) { + case $r: + $h = ( $g - $b ) / $d + ( $g < $b ? 6 : 0 ); + break; + case $g: + $h = ( $b - $r ) / $d + 2; + break; + case $b: + $h = ( $r - $g ) / $d + 4; + break; + } + $h /= 6; + } + return [ 'h' => $h * 360, 's' => $s, 'v' => $v, 'a' => $a ]; + } + + public function toARGB() { + $argb = array_merge( (array)Less_Parser::round( $this->alpha * 255 ), $this->rgb ); + return $this->toHex( $argb ); + } + + public function compare( $x ) { + if ( !property_exists( $x, 'rgb' ) ) { + return -1; + } + + return ( $x->rgb[0] === $this->rgb[0] && + $x->rgb[1] === $this->rgb[1] && + $x->rgb[2] === $this->rgb[2] && + $x->alpha === $this->alpha ) ? 0 : -1; + } + + public function toHex( $v ) { + $ret = '#'; + foreach ( $v as $c ) { + $c = Less_Functions::clamp( Less_Parser::round( $c ), 255 ); + if ( $c < 16 ) { + $ret .= '0'; + } + $ret .= dechex( $c ); + } + + return $ret; + } + + /** + * @param string $keyword + */ + public static function fromKeyword( $keyword ) { + $keyword = strtolower( $keyword ); + + if ( Less_Colors::hasOwnProperty( $keyword ) ) { + // detect named color + return new Less_Tree_Color( substr( Less_Colors::color( $keyword ), 1 ) ); + } + + if ( $keyword === 'transparent' ) { + return new Less_Tree_Color( [ 0, 0, 0 ], 0, true ); + } + } + +} diff --git a/include/thirdparty/less.php/____4.0.0/Tree/Comment.php b/include/thirdparty/less.php/____4.0.0/Tree/Comment.php new file mode 100644 index 0000000..b4dd68c --- /dev/null +++ b/include/thirdparty/less.php/____4.0.0/Tree/Comment.php @@ -0,0 +1,43 @@ +value = $value; + $this->silent = (bool)$silent; + $this->currentFileInfo = $currentFileInfo; + } + + /** + * @see Less_Tree::genCSS + */ + public function genCSS( $output ) { + // if( $this->debugInfo ){ + //$output->add( tree.debugInfo($env, $this), $this->currentFileInfo, $this->index); + //} + $output->add( trim( $this->value ) );// TODO shouldn't need to trim, we shouldn't grab the \n + } + + public function toCSS() { + return Less_Parser::$options['compress'] ? '' : $this->value; + } + + public function isSilent() { + $isReference = ( $this->currentFileInfo && isset( $this->currentFileInfo['reference'] ) && ( !isset( $this->isReferenced ) || !$this->isReferenced ) ); + $isCompressed = Less_Parser::$options['compress'] && !preg_match( '/^\/\*!/', $this->value ); + return $this->silent || $isReference || $isCompressed; + } + + public function markReferenced() { + $this->isReferenced = true; + } + +} diff --git a/include/thirdparty/less.php/____4.0.0/Tree/Condition.php b/include/thirdparty/less.php/____4.0.0/Tree/Condition.php new file mode 100644 index 0000000..5204e83 --- /dev/null +++ b/include/thirdparty/less.php/____4.0.0/Tree/Condition.php @@ -0,0 +1,68 @@ +op = trim( $op ); + $this->lvalue = $l; + $this->rvalue = $r; + $this->index = $i; + $this->negate = $negate; + } + + public function accept( $visitor ) { + $this->lvalue = $visitor->visitObj( $this->lvalue ); + $this->rvalue = $visitor->visitObj( $this->rvalue ); + } + + public function compile( $env ) { + $a = $this->lvalue->compile( $env ); + $b = $this->rvalue->compile( $env ); + + switch ( $this->op ) { + case 'and': + $result = $a && $b; + break; + + case 'or': + $result = $a || $b; + break; + + default: + if ( Less_Parser::is_method( $a, 'compare' ) ) { + $result = $a->compare( $b ); + } elseif ( Less_Parser::is_method( $b, 'compare' ) ) { + $result = $b->compare( $a ); + } else { + throw new Less_Exception_Compiler( 'Unable to perform comparison', null, $this->index ); + } + + switch ( $result ) { + case -1: + $result = $this->op === '<' || $this->op === '=<' || $this->op === '<='; + break; + + case 0: + $result = $this->op === '=' || $this->op === '>=' || $this->op === '=<' || $this->op === '<='; + break; + + case 1: + $result = $this->op === '>' || $this->op === '>='; + break; + } + break; + } + + return $this->negate ? !$result : $result; + } + +} diff --git a/include/thirdparty/less.php/____4.0.0/Tree/DefaultFunc.php b/include/thirdparty/less.php/____4.0.0/Tree/DefaultFunc.php new file mode 100644 index 0000000..66f0008 --- /dev/null +++ b/include/thirdparty/less.php/____4.0.0/Tree/DefaultFunc.php @@ -0,0 +1,30 @@ +ruleset = $ruleset; + $this->frames = $frames; + } + + public function accept( $visitor ) { + $this->ruleset = $visitor->visitObj( $this->ruleset ); + } + + public function compile( $env ) { + if ( $this->frames ) { + $frames = $this->frames; + } else { + $frames = $env->frames; + } + return new Less_Tree_DetachedRuleset( $this->ruleset, $frames ); + } + + public function callEval( $env ) { + if ( $this->frames ) { + return $this->ruleset->compile( $env->copyEvalEnv( array_merge( $this->frames, $env->frames ) ) ); + } + return $this->ruleset->compile( $env ); + } +} diff --git a/include/thirdparty/less.php/____4.0.0/Tree/Dimension.php b/include/thirdparty/less.php/____4.0.0/Tree/Dimension.php new file mode 100644 index 0000000..425f3d5 --- /dev/null +++ b/include/thirdparty/less.php/____4.0.0/Tree/Dimension.php @@ -0,0 +1,191 @@ +value = floatval( $value ); + + if ( $unit && ( $unit instanceof Less_Tree_Unit ) ) { + $this->unit = $unit; + } elseif ( $unit ) { + $this->unit = new Less_Tree_Unit( [ $unit ] ); + } else { + $this->unit = new Less_Tree_Unit(); + } + } + + public function accept( $visitor ) { + $this->unit = $visitor->visitObj( $this->unit ); + } + + public function toColor() { + return new Less_Tree_Color( [ $this->value, $this->value, $this->value ] ); + } + + /** + * @see Less_Tree::genCSS + */ + public function genCSS( $output ) { + if ( Less_Parser::$options['strictUnits'] && !$this->unit->isSingular() ) { + throw new Less_Exception_Compiler( "Multiple units in dimension. Correct the units or use the unit function. Bad unit: " . $this->unit->toString() ); + } + + $value = Less_Functions::fround( $this->value ); + $strValue = (string)$value; + + if ( $value !== 0 && $value < 0.000001 && $value > -0.000001 ) { + // would be output 1e-6 etc. + $strValue = number_format( (float)$strValue, 10 ); + $strValue = preg_replace( '/\.?0+$/', '', $strValue ); + } + + if ( Less_Parser::$options['compress'] ) { + // Zero values doesn't need a unit + if ( $value === 0 && $this->unit->isLength() ) { + $output->add( $strValue ); + return; + } + + // Float values doesn't need a leading zero + if ( $value > 0 && $value < 1 && $strValue[0] === '0' ) { + $strValue = substr( $strValue, 1 ); + } + } + + $output->add( $strValue ); + $this->unit->genCSS( $output ); + } + + public function __toString() { + return $this->toCSS(); + } + + // In an operation between two Dimensions, + // we default to the first Dimension's unit, + // so `1px + 2em` will yield `3px`. + + /** + * @param string $op + * @param Less_Tree_Dimension $other + */ + public function operate( $op, $other ) { + $value = Less_Functions::operate( $op, $this->value, $other->value ); + $unit = clone $this->unit; + + if ( $op === '+' || $op === '-' ) { + + if ( !$unit->numerator && !$unit->denominator ) { + $unit->numerator = $other->unit->numerator; + $unit->denominator = $other->unit->denominator; + } elseif ( !$other->unit->numerator && !$other->unit->denominator ) { + // do nothing + } else { + $other = $other->convertTo( $this->unit->usedUnits() ); + + if ( Less_Parser::$options['strictUnits'] && $other->unit->toString() !== $unit->toCSS() ) { + throw new Less_Exception_Compiler( "Incompatible units. Change the units or use the unit function. Bad units: '" . $unit->toString() . "' and " . $other->unit->toString() . "'." ); + } + + $value = Less_Functions::operate( $op, $this->value, $other->value ); + } + } elseif ( $op === '*' ) { + $unit->numerator = array_merge( $unit->numerator, $other->unit->numerator ); + $unit->denominator = array_merge( $unit->denominator, $other->unit->denominator ); + sort( $unit->numerator ); + sort( $unit->denominator ); + $unit->cancel(); + } elseif ( $op === '/' ) { + $unit->numerator = array_merge( $unit->numerator, $other->unit->denominator ); + $unit->denominator = array_merge( $unit->denominator, $other->unit->numerator ); + sort( $unit->numerator ); + sort( $unit->denominator ); + $unit->cancel(); + } + return new Less_Tree_Dimension( $value, $unit ); + } + + public function compare( $other ) { + if ( $other instanceof Less_Tree_Dimension ) { + + if ( $this->unit->isEmpty() || $other->unit->isEmpty() ) { + $a = $this; + $b = $other; + } else { + $a = $this->unify(); + $b = $other->unify(); + if ( $a->unit->compare( $b->unit ) !== 0 ) { + return -1; + } + } + $aValue = $a->value; + $bValue = $b->value; + + if ( $bValue > $aValue ) { + return -1; + } elseif ( $bValue < $aValue ) { + return 1; + } else { + return 0; + } + } else { + return -1; + } + } + + public function unify() { + return $this->convertTo( [ 'length' => 'px', 'duration' => 's', 'angle' => 'rad' ] ); + } + + public function convertTo( $conversions ) { + $value = $this->value; + $unit = clone $this->unit; + + if ( is_string( $conversions ) ) { + $derivedConversions = []; + foreach ( Less_Tree_UnitConversions::$groups as $i ) { + if ( isset( Less_Tree_UnitConversions::${$i}[$conversions] ) ) { + $derivedConversions = [ $i => $conversions ]; + } + } + $conversions = $derivedConversions; + } + + foreach ( $conversions as $groupName => $targetUnit ) { + $group = Less_Tree_UnitConversions::${$groupName}; + + // numerator + foreach ( $unit->numerator as $i => $atomicUnit ) { + $atomicUnit = $unit->numerator[$i]; + if ( !isset( $group[$atomicUnit] ) ) { + continue; + } + + $value = $value * ( $group[$atomicUnit] / $group[$targetUnit] ); + + $unit->numerator[$i] = $targetUnit; + } + + // denominator + foreach ( $unit->denominator as $i => $atomicUnit ) { + $atomicUnit = $unit->denominator[$i]; + if ( !isset( $group[$atomicUnit] ) ) { + continue; + } + + $value = $value / ( $group[$atomicUnit] / $group[$targetUnit] ); + + $unit->denominator[$i] = $targetUnit; + } + } + + $unit->cancel(); + + return new Less_Tree_Dimension( $value, $unit ); + } +} diff --git a/include/thirdparty/less.php/____4.0.0/Tree/Directive.php b/include/thirdparty/less.php/____4.0.0/Tree/Directive.php new file mode 100644 index 0000000..dfada84 --- /dev/null +++ b/include/thirdparty/less.php/____4.0.0/Tree/Directive.php @@ -0,0 +1,92 @@ +name = $name; + $this->value = $value; + if ( $rules ) { + $this->rules = $rules; + $this->rules->allowImports = true; + } + + $this->index = $index; + $this->currentFileInfo = $currentFileInfo; + $this->debugInfo = $debugInfo; + } + + public function accept( $visitor ) { + if ( $this->rules ) { + $this->rules = $visitor->visitObj( $this->rules ); + } + if ( $this->value ) { + $this->value = $visitor->visitObj( $this->value ); + } + } + + /** + * @see Less_Tree::genCSS + */ + public function genCSS( $output ) { + $value = $this->value; + $rules = $this->rules; + $output->add( $this->name, $this->currentFileInfo, $this->index ); + if ( $this->value ) { + $output->add( ' ' ); + $this->value->genCSS( $output ); + } + if ( $this->rules ) { + Less_Tree::outputRuleset( $output, [ $this->rules ] ); + } else { + $output->add( ';' ); + } + } + + public function compile( $env ) { + $value = $this->value; + $rules = $this->rules; + if ( $value ) { + $value = $value->compile( $env ); + } + + if ( $rules ) { + $rules = $rules->compile( $env ); + $rules->root = true; + } + + return new Less_Tree_Directive( $this->name, $value, $rules, $this->index, $this->currentFileInfo, $this->debugInfo ); + } + + public function variable( $name ) { + if ( $this->rules ) { + return $this->rules->variable( $name ); + } + } + + public function find( $selector ) { + if ( $this->rules ) { + return $this->rules->find( $selector, $this ); + } + } + + // rulesets: function () { if (this.rules) return tree.Ruleset.prototype.rulesets.apply(this.rules); }, + + public function markReferenced() { + $this->isReferenced = true; + if ( $this->rules ) { + Less_Tree::ReferencedArray( $this->rules->rules ); + } + } + +} diff --git a/include/thirdparty/less.php/____4.0.0/Tree/Element.php b/include/thirdparty/less.php/____4.0.0/Tree/Element.php new file mode 100644 index 0000000..11b9ce4 --- /dev/null +++ b/include/thirdparty/less.php/____4.0.0/Tree/Element.php @@ -0,0 +1,73 @@ +value = $value; + $this->value_is_object = is_object( $value ); + + // see less-2.5.3.js#Combinator + $this->combinator = $combinator ?? ''; + $this->combinatorIsEmptyOrWhitespace = ( $combinator === null || trim( $combinator ) === '' ); + + $this->index = $index; + $this->currentFileInfo = $currentFileInfo; + } + + public function accept( $visitor ) { + if ( $this->value_is_object ) { // object or string + $this->value = $visitor->visitObj( $this->value ); + } + } + + public function compile( $env ) { + return new Less_Tree_Element( + $this->combinator, + ( $this->value_is_object ? $this->value->compile( $env ) : $this->value ), + $this->index, + $this->currentFileInfo + ); + } + + /** + * @see Less_Tree::genCSS + */ + public function genCSS( $output ) { + $output->add( $this->toCSS(), $this->currentFileInfo, $this->index ); + } + + public function toCSS() { + if ( $this->value_is_object ) { + $value = $this->value->toCSS(); + } else { + $value = $this->value; + } + + if ( $value === '' && $this->combinator && $this->combinator === '&' ) { + return ''; + } + + return Less_Environment::$_outputMap[$this->combinator] . $value; + } + +} diff --git a/include/thirdparty/less.php/____4.0.0/Tree/Expression.php b/include/thirdparty/less.php/____4.0.0/Tree/Expression.php new file mode 100644 index 0000000..8324141 --- /dev/null +++ b/include/thirdparty/less.php/____4.0.0/Tree/Expression.php @@ -0,0 +1,90 @@ +value = $value; + $this->parens = $parens; + } + + public function accept( $visitor ) { + $this->value = $visitor->visitArray( $this->value ); + } + + public function compile( $env ) { + $doubleParen = false; + + if ( $this->parens && !$this->parensInOp ) { + Less_Environment::$parensStack++; + } + + $returnValue = null; + if ( $this->value ) { + + $count = count( $this->value ); + + if ( $count > 1 ) { + + $ret = []; + foreach ( $this->value as $e ) { + $ret[] = $e->compile( $env ); + } + $returnValue = new Less_Tree_Expression( $ret ); + + } else { + + if ( ( $this->value[0] instanceof Less_Tree_Expression ) && $this->value[0]->parens && !$this->value[0]->parensInOp ) { + $doubleParen = true; + } + + $returnValue = $this->value[0]->compile( $env ); + } + + } else { + $returnValue = $this; + } + + if ( $this->parens ) { + if ( !$this->parensInOp ) { + Less_Environment::$parensStack--; + + } elseif ( !Less_Environment::isMathOn() && !$doubleParen ) { + $returnValue = new Less_Tree_Paren( $returnValue ); + + } + } + return $returnValue; + } + + /** + * @see Less_Tree::genCSS + */ + public function genCSS( $output ) { + $val_len = count( $this->value ); + for ( $i = 0; $i < $val_len; $i++ ) { + $this->value[$i]->genCSS( $output ); + if ( $i + 1 < $val_len ) { + $output->add( ' ' ); + } + } + } + + public function throwAwayComments() { + if ( is_array( $this->value ) ) { + $new_value = []; + foreach ( $this->value as $v ) { + if ( $v instanceof Less_Tree_Comment ) { + continue; + } + $new_value[] = $v; + } + $this->value = $new_value; + } + } +} diff --git a/include/thirdparty/less.php/____4.0.0/Tree/Extend.php b/include/thirdparty/less.php/____4.0.0/Tree/Extend.php new file mode 100644 index 0000000..f83fde0 --- /dev/null +++ b/include/thirdparty/less.php/____4.0.0/Tree/Extend.php @@ -0,0 +1,80 @@ +selector = $selector; + $this->option = $option; + $this->index = $index; + + switch ( $option ) { + case "all": + $this->allowBefore = true; + $this->allowAfter = true; + break; + default: + $this->allowBefore = false; + $this->allowAfter = false; + break; + } + + // This must use a string (instead of int) so that array_merge() + // preserves keys on arrays that use IDs in their keys. + $this->object_id = 'id_' . $i++; + + $this->parent_ids = [ + $this->object_id => true + ]; + } + + public function accept( $visitor ) { + $this->selector = $visitor->visitObj( $this->selector ); + } + + public function compile( $env ) { + Less_Parser::$has_extends = true; + $this->selector = $this->selector->compile( $env ); + return $this; + // return new Less_Tree_Extend( $this->selector->compile($env), $this->option, $this->index); + } + + public function clone() { + return new Less_Tree_Extend( $this->selector, $this->option, $this->index ); + } + + public function findSelfSelectors( $selectors ) { + $selfElements = []; + + for ( $i = 0, $selectors_len = count( $selectors ); $i < $selectors_len; $i++ ) { + $selectorElements = $selectors[$i]->elements; + // duplicate the logic in genCSS function inside the selector node. + // future TODO - move both logics into the selector joiner visitor + if ( $i && $selectorElements && $selectorElements[0]->combinator === "" ) { + $selectorElements[0]->combinator = ' '; + } + $selfElements = array_merge( $selfElements, $selectors[$i]->elements ); + } + + $this->selfSelectors = [ new Less_Tree_Selector( $selfElements ) ]; + } + +} diff --git a/include/thirdparty/less.php/____4.0.0/Tree/Import.php b/include/thirdparty/less.php/____4.0.0/Tree/Import.php new file mode 100644 index 0000000..fc5e81d --- /dev/null +++ b/include/thirdparty/less.php/____4.0.0/Tree/Import.php @@ -0,0 +1,299 @@ +options = $options; + $this->index = $index; + $this->path = $path; + $this->features = $features; + $this->currentFileInfo = $currentFileInfo; + + if ( is_array( $options ) ) { + $this->options += [ 'inline' => false ]; + + if ( isset( $this->options['less'] ) || $this->options['inline'] ) { + $this->css = !isset( $this->options['less'] ) || !$this->options['less'] || $this->options['inline']; + } else { + $pathValue = $this->getPath(); + // Leave any ".css" file imports as literals for the browser. + // Also leave any remote HTTP resources as literals regardless of whether + // they contain ".css" in their filename. + if ( $pathValue && preg_match( '/^(https?:)?\/\/|\.css$/i', $pathValue ) ) { + $this->css = true; + } + } + } + } + +// +// The actual import node doesn't return anything, when converted to CSS. +// The reason is that it's used at the evaluation stage, so that the rules +// it imports can be treated like any other rules. +// +// In `eval`, we make sure all Import nodes get evaluated, recursively, so +// we end up with a flat structure, which can easily be imported in the parent +// ruleset. +// + + public function accept( $visitor ) { + if ( $this->features ) { + $this->features = $visitor->visitObj( $this->features ); + } + $this->path = $visitor->visitObj( $this->path ); + + if ( !$this->options['inline'] && $this->root ) { + $this->root = $visitor->visit( $this->root ); + } + } + + /** + * @see Less_Tree::genCSS + */ + public function genCSS( $output ) { + if ( $this->css ) { + + $output->add( '@import ', $this->currentFileInfo, $this->index ); + + $this->path->genCSS( $output ); + if ( $this->features ) { + $output->add( ' ' ); + $this->features->genCSS( $output ); + } + $output->add( ';' ); + } + } + + public function toCSS() { + $features = $this->features ? ' ' . $this->features->toCSS() : ''; + + if ( $this->css ) { + return "@import " . $this->path->toCSS() . $features . ";\n"; + } else { + return ""; + } + } + + /** + * @return string|null + */ + public function getPath() { + if ( $this->path instanceof Less_Tree_Quoted ) { + $path = $this->path->value; + $path = ( isset( $this->css ) || preg_match( '/(\.