'Acabeu de sortir-ne.', 'configuration' => 'Configuració', 'Current Configuration' => 'Current Configuration', 'Appearance' => 'Appearance', 'Content' => 'Contingut', 'Settings' => 'Settings', 'Tools' => 'Tools', 'administration' => 'Administració', 'save' => 'Desar', 'Saved' => 'Saved', 'Saving' => 'Saving', 'save_changes' => 'Save Changes', 'Select a skin' => 'Selecciona una aparença', 'back' => 'Enrere', 'cancel' => 'Cancel·lar', 'Classes' => 'Classes', 'Manage Classes' => 'Manage Classes', 'Available Classes' => 'Available Classes', 'category' => 'Categoria', 'Close' => 'Tancar', 'Copy' => 'Copiar', 'Clipboard' => 'Clipboard', 'Copy to Clipboard' => 'Copy to Clipboard', 'Save & Close' => 'Save & Close', 'OOPS' => 'Coi, no ha funcionat, torneu a intentar-ho.', 'OOPS_Start_over' => 'Warning: The previous action didn\'t successfully complete. Please, save your data and reload this page to continue.', 'continue' => 'Continuar', 'TITLE_EXISTS' => 'Coi, aquest títol ja existeix, torneu a intentar-ho.', 'TITLES_EXIST' => 'Oops, these titles already exist and could not be restored: ', 'TITLE_RESERVED' => 'Oops, that title uses a reserved prefix.', 'TITLE_REQUIRED' => 'Coi, cal un títol. Torneu a intentar-ho.', 'LONG_TITLE' => 'Coi, el títol és massa llarg, torneu a intentar-ho.', 'MOVED_TO_TRASH' => 'The page has been moved to the trash.', 'trash' => 'Paperera', 'TRASH_IS_EMPTY' => 'La paperera és buida.', 'options' => 'Opcions', 'restore' => 'Restaurar', 'file_restored' => 'The following file(s) have been restored: %1$s. You may still want to position them using the File Manager.', 'delete' => 'Eliminar', 'rename' => 'Redenominar', 'rename/details' => 'Rename / Details', 'Visibility' => 'Visibility', 'Private' => 'Private', 'Public' => 'Public', 'from' => 'De', 'to' => 'A', 'theme_content' => 'Contingut extra', 'edit' => 'Editar', 'SAVED' => 'S\'han desat els canvis.', 'REFRESH' => 'Refresh this page to apply your changes.', 'DOESNT_EXIST' => 'No existeix %1$s. Voleu crear-lo?', 'OOPS_TITLE' => 'Coi, aquest fitxer no existeix. Torneu a intentar-ho.', 'file_manager' => 'Page Manager', 'Homepage' => 'Homepage', 'Available Pages' => 'Available Pages', 'page_options' => 'Page Options', 'view/edit_page' => 'View & Edit Page', 'rm_from_menu' => 'Remove From Menu', 'insert_into_menu' => 'Insert Into Menu', 'restore_from_trash' => 'Restore From Trash', 'page_deleted' => 'This page no longer exists', 'delete_page' => 'Are you sure you want to move this file to the trash?', 'search pages' => 'Search Pages', 'Search' => 'Recerca', 'Available' => 'Available', 'Search Hidden Files' => 'Search Hidden Files', 'search_no_results' => 'Sorry, there weren\'t any results for your search.', 'Previous' => 'Anterior', 'Next' => 'seg', 'Highest Rated' => 'Highest Rated', 'Most Downloaded' => 'Most Downloaded', 'Recently Updated' => 'Recently Updated', 'Newest' => 'Newest', 'Main Menu' => 'Main Menu', 'All Pages' => 'All Pages', 'Child Pages' => 'Child Pages', 'Not In Main Menu' => 'Not in Main Menu', 'Not In Any Menus' => 'Not in Any Menus', 'SHOWING' => 'Showing %1$s - %2$s of %3$s', 'External Link' => 'Enllaç extern', 'New_Window' => 'Open in New Window', 'Page Info' => 'Page Info', 'Menus' => 'Menus', 'Menu' => 'Menu', 'Lists' => 'Lists', 'uploaded_files' => 'Fitxers carregats', 'Image' => 'Imatge', 'image' => 'imatge', 'Images' => 'Imatges', 'images' => 'imatges', 'delete_confirm' => 'Segur que voleu eliminar permanentment aquest fitxer? ', 'generic_delete_confirm' => 'Are you sure you want to permanently remove %s? ', 'upload' => 'Carregar fitxer', 'upload_files' => 'Carregar fitxers', 'Add All Images' => 'Add All Images', 'upload_error_size' => 'Els fitxers a carregar han de ser menors de %s. Torneu a