//"use strict"; var gplinks={}, gpinputs={}, gpresponse={}; /** * $gp object * * */ var $gp = { inputs : {}, response : {}, error : 'There was an error processing the last request. Please reload this page to continue.', cookie_cmd : false, /** * Handler for loading json content * */ jGoTo : function(a, this_context){ $gp.loading(); a = $gp.jPrep(a); $.getJSON(a, function(data, textStatus, jqXHR){ $gp.Response.call(this_context, data, textStatus, jqXHR); }); }, /** * Reload page with arguments (a) set as a cookie * if samepage is false, then it will take user to a.href * */ cGoTo : function(a,samepage){ var $link = $(a); var query = a.search; var nonce = $link.data('nonce'); if( nonce ){ query += '&verified=' + encodeURIComponent(nonce); } $gp.SetCookieCmd(query); if( samepage ){ $gp.Reload(); }else{ window.location = strip_from(strip_from(a.href, '#'), '?'); } }, /** * Post request to server * */ post : function(this_context, data){ $gp.loading(); var frm = $(this_context).closest('form'); //needed when $gp.post is called without an input click var b = frm.serialize() + '&verified=' + encodeURIComponent(post_nonce); if( this_context.nodeName === 'INPUT' || this_context.nodeName === 'BUTTON' ){ b += '&' + encodeURIComponent(this_context.name) + '=' + encodeURIComponent(this_context.value); } if( data ){ b += '&' + data; } $.post( $gp.jPrep(frm.attr('action')), b, function(data, textStatus, jqXHR){ $gp.Response.call(this_context, data,textStatus, jqXHR); }, 'json' ); return false; }, /** * POST a link to the server * */ post_link : function(lnk){ $gp.loading(); var $lnk = $(lnk); var data = strip_to(lnk.search, '?') + '&gpreq=json&jsoncallback=?' + '&verified=' + encodeURIComponent($lnk.data('nonce')); $.post( strip_from(lnk.href, '?'), data, function(data, textStatus, jqXHR){ $gp.Response.call(lnk, data, textStatus, jqXHR); }, 'json' ); }, /** * Post content with Typesetter's verified value * Arguments order is same as jQuery's $.post() * */ postC : function(url, data, callback, datatype, this_context){ callback = callback || $gp.Response; datatype = datatype || 'json'; if( typeof(data) === 'object' ){ data = $.param(data); } data += '&verified=' + encodeURIComponent(post_nonce); if( datatype === 'json' ){ data += '&gpreq=json&jsoncallback=?'; } $.post( strip_from(url, '?'), data, function(data, textStatus, jqXHR){ callback.call(this_context, data, textStatus, jqXHR); }, datatype ); }, /** * Return the current colorbox settings * */ cboxSettings : function(options){ options = options || {}; if( typeof(colorbox_lang) != 'object' ){ colorbox_lang = {}; } return $.extend( colorbox_lang, { opacity : 0.75, maxWidth : '90%', maxHeight : '90%' }, options ); }, /** * Simple method for creating/erasing cookies * */ Cookie : function(name, value, days){ var expires = ''; if( days ){ var date = new Date(); date.setTime(date.getTime() + (days * 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000)); expires = '; expires=' + date.toGMTString(); } document.cookie = name + '=' + value+expires + '; path=/'; }, /** * Remove cookie command * */ SetCookieCmd : function(query){ $gp.Cookie('cookie_cmd', encodeURIComponent(query), 1); $gp.cookie_cmd = true; }, /** * Prepare a query for an ajax request * */ jPrep : function(query, args){ args = typeof(args) === 'undefined' ? 'gpreq=json&jsoncallback=?' : args; query = strip_from(query, '#'); if( query.indexOf('?') === -1 ){ query += '?'; }else if( query.indexOf('?') !== (query.length -1) ){ query += '&'; } return query + args; }, /** * Handle ajax responses * */ Response : function(data, textStatus, jqXHR){ try{ if( typeof(gp_editing) == 'undefined' ){ $gp.CloseAdminBox(); } }catch(a){} try{ $.fn.colorbox.close(); } catch(a){} var this_context = this; $.each(data,function(i, obj){ if( typeof($gp.response[obj.DO]) === 'function' ){ $gp.response[obj.DO].call(this_context, obj, textStatus, jqXHR); return; } if( typeof(gpresponse[obj.DO]) === 'function' ){ console.log('gpresponse is deprecated as of 3.6'); gpresponse[obj.DO].call(this_context, obj, textStatus, jqXHR); return; } switch(obj.DO){ case 'replace': CallFunc(obj.SELECTOR, 'replaceWith', obj.CONTENT); break; case 'inner': CallFunc(obj.SELECTOR, 'html', obj.CONTENT); break; case 'gpabox': case 'admin_box_data': // @deprecated 5.2 var opts = {}; if( $(this_context).closest('#gp_admin_box') ){ // replace the content