[a-z]*$)|([\?;].*)$/', $path ) ) ? $path : $path . '.less'; + + // During the first pass, Less_Tree_URL may contain a Less_Tree_Variable (not yet expanded), + // and thus has no value property defined yet. Return null until we reach the next phase. + // https://github.com/wikimedia/less.php/issues/29 + } elseif ( $this->path instanceof Less_Tree_URL && !( $this->path->value instanceof Less_Tree_Variable ) ) { + $path = $this->path->value->value; + } else { + return null; + } + + // remove query string and fragment + return preg_replace( '/[\?#][^\?]*$/', '', $path ); + } + + public function compileForImport( $env ) { + return new Less_Tree_Import( $this->path->compile( $env ), $this->features, $this->options, $this->index, $this->currentFileInfo ); + } + + public function compilePath( $env ) { + $path = $this->path->compile( $env ); + $rootpath = ''; + if ( $this->currentFileInfo && $this->currentFileInfo['rootpath'] ) { + $rootpath = $this->currentFileInfo['rootpath']; + } + + if ( !( $path instanceof Less_Tree_URL ) ) { + if ( $rootpath ) { + $pathValue = $path->value; + // Add the base path if the import is relative + if ( $pathValue && Less_Environment::isPathRelative( $pathValue ) ) { + $path->value = $this->currentFileInfo['uri_root'] . $pathValue; + } + } + $path->value = Less_Environment::normalizePath( $path->value ); + } + + return $path; + } + + public function compile( $env ) { + $evald = $this->compileForImport( $env ); + + // get path & uri + $path_and_uri = null; + if ( is_callable( Less_Parser::$options['import_callback'] ) ) { + $path_and_uri = call_user_func( Less_Parser::$options['import_callback'], $evald ); + } + + if ( !$path_and_uri ) { + $path_and_uri = $evald->PathAndUri(); + } + + if ( $path_and_uri ) { + list( $full_path, $uri ) = $path_and_uri; + } else { + $full_path = $uri = $evald->getPath(); + } + + // import once + if ( $evald->skip( $full_path, $env ) ) { + return []; + } + '@phan-var string $full_path'; + + if ( $this->options['inline'] ) { + // todo needs to reference css file not import + //$contents = new Less_Tree_Anonymous($this->root, 0, array('filename'=>$this->importedFilename), true ); + + Less_Parser::AddParsedFile( $full_path ); + $contents = new Less_Tree_Anonymous( file_get_contents( $full_path ), 0, [], true ); + + if ( $this->features ) { + return new Less_Tree_Media( [ $contents ], $this->features->value ); + } + + return [ $contents ]; + } + + // optional (need to be before "CSS" to support optional CSS imports. CSS should be checked only if empty($this->currentFileInfo)) + if ( isset( $this->options['optional'] ) && $this->options['optional'] && !file_exists( $full_path ) && ( !$evald->css || !empty( $this->currentFileInfo ) ) ) { + return []; + } + + // css ? + if ( $evald->css ) { + $features = ( $evald->features ? $evald->features->compile( $env ) : null ); + return new Less_Tree_Import( $this->compilePath( $env ), $features, $this->options, $this->index ); + } + + return $this->ParseImport( $full_path, $uri, $env ); + } + + /** + * Using the import directories, get the full absolute path and uri of the import + */ + public function PathAndUri() { + $evald_path = $this->getPath(); + + if ( $evald_path ) { + + $import_dirs = []; + + if ( Less_Environment::isPathRelative( $evald_path ) ) { + // if the path is relative, the file should be in the current directory + if ( $this->currentFileInfo ) { + $import_dirs[ $this->currentFileInfo['currentDirectory'] ] = $this->currentFileInfo['uri_root']; + } + + } else { + // otherwise, the file should be relative to the server root + if ( $this->currentFileInfo ) { + $import_dirs[ $this->currentFileInfo['entryPath'] ] = $this->currentFileInfo['entryUri']; + } + // if the user supplied entryPath isn't the actual root + $import_dirs[ $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] ] = ''; + + } + + // always look in user supplied import directories + $import_dirs = array_merge( $import_dirs, Less_Parser::$options['import_dirs'] ); + + foreach ( $import_dirs as $rootpath => $rooturi ) { + if ( is_callable( $rooturi ) ) { + list( $path, $uri ) = call_user_func( $rooturi, $evald_path ); + if ( is_string( $path ) ) { + $full_path = $path; + return [ $full_path, $uri ]; + } + } elseif ( !empty( $rootpath ) ) { + + $path = rtrim( $rootpath, '/\\' ) . '/' . ltrim( $evald_path, '/\\' ); + + if ( file_exists( $path ) ) { + $full_path = Less_Environment::normalizePath( $path ); + $uri = Less_Environment::normalizePath( dirname( $rooturi . $evald_path ) ); + return [ $full_path, $uri ]; + } elseif ( file_exists( $path . '.less' ) ) { + $full_path = Less_Environment::normalizePath( $path . '.less' ); + $uri = Less_Environment::normalizePath( dirname( $rooturi . $evald_path . '.less' ) ); + return [ $full_path, $uri ]; + } + } + } + } + } + + /** + * Parse the import url and return the rules + * + * @param string $full_path + * @param string|null $uri + * @param mixed $env + * @return Less_Tree_Media|array + */ + public function ParseImport( $full_path, $uri, $env ) { + $import_env = clone $env; + if ( ( isset( $this->options['reference'] ) && $this->options['reference'] ) || isset( $this->currentFileInfo['reference'] ) ) { + $import_env->currentFileInfo['reference'] = true; + } + + if ( ( isset( $this->options['multiple'] ) && $this->options['multiple'] ) ) { + $import_env->importMultiple = true; + } + + $parser = new Less_Parser( $import_env ); + $root = $parser->parseFile( $full_path, $uri, true ); + + $ruleset = new Less_Tree_Ruleset( null, $root->rules ); + $ruleset->evalImports( $import_env ); + + return $this->features ? new Less_Tree_Media( $ruleset->rules, $this->features->value ) : $ruleset->rules; + } + + /** + * Should the import be skipped? + * + * @param string|null $path + * @param Less_Environment $env + * @return bool|null + */ + private function skip( $path, $env ) { + $path = Less_Parser::AbsPath( $path, true ); + + if ( $path && Less_Parser::FileParsed( $path ) ) { + + if ( isset( $this->currentFileInfo['reference'] ) ) { + return true; + } + + return !isset( $this->options['multiple'] ) && !$env->importMultiple; + } + } +} diff --git a/include/thirdparty/less.php/____4.0.0/Tree/Javascript.php b/include/thirdparty/less.php/____4.0.0/Tree/Javascript.php new file mode 100644 index 0000000..218d481 --- /dev/null +++ b/include/thirdparty/less.php/____4.0.0/Tree/Javascript.php @@ -0,0 +1,26 @@ +escaped = $escaped; + $this->expression = $string; + $this->index = $index; + } + + public function compile( $env ) { + return new Less_Tree_Anonymous( '/* Sorry, can not do JavaScript evaluation in PHP... :( */' ); + } + +} diff --git a/include/thirdparty/less.php/____4.0.0/Tree/Keyword.php b/include/thirdparty/less.php/____4.0.0/Tree/Keyword.php new file mode 100644 index 0000000..60663f0 --- /dev/null +++ b/include/thirdparty/less.php/____4.0.0/Tree/Keyword.php @@ -0,0 +1,35 @@ +value = $value; + } + + /** + * @see Less_Tree::genCSS + */ + public function genCSS( $output ) { + if ( $this->value === '%' ) { + throw new Less_Exception_Compiler( "Invalid % without number" ); + } + + $output->add( $this->value ); + } + + public function compare( $other ) { + if ( $other instanceof Less_Tree_Keyword ) { + return $other->value === $this->value ? 0 : 1; + } else { + return -1; + } + } +} diff --git a/include/thirdparty/less.php/____4.0.0/Tree/Media.php b/include/thirdparty/less.php/____4.0.0/Tree/Media.php new file mode 100644 index 0000000..3cb1fc4 --- /dev/null +++ b/include/thirdparty/less.php/____4.0.0/Tree/Media.php @@ -0,0 +1,183 @@ +index = $index; + $this->currentFileInfo = $currentFileInfo; + + $selectors = $this->emptySelectors(); + + $this->features = new Less_Tree_Value( $features ); + + $this->rules = [ new Less_Tree_Ruleset( $selectors, $value ) ]; + $this->rules[0]->allowImports = true; + } + + public function accept( $visitor ) { + $this->features = $visitor->visitObj( $this->features ); + $this->rules = $visitor->visitArray( $this->rules ); + } + + /** + * @see Less_Tree::genCSS + */ + public function genCSS( $output ) { + $output->add( '@media ', $this->currentFileInfo, $this->index ); + $this->features->genCSS( $output ); + Less_Tree::outputRuleset( $output, $this->rules ); + } + + /** + * @param Less_Environment $env + * @return Less_Tree_Media|Less_Tree_Ruleset + * @see less-2.5.3.js#Media.prototype.eval + */ + public function compile( $env ) { + $media = new Less_Tree_Media( [], [], $this->index, $this->currentFileInfo ); + + $strictMathBypass = false; + if ( Less_Parser::$options['strictMath'] === false ) { + $strictMathBypass = true; + Less_Parser::$options['strictMath'] = true; + } + + $media->features = $this->features->compile( $env ); + + if ( $strictMathBypass ) { + Less_Parser::$options['strictMath'] = false; + } + + $env->mediaPath[] = $media; + $env->mediaBlocks[] = $media; + + array_unshift( $env->frames, $this->rules[0] ); + $media->rules = [ $this->rules[0]->compile( $env ) ]; + array_shift( $env->frames ); + + array_pop( $env->mediaPath ); + + return !$env->mediaPath ? $media->compileTop( $env ) : $media->compileNested( $env ); + } + + public function variable( $name ) { + return $this->rules[0]->variable( $name ); + } + + public function find( $selector ) { + return $this->rules[0]->find( $selector, $this ); + } + + public function emptySelectors() { + $el = new Less_Tree_Element( '', '&', $this->index, $this->currentFileInfo ); + $sels = [ new Less_Tree_Selector( [ $el ], [], null, $this->index, $this->currentFileInfo ) ]; + $sels[0]->mediaEmpty = true; + return $sels; + } + + public function markReferenced() { + $this->rules[0]->markReferenced(); + $this->isReferenced = true; + Less_Tree::ReferencedArray( $this->rules[0]->rules ); + } + + // evaltop + public function compileTop( $env ) { + $result = $this; + + if ( count( $env->mediaBlocks ) > 1 ) { + $selectors = $this->emptySelectors(); + $result = new Less_Tree_Ruleset( $selectors, $env->mediaBlocks ); + $result->multiMedia = true; + } + + $env->mediaBlocks = []; + $env->mediaPath = []; + + return $result; + } + + /** + * @param Less_Environment $env + * @return Less_Tree_Ruleset + */ + public function compileNested( $env ) { + $path = array_merge( $env->mediaPath, [ $this ] ); + '@phan-var array $path'; + + // Extract the media-query conditions separated with `,` (OR). + foreach ( $path as $key => $p ) { + $value = $p->features instanceof Less_Tree_Value ? $p->features->value : $p->features; + $path[$key] = is_array( $value ) ? $value : [ $value ]; + } + '@phan-var array> $path'; + + // Trace all permutations to generate the resulting media-query. + // + // (a, b and c) with nested (d, e) -> + // a and d + // a and e + // b and c and d + // b and c and e + + $permuted = $this->permute( $path ); + $expressions = []; + foreach ( $permuted as $path ) { + + for ( $i = 0, $len = count( $path ); $i < $len; $i++ ) { + $path[$i] = Less_Parser::is_method( $path[$i], 'toCSS' ) ? $path[$i] : new Less_Tree_Anonymous( $path[$i] ); + } + + for ( $i = count( $path ) - 1; $i > 0; $i-- ) { + array_splice( $path, $i, 0, [ new Less_Tree_Anonymous( 'and' ) ] ); + } + + $expressions[] = new Less_Tree_Expression( $path ); + } + $this->features = new Less_Tree_Value( $expressions ); + + // Fake a tree-node that doesn't output anything. + return new Less_Tree_Ruleset( [], [] ); + } + + public function permute( $arr ) { + if ( !$arr ) { + return []; + } + + if ( count( $arr ) == 1 ) { + return $arr[0]; + } + + $result = []; + $rest = $this->permute( array_slice( $arr, 1 ) ); + foreach ( $rest as $r ) { + foreach ( $arr[0] as $a ) { + $result[] = array_merge( + is_array( $a ) ? $a : [ $a ], + is_array( $r ) ? $r : [ $r ] + ); + } + } + + return $result; + } + + public function bubbleSelectors( $selectors ) { + if ( !$selectors ) { + return; + } + + $this->rules = [ new Less_Tree_Ruleset( $selectors, [ $this->rules[0] ] ) ]; + } + +} diff --git a/include/thirdparty/less.php/____4.0.0/Tree/Mixin/Call.php b/include/thirdparty/less.php/____4.0.0/Tree/Mixin/Call.php new file mode 100644 index 0000000..61e10fe --- /dev/null +++ b/include/thirdparty/less.php/____4.0.0/Tree/Mixin/Call.php @@ -0,0 +1,197 @@ +selector = new Less_Tree_Selector( $elements ); + $this->arguments = $args; + $this->index = $index; + $this->currentFileInfo = $currentFileInfo; + $this->important = $important; + } + + // function accept($visitor){ + // $this->selector = $visitor->visit($this->selector); + // $this->arguments = $visitor->visit($this->arguments); + //} + + public function compile( $env ) { + $rules = []; + $match = false; + $isOneFound = false; + $candidates = []; + $defaultUsed = false; + $conditionResult = []; + + $args = []; + foreach ( $this->arguments as $a ) { + $args[] = [ 'name' => $a['name'], 'value' => $a['value']->compile( $env ) ]; + } + + foreach ( $env->frames as $frame ) { + + $mixins = $frame->find( $this->selector ); + + if ( !$mixins ) { + continue; + } + + $isOneFound = true; + $defNone = 0; + $defTrue = 1; + $defFalse = 2; + + // To make `default()` function independent of definition order we have two "subpasses" here. + // At first we evaluate each guard *twice* (with `default() == true` and `default() == false`), + // and build candidate list with corresponding flags. Then, when we know all possible matches, + // we make a final decision. + + $mixins_len = count( $mixins ); + for ( $m = 0; $m < $mixins_len; $m++ ) { + $mixin = $mixins[$m]; + + if ( $this->IsRecursive( $env, $mixin ) ) { + continue; + } + + if ( $mixin->matchArgs( $args, $env ) ) { + + $candidate = [ 'mixin' => $mixin, 'group' => $defNone ]; + + if ( $mixin instanceof Less_Tree_Ruleset ) { + for ( $f = 0; $f < 2; $f++ ) { + Less_Tree_DefaultFunc::value( $f ); + $conditionResult[$f] = $mixin->matchCondition( $args, $env ); + } + + // PhanTypeInvalidDimOffset -- False positive + '@phan-var array{0:bool,1:bool} $conditionResult'; + + if ( $conditionResult[0] || $conditionResult[1] ) { + if ( $conditionResult[0] != $conditionResult[1] ) { + $candidate['group'] = $conditionResult[1] ? $defTrue : $defFalse; + } + + $candidates[] = $candidate; + } + } else { + $candidates[] = $candidate; + } + + $match = true; + } + } + + Less_Tree_DefaultFunc::reset(); + + $count = [ 0, 0, 0 ]; + for ( $m = 0; $m < count( $candidates ); $m++ ) { + $count[ $candidates[$m]['group'] ]++; + } + + if ( $count[$defNone] > 0 ) { + $defaultResult = $defFalse; + } else { + $defaultResult = $defTrue; + if ( ( $count[$defTrue] + $count[$defFalse] ) > 1 ) { + throw new Exception( 'Ambiguous use of `default()` found when matching for `' . $this->format( $args ) . '`' ); + } + } + + $candidates_length = count( $candidates ); + $length_1 = ( $candidates_length == 1 ); + + for ( $m = 0; $m < $candidates_length; $m++ ) { + $candidate = $candidates[$m]['group']; + if ( ( $candidate === $defNone ) || ( $candidate === $defaultResult ) ) { + try{ + $mixin = $candidates[$m]['mixin']; + if ( !( $mixin instanceof Less_Tree_Mixin_Definition ) ) { + $mixin = new Less_Tree_Mixin_Definition( '', [], $mixin->rules, null, false ); + $mixin->originalRuleset = $mixins[$m]->originalRuleset; + } + $rules = array_merge( $rules, $mixin->evalCall( $env, $args, $this->important )->rules ); + } catch ( Exception $e ) { + // throw new Less_Exception_Compiler($e->getMessage(), $e->index, null, $this->currentFileInfo['filename']); + throw new Less_Exception_Compiler( $e->getMessage(), null, null, $this->currentFileInfo ); + } + } + } + + if ( $match ) { + if ( !$this->currentFileInfo || !isset( $this->currentFileInfo['reference'] ) || !$this->currentFileInfo['reference'] ) { + Less_Tree::ReferencedArray( $rules ); + } + + return $rules; + } + } + + if ( $isOneFound ) { + throw new Less_Exception_Compiler( 'No matching definition was found for `' . $this->Format( $args ) . '`', null, $this->index, $this->currentFileInfo ); + + } else { + throw new Less_Exception_Compiler( trim( $this->selector->toCSS() ) . " is undefined in " . $this->currentFileInfo['filename'], null, $this->index ); + } + } + + /** + * Format the args for use in exception messages + * + */ + private function Format( $args ) { + $message = []; + if ( $args ) { + foreach ( $args as $a ) { + $argValue = ''; + if ( $a['name'] ) { + $argValue .= $a['name'] . ':'; + } + if ( is_object( $a['value'] ) ) { + $argValue .= $a['value']->toCSS(); + } else { + $argValue .= '???'; + } + $message[] = $argValue; + } + } + return implode( ', ', $message ); + } + + /** + * Are we in a recursive mixin call? + * + * @return bool + */ + private function IsRecursive( $env, $mixin ) { + foreach ( $env->frames as $recur_frame ) { + if ( !( $mixin instanceof Less_Tree_Mixin_Definition ) ) { + + if ( $mixin === $recur_frame ) { + return true; + } + + if ( isset( $recur_frame->originalRuleset ) && $mixin->ruleset_id === $recur_frame->originalRuleset ) { + return true; + } + } + } + + return false; + } + +} diff --git a/include/thirdparty/less.php/____4.0.0/Tree/Mixin/Definition.php b/include/thirdparty/less.php/____4.0.0/Tree/Mixin/Definition.php new file mode 100644 index 0000000..08bcd7a --- /dev/null +++ b/include/thirdparty/less.php/____4.0.0/Tree/Mixin/Definition.php @@ -0,0 +1,236 @@ +name = $name; + $this->selectors = [ new Less_Tree_Selector( [ new Less_Tree_Element( null, $name ) ] ) ]; + + $this->params = $params; + $this->condition = $condition; + $this->variadic = $variadic; + $this->rules = $rules; + + if ( $params ) { + $this->arity = count( $params ); + foreach ( $params as $p ) { + if ( !isset( $p['name'] ) || ( $p['name'] && !isset( $p['value'] ) ) ) { + $this->required++; + } + } + } + + $this->frames = $frames; + $this->SetRulesetIndex(); + } + + // function accept( $visitor ){ + // $this->params = $visitor->visit($this->params); + // $this->rules = $visitor->visit($this->rules); + // $this->condition = $visitor->visit($this->condition); + //} + + public function toCSS() { + return ''; + } + + // less.js : /lib/less/tree/mixin.js : tree.mixin.Definition.evalParams + public function compileParams( $env, $mixinFrames, $args = [], &$evaldArguments = [] ) { + $frame = new Less_Tree_Ruleset( null, [] ); + $params = $this->params; + $mixinEnv = null; + $argsLength = 0; + + if ( $args ) { + $argsLength = count( $args ); + for ( $i = 0; $i < $argsLength; $i++ ) { + $arg = $args[$i]; + + if ( $arg && $arg['name'] ) { + $isNamedFound = false; + + foreach ( $params as $j => $param ) { + if ( !isset( $evaldArguments[$j] ) && $arg['name'] === $params[$j]['name'] ) { + $evaldArguments[$j] = $arg['value']->compile( $env ); + array_unshift( $frame->rules, new Less_Tree_Rule( $arg['name'], $arg['value']->compile( $env ) ) ); + $isNamedFound = true; + break; + } + } + if ( $isNamedFound ) { + array_splice( $args, $i, 1 ); + $i--; + $argsLength--; + continue; + } else { + throw new Less_Exception_Compiler( "Named argument for " . $this->name . ' ' . $args[$i]['name'] . ' not found' ); + } + } + } + } + + $argIndex = 0; + foreach ( $params as $i => $param ) { + + if ( isset( $evaldArguments[$i] ) ) { continue; + } + + $arg = null; + if ( isset( $args[$argIndex] ) ) { + $arg = $args[$argIndex]; + } + + if ( isset( $param['name'] ) && $param['name'] ) { + + if ( isset( $param['variadic'] ) ) { + $varargs = []; + for ( $j = $argIndex; $j < $argsLength; $j++ ) { + $varargs[] = $args[$j]['value']->compile( $env ); + } + $expression = new Less_Tree_Expression( $varargs ); + array_unshift( $frame->rules, new Less_Tree_Rule( $param['name'], $expression->compile( $env ) ) ); + } else { + $val = ( $arg && $arg['value'] ) ? $arg['value'] : false; + + if ( $val ) { + $val = $val->compile( $env ); + } elseif ( isset( $param['value'] ) ) { + + if ( !