intentar-ho.', 'UPLOAD_ERROR_PARTIAL' => 'Coi, %s només s\'ha carregat parcialment. Torneu a intentar-ho.', 'UPLOAD_ERROR' => 'Coi, %s no s\'ha carregat. Torneu a intentar-ho.', 'uninstall_prep' => 'Preparació de la desinstal·lació', 'Site Status' => 'Site Status', 'Resource Cache' => 'Resource Cache', 'File Owner' => 'File Owner', 'data_check_failed' => '%s out of %s files did not pass the health check. Your system may have trouble deleting or modifying these files.', 'data_check_passed' => '100%% of your data files passed the health check. A total of %s files were checked.', 'showing_max_failed' => 'Only showing the first %s files.', 'create_dir' => 'Crear carpeta', 'file_deleted' => 'S\'ha eliminat el fitxer.', 'username' => 'Nom', 'user_permissions' => 'Permisos d\'usuari', 'not_permitted' => 'Oops, you don\'t have the appropriate permission to perform this operation', 'new_user' => 'Usuari nou', 'invalid_username' => 'El nom d\'usuari hauria de consistir en una combinació de caràcters alfanumèrics, opcionalment amb subratllats "_" i punts ".".', 'repeat_password' => 'Repetiu la contrasenya', 'Password Algorithm' => 'Password Algorithm', 'password' => 'Contrasenya', 'invalid_password' => 'Coi, o les contrasenyes són buides o no coincideixen. Torneu a intentar-ho.', 'permissions' => 'Permisos', 'change_password' => 'Canviar contrasenya', 'old_password' => 'Contrasenya antiga', 'new_password' => 'Contrasenya nova', 'couldnt_reset_pass' => 'Coi, no ha funcionat. Assegureu-vos que la contrasenya antiga és correcta i torneu a intentar-ho.', 'grant_usage' => 'Grant Usage', 'logout' => 'Sortir-ne', 'View' => 'View', 'preview' => 'Previsualitzar', 'layout' => 'Format', 'Layout Options' => 'Layout Options', 'color' => 'Color', 'style' => 'Style', 'Links' => 'Enllaços', 'Link_Menus' => 'Link Menus', 'Add New Area' => 'Add New Area', 'Custom Menu' => 'Custom Menu', 'Add New Menu' => 'Add New Menu', 'Show Titles...' => 'Show Titles...', '... Below Level' => '... Below Level', '... At And Above Level' => '... At And Above Level', 'Expand Menu...' => 'Expand Menu...', '... Expand All' => '... Expand All', 'Source Menu' => 'Source Menu', 'Menu Output' => 'Menu Output', 'LOGIN_BLOCK' => 'S\'ha excedit el nombre màxim d\'intents d\'entrada. No se us permetrà l\'entrada durant els següents %s minuts.', 'incorrect_login' => 'Identificació errònia. Torneu a intentar-ho.', 'forgotten_password' => 'Heu oblidat la contrasenya?', 'send_password' => 'E-mail New Password', 'password_sent' => 'S\'ha enviat a %2$s una contrasenya generada aleatòriament per a "%1$s"', 'no_email_provided' => 'No hi ha cap adreça registrada de l\'usuari "%s".', 'details' => 'Detalls', 'site_locked' => 'Sorry, this site is currently locked for editing by another user. You\'ll have to wait until this user logs out or the lock expires.', 'lock_expires_in' => 'The lock is currently set to expire in %s minutes.', 'passwordremindertext' => '
Algú ha demanat una contrasenya nova de %1$s (%2$s). S\'ha creat una contrasenya nova, "%4$s", de l\'usuari "%3$s".
Si aquesta sol·licitud l\'ha feta un tercer o si heu recordat la contrasenya i no voleu canviar-la, ignoreu aquest missatge i seguiu usant la contrasenya vella.
