<?php namespace gp\special; defined('is_running') or die('Not an entry point...'); class Galleries extends \gp\special\Base{ public $galleries = array(); public $title_removed = false; public $not_visible = array(); public function __construct($args){ parent::__construct($args); $this->galleries = self::GetData(); $this->GenerateOutput(); } /** * Determine if the gallery page is hidden or deleted * */ public function GalleryVisible( $title, $info ){ global $gp_index, $gp_menu, $gp_titles; if( !isset($gp_index[$title]) ){ unset($this->galleries[$title]); $this->title_removed = true; return false; } $index = $gp_index[$title]; $title_info = $gp_titles[$index]; if( (isset($info['visibility']) && $info['visibility'] == 'hide') || isset($title_info['vis']) ){ $this->not_visible[$title] = $info; return false; } return true; } // save the galleries index file public function PostSave(){ if( !$this->title_removed ){ return; } self::SaveIndex($this->galleries); } /** * Get Gallery Index * * @static */ public static function GetData(){ $galleries = \gp\tool\Files::Get('_site/galleries'); if( !$galleries ){ return array(); } if( version_compare(\gp\tool\Files::$last_version,'2.2','<=') ){ self::UpdateData($galleries); } return $galleries; } /** * Add visibility settings according to old method for handling gallery visibility * @static */ public static function UpdateData(&$galleries){ global $gp_index, $gp_menu; foreach($galleries as $title => $info){ if( isset($info['visibility']) ){ continue; } $id = $gp_index[$title]; if( !isset($gp_menu[$id]['level']) ){ $galleries[$title]['visibility'] = 'hide'; }else{ $galleries[$title]['visibility'] = 'show'; } } } public function GenerateOutput(){ global $langmessage; \gp\tool::ShowingGallery(); echo '<div class="GPAREA filetype-special_galleries">'; echo '<h2>'; echo \gp\tool\Output::ReturnText('galleries'); echo '</h2>'; $wrap = \gp\admin\Tools::CanEdit($this->page->gp_index); if( $wrap ){ echo \gp\tool\Output::EditAreaLink($edit_index,'Admin/Galleries',$langmessage['edit']); echo '<div class="editable_area cf" id="ExtraEditArea'.$edit_index.'">'; // class="edit_area" added by javascript } $image_text = \gp\tool\Output::ReturnText('image'); $images_text = \gp\tool\Output::ReturnText('images'); $list = ''; $shown = 0; foreach($this->galleries as $title => $info ){ //page is hidden if( !$this->GalleryVisible($title,$info) ){ continue; } $count = ''; if( is_array($info) ){ $icon = $info['icon']; if( $info['count'] == 1 ){ $count = $info['count'].' '.\gp\tool\Output::ReturnText('image'); }elseif( $info['count'] > 1 ){ $count = $info['count'].' '.\gp\tool\Output::ReturnText('images'); } }else{ $icon = $info; } if( empty($icon) ){ continue; } $icon = rawurldecode($icon); //prevent double encoding if( strpos($icon,'/thumbnails/') === false ){ $thumbPath = \gp\tool::GetDir('/data/_uploaded/image/thumbnails'.$icon.'.jpg'); }else{ $thumbPath = \gp\tool::GetDir('/data/_uploaded'.$icon); } $label = \gp\tool::GetLabel($title); $title_attr = ' title="'.\gp\tool::GetBrowserTitle($title).'"'; $label_img = ' <img src="'.$thumbPath.'" alt=""/>'; $list .= '<li>' . \gp\tool::Link($title,$label_img,'',$title_attr) . '<div>' . \gp\tool::Link($title, $label,'',$title_attr) . '<p>' .$count .'</p>' .'</div>' .'</li>'; } if( !empty($list) ){ echo '<ul class="gp_gallery gp_galleries">'; echo $list; echo '</ul>'; } if( $wrap ){ echo '</div>'; } $this->PostSave(); echo '</div>'; } /* Updating Functions The galleries.php file needs to be updated when changes are made to pages with galleries When a page is... ... renamed: RenamedGallery() ... edited: UpdateGalleryInfo() ... added: do nothing, there won't be any images yet, wait till edited ... deleted: RemovedGallery() ... restored from trash: UpdateGalleryInfo() via RestoreFile() in gp\admin\Content\Trash */ /** * Extract information about the gallery from it's html: img_count, icon_src * * @static */ public static function UpdateGalleryInfo($title,$file_sections){ $content = ''; $has_gallery = false; foreach($file_sections as $section_data){ if( $section_data['type'] == 'gallery' ){ $content .= $section_data['content']; $has_gallery = true; } } if( !$has_gallery ){ self::RemovedGallery($title); return; } $new_count = preg_match_all('#(rel|class)="gallery_gallery"#',$content,$matches); //first image $new_icon = ''; $first_img = preg_match('#<img[^>]*src="([^>"]*)"[^>]*>#',$content,$match); //uploaded file's names are stripped of " and > if( $first_img === 1 ){ $new_icon = $match[1]; $pos = strpos($new_icon,'/data/_uploaded'); if( $pos !== false ){ $new_icon = substr($new_icon,$pos+15); } } $galleries = self::GetData(); $orig_icon = $orig_count = false; $orig_info = array(); if( isset($galleries[$title]) && is_array($galleries[$title]) ){ $orig_info = $galleries[$title]; $orig_icon = $orig_info['icon']; $orig_count = $orig_info['count']; } if( ($orig_icon == $new_icon ) && ($orig_count == $new_count) ){ return; } $orig_info['icon'] = $new_icon; $orig_info['count'] = $new_count; $galleries[$title] = $orig_info; self::SaveIndex($galleries); } /** * Handle the removal of a gallery page for \gp\admin\Menu\Tools.php * */ public static function RemovedGallery($title){ $galleries = self::GetData(); if( !isset($galleries[$title]) ){ return; } unset($galleries[$title]); self::SaveIndex($galleries); } /** * Handle the renaming of galleries for \gp\admin\Menu\Tools.php * * @static * */ public static function RenamedGallery($old_title,$new_title){ $galleries = self::GetData(); if( !isset($galleries[$old_title]) ){ return; } if( \gp\tool\Files::ArrayInsert($old_title,$new_title,$galleries[$old_title],$galleries,0,1) ){ self::SaveIndex($galleries); } } public static function SaveIndex($galleries){ global $dataDir; $file = $dataDir.'/data/_site/galleries.php'; return \gp\tool\Files::SaveData($file,'galleries',$galleries); } }