$mixinEnv ) { + $mixinEnv = new Less_Environment(); + $mixinEnv->frames = array_merge( [ $frame ], $mixinFrames ); + } + + $val = $param['value']->compile( $mixinEnv ); + $frame->resetCache(); + } else { + throw new Less_Exception_Compiler( "Wrong number of arguments for " . $this->name . " (" . $argsLength . ' for ' . $this->arity . ")" ); + } + + array_unshift( $frame->rules, new Less_Tree_Rule( $param['name'], $val ) ); + $evaldArguments[$i] = $val; + } + } + + if ( isset( $param['variadic'] ) && $args ) { + for ( $j = $argIndex; $j < $argsLength; $j++ ) { + $evaldArguments[$j] = $args[$j]['value']->compile( $env ); + } + } + $argIndex++; + } + + ksort( $evaldArguments ); + $evaldArguments = array_values( $evaldArguments ); + + return $frame; + } + + public function compile( $env ) { + if ( $this->frames ) { + return new Less_Tree_Mixin_Definition( $this->name, $this->params, $this->rules, $this->condition, $this->variadic, $this->frames ); + } + return new Less_Tree_Mixin_Definition( $this->name, $this->params, $this->rules, $this->condition, $this->variadic, $env->frames ); + } + + public function evalCall( $env, $args = null, $important = null ) { + Less_Environment::$mixin_stack++; + + $_arguments = []; + + if ( $this->frames ) { + $mixinFrames = array_merge( $this->frames, $env->frames ); + } else { + $mixinFrames = $env->frames; + } + + $frame = $this->compileParams( $env, $mixinFrames, $args, $_arguments ); + + $ex = new Less_Tree_Expression( $_arguments ); + array_unshift( $frame->rules, new Less_Tree_Rule( '@arguments', $ex->compile( $env ) ) ); + + $ruleset = new Less_Tree_Ruleset( null, $this->rules ); + $ruleset->originalRuleset = $this->ruleset_id; + + $ruleSetEnv = new Less_Environment(); + $ruleSetEnv->frames = array_merge( [ $this, $frame ], $mixinFrames ); + $ruleset = $ruleset->compile( $ruleSetEnv ); + + if ( $important ) { + $ruleset = $ruleset->makeImportant(); + } + + Less_Environment::$mixin_stack--; + + return $ruleset; + } + + /** @return bool */ + public function matchCondition( $args, $env ) { + if ( !$this->condition ) { + return true; + } + + // set array to prevent error on array_merge + if ( !is_array( $this->frames ) ) { + $this->frames = []; + } + + $frame = $this->compileParams( $env, array_merge( $this->frames, $env->frames ), $args ); + + $compile_env = new Less_Environment(); + $compile_env->frames = array_merge( + [ $frame ], // the parameter variables + $this->frames, // the parent namespace/mixin frames + $env->frames // the current environment frames + ); + + $compile_env->functions = $env->functions; + + return (bool)$this->condition->compile( $compile_env ); + } + + public function matchArgs( $args, $env = null ) { + $argsLength = count( $args ); + + if ( !$this->variadic ) { + if ( $argsLength < $this->required ) { + return false; + } + if ( $argsLength > count( $this->params ) ) { + return false; + } + } else { + if ( $argsLength < ( $this->required - 1 ) ) { + return false; + } + } + + $len = min( $argsLength, $this->arity ); + + for ( $i = 0; $i < $len; $i++ ) { + if ( !isset( $this->params[$i]['name'] ) && !isset( $this->params[$i]['variadic'] ) ) { + if ( $args[$i]['value']->compile( $env )->toCSS() != $this->params[$i]['value']->compile( $env )->toCSS() ) { + return false; + } + } + } + + return true; + } + +} diff --git a/include/thirdparty/less.php/____4.0.0/Tree/NameValue.php b/include/thirdparty/less.php/____4.0.0/Tree/NameValue.php new file mode 100644 index 0000000..88a2296 --- /dev/null +++ b/include/thirdparty/less.php/____4.0.0/Tree/NameValue.php @@ -0,0 +1,49 @@ + `color: #FF0000`. + * + * @private + */ +class Less_Tree_NameValue extends Less_Tree { + + public $name; + public $value; + public $index; + public $currentFileInfo; + public $type = 'NameValue'; + public $important = ''; + + public function __construct( $name, $value = null, $index = null, $currentFileInfo = null ) { + $this->name = $name; + $this->value = $value; + $this->index = $index; + $this->currentFileInfo = $currentFileInfo; + } + + public function genCSS( $output ) { + $output->add( + $this->name + . Less_Environment::$_outputMap[': '] + . $this->value + . $this->important + . ( ( ( Less_Environment::$lastRule && Less_Parser::$options['compress'] ) ) ? "" : ";" ), + $this->currentFileInfo, $this->index ); + } + + public function compile( $env ) { + return $this; + } + + public function makeImportant() { + $new = new Less_Tree_NameValue( $this->name, $this->value, $this->index, $this->currentFileInfo ); + $new->important = ' !important'; + return $new; + } + +} diff --git a/include/thirdparty/less.php/____4.0.0/Tree/Negative.php b/include/thirdparty/less.php/____4.0.0/Tree/Negative.php new file mode 100644 index 0000000..516f1ee --- /dev/null +++ b/include/thirdparty/less.php/____4.0.0/Tree/Negative.php @@ -0,0 +1,33 @@ +value = $node; + } + + // function accept($visitor) { + // $this->value = $visitor->visit($this->value); + //} + + /** + * @see Less_Tree::genCSS + */ + public function genCSS( $output ) { + $output->add( '-' ); + $this->value->genCSS( $output ); + } + + public function compile( $env ) { + if ( Less_Environment::isMathOn() ) { + $ret = new Less_Tree_Operation( '*', [ new Less_Tree_Dimension( -1 ), $this->value ] ); + return $ret->compile( $env ); + } + return new Less_Tree_Negative( $this->value->compile( $env ) ); + } +} diff --git a/include/thirdparty/less.php/____4.0.0/Tree/Operation.php b/include/thirdparty/less.php/____4.0.0/Tree/Operation.php new file mode 100644 index 0000000..37d4aab --- /dev/null +++ b/include/thirdparty/less.php/____4.0.0/Tree/Operation.php @@ -0,0 +1,69 @@ +op = trim( $op ); + $this->operands = $operands; + $this->isSpaced = $isSpaced; + } + + public function accept( $visitor ) { + $this->operands = $visitor->visitArray( $this->operands ); + } + + public function compile( $env ) { + $a = $this->operands[0]->compile( $env ); + $b = $this->operands[1]->compile( $env ); + + // Skip operation if argument was not compiled down to a non-operable value. + // For example, if one argument is a Less_Tree_Call like 'var(--foo)' then we + // preserve it as literal for native CSS. + // https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/T331688 + if ( Less_Environment::isMathOn() ) { + + if ( $a instanceof Less_Tree_Dimension && $b instanceof Less_Tree_Color ) { + $a = $a->toColor(); + + } elseif ( $b instanceof Less_Tree_Dimension && $a instanceof Less_Tree_Color ) { + $b = $b->toColor(); + } + + if ( !( $a instanceof Less_Tree_Dimension || $a instanceof Less_Tree_Color ) ) { + throw new Less_Exception_Compiler( "Operation on an invalid type" ); + } + + if ( $b instanceof Less_Tree_Dimension || $b instanceof Less_Tree_Color ) { + return $a->operate( $this->op, $b ); + } + } + + return new Less_Tree_Operation( $this->op, [ $a, $b ], $this->isSpaced ); + } + + /** + * @see Less_Tree::genCSS + */ + public function genCSS( $output ) { + $this->operands[0]->genCSS( $output ); + if ( $this->isSpaced ) { + $output->add( " " ); + } + $output->add( $this->op ); + if ( $this->isSpaced ) { + $output->add( ' ' ); + } + $this->operands[1]->genCSS( $output ); + } + +} diff --git a/include/thirdparty/less.php/____4.0.0/Tree/Paren.php b/include/thirdparty/less.php/____4.0.0/Tree/Paren.php new file mode 100644 index 0000000..d659b84 --- /dev/null +++ b/include/thirdparty/less.php/____4.0.0/Tree/Paren.php @@ -0,0 +1,35 @@ +value = $value; + } + + public function accept( $visitor ) { + $this->value = $visitor->visitObj( $this->value ); + } + + /** + * @see Less_Tree::genCSS + */ + public function genCSS( $output ) { + $output->add( '(' ); + $this->value->genCSS( $output ); + $output->add( ')' ); + } + + public function compile( $env ) { + return new Less_Tree_Paren( $this->value->compile( $env ) ); + } + +} diff --git a/include/thirdparty/less.php/____4.0.0/Tree/Quoted.php b/include/thirdparty/less.php/____4.0.0/Tree/Quoted.php new file mode 100644 index 0000000..0c5e190 --- /dev/null +++ b/include/thirdparty/less.php/____4.0.0/Tree/Quoted.php @@ -0,0 +1,75 @@ +escaped = $escaped; + $this->value = $content; + if ( $str ) { + $this->quote = $str[0]; + } + $this->index = $index; + $this->currentFileInfo = $currentFileInfo; + } + + /** + * @see Less_Tree::genCSS + */ + public function genCSS( $output ) { + if ( !$this->escaped ) { + $output->add( $this->quote, $this->currentFileInfo, $this->index ); + } + $output->add( $this->value ); + if ( !$this->escaped ) { + $output->add( $this->quote ); + } + } + + public function compile( $env ) { + $value = $this->value; + if ( preg_match_all( '/`([^`]+)`/', $this->value, $matches ) ) { + foreach ( $matches as $i => $match ) { + $js = new Less_Tree_JavaScript( $matches[1], $this->index, true ); + $js = $js->compile( $env )->value; + $value = str_replace( $matches[0][$i], $js, $value ); + } + } + + if ( preg_match_all( '/@\{([\w-]+)\}/', $value, $matches ) ) { + foreach ( $matches[1] as $i => $match ) { + $v = new Less_Tree_Variable( '@' . $match, $this->index, $this->currentFileInfo ); + $v = $v->compile( $env ); + $v = ( $v instanceof Less_Tree_Quoted ) ? $v->value : $v->toCSS(); + $value = str_replace( $matches[0][$i], $v, $value ); + } + } + + return new Less_Tree_Quoted( $this->quote . $value . $this->quote, $value, $this->escaped, $this->index, $this->currentFileInfo ); + } + + public function compare( $x ) { + if ( !Less_Parser::is_method( $x, 'toCSS' ) ) { + return -1; + } + + $left = $this->toCSS(); + $right = $x->toCSS(); + + if ( $left === $right ) { + return 0; + } + + return $left < $right ? -1 : 1; + } +} diff --git a/include/thirdparty/less.php/____4.0.0/Tree/Rule.php b/include/thirdparty/less.php/____4.0.0/Tree/Rule.php new file mode 100644 index 0000000..bc408aa --- /dev/null +++ b/include/thirdparty/less.php/____4.0.0/Tree/Rule.php @@ -0,0 +1,122 @@ + $name + * @param mixed $value + * @param null|false|string $important + * @param null|false|string $merge + * @param int|null $index + * @param array|null $currentFileInfo + * @param bool $inline + */ + public function __construct( $name, $value = null, $important = null, $merge = null, $index = null, $currentFileInfo = null, $inline = false ) { + $this->name = $name; + $this->value = ( $value instanceof Less_Tree ) + ? $value + : new Less_Tree_Value( [ $value ] ); + $this->important = $important ? ' ' . trim( $important ) : ''; + $this->merge = $merge; + $this->index = $index; + $this->currentFileInfo = $currentFileInfo; + $this->inline = $inline; + $this->variable = ( is_string( $name ) && $name[0] === '@' ); + } + + public function accept( $visitor ) { + $this->value = $visitor->visitObj( $this->value ); + } + + /** + * @see Less_Tree::genCSS + */ + public function genCSS( $output ) { + $output->add( $this->name . Less_Environment::$_outputMap[': '], $this->currentFileInfo, $this->index ); + try{ + $this->value->genCSS( $output ); + + }catch ( Less_Exception_Parser $e ) { + $e->index = $this->index; + $e->currentFile = $this->currentFileInfo; + throw $e; + } + $output->add( $this->important . ( ( $this->inline || ( Less_Environment::$lastRule && Less_Parser::$options['compress'] ) ) ? "" : ";" ), $this->currentFileInfo, $this->index ); + } + + /** + * @param Less_Environment $env + * @return Less_Tree_Rule + */ + public function compile( $env ) { + $name = $this->name; + if ( is_array( $name ) ) { + // expand 'primitive' name directly to get + // things faster (~10% for benchmark.less): + if ( count( $name ) === 1 && $name[0] instanceof Less_Tree_Keyword ) { + $name = $name[0]->value; + } else { + $name = $this->CompileName( $env, $name ); + } + } + + $strictMathBypass = Less_Parser::$options['strictMath']; + if ( $name === "font" && !Less_Parser::$options['strictMath'] ) { + Less_Parser::$options['strictMath'] = true; + } + + try { + $evaldValue = $this->value->compile( $env ); + + if ( !$this->variable && $evaldValue->type === "DetachedRuleset" ) { + throw new Less_Exception_Compiler( "Rulesets cannot be evaluated on a property.", null, $this->index, $this->currentFileInfo ); + } + + if ( Less_Environment::$mixin_stack ) { + $return = new Less_Tree_Rule( $name, $evaldValue, $this->important, $this->merge, $this->index, $this->currentFileInfo, $this->inline ); + } else { + $this->name = $name; + $this->value = $evaldValue; + $return = $this; + } + + } catch ( Less_Exception_Parser $e ) { + if ( !is_numeric( $e->index ) ) { + $e->index = $this->index; + $e->currentFile = $this->currentFileInfo; + } + throw $e; + } + + Less_Parser::$options['strictMath'] = $strictMathBypass; + + return $return; + } + + public function CompileName( $env, $name ) { + $output = new Less_Output(); + foreach ( $name as $n ) { + $n->compile( $env )->genCSS( $output ); + } + return $output->toString(); + } + + public function makeImportant() { + return new Less_Tree_Rule( $this->name, $this->value, '!important', $this->merge, $this->index, $this->currentFileInfo, $this->inline ); + } + +} diff --git a/include/thirdparty/less.php/____4.0.0/Tree/Ruleset.php b/include/thirdparty/less.php/____4.0.0/Tree/Ruleset.php new file mode 100644 index 0000000..7acc6af --- /dev/null +++ b/include/thirdparty/less.php/____4.0.0/Tree/Ruleset.php @@ -0,0 +1,730 @@ +ruleset_id = Less_Parser::$next_id++; + $this->originalRuleset = $this->ruleset_id; + + if ( $this->selectors ) { + foreach ( $this->selectors as $sel ) { + if ( $sel->_oelements ) { + $this->first_oelements[$sel->_oelements[0]] = true; + } + } + } + } + + /** + * @param null|Less_Tree_Selector[] $selectors + * @param Less_Tree[] $rules + * @param null|bool $strictImports + */ + public function __construct( $selectors, $rules, $strictImports = null ) { + $this->selectors = $selectors; + $this->rules = $rules; + $this->lookups = []; + $this->strictImports = $strictImports; + $this->SetRulesetIndex(); + } + + public function accept( $visitor ) { + if ( $this->paths !== null ) { + $paths_len = count( $this->paths ); + for ( $i = 0; $i < $paths_len; $i++ ) { + $this->paths[$i] = $visitor->visitArray( $this->paths[$i] ); + } + } elseif ( $this->selectors ) { + $this->selectors = $visitor->visitArray( $this->selectors ); + } + + if ( $this->rules ) { + $this->rules = $visitor->visitArray( $this->rules ); + } + } + + /** + * @param Less_Environment $env + * @return Less_Tree_Ruleset + * @see less-2.5.3.js#Ruleset.prototype.eval + */ + public function compile( $env ) { + $ruleset = $this->PrepareRuleset( $env ); + + // Store the frames around mixin definitions, + // so they can be evaluated like closures when the time comes. + $rsRuleCnt = count( $ruleset->rules ); + for ( $i = 0; $i < $rsRuleCnt; $i++ ) { + // These checks are the equivalent of the rule.evalFirst property in less.js + if ( $ruleset->rules[$i] instanceof Less_Tree_Mixin_Definition || $ruleset->rules[$i] instanceof Less_Tree_DetachedRuleset ) { + $ruleset->rules[$i] = $ruleset->rules[$i]->compile( $env ); + } + } + + $mediaBlockCount = count( $env->mediaBlocks ); + + // Evaluate mixin calls. + $this->EvalMixinCalls( $ruleset, $env, $rsRuleCnt ); + + // Evaluate everything else + for ( $i = 0; $i < $rsRuleCnt; $i++ ) { + if ( !( $ruleset->rules[$i] instanceof Less_Tree_Mixin_Definition || $ruleset->rules[$i] instanceof Less_Tree_DetachedRuleset ) ) { + $ruleset->rules[$i] = $ruleset->rules[$i]->compile( $env ); + } + } + + // Evaluate everything else + for ( $i = 0; $i < $rsRuleCnt; $i++ ) { + $rule = $ruleset->rules[$i]; + + // for rulesets, check if it is a css guard and can be removed + if ( $rule instanceof Less_Tree_Ruleset && $rule->selectors && count( $rule->selectors ) === 1 ) { + + // check if it can be folded in (e.g. & where) + if ( $rule->selectors[0]->isJustParentSelector() ) { + array_splice( $ruleset->rules, $i--, 1 ); + $rsRuleCnt--; + + for ( $j = 0; $j < count( $rule->rules ); $j++ ) { + $subRule = $rule->rules[$j]; + if ( !( $subRule instanceof Less_Tree_Rule ) || !$subRule->variable ) { + array_splice( $ruleset->rules, ++$i, 0, [ $subRule ] ); + $rsRuleCnt++; + } + } + + } + } + } + + // Pop the stack + $env->shiftFrame(); + + if ( $mediaBlockCount ) { + $len = count( $env->mediaBlocks ); + for ( $i = $mediaBlockCount; $i < $len; $i++ ) { + $env->mediaBlocks[$i]->bubbleSelectors( $ruleset->selectors ); + } + } + + return $ruleset; + } + + /** + * Compile Less_Tree_Mixin_Call objects + * + * @param Less_Tree_Ruleset $ruleset + * @param int $rsRuleCnt + */ + private function EvalMixinCalls( $ruleset, $env, &$rsRuleCnt ) { + for ( $i = 0; $i < $rsRuleCnt; $i++ ) { + $rule = $ruleset->rules[$i]; + + if ( $rule instanceof Less_Tree_Mixin_Call ) { + $rule = $rule->compile( $env ); + + $temp = []; + foreach ( $rule as $r ) { + if ( ( $r instanceof Less_Tree_Rule ) && $r->variable ) { + // do not pollute the scope if the variable is + // already there. consider returning false here + // but we need a way to "return" variable from mixins + if ( !$ruleset->variable( $r->name ) ) { + $temp[] = $r; + } + } else { + $temp[] = $r; + } + } + $temp_count = count( $temp ) - 1; + array_splice( $ruleset->rules, $i, 1, $temp ); + $rsRuleCnt += $temp_count; + $i += $temp_count; + $ruleset->resetCache(); + + } elseif ( $rule instanceof Less_Tree_RulesetCall ) { + + $rule = $rule->compile( $env ); + $rules = []; + foreach ( $rule->rules as $r ) { + if ( ( $r instanceof Less_Tree_Rule ) && $r->variable ) { + continue; + } + $rules[] = $r; + } + + array_splice( $ruleset->rules, $i, 1, $rules ); + $temp_count = count( $rules ); + $rsRuleCnt += $temp_count - 1; + $i += $temp_count - 1; + $ruleset->resetCache(); + } + + } + } + + /** + * Compile the selectors and create a new ruleset object for the compile() method + * + * @param Less_Environment $env + * @return Less_Tree_Ruleset + */ + private function PrepareRuleset( $env ) { + // NOTE: Preserve distinction between null and empty array when compiling + // $this->selectors to $selectors + $thisSelectors = $this->selectors; + $selectors = null; + $hasOnePassingSelector = false; + + if ( $thisSelectors ) { + Less_Tree_DefaultFunc::error( "it is currently only allowed in parametric mixin guards," ); + + $selectors = []; + foreach ( $thisSelectors as $s ) { + $selector = $s->compile( $env ); + $selectors[] = $selector; + if ( $selector->evaldCondition ) { + $hasOnePassingSelector = true; + } + } + + Less_Tree_DefaultFunc::reset(); + } else { + $hasOnePassingSelector = true; + } + + if ( $this->rules && $hasOnePassingSelector ) { + // Copy the array (no need for slice in PHP) + $rules = $this->rules; + } else { + $rules = []; + } + + $ruleset = new Less_Tree_Ruleset( $selectors, $rules, $this->strictImports ); + + $ruleset->originalRuleset = $this->ruleset_id; + $ruleset->root = $this->root; + $ruleset->firstRoot = $this->firstRoot; + $ruleset->allowImports = $this->allowImports; + + // push the current ruleset to the frames stack + $env->unshiftFrame( $ruleset ); + + // Evaluate imports + if ( $ruleset->root || $ruleset->allowImports || !