<?php namespace gp\Page; defined('is_running') or die('Not an entry point...'); class Edit extends \gp\Page{ protected $draft_file; protected $draft_exists = false; protected $permission_edit; protected $permission_menu; private $checksum; public function __construct($title, $type){ parent::__construct($title, $type); } public function RunScript(){ global $langmessage; if( !$this->SetVars() ){ return; } ob_start(); $this->GetFile(); $cmd = \gp\tool::GetCommand(); $this->RunCommands($cmd); $this->contentBuffer .= ob_get_clean(); } /** * Run Commands * */ public function RunCommands($cmd){ //allow addons to effect page actions and how a page is displayed $cmd = \gp\tool\Plugins::Filter('PageRunScript', [$cmd]); if( $cmd === 'return' ){ return; } parent::RunCommands($cmd); } /** * SetVars * */ public function SetVars(){ global $dataDir; if( !parent::SetVars() ){ return false; } $this->permission_edit = \gp\admin\Tools::CanEdit($this->gp_index); $this->permission_menu = \gp\admin\Tools::HasPermission('Admin_Menu'); $this->draft_file = dirname($this->file) . '/draft.php'; //admin actions if( $this->permission_menu ){ $this->cmds['RenameForm'] = '\\gp\\Page\\Rename::RenameForm'; $this->cmds['RenameFile'] = '\\gp\\Page\\Rename::RenamePage'; $this->cmds['ToggleVisibility'] = ['\\gp\\Page\\Visibility::TogglePage', 'DefaultDisplay']; } if( $this->permission_edit ){ /* gallery/image editing */ $this->cmds['Gallery_Folder'] = 'GalleryImages'; $this->cmds['Gallery_Images'] = 'GalleryImages'; $this->cmds['Image_Editor'] = '\\gp\\tool\\Editing::ImageEditor'; $this->cmds['New_Dir'] = '\\gp\\tool\\Editing::NewDirForm'; $this->cmds['ManageSections'] = ''; $this->cmds['SaveSections'] = ''; $this->cmds['SaveToClipboard'] = ''; $this->cmds['RemoveFromClipboard'] = ''; $this->cmds['RelabelClipboardItem'] = ''; $this->cmds['ReorderClipboardItems'] = ''; $this->cmds['AddFromClipboard'] = ''; $this->cmds['ViewRevision'] = ''; $this->cmds['ViewCurrent'] = ''; $this->cmds['PublishDraft'] = 'DefaultDisplay'; /* inline editing */ $this->cmds['Save'] = 'SectionEdit'; $this->cmds['Save_Inline'] = 'SectionEdit'; $this->cmds['Preview'] = 'SectionEdit'; $this->cmds['Include_Dialog'] = 'SectionEdit'; $this->cmds['InlineEdit'] = 'SectionEdit'; } if( !\gp\tool\Files::Exists($this->draft_file) ){ return true; } $this->draft_exists = true; return true; } /** * Display after commands have been executed * */ public function DefaultDisplay(){ //add to all pages in case a user adds a gallery \gp\tool\Plugins::Action('GenerateContent_Admin'); \gp\tool::ShowingGallery(); $sections_count = count($this->file_sections); $this->file_sections = array_values($this->file_sections); $section_num = 0; while( $section_num < $sections_count ){ echo $this->GetSection($section_num); } } /** * Get the data file, get draft file if it exists * */ public function GetFile(){ parent::GetFile(); if( $this->draft_exists ){ $this->file_sections = \gp\tool\Files::Get($this->draft_file, 'file_sections'); $this->meta_data = \gp\tool\Files::$last_meta; $this->file_stats = \gp\tool\Files::$last_stats; } $this->checksum = $this->Checksum(); } /** * Generate admin toolbar links * */ public function AdminLinks(){ global $langmessage, $config; $admin_links = []; // HideAdminUI $admin_links[] = \gp\tool::Link( $this->title, '<i class="fa fa-eye-slash"></i>', '', [ 'title' => $langmessage['Hide Admin UI'], 'class' => 'admin-link admin-link-hide-ui', 'data-cmd' => 'hide_ui', ] ); // page options: less frequently used links that don't have to do with editing the content of the page $option_links = []; if( $this->permission_menu ){ $option_links[] = \gp\tool::Link( $this->title, $langmessage['rename/details'], 'cmd=renameform&index=' . urlencode($this->gp_index), [ 'class' => 'admin-link admin-link-rename-details', 'data-cmd' => 'gpajax', ] ); $option_links[] = \gp\tool::Link( 'Admin/Menu', $langmessage['current_layout'], 'cmd=layout&from=page&index=' . urlencode($this->gp_index), [ 'title' => $langmessage['current_layout'], 'class' => 'admin-link admin-link-current-laout', 'data-cmd' => 'gpabox', ] ); $option_links[] = \gp\tool::Link( 'Admin/Menu/Ajax', $langmessage['Copy'], 'cmd=CopyForm&redir=redir&index=' . urlencode($this->gp_index), [ 'title' => $langmessage['Copy'], 'class' => 'admin-link admin-link-copy-page', 'data-cmd' => 'gpabox' ] ); } if( \gp\admin\Tools::HasPermission('Admin_User') ){ $option_links[] = \gp\tool::Link( 'Admin/Permissions', $langmessage['permissions'], 'index=' . urlencode($this->gp_index ? $this->gp_index : 0), [ 'title' => $langmessage['permissions'], 'class' => 'admin-link admin-link-permissions', 'data-cmd' => 'gpabox', ] ); } if( $this->permission_menu ){ $option_links[] = self::ToggleVisibilityLink($this->gp_index, $this->visibility != 'private'); } if( $this->permission_menu ){ $option_links[] = \gp\tool::Link( 'Admin/Menu/Ajax', $langmessage['delete_file'], 'cmd=MoveToTrash&index=' . urlencode($this->gp_index), [ 'title' => $langmessage['delete_page'], 'class' =>'gpconfirm admin-link admin-link-delete-page', 'data-cmd' => 'postlink', ] ); } if( !empty($option_links) ){ $admin_links[$langmessage['options']] = $option_links; } //publish draft if( $this->permission_edit && $this->draft_exists ){ $admin_links[] = \gp\tool::Link( $this->title, '<i class="fa fa-check"></i> ' . $langmessage['Publish Draft'], 'cmd=PublishDraft', [ 'class' => 'msg_publish_draft admin-link admin-link-publish-draft', 'data-cmd' => 