$(function(){ // if( typeof(IE_LT_10) != 'undefined' && IE_LT_10 ){ if( window.navigator.userAgent.match(/(MSIE|Trident)/) ){ $('#browser_warning').show(); } $('#loginform .login_text').first().find('input').trigger('focus'); window.setTimeout(function(){ $('#login_timeout').show(); $('#login_form').hide(); },500000);//10 minutes would be 600,000 //don't send plaintext password if possible //send instead md5 and sha1 encrypted strings $('#login_form').on('submit', function(){ if( this.encrypted.checked ){ var pwd = this.password.value; var nonce = this.login_nonce.value; this.pass_md5.value = hex_sha1(nonce+hex_md5(pwd)); this.pass_sha.value = hex_sha1(nonce+hex_sha1(pwd)); this.pass_sha512.value = sha512(pwd); this.password.value = ''; this.user_sha.value = hex_sha1(nonce+this.username.value); this.username.value = ''; } }); function sha512(pwd){ for(var i = 0; i < 50; i++ ){ var ints = pwd.replace(/[a-f]/g,''); var salt_start = parseInt(ints.substr(0,1)); var salt_len = parseInt(ints.substr(2,1)); var salt = pwd.substr(salt_start,salt_len); var shaObj = new jsSHA(pwd+salt,'TEXT'); pwd = shaObj.getHash('SHA-512', 'HEX'); } return pwd; } });