0 ){ @ob_end_clean(); $level--; } // 304 should not have a response body or Content-Length header //header('Not Modified', true, 304); self::status_header(304, 'Not Modified'); header('Connection: close'); exit(); } /** * Set HTTP status header. * Modified From Wordpress * * @since 2.3.3 * @uses apply_filters() Calls 'status_header' on status header string, HTTP * HTTP code, HTTP code description, and protocol string as separate * parameters. * * @param int $header HTTP status code * @param string $text HTTP status * @return unknown */ public static function status_header($header, $text){ $protocol = ''; if( isset($_SERVER['SERVER_PROTOCOL']) ){ $protocol = $_SERVER['SERVER_PROTOCOL']; } if( 'HTTP/1.1' != $protocol && 'HTTP/1.0' != $protocol ){ $protocol = 'HTTP/1.0'; } $status_header = "$protocol $header $text"; return @header($status_header, true, $header); } public static function GenEtag(){ global $dirPrefix, $dataDir; $etag = ''; $args = func_get_args(); $args[] = $dataDir . $dirPrefix; foreach($args as $arg){ if( !ctype_digit((string)$arg)){ $arg = crc32( $arg ); $arg = sprintf("%u\n", $arg); } $etag .= base_convert($arg, 10, 36); } return $etag; } /** * Generate an etag from the filemtime and filesize of each file * @param array $files * */ public static function FilesEtag($files){ $modified = 0; $content_length = 0; foreach($files as $file){ $content_length += @filesize($file); $modified = max($modified, @filemtime($file)); } return self::GenEtag($modified, $content_length); } public static function CheckTheme(){ global $page; if( $page->theme_name === false ){ $page->SetTheme(); } } /** * Return an array of information about the layout * @param string $layout the layout key * @param bool $check_existence Whether or not to check for the existence of the template.php file * @return mixed false | array */ public static function LayoutInfo($layout, $check_existence=true){ global $gpLayouts, $dataDir; if( !isset($gpLayouts[$layout]) ){ return false; } $layout_info = $gpLayouts[$layout]; $layout_info += ['is_addon' => false]; $layout_info['theme_name'] = self::DirName($layout_info['theme']); $layout_info['theme_color'] = basename($layout_info['theme']); $relative = '/themes/'; if( $layout_info['is_addon'] ){ $relative = '/data/_themes/'; } $layout_info['path'] = $relative . $layout_info['theme']; $layout_info['dir'] = $dataDir . $relative . $layout_info['theme_name']; if( $check_existence && !file_exists($layout_info['dir'] . '/template.php') ){ return false; } return $layout_info; } /** * Returns the layout id used by the current page * @return string $layout_id * */ public static function GetCurrentLayoutId(){ global $page, $config; if( !is_object($page) || $page->pagetype === 'admin_display' ){ return ''; } if( isset($page->TitleInfo['gpLayout']) ){ // page uses a custom layout return $page->TitleInfo['gpLayout']; } $inheritance = \gp\admin\Menu\Tools::Inheritance_Info(); if( isset($inheritance[$page->gp_index]['parent_layout']) ){ // page inherits the layout from main menu parent return $inheritance[$page->gp_index]['parent_layout']; } // page uses the default layout return $config['gpLayout']; } /** * Returns detailed information of the layout used by the current page * @return array $layout_info * */ public static function GetCurrentLayoutInfo(){ global $gpLayouts; $layout_id = self::GetCurrentLayoutId(); if( empty($layout_id) ){ return []; } $layout_info = $gpLayouts[$layout_id]; $layout_info['layout_id'] = $layout_id; return $layout_info; } /* * * * Entry Functions * * */ public static function EntryPoint($level=0, $expecting='index.php', $sessions=true){ self::CheckRequest(); clearstatcache(); $ob_gzhandler = false; if( !self::IniGet('zlib.output_compression') && 'ob_gzhandler' != ini_get('output_handler') ){ @ob_start('ob_gzhandler'); //ini_get() does not always work for this test $ob_gzhandler = true; } self::SetGlobalPaths($level, $expecting); spl_autoload_register(['\\gp\\tool', 'Autoload']); includeFile('tool/functions.php'); if( $sessions ){ ob_start(['\\gp\\tool\\Output', 'BufferOut']); }elseif( !$ob_gzhandler ){ ob_start(); } self::RequestLevel(); self::GetConfig(); self::SetLinkPrefix(); self::SetCookieArgs(); if( $sessions ){ self::sessions(); } } /** * Setup SPL Autoloading * */ public static function Autoload($class){ global $config, $dataDir; $class = trim($class, '\\'); $parts = explode('\\', $class); $part_0 = array_shift($parts); if( !$parts ){ return; } //gp namespace if( $part_0 === 'gp' ){ $path = $dataDir . '/include/' . implode('/', $parts) . '.php'; if( file_exists($path) ){ include_once( $path ); }else{ trigger_error('Autoload for gp namespace failed. Class: ' . $class . ' path: ' . $path); } return; } //look for addon namespace if( $part_0 === 'Addon' ){ $namespace = array_shift($parts); if( !$parts ){ return; } foreach($config['addons'] as $addon_key => $addon){ if( isset($addon['Namespace']) && $addon['Namespace'] == $namespace ){ \gp\tool\Plugins::SetDataFolder($addon_key); $path = \gp\tool\Plugins::$current['code_folder_full'] . '/' . implode('/', $parts) . '.php'; if( file_exists($path) ){ include_once($path); }else{ trigger_error('Autoload for addon namespace failed. Class: ' . $class . ' path: ' . $path); } \gp\tool\Plugins::ClearDataFolder(); } } return; } //thirdparty $path = $dataDir . '/include/thirdparty/' . str_replace('\\', '/', $class) . '.php'; if( file_exists($path) ){ include_once($path); } } /** * Reject Invalid Requests * */ public static function CheckRequest(){ if( count($_POST) == 0 ){ return; } if( !isset($_SERVER['CONTENT_LENGTH']) ){ header('HTTP/1.1 503 Service Temporarily Unavailable'); header('Status: 503 Service Temporarily Unavailable'); header('Retry-After: 300');//300 seconds die(); } if( function_exists('getallheaders') ){ $headers = getallheaders(); if( !isset($headers['Content-Length']) ){ header('HTTP/1.1 503 Service Temporarily Unavailable'); header('Status: 503 Service Temporarily Unavailable'); header('Retry-After: 300');//300 seconds die(); } } } public static function SetGlobalPaths($DirectoriesAway, $expecting){ global $dataDir, $dirPrefix, $rootDir; $rootDir = self::DirName(__FILE__, 2); // dataDir, make sure it contains $expecting. Some servers using cgi do not set this properly // required for the Multi-Site plugin $dataDir = self::GetEnv('SCRIPT_FILENAME', $expecting); if( $dataDir !