$ruleset->strictImports ) { + $ruleset->evalImports( $env ); + } + + return $ruleset; + } + + function evalImports( $env ) { + $rules_len = count( $this->rules ); + for ( $i = 0; $i < $rules_len; $i++ ) { + $rule = $this->rules[$i]; + + if ( $rule instanceof Less_Tree_Import ) { + $rules = $rule->compile( $env ); + if ( is_array( $rules ) ) { + array_splice( $this->rules, $i, 1, $rules ); + $temp_count = count( $rules ) - 1; + $i += $temp_count; + $rules_len += $temp_count; + } else { + array_splice( $this->rules, $i, 1, [ $rules ] ); + } + + $this->resetCache(); + } + } + } + + function makeImportant() { + $important_rules = []; + foreach ( $this->rules as $rule ) { + if ( $rule instanceof Less_Tree_Rule || $rule instanceof Less_Tree_Ruleset || $rule instanceof Less_Tree_NameValue ) { + $important_rules[] = $rule->makeImportant(); + } else { + $important_rules[] = $rule; + } + } + + return new Less_Tree_Ruleset( $this->selectors, $important_rules, $this->strictImports ); + } + + public function matchArgs( $args, $env = null ) { + return !$args; + } + + // lets you call a css selector with a guard + public function matchCondition( $args, $env ) { + $lastSelector = end( $this->selectors ); + + if ( !$lastSelector->evaldCondition ) { + return false; + } + if ( $lastSelector->condition && !$lastSelector->condition->compile( $env->copyEvalEnv( $env->frames ) ) ) { + return false; + } + return true; + } + + function resetCache() { + $this->_rulesets = null; + $this->_variables = null; + $this->lookups = []; + } + + public function variables() { + $this->_variables = []; + foreach ( $this->rules as $r ) { + if ( $r instanceof Less_Tree_Rule && $r->variable === true ) { + $this->_variables[$r->name] = $r; + } + } + } + + /** + * @param string $name + * @return Less_Tree_Rule|null + */ + public function variable( $name ) { + if ( $this->_variables === null ) { + $this->variables(); + } + return $this->_variables[$name] ?? null; + } + + public function find( $selector, $self = null ) { + $key = implode( ' ', $selector->_oelements ); + + if ( !isset( $this->lookups[$key] ) ) { + + if ( !$self ) { + $self = $this->ruleset_id; + } + + $this->lookups[$key] = []; + + $first_oelement = $selector->_oelements[0]; + + foreach ( $this->rules as $rule ) { + if ( $rule instanceof Less_Tree_Ruleset && $rule->ruleset_id != $self ) { + + if ( isset( $rule->first_oelements[$first_oelement] ) ) { + + foreach ( $rule->selectors as $ruleSelector ) { + $match = $selector->match( $ruleSelector ); + if ( $match ) { + if ( $selector->elements_len > $match ) { + $this->lookups[$key] = array_merge( $this->lookups[$key], $rule->find( new Less_Tree_Selector( array_slice( $selector->elements, $match ) ), $self ) ); + } else { + $this->lookups[$key][] = $rule; + } + break; + } + } + } + } + } + } + + return $this->lookups[$key]; + } + + /** + * @see Less_Tree::genCSS + */ + public function genCSS( $output ) { + if ( !$this->root ) { + Less_Environment::$tabLevel++; + } + + $tabRuleStr = $tabSetStr = ''; + if ( !Less_Parser::$options['compress'] ) { + if ( Less_Environment::$tabLevel ) { + $tabRuleStr = "\n" . str_repeat( Less_Parser::$options['indentation'], Less_Environment::$tabLevel ); + $tabSetStr = "\n" . str_repeat( Less_Parser::$options['indentation'], Less_Environment::$tabLevel - 1 ); + } else { + $tabSetStr = $tabRuleStr = "\n"; + } + } + + $ruleNodes = []; + $rulesetNodes = []; + foreach ( $this->rules as $rule ) { + + $class = get_class( $rule ); + if ( + ( $class === 'Less_Tree_Media' ) || + ( $class === 'Less_Tree_Directive' ) || + ( $this->root && $class === 'Less_Tree_Comment' ) || + ( $rule instanceof Less_Tree_Ruleset && $rule->rules ) + ) { + $rulesetNodes[] = $rule; + } else { + $ruleNodes[] = $rule; + } + } + + // If this is the root node, we don't render + // a selector, or {}. + if ( !$this->root ) { + $paths_len = count( $this->paths ); + for ( $i = 0; $i < $paths_len; $i++ ) { + $path = $this->paths[$i]; + $firstSelector = true; + + foreach ( $path as $p ) { + $p->genCSS( $output, $firstSelector ); + $firstSelector = false; + } + + if ( $i + 1 < $paths_len ) { + $output->add( ',' . $tabSetStr ); + } + } + + $output->add( ( Less_Parser::$options['compress'] ? '{' : " {" ) . $tabRuleStr ); + } + + // Compile rules and rulesets + $ruleNodes_len = count( $ruleNodes ); + $rulesetNodes_len = count( $rulesetNodes ); + for ( $i = 0; $i < $ruleNodes_len; $i++ ) { + $rule = $ruleNodes[$i]; + + // @page{ directive ends up with root elements inside it, a mix of rules and rulesets + // In this instance we do not know whether it is the last property + if ( $i + 1 === $ruleNodes_len && ( !$this->root || $rulesetNodes_len === 0 || $this->firstRoot ) ) { + Less_Environment::$lastRule = true; + } + + $rule->genCSS( $output ); + + if ( !Less_Environment::$lastRule ) { + $output->add( $tabRuleStr ); + } else { + Less_Environment::$lastRule = false; + } + } + + if ( !$this->root ) { + $output->add( $tabSetStr . '}' ); + Less_Environment::$tabLevel--; + } + + $firstRuleset = true; + $space = ( $this->root ? $tabRuleStr : $tabSetStr ); + for ( $i = 0; $i < $rulesetNodes_len; $i++ ) { + + if ( $ruleNodes_len && $firstRuleset ) { + $output->add( $space ); + } elseif ( !$firstRuleset ) { + $output->add( $space ); + } + $firstRuleset = false; + $rulesetNodes[$i]->genCSS( $output ); + } + + if ( !Less_Parser::$options['compress'] && $this->firstRoot ) { + $output->add( "\n" ); + } + } + + function markReferenced() { + if ( !$this->selectors ) { + return; + } + foreach ( $this->selectors as $selector ) { + $selector->markReferenced(); + } + } + + /** + * @param Less_Tree_Selector[][] $context + * @param Less_Tree_Selector[]|null $selectors + * @return Less_Tree_Selector[][] + */ + public function joinSelectors( $context, $selectors ) { + $paths = []; + if ( $selectors !== null ) { + foreach ( $selectors as $selector ) { + $this->joinSelector( $paths, $context, $selector ); + } + } + return $paths; + } + + public function joinSelector( array &$paths, array $context, Less_Tree_Selector $selector ) { + $newPaths = []; + $hadParentSelector = $this->replaceParentSelector( $newPaths, $context, $selector ); + + if ( !$hadParentSelector ) { + if ( $context ) { + $newPaths = []; + foreach ( $context as $path ) { + $newPaths[] = array_merge( $path, [ $selector ] ); + } + } else { + $newPaths = [ [ $selector ] ]; + } + } + + foreach ( $newPaths as $newPath ) { + $paths[] = $newPath; + } + } + + /** + * Replace all parent selectors inside $inSelector with $context. + * + * @param array &$paths Resulting selectors are appended to $paths. + * @param mixed $context + * @param Less_Tree_Selector $inSelector Inner selector from Less_Tree_Paren + * @return bool True if $inSelector contained at least one parent selector + */ + private function replaceParentSelector( array &$paths, $context, Less_Tree_Selector $inSelector ) { + $hadParentSelector = false; + + // The paths are [[Selector]] + // The first list is a list of comma separated selectors + // The inner list is a list of inheritance separated selectors + // e.g. + // .a, .b { + // .c { + // } + // } + // == [[.a] [.c]] [[.b] [.c]] + // + + // the elements from the current selector so far + $currentElements = []; + // the current list of new selectors to add to the path. + // We will build it up. We initiate it with one empty selector as we "multiply" the new selectors + // by the parents + $newSelectors = [ + [] + ]; + + foreach ( $inSelector->elements as $el ) { + // non-parent reference elements just get added + if ( $el->value !== '&' ) { + $nestedSelector = $this->findNestedSelector( $el ); + if ( $nestedSelector !== null ) { + $this->mergeElementsOnToSelectors( $currentElements, $newSelectors ); + + $nestedPaths = []; + $replacedNewSelectors = []; + $replaced = $this->replaceParentSelector( $nestedPaths, $context, $nestedSelector ); + $hadParentSelector = $hadParentSelector || $replaced; + // $nestedPaths is populated by replaceParentSelector() + // $nestedPaths should have exactly one TODO, replaceParentSelector does not multiply selectors + foreach ( $nestedPaths as $nestedPath ) { + $replacementSelector = $this->createSelector( $nestedPath, $el ); + + // join selector path from $newSelectors with every selector path in $addPaths array. + // $el contains the element that is being replaced by $addPaths + // + // @see less-2.5.3.js#Ruleset-addAllReplacementsIntoPath + $addPaths = [ $replacementSelector ]; + foreach ( $newSelectors as $newSelector ) { + $replacedNewSelectors[] = $this->addReplacementIntoPath( $newSelector, $addPaths, $el, $inSelector ); + } + } + $newSelectors = $replacedNewSelectors; + $currentElements = []; + } else { + $currentElements[] = $el; + } + } else { + $hadParentSelector = true; + + // the new list of selectors to add + $selectorsMultiplied = []; + + // merge the current list of non parent selector elements + // on to the current list of selectors to add + $this->mergeElementsOnToSelectors( $currentElements, $newSelectors ); + + foreach ( $newSelectors as $sel ) { + // if we don't have any parent paths, the & might be in a mixin so that it can be used + // whether there are parents or not + if ( !$context ) { + // the combinator used on el should now be applied to the next element instead so that + // it is not lost + if ( $sel ) { + $sel[0]->elements[] = new Less_Tree_Element( $el->combinator, '', $el->index, $el->currentFileInfo ); + } + $selectorsMultiplied[] = $sel; + } else { + // and the parent selectors + foreach ( $context as $parentSel ) { + // We need to put the current selectors + // then join the last selector's elements on to the parents selectors + $newSelectorPath = $this->addReplacementIntoPath( $sel, $parentSel, $el, $inSelector ); + // add that to our new set of selectors + $selectorsMultiplied[] = $newSelectorPath; + } + } + } + + // our new selectors has been multiplied, so reset the state + $newSelectors = $selectorsMultiplied; + $currentElements = []; + } + } + + // if we have any elements left over (e.g. .a& .b == .b) + // add them on to all the current selectors + $this->mergeElementsOnToSelectors( $currentElements, $newSelectors ); + + foreach ( $newSelectors as &$sel ) { + $length = count( $sel ); + if ( $length ) { + $paths[] = $sel; + $lastSelector = $sel[$length - 1]; + $sel[$length - 1] = $lastSelector->createDerived( $lastSelector->elements, $inSelector->extendList ); + } + } + + return $hadParentSelector; + } + + /** + * @param array $elementsToPak + * @param Less_Tree_Element $originalElement + * @return Less_Tree_Selector + */ + private function createSelector( array $elementsToPak, $originalElement ) { + if ( !$elementsToPak ) { + // This is an invalid call. Kept to match less.js. Appears unreachable. + // @phan-suppress-next-line PhanTypeMismatchArgumentProbablyReal + $containedElement = new Less_Tree_Paren( null ); + } else { + $insideParent = []; + foreach ( $elementsToPak as $elToPak ) { + $insideParent[] = new Less_Tree_Element( null, $elToPak, $originalElement->index, $originalElement->currentFileInfo ); + } + $containedElement = new Less_Tree_Paren( new Less_Tree_Selector( $insideParent ) ); + } + + $element = new Less_Tree_Element( null, $containedElement, $originalElement->index, $originalElement->currentFileInfo ); + return new Less_Tree_Selector( [ $element ] ); + } + + /** + * @param Less_Tree_Element $element + * @return Less_Tree_Selector|null + */ + private function findNestedSelector( $element ) { + $maybeParen = $element->value; + if ( !( $maybeParen instanceof Less_Tree_Paren ) ) { + return null; + } + $maybeSelector = $maybeParen->value; + if ( !( $maybeSelector instanceof Less_Tree_Selector ) ) { + return null; + } + return $maybeSelector; + } + + /** + * joins selector path from $beginningPath with selector path in $addPath. + * + * $replacedElement contains the element that is being replaced by $addPath + * + * @param Less_Tree_Selector[] $beginningPath + * @param Less_Tree_Selector[] $addPath + * @param Less_Tree_Element $replacedElement + * @param Less_Tree_Selector $originalSelector + * @return Less_Tree_Selector[] Concatenated path + * @see less-2.5.3.js#Ruleset-addReplacementIntoPath + */ + private function addReplacementIntoPath( array $beginningPath, array $addPath, $replacedElement, $originalSelector ) { + // our new selector path + $newSelectorPath = []; + + // construct the joined selector - if `&` is the first thing this will be empty, + // if not newJoinedSelector will be the last set of elements in the selector + if ( $beginningPath ) { + // NOTE: less.js uses Array slice() to copy. In PHP, arrays are naturally copied by value. + $newSelectorPath = $beginningPath; + $lastSelector = array_pop( $newSelectorPath ); + $newJoinedSelector = $originalSelector->createDerived( $lastSelector->elements ); + } else { + $newJoinedSelector = $originalSelector->createDerived( [] ); + } + + if ( $addPath ) { + // if the & does not have a combinator that is "" or " " then + // and there is a combinator on the parent, then grab that. + // this also allows `+ a { & .b { .a & { ...` + $combinator = $replacedElement->combinator; + $parentEl = $addPath[0]->elements[0]; + if ( $replacedElement->combinatorIsEmptyOrWhitespace && !$parentEl->combinatorIsEmptyOrWhitespace ) { + $combinator = $parentEl->combinator; + } + // join the elements so far with the first part of the parent + $newJoinedSelector->elements[] = new Less_Tree_Element( $combinator, $parentEl->value, $replacedElement->index, $replacedElement->currentFileInfo ); + $newJoinedSelector->elements = array_merge( + $newJoinedSelector->elements, + array_slice( $addPath[0]->elements, 1 ) + ); + } + + // now add the joined selector - but only if it is not empty + if ( $newJoinedSelector->elements ) { + $newSelectorPath[] = $newJoinedSelector; + } + + // put together the parent selectors after the join (e.g. the rest of the parent) + if ( count( $addPath ) > 1 ) { + $newSelectorPath = array_merge( $newSelectorPath, array_slice( $addPath, 1 ) ); + } + return $newSelectorPath; + } + + function mergeElementsOnToSelectors( $elements, &$selectors ) { + if ( !$elements ) { + return; + } + if ( !$selectors ) { + $selectors[] = [ new Less_Tree_Selector( $elements ) ]; + return; + } + + foreach ( $selectors as &$sel ) { + // if the previous thing in sel is a parent this needs to join on to it + if ( $sel ) { + $last = count( $sel ) - 1; + $sel[$last] = $sel[$last]->createDerived( array_merge( $sel[$last]->elements, $elements ) ); + } else { + $sel[] = new Less_Tree_Selector( $elements ); + } + } + } +} diff --git a/include/thirdparty/less.php/____4.0.0/Tree/RulesetCall.php b/include/thirdparty/less.php/____4.0.0/Tree/RulesetCall.php new file mode 100644 index 0000000..9c162b8 --- /dev/null +++ b/include/thirdparty/less.php/____4.0.0/Tree/RulesetCall.php @@ -0,0 +1,26 @@ +variable = $variable; + } + + public function accept( $visitor ) { + } + + public function compile( $env ) { + $variable = new Less_Tree_Variable( $this->variable ); + $detachedRuleset = $variable->compile( $env ); + '@phan-var Less_Tree_DetachedRuleset $detachedRuleset'; + return $detachedRuleset->callEval( $env ); + } +} diff --git a/include/thirdparty/less.php/____4.0.0/Tree/Selector.php b/include/thirdparty/less.php/____4.0.0/Tree/Selector.php new file mode 100644 index 0000000..71182da --- /dev/null +++ b/include/thirdparty/less.php/____4.0.0/Tree/Selector.php @@ -0,0 +1,169 @@ +elements = $elements; + $this->elements_len = count( $elements ); + $this->extendList = $extendList; + $this->condition = $condition; + if ( $currentFileInfo ) { + $this->currentFileInfo = $currentFileInfo; + } + $this->isReferenced = $isReferenced; + if ( !$condition ) { + $this->evaldCondition = true; + } + + $this->CacheElements(); + } + + public function accept( $visitor ) { + $this->elements = $visitor->visitArray( $this->elements ); + $this->extendList = $visitor->visitArray( $this->extendList ); + if ( $this->condition ) { + $this->condition = $visitor->visitObj( $this->condition ); + } + + if ( $visitor instanceof Less_Visitor_extendFinder ) { + $this->CacheElements(); + } + } + + public function createDerived( $elements, $extendList = null, $evaldCondition = null ) { + $newSelector = new Less_Tree_Selector( + $elements, + ( $extendList ?: $this->extendList ), + null, + $this->index, + $this->currentFileInfo, + $this->isReferenced + ); + $newSelector->evaldCondition = $evaldCondition ?: $this->evaldCondition; + $newSelector->mediaEmpty = $this->mediaEmpty; + return $newSelector; + } + + public function match( $other ) { + if ( !$other->_oelements || ( $this->elements_len < $other->_oelements_len ) ) { + return 0; + } + + for ( $i = 0; $i < $other->_oelements_len; $i++ ) { + if ( $this->elements[$i]->value !== $other->_oelements[$i] ) { + return 0; + } + } + + return $other->_oelements_len; // return number of matched elements + } + + public function CacheElements() { + $this->_oelements = []; + $this->_oelements_assoc = []; + + $css = ''; + + foreach ( $this->elements as $v ) { + + $css .= $v->combinator; + if ( !$v->value_is_object ) { + $css .= $v->value; + continue; + } + + if ( !property_exists( $v->value, 'value' ) || !is_string( $v->value->value ) ) { + $this->cacheable = false; + return; + } + $css .= $v->value->value; + } + + $this->_oelements_len = preg_match_all( '/[,&#\.\w-](?:[\w-]|(?:\\\\.))*/', $css, $matches ); + if ( $this->_oelements_len ) { + $this->_oelements = $matches[0]; + + if ( $this->_oelements[0] === '&' ) { + array_shift( $this->_oelements ); + $this->_oelements_len--; + } + + $this->_oelements_assoc = array_fill_keys( $this->_oelements, true ); + } + } + + public function isJustParentSelector() { + return !$this->mediaEmpty && + count( $this->elements ) === 1 && + $this->elements[0]->value === '&' && + ( $this->elements[0]->combinator === ' ' || $this->elements[0]->combinator === '' ); + } + + public function compile( $env ) { + $elements = []; + foreach ( $this->elements as $el ) { + $elements[] = $el->compile( $env ); + } + + $extendList = []; + foreach ( $this->extendList as $el ) { + $extendList[] = $el->compile( $el ); + } + + $evaldCondition = false; + if ( $this->condition ) { + $evaldCondition = $this->condition->compile( $env ); + } + + return $this->createDerived( $elements, $extendList, $evaldCondition ); + } + + /** + * @see Less_Tree::genCSS + */ + public function genCSS( $output, $firstSelector = true ) { + if ( !$firstSelector && $this->elements[0]->combinator === "" ) { + $output->add( ' ', $this->currentFileInfo, $this->index ); + } + + foreach ( $this->elements as $element ) { + $element->genCSS( $output ); + } + } + + public function markReferenced() { + $this->isReferenced = true; + } + + public function getIsReferenced() { + return !isset( $this->currentFileInfo['reference'] ) || !