'creq', ] ) . '<a class="msg_publish_draft_disabled admin-link admin-link-publish-draft-disabled">' . '<i class="fa fa-minus-circle"></i> ' . $langmessage['Publish Draft'] . '</a>' . '<a class="msg_saving_draft admin-link admin-link-publish-draft-saving">' . '<i class="fa fa-spinner fa-pulse"></i> ' . $langmessage['Saving'] . ' …' . '</a>'; } return array_merge($admin_links, $this->admin_links); } /** * Return Toggle Page Visibility option link * @param string page index * @param bool $visisbility of current page * @return string formatted link */ public static function ToggleVisibilityLink($index, $visibility){ global $langmessage; $q = 'cmd=ToggleVisibility&index=' . urlencode($index); $label = $langmessage['Visibility'] . ': ' . $langmessage['Private']; $attrs = [ 'class' => 'admin-link admin-link-toggle-visibility', 'data-cmd' => 'postlink', ]; if( $visibility ){ $q .= '&visibility=private'; $label = $langmessage['Visibility'] . ': ' . $langmessage['Public']; }else{ $attrs['class'] .= ' admin-link-visibility-private'; } return \gp\tool::Link('Admin/Menu/Ajax', $label, $q, $attrs); } /** * Send js to client for managing content sections * */ public static function ManageSections(){ global $langmessage, $page; $scripts = []; //output links ob_start(); if( $page->pagetype == 'display' ){ echo '<div id="section_sorting_wrap" class="inline_edit_area">'; echo '<ul id="section_sorting" class="section_drag_area" title="Organize"></ul>'; echo '<div id="section-clipboard">'; echo '<ul id="section-clipboard-items">'; echo self::SectionClipboardLinks(); echo '</ul>'; echo '</div>'; // echo '<div>'.$langmessage['add'].'</div>'; echo '<div id="new_section_links">'; self::NewSections(); echo '</div>'; echo '</div>'; } echo '<div id="ck_editable_areas" class="inline_edit_area">'; echo '<ul></ul>'; echo '</div>'; $scripts[] = ['code' => 'var section_types = ' . json_encode(ob_get_clean()) . ';']; // selectable classes moved to \gp\tool\Output::GetHead_InlineJS() because we have more info there // $avail_classes = \gp\admin\Settings\Classes::GetClasses(); // $avail_classes = \gp\tool\Plugins::Filter('AvailableClasses', [$avail_classes]); // $scripts[] = ['code' => 'var gp_avail_classes = ' . json_encode($avail_classes) . ';']; $scripts[] = ['object' => 'gp_editing', 'file' => '/include/js/inline_edit/inline_editing.js']; if( empty($_REQUEST['mode']) ){ $scripts[] = ['object' => 'gp_editing', 'code' => 'gp_editing.is_extra_mode = false;']; }else{ $scripts[] = ['object' => 'gp_editing', 'code' => 'gp_editing.is_extra_mode = true;']; } $scripts[] = ['file' => '/include/js/inline_edit/manage_sections.js']; \gp\tool\Output\Ajax::SendScripts($scripts); die(); } /** * Send multiple sections to the client * */ public function NewNestedSection($types, $wrapper_data){ global $langmessage; $new_section = \gp\tool\Editing::DefaultContent('wrapper_section'); if( is_array($wrapper_data) ){ // Typesetter > 5.0.3: $wrapper_data may be defined as array by plugins $new_section = array_merge($new_section, $wrapper_data); }else{ // Typesetter <= 5.0.3: $wrapper_data is a string (wrapper class) $new_section['attributes']['class'] .= ' ' . $wrapper_data; } $orig_attrs = $new_section['attributes']; $output = $this->SectionNode($new_section, $orig_attrs); foreach($types as $type){ if( is_array($type) ){ $_wrapper_data = isset($type[1]) ? $type[1] : ''; $output .= $this->NewNestedSection($type[0], $_wrapper_data); }else{ $output .= $this->GetNewSection($type); } } $output .= '</div>'; return $output; } public function GetNewSection($type){ $class = self::TypeClass($type); $num = time().rand(0, 10000); $new_section = \gp\tool\Editing::DefaultContent($type); $content = \gp\tool\Output\Sections::RenderSection($new_section, $num, $this->title, $this->file_stats); $new_section['attributes']['class'] .= ' ' . $class; $new_section['gp_type'] = $type; $orig_attrs = $new_section['attributes']; if( !isset($new_section['nodeName']) ){ return $this->SectionNode($new_section, $orig_attrs) . $content . '</div>'; } return $this->SectionNode($new_section, $orig_attrs) . $content . \gp\tool\Output\Sections::EndTag($new_section['nodeName']); } public function SectionNode($section, $orig_attrs){ //if image type, make sure the src is a complete path if( $section['type'] == 'image' ){ $orig_attrs['src'] = \gp\tool::GetDir($orig_attrs['src']); } $orig_attrs = json_encode($orig_attrs); if( \gp\tool\Output::ShowEditLink() && \gp\admin\Tools::CanEdit($this->gp_index) ){ $section['attributes']['class'] .= ' editable_area'; } $section_attrs = ['gp_label', 'gp_color', 'gp_collapse', 'gp_type', 'gp_hidden', 'gp_file_under']; foreach($section_attrs as $attr){ if( !empty($section[$attr]) ){ $section['attributes']['data-' . $attr] = $section[$attr]; } } $attributes = \gp\tool\Output\Sections::SectionAttributes($section['attributes'], $section['type']); $attributes .