== false ){ $dataDir = self::ReduceGlobalPath($dataDir, $DirectoriesAway); }else{ $dataDir = $rootDir; } if( $dataDir == '/' ){ $dataDir = ''; } //$dirPrefix $dirPrefix = self::GetEnv('SCRIPT_NAME', $expecting); if( $dirPrefix === false ){ $dirPrefix = self::GetEnv('PHP_SELF', $expecting); } //remove everything after $expecting, $dirPrefix can at times include the PATH_INFO $pos = strpos($dirPrefix,$expecting); $dirPrefix = substr($dirPrefix, 0, $pos+strlen($expecting)); $dirPrefix = self::ReduceGlobalPath($dirPrefix, $DirectoriesAway); if( $dirPrefix == '/' ){ $dirPrefix = ''; } } /** * Convert backslashes to forward slashes * */ public static function WinPath($path){ return str_replace('\\', '/', $path); } /** * Returns parent directory's path with forward slashes * php's dirname() method may change slashes from / to \ * */ public static function DirName($path, $dirs=1){ for($i = 0; $i < $dirs; $i++){ $path = dirname($path); } return self::WinPath( $path ); } /** * Determine if this installation is supressing index.php in urls or not * */ public static function SetLinkPrefix(){ global $linkPrefix, $dirPrefix, $config; $linkPrefix = $dirPrefix; // gp_rewrite = 'On' and gp_rewrite = 'gpuniq' are deprecated since 4.1 // gp_rewrite = bool will still be used internally if( isset($_SERVER['gp_rewrite']) ){ if( $_SERVER['gp_rewrite'] === true || $_SERVER['gp_rewrite'] == 'On' ){ $_SERVER['gp_rewrite'] = true; }elseif( $_SERVER['gp_rewrite'] == @substr($config['gpuniq'], 0, 7) ){ $_SERVER['gp_rewrite'] = true; } }elseif( isset($_REQUEST['gp_rewrite']) ){ $_SERVER['gp_rewrite'] = true; // gp_indexphp is deprecated since 4.1 }elseif( defined('gp_indexphp') ){ if( \gp_indexphp === false ){ $_SERVER['gp_rewrite'] = true; } } unset($_GET['gp_rewrite']); unset($_REQUEST['gp_rewrite']); if( !isset($_SERVER['gp_rewrite']) ){ $_SERVER['gp_rewrite'] = false; } if( !$_SERVER['gp_rewrite'] ){ $linkPrefix .= '/index.php'; } } /** * Get the environment variable and make sure it contains an expected value * * @param string $var The key of the requested environment variable * @param string $expected Optional string that is expected as part of the environment variable value * * @return mixed Returns false if $expected is not found, otherwise it returns the environment value. * */ public static function GetEnv($var, $expecting=false){ $value = false; if( isset($_SERVER[$var]) ){ $value = $_SERVER[$var]; }else{ $value = getenv($var); } if( $expecting && strpos($value, $expecting) === false ){ return false; } return $value; } /** * Get the ini value and return a boolean casted value when appropriate: On, Off, 1, 0, True, False, Yes, No * */ public static function IniGet($key){ $value = ini_get($key); if( empty($value) ){ return false; } $lower_value = trim(strtolower($value)); switch($lower_value){ case 'true': case 'yes': case 'on': case '1': return true; case 'false': case 'no': case 'off': case '0': return false; } return $value; } public static function ReduceGlobalPath($path, $DirectoriesAway){ return self::DirName($path, $DirectoriesAway + 1); } //use dirPrefix to find requested level public static function RequestLevel(){ global $dirPrefixRel, $dirPrefix; $path = $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']; //strip the query string.. in case it contains "/" $pos = mb_strpos($path, '?'); if( $pos > 0 ){ $path = mb_substr($path, 0, $pos); } //dirPrefix will be percent-decoded $path = rawurldecode($path); //%20 ... if( !empty($dirPrefix) ){ $pos = mb_strpos($path, $dirPrefix); if( $pos !== false ){ $path = mb_substr($path, $pos + mb_strlen($dirPrefix)); } } $path = ltrim($path, '/'); $count = substr_count($path, '/'); if( $count == 0 ){ $dirPrefixRel = '.'; }else{ $dirPrefixRel = str_repeat('../', $count); $dirPrefixRel = rtrim($dirPrefixRel, '/'); //GetDir() arguments always start with / } } /** * Escape ampersands in hyperlink attributes and other html tag attributes * * @param string $str The string value of an html attribute * @return string The escaped string */ public static function Ampersands($str){ return preg_replace('/&(?![#a-zA-Z0-9]{2,9};)/S', '&', $str); } /** * Similar to htmlspecialchars, but designed for labels * Does not convert existing ampersands "&" * */ public static function LabelSpecialChars($string){ return str_replace( ['<', '>', '"', "'"], ['<', '>', '"', '''], $string ); } /** * Return an html hyperlink * * @param string $href The href value relative to the installation root (without index.php) * @param string $label Text or html to be displayed within the hyperlink * @param string $query Optional query to be used with the href * @param string|array $attr Optional string of attributes like title=".." and class=".." * @param mixed $nonce_action If false, no nonce will be added to the query. Given a string, it will be used as the first argument in \gp\tool\Nonce::Create() * * @return string The formatted html hyperlink */ public static function Link($href='', $label='', $query='', $attr='', $nonce_action=false){ return '' . self::Ampersands($label) . ''; } /** * @param string|array $attr * @param string $label */ public static function LinkAttr($attr='', $label=''){ $string = ''; $has_title = false; if( is_array($attr) ){ // update old links to // @deprecated $attr = array_change_key_case($attr); $has_title = isset($attr['title']); if( isset($attr['name']) && !isset($attr['data-cmd']) ){ trigger_error('deprecated use of name attribute (use data-cmd attribute instead)'); $attr['data-cmd'] = $attr['name']; unset($attr['name']); } $nonce_cmds = ['creq', 'cnreq', 'postlink', 'post']; if( isset($attr['data-cmd']) && in_array($attr['data-cmd'], $nonce_cmds) ){ $attr['data-nonce'] = \gp\tool\Nonce::Create('post', true); } $string = \gp\tool\HTML::Attributes($attr); }else{ $string = $attr; if( strpos($attr, 'title="') !