of the currently open // admin box if the link the user clicked on was in the admin box opts.replaceBox = true; } $gp.AdminBoxC(obj.CONTENT, opts); break; case 'messages': $('.messages').detach(); $(obj.CONTENT).appendTo('body').show().css({ 'top' : 0 }); break; case 'reload': $gp.Reload(); break; //standard functions default: CallFunc(obj.SELECTOR, obj.DO, obj.CONTENT); break; } }); function CallFunc(sel, func, arg){ if( sel == 'window' ){ sel = window; } var $selected = $(sel); if( typeof($selected[func]) == 'function' ){ $selected[func](arg); }else{ console.log('func not found for sel=', sel, ' ,func=', func); } } $gp.loaded(); }, /** * Display an overlay to indicate loading process * */ loading : function(){ var $loading = $('#loading1'); if( $loading.length == 0 ){ $loading = $('<div id="loading1"></div>') .append('<i class="fa fa-spinner fa-pulse fa-3x"></i>') .appendTo('body'); } $loading .css({'z-index' : 99000}) .fadeIn(); }, /** * Hide loading overlay * */ loaded :function(){ $('#loading1').clearQueue().fadeOut(); }, /** * Assign values to the form based on hidden input elements * */ CopyVals : function(selector, lnk){ var c = $(selector).find('form').get(0); if( c ){ $(lnk).find('input').each(function(i, j){ if( c[j.name] ){ c[j.name].value = j.value; } }); } }, /** * Reload the current page * Use window.location.reload(true) to prevent the browser * from using the cached page unless it was a post request * */ Reload : function(){ if( typeof(req_type) && req_type == 'post' ){ window.location.href = strip_from(window.location.href, '#'); }else{ window.location.reload(true); } }, /** * Link handlers * */ links : { /** * Use colorbox * */ gallery : function(evt, selector){ evt.preventDefault(); var rel = $(this).attr('rel'); if( selector === '' ){ selector = this; }else if( rel ){ selector = 'a[rel="' + rel + '"]'; }else{ selector = 'a.' + selector; } var settings = { resize : true, title : function(){ var a = $(this); var caption = a.closest('li').find('.caption').data("originalContent") || a.closest('li').find('.caption').text() || a.attr('title') || // backwards compat ''; return caption; } }; if( rel ){ settings.rel = rel; } $.colorbox.remove(); $(selector).colorbox( $gp.cboxSettings(settings) ); $(this).trigger('click.cbox'); } } } //erase cookie_cmd as soon as possible $gp.Cookie('cookie_cmd', '', -1); /** * Onload * */ $(function(){ var $document = $(document); //add a class to the body //this also affects the display of elements using the req_script css class $('body').addClass('STCLASS'); /** * Remove cookie_cmd before a new page is loaded * Prevents a cookie_cmd from another browser tab being sent along with a request in the current tab * */ $(window).on('beforeunload', function(evt){ if( !$gp.cookie_cmd ){ $gp.Cookie('cookie_cmd', '', -1); } }); /** * Handle AJAX errors * */ $document.ajaxError(function(event, XMLHttpRequest, ajaxOptions, thrownError){ $gp.loaded(); // if( XMLHttpRequest.statusText == 'abort' ){ return; } // don't use this error handler if another one is set for the ajax request if( typeof(ajaxOptions.error) === 'function' ){ return; } if( thrownError == '' ){ return; } // collect some debug info var debug_info = { thrownError : thrownError }; // add error details var detail_keys = ['name', 'message', 'fileName', 'lineNumber', 'columnNumber', 'stack']; for(var i = 0; i < detail_keys.length; i++){ if( thrownError.hasOwnProperty(detail_keys[i]) ){ debug_info[detail_keys[i]] = thrownError[detail_keys[i]]; } } //get the location of the error if( thrownError.hasOwnProperty('lineNumber') ){ var num = thrownError.lineNumber; var lines = XMLHttpRequest.responseText.split('\n'); debug_info['Line-' + (num-1)] = lines[num - 2]; debug_info['Line-' + num] = lines[num - 1]; debug_info['Line-' + (num+1)] = lines[num]; } debug_info.responseStatus = XMLHttpRequest.status; debug_info.statusText = XMLHttpRequest.statusText; debug_info.url = ajaxOptions.url; debug_info.type = ajaxOptions.type; debug_info.browser = navigator.userAgent; debug_info.responseText = XMLHttpRequest.responseText; if( ajaxOptions.data ){ debug_info.ajaxdata = ajaxOptions.data.substr(0, 100); } // log everything if possible if( window.console && console.log ){ console.log(debug_info); } // send to Typesetter bug tracker if( typeof(debugjs) !