= ' data-gp-attrs=\'' . htmlspecialchars($orig_attrs, ENT_QUOTES & ~ENT_COMPAT) . '\''; if( !isset($section['nodeName']) ){ return '<div' . $attributes . '>'; } return '<' . $section['nodeName'] . $attributes . '>'; } /** * Save new/rearranged sections * */ public function SaveSections(){ global $langmessage, $dataDir; if( isset($_POST['sections_json']) ){ // section data is posted as JSON $section_data = json_decode(rawurldecode($_POST['sections_json']), true); $_POST['section_data_is'] = 'json'; $_POST += $section_data; unset($_POST['sections_json']); } $this->ajaxReplace = []; $original_sections = $this->file_sections; $unused_sections = $this->file_sections; //keep track of sections that aren't used $new_sections = []; //make sure section_order isn't empty if( empty($_POST['section_order']) ){ msg($langmessage['OOPS'] . ' (Invalid Request)'); return false; } foreach($_POST['section_order'] as $i => $arg ){ $new_section = $this->SaveSection($i, $arg, $unused_sections); if( $new_section === false ){ return false; } $new_sections[$i] = $new_section; } //make sure there's at least one section if( empty($new_sections) ){ msg($langmessage['OOPS'] . ' (1 Section Minimum)'); return false; } $this->file_sections = array_values($new_sections); // save a send message to user if( !$this->SaveThis() ){ $this->file_sections = $original_sections; msg($langmessage['OOPS'] . '(4)'); return; } $this->ajaxReplace[] = ['ck_saved', '', '']; //update gallery info $this->GalleryEdited(); //update usage of resized images foreach($unused_sections as $section_data){ if( isset($section_data['resized_imgs']) ){ includeFile('image.php'); \gp_resized::SetIndex(); \gp\tool\Editing::ResizedImageUse($section_data['resized_imgs'], []); } } } protected function SaveSection($i, $arg, &$unused_sections){ global $langmessage; $section_attrs = ['gp_label', 'gp_color', 'gp_collapse', 'gp_type', 'gp_hidden', 'gp_file_under']; // moved / copied sections if( ctype_digit($arg) ){ $arg = (int)$arg; if( !isset($this->file_sections[$arg]) ){ msg($langmessage['OOPS'] . ' (Invalid Section Number)'); return false; } unset($unused_sections[$arg]); $new_section = $this->file_sections[$arg]; $new_section['attributes'] = []; // otherwise, new sections }else{ $new_section = \gp\tool\Editing::DefaultContent($arg); } // attributes $this->PostedAttributes($new_section,$i); // wrapper section 'contains_sections' if( $new_section['type'] == 'wrapper_section' ){ $new_section['contains_sections'] = isset($_POST['contains_sections']) ? $_POST['contains_sections'][$i] : '0'; } // section attributes foreach($section_attrs as $attr){ unset($new_section[$attr]); if( !empty($_POST[$attr][$i]) ){ $new_section[$attr] = $_POST[$attr][$i]; } } return $new_section; } /** * Save a section or wrapper with sections to the Clipboard * */ protected function SaveToClipboard(){ global $langmessage; $this->ajaxReplace = []; if( !isset($_POST['section_number']) || !ctype_digit($_POST['section_number']) ){ msg($langmessage['OOPS'] . ' (SaveToClipboard: Invalid Request)'); return false; } $section_num = $_POST['section_number']; if( !isset($this->file_sections[$section_num]) ){ msg($langmessage['OOPS'] . ' (SaveToClipboard: Invalid Section Number (' . $section_num . ')'); } $file_sections = self::ExtractSections($section_num); // msg('SaveToClipboard: $file_sections = ' . pre($file_sections) ); $first_section = $file_sections[0]; $new_clipboard_item = [ 'type' => $first_section['type'], 'label' => isset($first_section['gp_label']) ? $first_section['gp_label'] : ucfirst($first_section['type']), 'color' => isset($first_section['gp_color']) ? $first_section['gp_color'] : '#aabbcc', 'hidden' => isset($first_section['gp_hidden']) ? $first_section['gp_hidden'] : false, 'hidden' => isset($first_section['gp_file_under']) ? $first_section['gp_file_under'] : '', 'content' => $this->GetSectionForClipboard($section_num), 'file_sections' => $file_sections, ]; $clipboard_data = \gp\tool\Files::GetSectionClipboard(); // msg("GetSectionClipboard returns " . pre($clipboard_data)); array_unshift($clipboard_data, $new_clipboard_item); if( \gp\tool\Files::SaveSectionClipboard($clipboard_data) ){ // msg($langmessage['SAVED']); }else{ msg($langmessage['OOPS'] . ' (Section Clipboard: Save data failed)'); } $clipboard_links = self::SectionClipboardLinks($clipboard_data); $this->ajaxReplace[] = ['inner', '#section-clipboard-items', $clipboard_links]; $this->ajaxReplace[] = ['clipboard_init', '', '']; $this->ajaxReplace[] = ['loaded', '', '']; return true; } /** * Add (append) a Clipboard Item to the page's file sections * */ protected function AddFromClipboard($item_num=false){ global $langmessage; $this->ajaxReplace = []; if( !$item_num ){ if( !isset($_POST['item_number']) || !ctype_digit($_POST['item_number']) ){ msg($langmessage['OOPS'] . ' (Section Clipboard - Add Item: Invalid Request'); return false; } $item_num = $_POST['item_number']; } $clipboard_data = \gp\tool\Files::GetSectionClipboard(); if( !isset($clipboard_data[$item_num]) ){ msg($langmessage['OOPS'] . ' (Section Clipboard - Add Item: Invalid Item Number (' . $item_num . ')'); return false; } $clipboard_sections = $clipboard_data[$item_num]['file_sections']; $this->file_sections = array_merge($this->file_sections, $clipboard_sections); if( !$this->SaveThis() ){ msg($langmessage['OOPS'] . ' (Section Clipboard - Add Item: Save Page Failed)'); $this->ajaxReplace[] = ['loaded', '', '']; return false; } // $this->ajaxReplace[] = ['ck_saved', '', '']; // include updated Admin Toolbar ob_start(); \gp\admin\Tools::AdminToolbar(); $admin_toolbar = ob_get_clean(); if( !empty($admin_toolbar) ){ $this->ajaxReplace[] = ['replace', '#admincontent_panel', $admin_toolbar]; } $this->ajaxReplace[] = ['loaded', '', '']; return; } /** * Remove a Clipboard Item * */ protected function RemoveFromClipboard($item_num=false){ global $langmessage; $this->ajaxReplace = []; if( !