== false){ $has_title = true; } // backwards compatibility hack to be removed in future releases // @since 3.6 if( strpos($string, 'name="postlink"') !== false ){ trigger_error('deprecated use of name attribute (use data-cmd attribute instead)'); $string .= ' data-nonce="' . \gp\tool\Nonce::Create('post', true) . '"'; // @since 4.1 }elseif( strpos($string, 'name="cnreq"') !== false || strpos($string, 'name="creq"') !== false ){ trigger_error('deprecated use of name attribute (use data-cmd attribute instead)'); $string .= ' data-nonce="' . \gp\tool\Nonce::Create('post', true) . '"'; } } if( !$has_title && !empty($label) ){ $string .= ' title="' . self::Ampersands(strip_tags($label)) . '" '; } return trim($string); } /** * Return an html hyperlink for a page * * @param string $title The title of the page * @return string The formatted html hyperlink */ public static function Link_Page($title=''){ global $config, $gp_index; if( empty($title) && !empty($config['homepath']) ){ $title = $config['homepath']; } $label = self::GetLabel($title); return self::Link($title, $label); } public static function GetUrl($href='', $query='', $ampersands=true, $nonce_action=false){ global $linkPrefix, $config; $filtered = \gp\tool\Plugins::Filter('GetUrl', [[$href, $query]]); if( is_array($filtered) ){ list($href, $query) = $filtered; } $href = self::SpecialHref($href); //home page link if( isset($config['homepath']) && $href == $config['homepath'] ){ $href = $linkPrefix; if( !$_SERVER['gp_rewrite'] ){ $href = self::DirName($href); } $href = rtrim($href, '/') . '/'; }else{ $href = $linkPrefix . '/' . ltrim($href, '/'); } $query = self::QueryEncode($query,$ampersands); if( $nonce_action ){ $nonce = \gp\tool\Nonce::Create($nonce_action); if( !empty($query) ){ $query .= '&'; //in the cases where $ampersands is false, nonces are not used } $query .= '_gpnonce=' . $nonce; } if( !empty($query) ){ $query = '?' . ltrim($query, '?'); } return self::HrefEncode($href, $ampersands) . $query; } /** * translate special pages from key to title * */ public static function SpecialHref($href){ global $gp_index; $href2 = ''; $href .= ''; $pos = mb_strpos($href, '/'); if( $pos !== false ){ $href2 = mb_substr($href, $pos); $href = mb_substr($href, 0, $pos); } $lower = mb_strtolower($href); if( !isset($gp_index[$href]) && strpos($lower, 'special_') === 0 && $index_title = self::IndexToTitle($lower) ){ $href = $index_title; } return $href . $href2; } /** * RawUrlEncode but keeps the following characters: &, /, \ * Slash is needed for hierarchical links * In case you'd like to learn about percent encoding: http://www.blooberry.com/indexdot/html/topics/urlencoding.htm * */ public static function HrefEncode($href, $ampersands=true){ $ampersand = '&'; if( $ampersands ){ $ampersand = '&'; } $href = rawurlencode($href); return str_replace( ['%26amp%3B', '%26', '%2F', '%5C'], [$ampersand, $ampersand, '/', '\\'], $href ); } /** * RawUrlEncode parts of the query string ( characters except & and = ) * */ public static function QueryEncode($query, $ampersands=true){ if( empty($query) ){ return ''; } $query = str_replace('+', '%20', $query); //in case urlencode() was used instead of rawurlencode() if( strpos($query, '&') !== false ){ $parts = explode('&', $query); }else{ $parts = explode('&', $query); } $ampersand = $query = ''; foreach($parts as $part){ if( strpos($part, '=') ){ list($key,$value) = explode('=', $part, 2); $query .= $ampersand . rawurlencode(rawurldecode($key)) . '=' . rawurlencode(rawurldecode($value)); }else{ $query .= $ampersand.rawurlencode(rawurldecode($part)); } if( $ampersands ){ $ampersand = '&'; }else{ $ampersand = '&'; } } return $query; } public static function AbsoluteLink($href, $label, $query='', $attr=''){ if( strpos($attr,'title="') === false){ $attr .= ' title="' . htmlspecialchars(strip_tags($label)) . '" '; } return '' . self::Ampersands($label) . ''; } public static function AbsoluteUrl($href='', $query='', $with_schema=true, $ampersands=true, $with_port=false){ $server = self::ServerName(false, $with_port); if( $server === false ){ return self::GetUrl($href, $query, $ampersands); } $schema = ''; if( $with_schema ){ $schema = ( isset($_SERVER['HTTPS']) && strtolower($_SERVER['HTTPS']) == 'on' ) ? 'https://' : 'http://'; } return $schema.$server.self::GetUrl($href,$query,$ampersands); } /** * Return ther server name * */ public static function ServerName($strip_www=false, $with_port=false){ $add_port = ''; if( !empty($_SERVER['HTTP_HOST']) ){ $server = self::UrlChars($_SERVER['SERVER_NAME']); if( $with_port && isset($_SERVER['SERVER_PORT']) ){ $port = $_SERVER['SERVER_PORT']; if( $port != 80 && $port != 443 ){ $add_port = ':' . $port; } } }else{ return false; } if( $strip_www && strpos($server, 'www.') === 0 ){ $server = substr($server, 4); } return $server . $add_port; } public static function UrlChars($string){ $string = str_replace(' ', '%20', $string); return preg_replace('|[^a-z0-9-~+_.?#=!&;,/:%@$\|*\'()\[\]\\x80-\\xff]|i', '', $string); } /** * Get the full path of a physical file on the server * The query string component of a path should not be included but will be protected from being encoded * */ public static function GetDir($dir='', $ampersands=false){ global $dirPrefix; $query = ''; $pos = mb_strpos($dir, '?'); if( $pos !