', 'JAVASCRIPT_REQ' => 'Cal Javascript per a accedir a l\'administració del lloc.', 'INCOMPAT_BROWSER' => 'Sembla que esteu fent servir un navegador incompatible.', 'MODERN_BROWSER' => 'Assegureu-vos que teniu el Javascript activat.', 'Browser Warning' => 'Browser Warning', 'Browser !Supported' => 'The browser you are using is not fully supported. Please upgrade to one of these more modern browsers. ', 'logged_in' => 'Ja heu entrat.', 'site_map' => 'Mapa del lloc', 'galleries' => 'Galeries', 'file_name' => 'Nom de fitxer', 'login' => 'Entrar-hi', 'new_file' => 'New Page', 'create_new_file' => 'Create New Page', 'delete_file' => 'Eliminar fitxer', 'insert_after' => 'Inserir després', 'insert_before' => 'Inserir abans', 'insert_child' => 'Insert Child', 'description' => 'Descripció', 'title' => 'Títol', 'browser_title' => 'Browser Title', 'title attribute' => 'Title Attribute', 'contact' => 'Contacte', 'your_name' => 'El vostre nom', 'your_email' => 'El vostre correu', 'message' => 'Missatge', 'subject' => 'Assumpte', 'captcha' => 'Captcha', 'send_message' => 'Enviar missatge', 'message_sent' => 'Gràcies, s\'ha enviat el missatge.', 'invalid_email' => 'Coi, l\'adreça que heu entrat no és correcta. Verifiqueu-la i torneu a intentar-ho.', 'COOKIES_REQUIRED' => 'Avís: per a continuar caldran galetes. Refresqueu la pàgina si les heu hagut d\'activar ara.', 'affected_files' => 'Fitxers afectats', 'about_layout_change' => 'Changing the layout for the selected page will also change the layout for the following pages', 'INCORRECT_CAPTCHA' => 'La imatge CAPTCHA no coincideix amb el que heu entrar, torneu a intentar-ho.', 'OOPS_REQUIRED' => 'Coi, un dels camps necessaris és buit: %s.', 'enable_contact' => 'You can enable this feature by adding a recipient email address to your configuration.', 'not_enabled' => 'L\'administrador del lloc no ha activat aquesta funció.', 'add' => 'Afegir', 'remove' => 'Treure', 'insert' => 'Insert', 'disable' => 'Desactivar', 'disabled' => 'Desactivat', 'enable' => 'Activar', 'enabled' => 'Activat', 'caption' => 'Capçalera', 'remember_me' => 'Mantenir-se connectat', 'send_encrypted' => 'Encrypt Login', 'hidden_galleries' => 'Hidden Galleries', 'visible_galleries' => 'Visible Galleries', 'hidden' => 'Ocult', 'email_address' => 'Adreça', 'frequently_used' => 'Usat sovint', 'Current Page' => 'Current Page', 'Notifications' => 'Notificacions', 'Notification' => 'Notificació', 'Private Pages' => 'Pàgines privades', 'Private Page' => 'Pàgina privada', 'Working Drafts' => 'Esborranys de treball', 'Working Draft' => 'Esborrany de treball', 'Publish Draft' => 'Publica l’esborrany', 'Publish' => 'Publicar', 'Dismiss Draft' => 'Dismiss Draft', 'Dismiss' => 'Dismiss', 'Slug/URL' => 'Slug/URL', 'sync_with_label' => 'Synchronize with Label', 'more_options' => 'More Options', 'will_redirect' => 'You will be redirected in 15 seconds to %s.', 'Preferences' => 'Preferències', 'Content Type' => 'Content Type', 'Image Gallery' => 'Image Gallery', 'File Include' => 'File Include', 'Section Wrapper' => 'Section Wrapper', 'Manage Sections' => 'Manage Sections', 'Section %s' => 'Section %s', 'Sections' => 'Sections', 'Section' => 'Section', 'recaptcha_public' => 'Clau pública reCaptcha', 'recaptcha_private' => 'Clau provada reCaptcha', 'recaptcha_language' => 'Idioma reCaptcha', 'about_config' => array ( 'recaptcha_public' => 'Aconseguiu una clau reCaptcha per a usar la verificació CAPTCHA al formulari de contacte.', 'maximgarea' => 'Maximum square pixels for uploaded images. A 600 x 800 pixel image has 480,000 sq/pixels.', 'resize_images' => 'Create optimized versions of scaled down images.', 'preserve_icc_profiles' => 'JPEG images will retain embedded ICC color profiles.', 'preserve_image_metadata' => 'JPEG images will retain embedded EXIF/IPTC metadata credit, copyright, caption, title and creation date.', 'maxthumbsize' => 'Gallery Thumbnail size, default is 300px by 300px.', 'maxthumbheight' => 'Optional height for gallery thumbnails. If empty, the Gallery Thumbnail Size value will be used for height as well.', 'thumbskeepaspect' => 'Keep the original image aspect ratio for thumbnails.', 'from_use_user' => 'If selected, user supplied email addresses will be used for the "From" header instead of