$item_num ){ if( !isset($_POST['item_number']) || !ctype_digit($_POST['item_number']) ){ msg($langmessage['OOPS'] . ' (Section Clipboard - Remove Item: Invalid Request'); return false; } $item_num = $_POST['item_number']; } $clipboard_data = \gp\tool\Files::GetSectionClipboard(); if( !isset($clipboard_data[$item_num]) ){ msg($langmessage['OOPS'] . ' (Section Clipboard - Remove Item: Invalid Item Number (' . $item_num . ')'); return false; } unset($clipboard_data[$item_num]); $clipboard_data = array_values($clipboard_data); if( \gp\tool\Files::SaveSectionClipboard($clipboard_data) ){ // msg($langmessage['SAVED']); }else{ msg($langmessage['OOPS'] . ' (Section Clipboard - Remove Item: Save data failed)'); return false; } $clipboard_links = self::SectionClipboardLinks($clipboard_data); $this->ajaxReplace[] = ['inner', '#section-clipboard-items', $clipboard_links]; $this->ajaxReplace[] = ['clipboard_init', '', '']; $this->ajaxReplace[] = ['loaded', '', '']; return true; } /** * Change the Clipboard Items' order * */ protected function ReorderClipboardItems($order=false){ global $langmessage; $this->ajaxReplace = []; if( !is_array($order) ){ if( !is_array($_POST['order']) ){ msg($langmessage['OOPS'] . ' (Section Clipboard - Reorder Items: Invalid Request'); return false; } $order = $_POST['order']; } $clipboard_data = \gp\tool\Files::GetSectionClipboard(); if( count($order) != count($clipboard_data) ){ msg($langmessage['OOPS'] . ' (Section Clipboard - Reorder Items: Item count mismatch'); return false; } foreach( $order as $key => $index ){ $new_clipboard_data[$key] = $clipboard_data[$index]; } $clipboard_data = $new_clipboard_data; unset($new_clipboard_data); if( \gp\tool\Files::SaveSectionClipboard($clipboard_data) ){ // msg($langmessage['SAVED']); }else{ msg($langmessage['OOPS'] . ' (Section Clipboard - Reorder Items: Save data failed)'); return false; } $clipboard_links = self::SectionClipboardLinks($clipboard_data); $this->ajaxReplace[] = ['inner', '#section-clipboard-items', $clipboard_links]; $this->ajaxReplace[] = ['loaded', '', '']; return true; } /** * Change the label of a Clipboard Item * */ protected function RelabelClipboardItem($item_num=false,$new_label=false){ global $langmessage; $this->ajaxReplace = []; if( !$item_num ){ if( !isset($_POST['item_number']) || !ctype_digit($_POST['item_number']) ){ msg($langmessage['OOPS'] . ' (Section Clipboard - Remove Item: Invalid Request'); return false; } $item_num = $_POST['item_number']; } if( !$new_label ){ if( !isset($_POST['new_label']) ){ msg($langmessage['OOPS'] . ' (Section Clipboard - Relabel Item: Invalid Label'); return false; } $new_label = htmlspecialchars($_POST['new_label']); } $clipboard_data = \gp\tool\Files::GetSectionClipboard(); if( !isset($clipboard_data[$item_num]) ){ msg($langmessage['OOPS'] . ' (Section Clipboard - Relabel Item: Invalid Item Number (' . $item_num . ')'); return false; } $clipboard_data = array_values($clipboard_data); $clipboard_data[$item_num]['label'] = $new_label; if( \gp\tool\Files::SaveSectionClipboard($clipboard_data) ){ // msg($langmessage['SAVED']); }else{ msg($langmessage['OOPS'] . ' (Section Clipboard - Remove Item: Save data failed)'); return false; } $clipboard_links = self::SectionClipboardLinks($clipboard_data); $this->ajaxReplace[] = ['inner', '#section-clipboard-items', $clipboard_links]; $this->ajaxReplace[] = ['loaded', '', '']; return true; } /** * Extract sections from the current page to be stored in the Clipboard * TS 5.1.1-b1: fix nesting error, changing from recursion to while iteration + counter */ public function ExtractSections($section_num){ $counter = 0; $sections = []; while( $counter >= 0 ){ $section_data = $this->file_sections[$section_num]; if( $section_data['type'] == 'wrapper_section' && isset($section_data['contains_sections']) ){ $counter += $section_data['contains_sections']; } // remove possible hidden state $section_data['gp_hidden'] = false; // add section $sections[] = $section_data; $section_num++; $counter--; } return $sections; } /** * Get the Section Clipboard links * */ public static function SectionClipboardLinks($clipboard_data=false){ global $langmessage; $clipboard_data = $clipboard_data ? $clipboard_data : \gp\tool\Files::GetSectionClipboard(); if( empty($clipboard_data) ){ return '<li class="clipboard-empty-msg"><i class="fa fa-clipboard"></i> ' . $langmessage['Clipboard'] . '</li>'; } $clipboard_links = ''; foreach( $clipboard_data as $key => $clipboard_item ){ $icon_class = $clipboard_item['type'] == 'wrapper_section' ? 'fa fa-fw fa-clone' : 'fa fa-fw fa-square-o'; // $icon_title = $clipboard_item['label']; // $content = \gp\tool\Output\Sections::GetSection($clipboard_item['file_sections'], 0); // private method :-( $content = $clipboard_item['content']; $response = htmlspecialchars($content); $clipboard_links .= '<li style="border-left:4px solid ' . $clipboard_item['color'] . ';" data-item_index="' . $key . '">'; $clipboard_links .= '<a class="remove-clipboard-item" '; $clipboard_links .= 'title="' . $langmessage['remove'] . '" '; $clipboard_links .= 'data-cmd="RemoveSectionClipboardItem">'; $clipboard_links .= '<i class="fa fa-trash"></i>'; $clipboard_links .= '</a>'; $clipboard_links .= '<a class="relabel-clipboard-item" '; $clipboard_links .= 'title="' . $langmessage['label'] . '" '; $clipboard_links .= 'data-cmd="RelabelSectionClipboardItem">'; $clipboard_links .= '<i class="fa fa-i-cursor"></i>'; // fa-pencil-square-o $clipboard_links .= '</a>'; $clipboard_links .= '<a class="preview_section" '; $clipboard_links .