== false ){ $query = mb_substr($dir, $pos); $dir = mb_substr($dir, 0, $pos); } $dir = $dirPrefix . '/' . ltrim($dir, '/'); return self::HrefEncode($dir, $ampersands) . $query; } /** * Get the label for a page from it's index * @param string $index * @param bool $amp Whether or not to escape ampersand characters */ public static function GetLabelIndex($index=null, $amp=false){ global $gp_titles,$langmessage; $info = []; if( isset($gp_titles[$index]) ){ $info = $gp_titles[$index]; } if( isset($info['label']) ){ $return = $info['label']; }elseif( isset($info['lang_index']) ){ $return = $langmessage[$info['lang_index']]; }else{ $return = self::IndexToTitle($index); $return = \gp\tool\Files::CleanLabel($return); } if( $amp ){ return str_replace('&', '&', $return); } return $return; } /** * Get the label for a page from it's title * @param string $title * */ public static function GetLabel($title=null){ global $gp_titles, $gp_index, $langmessage; $return = false; if( isset($gp_index[$title]) ){ $id = $gp_index[$title]; $info =& $gp_titles[$id]; if( isset($info['label']) ){ $return = $info['label']; }elseif( isset($info['lang_index']) ){ $return = $langmessage[$info['lang_index']]; } } if( $return === false ){ $return = \gp\tool\Files::CleanLabel($title); } return $return; } /** * Get the browser title for a page * @param string $title * */ public static function GetBrowserTitle($title){ global $gp_titles, $gp_index; if( !isset($gp_index[$title]) ){ return false; } $index = $gp_index[$title]; $title_info = $gp_titles[$index]; if( isset($title_info['browser_title']) ){ return $title_info['browser_title']; } $label = self::GetLabel($title); return strip_tags($label); } /** * Add js and css components to the current web page * * @static * @since 2.0b1 * @param array|string $names can be either a csv (with or without space characters) or an array. Since 5.1.1 */ public static function LoadComponents($names=''){ if( gettype($names) == 'array' ){ $names = implode(',', $names); } \gp\tool\Output::$components .= ',' . $names . ','; \gp\tool\Output::$components = str_replace(',,', ',', \gp\tool\Output::$components); \gp\tool\Output::$components = str_replace(' ', '', \gp\tool\Output::$components); } /** * Add gallery js and css to the section of a page * */ public static function ShowingGallery(){ global $page, $config; static $showing = false; if( $showing ){ return; } $showing = true; self::AddColorBox(); $css = \gp\tool\Plugins::OneFilter('Gallery_Style'); if( $css === false ){ if( !empty($config['gallery_legacy_style']) ){ $page->css_user[] = '/include/css/legacy_gallery.css'; return; } $page->css_user[] = '/include/css/default_gallery.css'; self::LoadComponents('dotdotdot'); $page->jQueryCode .= "\n" . '$(".filetype-gallery .caption")'. '.dotdotdot({ ' . 'watch : "window", ' . 'callback : function(isTruncated, orgContent){ ' . '$(this).data("originalContent", orgContent); ' . '}' . '});'; if( \gp\tool::LoggedIn() ){ $page->head_script .= "\n" . 'var gallery_editing_options = { legacy_style : false };'; $page->jQueryCode .= "\n" . '$(document).on("editor_area:loaded", function(){ ' . '$(".filetype-gallery .caption").trigger("destroy.dot"); ' . '});'; } return; } $page->head .= "\n" . ''; } public static function AddColorBox(){ global $page, $config, $dataDir; static $init = false; if( $init ){ return; } $init = true; // use page->lang for colorbox if( isset($page->lang) && $page->lang != $config['language'] && file_exists($dataDir . '/include/languages/' . $page->lang . '.main.inc') ){ include($dataDir . '/include/languages/' . $page->lang . '.main.inc'); }else{ global $langmessage; } \gp\tool\Output::$inline_vars['colorbox_lang'] = [ 'previous' => $langmessage['Previous'], 'next' => $langmessage['Next'], 'close' => $langmessage['Close'], 'caption' => $langmessage['caption'], 'current' => sprintf($langmessage['Image_of'],'{current}','{total}') ]; //'Start Slideshow'=>'slideshowStart', 'Stop Slideshow'=>'slideshowStop' self::LoadComponents('colorbox'); } /** * Set the $config array from /data/_site/config.php * */ public static function GetConfig(){ global $config, $gp_hooks; $config = \gp\tool\Files::Get('_site/config'); if( !is_array($config) || !array_key_exists('gpversion', $config) ){ self::stop(); } //make sure defaults are set $config += [ 'maximgarea' => '2073600', 'preserve_icc_profiles' => true, //5.1 'preserve_image_metadata' => true, //5.1 'maxthumbsize' => '300', 'maxthumbheight' => '', //5.1 'thumbskeepaspect' => false, 'check_uploads' => false, 'colorbox_style' => 'example1', 'gallery_legacy_style' => true, 'combinecss' => true, 'combinejs' => true, 'minifyjs' => false, //5.2 'etag_headers' => true, 'customlang' => [], 'showgplink' => true, 'showsitemap' => true, 'showlogin' => true, 'auto_redir' => 90, //2.5 'history_limit' => min(gp_backup_limit, 30), 'resize_images' => true, //3.5 'addons' => [], 'themes' => [], 'gadgets' => [], 'passhash' => 'sha1', 'hooks' => [], 'space_char' => '-', //4.6 'cdn' => '', 'admin_ui_autohide_below' => '992', //5.2 'admin_ui_hotkey' => 'H', //5.2 'admin_ui_hotkey_code' => 'ctrlKey+72', //5.2 'homepath_auto' => true, //5.2 ]; //cdn settings if( isset($config['jquery']) && $config['jquery'] != 'local' ){ $config['cdn'] = 'CloudFlare'; unset($config['jquery']); } //shahash deprecated 4.0 if( isset($config['shahash']) && !$config['shahash'] ){ $config['passhash'] = 'md5'; } // default gadgets $config['gadgets']['Contact'] = ['class' => '\\gp\\special\\ContactGadget']; $config['gadgets']['Search'] = ['method' => ['\\gp\\special\\Search', 'gadget']]; $config['gadgets']['Admin_Link'] = ['method' => ['\\gp\\tool\\Output', 'AdminLinkGadget']]; $config['gadgets']['Login_Link'] = ['method' => ['\\gp\\tool\\Output', 'LoginLinkGadget']]; foreach($config['hooks'] as $hook => $hook_info){ if( isset($gp_hooks[$hook]) ){ $gp_hooks[$hook] += $hook_info; }else{ $gp_hooks[$hook] = $hook_info; } } self::GetLangFile(); self::GetPagesPHP(); //upgrade? if( version_compare($config['gpversion'], '2.3.4', '<') ){ new \gp\tool\Upgrade(); } } /** * Stop loading * Check to see if the cms has already been installed * */ public static function stop(){ global $dataDir; if( !\gp\tool::Installed() ){ if( file_exists($dataDir . '/include/install/install.php') ){ self::SetLinkPrefix(); includeFile('install/install.php'); die(); } } die( '

Notice: The site configuration did not load properly.

' . '

If you are the site administrator, you can troubleshoot the problem turning ' . 'debugging "on" or bypass it by enabling ' . \CMS_NAME . ' safe mode.

' . '

More information is available in the ' . 'Documentation.