$this->currentFileInfo['reference'] || $this->isReferenced; + } + + public function getIsOutput() { + return $this->evaldCondition; + } + +} diff --git a/include/thirdparty/less.php/____4.0.0/Tree/UnicodeDescriptor.php b/include/thirdparty/less.php/____4.0.0/Tree/UnicodeDescriptor.php new file mode 100644 index 0000000..304d191 --- /dev/null +++ b/include/thirdparty/less.php/____4.0.0/Tree/UnicodeDescriptor.php @@ -0,0 +1,20 @@ +value = $value; + } + + /** + * @see Less_Tree::genCSS + */ + public function genCSS( $output ) { + $output->add( $this->value ); + } +} diff --git a/include/thirdparty/less.php/____4.0.0/Tree/Unit.php b/include/thirdparty/less.php/____4.0.0/Tree/Unit.php new file mode 100644 index 0000000..2fd8927 --- /dev/null +++ b/include/thirdparty/less.php/____4.0.0/Tree/Unit.php @@ -0,0 +1,138 @@ +numerator = $numerator; + $this->denominator = $denominator; + $this->backupUnit = $backupUnit; + } + + public function __clone() { + } + + /** + * @see Less_Tree::genCSS + */ + public function genCSS( $output ) { + if ( $this->numerator ) { + $output->add( $this->numerator[0] ); + } elseif ( $this->denominator ) { + $output->add( $this->denominator[0] ); + } elseif ( !Less_Parser::$options['strictUnits'] && $this->backupUnit ) { + $output->add( $this->backupUnit ); + return; + } + } + + public function toString() { + $returnStr = implode( '*', $this->numerator ); + foreach ( $this->denominator as $d ) { + $returnStr .= '/' . $d; + } + return $returnStr; + } + + public function __toString() { + return $this->toString(); + } + + /** + * @param Less_Tree_Unit $other + */ + public function compare( $other ) { + return $this->is( $other->toString() ) ? 0 : -1; + } + + public function is( $unitString ) { + return $this->toString() === $unitString; + } + + public function isLength() { + $css = $this->toCSS(); + return (bool)preg_match( '/px|em|%|in|cm|mm|pc|pt|ex/', $css ); + } + + public function isAngle() { + return isset( Less_Tree_UnitConversions::$angle[$this->toCSS()] ); + } + + public function isEmpty() { + return !$this->numerator && !$this->denominator; + } + + public function isSingular() { + return count( $this->numerator ) <= 1 && !$this->denominator; + } + + public function usedUnits() { + $result = []; + + foreach ( Less_Tree_UnitConversions::$groups as $groupName ) { + $group = Less_Tree_UnitConversions::${$groupName}; + + foreach ( $this->numerator as $atomicUnit ) { + if ( isset( $group[$atomicUnit] ) && !isset( $result[$groupName] ) ) { + $result[$groupName] = $atomicUnit; + } + } + + foreach ( $this->denominator as $atomicUnit ) { + if ( isset( $group[$atomicUnit] ) && !isset( $result[$groupName] ) ) { + $result[$groupName] = $atomicUnit; + } + } + } + + return $result; + } + + public function cancel() { + $counter = []; + $backup = null; + + foreach ( $this->numerator as $atomicUnit ) { + if ( !$backup ) { + $backup = $atomicUnit; + } + $counter[$atomicUnit] = ( $counter[$atomicUnit] ?? 0 ) + 1; + } + + foreach ( $this->denominator as $atomicUnit ) { + if ( !$backup ) { + $backup = $atomicUnit; + } + $counter[$atomicUnit] = ( $counter[$atomicUnit] ?? 0 ) - 1; + } + + $this->numerator = []; + $this->denominator = []; + + foreach ( $counter as $atomicUnit => $count ) { + if ( $count > 0 ) { + for ( $i = 0; $i < $count; $i++ ) { + $this->numerator[] = $atomicUnit; + } + } elseif ( $count < 0 ) { + for ( $i = 0; $i < -$count; $i++ ) { + $this->denominator[] = $atomicUnit; + } + } + } + + if ( !$this->numerator && !$this->denominator && $backup ) { + $this->backupUnit = $backup; + } + + sort( $this->numerator ); + sort( $this->denominator ); + } + +} diff --git a/include/thirdparty/less.php/____4.0.0/Tree/UnitConversions.php b/include/thirdparty/less.php/____4.0.0/Tree/UnitConversions.php new file mode 100644 index 0000000..31efe1c --- /dev/null +++ b/include/thirdparty/less.php/____4.0.0/Tree/UnitConversions.php @@ -0,0 +1,31 @@ + 1, + 'cm' => 0.01, + 'mm' => 0.001, + 'in' => 0.0254, + 'px' => 0.000264583, // 0.0254 / 96, + 'pt' => 0.000352778, // 0.0254 / 72, + 'pc' => 0.004233333, // 0.0254 / 72 * 12 + ]; + + public static $duration = [ + 's' => 1, + 'ms' => 0.001 + ]; + + public static $angle = [ + 'rad' => 0.1591549430919, // 1/(2*M_PI), + 'deg' => 0.002777778, // 1/360, + 'grad' => 0.0025, // 1/400, + 'turn' => 1 + ]; + +} diff --git a/include/thirdparty/less.php/____4.0.0/Tree/Url.php b/include/thirdparty/less.php/____4.0.0/Tree/Url.php new file mode 100644 index 0000000..6ae3518 --- /dev/null +++ b/include/thirdparty/less.php/____4.0.0/Tree/Url.php @@ -0,0 +1,77 @@ +value = $value; + $this->currentFileInfo = $currentFileInfo; + $this->isEvald = $isEvald; + } + + public function accept( $visitor ) { + $this->value = $visitor->visitObj( $this->value ); + } + + /** + * @see Less_Tree::genCSS + */ + public function genCSS( $output ) { + $output->add( 'url(' ); + $this->value->genCSS( $output ); + $output->add( ')' ); + } + + /** + * @param Less_Environment $ctx + */ + public function compile( $ctx ) { + $val = $this->value->compile( $ctx ); + + if ( !$this->isEvald ) { + // Add the base path if the URL is relative + if ( Less_Parser::$options['relativeUrls'] + && $this->currentFileInfo + && is_string( $val->value ) + && Less_Environment::isPathRelative( $val->value ) + ) { + $rootpath = $this->currentFileInfo['uri_root']; + if ( !$val->quote ) { + $rootpath = preg_replace( '/[\(\)\'"\s]/', '\\$1', $rootpath ); + } + $val->value = $rootpath . $val->value; + } + + $val->value = Less_Environment::normalizePath( $val->value ); + } + + // Add cache buster if enabled + if ( Less_Parser::$options['urlArgs'] ) { + if ( !preg_match( '/^\s*data:/', $val->value ) ) { + $delimiter = strpos( $val->value, '?' ) === false ? '?' : '&'; + $urlArgs = $delimiter . Less_Parser::$options['urlArgs']; + $hash_pos = strpos( $val->value, '#' ); + if ( $hash_pos !== false ) { + $val->value = substr_replace( $val->value, $urlArgs, $hash_pos, 0 ); + } else { + $val->value .= $urlArgs; + } + } + } + + return new Less_Tree_URL( $val, $this->currentFileInfo, true ); + } + +} diff --git a/include/thirdparty/less.php/____4.0.0/Tree/Value.php b/include/thirdparty/less.php/____4.0.0/Tree/Value.php new file mode 100644 index 0000000..bf45caf --- /dev/null +++ b/include/thirdparty/less.php/____4.0.0/Tree/Value.php @@ -0,0 +1,46 @@ + $value + */ + public function __construct( $value ) { + $this->value = $value; + } + + public function accept( $visitor ) { + $this->value = $visitor->visitArray( $this->value ); + } + + public function compile( $env ) { + $ret = []; + $i = 0; + foreach ( $this->value as $i => $v ) { + $ret[] = $v->compile( $env ); + } + if ( $i > 0 ) { + return new Less_Tree_Value( $ret ); + } + return $ret[0]; + } + + /** + * @see Less_Tree::genCSS + */ + function genCSS( $output ) { + $len = count( $this->value ); + for ( $i = 0; $i < $len; $i++ ) { + $this->value[$i]->genCSS( $output ); + if ( $i + 1 < $len ) { + $output->add( Less_Environment::$_outputMap[','] ); + } + } + } + +} diff --git a/include/thirdparty/less.php/____4.0.0/Tree/Variable.php b/include/thirdparty/less.php/____4.0.0/Tree/Variable.php new file mode 100644 index 0000000..dcb1823 --- /dev/null +++ b/include/thirdparty/less.php/____4.0.0/Tree/Variable.php @@ -0,0 +1,56 @@ +name = $name; + $this->index = $index; + $this->currentFileInfo = $currentFileInfo; + } + + /** + * @param Less_Environment $env + * @return Less_Tree + * @see less-2.5.3.js#Ruleset.prototype.eval + */ + public function compile( $env ) { + if ( $this->name[1] === '@' ) { + $v = new Less_Tree_Variable( substr( $this->name, 1 ), $this->index + 1, $this->currentFileInfo ); + // While some Less_Tree nodes have no 'value', we know these can't ocurr after a variable + // assignment (would have been a ParseError). + // TODO: Solve better (https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/T327082). + // @phan-suppress-next-line PhanUndeclaredProperty + $name = '@' . $v->compile( $env )->value; + } else { + $name = $this->name; + } + + if ( $this->evaluating ) { + throw new Less_Exception_Compiler( "Recursive variable definition for " . $name, null, $this->index, $this->currentFileInfo ); + } + + $this->evaluating = true; + + foreach ( $env->frames as $frame ) { + if ( $v = $frame->variable( $name ) ) { + $r = $v->value->compile( $env ); + $this->evaluating = false; + return $r; + } + } + + throw new Less_Exception_Compiler( "variable " . $name . " is undefined in file " . $this->currentFileInfo["filename"], null, $this->index, $this->currentFileInfo ); + } + +} diff --git a/include/thirdparty/less.php/____4.0.0/Version.php b/include/thirdparty/less.php/____4.0.0/Version.php new file mode 100644 index 0000000..0c4c93e --- /dev/null +++ b/include/thirdparty/less.php/____4.0.0/Version.php @@ -0,0 +1,16 @@ +_visitFnCache = get_class_methods( get_class( $this ) ); + $this->_visitFnCache = array_flip( $this->_visitFnCache ); + } + + public function visitObj( $node ) { + $funcName = 'visit' . $node->type; + if ( isset( $this->_visitFnCache[$funcName] ) ) { + + $visitDeeper = true; + $this->$funcName( $node, $visitDeeper ); + + if ( $visitDeeper ) { + $node->accept( $this ); + } + + $funcName .= "Out"; + if ( isset( $this->_visitFnCache[$funcName] ) ) { + $this->$funcName( $node ); + } + + } else { + $node->accept( $this ); + } + + return $node; + } + + public function visitArray( $nodes ) { + foreach ( $nodes as $node ) { + $this->visitObj( $node ); + } + return $nodes; + } +} diff --git a/include/thirdparty/less.php/____4.0.0/Visitor/extendFinder.php b/include/thirdparty/less.php/____4.0.0/Visitor/extendFinder.php new file mode 100644 index 0000000..604dc91 --- /dev/null +++ b/include/thirdparty/less.php/____4.0.0/Visitor/extendFinder.php @@ -0,0 +1,105 @@ +contexts = []; + $this->allExtendsStack = [ [] ]; + parent::__construct(); + } + + /** + * @param Less_Tree_Ruleset $root + */ + public function run( $root ) { + $root = $this->visitObj( $root ); + $root->allExtends =& $this->allExtendsStack[0]; + return $root; + } + + public function visitRule( $ruleNode, &$visitDeeper ) { + $visitDeeper = false; + } + + public function visitMixinDefinition( $mixinDefinitionNode, &$visitDeeper ) { + $visitDeeper = false; + } + + public function visitRuleset( $rulesetNode ) { + if ( $rulesetNode->root ) { + return; + } + + $allSelectorsExtendList = []; + + // get &:extend(.a); rules which apply to all selectors in this ruleset + if ( $rulesetNode->rules ) { + foreach ( $rulesetNode->rules as $rule ) { + if ( $rule instanceof Less_Tree_Extend ) { + $allSelectorsExtendList[] = $rule; + $rulesetNode->extendOnEveryPath = true; + } + } + } + + // now find every selector and apply the extends that apply to all extends + // and the ones which apply to an individual extend + foreach ( $rulesetNode->paths as $selectorPath ) { + $selector = end( $selectorPath ); // $selectorPath[ count($selectorPath)-1]; + + $j = 0; + foreach ( $selector->extendList as $extend ) { + $this->allExtendsStackPush( $rulesetNode, $selectorPath, $extend, $j ); + } + foreach ( $allSelectorsExtendList as $extend ) { + $this->allExtendsStackPush( $rulesetNode, $selectorPath, $extend, $j ); + } + } + + $this->contexts[] = $rulesetNode->selectors; + } + + public function allExtendsStackPush( $rulesetNode, $selectorPath, Less_Tree_Extend $extend, &$j ) { + $this->foundExtends = true; + $extend = $extend->clone(); + $extend->findSelfSelectors( $selectorPath ); + $extend->ruleset = $rulesetNode; + if ( $j === 0 ) { + $extend->firstExtendOnThisSelectorPath = true; + } + + $end_key = count( $this->allExtendsStack ) - 1; + $this->allExtendsStack[$end_key][] = $extend; + $j++; + } + + public function visitRulesetOut( $rulesetNode ) { + if ( !is_object( $rulesetNode ) || !$rulesetNode->root ) { + array_pop( $this->contexts ); + } + } + + public function visitMedia( $mediaNode ) { + $mediaNode->allExtends = []; + $this->allExtendsStack[] =& $mediaNode->allExtends; + } + + public function visitMediaOut() { + array_pop( $this->allExtendsStack ); + } + + public function visitDirective( $directiveNode ) { + $directiveNode->allExtends = []; + $this->allExtendsStack[] =& $directiveNode->allExtends; + } + + public function visitDirectiveOut() { + array_pop( $this->allExtendsStack ); + } +} diff --git a/include/thirdparty/less.php/___1.7.0.13/Visitor/import.php b/include/thirdparty/less.php/____4.0.0/Visitor/import.php similarity index 99% rename from include/thirdparty/less.php/___1.7.0.13/Visitor/import.php rename to include/thirdparty/less.php/____4.0.0/Visitor/import.php index f79a36d..7af96eb 100644 --- a/include/thirdparty/less.php/___1.7.0.13/Visitor/import.php +++ b/include/thirdparty/less.php/____4.0.0/Visitor/import.php @@ -135,5 +135,3 @@ class Less_Visitor_import extends Less_VisitorReplacing{ } */ - - diff --git a/include/thirdparty/less.php/____4.0.0/Visitor/joinSelector.php b/include/thirdparty/less.php/____4.0.0/Visitor/joinSelector.php new file mode 100644 index 0000000..a106830 --- /dev/null +++ b/include/thirdparty/less.php/____4.0.0/Visitor/joinSelector.php @@ -0,0 +1,67 @@ +visitObj( $root ); + } + + public function visitRule( $ruleNode, &$visitDeeper ) { + $visitDeeper = false; + } + + public function visitMixinDefinition( $mixinDefinitionNode, &$visitDeeper ) { + $visitDeeper = false; + } + + public function visitRuleset( $rulesetNode ) { + $context = end( $this->contexts ); + $paths = []; + + if ( !$rulesetNode->root ) { + $selectors = $rulesetNode->selectors; + if ( $selectors !== null ) { + $filtered = []; + foreach ( $selectors as $selector ) { + if ( $selector->getIsOutput() ) { + $filtered[] = $selector; + } + } + $selectors = $rulesetNode->selectors = $filtered ?: null; + if ( $selectors ) { + $paths = $rulesetNode->joinSelectors( $context, $selectors ); + } + } + + if ( $selectors === null ) { + $rulesetNode->rules = null; + } + + $rulesetNode->paths = $paths; + } + + // NOTE: Assigned here instead of at the start like less.js, + // because PHP arrays aren't by-ref + $this->contexts[] = $paths; + } + + public function visitRulesetOut() { + array_pop( $this->contexts ); + } + + public function visitMedia( $mediaNode ) { + $context = end( $this->contexts ); + + if ( count( $context ) === 0 || ( is_object( $context[0] ) && $context[0]->multiMedia ) ) { + $mediaNode->rules[0]->root = true; + } + } + +} diff --git a/include/thirdparty/less.php/____4.0.0/Visitor/processExtends.php b/include/thirdparty/less.php/____4.0.0/Visitor/processExtends.php new file mode 100644 index 0000000..232918b --- /dev/null +++ b/include/thirdparty/less.php/____4.0.0/Visitor/processExtends.php @@ -0,0 +1,449 @@ +run( $root ); + if ( !$extendFinder->foundExtends ) { + return $root; + } + + $root->allExtends = $this->doExtendChaining( $root->allExtends, $root->allExtends ); + + $this->allExtendsStack = []; + $this->allExtendsStack[] = &$root->allExtends; + + return $this->visitObj( $root ); + } + + private function doExtendChaining( $extendsList, $extendsListTarget, $iterationCount = 0 ) { + // + // chaining is different from normal extension.. if we extend an extend then we are not just copying, altering and pasting + // the selector we would do normally, but we are also adding an extend with the same target selector + // this means this new extend can then go and alter other extends + // + // this method deals with all the chaining work - without it, extend is flat and doesn't work on other extend selectors + // this is also the most expensive.. and a match on one selector can cause an extension of a selector we had already processed if + // we look at each selector at a time, as is done in visitRuleset + + $extendsToAdd = []; + + // loop through comparing every extend with every target extend. + // a target extend is the one on the ruleset we are looking at copy/edit/pasting in place + // e.g. .a:extend(.b) {} and .b:extend(.c) {} then the first extend extends the second one + // and the second is the target. + // the separation into two lists allows us to process a subset of chains with a bigger set, as is the + // case when processing media queries + for ( $extendIndex = 0, $extendsList_len = count( $extendsList ); $extendIndex < $extendsList_len; $extendIndex++ ) { + for ( $targetExtendIndex = 0; $targetExtendIndex < count( $extendsListTarget ); $targetExtendIndex++ ) { + + $extend = $extendsList[$extendIndex]; + $targetExtend = $extendsListTarget[$targetExtendIndex]; + + // Optimisation: Explicit reference, + if ( \array_key_exists( $targetExtend->object_id, $extend->parent_ids ) ) { + // ignore circular references + continue; + } + + // find a match in the target extends self selector (the bit before :extend) + $selectorPath = [ $targetExtend->selfSelectors[0] ]; + $matches = $this->findMatch( $extend, $selectorPath ); + + if ( $matches ) { + + // we found a match, so for each self selector.. + foreach ( $extend->selfSelectors as $selfSelector ) { + + // process the extend as usual + $newSelector = $this->extendSelector( $matches, $selectorPath, $selfSelector ); + + // but now we create a new extend from it + $newExtend = new Less_Tree_Extend( $targetExtend->selector, $targetExtend->option, 0 ); + $newExtend->selfSelectors = $newSelector; + + // add the extend onto the list of extends for that selector + end( $newSelector )->extendList = [ $newExtend ]; + // $newSelector[ count($newSelector)-1]->extendList = array($newExtend); + + // record that we need to add it. + $extendsToAdd[] = $newExtend; + $newExtend->ruleset = $targetExtend->ruleset; + + // remember its parents for circular references + $newExtend->parent_ids = array_merge( $newExtend->parent_ids, $targetExtend->parent_ids, $extend->parent_ids ); + + // only process the selector once.. if we have :extend(.a,.b) then multiple + // extends will look at the same selector path, so when extending + // we know that any others will be duplicates in terms of what is added to the css + if ( $targetExtend->firstExtendOnThisSelectorPath ) { + $newExtend->firstExtendOnThisSelectorPath = true; + $targetExtend->ruleset->paths[] = $newSelector; + } + } + } + } + } + + if ( $extendsToAdd ) { + // try to detect circular references to stop a stack overflow. + // may no longer be needed. $this->extendChainCount++; + if ( $iterationCount > 100 ) { + + try{ + $selectorOne = $extendsToAdd[0]->selfSelectors[0]->toCSS(); + $selectorTwo = $extendsToAdd[0]->selector->toCSS(); + }catch ( Exception $e ) { + $selectorOne = "{unable to calculate}"; + $selectorTwo = "{unable to calculate}"; + } + + throw new Less_Exception_Parser( "extend circular reference detected. One of the circular extends is currently:" . $selectorOne . ":extend(" . $selectorTwo . ")" ); + } + + // now process the new extends on the existing rules so that we can handle a extending b extending c ectending d extending e... + $extendsToAdd = $this->doExtendChaining( $extendsToAdd, $extendsListTarget, $iterationCount + 1 ); + } + + return array_merge( $extendsList, $extendsToAdd ); + } + + protected function visitRule( $ruleNode, &$visitDeeper ) { + $visitDeeper = false; + } + + protected function visitMixinDefinition( $mixinDefinitionNode, &$visitDeeper ) { + $visitDeeper = false; + } + + protected function visitSelector( $selectorNode, &$visitDeeper ) { + $visitDeeper = false; + } + + protected function visitRuleset( $rulesetNode ) { + if ( $rulesetNode->root ) { + return; + } + + $allExtends = end( $this->allExtendsStack ); + $paths_len = count( $rulesetNode->paths ); + + // look at each selector path in the ruleset, find any extend matches and then copy, find and replace + foreach ( $allExtends as $allExtend ) { + for ( $pathIndex = 0; $pathIndex < $paths_len; $pathIndex++ ) { + + // extending extends happens initially, before the main pass + if ( isset( $rulesetNode->extendOnEveryPath ) && $rulesetNode->extendOnEveryPath ) { + continue; + } + + $selectorPath = $rulesetNode->paths[$pathIndex]; + + if ( end( $selectorPath )->extendList ) { + continue; + } + + $this->ExtendMatch( $rulesetNode, $allExtend, $selectorPath ); + + } + } + } + + private function ExtendMatch( $rulesetNode, $extend, $selectorPath ) { + $matches = $this->findMatch( $extend, $selectorPath ); + + if ( $matches ) { + foreach ( $extend->selfSelectors as $selfSelector ) { + $rulesetNode->paths[] = $this->extendSelector( $matches, $selectorPath, $selfSelector ); + } + } + } + + /** + * @param Less_Tree_Extend $extend + * @param Less_Tree_Selector[] $haystackSelectorPath + * @return false|array + */ + private function findMatch( $extend, $haystackSelectorPath ) { + if ( !