= 'title="' . $langmessage['add'] . ' (' . count($clipboard_item['file_sections']) . ')" '; $clipboard_links .= 'data-cmd="AddFromClipboard" '; $clipboard_links .= 'data-response="' . $response . '" >'; $clipboard_links .= '<i class="clipboard-item-icon ' . $icon_class . '"></i> '; $clipboard_links .= '<i class="clipboard-item-label-wrap">'; $clipboard_links .= '<span class="clipboard-item-label">' . $clipboard_item['label'] . '</span>'; $clipboard_links .= '</i>'; $clipboard_links .= '</a>'; $clipboard_links .= '</li>'; } return $clipboard_links; } /** * Get the posted attributes for a section * */ protected function PostedAttributes(&$section, $i){ global $dirPrefix; if( isset($_POST['attributes'][$i]) && is_array($_POST['attributes'][$i]) ){ foreach($_POST['attributes'][$i] as $attr_name => $attr_value){ $attr_name = strtolower($attr_name); $attr_name = trim($attr_name); $attr_value = trim($attr_value); if( empty($attr_name) || empty($attr_value) || $attr_name == 'id' || substr($attr_name, 0, 7) == 'data-gp' ){ continue; } //strip $dirPrefix if( $attr_name == 'src' && !empty($dirPrefix) && strpos($attr_value,$dirPrefix) === 0 ){ $attr_value = substr($attr_value, strlen($dirPrefix)); } $section['attributes'][$attr_name] = $attr_value; } } } /** * Perform various section editing commands * @return bool */ public function SectionEdit(){ global $langmessage, $page; $page->ajaxReplace = []; $section_num = $_REQUEST['section']; if( !is_numeric($section_num) || !isset($this->file_sections[$section_num])){ echo 'false;'; return false; } $cmd = \gp\tool::GetCommand(); if( !\gp\tool\Editing::SectionEdit($cmd, $this->file_sections[$section_num], $section_num, $this->title, $this->file_stats) ){ return false; } //save if the file was changed if( !$this->SaveThis() ){ msg($langmessage['OOPS'].' (SE3)'); return false; } $page->ajaxReplace[] = ['ck_saved', '', '']; //update gallery information switch($this->file_sections[$section_num]['type']){ case 'gallery': $this->GalleryEdited(); break; } \gp\admin\Notifications::UpdateNotifications(); return true; } /** * Recalculate the file_type string for this file * Updates $this->meta_data and $gp_titles * */ public function ResetFileTypes(){ global $gp_titles; $new_types = []; foreach($this->file_sections as $section){ $new_types[] = $section['type']; } $new_types = array_unique($new_types); $new_types = array_diff($new_types, ['']); sort($new_types); $new_types = implode(',', $new_types); $this->meta_data['file_type'] = $new_types; if( !isset($gp_titles[$this->gp_index]) ){ return; } $gp_titles[$this->gp_index]['type'] = $new_types; \gp\admin\Tools::SavePagesPHP(); } /** * Return a list of section types * */ public static function NewSections($checkboxes=false){ global $langmessage; $types_with_icons = ['text', 'image', 'gallery', 'wrapper_section', 'include']; $section_types = \gp\tool\Output\Sections::GetTypes(); $links = []; foreach($section_types as $type => $type_info){ $img = ''; if( in_array($type, $types_with_icons) ){ $img = \gp\tool::GetDir('/include/imgs/section-' . $type . '.png'); } $links[] = [$type, $img, '', $type_info['file_under']]; } //section combo: text & image $links[] = [ ['text.gpCol-6', 'image.gpCol-6'], \gp\tool::GetDir('/include/imgs/section-combo-text-image.png'), [ 'gp_label' => 'Text & Image', 'gp_color' => '#555', 'attributes' => [ 'class' => 'gpRow', ], ], 'default', // file_under, req as of TS 5.2 ]; //section combo: text & gallery $links[] = [ ['text.gpCol-6', 'gallery.gpCol-6'], \gp\tool::GetDir('/include/imgs/section-combo-text-gallery.png'), [ 'gp_label' => 'Text & Gallery', 'gp_color' => '#555', 'attributes' => [ 'class' => 'gpRow', ], ], 'default', ]; //section combo: 3 text columns $links[] = [ ['text.gpCol-4', 'text.gpCol-4', 'text.gpCol-4'], \gp\tool::GetDir('/include/imgs/section-combo-3-text-cols.png'), [ 'gp_label' => '3 Text Columns', 'gp_color' => '#555', 'attributes' => [ 'class' => 'gpRow', ], ], 'default', ]; /** * FYI when using the 'NewSections' plugin filter hook * * a new section subarray looks like this: * * array( * [0] => (string)section type OR (array) of (string)section types (or subsequent wrapper arrays) * if we pass an array, the new section is a wrapper (combo) containing nested sections * while every (string)section type MAY contain one or multiple css classes * css classes are everything in (string)section type after a dot * multiple css classes are separated by space charaters * * [1] => (string) relative path to an admin UI icon for that section type * if empty, no icon will appear * * [2] => (boolean)false OR (string)wrapper class name(s) OR (array)wrapper data * when passing wrapper classes string, multiple class names are separated by space characters * when passing a wrapper data array, it may contain arbitrary section data key-pairs * including an array of html attributes like 'class' * * [3] => as of Typesetter 5.2, optional (string)file_under * use 'hidden' if you do not want the link to appear in the admi UI * will become 'plugins' by default if not defined * ) * * Furthermore: instead of existing 'real' section types, you can also use pseudo types * pseudo types must to be defined via the GetDefaultContent filter hook * where a section array must be returned, which has the real section type string in the 'type' key * * This is a grown structure and we apologize that it is so messy * * For handling more complex new sections and even multi-level-nested