' . self::ErrorBuffer(true, false) ); } /** * Return true if * */ public static function Installed(){ global $dataDir; return \gp\tool\Files::Exists($dataDir . '/data/_site/config.php'); } /** * Set global variables ($gp_index, $gp_titles, $gp_menu and $gpLayouts) from _site/pages.php * */ public static function GetPagesPHP(){ global $gp_index, $gp_titles, $gp_menu, $gpLayouts, $config; $pages = \gp\tool\Files::Get('_site/pages'); $gpLayouts = $pages['gpLayouts']; $gp_index = $pages['gp_index']; $gp_titles = $pages['gp_titles']; $gp_menu = $pages['gp_menu']; if( !is_array($gp_menu) ){ self::stop(); } //title related configuration settings if( empty($config['homepath_key']) ){ $config['homepath_key'] = key($gp_menu); } $config['homepath'] = self::IndexToTitle($config['homepath_key']); } /** * Generate a new file index * skip indexes that are just numeric */ public static function NewFileIndex(){ global $gp_index, $gp_titles, $dataDir, $config; $last_index = 'a'; $num_index = 0; /*prevent reusing old indexes */ if( count($gp_index) > 0 ){ $max = count($gp_index); $title = end($gp_index); for($i = $max; $i > 0; $i--){ $last_index = current($gp_index); $type = self::SpecialOrAdmin($title); if( $type === 'special' ){ $title = prev($gp_index); continue; } $i = 0; } reset($gp_index); $num_index = base_convert($last_index, 36, 10); $num_index++; } do{ $index = base_convert($num_index, 10, 36); $num_index++; //check backup dir $backup_dir = $dataDir . '/data/_backup/pages/' . $index; if( file_exists($backup_dir) ){ $index = false; continue; } //check for page directory $draft_file = $dataDir . '/data/_pages/' . substr($config['gpuniq'], 0, 7) . '_' . $index; if( file_exists($draft_file) ){ $index = false; continue; } }while( !$index || is_numeric($index) || isset($gp_titles[$index]) ); return $index; } /** * Return the title of file using the index * Will return false for titles that are external links * @param string $index The index of the file */ public static function IndexToTitle($index){ global $gp_index; return array_search($index, $gp_index); } /** * Traverse the $menu upwards looking for the parents of the a title given by it's index * @param string $index The data index of the child title * @return array * */ public static function Parents($index, $menu){ $parents = []; if( !isset($menu[$index]) || !isset($menu[$index]['level']) ){ return $parents; } $checkLevel = $menu[$index]['level']; $menu_ids = array_keys($menu); $key = array_search($index, $menu_ids); for($i = ($key-1); $i >= 0; $i--){ $id = $menu_ids[$i]; //check the level $level = $menu[$id]['level']; if( $level >= $checkLevel ){ continue; } $checkLevel = $level; $parents[] = $id; //no need to go further if( $level == 0 ){ return $parents; } } return $parents; } /** * Traverse the $menu and gather all the descendants of a title given by it's $index * @param string $index The data index of the child title * @param array $menu The menu to use to check for descendants * @param bool $children_only Option to return a list of children instead of all descendants. Since 4.3 * @return array */ public static function Descendants($index, $menu, $children_only=false){ $titles = []; if( !isset($menu[$index]) || !isset($menu[$index]['level']) ){ return $titles; } $start_level = $menu[$index]['level']; $menu_ids = array_keys($menu); $key = array_search($index, $menu_ids); $count = count($menu); for($i = ($key+1); $i < $count; $i++){ $id = $menu_ids[$i]; $level = $menu[$id]['level']; if( $level <= $start_level ){ return $titles; } if( !$children_only ){ $titles[] = $id; }elseif( $level == $start_level + 1 ){ $titles[] = $id; } } return $titles; } /** * Return the configuration value or default if it's not set * * @since 1.7 * * @param string $key The key to the $config array * @param mixed $default The value to return if $config[$key] is not set * @return mixed */ public static function ConfigValue($key, $default=false){ global $config; if( !isset($config[$key]) ){ return $default; } return $config[$key]; } /** * Generate a random alphanumeric string of variable length * * @param int $len length of string to return * @param bool $cases Whether or not to use upper and lowercase characters */ public static function RandomString($len=40, $cases=true){ $string = 'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz1234567890'; if( $cases ){ $string .= 'ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ'; } $string = str_repeat($string, (int)round($len / 2)); $string = str_shuffle($string); $start = mt_rand(1, (strlen($string) - $len)); return substr($string, $start, $len); } /** * Include the main.inc language file for $language * */ public static function GetLangFile($file='main.inc', $language=false){ global $dataDir, $config, $langmessage; $language = $language ? $language : $config['language']; $path = $dataDir.'/include/languages/' . $language . '.main.inc'; if( !file_exists($path) ){ include($dataDir . '/include/languages/en.main.inc'); //default to en return false; } include($path); return true; } /** * Get translation of a $langmessage key * @since 5.2 * @param string key to be found in the $langmessage array * @param string optional language code (de, fr, …) of the language to be loaded. * if omitted the current CMS language will be used. * @return string the translation if it exists, otherwise the passed term * */ public static function Translate($term, $lang=false){ global $dataDir; if( empty($lang) ){ // use CMS language global $langmessage; }else{ $path = $dataDir . '/include/languages/' . $lang . '.main.inc'; if( !file_exists($path) ){ return $term; } include($path); } return isset($langmessage[$term]) ? $langmessage[$term] : $term; } /** * Determine if the $title is a special or admin page * @param string $title * @return mixed 'admin','special' or false */ public static function SpecialOrAdmin($title){ global $gp_index, $gp_titles; $lower_title = strtolower($title); if( $lower_title === 'admin' ){ return 'admin'; }elseif( strpos($lower_title, 'admin_') === 0 || strpos($lower_title, 'admin/') === 0 ){ return 'admin'; } if( strpos($lower_title, 'special_') === 0 ){ return 'special'; } $parts = explode('/', $title); do{ $title = implode('/', $parts); if( isset($gp_index[$title]) ){ $key = $gp_index[$title]; $info = $gp_titles[$key]; if( $info['type'] == 'special' ){ return 'special'; } } array_pop($parts); }while( count($parts) ); return false; } /** * Return the name of the page being requested based on $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'] * May also redirect the request * * @return string The title to display based on the request uri * */ public static function WhichPage(){ global $config, $gp_menu; $path = \gp\tool\Editing::Sanitize($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']); $path = self::CleanRequest($path); $pos = mb_strpos($path, '?'); if( $pos !