== 'undefined' && debugjs === 'send' ){ if( ajaxOptions.data ){ debug_info.data = ajaxOptions.data; } debug_info.cmd = 'javascript_error'; $.ajax({ type : 'POST', url : 'https://www.typesettercms.com/Resources', data : debug_info, success : function(){}, error : function(){} }); } //display message to user if( typeof($gp.AdminBoxC) !== 'undefined' && typeof(JSON) != 'undefined' ){ delete debug_info.responseText; //otherwise it's too long var _debug = JSON.stringify(debug_info); _debug = b64Encode(_debug); _debug = _debug.replace(/\=/g, ''); _debug = _debug.replace(/\+/g, '-').replace(/\//g, '_'); var url = 'https://www.typesettercms.com/index.php/Debug?data=' + _debug; $gp.AdminBoxC( '<div class="inline_box"><h3>Error</h3><p>' + $gp.error + '</p>' + '<a href="' + url + '" target="_blank">More Info<?a></div>' ); }else{ alert($gp.error); } }); /** * Unicode safe base64 encode * */ function b64Encode(str){ return btoa( encodeURIComponent(str).replace( /%([0-9A-F]{2})/g, function(match, p1){ return String.fromCharCode('0x' + p1); } ) ); } /** * Handle clicks on forms * */ $document.on('click', 'input,button', function(evt){ var $this = $(this); //add a unique verifiable string to confirm posts are $(this.form) .filter('[method=post]') .filter(':not(:has(input[type=hidden][name=verified]))') .append('<input type="hidden" name="verified" value="' + post_nonce + '" />'); //html5 validation if( $this.hasClass('gpvalidate') && typeof(this.form.checkValidity) == 'function' && !this.form.checkValidity() ){ return; } //confirm prompt if( $this.hasClass('gpconfirm') && !confirm(this.title) ){ evt.preventDefault(); return; } //get the first class var cmd = $this.data('cmd'); if( !cmd ){ cmd = strip_from($this.attr('class'), ' '); //deprecated } if( typeof($gp.inputs[cmd]) === 'function' ){ return $gp.inputs[cmd].call(this, evt); } if( typeof(gpinputs[cmd]) === 'function' ){ console.log('gpinputs is deprecated as of 3.6'); return gpinputs[cmd].call(this, evt, evt); //evt twice so the same function can be used for gplinks and gpinputs } switch(cmd){ case 'gppost': case 'gpajax': evt.preventDefault(); return $gp.post(this); } return true; }); //expanding menus $document.on('mouseenter', '.expand_child', function(){ var $this = $(this).addClass('expand'); if( $this.hasClass('simple_top') ){ $this.addClass('simple_top_hover'); } }).on('mouseleave', '.expand_child', function(){ $(this).removeClass('expand simple_top_hover'); }); /** * Handle all clicks on <a> tags * Use of name and rel attributes is deprecated as of gpEasy 3.6 * */ $document.on('click', 'a', function(evt){ var $this = $(this); var cmd = $this.data('cmd'); var arg = $this.data('arg'); if( !cmd ){ // deprecated 3.6 cmd = $this.attr('name'); arg = $this.attr('rel'); } if( $this.hasClass('gpconfirm') && !confirm(this.title) ){ evt.preventDefault(); return; } if( typeof($gp.links[cmd]) === 'function' ){ return $gp.links[cmd].call(this, evt, arg); } // @deprecated 3.6 if( typeof(gplinks[cmd]) === 'function' ){ console.log('gplinks is deprecated as of 3.6'); return gplinks[cmd].call(this, arg, evt); } switch(cmd){ case 'toggle_show': $(arg).toggle(); break; case 'inline_box': $gp.CopyVals(arg,this); $(this).colorbox( $gp.cboxSettings({ inline : true, href : arg, open : true }) ); break; case 'postlink': $gp.post_link(this); break; case 'gpajax': $gp.jGoTo(this.href, this); break; case 'creq': $gp.cGoTo(this, true); break; case 'cnreq': $gp.cGoTo(this, false); break; case 'close_message': $this.closest('div').slideUp(); break; case 'copy_message': var msg_text = $this.closest('div').find('ul') .get(0).innerText; // innerText preserves line breaks var $tmp = $('<textarea>') .appendTo($this.closest('div')) .val(msg_text); $tmp.get(0).select(); $tmp.get(0).setSelectionRange(0, 99999); document.execCommand('copy'); $tmp.remove(); break; case 'hide_ui': $gp.HideAdminUI.toggle(true); break; default: return true; } evt.preventDefault(); return false; }); }); function strip_to(a, b){ if( !a ){ return a; } var pos = a.indexOf(b); if( pos > -1 ){ return a.substr(pos + 1); } return a; } function strip_from(a, b){ if( !a ){ return a; } var p = a.indexOf(b); if( p > -1 ){ a = a.substr(0, p); } return a; } /** * @deprecated 3.6 */ function jPrep(a, b){ return $gp.jPrep(a, b); } function ajaxResponse(data, textStatus, jqXHR){ return $gp.Response(data, textStatus, jqXHR); } function loading(){ $gp.loading(); } function loaded(){ $gp.loaded(); }