<?php namespace gp\tool; class FileSystemFtp extends FileSystem{ public $connect_vars = array('ftp_server'=>'','ftp_user'=>'','ftp_pass'=>'','port'=>'21'); public $ftp_root = null; public $method = 'gp_filesystem_ftp'; public function get_base_dir(){ global $dataDir; if( is_null($this->ftp_root) ){ $this->ftp_root = self::GetFTPRoot($this->conn_id,$dataDir); $this->ftp_root = rtrim($this->ftp_root,'/'); } return $this->ftp_root; } /** * Connect to ftp using the supplied values * @return bool */ public function connect_handler($args){ global $langmessage; $args += array('ftp_server'=>'','port'=>'','ftp_user'=>'','ftp_pass'=>''); if( empty($args['ftp_server']) ){ $this->connect_msg = $langmessage['couldnt_connect'].' (Missing Arguments)'; return false; } if( empty($args['port']) ){ $args['port'] = 21; } $this->conn_id = @ftp_connect($args['ftp_server'],$args['port'],6); if( !$this->conn_id ){ $this->connect_msg = $langmessage['couldnt_connect'].' (Server Connection Failed)'; return false; } //use ob_ to keep error message from displaying ob_start(); $connected = @ftp_login($this->conn_id,$args['ftp_user'], $args['ftp_pass']); ob_end_clean(); if( !$connected ){ $this->connect_msg = $langmessage['couldnt_connect'].' (Server Connection Failed)'; return false; } @ftp_pasv($this->conn_id, true ); return true; } /** * Connect to ftp server using either Post or saved values * Connection values will not be kept in $config in case they're being used for a system revert which will replace the config.php file * Also handle moving ftp connection values from $config to a sep * * @return bool */ public function connect(){ global $config, $dataDir, $langmessage; $save_values = false; $connect_args = \gp\tool\Files::Get('_updates/connect','connect_args'); if( !$connect_args || !isset($connect_args['ftp_user']) ){ if( isset($config['ftp_user']) ){ $connect_args['ftp_user'] = $config['ftp_user']; $connect_args['ftp_server'] = $config['ftp_server']; $connect_args['ftp_pass'] = $config['ftp_pass']; $connect_args['ftp_root'] = $config['ftp_root']; $save_values = true; } } if( isset($_POST['ftp_pass']) ){ $connect_args = $_POST; $save_values = true; } $connect_args = $this->get_connect_vars($connect_args); $connected = $this->connect_handler($connect_args); if( !is_null($connected) ){ return false; } //get the ftp_root if( empty($connect_args['ftp_root']) || $save_values ){ $this->ftp_root = $this->get_base_dir(); if( $this->ftp_root === false ){ return $langmessage['couldnt_connect'].' (Couldn\'t find root)'; } $connect_args['ftp_root'] = $this->ftp_root; $save_values = true; }else{ $this->ftp_root = $connect_args['ftp_root']; } //save ftp info if( !$save_values ){ return true; } $connection_file = $dataDir.'/data/_updates/connect.php'; if( !\gp\tool\Files::SaveData($connection_file,'connect_args',$connect_args) ){ return true; } /* * Remove from $config if it's not a safe mode installation */ if( isset($config['ftp_user']) ){ unset($config['ftp_user']); unset($config['ftp_server']); unset($config['ftp_pass']); unset($config['ftp_root']); \gp\admin\Tools::SaveConfig(); } return true; } public function ConnectOrPrompt($action=''){ $connected = $this->connect(); if( $connected === true ){ return true; } if( isset($_POST['connect_values_submitted']) ){ msg($this->connect_msg); } $this->CompleteForm($_POST, $action); return false; } public function CompleteForm($args = false, $action=''){ global $langmessage; echo '<p>'; echo $langmessage['supply_ftp_values']; echo '</p>'; if( $action === false ){ echo '<form method="post" action="">'; }else{ echo '<form method="post" action="'.\gp\tool::GetUrl($action).'">'; } //include the current request's query so that we continue the same action after the login form is submitted $this->ArrayToForm($_REQUEST); echo '<table>'; $this->connectForm($args); echo '</table>'; echo '<input type="submit" name="" value="'.$langmessage['continue'].'..." class="gpsubmit"/>'; echo '</form>'; } public function connectForm($args = false){ if( !is_array($args) ){ $args = $_POST; } $args += $this->connect_vars; if( empty($args['ftp_server']) ){ $args['ftp_server'] = self::GetFTPServer(); } echo '<tr><td>'; echo 'FTP Hostname'; echo '</td><td>'; echo '<input type="hidden" name="filesystem_method" value="'.htmlspecialchars($this->method).'" />'; echo '<input type="hidden" name="connect_values_submitted" value="true" />'; echo '<input type="text" name="ftp_server" value="'.htmlspecialchars($args['ftp_server']).'" class="gpinput"/>'; echo '</td></tr>'; echo '<tr><td>'; echo 'FTP Username'; echo '</td><td>'; echo '<input type="text" name="ftp_user" value="'.htmlspecialchars($args['ftp_user']).'" class="gpinput"/>'; echo '</td></tr>'; echo '<tr><td>'; echo 'FTP Password'; echo '</td><td>'; echo '<input type="password" name="ftp_pass" value="" class="gpinput"/>'; echo '</td></tr>'; echo '<tr><td>'; echo 'FTP Port'; echo '</td><td>'; echo '<input type="text" name="port" value="'.htmlspecialchars($args['port']).'" class="gpinput"/>'; echo '</td></tr>'; } public function mkdir($path){ if( !