== false ){ $path = mb_substr($path, 0, $pos); } $path = \gp\tool\Plugins::Filter('WhichPage', [$path]); //redirect if an "external link" is the first entry of the main menu if( empty($path) && isset($gp_menu[$config['homepath_key']]) ){ $homepath_info = $gp_menu[$config['homepath_key']]; if( isset($homepath_info['url']) ){ self::Redirect($homepath_info['url'], 302); } } if( empty($path) ){ return $config['homepath']; } //redirect to / for homepath request if( isset($config['homepath']) && $path == $config['homepath'] ){ self::Redirect(self::GetUrl('', '', false)); } return $path; } /** * Redirect the request to $path with http $code * * @param string|array $path url to redirect to * @param string $code http redirect code: 301 or 302 * */ public static function Redirect($path, $code=302){ global $wbMessageBuffer, $gpAdmin; // if $path is an array, generate a url with \gp\tool::GetUrl($path); // add gpreq and jsoncallback to maintain ajax requests if( is_array($path) ){ $add_query = ['gpreq' => 1, 'jsoncallback' => 1]; $add_query = array_intersect_key($_REQUEST, $add_query); $path += [1=>[]]; $path[1] += $add_query; $path = \gp\tool::GetUrl($path[0], http_build_query($path[1], '', '&'), false); } //store any messages for display after the redirect if( self::LoggedIn() && count($wbMessageBuffer) ){ $gpAdmin['message_buffer'] = $wbMessageBuffer; } //prevent a cache from creating an infinite redirect Header('Last-Modified: ' . gmdate('D, j M Y H:i:s') . ' GMT'); Header('Expires: ' . gmdate('D, j M Y H:i:s', time()) . ' GMT'); Header('Cache-Control: no-store, no-cache, must-revalidate'); // HTTP/1.1 Header('Cache-Control: post-check=0, pre-check=0', false); Header('Pragma: no-cache' ); // HTTP/1.0 switch((int)$code){ case 301: self::status_header(301, 'Moved Permanently'); break; case 302: self::status_header(302, 'Found'); break; } header('Location: ' . $path); die(); } /** * Remove $dirPrefix and index.php from a path to get the page title * * @param string $path A full relative url like /install_dir/index.php/request_title * */ public static function CleanRequest($path){ global $dirPrefix; //use dirPrefix to find requested title if( !empty($dirPrefix) ){ $pos = strpos($path, $dirPrefix); if( $pos !== false ){ $path = substr($path, $pos + strlen($dirPrefix)); } } //remove /index.php/ $pos = strpos($path, '/index.php'); if( $pos === 0 ){ $path = substr($path, 11); } $path = ltrim($path, '/'); return $path; } /** * Handle admin login/logout/session_start if admin session parameters exist * */ public static function sessions(){ //alternate sessions if( defined('gpcom_sessions') ){ include(gpcom_sessions); } $cmd = ''; if( isset($_GET['cmd']) && $_GET['cmd'] == 'logout' ){ $cmd = 'logout'; }elseif( isset($_POST['cmd']) && $_POST['cmd'] == 'login' ){ $cmd = $_POST['cmd']; }elseif( count($_COOKIE) ){ foreach($_COOKIE as $key => $value){ if( strpos($key, 'gpEasy_') === 0 ){ $cmd = 'start'; break; } } } if( empty($cmd) ){ return; } \gp\tool\Session::Init(); } /** * Return true if an administrator is logged in * @return bool */ public static function LoggedIn(){ global $gpAdmin; $loggedin = false; if( isset($gpAdmin) && is_array($gpAdmin) ){ $loggedin = true; } return \gp\tool\Plugins::Filter('LoggedIn', [$loggedin]); } /** * @deprecated * Create a new nonce * Deprecated as of Typesetter 5.2 * Use \gp\tool\Nonce::Create() instead */ public static function new_nonce($action='none', $anon=false, $factor=43200){ // trigger_error('Deprecated: \gp\tool::new_nonce(), use \gp\tool\Nonce::Create() instead', E_USER_WARNING); return \gp\tool\Nonce::Create($action, $anon, $factor); } /** * @deprecated * Verify a nonce ($check_nonce) * Deprecated as of Typesetter 5.2 * Use \gp\tool\Nonce::Verify() instead * * @param string $action Should be the same $action that is passed to new_nonce() * @param mixed $check_nonce The user submitted nonce or false if $_REQUEST['_gpnonce'] can be used * @param bool $anon True if the nonce is being used for anonymous users * @param int $factor Determines the length of time the generated nonce will be valid. The default 43200 will result in a 24hr period of time. * @return mixed Return false if the $check_nonce did not pass. 1 or 2 if it passes. * */ public static function verify_nonce($action='none', $check_nonce=false, $anon=false, $factor=43200){ // trigger_error('Deprecated: \gp\tool::verify_nonce(), use \gp\tool\Nonce::Verify() instead', E_USER_WARNING); return \gp\tool\Nonce::Verify($action, $check_nonce, $anon, $factor); } /** * @deprecated * Generate a nonce hash * Deprecated as of Typesetter 5.2 * Use \gp\tool\Nonce::Hash() instead * * @param string $nonce * @param int $tick_offset * @param int $factor Determines the length of time the generated nonce will be valid. The default 43200 will result in a 24hr period of time. * */ public static function nonce_hash($nonce, $tick_offset=0, $factor=43200){ // trigger_error('Deprecated: \gp\tool::nonce_hash(), use \gp\tool\Nonce::Hash() instead', E_USER_WARNING); return \gp\tool\Nonce::Hash($nonce, $tick_offset, $factor); } /** * Return the command sent by the user * Don't use $_REQUEST here because SetCookieArgs() uses $_GET * */ public static function GetCommand($type='cmd'){ global $gpAdmin; if( is_array($gpAdmin) && isset($gpAdmin['locked']) && $gpAdmin['locked'] ){ return false; } if( isset($_POST[$type]) ){ return $_POST[$type]; } if( isset($_GET[$type]) ){ return $_GET[$type]; } return false; } /** * Used for receiving arguments from javascript without having to put variables in the $_GET request * nice for things that shouldn't be repeated! */ public static function SetCookieArgs(){ static $done = false; if( $done || !gp_cookie_cmd ){ return; } self::RawCookies(); //get cookie arguments if( empty($_COOKIE['cookie_cmd']) ){ return; } $test = $_COOKIE['cookie_cmd']; if( $test[0] === '?' ){ $test = substr($test, 1); } parse_str($test,$cookie_args); if( !