$this->HasMatches( $extend, $haystackSelectorPath ) ) { + return false; + } + + // + // look through the haystack selector path to try and find the needle - extend.selector + // returns an array of selector matches that can then be replaced + // + $needleElements = $extend->selector->elements; + $potentialMatches = []; + $potentialMatches_len = 0; + $potentialMatch = null; + $matches = []; + + // loop through the haystack elements + $haystack_path_len = count( $haystackSelectorPath ); + for ( $haystackSelectorIndex = 0; $haystackSelectorIndex < $haystack_path_len; $haystackSelectorIndex++ ) { + $hackstackSelector = $haystackSelectorPath[$haystackSelectorIndex]; + + $haystack_elements_len = count( $hackstackSelector->elements ); + for ( $hackstackElementIndex = 0; $hackstackElementIndex < $haystack_elements_len; $hackstackElementIndex++ ) { + + $haystackElement = $hackstackSelector->elements[$hackstackElementIndex]; + + // if we allow elements before our match we can add a potential match every time. otherwise only at the first element. + if ( $extend->allowBefore || ( $haystackSelectorIndex === 0 && $hackstackElementIndex === 0 ) ) { + $potentialMatches[] = [ 'pathIndex' => $haystackSelectorIndex, 'index' => $hackstackElementIndex, 'matched' => 0, 'initialCombinator' => $haystackElement->combinator ]; + $potentialMatches_len++; + } + + for ( $i = 0; $i < $potentialMatches_len; $i++ ) { + + $potentialMatch = &$potentialMatches[$i]; + $potentialMatch = $this->PotentialMatch( $potentialMatch, $needleElements, $haystackElement, $hackstackElementIndex ); + + // if we are still valid and have finished, test whether we have elements after and whether these are allowed + if ( $potentialMatch && $potentialMatch['matched'] === $extend->selector->elements_len ) { + $potentialMatch['finished'] = true; + + if ( !$extend->allowAfter && ( $hackstackElementIndex + 1 < $haystack_elements_len || $haystackSelectorIndex + 1 < $haystack_path_len ) ) { + $potentialMatch = null; + } + } + + // if null we remove, if not, we are still valid, so either push as a valid match or continue + if ( $potentialMatch ) { + if ( $potentialMatch['finished'] ) { + $potentialMatch['length'] = $extend->selector->elements_len; + $potentialMatch['endPathIndex'] = $haystackSelectorIndex; + $potentialMatch['endPathElementIndex'] = $hackstackElementIndex + 1; // index after end of match + $potentialMatches = []; // we don't allow matches to overlap, so start matching again + $potentialMatches_len = 0; + $matches[] = $potentialMatch; + } + continue; + } + + array_splice( $potentialMatches, $i, 1 ); + $potentialMatches_len--; + $i--; + } + } + } + + return $matches; + } + + // Before going through all the nested loops, lets check to see if a match is possible + // Reduces Bootstrap 3.1 compile time from ~6.5s to ~5.6s + private function HasMatches( $extend, $haystackSelectorPath ) { + if ( !$extend->selector->cacheable ) { + return true; + } + + $first_el = $extend->selector->_oelements[0]; + + foreach ( $haystackSelectorPath as $hackstackSelector ) { + if ( !$hackstackSelector->cacheable ) { + return true; + } + + // Optimisation: Explicit reference, + if ( \array_key_exists( $first_el, $hackstackSelector->_oelements_assoc ) ) { + return true; + } + } + + return false; + } + + /** + * @param int $hackstackElementIndex + */ + private function PotentialMatch( $potentialMatch, $needleElements, $haystackElement, $hackstackElementIndex ) { + if ( $potentialMatch['matched'] > 0 ) { + + // selectors add " " onto the first element. When we use & it joins the selectors together, but if we don't + // then each selector in haystackSelectorPath has a space before it added in the toCSS phase. so we need to work out + // what the resulting combinator will be + $targetCombinator = $haystackElement->combinator; + if ( $targetCombinator === '' && $hackstackElementIndex === 0 ) { + $targetCombinator = ' '; + } + + if ( $needleElements[ $potentialMatch['matched'] ]->combinator !== $targetCombinator ) { + return null; + } + } + + // if we don't match, null our match to indicate failure + if ( !$this->isElementValuesEqual( $needleElements[$potentialMatch['matched'] ]->value, $haystackElement->value ) ) { + return null; + } + + $potentialMatch['finished'] = false; + $potentialMatch['matched']++; + + return $potentialMatch; + } + + /** + * @param string|Less_Tree_Attribute|Less_Tree_Dimension|Less_Tree_Keyword $elementValue1 + * @param string|Less_Tree_Attribute|Less_Tree_Dimension|Less_Tree_Keyword $elementValue2 + * @return bool + */ + private function isElementValuesEqual( $elementValue1, $elementValue2 ) { + if ( $elementValue1 === $elementValue2 ) { + return true; + } + + if ( is_string( $elementValue1 ) || is_string( $elementValue2 ) ) { + return false; + } + + if ( $elementValue1 instanceof Less_Tree_Attribute ) { + return $this->isAttributeValuesEqual( $elementValue1, $elementValue2 ); + } + + $elementValue1 = $elementValue1->value; + if ( $elementValue1 instanceof Less_Tree_Selector ) { + return $this->isSelectorValuesEqual( $elementValue1, $elementValue2 ); + } + + return false; + } + + /** + * @param Less_Tree_Selector $elementValue1 + */ + private function isSelectorValuesEqual( $elementValue1, $elementValue2 ) { + $elementValue2 = $elementValue2->value; + if ( !( $elementValue2 instanceof Less_Tree_Selector ) || $elementValue1->elements_len !== $elementValue2->elements_len ) { + return false; + } + + for ( $i = 0; $i < $elementValue1->elements_len; $i++ ) { + + if ( $elementValue1->elements[$i]->combinator !== $elementValue2->elements[$i]->combinator ) { + if ( $i !== 0 || ( $elementValue1->elements[$i]->combinator || ' ' ) !== ( $elementValue2->elements[$i]->combinator || ' ' ) ) { + return false; + } + } + + if ( !$this->isElementValuesEqual( $elementValue1->elements[$i]->value, $elementValue2->elements[$i]->value ) ) { + return false; + } + } + + return true; + } + + /** + * @param Less_Tree_Attribute $elementValue1 + */ + private function isAttributeValuesEqual( $elementValue1, $elementValue2 ) { + if ( $elementValue1->op !== $elementValue2->op || $elementValue1->key !== $elementValue2->key ) { + return false; + } + + if ( !$elementValue1->value || !$elementValue2->value ) { + if ( $elementValue1->value || $elementValue2->value ) { + return false; + } + return true; + } + + // @phan-suppress-next-line PhanUndeclaredProperty https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/T327082 + $elementValue1 = ( $elementValue1->value->value ?: $elementValue1->value ); + // @phan-suppress-next-line PhanUndeclaredProperty https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/T327082 + $elementValue2 = ( $elementValue2->value->value ?: $elementValue2->value ); + + return $elementValue1 === $elementValue2; + } + + private function extendSelector( $matches, $selectorPath, $replacementSelector ) { + // for a set of matches, replace each match with the replacement selector + + $currentSelectorPathIndex = 0; + $currentSelectorPathElementIndex = 0; + $path = []; + $selectorPath_len = count( $selectorPath ); + + for ( $matchIndex = 0, $matches_len = count( $matches ); $matchIndex < $matches_len; $matchIndex++ ) { + + $match = $matches[$matchIndex]; + $selector = $selectorPath[ $match['pathIndex'] ]; + + $firstElement = new Less_Tree_Element( + $match['initialCombinator'], + $replacementSelector->elements[0]->value, + $replacementSelector->elements[0]->index, + $replacementSelector->elements[0]->currentFileInfo + ); + + if ( $match['pathIndex'] > $currentSelectorPathIndex && $currentSelectorPathElementIndex > 0 ) { + $last_path = end( $path ); + $last_path->elements = array_merge( $last_path->elements, array_slice( $selectorPath[$currentSelectorPathIndex]->elements, $currentSelectorPathElementIndex ) ); + $currentSelectorPathElementIndex = 0; + $currentSelectorPathIndex++; + } + + $newElements = array_merge( + array_slice( $selector->elements, $currentSelectorPathElementIndex, ( $match['index'] - $currentSelectorPathElementIndex ) ), // last parameter of array_slice is different than the last parameter of javascript's slice + [ $firstElement ], + array_slice( $replacementSelector->elements, 1 ) + ); + + if ( $currentSelectorPathIndex === $match['pathIndex'] && $matchIndex > 0 ) { + $last_key = count( $path ) - 1; + $path[$last_key]->elements = array_merge( $path[$last_key]->elements, $newElements ); + } else { + $path = array_merge( $path, array_slice( $selectorPath, $currentSelectorPathIndex, $match['pathIndex'] ) ); + $path[] = new Less_Tree_Selector( $newElements ); + } + + $currentSelectorPathIndex = $match['endPathIndex']; + $currentSelectorPathElementIndex = $match['endPathElementIndex']; + if ( $currentSelectorPathElementIndex >= count( $selectorPath[$currentSelectorPathIndex]->elements ) ) { + $currentSelectorPathElementIndex = 0; + $currentSelectorPathIndex++; + } + } + + if ( $currentSelectorPathIndex < $selectorPath_len && $currentSelectorPathElementIndex > 0 ) { + $last_path = end( $path ); + $last_path->elements = array_merge( $last_path->elements, array_slice( $selectorPath[$currentSelectorPathIndex]->elements, $currentSelectorPathElementIndex ) ); + $currentSelectorPathIndex++; + } + + $slice_len = $selectorPath_len - $currentSelectorPathIndex; + $path = array_merge( $path, array_slice( $selectorPath, $currentSelectorPathIndex, $slice_len ) ); + + return $path; + } + + protected function visitMedia( $mediaNode ) { + $newAllExtends = array_merge( $mediaNode->allExtends, end( $this->allExtendsStack ) ); + $this->allExtendsStack[] = $this->doExtendChaining( $newAllExtends, $mediaNode->allExtends ); + } + + protected function visitMediaOut() { + array_pop( $this->allExtendsStack ); + } + + protected function visitDirective( $directiveNode ) { + $newAllExtends = array_merge( $directiveNode->allExtends, end( $this->allExtendsStack ) ); + $this->allExtendsStack[] = $this->doExtendChaining( $newAllExtends, $directiveNode->allExtends ); + } + + protected function visitDirectiveOut() { + array_pop( $this->allExtendsStack ); + } + +} diff --git a/include/thirdparty/less.php/____4.0.0/Visitor/toCSS.php b/include/thirdparty/less.php/____4.0.0/Visitor/toCSS.php new file mode 100644 index 0000000..6c476d2 --- /dev/null +++ b/include/thirdparty/less.php/____4.0.0/Visitor/toCSS.php @@ -0,0 +1,275 @@ +visitObj( $root ); + } + + public function visitRule( $ruleNode ) { + if ( $ruleNode->variable ) { + return []; + } + return $ruleNode; + } + + public function visitMixinDefinition( $mixinNode ) { + // mixin definitions do not get eval'd - this means they keep state + // so we have to clear that state here so it isn't used if toCSS is called twice + $mixinNode->frames = []; + return []; + } + + public function visitExtend() { + return []; + } + + public function visitComment( $commentNode ) { + if ( $commentNode->isSilent() ) { + return []; + } + return $commentNode; + } + + public function visitMedia( $mediaNode, &$visitDeeper ) { + $mediaNode->accept( $this ); + $visitDeeper = false; + + if ( !$mediaNode->rules ) { + return []; + } + return $mediaNode; + } + + public function visitDirective( $directiveNode ) { + if ( isset( $directiveNode->currentFileInfo['reference'] ) && ( !property_exists( $directiveNode, 'isReferenced' ) || !$directiveNode->isReferenced ) ) { + return []; + } + if ( $directiveNode->name === '@charset' ) { + // Only output the debug info together with subsequent @charset definitions + // a comment (or @media statement) before the actual @charset directive would + // be considered illegal css as it has to be on the first line + if ( isset( $this->charset ) && $this->charset ) { + + // if( $directiveNode->debugInfo ){ + // $comment = new Less_Tree_Comment('/* ' . str_replace("\n",'',$directiveNode->toCSS())." */\n"); + // $comment->debugInfo = $directiveNode->debugInfo; + // return $this->visit($comment); + //} + + return []; + } + $this->charset = true; + } + return $directiveNode; + } + + public function checkPropertiesInRoot( $rulesetNode ) { + if ( !$rulesetNode->firstRoot ) { + return; + } + + foreach ( $rulesetNode->rules as $ruleNode ) { + if ( $ruleNode instanceof Less_Tree_Rule && !$ruleNode->variable ) { + $msg = "properties must be inside selector blocks, they cannot be in the root. Index " . $ruleNode->index . ( $ruleNode->currentFileInfo ? ( ' Filename: ' . $ruleNode->currentFileInfo['filename'] ) : null ); + throw new Less_Exception_Compiler( $msg ); + } + } + } + + public function visitRuleset( $rulesetNode, &$visitDeeper ) { + $visitDeeper = false; + + $this->checkPropertiesInRoot( $rulesetNode ); + + if ( $rulesetNode->root ) { + return $this->visitRulesetRoot( $rulesetNode ); + } + + $rulesets = []; + $rulesetNode->paths = $this->visitRulesetPaths( $rulesetNode ); + + // Compile rules and rulesets + $nodeRuleCnt = $rulesetNode->rules ? count( $rulesetNode->rules ) : 0; + for ( $i = 0; $i < $nodeRuleCnt; ) { + $rule = $rulesetNode->rules[$i]; + + if ( property_exists( $rule, 'rules' ) ) { + // visit because we are moving them out from being a child + $rulesets[] = $this->visitObj( $rule ); + array_splice( $rulesetNode->rules, $i, 1 ); + $nodeRuleCnt--; + continue; + } + $i++; + } + + // accept the visitor to remove rules and refactor itself + // then we can decide now whether we want it or not + if ( $nodeRuleCnt > 0 ) { + $rulesetNode->accept( $this ); + + if ( $rulesetNode->rules ) { + + if ( count( $rulesetNode->rules ) > 1 ) { + $this->_mergeRules( $rulesetNode->rules ); + $this->_removeDuplicateRules( $rulesetNode->rules ); + } + + // now decide whether we keep the ruleset + if ( $rulesetNode->paths ) { + // array_unshift($rulesets, $rulesetNode); + array_splice( $rulesets, 0, 0, [ $rulesetNode ] ); + } + } + + } + + if ( count( $rulesets ) === 1 ) { + return $rulesets[0]; + } + return $rulesets; + } + + /** + * Helper function for visitiRuleset + * + * return array|Less_Tree_Ruleset + */ + private function visitRulesetRoot( $rulesetNode ) { + $rulesetNode->accept( $this ); + if ( $rulesetNode->firstRoot || $rulesetNode->rules ) { + return $rulesetNode; + } + return []; + } + + /** + * Helper function for visitRuleset() + * + * @return array + */ + private function visitRulesetPaths( $rulesetNode ) { + $paths = []; + foreach ( $rulesetNode->paths as $p ) { + if ( $p[0]->elements[0]->combinator === ' ' ) { + $p[0]->elements[0]->combinator = ''; + } + + foreach ( $p as $pi ) { + if ( $pi->getIsReferenced() && $pi->getIsOutput() ) { + $paths[] = $p; + break; + } + } + } + + return $paths; + } + + protected function _removeDuplicateRules( &$rules ) { + // remove duplicates + $ruleCache = []; + for ( $i = count( $rules ) - 1; $i >= 0; $i-- ) { + $rule = $rules[$i]; + if ( $rule instanceof Less_Tree_Rule || $rule instanceof Less_Tree_NameValue ) { + + if ( !isset( $ruleCache[$rule->name] ) ) { + $ruleCache[$rule->name] = $rule; + } else { + $ruleList =& $ruleCache[$rule->name]; + + if ( $ruleList instanceof Less_Tree_Rule || $ruleList instanceof Less_Tree_NameValue ) { + $ruleList = $ruleCache[$rule->name] = [ $ruleCache[$rule->name]->toCSS() ]; + } + + $ruleCSS = $rule->toCSS(); + if ( array_search( $ruleCSS, $ruleList ) !== false ) { + array_splice( $rules, $i, 1 ); + } else { + $ruleList[] = $ruleCSS; + } + } + } + } + } + + protected function _mergeRules( &$rules ) { + $groups = []; + + // obj($rules); + + $rules_len = count( $rules ); + for ( $i = 0; $i < $rules_len; $i++ ) { + $rule = $rules[$i]; + + if ( ( $rule instanceof Less_Tree_Rule ) && $rule->merge ) { + + $key = $rule->name; + if ( $rule->important ) { + $key .= ',!'; + } + + if ( !isset( $groups[$key] ) ) { + $groups[$key] = []; + } else { + array_splice( $rules, $i--, 1 ); + $rules_len--; + } + + $groups[$key][] = $rule; + } + } + + foreach ( $groups as $parts ) { + + if ( count( $parts ) > 1 ) { + $rule = $parts[0]; + $spacedGroups = []; + $lastSpacedGroup = []; + $parts_mapped = []; + foreach ( $parts as $p ) { + if ( $p->merge === '+' ) { + if ( $lastSpacedGroup ) { + $spacedGroups[] = self::toExpression( $lastSpacedGroup ); + } + $lastSpacedGroup = []; + } + $lastSpacedGroup[] = $p; + } + + $spacedGroups[] = self::toExpression( $lastSpacedGroup ); + $rule->value = self::toValue( $spacedGroups ); + } + } + } + + public static function toExpression( $values ) { + $mapped = []; + foreach ( $values as $p ) { + $mapped[] = $p->value; + } + return new Less_Tree_Expression( $mapped ); + } + + public static function toValue( $values ) { + // return new Less_Tree_Value($values); ?? + + $mapped = []; + foreach ( $values as $p ) { + $mapped[] = $p; + } + return new Less_Tree_Value( $mapped ); + } +} diff --git a/include/thirdparty/less.php/____4.0.0/VisitorReplacing.php b/include/thirdparty/less.php/____4.0.0/VisitorReplacing.php new file mode 100644 index 0000000..ae8b82e --- /dev/null +++ b/include/thirdparty/less.php/____4.0.0/VisitorReplacing.php @@ -0,0 +1,66 @@ +type; + if ( isset( $this->_visitFnCache[$funcName] ) ) { + + $visitDeeper = true; + $node = $this->$funcName( $node, $visitDeeper ); + + if ( $node ) { + if ( $visitDeeper && is_object( $node ) ) { + $node->accept( $this ); + } + + $funcName .= "Out"; + if ( isset( $this->_visitFnCache[$funcName] ) ) { + $this->$funcName( $node ); + } + } + + } else { + $node->accept( $this ); + } + + return $node; + } + + public function visitArray( $nodes ) { + $newNodes = []; + foreach ( $nodes as $node ) { + $evald = $this->visitObj( $node ); + if ( $evald ) { + if ( is_array( $evald ) ) { + self::flatten( $evald, $newNodes ); + } else { + $newNodes[] = $evald; + } + } + } + return $newNodes; + } + + public function flatten( $arr, &$out ) { + foreach ( $arr as $item ) { + if ( !is_array( $item ) ) { + $out[] = $item; + continue; + } + + foreach ( $item as $nestedItem ) { + if ( is_array( $nestedItem ) ) { + self::flatten( $nestedItem, $out ); + } else { + $out[] = $nestedItem; + } + } + } + + return $out; + } + +} diff --git a/include/thirdparty/less.php/____4.0.0/bin/API.md b/include/thirdparty/less.php/____4.0.0/bin/API.