
191 lines
5.6 KiB

namespace PHP81_BC;
use DateTime;
use DateTimeZone;
use DateTimeInterface;
use Exception;
use IntlDateFormatter;
use IntlGregorianCalendar;
use InvalidArgumentException;
* Locale-formatted strftime using \IntlDateFormatter (PHP 8.1 compatible)
* This provides a cross-platform alternative to strftime() for when it will be removed from PHP.
* Note that output can be slightly different between libc sprintf and this function as it is using ICU.
* Usage:
* use function \PHP81_BC\strftime;
* echo strftime('%A %e %B %Y %X', new \DateTime('2021-09-28 00:00:00'), 'fr_FR');
* Original use:
* \setlocale('fr_FR.UTF-8', LC_TIME);
* echo \strftime('%A %e %B %Y %X', strtotime('2021-09-28 00:00:00'));
* @param string $format Date format
* @param integer|string|DateTime $timestamp Timestamp
* @return string
* @author BohwaZ <https://bohwaz.net/>
function strftime(string $format, $timestamp = null, ?string $locale = null): string
if (null === $timestamp) {
$timestamp = new \DateTime;
elseif (is_numeric($timestamp)) {
$timestamp = date_create('@' . $timestamp);
if ($timestamp) {
$timestamp->setTimezone(new \DateTimezone(date_default_timezone_get()));
elseif (is_string($timestamp)) {
$timestamp = date_create($timestamp);
if (!($timestamp instanceof \DateTimeInterface)) {
throw new \InvalidArgumentException('$timestamp argument is neither a valid UNIX timestamp, a valid date-time string or a DateTime object.');
$locale = substr((string) $locale, 0, 5);
$intl_formats = [
'%a' => 'EEE', // An abbreviated textual representation of the day Sun through Sat
'%A' => 'EEEE', // A full textual representation of the day Sunday through Saturday
'%b' => 'MMM', // Abbreviated month name, based on the locale Jan through Dec
'%B' => 'MMMM', // Full month name, based on the locale January through December
'%h' => 'MMM', // Abbreviated month name, based on the locale (an alias of %b) Jan through Dec
$intl_formatter = function (\DateTimeInterface $timestamp, string $format) use ($intl_formats, $locale) {
$tz = $timestamp->getTimezone();
$date_type = \IntlDateFormatter::FULL;
$time_type = \IntlDateFormatter::FULL;
$pattern = '';
// %c = Preferred date and time stamp based on locale
// Example: Tue Feb 5 00:45:10 2009 for February 5, 2009 at 12:45:10 AM
if ($format == '%c') {
$date_type = \IntlDateFormatter::LONG;
$time_type = \IntlDateFormatter::SHORT;
// %x = Preferred date representation based on locale, without the time
// Example: 02/05/09 for February 5, 2009
elseif ($format == '%x') {
$date_type = \IntlDateFormatter::SHORT;
$time_type = \IntlDateFormatter::NONE;
// Localized time format
elseif ($format == '%X') {
$date_type = \IntlDateFormatter::NONE;
$time_type = \IntlDateFormatter::MEDIUM;
else {
$pattern = $intl_formats[$format];
return (new \IntlDateFormatter($locale, $date_type, $time_type, $tz, null, $pattern))->format($timestamp);
// Same order as https://www.php.net/manual/en/function.strftime.php
$translation_table = [
// Day
'%a' => $intl_formatter,
'%A' => $intl_formatter,
'%d' => 'd',
'%e' => function ($timestamp) {
return sprintf('% 2u', $timestamp->format('j'));
'%j' => function ($timestamp) {
// Day number in year, 001 to 366
return sprintf('%03d', $timestamp->format('z')+1);
'%u' => 'N',
'%w' => 'w',
// Week
'%U' => function ($timestamp) {
// Number of weeks between date and first Sunday of year
$day = new \DateTime(sprintf('%d-01 Sunday', $timestamp->format('Y')));
return sprintf('%02u', 1 + ($timestamp->format('z') - $day->format('z')) / 7);
'%V' => 'W',
'%W' => function ($timestamp) {
// Number of weeks between date and first Monday of year
$day = new \DateTime(sprintf('%d-01 Monday', $timestamp->format('Y')));
return sprintf('%02u', 1 + ($timestamp->format('z') - $day->format('z')) / 7);
// Month
'%b' => $intl_formatter,
'%B' => $intl_formatter,
'%h' => $intl_formatter,
'%m' => 'm',
// Year
'%C' => function ($timestamp) {
// Century (-1): 19 for 20th century
return floor($timestamp->format('Y') / 100);
'%g' => function ($timestamp) {
return substr($timestamp->format('o'), -2);
'%G' => 'o',
'%y' => 'y',
'%Y' => 'Y',
// Time
'%H' => 'H',
'%k' => function ($timestamp) {
return sprintf('% 2u', $timestamp->format('G'));
'%I' => 'h',
'%l' => function ($timestamp) {
return sprintf('% 2u', $timestamp->format('g'));
'%M' => 'i',
'%p' => 'A', // AM PM (this is reversed on purpose!)
'%P' => 'a', // am pm
'%r' => 'h:i:s A', // %I:%M:%S %p
'%R' => 'H:i', // %H:%M
'%S' => 's',
'%T' => 'H:i:s', // %H:%M:%S
'%X' => $intl_formatter, // Preferred time representation based on locale, without the date
// Timezone
'%z' => 'O',
'%Z' => 'T',
// Time and Date Stamps
'%c' => $intl_formatter,
'%D' => 'm/d/Y',
'%F' => 'Y-m-d',
'%s' => 'U',
'%x' => $intl_formatter,
$out = preg_replace_callback('/(?<!%)(%[a-zA-Z])/', function ($match) use ($translation_table, $timestamp) {
if ($match[1] == '%n') {
return "\n";
elseif ($match[1] == '%t') {
return "\t";
if (!isset($translation_table[$match[1]])) {
throw new \InvalidArgumentException(sprintf('Format "%s" is unknown in time format', $match[1]));
$replace = $translation_table[$match[1]];
if (is_string($replace)) {
return $timestamp->format($replace);
else {
return $replace($timestamp, $match[1]);
}, $format);
$out = str_replace('%%', '%', $out);
return $out;