$cookie_args ){ return; } //parse_str will overwrite values in $_GET/$_REQUEST $_GET = $cookie_args + $_GET; $_REQUEST = $cookie_args + $_REQUEST; //for requests with verification, we'll set $_POST if( !empty($_GET['verified']) ){ $_POST = $cookie_args + $_POST; } $done = true; } /** * Fix the $_COOKIE array if RAW_HTTP_COOKIE is set * Some servers encrypt cookie values before sending them to the client * Since cookies set by the client (with JavaScript) are not encrypted, * the values won't be set in $_COOOKIE * */ public static function RawCookies(){ if( empty($_SERVER['RAW_HTTP_COOKIE']) ){ return; } $csplit = explode(';', $_SERVER['RAW_HTTP_COOKIE']); foreach($csplit as $pair){ if( !strpos($pair, '=') ){ continue; } list($key, $value) = explode('=', $pair); $key = rawurldecode(trim($key)); if( !array_key_exists($key, $_COOKIE) ){ $_COOKIE[$key] = rawurldecode(trim($value)); } } } /** * Output Javascript code to set variable defaults * */ public static function JsStart(){ global $linkPrefix; //default Variables \gp\tool\Output::$inline_vars['isadmin'] = false; \gp\tool\Output::$inline_vars['gpBase'] = rtrim(self::GetDir(''), '/'); \gp\tool\Output::$inline_vars['post_nonce'] = ''; \gp\tool\Output::$inline_vars['req_type'] = strtolower(htmlspecialchars($_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD'])); if( \gpdebugjs ){ if( is_string(\gpdebugjs) ){ \gp\tool\Output::$inline_vars['debugjs'] = 'send'; }else{ \gp\tool\Output::$inline_vars['debugjs'] = true; } }else{ \gp\tool\Output::$inline_vars['debugjs'] = false; } if( self::LoggedIn() ){ \gp\tool\Output::$inline_vars['isadmin'] = true; \gp\tool\Output::$inline_vars['req_time'] = time(); \gp\tool\Output::$inline_vars['gpBLink'] = self::HrefEncode($linkPrefix, false); \gp\tool\Output::$inline_vars['post_nonce'] = \gp\tool\Nonce::Create('post', true); \gp\tool\Output::$inline_vars['gpFinderUrl'] = \gp\tool::GetUrl('Admin/Browser'); \gp\tool\Output::$inline_vars['hideAdminUIcfg'] = self::HideAdminUIcfg(); \gp\tool\Session::GPUIVars(); } echo 'var gplinks={}, gpinputs={}, gpresponse={}'; foreach(\gp\tool\Output::$inline_vars as $key => $value){ echo ',' . $key . '=' . json_encode($value); } echo ';'; } /** * Get config values for hiding the admin UI * * @return array $cfg configuration values * */ public static function HideAdminUIcfg(){ global $config, $langmessage; $cfg = [ 'autohide_below' => 0, 'hotkey' => '', 'hotkey_modkeys' => [], 'hotkey_which' => '', ]; if( !empty($config['admin_ui_autohide_below']) && is_numeric($config['admin_ui_autohide_below']) ){ $cfg['autohide_below'] = (int)$config['admin_ui_autohide_below']; } if( !empty($config['admin_ui_hotkey']) && !empty($config['admin_ui_hotkey_code']) ){ $cfg['hotkey'] = $config['admin_ui_hotkey']; if( strpos($config['admin_ui_hotkey_code'], 'ctrlKey+') !== false ){ $cfg['hotkey_modkeys'][] = 'ctrlKey'; } if( strpos($config['admin_ui_hotkey_code'], 'shiftKey+') !== false ){ $cfg['hotkey_modkeys'][] = 'shiftKey'; } if( strpos($config['admin_ui_hotkey_code'], 'altKey+') !== false ){ $cfg['hotkey_modkeys'][] = 'altKey'; } if( strpos($config['admin_ui_hotkey_code'], 'metaKey+') !== false ){ $cfg['hotkey_modkeys'][] = 'metaKey'; } $parts = explode('+', $config['admin_ui_hotkey_code']); $cfg['hotkey_which'] = array_pop($parts); } return $cfg; } /** * Return the hash of $arg using the appropriate hashing function for the installation * * @param string $arg The string to be hashed * @param string $algo The hashing algorithm to be used * @param int $loops The number of times to loop the $arg through the algorithm * */ public static function hash($arg, $algo='sha512', $loops=1000){ $arg = trim($arg); switch($algo){ //password_hash case 'password_hash': $temp = self::hash($arg, 'sha512', 50); // 50 salted sha512, same as in /include/admin/Settings/Users.php -> SetUserPass return password_hash($temp, PASSWORD_DEFAULT); //md5 case 'md5': trigger_error('md5 should not be used, please reset your password'); return md5($arg); //sha1 case 'sha1': return sha1($arg); } //sha512: looped with dynamic salt for($i = 0; $i < $loops; $i++){ $ints = preg_replace('#[a-f]#', '', $arg); $salt_start = (int)substr($ints, 0, 1); $salt_len = (int)substr($ints, 2, 1); $salt = substr($arg, $salt_start, $salt_len); $arg = hash($algo, $arg . $salt); } return $arg; } public static function AjaxWarning(){ global $page,$langmessage; $page->ajaxReplace[] = ['gpabox', '', $langmessage['OOPS_Start_over']]; } public static function IdUrl($request_cmd='cv'){ global $config, $dataDir, $gpLayouts; //command $args = []; $args['cmd'] = $request_cmd; $_SERVER += ['SERVER_SOFTWARE' => '']; //checkin if( isset($config['gpuniq']) ){ $args['mdu'] = substr(md5($config['gpuniq']), 0, 20); // gpuniq won't be set before installation } $args['site'] = self::AbsoluteUrl(''); //keep full path for backwards compat $args['gpv'] = \gpversion; $args['php'] = phpversion(); $args['se'] = $_SERVER['SERVER_SOFTWARE']; $args['data'] = $dataDir; //$args['zlib'] = (int)function_exists('gzcompress'); //service provider if( defined('service_provider_id') && is_numeric(\service_provider_id) ){ $args['provider'] = \service_provider_id; } //plugins $addon_ids = []; if( isset($config['addons']) && is_array($config['addons']) ){ self::AddonIds($addon_ids, $config['addons']); } //themes if( isset($config['themes']) && is_array($config['themes']) ){ self::AddonIds($addon_ids, $config['themes']); } //layouts if( is_array($gpLayouts) ){ foreach($gpLayouts as $layout_info){ if( !isset($layout_info['addon_id']) ){ continue; } $addon_ids[] = $layout_info['addon_id']; } } $addon_ids = array_unique($addon_ids); $args['as'] = implode('-', $addon_ids); return \addon_browse_path . '/Resources?' . http_build_query($args, '', '&'); } public static function AddonIds(&$addon_ids, $array){ foreach($array as $addon_info){ if( !isset($addon_info['id']) ){ continue; } $addon_id = $addon_info['id']; if( isset($addon_info['order']) ){ $addon_id .= '.' . $addon_info['order']; } $addon_ids[] = $addon_id; } } /** * Used to send error reports without affecting the display of a page * */ public static function IdReq($img_path, $jquery=true){ global $page; // don't send for unit testing if( defined('gp_unit_testing') ){ return; } //using jquery asynchronously doesn't affect page loading //error function defined to prevent the default error function in main.js from firing if( $jquery && is_object($page) ){ $page->head_script .= '$.ajax(' . json_encode($img_path) . ', {error:function(){}, dataType: "jsonp"});'; return; } return ''; } /** * Return a debug message with link to online debug info * */ public static function Debug($lang_key, $debug=[]){ global $langmessage, $dataDir; //add backtrace info $backtrace = debug_backtrace(); while( count($backtrace) > 0 && !empty($backtrace[0]['function']) && $backtrace[0]['function'] == 'Debug' ){ array_shift($backtrace); } $debug['trace'] = array_intersect_key( $backtrace[0], [ 'file' => '', 'line' => '', 'function' => '', 'class' => '', ] ); if( !empty($debug['trace']['file']) && !empty($dataDir) && strpos($debug['trace']['file'],$dataDir) === 0 ){ $debug['trace']['file'] = substr($debug['trace']['file'], strlen($dataDir) ); } //add php and cms info $debug['lang_key'] = $lang_key; $debug['phpversion'] = phpversion(); $debug['gpversion'] = \gpversion; $debug['Rewrite'] = $_SERVER['gp_rewrite']; $debug['Server'] = isset($_SERVER['SERVER_SOFTWARE']) ? $_SERVER['SERVER_SOFTWARE'] : ''; //create string $debug = json_encode($debug); $debug = base64_encode($debug); $debug = trim($debug, '='); $debug = strtr($debug, '+/', '-_'); $label = isset($langmessage[$lang_key]) ? $langmessage[$lang_key] : $lang_key; return ' ' . $label . ' More Info...'; } //only include error buffer when admin is logged in public static function ErrorBuffer($check_user=true, $jquery=true){ global $wbErrorBuffer, $config, $dataDir, $rootDir; if( count($wbErrorBuffer) == 0 ){ return; } if( isset($config['Report_Errors']) && !