the above defaults.', 'smtp_hosts' => 'Example: ', 'auto_redir' => 'Automatically redirect a request if it is similar to an existing page within this percentage.', 'gallery_legacy_style' => 'Disable responsive gallery themes', 'allow_svg_upload' => 'Advertència: els fitxers SVG de fonts que no siguin de confiança poden contenir codi de seqüència maliciós i s\'han de verificar si hi ha dubte. Més a www.w3.org/wiki/SVG_Security.', 'admin_ui_autohide_below' => 'Viewport width in px. To deactivate leave the field empty.', 'admin_ui_hotkey' => 'default: Ctrl + H', ), 'allow_svg_upload' => 'Permetre la càrrega SVG', 'desc' => 'Descripció', 'keywords' => 'Paraules clau', 'robots' => 'Robot Visibility', 'language' => 'Idioma', 'langeditor' => 'Llenguatge WYSIWYG', 'maximgarea' => 'Zona màxima d\'imatge', 'preserve_icc_profiles' => 'Preserve ICC Profiles', 'preserve_image_metadata' => 'Preserve Metadata', 'maxthumbsize' => 'Gallery Thumbnail Size', 'maxthumbheight' => 'Gallery Thumbnail Height', 'thumbskeepaspect' => 'Keep Aspect Ratio', 'recreate_all_thumbnails' => 'Recreate All Thumbnails', 'auto_redir' => 'Auto Redirect Percent', 'restore_defaults' => 'Restaurar predeterminats', 'Add your LESS and CSS here' => 'Add your LESS and CSS here', 'Add X here' => 'Add your %s here', 'default' => 'Predeterminat', 'see_also' => 'Vegeu també:', 'general_settings' => 'Paràmetres generals', 'Interface' => 'Interface', 'Performance' => 'Rendiment', 'require_email' => 'Requerir camps de contacte', 'gallery_legacy_style' => 'Legacy Gallery Style', 'colorbox_style' => 'Colorbox Style', 'contact_config' => 'Contact Form', 'contact_advanced' => 'Contact Form (Advanced)', 'toemail' => 'Recipient Address *', 'toname' => 'Recipient Name', 'from_address' => 'From Address', 'from_name' => 'From Name', 'from_use_user' => 'From Handling', 'mail_method' => 'Mail Delivery Method', 'sendmail_path' => 'Path to sendmail', 'smtp_hosts' => 'SMTP Host(s)', 'smtp_user' => 'SMTPAuth Username', 'smtp_pass' => 'SMTPAuth Password', 'combinecss' => 'Combine CSS Files', 'etag_headers' => 'Etag Headers', 'resize_images' => 'Auto-Resize Images', 'space_char' => 'URL Space Character', 'combinejs' => 'Combineu fitxers JS', 'minifyjs' => 'Minify la combinació de JS', 'Editable Areas' => 'Editable Areas', 'showlogin' => 'Show Login Link', 'showsitemap' => 'Show Site Map Link', 'showgplink' => 'Show "Powered By" Link', 'On' => 'Actiu', 'Off' => 'Inactiu', 'all_links' => 'Tots els enllaços', 'expanding_links' => 'Expand All Links', 'expanding_bottom_links' => 'Expanding Bottom Links', 'top_level_links' => 'Top Level Links', 'top_two_links' => 'Top Two Level Links', 'bottom_two_links' => 'Second & Third Level Links', 'subgroup_links' => 'Subgroup Links', 'second_sub_links' => 'Second Level Subgroup Links', 'third_sub_links' => 'Third Level Subgroup Links', 'Breadcrumb Links' => 'Breadcrumb Links', 'add-ons' => 'Add-ons', 'name' => 'Nom', 'about' => 'Quant a', 'manage' => 'Gestionar', 'uninstall' => 'Desinstal·lar', 'upgrade' => 'Actualitzar', 'Update Now' => 'Actualitzar ara', 'Install Now' => 'Install Now', 'updates' => 'Actualitzacions', 'update' => 'Actualitzar', 'installed' => 'Felicitats, s\'ha instal·lat correctament %s.', 'confirm_uninstall' => 'Segur que voleu desinstal·lar-lo? Si seguiu, algunes funcions esdevindran inabastables i podeu perdre algunes dades.', 'version' => 'Versió', 'Statistics' => 'Estadístiques', 'Support' => 'Support', 'new_version' => 'Hi ha una nova versió disponible!', 'rate_this_addon' => 'Rate This Add-on', 'rate' => 'Puntua', 'uninstalled' => 'Desinstal·lat', 'theme' => 'Tema', 'themes' => 'Temes', 'plugins' => 'Connectors', 'Manage Plugins' => 'Manage Plugins', 'Deprecated Addons' => 'Deprecated