
22 lines
900 B

CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'syntaxhighlight', 'en', {
title:'Add or update a code snippet',
contextTitle:'Edit source code',
sourceTab:'Source code',
langLbl:'Select language',
sourceTextareaEmptyError:'Source code mustn\'t be empty.',
hideGutter:'Hide gutter',
hideGutterLbl:'Hide gutter & line numbers.',
hideControls:'Hide controls',
hideControlsLbl:'Hide code controls at the top of the code block.',
collapseLbl:'Collapse the code block by default. (controls need to be turned on)',
showColumns:'Show columns',
showColumnsLbl:'Show row columns in the first line.',
lineWrap:'Disable line wrapping',
lineWrapLbl:'Switch off line wrapping.',
lineCount:'Default line count',
highlight:'Highlight lines',
highlightLbl:'Enter a comma seperated lines of lines you want to highlight, eg <em style="font-style:italic">3,10,15</em>.'