$config['Report_Errors'] ){ return; } if( $check_user && !self::LoggedIn() ){ return; } $dataDir_len = strlen($dataDir); $rootDir_len = strlen($rootDir); $img_path = self::IdUrl('er'); $i = 0; foreach($wbErrorBuffer as $error){ //remove $dataDir or $rootDir from the filename $file_name = self::WinPath($error['ef' . $i]); if( $dataDir_len > 1 && strpos($file_name,$dataDir) === 0 ){ $file_name = substr($file_name, $dataDir_len); }elseif( $rootDir_len > 1 && strpos($file_name, $rootDir) === 0 ){ $file_name = substr($file_name, $rootDir_len); } $error['ef' . $i] = substr($file_name, -100); $new_path = $img_path . '&' . http_build_query($error, '', '&'); //maximum length of 2000 characters if( strlen($new_path) > 2000 ){ break; } $img_path = $new_path; $i++; } return self::IdReq($img_path, $jquery); } /** * Test if function exists. Also handles case where function is disabled via Suhosin. * Modified from: http://dev.piwik.org/trac/browser/trunk/plugins/Installation/Controller.php * * @param string $function Function name * @return bool True if function exists (not disabled); False otherwise. */ public static function function_exists($function){ $function = strtolower($function); // eval() is a language construct if( $function == 'eval' ){ // does not check suhosin.executor.eval.whitelist (or blacklist) if( extension_loaded('suhosin') && self::IniGet('suhosin.executor.disable_eval') ){ return false; } return true; } if( !function_exists($function) ){ return false; } $blacklist = @ini_get('disable_functions'); if( extension_loaded('suhosin') ){ $blacklist .= ',' . @ini_get('suhosin.executor.func.blacklist'); } $blacklist = explode(',', $blacklist); $blacklist = array_map('trim', $blacklist); $blacklist = array_map('strtolower', $blacklist); if( in_array($function, $blacklist) ){ return false; } return true; } /** * A more functional JSON Encode function * @param mixed $data * @return string */ public static function JsonEncode($data){ $search = ['']; $repl = ['<"+"script', '<"+"\/script>']; $type = gettype($data); switch( $type ){ case 'NULL': return 'null'; case 'boolean': return ($data ? 'true' : 'false'); case 'integer': case 'double': case 'float': return json_encode($data); case 'string': $data = htmlspecialchars_decode(htmlspecialchars($data, ENT_SUBSTITUTE, 'UTF-8')); $data = json_encode($data); return str_replace($search, $repl, $data); case 'object': $data = get_object_vars($data); case 'array': $output_index_count = 0; $output_indexed = []; $output_associative = []; foreach( $data as $key => $value ){ $output_indexed[] = self::JsonEncode($value); $output_associative[] = self::JsonEncode($key) . ':' . self::JsonEncode($value); if( $output_index_count !== NULL && $output_index_count++ !== $key ){ $output_index_count = NULL; } } if( $output_index_count !== NULL ){ return '[' . implode(',', $output_indexed) . ']'; } return '{' . implode(',', $output_associative) . '}'; } return ''; // Not supported } /** * Date format funciton, uses formatting similar to php's strftime function * http://php.net/manual/en/function.strftime.php * */ public static function Date($format='', $time=null){ if( empty($format) ){ return ''; } if( is_null($time) ){ $time = time(); } $time = (int)$time; $match_count = preg_match_all('#%+[^\s]#', $format, $matches, PREG_OFFSET_CAPTURE); if( $match_count ){ $matches = array_reverse($matches[0]); foreach($matches as $match){ $len = strlen($match[0]); if( $len%2 ){ $replacement = strftime($match[0], $time); }else{ $piece = substr($match[0], -2, 2); switch($piece){ case '%e': $replacement = strftime(substr($match[0], 0, -2), $time) . ltrim(strftime('%d', $time), '0'); break; default: $replacement = strftime($match[0], $time); break; } } $format = substr_replace($format, $replacement, $match[1], strlen($match[0])); } } return $format; } /** * Get an image's thumbnail path * */ public static function ThumbnailPath($img){ //already thumbnail path if( strpos($img, '/data/_uploaded/image/thumbnails') !== false ){ return $img; } $dir_part = '/data/_uploaded/'; $pos = strpos($img, $dir_part); if( $pos === false ){ return $img; } // svg or not svg $nameParts = explode('.', $img); $type = array_pop($nameParts); $type = strtolower($type); if( strpos('svgz', $type) !== 0 ){ $type = 'jpg'; } return substr_replace($img, '/data/_uploaded/image/thumbnails/', $pos, strlen($dir_part)) . '.' . $type; } /** * Generate a checksum for the $array * */ public static function ArrayHash($array){ return md5(json_encode($array)); } /** * Return the key of an array if found * Alert if $msg is not null * * @param string $key * @param array $array * @param string $msg * @return mixed */ public static function ArrayKey($key, $array, $msg=null){ global $langmessage; if( !isset($array[$key]) ){ if( !is_null($msg) ){ msg($langmessage['OOPS'] . ' ' . $msg); } return false; } return array_search($array[$key], $array, true); } /** * Convert a string representation of a byte value to an number * @param string $value * @return int */ public static function getByteValue($value){ if( is_numeric($value) ){ return (int)$value; } $lastChar = strtolower(substr($value, -1)); $num = (int)substr($value, 0, -1); switch($lastChar){ case 'g': $num *= 1024; case 'm': $num *= 1024; case 'k': $num *= 1024; break; } return $num; } /** * Get the extension of the $file * */ public static function Ext($file){ $ext = pathinfo($file, PATHINFO_EXTENSION); return strtolower($ext); } /** * @deprecated 3.0 * use \gp\tool\Editing::UseCK(); */ public static function UseFCK($contents, $name='gpcontent'){ trigger_error('Deprecated Function'); \gp\tool\Editing::UseCK($contents, $name); } /** * @deprecated 3.0 * Use \gp\tool\Editing::UseCK(); */ public static function UseCK($contents, $name='gpcontent', $options=[]){ trigger_error('Deprecated Function'); \gp\tool\Editing::UseCK($contents, $name, $options); } } } namespace{ class common extends \gp\tool{} }