Addons', '_downloads' => '%s downloads', 'editable_text' => 'Text editable', 'resources' => 'Recursos', 'Download Themes' => 'Download Themes', 'Download Plugins' => 'Download Plugins', 'Addon_Install_Warning' => 'You should only download software from authors you trust. Malicious software can cause damage to your installation including but not limited to the loss of data. ', 'Selected_Install' => 'You have chosen to install %s from %s.', 'File_Not_Found' => 'Could not find file: %s', 'addon_key_defined' => 'Could not install %s. It is already defined by Typesetter or another add-on.', 'Ini_Error' => 'An error has been detected while parsing the Addon.ini file for this add-on.', 'Ini_No_Name' => 'The variable Addon_Name is missing in the Addon.ini file for this add-on.', 'Ini_Submit_Bug' => 'Please submit the bug to the developer or check the documentation about Addon.ini files.', 'min_version' => 'In order to install this add-on, you need to install a minimum of Typesetter version %s. ', 'min_version_upgrade' => 'You can get the latest version from the official Typesetter web site.', 'downgrade' => 'The version of this addon you currently have installed is newer than the version you are about to install.', 'error_unpacking' => 'Coi, hi ha hagut un error en intentar processar el paquet descarregat.', 'layouts' => 'Layouts', 'content_arrangement' => 'Content Arrangment', 'DRAG-N-DROP-DESC2' => 'Rearrange by dragging and dropping elements to their desired locations.', 'Arrange Content' => 'Arranjar contingut', 'gadgets' => 'Gadgets', 'label' => 'Etiqueta', 'usage' => 'Usage', 'new_layout' => 'New Layout', 'available_themes' => 'Available Themes', 'use_this_theme' => 'Use this theme in a new layout.', 'make_default' => 'Make Default', 'titles_using_layout' => 'Titles Using This Layout', 'current_layout' => 'Current Layout', 'edit_this_layout' => 'Edit This Layout', 'available_layouts' => 'Available Layouts', 'delete_default_layout' => 'Sorry, you cannot delete the default layout.', 'permalink_settings' => 'Permalink Settings', 'permalinks' => 'Permalinks', 'hide_index' => 'Hide /index.php', 'use_index.php' => 'Use /index.php', 'limited_mod_rewrite' => 'These settings will only work if your server has mod_rewrite enabled.', 'couldnt_connect' => 'Could not connect using the supplied values.', 'supply_ftp_values' => 'Continue by entering the ftp values for your server.', 'manual_method' => 'Manual Method', 'manual_htaccess' => 'You can manually enable these features but creating an .htaccess file on your server with the following content.', 'file_editing' => 'File Editing', 'All' => 'Tot', 'Link Errors' => 'Missing Links', '404_Usage' => 'Use a custom 404 error page and redirection to manage dead links on your site.', 'Redirection' => 'Redirection', '404_Page' => '404 Page', 'About_Redirection' => 'When a user requests one of the following urls, they will be automatically redirected to it\'s corresponding target page.', 'Source URL' => 'Source URL', 'Target URL' => 'Target URL', 'Empty' => 'Buit', 'New Redirection' => 'New Redirection', 'Method' => 'Method', '301 Moved Permanently' => '301 Moved Permanently', '302 Moved Temporarily' => '302 Moved Temporarily', 'Not Found' => 'Not Found', 'One of these titles?' => 'Were you looking for one of these titles?', 'Similar_Titles' => 'Displays titles similar to the requested url.', 'Similarity' => 'Similarity', 'Useful Variables' => 'Useful Variables', 'Target URL Invalid' => 'Indicates the Target URL does not exist.', 'Test' => 'Prova', 'About_404_Page' => 'Your 404 page is what users will see if they try to visit a url that does not exist.', 'Auto Redirect' => 'Redirect requests for %s to the new url.', 'Import/Export' => 'Import/Export', 'Export' => 