section combos see e.g. * the SliderFactory plugin (https://www.typesettercms.com/Plugins/310_Slider_Factory) * */ $links = \gp\tool\Plugins::Filter('NewSections', [$links]); $new_section_links = []; foreach( $links as $link ){ $link += ['', '', false, 'plugins']; // $link[2] will be replaced in NewSectionLink() if missing $type_id = substr(base_convert(md5(json_encode((array)$link[0])), 16, 32), 0, 6); // creates a unique id for every entry $new_section_links[$type_id] = $link; } // last chance to filter, re-arrange or modify new section links // before they appear in the admin UI (based on their $type_id or other criteria) $new_section_links = \gp\tool\Plugins::Filter('NewSectionLinks', [$new_section_links]); $stackers = []; foreach( $new_section_links as $type_id => $link ){ $file_under = $link[3]; $stackers[$file_under][$type_id] = $link; } // remove all section types that are filed under 'hidden' unset($stackers['hidden']); // if there are more than 12 links and more than 1 remaining stackers, split the output into an accordion $use_stackers = count($stackers) > 1 && $new_section_links > 12; $stacker_collapsed = false; foreach( $stackers as $stacker => $links ){ if( $use_stackers ){ $stacker_label = isset($langmessage[$stacker]) ? $langmessage[$stacker] : htmlspecialchars($stacker); echo '<section class="collapsible">'; echo '<h4 class="head'. ($stacker_collapsed ? ' gp_collapsed' : '') . '">'; echo '<a data-cmd="collapsible">' . $stacker_label . '</a>'; echo '</h4>'; echo '<div class="collapsearea' . ($stacker_collapsed ? ' nodisplay' : '') . '">'; } foreach( $links as $link ){ $types = $link[0]; $icon = $link[1]; $wrapper_data = $link[2]; $file_under = $link[3]; echo self::NewSectionLink($types, $icon, $wrapper_data, $checkboxes, $type_id, $file_under); } if( $use_stackers ){ echo '</div>'; echo '</section>'; $stacker_collapsed = true; } } } /** * Add link to manage section admin for nested section type * */ public static function NewSectionLink($types, $icon, $wrapper_data=false, $checkbox=false, $type_id='undefined', $file_under=''){ global $dataDir, $page, $langmessage; $types = (array)$types; $is_wrapper = count([$types]) > 1 || is_array($types[0]); if( $is_wrapper && !$wrapper_data ){ // add default wrapper data if undefined $wrapper_data = [ 'gp_label' => $langmessage['Section Wrapper'], 'gp_color' => '#555', 'attributes' => [ // 'class' => 'gpRow', // we don't use gpRow as default class for new wrappers anymore ], ]; } static $fi = 0; $text_label = $is_wrapper && isset($wrapper_data['gp_label']) ? $wrapper_data['gp_label'] : self::SectionLabel($types); $label = '<span>' . $text_label . '</span>'; if( !empty($icon) ){ $label .= '<img src="' . $icon . '"/>'; } //checkbox used for new pages if( $checkbox ){ if( count($types) > 1 || is_array($types[0]) ){ // == nested sections $q = ['types' => $types, 'wrapper_data' => $wrapper_data]; $q = json_encode($q); }else{ $q = $types[0]; } //checked $checked = ''; if( isset($_REQUEST['content_type']) && $_REQUEST['content_type'] == $q ){ $checked = ' checked="checked"'; }elseif( empty($_REQUEST['content_type']) && $fi === 0 ){ $checked = ' checked="checked"'; $fi++; } $id = 'checkbox_' . md5($q); echo '<div class="new_section_link" data-type-id="' . $type_id . '" data-file-under="' . $file_under . '">'; echo '<input name="content_type" type="radio" '; echo 'value="' . htmlspecialchars($q) . '" id="' . $id . '" '; echo 'required="required" ' . $checked . ' />'; echo '<label title="' . $text_label . '" for="' . $id . '">'; echo $label; echo '</label>'; echo '</div>'; return; } // /if $checkboxes //links used for new sections $attrs = [ 'data-cmd' => 'AddSection', 'class' => 'preview_section', ]; if( count($types) > 1 || is_array($types[0]) ){ $attrs['data-response'] = $page->NewNestedSection($types, $wrapper_data); }else{ $attrs['data-response'] = $page->GetNewSection($types[0]); } $return = '<div class="new_section_link" data-type-id="' . $type_id . '" data-file-under="' . $file_under . '">'; $return .= '<a ' . \gp\tool::LinkAttr($attrs, $label) . '>' . $label . '</a>'; $return .= '</div>'; return $return; } /** * Return a readable label for the section * */ public static function SectionLabel($types){ $section_types = \gp\tool\Output\Sections::GetTypes(); $text_label = []; foreach($types as $type){ if( is_array($type) ){ continue; } self::TypeClass($type); if( isset($section_types[$type]) ){ $text_label[] = $section_types[$type]['label']; }else{ $text_label[] = $type; } } return implode(' & ', $text_label); } /** * Split the type and class from $type = div.classname into $type = div, $class = classname * */ public static function TypeClass(&$type){ $class = ''; if( !is_array($type) && strpos($type, '.') ){ list($type,$class) = explode('.', $type, 2); } return $class; } /** * Save the current page * Save a backup if $backup is true * */ public function SaveThis($backup=true){ //return true if nothing has changed if( $backup && $this->checksum === $this->Checksum() ){ return true; } //file count if( !isset($this->meta_data['file_number']) ){ $this->meta_data['file_number'] = \gp\tool\Files::NewFileNumber(); } if( $backup ){ $this->SaveBackup(); //make a backup of the page file } if( isset($_POST['prevent_draft']) && !$this->draft_exists ){ if( !\gp\tool\Files::SaveData($this->file, 'file_sections', $this->file_sections, $this->meta_data) ){ return false; } }else{ if( !