gtbu 7f8c347917 php 8.2.4 archive-error
removes under php 8.2.4 an error  with call_user_func_array -> not object or class  in Archive.php line1 155
2023-11-28 14:29:06 +01:00

331 lines
5.8 KiB

namespace gp\tool;
defined('is_running') or die('Not an entry point...');
* Handle zip and tar archives with a single class
* PharData is suppose to work for both but:
* - file_get_contents('phar://...') doesn't work for zip archives
* - writing archives when phar.readonly = 1 does not work in hhvm: https://github.com/facebook/hhvm/issues/6647
* @method bool extractTo( $destination )
class Archive{
protected $path;
protected $php_class = 'PharData';
protected $php_object;
protected $extension;
protected $exists;
public function __construct($path){
$this->path = $path;
$this->extension = $this->Extension($path);
$this->exists = file_exists($path);
switch( strtolower($this->extension) ){
case 'zip':
* Return a list of available
public static function Available(){
$available = array();
if( class_exists('\ZipArchive') ){
$available['zip'] = 'zip';
// hhvm does not handle phar.readonly the same way as php
// see https://github.com/facebook/hhvm/issues/4899
if( class_exists('\PharData') ){
if( !defined('HHVM_VERSION') || !ini_get('phar.readonly') ){
if( function_exists('gzopen') ){
$available['tgz'] = 'gzip';
if( function_exists('bzopen') ){
$available['tbz'] = 'bzip';
$available['tar'] = 'tar';
return $available;
* Initialize tar
protected function InitTar(){
if( $this->exists ){
$this->php_object = new \PharData($this->path);
//start with filename.tar so that when we call $archive->compress(), the .tbz and .tgz file can be created
switch( strtolower($this->extension) ){
case 'tbz':
case 'tgz':
case 'tar.gz';
case 'tar.bz';
$this->path = preg_replace('#\.(tgz|tbz|tar.bz|tar.gz)$#','.tar',$this->path);
$this->php_object = new \PharData($this->path);
* Initialize a zip archive
protected function InitZip(){
if( !class_exists('ZipArchive') ){
$this->php_class = 'ZipArchive';
$this->php_object = new \ZipArchive();
if( $this->exists ){
$this->php_object->open($this->path, \ZipArchive::CREATE);
* Get the extension of the file
protected function Extension($path){
$parts = explode('.',$path);
$ext1 = array_pop($parts);
$ext2 = array_pop($parts);
if( strtolower($ext2) == 'tar' ){
case 'bz';
return 'tar.bz';
case 'gz';
return 'tar.gz';
return $ext1;
* Call method on the archive object
public function __call( $name , $arguments ){
$call1 = new \ZipArchive();
$call1 = $this->php_object;
return call_user_func_array( array($call1,$name), $arguments);
* Get the contents of a file within the archive
public function getFromName($name){
if( $this->php_class === 'ZipArchive' ){
return $this->php_object->getFromName($name);
$full_path = 'phar://'.$this->path.'/'.ltrim($name,'/');
return file_get_contents($full_path);
* Add the final compression to the archive
public function Compress(){
if( $this->php_class === 'ZipArchive' ){
case 'tbz':
case 'tar.bz':
case 'tar.gz':
case 'tgz':
* Count the number of files
public function Count(){
if( method_exists($this->php_object,'Count') ){
return $this->php_object->Count();
return $this->php_object->numFiles;
* List the files in the archive
public function ListFiles(){
$list = array();
if( method_exists($this->php_object,'statIndex') ){
$count = $this->Count();
for( $i = 0; $i < $count; $i++ ){
$list[] = $this->php_object->statIndex( $i );
return $list;
return $this->GenList($list);
public function GenList($list, $dir = ''){
$path = 'phar://'.$this->path.'/'.$dir;
$_list = scandir($path);
foreach($_list as $file){
$full = ltrim($dir.'/'.$file,'/');
$path = 'phar://'.$this->path.'/'.$full;
if( is_dir($path) ){
$list = $this->GenList($list, $full);
$stat = stat($path);
$stat['name'] = $full;
$list[] = array_intersect_key($stat,array('name'=>'','mtime'=>'','size'=>''));
return $list;
* Get Archive Root
public function GetRoot($search_file = 'Addon.ini'){
$archive_files = $this->ListFiles();
$archive_root = null;
foreach( $archive_files as $file ){
if( strpos($file['name'],$search_file) === false ){
$root = \gp\tool::DirName($file['name']);
if( $root == '.' ){
$root = '';
if( is_null($archive_root) || ( strlen($root) < strlen($archive_root) ) ){
$archive_root = $root;
return $archive_root;
* Recursively add files to the archive
public function Add( $path, $localname = null){
if( !file_exists($path) ){
return false;
if( is_null($localname) ){
$localname = $path;
if( is_link($path) ){
return true;
if( !is_dir($path) ){
$localname = ltrim($localname,'\\/'); //so windows can open zip archives
return $this->php_object->AddFile($path, $localname);
$files = scandir($path);
foreach($files as $file){
if( $file === '.' || $file === '..' ){
$full_path = $path.'/'.$file;
$_localname = $localname.'/'.$file;
$this->Add( $full_path, $_localname);
* Return the php object
public function GetObject(){
return $this->php_object;