'Exportar', 'Page' => 'Page', 'Pages' => 'Pàgines', '%s Pages' => '%s Page(s)', 'Export About' => 'Create archives of your data for download and site backups.', 'Previous Exports' => 'Previous Exports', 'Download' => 'Descarregar', 'File Size' => 'Mida del fitxer', 'Total' => 'Total', 'Compression' => 'Compressió', 'None' => 'Cap', 'Checking_server' => 'Comprovant el servidor', 'Installation' => 'Instal·lació', 'Checking' => 'Comprovant', 'Status' => 'Estat', 'Current_Value' => 'Valor actual', 'Expected_Value' => 'Expected Value', 'PHP_Version' => 'Versió PHP', 'Failed' => 'Ha fallat', 'Passed' => 'Passat', 'Set' => 'Assignat', 'Not_Set' => 'No assignat', 'See_Below' => 'Veure enjús', 'Refresh' => 'Refrescar', 'Install' => 'Instal·lar', 'Installing' => 'Instal·lant', 'Installed' => 'Installed', 'index.html exists' => 'There is an index.html file in your root directory and may prevent Typesetter from displaying.', 'Notes' => 'Notes', 'Install_Conflict' => 'Typesetter cannot be installed on your server with the current settings. ', 'Install_Fix' => 'To continue with the installation, please fix the settings associated with the notices above, then refresh this page.', 'Website_Title' => 'Website Title', 'Installation_Was_Successfull' => 'La instal·lació ha sigut correcta!', 'View_your_web_site' => 'Veure el lloc web', 'User Details' => 'Detalls d\'usuari', 'Changing_File_Permissions' => 'Canviant permisos de fitxer', 'REFRESH_AFTER_CHANGE' => 'Cal que canvieu els permisos dels directoris que han fallat a la secció ensús i després refresqueu la pàgina.', 'MOST_FTP_CLIENTS' => 'La majoria dels clients FTP us permeten de canviar els permisos dels fitxers del servidor. A fireftp això es pot fer clicant al fitxer, seleccionant "propietats" i assignant els permisos apropiats.', 'FTP_CHMOD' => 'Enter your server\'s ftp information and the installer will handle the file permissions for you.', 'Installer' => 'Installer', 'LINUX_CHOWN' => 'If you are using Unix/Linux, you can use the "chown" function.', 'FTP_Server' => 'Servidor FTP', 'FTP_Username' => 'Nom FTP', 'FTP_Password' => 'Contrasenya FTP', 'Using_FTP' => 'Usant l\'FTP', 'Could_Not_' => 'No s\'ha pogut %s', 'FTP_PERMISSIONS_CHANGED' => 'S\'han canviat els permisos de fitxer de %s.', 'Success_continue_below' => 'Correcte!... seguiu enjús', 'FTP_UNAVAILABLE' => 'No estan instal·lades les funcions FTP.', 'FAILED_TO_CONNECT' => 'Ha fallat la connexió a %s.', 'CONNECTED_TO' => 'Connectat a %s', 'NOT_LOOGED_IN' => 'No s\'ha pogut entrar com usuari %s', 'LOGGED_IN' => 'Ha entrat l\'usuari %s.', 'Session Expired' => 'Sorry, your session has expired. Please login again.', 'ROOT_DIRECTORY_NOT_FOUND' => 'No s\'ha pogut trobar el directori rel.', 'FTP_ROOT' => 'Trobada rel FTP: %s.', 'Admin_Username' => 'Nom de l\'administrador', 'Admin_Password' => 'Contrasenya de l\'administrador', 'PASSWORDS_MATCHED' => 'Contrasenyes comprovades.', 'Username_ok' => 'Nom correcte.', 'COULD_NOT_SAVE' => 'No s\'ha pogut desar %s', '_SAVED' => 'S\'ha desat %s.', 'image_functions' => 'Funcions d\'imatge', 'unavailable' => 'No disponible', 'partially_available' => 'Disponible parcialment', 'Value' => 'Valor', 'Expected' => 'Expected', 'True' => 'Veritat', 'False' => 'Fals', 'Check Now' => 'Comproveu ara les actualitzacions de programari', 'check_remote_failed' => 'Version information could not be fetched. Please try again later.', 'check_remote_success' => 'The most recent package information has been updated.', 'Software_updates_checked' => 'Software updates were last checked %s.', 'Server_isnt_supported' => 'Your server is unable to run auto-update process.', 'UP_TO_DATE' => 'Your installation is up-to-date.', 'New_version_available' => 'A new version of