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000..010c90f --- /dev/null +++ b/include/thirdparty/less.php/____4.0.0/bin/API.md @@ -0,0 +1,197 @@ +Less.php API +======== + +## Basic use + +#### Parse strings + +```php +$parser = new Less_Parser(); +$parser->parse( '@color: #36c; .link { color: @color; } a { color: @color; }' ); +$css = $parser->getCss(); +``` + +#### Parse files + +The `parseFile()` function takes two parameters: + +* The absolute path to a `.less` file. +* The base URL for any relative image or CSS references in the `.less` file, + typically the same directory that contains the `.less` file or a public equivalent. + +```php +$parser = new Less_Parser(); +$parser->parseFile( '/var/www/mysite/bootstrap.less', 'https://example.org/mysite/' ); +$css = $parser->getCss(); +``` + +#### Handle invalid syntax + +An exception will be thrown if the compiler encounters invalid LESS. + +```php +try{ + $parser = new Less_Parser(); + $parser->parseFile( '/var/www/mysite/bootstrap.less', 'https://example.org/mysite/' ); + $css = $parser->getCss(); +} catch (Exception $e) { + echo $e->getMessage(); +} +``` + +#### Parse multiple inputs + +Less.php can parse multiple input sources (e.g. files and/or strings) and generate a single CSS output. + +```php +$parser = new Less_Parser(); +$parser->parseFile( '/var/www/mysite/bootstrap.less', '/mysite/' ); +$parser->parse( '@color: #36c; .link { color: @color; } a { color: @color; }' ); +$css = $parser->getCss(); +``` + +#### Metadata + +Less.php keeps track of which `.less` files have been parsed, i.e. the input +file(s) and any direct and indirect imports. + +```php +$parser = new Less_Parser(); +$parser->parseFile( '/var/www/mysite/bootstrap.less', '/mysite/' ); +$css = $parser->getCss(); +$files = $parser->AllParsedFiles(); +``` + +#### Compress output + +You can tell Less.php to remove comments and whitespace to generate minified CSS. + +```php +$options = [ 'compress' => true ]; +$parser = new Less_Parser( $options ); +$parser->parseFile( '/var/www/mysite/bootstrap.less', '/mysite/' ); +$css = $parser->getCss(); +``` + +#### Get variables + +You can use the `getVariables()` method to get an all variables defined and +their value in an associative array. Note that the input must be compiled first +by calling `getCss()`. + +```php +$parser = new Less_Parser; +$parser->parseFile( '/var/www/mysite/bootstrap.less'); +$css = $parser->getCss(); +$variables = $parser->getVariables(); + +``` + +#### Set variables + +Use the `ModifyVars()` method to inject additional variables, i.e. custom values +computed or accessed from your PHP code. + +```php +$parser = new Less_Parser(); +$parser->parseFile( '/var/www/mysite/bootstrap.less', '/mysite/' ); +$parser->ModifyVars( [ 'font-size-base' => '16px' ] ); +$css = $parser->getCss(); +``` + +#### Import directories + +By default, Less.php will look for imported files in the directory of the file passed to `parseFile()`. + +If you use `parse()`, or if need to enable additional import directories, you can specify these by +calling `SetImportDirs()`. + +```php +$directories = [ '/var/www/mysite/bootstrap/' => '/mysite/bootstrap/' ]; +$parser = new Less_Parser(); +$parser->SetImportDirs( $directories ); +$parser->parseFile( '/var/www/mysite/theme.less', '/mysite/' ); +$css = $parser->getCss(); +``` + +## Caching + +Compiling LESS code into CSS can be a time-consuming process. It is recommended to cache your results. + +#### Basic cache + +Use the `Less_Cache` class to save and reuse the results of compiling LESS files. +This class will check the modified time and size of each LESS file (including imported files) and +either re-use or re-generate the CSS output accordingly. + +The cache files are determinstically named, based on the full list of referenced LESS files and the metadata (file path, file mtime, file size) of each file. This means that each time a change is made, a different cache filename is used. + +```php +$lessFiles = [ '/var/www/mysite/bootstrap.less' => '/mysite/' ]; +$options = [ 'cache_dir' => '/var/www/writable_folder' ]; +$cssOutputFile = Less_Cache::Get( $lessFiles, $options ); +$css = file_get_contents( '/var/www/writable_folder/' . $cssOutputFile ); +``` + +#### Caching with variables + +Passing custom variables to `Less_Cache::Get()`: + +```php +$lessFiles = [ '/var/www/mysite/bootstrap.less' => '/mysite/' ]; +$options = [ 'cache_dir' => '/var/www/writable_folder' ]; +$variables = [ 'width' => '100px' ]; +$cssOutputFile = Less_Cache::Get( $lessFiles, $options, $variables ); +$css = file_get_contents( '/var/www/writable_folder/' . $cssOutputFile ); +``` + +#### Incremental caching + +In addition to the whole-output caching described above, Less.php also has the ability to keep an internal cache which allows re-parses to be faster by effectively only re-compiling portions that have changed. + +## Source maps + +Less.php supports v3 sourcemaps. + +#### Inline + +The sourcemap will be appended to the generated CSS file. + +```php +$options = [ 'sourceMap' => true ]; +$parser = new Less_Parser($options); +$parser->parseFile( '/var/www/mysite/bootstrap.less', '/mysite/' ); +$css = $parser->getCss(); +``` + +#### Saving to map file + +```php +$options = [ + 'sourceMap' => true, + 'sourceMapWriteTo' => '/var/www/mysite/writable_folder/filename.map', + 'sourceMapURL' => '/mysite/writable_folder/filename.map', +]; +$parser = new Less_Parser($options); +$parser->parseFile( '/var/www/mysite/bootstrap.less', '/mysite/' ); +$css = $parser->getCss(); +``` + +## Command line + +An additional script has been included to use the Less.php compiler from the command line. +In its simplest invocation, you specify an input file and the compiled CSS is written to standard out: + +``` +$ lessc input.less > output.css +``` + +By using the `-w` flag you can watch a specified input file and have it compile as needed to the output file: + +``` +$ lessc -w input.less output.css +``` + +Errors from watch mode are written to standard out. + +For more information, run `lessc --help` diff --git a/include/thirdparty/less.php/____4.0.0/bin/CHANGES.md b/include/thirdparty/less.php/____4.0.0/bin/CHANGES.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000..f5670ae --- /dev/null +++ b/include/thirdparty/less.php/____4.0.0/bin/CHANGES.md @@ -0,0 +1,100 @@ +# Changelog + +## 4.0.0 + +* [All changes](https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/g/mediawiki/libs/less.php/+log/v4.0.0) +* Remove support for PHP 7.2 and 7.3. Raise requirement to PHP 7.4+. +* Remove support for `cache_method=php` and `cache_method=var_export`, only the faster and more secure `cache_method=serialize` is now available. The built-in cache remains disabled by default. +* Fix `url(#myid)` to be treated as absolute URL. [T331649](https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/T331688) +* Fix "Undefined property" PHP 8.1 warning when `calc()` is used with CSS `var()`. [T331688](https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/T331688) +* Less_Parser: Improve performance by removing MatchFuncs and NewObj overhead. (Timo Tijhof) + +## 3.2.1 + +* [All changes](https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/g/mediawiki/libs/less.php/+log/v3.2.1) +* Tree_Ruleset: Fix support for nested parent selectors (Timo Tijhof) [T204816](https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/T204816) +* Fix ParseError when interpolating variable after colon in selector (Timo Tijhof) [T327163](https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/T327163) +* Functions: Fix "Undefined property" warning on bad minmax arg +* Tree_Call: Include previous exception when catching functions (Robert Frunzke) + +## 3.2.0 + +* [All changes](https://github.com/wikimedia/less.php/compare/v3.1.0...v3.2.0) +* Fix "Implicit conversion" PHP 8.1 warnings (Ayokunle Odusan) +* Fix "Creation of dynamic property" PHP 8.2 warnings (Bas Couwenberg) +* Fix "Creation of dynamic property" PHP 8.2 warnings (Rajesh Kumar) +* Tree_Url: Add support for "Url" type to `Parser::getVariables()` (ciroarcadio) [#51](https://github.com/wikimedia/less.php/pull/51) +* Tree_Import: Add support for importing URLs without file extension (Timo Tijhof) [#27](https://github.com/wikimedia/less.php/issues/27) + +## 3.1.0 + +* [All changes](https://github.com/wikimedia/less.php/compare/v3.0.0...v3.1.0) +* Add PHP 8.0 support: Drop use of curly braces for sub-string eval (James D. Forrester) +* Make `Directive::__construct` $rules arg optional (fix PHP 7.4 warning) (Sam Reed) +* ProcessExtends: Improve performance by using a map for selectors and parents (Andrey Legayev) + +## 3.0.0 + +* [All changes](https://github.com/wikimedia/less.php/compare/v2.0.0...v3.0.0) +* Raise PHP requirement from 7.1 to 7.2.9 (James Forrester) + +## 2.0.0 + +* [All changes](https://github.com/wikimedia/less.php/compare/v1.8.2...v2.0.0) +* Relax PHP requirement down to 7.1, from 7.2.9 (Franz Liedke) +* Reflect recent breaking changes properly with the semantic versioning (James Forrester) + +## 1.8.2 + +* [All changes](https://github.com/wikimedia/less.php/compare/v1.8.1...v1.8.2) +* Require PHP 7.2.9+, up from 5.3+ (James Forrester) +* release: Update Version.php with the current release ID (COBadger) +* Fix access array offset on value of type null (Michele Locati) +* Fix test suite on PHP 7.4 (Sergei Morozov) + +## 1.8.1 + +* [All changes](https://github.com/wikimedia/less.php/compare/v1.8.0...v1.8.1) +* Another PHP 7.3 compatibility tweak + +## 1.8.0 + +Library forked by Wikimedia, from [oyejorge/less.php](https://github.com/oyejorge/less.php). + +* [All changes](https://github.com/wikimedia/less.php/compare/v1.7.0.13...v1.8.0) +* Supports up to PHP 7.3 +* No longer tested against PHP 5, though it's still remains allowed in `composer.json` for HHVM compatibility +* Switched to [semantic versioning](https://semver.org/), hence version numbers now use 3 digits + +## + +* [All changes](https://github.com/wikimedia/less.php/compare/v1.7.0.12...v1.7.0.13) +* Fix composer.json (PSR-4 was invalid) + +## + +* [All changes](https://github.com/wikimedia/less.php/compare/v1.7.0.11...v1.7.0.12) +* set bin/lessc bit executable +* Add `gettingVariables` method to `Less_Parser` + +## + +* [All changes](https://github.com/wikimedia/less.php/compare/v1.7.0.10...v1.7.0.11) +* Fix realpath issue (windows) +* Set Less_Tree_Call property back to public ( Fix 258 266 267 issues from oyejorge/less.php) + +## + +* [All changes](https://github.com/wikimedia/less.php/compare/v1.7.0.9...v1.7.10) +* Add indentation option +* Add `optional` modifier for `@import` +* Fix $color in Exception messages +* take relative-url into account when building the cache filename +* urlArgs should be string no array() +* fix missing on NameValue type [#269](https://github.com/oyejorge/less.php/issues/269) + +## + +* [All changes](https://github.com/wikimedia/less.php/compare/v1.7.0.8...v1.7.0.9) +* Remove space at beginning of Version.php +* Revert require() paths in test interface diff --git a/include/thirdparty/less.php/____4.0.0/bin/CODE_OF_CONDUCT.md b/include/thirdparty/less.php/____4.0.0/bin/CODE_OF_CONDUCT.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000..498acf7 --- /dev/null +++ b/include/thirdparty/less.php/____4.0.0/bin/CODE_OF_CONDUCT.md @@ -0,0 +1 @@ +The development of this software is covered by a [Code of Conduct](https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Special:MyLanguage/Code_of_Conduct). diff --git a/include/thirdparty/less.php/____4.0.0/bin/LICENSE b/include/thirdparty/less.php/____4.0.0/bin/LICENSE new file mode 100644 index 0000000..d645695 --- /dev/null +++ b/include/thirdparty/less.php/____4.0.0/bin/LICENSE @@ -0,0 +1,202 @@ + + Apache License + Version 2.0, January 2004 + http://www.apache.org/licenses/ + + TERMS AND CONDITIONS FOR USE, REPRODUCTION, AND DISTRIBUTION + + 1. Definitions. + + "License" shall mean the terms and conditions for use, reproduction, + and distribution as defined by Sections 1 through 9 of this document. + + "Licensor" shall mean the copyright owner or entity authorized by + the copyright owner that is granting the License. + + "Legal Entity" shall mean the union of the acting entity and all + other entities that control, are controlled by, or are under common + control with that entity. For the purposes of this definition, + "control" means (i) the power, direct or indirect, to cause the + direction or management of such entity, whether by contract or + otherwise, or (ii) ownership of fifty percent (50%) or more of the + outstanding shares, or (iii) beneficial ownership of such entity. + + "You" (or "Your") shall mean an individual or Legal Entity + exercising permissions granted by this License. + + "Source" form shall mean the preferred form for making modifications, + including but not limited to software source code, documentation + source, and configuration files. + + "Object" form shall mean any form resulting from mechanical + transformation or translation of a Source form, including but + not limited to compiled object code, generated documentation, + and conversions to other media types. + + "Work" shall mean the work of authorship, whether in Source or + Object form, made available under the License, as indicated by a + copyright notice that is included in or attached to the work + (an example is provided in the Appendix below). + + "Derivative Works" shall mean any work, whether in Source or Object + form, that is based on (or derived from) the Work and for which the + editorial revisions, annotations, elaborations, or other modifications + represent, as a whole, an original work of authorship. For the purposes + of this License, Derivative Works shall not include works that remain + separable from, or merely link (or bind by name) to the interfaces of, + the Work and Derivative Works thereof. + + "Contribution" shall mean any work of authorship, including + the original version of the Work and any modifications or additions + to that Work or Derivative Works thereof, that is intentionally + submitted to Licensor for inclusion in the Work by the copyright owner + or by an individual or Legal Entity authorized to submit on behalf of + the copyright owner. For the purposes of this definition, "submitted" + means any form of electronic, verbal, or written communication sent + to the Licensor or its representatives, including but not limited to + communication on electronic mailing lists, source code control systems, + and issue tracking systems that are managed by, or on behalf of, the + Licensor for the purpose of discussing and improving the Work, but + excluding communication that is conspicuously marked or otherwise + designated in writing by the copyright owner as "Not a Contribution." + + "Contributor" shall mean Licensor and any individual or Legal Entity + on behalf of whom a Contribution has been received by Licensor and + subsequently incorporated within the Work. + + 2. Grant of Copyright License. Subject to the terms and conditions of + this License, each Contributor hereby grants to You a perpetual, + worldwide, non-exclusive, no-charge, royalty-free, irrevocable + copyright license to reproduce, prepare Derivative Works of, + publicly display, publicly perform, sublicense, and distribute the + Work and such Derivative Works in Source or Object form. + + 3. Grant of Patent License. Subject to the terms and conditions of + this License, each Contributor hereby grants to You a perpetual, + worldwide, non-exclusive, no-charge, royalty-free, irrevocable + (except as stated in this section) patent license to make, have made, + use, offer to sell, sell, import, and otherwise transfer the Work, + where such license applies only to those patent claims licensable + by such Contributor that are necessarily infringed by their + Contribution(s) alone or by combination of their Contribution(s) + with the Work to which such Contribution(s) was submitted. If You + institute patent litigation against any entity (including a + cross-claim or counterclaim in a lawsuit) alleging that the Work + or a Contribution incorporated within the Work constitutes direct + or contributory patent infringement, then any patent licenses + granted to You under this License for that Work shall terminate + as of the date such litigation is filed. + + 4. Redistribution. You may reproduce and distribute copies of the + Work or Derivative Works thereof in any medium, with or without + modifications, and in Source or Object form, provided that You + meet the following conditions: + + (a) You must give any other recipients of the Work or + Derivative Works a copy of this License; and + + (b) You must cause any modified files to carry prominent notices + stating that You changed the files; and + + (c) You must retain, in the Source form of any Derivative Works + that You distribute, all copyright, patent, trademark, and + attribution notices from the Source form of the Work, + excluding those notices that do not pertain to any part of + the Derivative Works; and + + (d) If the Work includes a "NOTICE" text file as part of its + distribution, then any Derivative Works that You distribute must + include a readable copy of the attribution notices contained + within such NOTICE file, excluding those notices that do not + pertain to any part of the Derivative Works, in at least one + of the following places: within a NOTICE text file distributed + as part of the Derivative Works; within the Source form or + documentation, if provided along with the Derivative Works; or, + within a display generated by the Derivative Works, if and + wherever such third-party notices normally appear. The contents + of the NOTICE file are for informational purposes only and + do not modify the License. You may add Your own attribution + notices within Derivative Works that You distribute, alongside + or as an addendum to the NOTICE text from the Work, provided + that such additional attribution notices cannot be construed + as modifying the License. + + You may add Your own copyright statement to Your modifications and + may provide additional or different license terms and conditions + for use, reproduction, or distribution of Your modifications, or + for any such Derivative Works as a whole, provided Your use, + reproduction, and distribution of the Work otherwise complies with + the conditions stated in this License. + + 5. Submission of Contributions. Unless You explicitly state otherwise, + any Contribution intentionally submitted for inclusion in the Work + by You to the Licensor shall be under the terms and conditions of + this License, without any additional terms or conditions. + Notwithstanding the above, nothing herein shall supersede or modify + the terms of any separate license agreement you may have executed + with Licensor regarding such Contributions. + + 