@ftp_mkdir($this->conn_id, $path) ){ return false; } return true; } public function unlink($path){ return ftp_delete($this->conn_id, $path); } /** * Remove a file, symlink or directory * @param string $path */ public function rmdir_all($path){ if( empty($path) ) return false; $pwd = @ftp_pwd($this->conn_id); if( !$this->is_dir($path,$pwd) ){ return $this->unlink($path); } $this->rmdir_dir($path); @ftp_chdir($this->conn_id, $pwd); return @ftp_rmdir($this->conn_id, $path); } /** * Get a list of files and folders in $dir * * @param string $dir * @param bool $show_hidden */ public function dirlist( $dir ){ $pwd = @ftp_pwd($this->conn_id); // Cant change to folder = folder doesnt exist if( !@ftp_chdir($this->conn_id, $dir) ){ return false; } @ftp_pasv($this->conn_id, true ); $ftp_list = @ftp_nlist($this->conn_id, '.');//no arguments like "-a"! @ftp_chdir($this->conn_id, $pwd); // Empty array = non-existent folder (real folder will show . at least) if( empty($ftp_list) ){ return false; } $list = array(); foreach($ftp_list as $file){ if( $file == '.' || $file == '..' ){ continue; } $list[$file] = $file; } return $list; } public function is_dir($path,$pwd = false){ if( $pwd === false ){ $pwd = @ftp_pwd($this->conn_id); } ob_start(); //prevent error messages $changed_dir = @ftp_chdir($this->conn_id, $path ); ob_end_clean(); if( $changed_dir ){ $new_pwd = @ftp_pwd($this->conn_id); if( $path == $new_pwd || $pwd != $new_pwd ){ return true; } } return false; } public function rename($old_name,$new_name){ return ftp_rename( $this->conn_id , $old_name , $new_name ); } public function put_contents($file, $contents, $type = '' ){ if( empty($type) ){ $type = $this->is_binary($contents) ? FTP_BINARY : FTP_ASCII; } if( !$this->CheckDir($file) ){ return false; } $temp = $this->put_contents_file(); $handle = fopen($temp,'w+'); if( !$handle ){ trigger_error('Could not open temporary file'); return false; } if( fwrite($handle, $contents) === false ){ fclose($handle); return false; } fseek($handle, 0); //Skip back to the start of the file being written to $ret = @ftp_fput($this->conn_id, $file, $handle, $type); fclose($handle); return $ret; } /** * Make sure the directory exists for a file * */ public function CheckDir($file){ $dir = \gp\tool::DirName($file); if( $this->file_exists($dir) ){ return true; } if( !$this->CheckDir($dir) ){ return false; } return $this->mkdir($dir); } /** * Get a temporary file that will be used with ftp_fput() * */ private function put_contents_file(){ global $dataDir; if( !is_null($this->temp_file) ){ return $this->temp_file; } do{ $this->temp_file = $dataDir.'/data/_updates/temp_'.md5(microtime(true)); }while( file_exists($this->temp_file) ); return $this->temp_file; } /** * Check to see if $file exists, assumes the parent directory exists * Checking for file existence with php's file_exist doesn't always work correctly for files created/deleted with ftp functions * */ public function file_exists($file){ $size = ftp_size($this->conn_id, $file); if( $size >= 0 ){ return true; } return $this->is_dir($file); } /** * Attempt to get the ftp_server address * */ static function GetFTPServer(){ $server = \gp\tool::ServerName(true); if( $server === false ){ return ''; } $conn_id = @ftp_connect($server,21,6); if( $conn_id ){ @ftp_quit($conn_id); return $server; } return ''; } /** * Attempt to locate the $testDir on the ftp server * */ static function GetFTPRoot($conn_id,$testDir){ $ftp_root = false; //attempt to find the ftp_root $testDir = $testDir.'/'; $array = ftp_nlist( $conn_id, '.'); if( !$array ){ return false; } $possible = array(); foreach($array as $file){ if( $file[0] == '.' ){ continue; } //is the $file within the $testDir.. not the best test.. $pos = strpos($testDir,'/'.$file.'/'); if( $pos === false ){ continue; } $possible[] = substr($testDir,$pos); } $possible[] = '/'; //test this too foreach($possible as $file){ if( self::TestFTPDir($conn_id,$file,$testDir) ){ $ftp_root = $file; break; } } return $ftp_root; } /** * Test the $file by adding a directory and seeing if it exists in relation to the $testDir * uses output buffering to prevent warnings from showing when we try a directory that doesn't exist * */ static function TestFTPDir($conn_id,$file,$testDir){ $success = false; ftp_chdir( $conn_id, '/'); $random_name = 'gpeasy_random_'.rand(1000,9999); $random_full = rtrim($file,'/').'/'.$random_name; $test_full = rtrim($testDir,'/').'/'.$random_name; ob_start(); if( !@ftp_mkdir($conn_id,$random_full) ){ ob_end_clean(); return false; } ob_end_clean(); if( file_exists($test_full) ){ $success = true; } ftp_rmdir($conn_id,$random_full); return $success; } }