\gp\tool\Files::SaveData($this->draft_file, 'file_sections', $this->file_sections, $this->meta_data) ){ return false; } $this->draft_exists = true; } // update notifications \gp\admin\Notifications::UpdateNotifications(); return true; } /** * Generate a checksum for this page, used to determine if the page content has been edited * */ public function Checksum(){ $temp = []; foreach($this->file_sections as $section){ unset($section['modified'], $section['modified_by']); $temp[] = $section; } $checksum = serialize($temp); return sha1($checksum) . md5($checksum); } /** * Save a backup of the file * */ public function SaveBackup(){ global $dataDir, $gpAdmin; $dir = $dataDir . '/data/_backup/pages/' . $this->gp_index; $time = \gp\tool\Editing::ReqTime(); //use the request time //just one backup per edit session (auto-saving would create too many backups otherwise) $previous_backup = $this->BackupFile($time); if( !empty($previous_backup) ){ return true; } // get the raw contents so we can add the size to the backup file name if( $this->draft_exists ){ $contents = \gp\tool\Files::GetRaw($this->draft_file); }else{ $contents = \gp\tool\Files::GetRaw($this->file); } //backup file name $len = strlen($contents); $backup_file = $dir . '/' . $time . '.' . $len . '.' . $gpAdmin['username']; //compress if( function_exists('gzencode') && function_exists('readgzfile') ){ $backup_file .= '.gze'; $contents = gzencode($contents,9); } if( !\gp\tool\Files::Save($backup_file, $contents) ){ return false; } $this->CleanBackupFolder(); return true; } /** * Reduce the number of files in the backup folder * */ public function CleanBackupFolder(){ global $dataDir, $config; $files = $this->BackupFiles(); $file_count = count($files); if( $file_count <= $config['history_limit'] ){ return; } $delete_count = $file_count - $config['history_limit']; $files = array_splice($files, 0, $delete_count); foreach($files as $file){ $full_path = $dataDir . '/data/_backup/pages/' . $this->gp_index . '/' . $file; unlink($full_path); } } /** * Make the working draft the live file * */ public function PublishDraft(){ global $langmessage, $page; if( !$this->draft_exists ){ msg($langmessage['OOPS'] . ' (Not a draft)'); return false; } if( !\gp\tool\Files::SaveData($this->file, 'file_sections', $this->file_sections, $this->meta_data) ){ msg($langmessage['OOPS'] . ' (Draft not published)'); return false; } $draft_file = \gp\tool\Files::FilePath($this->draft_file); unlink($draft_file); $this->ResetFileTypes(); $this->draft_exists = false; $page->ajaxReplace = []; $page->ajaxReplace[] = ['DraftPublished']; \gp\admin\Notifications::UpdateNotifications(); return true; } /** * Display the contents of a past revision * */ protected function ViewRevision(){ \gp\admin\Tools::$show_toolbar = false; $revision =& $_REQUEST['revision']; $file_sections = $this->GetRevision($revision); $this->head_js[] = '/include/js/admin/revision.js'; if( $file_sections === false ){ $this->DefaultDisplay(); return; } echo \gp\tool\Output\Sections::Render($file_sections, $this->title, \gp\tool\Files::$last_stats); } /** * View the current public facing version of the file * */ public function ViewCurrent(){ \gp\admin\Tools::$show_toolbar = false; $this->head_js[] = '/include/js/admin/revision.js'; if( !$this->draft_exists ){ $this->DefaultDisplay(); return; } $file_sections = \gp\tool\Files::Get($this->file, 'file_sections'); echo \gp\tool\Output\Sections::Render($file_sections, $this->title, $this->file_stats); } /** * Get the contents of a revision * */ protected function GetRevision($time){ $full_path = $this->BackupFile($time); if( is_null($full_path) ){ return false; } //if it's a compressed file, we need an uncompressed version if( strpos($full_path, '.gze') !== false ){ ob_start(); readgzfile($full_path); $contents = ob_get_clean(); $full_path = substr($full_path, 0, -3) . 'php'; $full_path = \gp\tool\Files::FilePath($full_path); \gp\tool\Files::Save($full_path, $contents); $file_sections = \gp\tool\Files::Get($full_path, 'file_sections'); unlink($full_path); }else{ $file_sections = \gp\tool\Files::Get($full_path, 'file_sections'); } return $file_sections; } /** * Return a list of the available backup for the current file * */ public function BackupFiles(){ global $dataDir; $dir = $dataDir . '/data/_backup/pages/' . $this->gp_index; if( !file_exists($dir) ){ return []; } $all_files = scandir($dir); $files = []; foreach($all_files as $file){ if( $file == '.' || $file == '..' ){ continue; } $parts = explode('.', $file); $time = array_shift($parts); if( !is_numeric($time) ){ continue; } $files[$time] = $file; } ksort($files); return $files; } /** * Return the full path of the saved revision if it exists * */ public function BackupFile( $time ){ global $dataDir; $files = $this->BackupFiles(); if( !isset($files[$time]) ){ return; } return $dataDir . '/data/_backup/pages/' . $this->gp_index . '/' . $files[$time]; } /** * Extract information about the gallery from it's html: img_count, icon_src * Call GalleryEdited when a gallery section is removed, edited * */ public function GalleryEdited(){ \gp\special\Galleries::UpdateGalleryInfo($this->title, $this->file_sections); } public function GetSection(&$section_num){ global $langmessage; if( !isset($this->file_sections[$section_num]) ){ trigger_error('invalid section number'); return; } $curr_section_num = $section_num; $section_num++; $content = ''; $section_data = $this->file_sections[$curr_section_num]; //make sure section_data is an array $type = gettype($section_data); if( $type !