from_page = true; } $query_string .= '&'; $query_string = ltrim($query_string,'&'); switch($cmd){ case 'layout': $this->SelectLayout($url,$query_string); $this->show_popup = true; return; case 'uselayout': $this->SetLayout(); return; case 'restorelayout': $this->RestoreLayout(); return; } } public function Result(){ global $page; if( $this->from_page && $this->title){ if( !$this->show_popup ){ $url = \gp\tool::AbsoluteUrl($this->title,'',true,false,true); $page->ajaxReplace[] = array('location',$url,0); } return true; } return $this->show_popup; } /** * Remove any layout setting from a page. * The page will revert to inheriting the layout setting from the site configuration or a parent page * */ public function RestoreLayout(){ global $gp_titles,$gp_index,$langmessage; $index = $_POST['index']; $title = \gp\tool::IndexToTitle($index); if( !$title ){ msg($langmessage['OOPS']); return; } $this->title = $title; if( !\gp\tool\Nonce::Verify('restore') ){ msg($langmessage['OOPS']); return; } unset($gp_titles[$index]['gpLayout']); return \gp\admin\Tools::SavePagesPHP(true, true); } /** * Assign a layout to the $title. Child pages without a layout assigned will inherit this setting * @param string $title */ public function SetLayout(){ global $gp_index, $gp_titles, $langmessage, $gpLayouts; $index = $_POST['index']; $title = \gp\tool::IndexToTitle($index); if( !$title ){ msg($langmessage['OOPS']); return; } $this->title = $title; $layout = $_POST['layout']; if( !isset($gpLayouts[$layout]) ){ msg($langmessage['OOPS']); return; } if( !\gp\tool\Nonce::Verify('use_'.$layout) ){ msg($langmessage['OOPS']); return; } //unset, then reset if needed unset($gp_titles[$index]['gpLayout']); $currentLayout = \gp\Page::OrConfig($index,'gpLayout'); if( $currentLayout != $layout ){ $gp_titles[$index]['gpLayout'] = $layout; } return \gp\admin\Tools::SavePagesPHP(true, true); } /** * Display current layout, list of available layouts and list of titles affected by the layout setting for $title * */ public function SelectLayout($url,$query_string){ global $gp_titles, $gpLayouts, $langmessage, $config, $gp_index; $index = $_REQUEST['index']; $title = \gp\tool::IndexToTitle($index); if( !$title ){ echo $langmessage['OOPS']; return; } $this->title = $title; $Inherit_Info = \gp\admin\Menu\Tools::Inheritance_Info(); $curr_layout = \gp\admin\Menu\Tools::CurrentLayout($index); $curr_info = $gpLayouts[$curr_layout]; echo '
'; echo '

'; echo $langmessage['current_layout'].':   '; echo '   '; echo str_replace('_',' ',$curr_info['label']); echo '

'; if( !empty($gp_titles[$index]['gpLayout']) ){ echo '

'; if( isset($Inherit_Info[$index]['parent_layout']) ){ $parent_layout = $Inherit_Info[$index]['parent_layout']; }else{ $parent_layout = $config['gpLayout']; } $parent_info = $gpLayouts[$parent_layout]; echo $langmessage['restore'].': '; $span = ' '; echo \gp\tool::Link($url,$span.$parent_info['label'],$query_string.'cmd=restorelayout&index='.urlencode($index),array('data-cmd'=>'postlink','title'=>$langmessage['restore']),'restore'); echo '

'; } echo ''; echo ''; if( count($gpLayouts) < 2 ){ echo ''; echo '
'; echo $langmessage['available_layouts']; echo ''; echo $langmessage['theme']; echo '
'; echo $langmessage['Empty']; echo '
'; echo \gp\tool::Link('Admin_Theme_Content',$langmessage['new_layout']); echo '
'; return; } foreach($gpLayouts as $layout => $info){ if( $layout == $curr_layout ){ continue; } echo ''; echo ''; echo ' '; if( $layout != $curr_layout ){ echo \gp\tool::Link($url,$info['label'],$query_string.'cmd=uselayout&index='.urlencode($index).'&layout='.urlencode($layout),array('data-cmd'=>'postlink'),'use_'.$layout); } echo ''; echo $info['theme']; echo ''; } echo ''; //show affected pages $affected = self::GetAffectedFiles($index); echo '
'; echo ''; echo '
'; echo '


'; echo '

'; $label = \gp\tool::GetLabelIndex($index,false); echo \gp\tool::LabelSpecialChars($label); $i = 0; foreach($affected as $affected_label){ $i++; echo ', '.$affected_label; } echo '

'; echo '

'; echo ' '; echo '

'; echo '

'; echo ''.$langmessage['see_also'].' '; echo \gp\tool::Link('Admin_Theme_Content',$langmessage['layouts']); echo '

'; echo ''; } /** * Get a list of titles that inherit layout settings from the page with $index * @param string $index * */ public function GetAffectedFiles($index){ global $gp_titles, $gp_menu; $temp = $gp_menu; reset($temp); $result = array(); $i = 0; do{ $menu_key = key($temp); $info = current($temp); if( !isset($info['level']) ){ break; } $level = $info['level']; unset($temp[$menu_key]); if( $index === $menu_key ){ self::InheritingLayout($level+1,$temp,$result); } $i++; }while( (count($temp) > 0) ); return $result; } public function InheritingLayout($searchLevel,&$menu,&$result){ global $gp_titles; $children = true; do{ $menu_key = key($menu); $info = current($menu); if( !isset($info['level']) ){ break; } $level = $info['level']; if( $level < $searchLevel ){ return; } if( $level > $searchLevel ){ if( $children ){ self::InheritingLayout($level,$menu,$result); }else{ unset($menu[$menu_key]); } continue; } unset($menu[$menu_key]); if( !empty($gp_titles[$menu_key]['gpLayout']) ){ $children = false; continue; } $children = true; //exclude external links if( $menu_key[0] == '_' ){ continue; } $label = \gp\tool::GetLabelIndex($menu_key,false); $result[] = \gp\tool::LabelSpecialChars($label); }while( count($menu) > 0 ); } }