6. Trademarks. This License does not grant permission to use the trade + names, trademarks, service marks, or product names of the Licensor, + except as required for reasonable and customary use in describing the + origin of the Work and reproducing the content of the NOTICE file. + + 7. Disclaimer of Warranty. Unless required by applicable law or + agreed to in writing, Licensor provides the Work (and each + Contributor provides its Contributions) on an "AS IS" BASIS, + WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or + implied, including, without limitation, any warranties or conditions + of TITLE, NON-INFRINGEMENT, MERCHANTABILITY, or FITNESS FOR A + PARTICULAR PURPOSE. You are solely responsible for determining the + appropriateness of using or redistributing the Work and assume any + risks associated with Your exercise of permissions under this License. + + 8. Limitation of Liability. In no event and under no legal theory, + whether in tort (including negligence), contract, or otherwise, + unless required by applicable law (such as deliberate and grossly + negligent acts) or agreed to in writing, shall any Contributor be + liable to You for damages, including any direct, indirect, special, + incidental, or consequential damages of any character arising as a + result of this License or out of the use or inability to use the + Work (including but not limited to damages for loss of goodwill, + work stoppage, computer failure or malfunction, or any and all + other commercial damages or losses), even if such Contributor + has been advised of the possibility of such damages. + + 9. Accepting Warranty or Additional Liability. While redistributing + the Work or Derivative Works thereof, You may choose to offer, + and charge a fee for, acceptance of support, warranty, indemnity, + or other liability obligations and/or rights consistent with this + License. However, in accepting such obligations, You may act only + on Your own behalf and on Your sole responsibility, not on behalf + of any other Contributor, and only if You agree to indemnify, + defend, and hold each Contributor harmless for any liability + incurred by, or claims asserted against, such Contributor by reason + of your accepting any such warranty or additional liability. + + END OF TERMS AND CONDITIONS + + APPENDIX: How to apply the Apache License to your work. + + To apply the Apache License to your work, attach the following + boilerplate notice, with the fields enclosed by brackets "[]" + replaced with your own identifying information. (Don't include + the brackets!) The text should be enclosed in the appropriate + comment syntax for the file format. We also recommend that a + file or class name and description of purpose be included on the + same "printed page" as the copyright notice for easier + identification within third-party archives. + + Copyright [yyyy] [name of copyright owner] + + Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); + you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. + You may obtain a copy of the License at + + http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 + + Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software + distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, + WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. + See the License for the specific language governing permissions and + limitations under the License. diff --git a/include/thirdparty/less.php/____4.0.0/bin/NOTICE.txt b/include/thirdparty/less.php/____4.0.0/bin/NOTICE.txt new file mode 100644 index 0000000..099293c --- /dev/null +++ b/include/thirdparty/less.php/____4.0.0/bin/NOTICE.txt @@ -0,0 +1,18 @@ +wikimedia/less.php. https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/g/mediawiki/libs/less.php + +Copyright Matt Agar +Copyright Martin Jantošovič +Copyright Josh Schmidt +Copyright Timo Tijhof + +Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); +you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. +You may obtain a copy of the License at + + http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 + +Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software +distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, +WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. +See the License for the specific language governing permissions and +limitations under the License. diff --git a/include/thirdparty/less.php/____4.0.0/bin/README.md b/include/thirdparty/less.php/____4.0.0/bin/README.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000..a89ea6c --- /dev/null +++ b/include/thirdparty/less.php/____4.0.0/bin/README.md @@ -0,0 +1,77 @@ +[![Packagist](https://img.shields.io/packagist/v/wikimedia/less.php.svg?style=flat)](https://packagist.org/packages/wikimedia/less.php) + +Less.php +======== + +This is a PHP port of the [official LESS processor](https://lesscss.org). + +## About + +The code structure of Less.php mirrors that of upstream Less.js to ensure compatibility and help reduce maintenance. The port is currently compatible with Less.js 2.5.3. Please note that "inline JavaScript expressions" (via eval or backticks) are not supported. + +* [API § Caching](./API.md#caching), Less.php includes a file-based cache. +* [API § Source maps](./API.md#source-maps), Less.php supports v3 sourcemaps. +* [API § Command line](./API.md#command-line), the `lessc` command includes a watch mode. + +## Installation + +You can install the library with Composer or standalone. + +If you have [Composer](https://getcomposer.org/download/) installed: + +1. Run `composer require wikimedia/less.php` +2. Use `Less_Parser` in your code. + +Or standalone: + +1. [Download Less.php](https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/g/mediawiki/libs/less.php/+archive/HEAD.tar.gz) and upload the PHP files to your server. +2. Include the library: + ```php + require_once '[path to]/less.php/lib/Less/Autoloader.php'; + Less_Autoloader::register(); + ``` +3. Use `Less_Parser` in your code. + +## Security + +The LESS processor language is powerful and includes features that may read or embed arbitrary files that the web server has access to, and features that may be computationally exensive if misused. + +In general you should treat LESS files as being in the same trust domain as other server-side executables, such as PHP code. In particular, it is not recommended to allow people that use your web service to provide arbitrary LESS code for server-side processing. + +_See also [SECURITY](./SECURITY.md)._ + +## Who uses Less.php? + +* **[Wikipedia](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/MediaWiki)** and the MediaWiki platform ([docs](https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/ResourceLoader/Architecture#Resource:_Styles)). +* **[Matomo](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Matomo_(software))** ([docs](https://devdocs.magento.com/guides/v2.4/frontend-dev-guide/css-topics/custom_preprocess.html)). +* **[Magento](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Magento)** as part of Adobe Commerce ([docs](https://developer.matomo.org/guides/asset-pipeline#vanilla-javascript-css-and-less-files)). +* **[Icinga](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Icinga)** in Icinga Web ([docs](https://github.com/Icinga/icingaweb2)). +* **[Shopware](https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Shopware)** ([docs](https://developers.shopware.com/designers-guide/less/)). + +## Integrations + +Less.php has been integrated with various other projects. + +#### Transitioning from Leafo/lessphp + +If you're looking to transition from the [Leafo/lessphp](https://github.com/leafo/lessphp) library, use the `lessc.inc.php` adapter file that comes with Less.php. + +This allows Less.php to be a drop-in replacement for Leafo/lessphp. + +[Download Less.php](https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/g/mediawiki/libs/less.php/+archive/HEAD.tar.gz), unzip the files into your project, and include its `lessc.inc.php` instead. + +Note: The `setPreserveComments` option is ignored. Less.php already preserves CSS block comments by default, and removes LESS inline comments. + +#### Drupal + +Less.php can be used with [Drupal's less module](https://drupal.org/project/less) via the `lessc.inc.php` adapter. [Download Less.php](https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/g/mediawiki/libs/less.php/+archive/HEAD.tar.gz) and unzip it so that `lessc.inc.php` is located at `sites/all/libraries/lessphp/lessc.inc.php`, then install the Drupal less module as usual. + +#### WordPress + +* [wp_enqueue_less](https://github.com/Ed-ITSolutions/wp_enqueue_less) is a Composer package for use in WordPress themes and plugins. It provides a `wp_enqueue_less()` function to automatically manage caching and compilation on-demand, and loads the compressed CSS on the page. +* [JBST framework](https://github.com/bassjobsen/jamedo-bootstrap-start-theme) bundles a copy of Less.php. +* The [lessphp plugin](https://wordpress.org/plugins/lessphp/) bundles a copy of Less.php for use in other plugins or themes. This dependency can also be combined with the [TGM Library](http://tgmpluginactivation.com/). + +## Credits + +Less.php was originally ported to PHP in 2011 by [Matt Agar](https://github.com/agar) and then updated by [Martin Jantošovič](https://github.com/Mordred) in 2012. From 2013 to 2017, [Josh Schmidt](https://github.com/oyejorge) lead development of the library. Since 2019, the library is maintained by Wikimedia Foundation. diff --git a/include/thirdparty/less.php/____4.0.0/bin/SECURITY.md b/include/thirdparty/less.php/____4.0.0/bin/SECURITY.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000..687c735 --- /dev/null +++ b/include/thirdparty/less.php/____4.0.0/bin/SECURITY.md @@ -0,0 +1,5 @@ +# Security policy + +Wikimedia takes security seriously. If you believe you have found a +security issue, see +for information on how to responsibly report it. diff --git a/include/thirdparty/less.php/____4.0.0/bin/less.php-4.0.0.zip b/include/thirdparty/less.php/____4.0.0/bin/less.php-4.0.0.zip new file mode 100644 index 0000000..e1e20cf Binary files /dev/null and b/include/thirdparty/less.php/____4.0.0/bin/less.php-4.0.0.zip differ diff --git a/include/thirdparty/less.php/____4.0.0/bin/lessc b/include/thirdparty/less.php/____4.0.0/bin/lessc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..7e3d128 --- /dev/null +++ b/include/thirdparty/less.php/____4.0.0/bin/lessc @@ -0,0 +1,191 @@ +#!/usr/bin/env php + false, 'relativeUrls' => false); +$silent = false; +$watch = false; +$rootpath = ''; + +// Check for arguments +array_shift($argv); +if (!count($argv)) { + $argv[] = '-h'; +} + +// parse arguments +foreach ($argv as $key => $arg) { + if (preg_match('/^--?([a-z][0-9a-z-]*)(?:=([^\s]+))?$/i', $arg, $matches)) { + $option = $matches[1]; + $value = isset($matches[2]) ? $matches[2] : false; + unset($argv[$key]); + + switch ($option) { + case 'h': + case 'help': + echo << 1) { + $output = array_pop($argv); + $inputs = $argv; +} +else { + $inputs = $argv; + $output = false; +} + +if (!count($inputs)) { + echo("lessc: no input files\n"); + exit; +} + +if ($watch) { + if (!$output) { + echo("lessc: you must specify the output file if --watch is given\n"); + exit; + } + + $lastAction = 0; + + echo("lessc: watching input files\n"); + + while (1) { + clearstatcache(); + + $updated = false; + foreach ($inputs as $input) { + if ($input == '-') { + if (count($inputs) == 1) { + echo("lessc: during watching files is not possible to watch stdin\n"); + exit; + } + else { + continue; + } + } + + if (filemtime($input) > $lastAction) { + $updated = true; + break; + } + } + + if ($updated) { + $lastAction = time(); + $parser = new Less_Parser($env); + foreach ($inputs as $input) { + try { + $parser->parseFile($input, $rootpath); + } + catch (Exception $e) { + echo("lessc: " . $e->getMessage() . " \n"); + continue; // Invalid processing + } + } + + file_put_contents($output, $parser->getCss()); + echo("lessc: output file recompiled\n"); + } + + sleep(1); + } +} +else { + $parser = new Less_Parser($env); + foreach ($inputs as $input) { + if ($input == '-') { + $content = file_get_contents('php://stdin'); + $parser->parse($content); + } + else { + try { + $parser->parseFile($input); + } + catch (Exception $e) { + if (!$silent) { + echo("lessc: " . ((string)$e) . " \n"); + } + } + } + } + + if ($output) { + file_put_contents($output, $parser->getCss()); + } + else { + echo $parser->getCss(); + } +} diff --git a/include/thirdparty/less.php/____4.0.0/bin/lessc.inc.php b/include/thirdparty/less.php/____4.0.0/bin/lessc.inc.php new file mode 100644 index 0000000..a3c66dd --- /dev/null +++ b/include/thirdparty/less.php/____4.0.0/bin/lessc.inc.php @@ -0,0 +1,274 @@ +importDir = (array)$dirs; + } + + public function addImportDir( $dir ) { + $this->importDir = (array)$this->importDir; + $this->importDir[] = $dir; + } + + public function setFormatter( $name ) { + $this->formatterName = $name; + } + + public function setPreserveComments( $preserve ) { + } + + public function registerFunction( $name, $func ) { + $this->libFunctions[$name] = $func; + } + + public function unregisterFunction( $name ) { + unset( $this->libFunctions[$name] ); + } + + public function setVariables( $variables ) { + foreach ( $variables as $name => $value ) { + $this->setVariable( $name, $value ); + } + } + + public function setVariable( $name, $value ) { + $this->registeredVars[$name] = $value; + } + + public function unsetVariable( $name ) { + unset( $this->registeredVars[$name] ); + } + + public function setOptions( $options ) { + foreach ( $options as $name => $value ) { + $this->setOption( $name, $value ); + } + } + + public function setOption( $name, $value ) { + $this->options[$name] = $value; + } + + public function parse( $buffer, $presets = [] ) { + $this->setVariables( $presets ); + + $parser = new Less_Parser( $this->getOptions() ); + $parser->setImportDirs( $this->getImportDirs() ); + foreach ( $this->libFunctions as $name => $func ) { + $parser->registerFunction( $name, $func ); + } + $parser->parse( $buffer ); + if ( count( $this->registeredVars ) ) { + $parser->ModifyVars( $this->registeredVars ); + } + + return $parser->getCss(); + } + + protected function getOptions() { + $options = [ 'relativeUrls' => false ]; + switch ( $this->formatterName ) { + case 'compressed': + $options['compress'] = true; + break; + } + if ( is_array( $this->options ) ) { + $options = array_merge( $options, $this->options ); + } + return $options; + } + + protected function getImportDirs() { + $dirs_ = (array)$this->importDir; + $dirs = []; + foreach ( $dirs_ as $dir ) { + $dirs[$dir] = ''; + } + return $dirs; + } + + public function compile( $string, $name = null ) { + $oldImport = $this->importDir; + $this->importDir = (array)$this->importDir; + + $this->allParsedFiles = []; + + $parser = new Less_Parser( $this->getOptions() ); + $parser->SetImportDirs( $this->getImportDirs() ); + if ( count( $this->registeredVars ) ) { + $parser->ModifyVars( $this->registeredVars ); + } + foreach ( $this->libFunctions as $name => $func ) { + $parser->registerFunction( $name, $func ); + } + $parser->parse( $string ); + $out = $parser->getCss(); + + $parsed = Less_Parser::AllParsedFiles(); + foreach ( $parsed as $file ) { + $this->addParsedFile( $file ); + } + + $this->importDir = $oldImport; + + return $out; + } + + public function compileFile( $fname, $outFname = null ) { + if ( !is_readable( $fname ) ) { + throw new Exception( 'load error: failed to find ' . $fname ); + } + + $pi = pathinfo( $fname ); + + $oldImport = $this->importDir; + + $this->importDir = (array)$this->importDir; + $this->importDir[] = Less_Parser::AbsPath( $pi['dirname'] ) . '/'; + + $this->allParsedFiles = []; + $this->addParsedFile( $fname ); + + $parser = new Less_Parser( $this->getOptions() ); + $parser->SetImportDirs( $this->getImportDirs() ); + if ( count( $this->registeredVars ) ) { + $parser->ModifyVars( $this->registeredVars ); + } + foreach ( $this->libFunctions as $name => $func ) { + $parser->registerFunction( $name, $func ); + } + $parser->parseFile( $fname ); + $out = $parser->getCss(); + + $parsed = Less_Parser::AllParsedFiles(); + foreach ( $parsed as $file ) { + $this->addParsedFile( $file ); + } + + $this->importDir = $oldImport; + + if ( $outFname !== null ) { + return file_put_contents( $outFname, $out ); + } + + return $out; + } + + public function checkedCompile( $in, $out ) { + if ( !is_file( $out ) || filemtime( $in ) > filemtime( $out ) ) { + $this->compileFile( $in, $out ); + return true; + } + return false; + } + + /** + * Execute lessphp on a .less file or a lessphp cache structure + * + * The lessphp cache structure contains information about a specific + * less file having been parsed. It can be used as a hint for future + * calls to determine whether or not a rebuild is required. + * + * The cache structure contains two important keys that may be used + * externally: + * + * compiled: The final compiled CSS + * updated: The time (in seconds) the CSS was last compiled + * + * The cache structure is a plain-ol' PHP associative array and can + * be serialized and unserialized without a hitch. + * + * @param mixed $in Input + * @param bool $force Force rebuild? + * @return array lessphp cache structure + */ + public function cachedCompile( $in, $force = false ) { + // assume no root + $root = null; + + if ( is_string( $in ) ) { + $root = $in; + } elseif ( is_array( $in ) and isset( $in['root'] ) ) { + if ( $force or !isset( $in['files'] ) ) { + // If we are forcing a recompile or if for some reason the + // structure does not contain any file information we should + // specify the root to trigger a rebuild. + $root = $in['root']; + } elseif ( isset( $in['files'] ) and is_array( $in['files'] ) ) { + foreach ( $in['files'] as $fname => $ftime ) { + if ( !file_exists( $fname ) or filemtime( $fname ) > $ftime ) { + // One of the files we knew about previously has changed + // so we should look at our incoming root again. + $root = $in['root']; + break; + } + } + } + } else { + // TODO: Throw an exception? We got neither a string nor something + // that looks like a compatible lessphp cache structure. + return null; + } + + if ( $root !== null ) { + // If we have a root value which means we should rebuild. + $out = []; + $out['root'] = $root; + $out['compiled'] = $this->compileFile( $root ); + $out['files'] = $this->allParsedFiles(); + $out['updated'] = time(); + return $out; + } else { + // No changes, pass back the structure + // we were given initially. + return $in; + } + } + + public function ccompile( $in, $out, $less = null ) { + if ( $less === null ) { + $less = new self; + } + return $less->checkedCompile( $in, $out ); + } + + public static function cexecute( $in, $force = false, $less = null ) { + if ( $less === null ) { + $less = new self; + } + return $less->cachedCompile( $in, $force ); + } + + public function allParsedFiles() { + return $this->allParsedFiles; + } + + protected function addParsedFile( $file ) { + $this->allParsedFiles[Less_Parser::AbsPath( $file )] = filemtime( $file ); + } +}