Typesetter is available.', 'Your_version' => 'La vostra versió:', 'New_version' => 'Versió nova:', 'Update_Now' => 'Actualitzar ara', 'sorry_currently_updating' => 'We\'re currrently updating our system and will be back up shortly. Sorry for the inconvenience.', 'update_steps' => 'Update Steps', 'step:prepare' => 'Preparation and Set-Up', 'step:download' => 'Download source file.', 'step:unpack' => 'Unpack and replace code.', 'step:clean' => 'Clean Up.', 'next_step' => 'Pas següent', 'ready_for_upgrade' => 'Your installation is ready to be upgraded.', 'download_failed' => 'Oops, the package download failed. Please try again later.', 'download_failed_md5' => 'Oops, the downloaded package could not be verified. Please try again later.', 'download_failed_xerror' => 'If you still need to purchase this addon or login to TypesetterCMS.com for proof of purchase you can do it right now.', 'package_downloaded' => 'Package downloaded successfully.', 'download_verified' => 'The downloaded package was checked and verified.', 'package_unpacked' => 'Unpacked new files', 'copied_new_files' => 'Copied new files', 'software_updated' => 'Felicitats, s\'ha actualitzat correctament el vostre programari!', 'settings_restored' => 'S\'han restaurat els paràmetres del lloc', 'return_to_your_site' => 'Tornar al vostre lloc', 'error_updating_settings' => 'No s\'han pogut actualitzat els paràmetres dels lloc', 'delete_incomplete' => 'Sorry, some of the files could not be deleted.', 'Sorry, nothing matched' => 'Sorry, nothing met your search criteria.', 'Sorry, data not fetched' => 'Sorry, the addon data could not be fetched from TypesetterCMS.com.', 'revert_ver_notice' => 'Reverting to archives from different Typesetter versions may have unwanted results. You are currently using Typesetter %s and the selected archive was exported using version %s', 'archive_contains' => 'The selected archive was created %s and contains %s files.', 'Revert' => 'Revert', 'Revert_to_Archive' => 'Revert to Archive', 'Revert_Finished' => 'The selected archive has been successfully restored.', 'revert_notice' => 'Reverting to this archive will overwrite your current site data. Make sure a back-up of your current data is saved before continuing.', 'revert_notice_user' => 'Sorry, you were not a registered user when the selected archive was created.', 'old_folders_created' => 'The following folders were created and are no longer needed. Selected files will be deleted.', 'dir_replace_failed' => 'Directory replacement failed.', 'revert_failed' => 'Sorry, there was an error unpacking the archive and updating your site. ', 'try_again' => 'Try Again', 'not_writable' => 'Error: File permissions appear to have changed and the system is no longer able to write to the following files. More inforomation...', 'Writable' => 'Writable', 'Not Writable' => 'Not Writable', 'Modified' => 'Modificat', 'Image_of' => 'Image %1$s of %2$s', 'Width' => 'Width', 'Height' => 'Height', 'Left' => 'Left', 'Top' => 'Top', 'Select Image' => 'Select Image', 'Theme Images' => 'Theme Images', 'Revision History' => 'Revision History', 'history_limit' => 'History Limit', 'viewing_revision' => 'You are currently viewing a revision of this page created on %1$s', 'Restore this revision' => 'Restore this revision', 'strftime_datetime' => '%b %e, %Y @ %H:%M', 'strftime_date' => '%b %e, %Y', 'strftime_time' => '%H:%M', '_ago' => '%s ago', '_characters' => '%s characters', 'Theme_default_sizes' => 'Default Size', 'context menu' => 'Browser Context Menu', 'Name Based Menu Classes' => 'Name Based Menu Classes', 'Ordered Menu Classes' => 'Ordered Menu Classes', 'Manage Classes Description' => 'CSS class names you set here will be easily selectable in the Section Attributes dialog.