== 'array' ){ trigger_error('$section_data is ' . $type . '. Array expected'); return; } $section_data += ['attributes' => [], 'type' => 'text']; $section_data['attributes'] += ['class' => '']; $orig_attrs = $section_data['attributes']; $section_data['attributes']['data-gp-section'] = $curr_section_num; $section_types = \gp\tool\Output\Sections::GetTypes(); if( \gp\tool\Output::ShowEditLink() && \gp\admin\Tools::CanEdit($this->gp_index) ){ if( isset($section_types[$section_data['type']]) ){ $title_attr = $section_types[$section_data['type']]['label']; }else{ $title_attr = sprintf($langmessage['Section %s'], $curr_section_num+1); } $attrs = [ 'title' => $title_attr, 'data-cmd' => 'inline_edit_generic', 'data-arg' => $section_data['type'] . '_inline_edit', ]; $link = \gp\tool\Output::EditAreaLink( $edit_index, $this->title, $langmessage['edit'], 'section='.$curr_section_num,$attrs ); $section_data['attributes']['data-gp-area-id'] = $edit_index; //included page target $include_link = self::IncludeLink($section_data); //section control links if( $section_data['type'] != 'wrapper_section' ){ ob_start(); echo '<span class="nodisplay" id="ExtraEditLnks' . $edit_index . '">'; echo $link; echo $include_link; echo \gp\tool::Link( $this->title, $langmessage['Manage Sections'], 'cmd=ManageSections', [ 'class' => 'manage_sections', 'data-cmd' => 'inline_edit_generic', 'data-arg' => 'manage_sections', ] ); echo '<span class="gp_separator"></span>'; echo \gp\tool::Link( $this->title, $langmessage['rename/details'], 'cmd=renameform&index=' . urlencode($this->gp_index), ['data-cmd' => 'gpajax'] ); echo \gp\tool::Link( '/Admin/Revisions/'.$this->gp_index, $langmessage['Revision History'], '' ); echo '<span class="gp_separator"></span>'; echo \gp\tool::Link('Admin/Menu', $langmessage['file_manager']); echo '</span>'; \gp\tool\Output::$editlinks .= ob_get_clean(); } $section_data['attributes']['id'] = 'ExtraEditArea' . $edit_index; } $content .= $this->SectionNode($section_data, $orig_attrs); if( $section_data['type'] == 'wrapper_section' ){ for( $cc=0; $cc < $section_data['contains_sections']; $cc++ ){ $content .= $this->GetSection($section_num); } }else{ \gp\tool\Output::$nested_edit = true; $content .= \gp\tool\Output\Sections::RenderSection($section_data, $curr_section_num, $this->title, $this->file_stats); \gp\tool\Output::$nested_edit = false; } if( !isset($section_data['nodeName']) ){ $content .= '<div class="gpclear"></div>'; $content .= '</div>'; }else{ $content .= \gp\tool\Output\Sections::EndTag($section_data['nodeName']); } return $content; } /** * Return a link to the included page or extra area * * @return string * */ public static function IncludeLink($section_data){ global $langmessage; if( $section_data['type'] != 'include' || !array_key_exists('include_type',$section_data) ){ return ''; } if( isset($section_data['index']) ){ return \gp\tool::Link($section_data['content'], $langmessage['view/edit_page']); } if( $section_data['include_type'] == 'extra' ){ // get the real section type of the included extra area $extra_sections = \gp\tool\Output\Extra::ExtraContent($section_data['content']); $extra_section_type = $extra_sections[0]['type']; if($extra_section_type != 'text' ){ // we can only edit text sections on Admin/Extra return ''; } return \gp\tool::Link( 'Admin/Extra/' . rawurlencode($section_data['content']), $langmessage['edit'] . ' » ' . str_replace('_', ' ', htmlspecialchars($section_data['content'])), // $langmessage['theme_content'] 'cmd=EditExtra' ); } return ''; } public function GetSectionForClipboard(&$section_num){ global $langmessage; if( !isset($this->file_sections[$section_num]) ){ trigger_error('invalid section number'); return; } $curr_section_num = $section_num; $section_num++; $content = ''; $section_data = $this->file_sections[$curr_section_num]; //make sure section_data is an array $type = gettype($section_data); if( $type !== 'array' ){ trigger_error('$section_data is ' . $type . '. Array expected'); return; } $section_data += ['attributes' => [], 'type' => 'text']; $section_data['attributes'] += ['class' => '']; // $section_data['attributes']['gp_type'] = $section_data['type']; $section_data['gp_hidden'] = false; $orig_attrs = $section_data['attributes']; $content .= $this->SectionNode($section_data, $orig_attrs); if( $section_data['type'] == 'wrapper_section' ){ for( $cc=0; $cc < $section_data['contains_sections']; $cc++ ){ $content .= $this->GetSectionForClipboard($section_num); } }else{ \gp\tool\Output::$nested_edit = true; $content .= \gp\tool\Output\Sections::RenderSection($section_data, $curr_section_num, $this->title, $this->file_stats); \gp\tool\Output::$nested_edit = false; } if( !isset($section_data['nodeName']) ){ $content .= '</div>'; }else{ $content .= \gp\tool\Output\Sections::EndTag($section_data['nodeName']); } return $content; } public function GalleryImages(){ if( isset($_GET['dir']) ){ $dir_piece = $_GET['dir']; }elseif( isset($this->meta_data['gallery_dir']) ){ $dir_piece = $this->meta_data['gallery_dir']; }else{ $dir_piece = '/image'; } //remember browse directory $this->meta_data['gallery_dir'] = $dir_piece; $this->SaveThis(false); \gp\admin\Content\Uploaded::InlineList($dir_piece); } /** * Used by slideshow addons * @deprecated 3.6rc4 * */ public function SaveSection_Text($section){ return \gp\tool\Editing::SectionFromPost_Text($this->file_sections[$section]); } }